The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 18, 1913, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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"For Efficiency in Conversation
"The highest point of efficiency inthe art of
eenversation," said a prominent financier recent
ly, "is, to my mind, attained in talking over the
telephone. There is no waste of time in a tele
phone talk, no formality, no introductory chat
about politics or weather."
"A personal interview that consumes fifteen
minutes of my time may be condensed into three
minutes by Telephone. I have no doubt that
business men regard the telephone as superior to
either a letter or an interview because it com
bines the advantages of both."
The telephone allows the business man to
attend to the many little details of his day's
work without was of time. It cuts down un
necessary moves and produces real results
with the least effort
When you want to TAK TELEPHONE.
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager
From Tuesday's Dafly
.V iint n.ji ab!" .-urprise was
rii'ii Sal unlay evening al the
li.MiM- of Mr. ami Mrs. 1 M. Mci-!-in'r
al i lii - n. !.. in hon
or of that gentleman's birthday,
ami t he relatives anl friends
Mie'ei b'l in pulling- on" a com
plete surprise, as he did not sus
pert thai lip-re was anything out
of the ordinary until he arrived
home, to tind the house tilled
with friends and relatives. One
of the nio-t delightful features
of the eenin;r was the elegant
three-course f, o'clock dinner,
which was served in a most
chjrminy maimer by the hostess,
and Ihe delicacies which loaded
I he tables were wry highly ap
preciated by. the guel s wh had
gathered to honor their friend.
I'or the occasion lh rooms of
the handsome Meisinger home
had been artist ically decorated
in ferns and red roses, which
added a touch of beauty to Ihe
galherimr and made a most
charming setting to (he jolly
party, which numbered some
lifleen of the relatives and close
friends of this highly respected
gentleman, in whose honor Ihe
event was gotten up. After the
dinner Ihe company enjoyed
themselves in various amuse
ments until a lale hour, when
they departed, leaving, with the
guest of honor many handsome
gifts to remind him of the joy of
the occasion, and they also wish
ed that he might enjoy many
more such happy events in the
future. Among the guests pres
ent were: Messrs. and Mes
dames i. (I. Meisinger, . L. H.
Meisinger and sons. YV. J. Mei
singer and son. Harley. of Plaits
mouth: B. I,, drove. Miss Lizzie
McMahau. Mr. and Mrs. 1. M.
Meisinger and son, Herbert, of
Taken to Industrial School.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday Sheriff Quinton de
parted for Kearney, Neb., taking
tvith him JZd Ycrhule and Albert
Gardner, two young boys who
had been sentenced to the stale
industrial school in that city.
The. years that the boys will have
to spend there at the school will
doubtless be productive of much
good to them, as it will $ivt
thcMn the opportunity I
a useful trade and take
away from their companions and
familiar scenes and may result
in developing the proper char
acter in them.
w -o
ie tlieni
Attorney William C. Ramsey of
Omaha came down this afternoon
on No. 2 i o allend to some legal
mailers for a few hours.
The committee representing
the Commercial club was out
yesterday visiting the different
parts of the county in the in
terest of the matter f securing
better train service over the Mis
souri Pacific for the residents of
the county, and they met with
much encouragement in all the
places visited, as the citizens
throughout the county recognize
the need for the betterment of
the service, and are all willing to
assist in helping secure a train
that will connect, for the north at
Union with the K o'clock Lincoln
branch train and have it return
from this city about 3 in Hit aft
ernoon, which will give all an
opportunity to attend to their
business affairs in this city and
return home the same day. The
matter has been set for hearing
September 19th, at which time
the state railway commission will
hear all protests and arguments
for and against the matter of
providing the train. The Mis
souri Pacific has had ample op
portunity to provide relief, but
absolutely refused, until the mat
ter was taken up with the com
mission, j
Crowd of the Plattsmouth
Elks to Be on Hand at
Clam Bake.
events of
From Wednesday's Dally.
