The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 11, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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A 1 A111. J
Electrical Parade. Wednesday Nioht. October hr
German Day Parade. Thursday Afternoon. October 2
Irvin Bros. Frontier Day.Wild West Show
"Xysry Afternoon. September 27 to October 4?
si DorrLAs County Fair and
I Bia ftrppoDROML SHowf
All rjfew 4ct,s. 17 Ou Howard
From Monday" Daily.
The union meeting" of the
Young Peoples ocietie.- of the
varic.s churches of Plattsmouth
la-i veiling at Garfield park wa
(lie which was very pleasing" to
those interested in the work of
th'e church auxiliaries, and not
ii!':ie for tlie pood meeting: and
attendance, but for the spirit of
unity and harmony which pre-
ailed during the meeting", and
all arrangements leading there
to. The theme obtained that the
yi-';n. people.- societies of
Plattsmouth could make a better
city here if they would only put
th"ir shoulders to the wheel.
E. 11. We-cott pre-sided at the
meeting, and with the excellent
.-lining, in w hich I Km C. York
the meeting was one .f en
thusiasm. Miss Pearl Staats
i-ad the lesson, and the first
speaker was Rev. Lorimer. whose
sur-ject was Loyalty to Christ."
and his able talk was well re
ceived. He was followed by p. 1".
Rhin, who made an exceptionally
stri ng address.
Prof. Egsenberger. who at this
tiir.e first appeared before a pub
lic audience in this city, spoke on
"Thoughts of Unison.' which was
ery able and pleasing to the
I). C. Morgan spoke on the
'Opportunities for Service." and
hi- addre was an excellent one.
it- were al-o those of Mrs. C. C.
Vscott. which was al.-o followed
t Mr. C. C. Westcott. both mak-h:-'
a tine talk. When it came
lir: e for the solo, which Don C.
V":k wa- t render, it was so
dirk that the music con Id not be
-n and that number was omit
ted. Miss Myra Stenner. who gave a
reading on the '"Burial of Muses'
rendered one of the mo.-t pleas-i'..-
and t' the point numbers of
I he evening plellsinir to cWl til-'
The last -peakrr was M. S.
r.rigs. whose subject wa- "The
Trial Hallance."
:. L. Wile- Carl Cole and Ray
("...? were pa-r-engers this morn-i!:-
on No. 13 for Fremont, where
Jhey will attend the farmers'
'"-'ting and exhibition in thai
city and in-pect the working of
the fra, tractor?, with a view of
-curing one f,,r u e on their
One cake of Wiiliaws
Shaving Stick
with every
Durham Demonstrator
Safety Razor
at only 35c
This offer is for a limited time, so buy early.
The Rexall Store
186 PHONE 186
-- - .-
J 4i Mtr4t
Livn Stok Show3
New Garniyal Grounds
From Saturday's Daily.
Fredrich II. Sterns, who has
been investigating the ancient
mines and other prehistorie
evidences in this vicinity, broke
camp Monday evening and de
parted for Weeping Water, where
he will continue hi.- work. Mr.
Sterns is connected with the
Peabody institute of Cambridge,
Mass.. and expects In leave for
the east in a short time, when he
will classify the specimens he has
obtained during the summer and
prepare for the publication of a
book of his explorations in Ne
braska. Mr. Sterns camped for
a number of week- among the
bluffs along the Missouri river,
a few miles east of here, and
while there excavated two house
ruins from which he took .some
thing over i50 pound.- of ma
terial. Nehawka New s.
From Monday's Daily.
Yesterday morning a parly of
young ladies belonging to the SI.
Atrnes Sodolity. equipped with
well filled lunch baskets, depart
ed for Four Mile creek, northwest
of thi city, where they were to
spend the day. The picnic will
long be remembered by the young
ladies as a ni".l enjoyable eent
and there was not a thin-' to mar
the fun of the da. which was
spent in playing games and bath
ing in the cool, refreshing waters
of the creek. a;?d at the noon
hour a sumptuous repast was
spread in the shade of the trees.
to which all did ample justice, hut
the amount of good things to eat
wa .i gr.-at that there was
enough left to furnish supper for
the .jolly crowd, and I lie sun had
long since hidden his head before
I he parly wended their way home
ward, tiled, but tilled with the en
joyment of the day. Those in the
party were: Mi.-ses Marie Svobo
da. Tony and Agnes Janda. Marie
ami Lillian Novotny. Marie Jel
ineck. Sophia Chaloupka. Marie
Nesladek. Marie and Mathilda Do
nat. Edith Toman. Mary Semerad.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Lincoln Commercial Club Gives
Results of Some Careful
From Saturday's Dally.
