The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 08, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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of Molly
Copyright. 1912, by the
Merrill Company
"Say, Molly,"li'uk at the snaVe l
L'runged you:" he exclaimed as he came
close under the sill, which is not high
from the ground. '"If you rut your
face clown to the mud and sin? some
thin? to 'em they'll come outcn they
hole?. A doodle buz corned, too. but I
couldn't ketch eiu both. Lift ine up.
and I can put hiui in the water class
on your table." lie held up one muddy
paddie to inc. and promptly I lifted
liiru up into my arms. From the cm
brnco iu -which le and the worm and
I Indulged my lace and dimity came
out much the worse.
"That was a lovely sons you sans
aUuit 'Molly, darling,' Hilly' I said.
Where did you hear it?''
That's a good hug son?, Molly, and
I bet I can git a lizard with it. too, if I
Fiujr it right low." He began to
p julrm out of my arms toward the ta
ble and the glass.
"Who taught it to you, sugar sweet?"
I persisted as I poured water in on the
S'iu inning w orm under his direction.
"Nobody taught it to me. Doc sings
it to me when Tilly, nurse ror you
ain't there to put me to bed. He don't
know no gojd songs like 'IIol!, Jordan,
UoU: or 'Hot Times' or 'Twinkle.' I
F to sleep quick 'cause he makes me
feel tired with his slow tune what's
only good for bugs. Git a hairpin for
tne to poke him with, Molly, quick!"
I found the hairpin, and I don't know
why my hand trembled as I handed it
to Hilly. As soon as he got it he
climbed out the window, glass, bug
and all, and I saw him and the red set
ter go down the garden walk together
In pursuit of the desired lizard. 1 sup
pose. I cIosedtbeXfinsai7d drew the
curtains agaiu and flung myself oa my
pillow. Something warm and sweet
teemed to be sweeping over me in
great waves, and I felt young and
el".se up to some sort of big world
gooiL It was delicious, and I don't
know how'lm.ig I -would have stayed
there just feeling it if Judy hadn't
brought ia my letter.
He had written from London, it
was many pages of wonderful thiugs
all flavored with me. He told me about
Miss Chester and what good friends
they were and how much Le hoped
she would be in Hillsboro when he got
here. He said that a great many of her
uniuty ways reminded Lini of his
"own slip of a girl," especially the turn
of her head like a "flower on its stem."
At that I got right out of bed like a
jack jumping out of a box. and looked
at myself in the mirror.
There is one exercise here on page
twenty that I hate worst of all. You
stcw up your face tight until you look
like a Christmas mask to get your
iieck muscles taut and then wobble
your head around like a newborn baby
uuiil it swims. I did that one twenty
extra times and all the others in pro
pcrtion to make up for those two hours
in bed. Hereafter I'll gt up at the
time directed on page three or maybe
earlier. It frightens mc to think that
I've got only a few weeks more to turn
from a cabbage rose into a lily. 1
won't let myself even think "luscious
peach" and "string bean." If I do I
get warm and happy all over and let
up on myself. I try when I get hun
gry to think of myself in that blue
muslin dress.
I haven't been really willing lefore to
write down in this torture -volume that
I took that garment to the city with
ine and what Mine. Kene did to it
made it over into the loveliest thing 1
ever saw, ouly I wouldn't let her alter
tin- size one single inch. I'm honor
able as all women are. at peculiar
tii!i"S. I think she understood, but she
M-t ioed iT't to and worked a miracle on
it with ribbon and lace. I've put It
:r.ay on the top shelf of a closet, for
it is torment to look at it
You can just take any old recipe for
a party and mix up a debut for a girl,
but it takes more time to concoct one
for a widow, especially if it is for
yourself. I j-i.'i.'t all the rest of the
day doing ahuost nothing nnd thinking
until I felt lightheaded. Finally I had
just about givcu up any idea of a blaze
and had dceidrvl to leak out in general
society as quietly as my clothes would
let ine when a real conflagration was
lighted inside me.