One of the biggest
the year in the Elk lodge of Oma
ha win take place tomorrow in
that city, when the annual clam
bake of No. 39 will be held at
Carter lake, and Elks from all
the adjoining towns will be pres
ent. on invitation of the Omaha
lodge to take part in the festivi
ties of the occasion,' which prom
ises to be the best affair of its
kind tlat the Omaha lodge has
given, and it will be confined
strictly to the members of the
order. For the event the Omaha
lodge has put forth its best ef
forts and in addition to the ele
gant "feed" prepared the com
nut tee in charge has arranged a
prograi" . -f sports for the day
--i aid in entertaining the
The Plattsmouth lodge has
made arrangements to send up
some twenty-two of the mem
bers and if the weather will per
mit they will meet at the lodge
rooms at 10:30 tomorrow morn
ing to travel to the scene of the
clam bake in automobiles, leav
ing the lodge room at 11 o'clock.
In case of rain it will be neces
sary for the delegation to leave
here at 8:15 over the Burlington
in order to reach Omaha in time
for the big event. The Lincoln
lodge will send some forty of the
boys, headed, by Frank E. Oreen,
exalted ruelr, of the Lincoln
lodge, who will assist in making
the event a joyous one. lies
Moines, Iowa ami Fremont will
also be represented by a large
delegation, and there will be
visiting individual Barr
al tendance to take j The
. Receives Samples of Rice.
J. F. Stull, who has been here
visiting for the past few weeks,
received a box containing samp
les of rice and sugar cane grown
on his place in -Louisiana. The
samples were sent by Mrs. Stull,
who is at home. A sample of the
rice was left at this ollice and
seems like a mighty fine variety,
which Mr. Stull says will make
between sixty and seventy bush
els to the acre. The marketing
price of the highest grades of
rice in his locality is usually
about two and one-half cents per
pound, so when seventy bushels
are raised to the acre it makes a
pretty good crop.
members in
part in the festivities prepared
for them by the hospitable mem
bers of the Omaha lodge.
The committee on sports have
arranged lor a tiav snoot on me
Carter Lake club grounds Ihurs-
lay afternoon, and while those
in charge win ive a lew guns
on the group's he mks who ue
sire to participate in this shoot
are remiss; l to nring uieir own
guns witn them.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The case of the Yillage of
Union vs. B. Banning, el al.,
in which the village sought to
incorporate for the purpose of
taxing quite a tract of the land
lying around the present limits
of the village, and which has
been built up quite thickly, came
up this morning for hearing be
fore Judge Corcoran in the dis
trict court, ami the default of all
the defendants except Agnes
Peterson was entered and trial
had to the court n the pleadings
and evidence. The matter was
argued and submitted to the
court, which decided for the
plaintiff in part and granted a
decree incorporation the NWVi,
NV Vi N E, section. 20 township
10, range IK, and excluding some
forty acres. The defendant,
Peterson, excepts to the findings
and is given forty days to pre
pat and present bill of excep
The court also had the hearing
on the protest or 3irs. i-.nie J.
Harr to the confirmation of Ihe
ale of the lands belonging to the
estate, near (Jreenwood.
court, after hearing the
arguments, ordered the referee!
to present amended report ofj
amount each lot sold for a the
sale of the lands and the town
lots in Lincoln. The court order- j
ed the sale of the lands confirm
ed and title given to the purchaser.
New Electric Chime Clock to Be
Installed by the First
National Bank.
From Wednesflaya Dally.
ihe following list of names
has-been prepared from which
the jury for the coming term o
district court will be selected by
Tipton Precinct John Woods
jr., J. P. Hudson, 12. M. Standley
Greenwood W. C. Boucher, L
. Walradt.
Salt Creek W. P. Bailey, J. Y
Carnes. W. 8. Allen.
Stove Creek John Hoffman
Frank Siege, J. N. OelesDernier
Elmwood Frank C. Buell, Jno
Boi nemeier, J. A. Bauer.