Recently a Wisconsin city, in
spired by wild and weird reports
of the efforts of the protracted
dry spell in Nebraska, wrote the
governor offering free pasturage
for Nebraska live stock. This
Wisconsin town, admittedly gen
erous, simply had been deceived
by false reports sent out by
"string fiends." The Lincoln
Commercial club made a quiet
investigation upon learning of
the generous offer from Wiscon
sin and discovered the following
If Nebraska took advantage of
ihe generous Wisconsin offer
she would send to our neighbor
on the northeast 570,000 milch
cows, 1. 300,000 of beef cattle,
1, i50,000 head of hogs, and 800.
000 head of horses and mules, to
say nothing of 350,000 head of
sheep. In order to insure the
proper feeding of this live stock
Nebraska could send along, more
than,ono bushels of oats,
more than 2, 200. 000 tons of al
falfa, more .han 3.000.000 tons
of other hay, to say nothing of a
few million tons of corn silage,
sorghum and something like
ilo.000.000 bushels of corn. If
necessary Nebraska could send
along the "shorts" and "bran"
from C.n.000.000 bushels of
wheat. Nebraska admits a short
age in the 1013 corn crop but
points with pride to the fac'i that
her corn crop will turn out more
bushels per capita than thai of
any other slate. In common with
her sister stales Nebraska has
suffered from the unprecedented
drouth, but just the same she
comes to the front as usual with
more wheat per capita, more oals
per capita, more alfalfa and hay
per capita, more apples per cap
ita and more corn per capita
than any of her sister . states.
She appreciates the kindly sym
pathy of Wisconsin, but with all
these crops and more than ?210,
000.000 deposited in her banks,
-tate and national. Nebraska ex
pects to pull through the winter
in pretty good shape.
From Monday's Daily.
Another, former Plattsinouth
young' man who is advancing to
the front in his chosen line of
work is (ieorge L. Morrison, who
is at present with the Monotype
Manufacturing Company of
America, with headquarters at
Chicago. Mr. Morrison came in
yesterday morning to pay a
short visit to his mother, Mrs.
John Herman, and his grandpar
ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. S. Dabb.
en route to Topeka. Kansas
where he is to look after some
work for the monotype company
for a few weeks. ieorge had hi
first experience with the mono
type machine, which is a com
bined typesetting and casting
machine, in this city in the office
of the Evening News, and after
that paper ceased to exist he
went to St. Paul, Minnesota,
where he engaged further in that
line of work, going from there to
the headquarters of the company
in Chicago, and it is a matter of
much gratification to his rela
tives and friends that his ability
has been recognized by this cor
poration, which is one of the
largest in the country, and his
advancement has been rapid.
fleorge expects shortly to take a
special course in the making of
the machines to fit himself for
the handling of them in setting
them up and placing them in
running order, as the managers
of the company are very much
pleased at his showing along this
Accident at the Shops.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning as Fred Pissling,
a painter employed at the Bur
lington shops, was engaged in
taking a pane of glass out of a
window- frame he was so unfor
tunate as to have the glass break,
and as a result he reecived a se
vere gash across the right hand
that needed several stitches to
close, and it will be several "days
before Fred will be able to sling
the paint as usual. ,
The picnic committees are
busy making preparations for
the big' time they have promised
the people for September 10th.
They are having no trouble sell
ing concessions, as Nehawka has
a reputation for treating these
people fairly. A colored quartet
and other free attractions will be
provided in addition to the band.
Tulenes will be here, of course,
with their merry-go-round. Pic
nics in Cass county would be a
dreary affair without the familiar
toot! tool! of this pleasure de
vice, and the various committees
in the towns, it is said, never set
the date for a picnic without first
finding out from the Tulenes
whether or not the dale is open.
Nehawka News.
From Monday's Dally.
