The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 11, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
Murrsi y ID
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Murray and
(if any of the readers of the Journal know of a social event or an item
der this heading. We want all items of interest. Editor Journal.)
Our Deposits are guaranteed by the
State Guarantee Fund
4 per cent interest paid on all Time
Deposits for one year.
Do your Banking Business with us.
Murray Mg Umli
VV. G. BOEDEKER; Cashier
ico. Nickel?, was an Omaha
visitor Wednesday.
Charles .Countryman attended
the state fair Friday.
Miss Elizabeth Oliver attended
lh fair at Lincoln last Thursday.
F. L. Rhoden was transacting
Lupines in Nebraska City Mon
day. John Hob-chedt was delivering
corn to the Murray elevator Tues
day. !4'
John Hobscheidt and wife
were Piatt siitouth. visitors Thurs
day. Mrs. John Hostetter is visiting
friends in Weeping Water this
Miss Lyda Opp. of Nehawka.
will sin? at Kennedy's Saturday
Robt. Nickels shipped a car of
hogs to the South Omaha market
Mrs. Levi Slagle has been suf
ffrir.? with an abscess on the
face his week.
Miss Etta Nickels va? Spirril
laizing the ladies of Plattsmouth
Miss Elizabeth Oliver was a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. I.
Porter, jr.. last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ramge, jr.,
and Mr. an. I Mrs. A. O. Ramge at
leiidtd the state fair last week.
Miss Winnie Hutchison. Will
Oliver, jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
C ie attended the fair lat week.
Mrs. J. O. Tis-'ner was spending
a few days with her daughter.
Mrs. L. F. Mitch, near Union, this
w e k.
Frrd Ramge. sr.. and Will
fdivfr. sr.. attended the state fair
ai Lincoln Wednesday and Thurs
r I a y.
Wiiliam Mice was htokins after
-;ne business matters in the
And did you ever sit down to a
good meal about that time and have
a crimp put into your appetite by
the cook handing you a bad cup of
coffee? You'll never have a crimp
in your appetite if you instruct the
cook to purchase the famous Chase
&c Sanborn Coffees, handled exclu
sively by
Thursday of tliis
w eek.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo
Mill, near I'nion. on Septemlier 5.
a baby boy. weighing twelve
Our genial barber. Iee Shrader.
made a business trip to Omaha
Tuesday, returning on the mid
night train.
Mrs. James Hill lias been suf
fering from a serious cut on her
rijiht hand that was received last
Mis Carrie Countryman of
Norma. Tennessee, is visiting at
the home of ber brother. Charles
Thos. Heneger and sister, nf
Weepintr Water. attended the
party given by Rex Young Satur
day evening.
Miss Elizabeth Oliver returned
( Weeping Water Sunday, where
she will take up her .-chotd work
for the coming year.
Mrs. A. J. Heeson. of Platls
mouth. will have a place n the
program Saturday evening, at t In
borne of Mrs. Kennedy.
Chas. Creamer "and wife and M.
Shrader and wife, spent Sunday
at I lie home nf Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Wolfe, near I'nion.
J. T. Hrendel and wife enter
tained Sunday at dinner Mrs. A.
L. Maker, Mrs. H. F. Hrendel.
Mr. and Mrs. Will
Levi Slagle. who has been look
ins: up a location in the northern
part of the state, was called home
last Saturday, owing to the seri
ous illness of his wife.
Mark While is now the posses
sor of a new Ford auto, which he
purchased this week through the
agency of Jenkins & IJecker of
Ir. Manna and wife and little
3vear-old grandson. Charles
parti 'mm sit t
Surrounding Vicinity Especially for
of interest in this vicinity and will mail
Findley. of Omaha, spent Tuesday
and Wednesday among friends
and relatives in Murray.
Mrs. L. A. Baker and daughter,
Opha, returned home from a sev
en weeks' visit in Indiana and Io
wa, last Friday night. They re
port having had a very pleasant
t ime.
Misses Ruth Ellington, of Oma
ha, and Emily Wolf, of Nehawka,
were guests of Clara Young last
Saturday and Sunday ruining
down to attend the party given
by Rex Young Saturday evening.
The town is lonesome without
the girls. We miss them and
only with that Murray had a
high school. It is indeed too bad
that girls of 13 years are com
pelled to leave home in order to
get an education. Why don't we
wake up?
W. A. Scott, our genial agent,
checked out Tuesday and will hie
himself to the mountains fast,
here lo camp away a month. Mis
auto will be his steed on his trip
to Colorado. "Scottie" will enjoy
himself without being told.
Frank Mailer is now the proud
owner of a new Ford auto that he
purchased through the agency of j
Jenkins & Becker of Plattsmouth.
If jmi don't want a Ford and see
these gentlemen coming-, hide
out. for they have the goods anil
will sell you. anyway.