South Bend M. E. Bushnell
Alec Jeuks.
Weeping Water G. L. Ileneg-
er, Chris Jorgensen.
ML Pleasant H. II. Sloll. W
II. Puis.
.Eight Mile Grove J. O. Ward
Henry Meisinger, Ed Becker.
Avoca George Peters, Waller
Nehawka John Whiteman
George Sheldon, W. II. Mark.
Weeping Water City Henry
Haslem. W. M. Ash, Frank J
Liberty M. G. McOuinn, Win-
field Swan.
Rock Bluffs, First Jake 11
Yallery, Lee Nickels, Lafe Nelson
Rock Bluffs, Second E. B
Hutchison, Peter Campbell.
Plattsmouth Precinct W. T
Adams. Chris Tschirren, L. Todd
Plattsmouth City First ward,
J. H. Thrasher, Fritz Fricke; Sec
ond ward, James Newasek, John
P. Saltier, John Crabill: Third
ward, Anton Kanka, jr., C. L
Martin. J. R. Kelley. A. P. Chris-
wisser; Fourth ward. Augu
Tartsch. C. M. Foster, (Jus Kopp;
Fifth ward, Joe Libershall, Frank
For dyspepsia, our national
ailment, use Burdock Blood Bit
lers. Recommended for strength
ening digestion, purifying the
blood. At all drug stores. $1.00
a bottle.
September 25 to October 10, 1913
Through Tourist Sleepers to the Coast
VIA SALT LAKE ROUTE Scenc Colorado, every day; personally con:
uucicu t cuuesuays ana osiuraays.
VIA WESTERN PACIFIC, Scenic Coloradoi Feather River Canyon: per
sonally conducted Wednesdays and Fridays.
VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC, Scenic Colorado. Salt Lake, every day. per
sonally conducted Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
VIA NORTHERN PACIFIC, every day. through the Northwest, to Spo
kane, Seattle.
VIA GREAT NORTHERN every day, the Northwest, to Spokane Seattle
The undersigned will be pleased to ticket you
arrange for your through berths in tourist sleepers.
W. C. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent
L. W. WAKELEY, 6sneral Passenger Agent, Omahi, Nebr.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The First National bank
this cily, with its usual spirit
enterprise and push, is making
an addition to their handsome
Juilding on Main street that will
ue an ornament lo tne appear
ance of the street. d well as a
great convenience to f ie general
public. The new inibxvement is
the installation of a '"go elec
trie clock, which will l extended
ut from the front of ft ; build
mg ami will ne visible lrom houi
up and down Ihe slreet.
The clock, which is one of the
latest on the market, is manu
factured by the McGlintock-
Loomis company of Minneapolis
and is seldom found in the
smaller towns of this size. It
equipped with a full set of
chimes that play the famous
Westminster chimes at the hour
and al the quarter hour four
bells will sound, at the half-hour
eight bHls, at the three-quarter
twelve bells and a I the hour the
full set of sixteen bells will rins
Ihe world famous Westminster
chimes out, followed by the strik
ing of the hour by the clock.
The figures on the face of Ihe
diill are large and black and will
show up tine against t he white
of the background and can be
easily seen for several blocks.
The large clock on the outside is
coy trolled by a master clock, also
operated by electricity, which is
placed on the interior of the
bank, where it can be looked af
ter at all times. The outside
clock is quite tall and is finished
very handsomely in green and
will be an object of beauty, as
as of usefulness to the gen-public.
If you need anything for har
vest call on Ed Donat. He will
treat you right.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday a jolly gathering oc
curred al the J. M. Beit home,
south of this city, the occasion
being the celebrating of the
birthdays of Mr, Beil and Mrs.
Jack Mc.Xatt, it being the twenty-
eighth anniversary of Mrs. lieil
and the fortieth of Mrs. McNait.
