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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1913)
PLATTrMOUTH SEIKI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1913 CLEAN HANDS AND PURE HEART Ths Pictorial- Language of the Bibla Amazes Pastor RusseiL SIGNIFICANCE OF PICTURE. What It Is to Ascend Into the Holy Kill What is Meant by Standing In the Holy Place Who Have the Clean Hands What Is Signified by a Soul Lifted Up to Vanity Who Are Those of the Text Who Swear Deceitfully. The Terms and Conditions of the Di vine Rewards Christ the Great Ex emplar To Him and to His Follow ers the Gates of Glory Lift. Washington. P. C October 5. Pastor Kusseil ad dressed the "Wash ington Temple Congregation this afternoon from the text. "Who shall ascend into the Hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in His Holy Place? lie that hath clean hands and a pure heart. (Tsalm 24 :3, 4.t He said: The pec. pictures of the .Bible astound us "with their clearness and forceful Dess. their crispness and pointedness. "We are to remember that the Prophet Da rid was not writing with ordinary poetic license, but was statins: in po etic form grand trctLs which he him self could not fully appreciate. St. Peter tells us $bis was the case with ail the Prophets. He said that holy men of God spake as they were moved of the Iloly Spirit; and that the things that they wrote were intended, not for themselves, but for the Church, during this Gospel Age. Interpreting our text in harmony with other prophecies, we ierceive that the words do not refer to the literal Hill of Zion. nor to the literal Holy riace of Israel's Tabernacle. Mt Zion typically represented the Kingdom of Messiah, and the Holy Place represent ed the antirypieal Temple of the fu ture, which St. Feter tells us will e the Church in glory. Christ Jesus Him self being the Chief Corner Stone. -He T?tat Hath Clean Hands." Now comes the question. "Who shall be accounted worthy of a place in that glorious Kingdom? Who shall be ac counted worthy cf membership in that true Temple? The answer evidently applies primarily to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, cs the succeeding verses show. "lie that hath clean hands would signify, he who is able and willing to keep the Divine Law perfectly; secondly, he that Is pure in heart, in whom there is no admixture of disloyalty or selfishness or s!n he whose heart is loyal to the core to the great Jehovah. The Prophet David could not claim such purity of Leart or cleanness of hands: nor could any one. except the Son of God. who was holy, harmless. undeE'ed and separate from sinners, ne alone corild and did keep the Di vine Law. both in letter and in spirit. He alone, therefore, was qnalined to be the great King in Zion and the great antitypiccl Priest In Ilira alone the royalty of David's line and the Priest hood, typified through Aaron, would unite, and as foretold, would constitute the new Priesthood a Royal Priest hood, a Priesthood associating In itself the qualities of mercy, instruction, power and authority. Thus it was prophesied of Jesus. "The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent: Thou art a Priest for the Age. after the order 3f Melchizedek" a reigning Priest a Priest upon His Throne. rsalna 110:4. Other Tests Were Necessary. The full keeping of the Law was not all that was requisite ia the great Heir of the Abrahamic Covenant. All things writttn by the Prophets con cerning Messiah most have fulfilment in Ilim. And in all those prophecies God had caused to be set fcrth matters which would indeed be tests of the humility and loyalty of the One who would perform them. Was it not writ ten that Messiah must be led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep, dumb before the shearers, must not open His mouth in protest? He of whom it was written. "Never man spake like this man." used His elo quence in telling of the grace and mer cy of God, but not to deliver Himself from the evil machinations of His ene mies, of those bent upon crucifying mm. Was it not written that He would be the antitypical Passover Lamb, to be slain? And did it not behoove Ulm. therefore, as He declared, to suf fer all these things, and through obe dience in these Bufferings to enter Into the Messianic glory which was to be the reward? Our text tells us this in simple terms that He did not swear ieceitfully that the Covenant which He made with the Father, a Covenant of Sacrifice onto death, was kept to the very letter. Neither did He lift cp His soul unto vaidty and pride, nor hearken to the admonitions of the Adversary. On the contrary. He hum bled Himself, even unto the death of the cross. This was His great test far beyond the mere keeping of the Law of the Golden Etde. And because of His faithfulness, as the Apostle declares, "God also hath l WV" -.?'