If Tom I'oIIard wasn't my own frst
cousin I would have loved him desper
ately even if I am a week older than
he. He was about the only oasis In
my marriage mirage, though 1 don't
thii.k anybody would think of calling
linn at all green. He never stopped
coming to .see rnc occasionally, and Mr.
pittc Uked fcjiu. He wag the. firs,t
hum to notice the white ruche I sewed
ri the' neck of my old black taffeta four
r five months yso.'aud he let ine; see
hat. he noticed it out of the corner of
lis 'eyes' even, right there in church
nuder 'Aunt Adeline's very elbow. '-j He
makes'; love 'unconsciously, and : he
flirts," with his own mother. r , As soon
as I've made this widowhood liyrtlle-i
we! ' l'm ft'T'-l0. -If-'ld a h 1 1 1 t uij e
buying "tobacco wit fT film HiTUs run
bouf. which bounds as if it was named
for himself. '
Scattered Jam.
ND when that conflagration wag
lighted in me, Tom did it. I
was sitting peaceably on my
front steps, dressed in the sum
mer before last that Judy washes and
irons everv day while I'm deciding how
to hand out the first sip of my trous
scan to the neighbors, when Tom, in a
dangerous blue striked shirt, with a
tie that melted into it in tone, blew
over my hedge and landed at my side.
He kissed the lace ruflle on my sleeve
while I reproved him severely and set
tied down to enjoy him. v But I didn't
have such an awfully good time as I
generally do with him. He was too
full of another woman, and even a first
cousin can be an exasperation in that
"Now, Mrs. Molly, truly, did you ever
see such a peach as she is?" he de
manded after I had expressed more
than a dozen delighted opinions of
Miss Chester. His use of the word
"peach" riled me and before I stopped
to think I said, "She reminds me more
of a string bean."
"Now, Molly, don't be mean just be
cr.use old Wade has got l.r out driv
ing behind the grays after kissing your
hind under the lilacs yesterday, which,
praise be, nobody saw but little me!
I'm not yore; why should you be?
Aren't you happy w ith me?"
I withered him with a look, or, rath
er tried to wither him, for Tom is no
mimosa bud. -
"The way that girl has started in to
wake up this Ijttle old town reminds
me of the feeling you get under your
belt seven minutes- after you've sipped
an absinth frappe for the first time
you are liable- for a good jag and don't
know it," he continued enthusiastical
ly. "Let's don't let the folks know
that they are off until I get everybody
in a foil : swing of buzz over my
queea." I, had never seen Tom so en
thusiastic "over a girl before, and 1
dida't "like it But I decided not to let
him ksiow that, but to get to work put
ting out the Chester blaze in him and
starting one on my own account
"That's just what I'm thinking about,
Tom' I said with a smile that was as
,"You are tempting Providence, Molly
sweet as I could make it, "and as she
came with messages to me from one
of my best old friends I think I ought
to do something to make her have a
good time. I was just planning a gor
geous dinner party I want to have for
her when you came so suddenly. Do
jou think w e could arrange it for Tues
day evening?"
"Lord love us, Molly! Don't knock
the town down like that Let 'em
have more than a week to get used to
this white rag of a dress you've been
waving in their faces for the last few
days. Go slow"
"I've been going so slow for so many
years that I've turned around and I'm
going fast backward, I said with a
b'uish that I couldn't help.
"Help! Let my Lirrrhip protect mc!"
exclaimed Tom in alarm, and he pre
tended to move an luch away from mc.
Yes," I said slowly, and as I looked
out of the corner of my eyes from un
der the lashes that Tom himself had
once told ine wsra "too long and black
to be tidy" I saw that he was in a
condition to got the full shock. "If
anybody wakes up this town it will bo
I," I .said as I flung down the gauntlet
with a high head.
"Here, Molly, here are the keys of
my office and the spark plug to the
auto. ..YQT2can eutffn"ockfniy.
hair, and'lf Judyhasgot""acak"e I'll
eat it cat of your hands. Shall it be
California or "Nova Scotia? And 1 pre
fer znj bride served in light gray
tweed." Tom really is adorable, and
I let hlz2 snuggle up just one cousinly
second.. Then we both laughed and
Ix'ga t 3plalf whaTt'Tom ""was horrible
enough to call the resurrection razoo.