The event was a very pleasant
one and everyone felt that they
had had the time of their lives
in this gathering at ttie hospita
ble Beil home. The company
amused themselves at cards and
social conversation during the
course of the day until an ap
propriate lumr, when the table?
were spread with viands lit. to
grace t lie banquet board of a
king, and the guests gathered
around tne loard to do amine
justice to the elegant spread that
rellected so much credit upon the
ladies preparing it. Light re
freshments were served during
the course of the day to the com
pany, adding much to the pleas
ure of the occasion, and it was
with regret that the guests de
parted for their homes, wishing
the guests of honor many happy
l . . 1 .1 t
returns oi me nay. ine Kuesis
present to enjoy ihe happy event
were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc-
Natt, wife and son, Julian, and
daughters, Oeneva and Kmma,
tJlen Campbell and wife, l'eler
Campbell and wife, Chris Beil
and wife, Fred lieil, wife and
son, (Ireeley, and daughter, Huth,
Will Split, wife and sou, Johnnie,
and daughter, Miss Inez, Paul
Sitzman, Kd Jones L. B. Brown,
Joseph Beil, wife and daughter.
fSoldie, Frank Sitzmann, wife and
daughters, Hazel, Minnie, ('oldie,
Freda, Frances, and son,
t. D. Switzer In Town.
L. I). Switzer came up last
evening, from his home near
Weeping Water to spend a few
hours here with his old friends,
who were delighted to see him,
as it has been almost a year since
he visited this city. Mr. Switzer
was formerly one of the county
commissioners of the county and
made a splendid record in that
office. '
From Tuesday's juaily.
Yesterday the court of Judge
M. Archer was filled by a number
of direlicts. all of whom were
charged with being intoxicated.
and from the appearance of the
prisoners thus charged it could
readily be seen was only too true
and the protests of some of the
prisoners was unavailing, as the
court was firmly convinced that
they had been indulging too
fieely of the sparkling extract of
corn i juice. Tracy Jackson was
one of the prisoners arraigned
and as the court had been visited
on Friday by Tracy while in a
stale of exhilaration, there was
no sympathy given the prisoner
bv the court and Tracy was
warned to seek more congenial
climes before the setting of an
other sou. and he promised to get
himself hence, and in the word?
of the poet, "shake the dust of
this little city from off his pedal
extremities." William Long and
M. A. Monahan were also callers
al the court under the charge of
being intoxicated and .were as
sessed a fine of $2 and costs,
which made it necessary for them
to shell out 5 in good American
cash before the scene of out
raged justice could be placated,
and the prisoners were then re
leased to go their way rejoicing.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Albert L. Skinner, who, for the
past, two years has been employ
ed by the Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph company in this cily,
as wire chief of their plant, de
parted this afternoon for Kim
berly, Juano, where lie will join
hi family, who left for that
place some few weeks ago. Mr.
Skinner expects to engage in the
telephone business in Twin
Falls, Idaho, in the future, and
has severed his connection with
the company here; and while he
regrets to leave this city, feels
thai he should take up the op
portunity offered him in the west.
The Skinjier family made many
friends while residents of this
city, who will greatly regret lo
see them leave, but trust they
may enjoy the utmost prosperity
in their new home.
From Tuesday's bally.
The ollice of District Clerk
James Robertson was a Very busy
place yesterday, when a large
number of the substantial resi
dents of Eagle and vicinity call
ed at the office to secure Iheir
second citizenship papers, which
would make them full-fledged
Americans. This was certainly
good to pee, as these worthy
gentlemen have resided in this
country for a long number of
years and embrace some of the
best citizens in the west part of
the county. The new ruling of
the department of labor in re
gard to the granting of na
turalization papers goes into ef
fect on the 27th of this month,
and as many of the Eagle gentle
men had made their declaration
of their intention to become citi
zens years ago it was necessary
for them to appear before that
date or they would be compelled
to take out their first papers
again. The party were all Her
mans and foreswore all allegi
ance to Emperor William If, and
will soon receive their final
papers as American citizens.