?. "v. ' fit L'sTCy exalted Him. and given TTTiH a name above every naine"' the name of Messiah." the King of Glory "that at tire name of Jesus every knee shculd bow. both of things in Heaven and things in earth. Thus was ful filled la Him the promise of verse 5. "He shail receive the blessing from Jehovah, and righteousness from the God of His salvation. "Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates." Succeeding verses of this Psalm pic ture the Redeemer entering into His glorious reward, saying. "Lift up your Leads. O ye gates; and be ye lifted up. ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in!" The ushering of Messiah into the honor and glory of the Kingdom of God. to establish right eousness in the earth, to put down re bellion and sin. and to destroy the works of the Devil, is really the usher ing in of Jehovah's Kingdom, for which we pray. "Thy Kingdom come." Jesus came not to glorify nimself, f.or to do His own will, ne declared, but to do the will of the Father in Heaven. All Messiah's -victory will re flect glory upon Jehovah, the great Au thor of the wonderful Plan of Salva tion; for. as Sr Paul declares, ali things are of the Father, and all things are by the Son. I Corinthians S:G. Partakers of His Holiness. During this Gospel Age God has been selecting from amongst mankind a saintly class, energized by. a similar spirit to that cf the Redeemer. Rut. unlike the Redeemer, these are mem bers of the sinner race. Our first thought would be that thus they would be effectually barred from participa tion with the Savior in His victories and coining glory. Cut behold the wonders of the Divine arrangement! As the Redeemer gave His life to be a Ransom-price for Adam's life and for all those who lost life through him. Divine Mercy has made a special pro vision whereby the followers of Jesus, who have His spirit may be made ac ceptable with the Father at the pres ent time. This special provision for the Church is that if they consecrate their hearts, their wills, and all they possess, to do the Father's will, our Redeemer wii! appropriate to them the share of for giveness and restitution which other wise would be theirs to enjoy and use during the Millennium. This the Scrip tures designate "justification by faith"; and such, we are informed, are holy and acceptable to God. Can They Keep the Law? From the time they are accepted of Gol these are treated as New Crea tures, and no longer dealt with accord ing to the flesh. With those the stand ards are the heart intentions, and not fiehly perfection. Of these, there fore, it is written. "The righteousness of the Law is fulfilled in us. who walk live not after the flesh, but after the Spirit-" Romans S:4. Hut have these the clean hands and pure hearts necessary for a place in the Kingdom? The Bible answers th-.t these New Creatures are pure in heart loyal to God. Otherwise they would not have been accepted of the Lord, nor begotten of the Holy Spirit. And as for their hands, their lives, the New Creature never had soiled hands of impurity and wilful sin. The only im perfections these New Creatures can have are such as belong to tje flesh such as they may be unable to fully conquer. And these weaknesses and imierfections of the flesh are covered fn advance, provision being made through the redeeming blood of Ilim who tasted death for every man through Him "who gave Himself n Ransom for all." What of Their Vanity? and Vows? Can it be said of the true followers t-t Jesus that they make such a cove nant as Jesus made, and that they are able to keep it, and have not made It deceitfully? And can it be said of them that they lift not up their souls to vanity, to pride? It cannot be claim ed that all who name the name of Christ, and have entered into covenant relationship with God through Ilim. keep their covenant faithfully. But It can be said that some do so. and such shall share with Jesus His glorious reward. These faithful ones, these overcomers. "more than conquerors." do not lift up