Mr. W. B. Porter. sr., and
daughter, of Mynard. and Miss
Elizabeth Oliver were Omaha
visitors Saturday. The trip be
ing made in Mr. Porter's car.
Miss Eva Porter and Miss Mar
guerite MeSweeney of Omaha ac
companied the party home in the
A Pleasant Evening.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. 1). A.
Young presented a very pretty ap
pearance last Saturday evening,
at which time their son Rex
gave a watermelon properly party
to about ion guests. The house
and lawn were pretti'y decorated
with lanterns and vines and aut
umn leaves. Out door games of
all kinds were played until 10:30,
when the guests were invited to
partake of all the watermelon
they wished. At a late hour the
guests departed for home, ex
pressing Rex and his sister. Miss
Clara a royal entertainers. Fol
lowing were those present: Eliza
beth Oliver. Henrietta Creamer,
Mae Lewis. Mary Heneger. Maryjjjji,) an,j yu-. and
Becker. Muriel Menton. Margaret j n jhl. Mr. and Mr-
Moore. Pheme Richardson Willa
Moore. Rose Mae Creamer. Mattie
Gaysen. Helen Livingston. Vera
Moore, Elizabeth Grace Hall. Pearl
Ougay. Isabel Shrader, Susie Hint
ner. Jennie Livingston, Vera Yard
ly, Anna Rys, Esther Ray, Adele
Fitzpatrick. Marie Davis, Pearl
Henton, Lillian Wheeler. Mildred
Snyder. Grace Fight. Robin Rich
ardson. Florence Richardson, An
na Snyder, Rowena A. Pollard,
Pauline Oldham. Agnes Kennedy,
Gladys Nelson. Bessie Wiles Viv
ian Fitzpatrick, Winnie Hutchin
son, Elsie Gaysen, Lillian Thomp
son, Mildred Johnson. Ruth Bev
erage, Clara Lee Young. Ruth I.
Ellington, of Omaha. Emily
Wolph. Nehawka, Ruth Phillips,
Havelock, with Messrs. K. L.
Kniss, Fred Ullrich, Wayne Lewis,
Percy Wheeler, Isaac Hall, Leo
P.- Wheeler, I. Hall, L. Bintner.
Roy Aline, Virgil Sudduth, Lloyd
Lewis. Ben II. Wiles, Frank Read,
A. B. Bart let t, Walter Read Dan
iel Sudduth, Dawly Read. Earn
est Bintner, Hursehel Petty, Fred
Campbell, Albert Wiles, John Liv
ingston. John Jenkins, Joe Crea
mer, John Becker, Bert Root,
Thomas Heneger. Alph Beverage,
William Wiles, Edgar Creamer,
Will Richardson, Will Oliver,
Ernest B. Hutchinson, Glen Wiles,
Joe Wheeler, Harry Henton, En
ell Thomason, Anna Yardly,
Claude Hutchinson, Bryan Snyd
er, Ray Hitchman, A. A. Young,
Chas. Kennedy, Ralph Kennedy.
George Jenkins, Oscar Gaysen,
Rex Young, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Brendel, Sir. and Mrs. J. F. Bren
del, Mr. and Mrs. G. Vallery, Mr.
and Mrs. A. O. Ramge, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Ramge and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Warren Wiley and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young and
our grandmother, Mrs. Thomas
Marin Moorehead, of Iowa.
For Sale.
Duroc boar with pedigree.
H. L. Oldham.
Try the Journal for stationery.
the Journal Readers
same to this office it will appear un
Lyceum Course.
The Lyceum Course for Murray
this winter will consist of the fol
lowing fhe numbers, which will
appear in the rotation as given:
1. Frances Oable Co.
2. Alva Green.
3. Stetze Concert Co.
I. Wilber Trio.
5. Local Talent.
The time will soon be here
when the committee on tickets
will call on you. Think the mat
ter over and decide whether or
not you are going to buy one or
more season tickets, for 1.50 for
the five entertainments, or 50c
for the single admission. The
i first number will appear in Oct
Wedding Anniversary.
The tyenty-lifth wedding anni
ersary of the marriage of Mr.
and Mrs. August Enselkemeier,
six miles west of Murray, occurr
ed last Sunday, at their commod
ious home. Forty families, com
prising about -'00 people gather
ed beneath the shade trees, that
surrounds their home. At high
noon refreshments were served
bountifully and delicious. In mid
aflernoon religious services in
connection with the marriage of
this esteemed couple was conduc
ted by Rev. Hubner. of the German
Lutheran church, consisting of
song, reading of crsit pure, and
-ong reading of scripture, and an
address on "Fnity of Marriage."
He exalted the beautiful round
life in the perfect marriage of
these worthy people. The beauti
ful silver presents were bestowed
with a lavishing hand by the
friends who enjoyed their hos
pitality. Mr. August Kngelkemeier was
united in marriage with Miss Ma
tilda KirschotT, September 7.
