21 2E 55 11 Men's 50c Work Shirts Full cut, double sewed, plain blue, plain gray or stripe. Not over two to one customer, at, each C. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE Bargains at Gering & Co. THE SPOT CASH DRUGGISTS This year's patterns in Wall Paper strictly up to the minute, at, from 5c to 50c per roll Let us show you how to save money by paying cash The Big Department Store of M. FANGER Will offer you three genuine bargains, owing to their carrying several lines. In the gents' department, they offer you a regular $1.00 Overall 70c In the Ladies' and Children's Department, Ladies' House Dresses, selling for 7A $1.50 and $1.25, at uc Children's Dresses, regular 75c A(r values, at. ." tUC REMEMBER, these prices are for ONE DAY ONLY. Our Special for Bargain Saturday is Vanflla Flavor COOKIES The Cookies sell regular for 17c to 20c ier lxnmd We will make a SPECIAL LOW PRICE for this Sale and on SATURDAY ONLY Ten Cents Per Pound Hatt & Soe HEAT AND GROCERIES G. P. Eastwood HARDWARE Coal Scuttles Worth 40c ' For this One Day at 20c ; FOR BARGAIN DAY - We invite you to look over our line of bargains in Fall Dress Qoods, Buttons and Dress Trimmings, All over. Laces, Gloves and Hosiery. Particularly do we want to call your attention to the fa llowing specially priced for Saturday, October 11th Silk Poplins, Foulards, Silk Ratines, Crepe Broche and Crepe Cechine All Regular 65c Values at 48c Stripe and Fancy Silks and Yard Wide Changeable Silks j sold no where at less than $1.00 per yard Bargain Day at 69c per yard E. G. Dovey & Son H. M. Soennichsen The Big Daylight Store Offers the ladies an exceptional bargain in LONG SLEEVE CORSET COVERS, the 35c value For 21 cents For one day only. Bargain Day, Saturday, October 11 Kroehler Brothers Hardware and Stoves Every farmer visiting Plattsniouthon this big'Bargam Day will soon be in need of more light around the out buildings and our bargain olFer will be: $1.00 Lanterns for 75 cents 80c Lanterns for 50c Fully guaranteed and are wind proof. First come first served, and prices are for ONE DAY ONLY. DIAMONDS WATCHES Special for Saturday, October 11 Bell Shape Star Cut Glass Tumblers Five Cents Each Fifty Cent Gold Filled Bar Pins Thirty-five Cents Each J. W. CrabiU Watchmaker and Jeweler SILVERWARE CUT GLASS For One Day Only! In cleaning up stock we find the following articles .of merit which we are overstocked on or find unsaleable at , . the regular prices. ' Reg. Price Leslie's Safety Razors . . . $5.00 Leslie's Safety Kazors . . . 1.00 Lawrence Barrett Cigars, straight . , .10 Postmaster Cigars, straight . . .10 Green's August Flour . . .75 Green's August Flour . . . ,"2h Boschie's German Cough Syrup . .75 Boschie's German Cough Syrup . .50 Sizz . . . . . .50 Sizz . . . . . . . .25 2 for 2 for Sale Price $3.75 .75 .15 .15 .55 .15 .55 .35 .10 .05 Do not consider thee items at cut prices. They are simply SALE PRICES WEYRICH & HADRABA SERVED. 4 A argam at the jouj. nai Of In order to place more fanners on fi3 Evening Journal li win join witn me one-day ban;aii business house-. ;md . every farmer that comes to Pitsmouth on this day tl Evening Journal iaronaet $ . This price is for the one day only.l only applies to our .amount they arc p;u 1 this price is for one 1 Vi NOW IS THE TIM&T0 SUBSCRII Weekly list, and allow credit for vanee on the same. Bear in mi ly, and only on our mailing list. L. B. Egenberger Dry Goods and Groceries Offer you a couple of specials in the staple line in his stock American Print Calico at 5c per yd. Many Patterns Forest Rose Flour at $1.10 per sk. L. B. Egenberger The Biggest Bargain Day that t mouth and Cass Conn DAY taos STye)Vs Ti - I J THE BARGAIN DAY proposition is one that will be new to ; BJ I --Vi. Trtrvrlr -v-f TD1 n4-nm vnVi on1 Pnco nnnntir Vint- line lioon ' J JUL successfully tried out in numerous other cities and villages in Knis city will other parts of the state. As will be seen by the numerous ads on this page, most every business house in the city is represented, and if you will note the prices, and compare them with what you have been paying, you will nna mat tins Llieill Willi WIWL yUU Helve paying, yuu win imu LiiciL ciixo y .uiopuoo wi.- is truly a bargain page, many of the articles are marked at i rfod every el cost and even below. This is done to convince the people of ( ra goods Pi;u e Cass county that Plattsmouth wants your business. In ad dition to the bargaiils offered, there'll be numerous other cour tesies extended the farmers paying us a visit on the above date. at the - city hi selling all sin that you mavl xbspose of. ifl Band Concert Tin Bur g t o n band will give one of their choicest con certs on the streets of the city during the afternoon. This feature alone is worth paying a visit to the county seat on Saturday, October 11th. The Commercial C . jjrious of making t! p the the business tnd ev-ry person i: luring it with them. patrons of the Bairph Day Sale tickets to the Gem J Tickets will be given purchases made at listed in this sale. will be continuous fi 2 also offers bfing picture i lov tne asKing jny ol tne s le moving pic ii 2 to 5:30 p. Ma 'RffM ET EM Mmkim J Special Sale on MEN'S Til J&v Vol chio, ,f four-in-haii yiZz hat wius at mi iwt v Ho!!, Wagner's Delicatessen and Cafeteria . In addition to their , usual every day big bargain dinner and short orders, will exert every eHort to Hupjdy you - witli a few extras on Plattsniouth's Big Bargain Saturday. i Look in our East Window, select one of those handsome souvenir baskets for 7c. Our Special is Fresh Pretzels at 12 l-2c per lb. Pictc linn nf Sinrr-rifv Si! Is. Silver Shirts and ColL.J HjJgs and Ticr Hats. j 1