their souls to vanity and the pride of life. They do not become followers of Satan, who said in his heart. "I will exalt myself"; but con trariwise, they "follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth." The Vow taken by all of the Lord's consecrated ones who receive the noly Spirit is the same Vow which Jesus took, the same Covenant The Master made a Covenant of Sacrifice with the Father by which He surrendered Ills own wilL and that included everything of an earthly kind. Similarly, all whom He accepts as His sacrificers and joint heirs enter into the same Covenant of Sacrifice, and present their bodies liv ing sacrifices. Alas, some, according to the Scrip tures, will fail to gain the great prize, and will receive a lower blessing! Yet a sufficient number to complete the foreordained Plan has teen found throughout this Gospel Age. As the Body of the Anointed One. under the Headship of the glorified Son of God. and as members of the Melchizedek order of Priesthood, those faithful to the end will receive the Divine ac knowledgment and association with the Master In nis Kingdom and glory. "To Him that overcometh will 1 grant to sit with Me In My Throne, even as I overcame and am set down with My Father In His Throne." The promises to these, with and under their Master, include a. participation in the Divine nature Revelation 3:21; 2 Peter 1:4. The Principle a General One. The Divine Plan in many respects is like a telescope whose joints may be extended. We have seen how this Psalm applies primarily to our Lord Jesus aTone. We have seen tTLe second Jnt in the telescope extending and making it applicable to the Church, which is the Body of Christ Now let us extend it still further, and perceive that the principle holds in respect to humanity. It would not be true to say that hu manity will ever be offered a share with Christ and the Church on the Heavenly plane of giory. It would not be true to say that mankind in general will ever have the opportunity cf en tering into the same kind of Covenant that Christ and the Church now enter Into a Covenant of self-sacrifice. But It is quite true that there is to be an ?arth!y Kingdom; and that mankind will le privileged to attain to full mem bership in it on conditions not very dis similar to those terms upon which the Church become joint-heirs in the Heav ?n!y Kingdom with their Lord. Earthly Kingdom For Adam and His Children. The earthly kingdom will be the kingdom which Adam lost when he be came a transgressor and came under the sentence of death. This' earthly kingdom, as well as the king, Adam, and all of his family. Jesus redeemed. Purchased back from death and desola tion. He purchased It not for Himself, for He already had the Father's prom ise of a better and higher, a Heavenly Kingdom. The earthly kingdom was purchased for the very purpose of re storing it to Adam and his race to as many of them as would avail them selves of the mercy of God. to be ex tended to them by the Messianic King dom, during the thousand years when Satan will be bound, and when Christ and the Church will reign until ev ery enemy shall be put under their feet As it did not please God to allow the fallen Adam to continue to l-e the king of earth, living in sin and degradation, a dishonor to the Creator's Empire, so it w ill not be pleasing to G?d that any shall come back into rulership under Messiah's Kingdom except such as shall have learned fully the lesson of the exceeding sinfulness of sin and the love and mercy of God in their redemp tion, and suck as will then love right eousness and hate iniquity. All others will te destroyed as "cumberers of the ground" as "natural brute beasts" will they be destroyed. The Earthly Kingdom and Holy Place. The thousand years of Messiah's Reign, then, will be for the purpose of giving to every member of the human race a full opportunity to return to God. All will be made to understand, from the least to the greatest, that by the close of Messiah's Kingdom an earthly kingdom will be established under the whole heavens, and that none may be sharers in that kingdom except such as have clean hands and pure hearts, such as will bumble them selves and learn the great lessons to be learned, and not lift up their souls to pride, vanity and se!f-su2icieucy. All will be taught that if they would enter into that kingdom they must take upon themselves vows of oledience to the Lord. All wiil learn that