Those taking out their papers
were: John Maurer. Ernest
llandrock, Oeorfre Mahrer, Aug
ust Lau, (ioltleib Itockenback,
(Jeorge All house, Herman Bec
card and William Hoffman.
Press Drills.
I have one Superior and Tiger
Press drill that I will sell at a
liberal discount. W. T. Richard
son, Mynard, Neb.
Sealed bids will be received up
to it o'clock a. in. on Tuesday,
October 21st, 1913, for the re
building of the County Poor
House, lately destroyed by lire,
located on the County Farm, in
Cass County, Nebraska, three (3)
miles west of Plallsmouth Ne
Plans and specifications can
be seen at the office of the Coun
ty Clerk, Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
or in the office of l isher
Lawrie, architects, Omaha, Neb.
A certified check of $500.00
must accotnpany each bid. Coun
ty Commissioners reserve the
right to reject any or all bids.
Bids (o be filed in the oflicp of
the County Clerk at Plaltsmoulh,
(Seal.) 1J. C. MORGAN.
County Clerk.
Plattsmouth, Neb., September
17lh. 1913.
For Sale.
Best GG-ft. front. in town. In
grade. Plenty of shade trees and
sewer connections. See A. J.
Trilety. 9-9-lwkd
Sealed proposals will be receiv
ed by the City Clerk of the City of
Plaltsmoth, Nebraska, until five
o'clock, p. ni., on the 22nd day of
September, 1913, for furnishing
an material and labor necessary
to grade, curb and gutter the
streets in Curb and Gutter Dis
trict No. 5 of Plattsmouth, Ne
All of the material and labor lo
be furnished and done in accord
ance with the plans and specifica-
ions on file at the office of the
City Clerk, Plattsmouth. Nebras
ka, and at the office of the Engin
eers, Omaha, Aebraska.
Each proposal to be accom
panied by a certified check on i
latlsinoulh Bank, payable lo the
City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in
an acount of One Hundred ($100)
Dollars which amount will be con
sidered liquidated damages and be
forfeited to said City should suc
cessful bidder fail to enter into
contract for work set out in the
Estimated cost, $ 0,753.00 (Dol
Anyone desiring extra copies of
the plans and specifications for
his use may obtain the same from
the Engineers by a payment of
Two ($2.00) Dollars per set.
The Mayor and City Council re
serves the right to reject any or
all bids.
B. a. WURL,
City Clerk.
Bids will be received at the
office of the County Clerk in
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, up 1:11
noon on Monday, October G, 1913,
and will be opened on Tuesday,
October 7, 1913, for the con
struction of one eight (8) foot
concrete arch and one twehe
(12) foot concrete arch. Plans
and specifications on file in the
office of the County Clerk.
Location of bridges as fol
lows :
One eight (8) foot concrete
arch on Locust street, between
blocks 14 and 17, Young and
Hayes Addition, Plattsmouth City.
One twelve (12) foot concrete
arch on Locust slreet, between
blocks 110 and 111, Plattsmouth
Bids to be made separately on
each bridge and a certified check
for One Hundred Dollars
($100.00) to accompany each bid.
(Seal) D. C. MOIlCAN,
County Clerk.
9-4- Iwks-wkly
Statement of the Condition
First morlML'e lotni S1I.1.W Ml
Stock loan liJ' a
Cash 10.07 W
Delinquent interest. iremlunis ami
fiti and dues 4.763 68
Insurance and taxei paid and al-
Y ft ru '11 i
Real estate contracts.
Kent account
Total ...
Capital Stock pall up
Kescrvr fund
Undivided profit
i.ll2 41
414 7
..I137..MJ 07
. . 7..M-4 Oil
. . -z,rx: 4,'
..$I47.77A jj
Receipts and Expenditures for the Year
Ending Jcne so. iwia.