A very serious and painful ac
cident befell M. li. Allen of this
city while engaged in some work
on a building at Havelock a few
day a". Mr. Allen who is fore
man of a gang doing work of dif
ferent kinds was engaged in put
ling on some steel shingles on
the roof of a building and was
standing on a scaffold when it
suddenly gave way and he was
thrown to the ground quite a
distance and in falling received
as a result of his fall a broken
leg as well as two ribs broken.
He was brought home to this city
and is at present recovering nice
ly from his injuries although it
will be some time before lie will
be able to be up and around
Local News
From Monday's Daily.
Mrs. J. F. Hrendel of Murray
came up this morning from her
home to visit for a few hours
here with friend-.
Mo-'s Hialt ami wife came up
Ia- evening from Murray and
will visit here with their son
Charles for a few days.
John Hale ami daughter. Mrs.
May Patterson, who have been
here for a few days visit inu at the
home of William Hale, departed
this morning for their home at
Hamburg. Iowa.
.Mrs. Joseph Miuth and son,
Cliarle- iSreen. departed thi
noon for Kansas City in response
to a message announcing the ap
proaching death of Mrs. Williams
a daughler of Mrs. Smith, who
has been quite sick for some
Miss Marv Moore of Murrav
pa-sed through this city Friday
en route to Cedar ("reek, where
she will take up her school work
for the coming" year. She called
at this office and ordered a copy
of the paper sent to Waller lies
sen flow, at Randolph. Neb., for
six months.
Anyone wanting pictures of the
recent teachers' institute address
or call on Setz. the photographer,
Plattsmouth. i22 South 4th St.
The Journal does job work.
Death Caused
From Mouse-o-cide
Says Hornick. More & Porter-
field, Wholesale Drug Com
pany of Sioux City, Iowa
On April 1 a representative of
MFG. CO., placed their extermin
ator throughout our warehouse;
since that time we have not had
any rats or mice of any descrip
tion. Before using same we had con
siderable goods destroyed annual
ly by rats and mice.
Mouse-O-Cide can be obtained
from F. G. Fricke & Co., Drug
gists, the Rexall Store, Platts
mouth, Neb
It requires no mixing. No
odor after death, cats and dogs
will not eat it, cannot be carried
away. 25c and $1.00 sizes.
Remember the name, "MOUSE-
O-CIDE." ' Advertisement.
Stork Visits in Plattsmouth.
From Monday's Daily.
Our thriving little city received
an addition to its population last
eveninir when the stork descend
ed in it.- flight across the country
and visited the Mike Hahb home,
as well as that of Harry poia!
and wife. At the Rabb home a
line new son was left, and the lit
tle man is a fine, bright, healthy
youngster of regulation size and
is the cause of much rejoicing to
both the parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Poisal were presented with a win
some little Miss who will adorn
their home in the future and
prove a source of much joy to her
C. L. Mielenz. the manager of
the Wahoo flouring mills, was in
the city yesterday looking after
the interests of his firm, which
has become quite extensive in
this city during the last few
years, as there is a large demand
for the output of the mill here.
The Wahoo mills are the manu
facturers of the celebrated "For
est Rose" flour, and the con
stantly increasing demand for
their flour is proof of its excel
lency. Mr. Mielenz states that
Ihe mill has made every effort to
put before their patrons the best
flour on the market ami are con
siantly striving to make the
standard of the flour the best on
the market. The "Forest Rose'
brand of flour is sold by all the
leading dealers in groceries and
the manufacturers have estab
lished the policy of either giving
perfect satisfaction or the mony
of the purchaser? will be return
ed, and as a result their trade has
greatlv increased.
From Wednesdays Dally.
In the county court yesterday
the case of C. Lawrence St till vs.
the Burlington railroad company,
came up for hearing. The suit
is for the loss of two hay stacks
burned in 191 i and last fall and
for the killing of a heifer calf
about four years ago which it was
alleged, was struck by a train of
the defendant company. The
court after hearing the evidence
o lfered by Mr. Stull. gave a judg
ment for 519 in his favor. The
Burlington will appeal the case
to the district court and offered
no evidence in the case yesterday
although represented at the trial
by counsel.