the thousand-year period is for the testing of their faithfulness to those vows and thoe lessons which the glorious Mes siah wiil bring to their attention, mak ing them conditions of acceptance and worthiness of everlasting life as iu tnun beings in a world-wide Lden. They shall receive the blessing or Jehovah, intended from the very be ginning for His earthly children. Giv en to Adam, but lost by him and re deemed by Jesus, this blessing will be given again to those who shall demon strate their worthiness by their loyalty during Messiah's Kingdom. But the evil-doer, the lover of evil, the proud, the haughty and the deceitful Covenant-breakers will be destroyed from amongst the jeople. Acts C:23. Clean-Handed, Pure-Hearted. In closing. I feel Incline.! to press:""1 unexpected, as site was in the two special features of our test, i ''-' it e feeble condition. She was "ciean hands and a pure heart." We;Gi years of age and formerly re have already admitted that as fallen, sided at Indianapoli. Indiana, up imperfect leing3 it is impossible fori( the lime of her coming to Ne- us to be absolutely clean, right, just All the more must we strive for such a condition. The New Creature must be on the alert to scan all of life's af fairs and to measure all things in life with. the Goldeu Jtule Is it right? Is it just? Is it doing to others as I would that they should do to me? We make progress in proportion as we strive for this cleanness of hands, cleanness of conduct, righteousness. To be slack, to be Indifferent, not to strive, would mean to the Lord that we were half-hearted in our love for righteousness and hatred for Iniq uity. rurity of heart we have already no ticed as signifying purity of intention and of motive. But the Lord has made a special provision whereby His people may indeed maintain the puri ty of heart and cleanness of hands in His sight, whereby they are continual ly reminded of the imferfection of the flesh and the need of the cleansing blood of the Savior. However pure in our hearts, we may find weaknesses of the flesh arousing in us anger, malice, hatred, strife. These the pure in heart are tD resist, re membering that these are the works of the flesh and of the Devil; and if. perad venture, in an unguarded mo ment, any of these devilish qualities should attach themselves to us ever so briefly, we should realize that they have left a stain. It would be for url to make right with others whatever of injustice we have done, and then to go to the Lord in prayer, that we might obtain mercy and find grace to help for future times of retd. Thus may the Lord's eople maintain their purity of heart and cleanuess of hands. Thus may they abide in the Father's Love Thus may they fulfil the Cove nant of Sacrifice. Thus may they be come "meet for the inheritance of the saints In light-" REV. F. i DULINGER NEW PASTOR AT THE METHODIST CHURCH From Saturaay's DaHy. 1 lie He. Frank M. Pruliner, whit ha recently been appointed ti the pastorate of the Thst Met lii uji.-t church, i- a native of In. liana. He received his educa tion for I lie ministry at Highland Park The. .!t .iricai school, and fill ed 1 1 i lir-t appointment ax pastor in the Norfolk Ih-triot of Ne braska Conference. He has re mained in di-trict for lifieeri vear.-. having serve, j four differ ent churches in that time. Her. iru!i:ier is a man of very pleas ing per-onnlily a 1 1 i wiil doubt b-s prove a !no-t etlici.-nt pa-io;- and preacher. He attributes much n' 111-: past success in the ministry lo the -vmpathy arid a.-si-i ance of his wife. who. with their four sons and two daughters compose his family. Their home will he in the Methodist par-image or South Eighth street. Vi'v .' - 2 -"J' T r Rev. F. M. Durliner. Rev. Druliner was around yes terday meeting the business men and all who were on Main street, ami wherever he vi-itej he was received iin -t warmly and made a very ph a-ant impies-don upon all whom lie me!, a- he is a gentleman of very pleasing per sonality ami cijarm of manner with whom it is ea-y to become acquainted, and he will be re ceived here with by all citizens, creed. much pleasure reg.'irdle-s of OLD LADY DIES AT THE MASONIC HOWE EARLY THIS MORNING From Saturday's Dailr. This morning at 5 o'clock at the Ma-onic Home in this city oc curred the death of Mrs. Flora (ioo.le, an aged lady, who has h -en making her home here since November. 