1888, and have since thai lime
lived in the neighborhood in
which they were married. Friends
from Otoe and distant parts of
this county were present to enjoy
the happy event with their excel
lent friends. Following were
those in attendance: Mrs. Gustaf
Kirchotf. Olpe, Kansas; Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Broker, of Orleans. Ne
braska: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schaf
fer and family. Burwell. Nebr.;
Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Engelkemeier,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Engelkemeier,
and familv. Mr
and Mrs. William
Mrs. Adam
Chris. Par-
kening and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Meisinger and family. Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Meisinger and fam
ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ah reus
and familv, Mr. and Mrs. John
Lohnes ami family. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Horn and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Heiren and Chester
Reiner, Mr. and Mrs. G. Engelke
meier. Mr. and Mrs. W .11. Puis
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Puis and family, Mr. anil Mrs.
Henry Engelkemeier and family.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Engelkemeier
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Hid and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Hild and family, Mr. and Mrs. P.
A. Hild and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hild and family, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Kraeger and family, Mr. and
Mss. Jake Kraeger and family,
Mr. and Mrs. John Urish and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Will Philpot and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hin
drick and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Hindrick and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Gansemer and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gansemer and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Lutz
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Theo.
Harms and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Dr. Gilmore and family, Mrs.
and children, Mr. William Wohl
furth, John Engelkemeier, Her
man Engelkemeier, Ernest Eng
elkemeier, Fred Engelkemeier,
Walter Engelkemeier, F. Ahrens,
Martin Lohnes, Rev. Huebner,
Willie KKraeger, Adam Schafer,
Otto Schafer, Philip Schafer. John
Parkening, Miss Enid Barkening,
Walter Meisinger, Carl Meisinger,
Hugo Meisinger, Albert Philpot,
Yirgil Urich, Misses Lena Meisin
ger, Lorine Meisinger, Helen Mei
singer, Sophia Kraeger, Helen
Horn, Louise Lohnes, Clara Par
kening, Margaret Parkening, Elsie
Carmichael, E. Ahrens, Margar
et Albert, Laura Puis, Rosa Scha
fer, Mattie Urish, Lucile Urish,
Lena Philpot, Frieda Vohlfurtht
Lizzie Kastel, Rosa, Clara, Mata,
Laura, Lena, Emma and Alvina
Subscribe for the Journal.
The following program will be
given at the home of V. A. Ken
nedy Saturday evening. Septem
ber 13. for the benefit of the
Piano Mae Loughridge
Vocal Edyth Perrv
Vocal Geneva L'rish
Piana Kat herine Brown
Vocal Helen Minns
Vocal Lida Opi
Ladies quartet
Reading Pauline Oldham
Duet..Mable and Harriett Adams
Piano Amelia Esparza
Reading Mrs. A. J. Beeson
Vocal Miss Alta Jackson
The ladies quartet, with Mrs.
James Holmes and Miss Mar
gie Walker, sopranos, and
Mesdames V. A. Kennedy and
Jas. Loughridge singing the
alto parts.
Admission. 20c. Refreshments,
Lost, Pocketbook.
A ladies' alligator handbag, lost
between my home and Platts
mouth. but think same was lost
near the Brinklow place. The
same contained a small purse with
some money, also a check and
some other papers. Finder
please leave same at the Journal
office or the Murray State bank
and receive reward.
Mrs. Mary Wiley.
For Sale.
Clover seed for sale.
II. L. Oldham.
For Sale.
Clover seed: clean and in every
way first class. H. L. Oldham.
Fred Hild put up a fine concrete
supply tank last week.
R. A. Young shipped fat hugs to
South Omaha market Monday.
Alfred Gansemer made a busi
ness trip to Plattsmouth Monday.
Gustaf Kirchoff, of Olpe. Kan
sas, is visiting relatives in this
Quite a number of this com
munity attended the state fair
last week.
The Pleasant Hill school open
ed Monday, with Miss Etta
Schwartz as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. August Kleick. of
Hayes County, are visiting old
time friends in this locality.
Miss Emma Engelkemeier left
Monday for Plattsmouth to at
tend the Plattsmouth High school.
Julius Engelkemeier spent
Monday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Ahrens, near Nehaw
ka. Mr. Ed. Steinkamp. of near
Manley. spent Monday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Miss Laura Puis left Monday
for Lincoln to attend the Univers
ity School of Music. Her father
William Puis, accompanied her
to the great city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis and
family and Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Puis and family returned Tues
day from Coleridge, after a week's
visit with old-time friends and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brocker. of
Orleans. Neb., are visiting friends
and relatives in this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Brocker used to be
a Cass county citizen living in
this community.
Charley Cook and family were
out from Plattsmouth Sunday in
their large touring car.