Bui I kept that delicious rose cm
brcidred treasure all to myself. I
wanted him to meet it entirely unpre
pr.rad. I was glad we had both. got.ovpr pur,
eiLe4uent"iuFwer fcitfirig decorous
ly 'at several inches' distance apart
wLcat the judge drew the grays up to
the gate, and we both 'went down to
the'sidewalk to ask him atid the lovely
long lady to come in. V, They couldn't,
but Ave ..stood and" talked to them long
enough for Mrs. Johnson tu get a good
look at us from across the street, and
I was afraid I would, find .AuolAde-
tTue" id -a faint rfue3"st "went into he
Miss Chester was delightfully gra
ciou3 about the dinner I almost called
it the debut dinner and the expression
on the judge's face when he accepted!
I was glad she was sitting sidewise to
him and couldn't see. Some, women
like" to make other women unhappy.
but I think It is best for you to keep
them blissfully unconscious until you
get what you want. Anyway, I like
that girl all over,' and I cau't see that
.her neck is so absolutely impossibly
, flowery. However, '.I think she nught
hare been a little more considerate
about discussing Alfred's London tri
umph over the Italian mission. As a
punishment I let Tom put his arm
around my waist as we stood watch
ing them drive off and then was sorry
f,or the left gray horse that shied and
came In for a crack of the judge's Irri
tated whip. '!'!!
! Then I, refused to let Tom, come in
ficte the gate and he went down the
Street; whistling, only when, he got to
th, purple lilac he turned ppd kissed
fciff handi to me. That Mrs. Johnson
jUsf.'iCouIJn't stand, "and She came
ftcrosB the street immediately and call
adtinb back to the gate-',.'.'
"'You are tempting 'Providence, Mol
ly. Carter," she exclaimed decidedly.
Don't you know Tom Tollardlis noth
ing but a fly up the! .creek? As a hus
band he'd chew -til rope and run
Away like a puppy the first time your
back was turned.', - Besides being your
eousin, he's yotrngcr than you. What
do you mean??
''He's just ! a week younger, Mrs.
Johnson, and ( wouldn't tie him for
world!?, even if I married him," 1 said
meekly. Somehow I like Mrs. Johnson
enough to bd meek with her and it
always UrfafgS.her to a higher point of
excitement.' ' : .
"Tle nonsense; marrying is roping
in witk'ball and chain, to my mind.
And a,! Week between a man and a
woman jn their cradles gets to be fif
teen years between them and their
graves.' ' I'm going to make you the
subject of a silent prayer at the next
Qlifaiahary meeting, and I must go
borue now to see tha't Sally cooks up
tj.;,few of Mr. Johnson's crotchets for
tJiipper." And she began to hurry
i "I don't believe you'll be able to
make it a 'silent' session about me,
Mrs. Johnson." I called after her, and
she laughed back from her own front
gate. Marriage is the only worm in
the bud of Mrs. Johnson's life, and her
laugh has a snap to it even if it is not
very sugary sweet.
When I told Judy about the dinner
party and asked her to get the yellow
barber to come help her and her neph
ew wait on the table she grinned such
a wide grin that I was afraid of being
swallowed. She understood that Aunt
Adeline wouldn't be interested iu it un
til I had time to tell her all alout It
Anyway, she will be going over to
Springfield on a pilgrimage to see Mr.
Henderson's sister next week. She
doesn't know it yet. but I do.
After that I spent all the rest of the
evening in planning my dinner party,
and I had a most royal good time. I
always have had lots of company, but
mostly the spend the day kind with
relatives or more relatives to supper.
That's what most entertaining In 11211s
boro is like: but as I say. onca in
awhile the old slow pacer wakes up.
1 11 never forget my first real uiuner
party. a3 the flower girl fcr Caroline
Evan",' wedding, when she married the
Chicago mlliionaire. from which Ilills
boro la: never yet recovered. I was
s'cecii. rii dreadfully naked without
a -".'.ckcr in. my dress and caw Alfred
fcr c Cist time in ever'tg clothes
"'3 5 rt. I can hardly eland thinking
.t'-cvt how he looked even now.