1911. Mrs. (inode has been in quite poor health for -me months and her death was hraska to enter the Home here, as her huhand had been a mem ber of the Masonic order in thi tate. The husband pa-ed away some years ago. and after his death the widow decided to come to this city to make her home. She leaves a mother and a brother and Mer residing at Tn ilianapolis. If the relatives in the east do not desire to make other arrangements, the funeral will be held at the Home tomor row afternoon at i o'clock and the interment made in Oak Hill Cemetery. Dance at the K. S. Hall. There will be another pleasant social dance given at the K. S. hall on Saturday evening, Octo ber II. The music for the oc casion will be furnished by a band of "Weary Willies." who will give the most delightful strains of music for the dancers j to trip the light fantistie to. Al genuine good time is assurred to' I all who attend the dance, and any- one missing it will he the loser. Card of Thanks. We desire to return our heart- felt thanks for the assistance shown us during the sickness of our ledoved husband and father, and for the deep sympathy of our many friends in his death. Such actions of help and sympathy can never be fully repaid, but we trust that our friends will receive the same kindly treatment in their hour of grief. Mrs. S. D. Cecil and Family. Starts on Hunting Trip. From Saturday's Dally. E. J Stewart, the genial and pleasant cashier at the P.u.'ling-j ton depot, departed this morning f.-r his vacation trip. lie goes from here to Hamburg. Iowa, for a hort visit and will then leave for th- noithwe-t to enjoy a hort hunting trip. We can expect -ome very startling -lor ies of the big game killed on the arrival home of Mr. Stuart, and a num ber of his friends are prepar ing to en i.iv bear meat and other! trophies f.f the hunt when he gel back from the wild and vvooly northwest. YOUNG MAN KICKED IN THE FACE BY A HORSE WITH FEARFUL RESULTS From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon while Wawje Tipton, a voting man em ployed at the farm of Philip A. Horn, southwest 4,f tin's cjty, was driving1 one of the hor-es into the barnyard, fie was kicked by the animal, and the full force of the blow received on the left side of the hoy' entirelv de face and the left eye I troyed. The wound! received by tire young man was residing on We-1 I.ocu-t street, something terrible, a in I the face i who is having his residence re was badly torn and it require, I papered and painted throughout considerable work on the part of land the exterior has also re the surgeon to close the wo and. j ceive.J the touch of the painter's He was brought to this city this (brush and the home further im morning and taken to Omaha, j proved by the addition of a fine where he will be examined by I Jr. j porch, which runs across the eii (litVord in the hope that p.'s-itire north part of the residence. siblv his eve mav be saved, but in the opinion of the attending physicians the sight had been en tiiely destroyed, but they and the friends of the lad did not have the heart to tell him that lie was to !o-e that member, and it was left to the Omaha specialist to break the news to him. He was accom panied to Omaha by Mr. Horn and his brother. Tipton, who is employed on the farm of . J. Henning s. near the Horn farm. where the accident occurred. The two boys have been employed hre about a month, and came from Knoxville. Tennessee. Th accident was a most griev iu one and the young man is to be pitied that he musl go through life without the u-e of ne of his eves. THE Q. Z. SOCIETY OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MEETS AT C. C. PARMELE'S From Friday's Dai!.'-. The O. Z. society of the Pres byterian church held a very pleasant and profitable business meeting last evening at the home of Miss Hallie parmele. which was attended by a large number of the membership, and a most interesting program was out lined for the coming year's work, when the society will take up the study of sociabdogy. It had been the intention to elect the oflicers for the year at this meeliTig, but it was decided to postpone this until the next regular meeting. Apples Wanted! Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, Jonathans, orchard runs 40 cents per hundred, at Murray, Xeb. John Decker. n 1 are always io if 4. ff v. f-J ?M 1 ran I'M r EuEi i US r ii -ir rm ji -rirr- I ii BUY I Wall Paper and Paint , AT PASSAT Frank Gobelman inner IMPROVEMENTS AT THE HOME OF THOMAS WILES From Saturday's Dally. Another of the platlsmouth citizens who is getting in the procession of the improvement of his propertv is Thomas Wiles, and with the.