Balance onhand Julr 1. 1912 ..I I9..VO 3m
Dues TkK i
Interests, premiums and ones hi
Loans repaid 17,Oi4 7
Insurance and Tuxes paid and ad
Rent Account....
Real Estate Cont...
141 00
20 1-4
.$ 73.500 P4
Loans 1 7.4:U 00
E.nwnses I.:;7 "0
Stock redeemed 3J.7T i',
Cash on hand 10,672 utt
Insurance and Taxes paid and ad
vanced.: .: 1.437 67
Rent and Repair lT9 U
Total 73.900 H
I. Carl G. Fricke. secretary of the aliore
named association, do solemnly swear that the
foreirotnc statement of the condit ion of said as
sociation. Is true and correct to the ln-st of my
knowledge and belief.
Approved: ; retary.
H. M. SOENN'ICH!FN, Directors.
Subsciibed and sworn to lfire me flits Oili
day of July 1913. A. L TI l!.
ISEALI Notary Public
My commission expires (H.-U 4. mi
The Want Ads get results.
Im the County Co art im for C
Van County, krak. "
In lie Instate of Orin 1. Monroe. De
ceased. To All I'ernori!" Interested:
You are hereby notified that riear
inirs will be had uoon all claims
against the above estate at the office
of the County Judfre. Court House,
I'lattsmautli, Cas County, Nebraska,
on the 21st day of -October, A. U. H13.
and on th 1'lst day of April, A. I.
1914. at ten o clock a. in., on each or
said days.
You are further notified that all
claims not tiled by said hour on said
last day of hearing will . be forever
barred. -
By the Court.
(Seal). ALLEN" J. BEESON".
County Judge.
In County Court.
Cass Count, ss.
In the Matter of the E-talc of
Clara While, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to I lie
creditors of said deceasi-d that
j hearings will be had upon claims
tiled against said estate, before
me, County Judge of Cas Coun
ty, Nebraska, at the County Court
room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the 6th day of October,
1913, and on the 7th day of April,
1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day
for examination, adjustment and
All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hour
of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of
said County Court, at IMatts
moulh, Nebraska, this 5th day of
September, 1913.
County Judge.
mith i: to ritKiiiroitH.
1 the County 4 onrt la anil for Caaa
Cam fount). Nrkrnaka.
In lie Kstate of Uelllah Schwab.
To All 1'ersonn Interested:
ou are hereby notified that
Inirs upon all claims arnmt ti..
above estate will lx had nt tlie oftlcu
of the County Judtce. Court II
IMat tsnumtli, Cass Countw Ne.sltii
on the 21st day of October, A. I 191::
and on the 21st day of Atrll. A. I '
19H, t ten o'clock a. m.. on i, ..r
said lny.
You are further nollfi.-.l ti,-.t un
claims not filed bv sal. I hour Oil KM ill
lust 1ay of hearing will bo lorevcr
By the Court.
Seal). ALLEN' J. I.EIIS. iN
vwls & noBEi:TsoNyou", JU"K-
the t'oaaty Court la d for Ca.i
I aM ('Uall. .kr..L
In Up Kstate of Julius K. llatriiKx.
To All Itrnons Interested!
iou are herel-v nuiino.i n,ut i,.Dr.
IntfH upon all claim o-i..t n...
above estate will ,e had at the otli
of the County Judtre. Court I
riattsmouth. Caw. Countv. Sl.r.k..
on the Zlst day of October, A. I. 191.:.
and on the IMst day of Anril. A. I .
1 ! 1 I. at ten O'clock nn ... i, ..r
You are further nntino.t i. ..n
claims not filed by said hour on said
last day of hearing: will be forever
My the Court.
(Seal). ALLEN J. i:i:i:sov.
Countv Jud ire.
r.AWLs & noBiutTso.v.
The Journal advertisers are do
ng the business.