Petition was filed today in the
county court for the probate of
the last will and testament of
William O-t. deceased, one of the
prominent farmers of the south
part of the county. The estate is
quite a large one and it is thought
will be worth from 75.000 to as Mr. O-t was the own
er of much land in that section
of the county.
In the estate of Horace A. Phil
lips, deceased, held yesterday.
Hon. S. H. Buck, of Berlin. Ne
braska, was named as executor.
The deceased was a former resi
dent of Otoe county but a short
time ago removed to Cass coun
I v where he died.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The St. Mary's Guild of St.
Luke's church met yesterday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Henry Herold, on North Fourth
street, at the first meeting of the
fall and winter season, and the
ladies spent several hours in the
discussion of the plans for the
coming year's work and in talking
over the plans for the annual ba
zaar which has grown to be very
popular in this city. During the
course of the afternoon very de
licious refreshments were served
to the company by the hostess,
assisted by Miss Barbara Gering
and Mrs. A. L. Tidd, which served
to add much pleasure to the prof
itable afternoon.
Mrs. Julia Thomas, who haa
been here for a few days visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Monte Franks,
departed last evening on No. 2 for
her home at Glenwood. While
here Mrs. Thomas ordered the
Old Reliable sent to her address
and will keep posted on the do
ings in Plattsmouth.
Resignation of District Manager
of the Telephone Company,
Takes Effect Monday
From Wednesday's Dally.
The resignation of Mr. T. II.
Pollock, district commercial man
ager of the Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph company, has been ten
dered to the officials of the com
pany to take etTect the 15th of thj
month. The reason for the res
ignation is due to the fact that
Mr. Pollock will in the future be
located in Omaha where he has
opened an office and will be the
distributor for the state of Ne
braska ami western Iowa for the
Henderson automobile, and his
headquarters will be at 2218 Far
nam street where he will have the
cars on exhibition. The Bender,
son is one of the biggest sensa
tions in the line of automobiles
that has been manufactured in
ttiis country as it is a kerosene
using- machine and does away
with the use of gasoline and has
been very successful in all tests
that have been made of it
throughout the country. The
Henderson auto i manufactured
at Indianapolis, Indiana, where
the use of the machine has be
come quite extensive. The Hen
derson auto with the use of ker
osene at 8c a gallon is consider
able cheaper to maintain than the
gasoline using machine and the
kerosene at the same time pos
sessing more lubricating strength
saves the automobile owner much
in the cost of lubricating oil a
it cuts this item down almost one
half. The Henderson car was
placed recently in a tour with a
number of machines and through,
out the trip from Indianapolis to
Los Angeles maintained its speed
with the other machines and ar
rived at the finishing point at the
same time with the gasoline cars.
For these machines a special car
burator has been manufactured
and it has solved the difficulties
that have been experienced in the
past with the attempts to secure
a successful kerosene burning car
and the Henderson now has the
distinction of being the first suc
cessful machine on the market
with the kerosene using engines.
Mr. Pollock will continue to
make his home in this city for the
present at least, going to Omaha
and returning each day to look
after the interests of his business,
and his estimable family will con
tinue to be residents' in this city
which will be most pleasing to
their many friends and Mr. Poll
ock will take the best wishes of
his friends here with him in his
new business venture.
From Wednesday's Dally
The office of the district clerk
has been quite busy with the dif
ferent applicants for naturaliz
ation paper.- as the limit set by
the law is. September 27th and all
those who made their declaration
of intention to become citizens
prior to the passage of the new
law in 1000, must tile for their
second papers before that date or
the old papers will be valueless.
William Schinck, a resident of
near Elmwood, has tiled his ap
plication for his second papers.
He is a native of Germany and
came to this country in 1882. and
has decided that he will become
a full fledged citizen of this glor
ious republic.
Johannes Scheurer, also a na
tive of Germany, has foresworn
all allegiance to William II. and
will be numbered among the
American citizens. He resides
near Cedar. Creek.
Matt Sulser, one of the prom
inent farmers near this city has
also cast his lot among the citi
zens of the United States, and is
one of the first to apply for papers
here who has not been a subject
of the crowned heads of Europe
as he is a native of Switzerland.
He came to this country in 1881,
and has for years resided in this
S. L. Wiles and Luke L. Wiles
were passengers this morning for
Fremont, where they will visit
the big farmers show being1 held
in that city this week.