Norman Capweh' came down
from Dell Rapids, S. D., Friday
and we are informed he intends
to make his home in these parts.
Mrs. Conrad Miller and two
sons. Clyde and Lewis, of Salt
Lake City, Utah, are visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bornemier and Mr. and Mrs.
Reinhart Panska.
Miss Ethel Stoehr returned
Saturday morning from a few
days' visit with relatives at
Plattsmouth. She was accom
panied home by her aunt, Miss
Matilda Meisinger.
Geo. Colbert and family furnish
a very desirable addition to the
population of Elmwood, having
moved up from their farm near
Wabash last week. They occupy
the old Saxton residence in east
W. H. II. Cassel has sold his
farm and old home place to Will
and Fred Leutchens of near
Manley, and we are pleased to
learn he and his estimable wife
are looking for a home or place
to build in Elmwood, where they
may spend their declining years.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Foreman
rejoice over the arrival uf 3
beautiful baby daughter, born
Monday noon, September 1.
"Grandpa" and "Grandma" Ouinn
will now have an excuse to be
away from home a little more
than ha.- been their custom in
the past. May the joy the little
one brings to (hose about her
know no bounds.
T-T";"--T-..TTT, r'n..m, ,V-V,
.t -
s (Special Correspondent.)
4 A
Anna Amgwert is home thia
F. O. Beall was in Omaha Sun
day and Monday.
Harry Davis went lo Lincoln
Tuesday on No. 17.
Karl Eisenhut was an Omaha
visitor Monday and Tuesdav.
Muriel Gillespie returned Sun
day morning from North Dakota.
Clyde Crawford of Lincoln is
visiting his grandma this week.
Ida Wieshiet was in Elmwood
Tuesday getting her teeth fixed.
There were 185 excursion tick
ets sold last week for the state
Nellie Rush and Clara Stroy are
going to school in Lincoln this
Louie Neitzel returned Monday
morning from Kansas City, Mis-
The Misses Schmidt. Lae and
Maria, are visiting relatives in
Hastings this week.
School started Monday, and the
two new teachers are Miss Suth
erland and Miss Edwards.
Mrs. Johansen was called to
Iowa Monday on account of the
sudden death of her brother.
F. O. Everett has been visiting;
his daughter the past week, re
turning home Sunday on No. 18.
Eva Sorick returned Sunday-
evening on No. 17 to her school in
Lincoln, where she is taking up a
business course.
Olga Neitzel left Sunday even
ing on No. 17 for Havelock. where
he intends to teach school this
year and keep house for her
of the
Bank of Murdoch
Of Murdock, Neb., Incorporated in the
State of Nebraska at the close of
business, Aug. 26th, 1913.
Loans and discounts I SCI 30 56
Overdrafts 131) 41
Banking house, furniture and fix
tures 4.000 00
Current expenses, taxes and interest
paia -4 zi
Iue from nat'l and state
banks $40,054 42
Checks and items of ex
change 649 !.-
Currency 3.52 00
Gold coin i0 00
Silver, nickels and cents. S7 1 4.033 3
$143.59S 63
Capital stock paid In I15.OJ0 00
Surplus fund 600 00
Undivided profits 707 13
individual deposits subject
to check $57.40 5-1
Time certificates of deposits 53
Cashier's checks outstandinr.1.433 00 135.312 11
Depositor's guaranty fund . W79 3d
Total ?I42.59S 63
County of Cass f
I. H. A. Guthmann. Cashier of the above
named bank, do hereby swear that the
atove statement is a correct and true copy of
the rewrt made to the State Banking Board.
H. A. GrTHMANX. Cashier.
F. Wolf, director.
Henry A. Tool, director.
SubscrUed and sworn to lefore me this 5th
day of Sept.. I13.
John M. Creamer. Notary Public.
Seal My commission expires June 6. 1919
Press Drills.
I have one Superior and Tiger
Press drill that I will sell at a
liberal discount. W. T. Richard
son, Mynard, Neb.
To Tell a Horse's Age.
Every horse has six teeth above
and below. Before 3 years old he
sheds the middle teeth. At 3
years he sheds one more on either
side of the central teeth. At 4 he
sheds the two corner and last of
the fore teeth. Between 4 and 5
years the horse cuts the under
tusks, at which time his mouth
will be complete. At 6 the
grooves and hollows begin to fill
up a little; at 7 the grooves are
well nigh filled up, except the
corner teeth, leaving little brown
spots where the dark brown hol
lows formerly were. At 8 the
whole of the hollows and grooves
are filled up. At 9 there is often
seen a small bill to the outside
corner teeth, the point of the tusk
is worn off and the part that was
concave begins to fill up and be
comes rounding; the squares of
the central teeth begin to disap
pear and the gums leave them
small and narrow at the top.