-e improvements Mr. Wiles will have one of the hand some-t homes in the west iarl of the city, and here he and his wife can enjoy themselves with pleasure and comfort with a home that will be an object of beauty, not only to themselves, but that part of the city. Mr. Wiles is one of the most progres sive f the retired farmers who have moved to this city and is constantly on the outlook for anything that will add to the sec tion of the citv where he lives. STATE MALITIA TO BE HERE NEXT MONDAY FOR ONE WEEK SHOOT From Friday". Daily. The preparations for the opening- of the state riile camp at the range north of this city will be started tomorrow, as Major J. M. Birkner of Lincoln. wh was here yesterday for a few hours, will return from the state capital and bring a number of men with him to assist in putting the range in shape for the reception of the men, who will arrive here Monday to take part in the week's shoo I at the range. Major Birkner will have charge of the camp and will remain here until the close of the meet a week from tomorrow. The adjutant. general was much impressed with the appear ance, of the range on his visit to this city last spring, and while it was impossible, on account of the work being done on the range at that time, to hold the encamp ment here, it was figured out by C.eneral Hall that the state rifle practice could be held here, as it is without doubt the best range in the state. The range here, which has had STVUES IB HILL be found a! the Department Store of TJJ. FANGEIa? The latest creations in the newest articles in trimmings, prepared under the experienced supervision of our most excellent designer. Miss Wallick, one of the best designers in the state, are at your command. Our prices are always right. Call and see us now, and place your order for that new hat. that you have been con- templating the purchase V. ZUCKER, Manager THE STGu North 6th St. - Jr extensive improvements made upon it during the pa-t -pring arid surner, is situated in an ideal sp-'t for work of this kind and the -tale militia will lind that it the fUie-t range they have ever practiced over. With the Mexican situation requiring the presence of most of the troops of the De partment of the Missouri along the Texas border, it is not likely the government will be able to use the range this sea-on, but it is thought that the troop- will be back here in time for practice on the range next summer. MR. AND MRS. NOEL B. RAWLS OF BOISE, ARRIVE III THE CITY From Friday" Dally. Last evening Noel It. Raw Is and wife and their little daugh ter arrived in this city from their home at Boise, Idaho, and will be here for a time visiting at the home of Mr. Rawl-' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haw Is. Thi.- is the tirst visit of Mr. Itawls back to the old home since hi- marriage, and his host of friend- were de lighted to meet him and his charming wife, as well as the lit tle Miss Ravvls. Noel i at r-s-u-'it engaged in the book and stationary business at Boise and has been very successful in his business ventures and at present has the largest e-tabli-hment of its kind in the prosperous, growing city of the west, all of which will be mo-t pleasing- pews to his many friends here, and there is no limit to them, as Noel is a most genial and courteous gentleman and to meet him is to be numbered among his friend. Prior to his removal to Idaho Mr. Ravvls was connected with the Journal as reporter and occupied the same position on the Boise Capital-News for some time he fore starting into business for himself, and was most successful in this line of work. How's This? We ofTr One Ilonilred Dollar KwrJ fur trtf tun of t atsrrb l tint cmuuut ite eunU by ilall iatarrti Cure. F. J. CTIEXET k. CO.. TolwJo. O. We. the onderrlimed. bare known F. S. rbi-ner fur tae lakt lCi jrmr. ai..l 1 blut -rrx-Tly honorable In all tiuoIntM tratiMtrtijua and Cnanriallr able to carry .el may vbllgatiutia made bx Li firm. NAT. BANK OF COM MERCK. Wnlj, OLlo. nall'a Catarrt Cure la taken Intfrnallr. aetlnt direct It yuhju tbe bkxxl ami muctia aurfan-a ffie yt-m. T-tlmooiala neut tr. M cent ir bottle, ts-kl by all lru(-lt. q Take. HaiTa Tim V.J I' 111 fur cot!tUda. iaa il shapes and designs. of for the past few weeks.