; aTjjL iKren to very many dinner par-V'-.z
in my life, but from this time on
" z'.ru to indulge in them often. Can-:'-3
light pretty wemcn's shoulders.
l'a;k coat sleeves, cut glass and flow
I'vs are go5rl ingredients for a joy
Jrink. and why not?
But when I got tc planning about the
gorgeous food I wanted to give them
ail I got into whai I feel came near
being a seriou3 triable. It was writ
ing down the recipa.for thenesseJrode
pudding they disks in my family that
undid me. Suddenly hunger rose up
from nowhere and gripped me by the
throat, gnawed me all over like a bone.
then shook me until I was limp and un
resisting. I must have astralized my
self down to the pantry, for when I
became conscious I found myself in
company with a lonf of bread, a plate
ofjbutter and a huc jar of jam.
(T L-3 Continued)
The Young Wen's Glee Club.
The 'cuny Men's He chili
uln'clt for the. past imntlii
ln-en takiiiK a rest from lh-ir
minimal w irk, will slarl in
lull 3023011 on luesduy .veiling
next Hie rooms of I In- Young
.Men'- Eihle Class iu Hie .Melhod
it church. This oraniuliou
lias cuiing the short time I hey
havo been in existence accomp
IiiLsd much gooij for 1 Im.'iiisHvl's
in acquiring a thorough utuler
olanJing of music under the.
ablo direction of Mrs. Mae Mor
gan who has had charge of the.
iP-Slruction of the class since its
crccinization several months ago.
.The. rehearsals for. the season
vcfHWia':fej if
iif-gciou suape lo.yive a goou ac
count -of themselves during the
ccniing months. h
n6ne wanting" pictures of the
recent' teachers" institute address
or call on SetzJ the photographer.
PlatL-mouth, outh 4th t.
Local News
Fom CaturdE.y'3 imlly.
Misses Margaret and Vera
Moore of the vicinity of Murray
will alleiyj the Plattsmouth High
school, this being their second
Mrs. C. S. Forbes returned this
inoruing from Laporle, Indiana,
where she had been for two weeks
visiting with relatives at the old
. W. E. Kosencrans returned thi-;
morning from Henver and other
Colorado points, where he had
been looking after some mailers
of business for a few days.
Misses Marie and Opal Fitzger
ald returned this morning on the
8:io Missouri Pacific from a few
vveeks' visit wit h relatives and
friends in Iowa and Illinois.
Mrs. C. P. Moran and Miss Mii
dred Cummins were pas"ngers
this morning on I he early Hur
lington train for Lincoln wh?re
they will visit for a short time.
Mrs. Ella Higgs of Anita, Iowa,
.vho has been visiting here at the
Cowles home for a short time,
departed for her home this morn
ing' on the early Jlurlington train.
C. A. JJurgiwu and wife and
daughter, Miss Hannah, depart
ed this afternoon for Sheridan,
Wyoming-, where they will viit
for a week or ten das with
Ms. Joseph - Smith and son,.
James, returned this morning
from Kansas City, where they
have been visiting with a daugh
ter of Mrs. Smith's, who has been
quite sick.
Miss Margaret oiberson of
Weeping YVaier, who will lie one
Df the instructors of the High
school jn this city during I be
online terms, arrived in this city
last evening.
Editor C. I.. Craves. Ed E.
Leach and V. C. In-owning came
up this it nun ing on t he early M i's
souri Pacific train from Eni-'ii
and visited here for a few hours
vvith friends.
J. II. Vallery was a paseuger
Lhis morning' for Omaha, where
lie was called to .-ecure ome re
pairs for a corn binder, as be is
goimr (o put up his coin crop for
Teed this fall.
Mrs. Elizabeth Marks of M-.-i-lie.
'!.. who lias !ei-n here visjL
ing her si-fee. -Mrs. Ib'tinetl
Chriswisser and '"nmiiy. returuci
tome this inoruiii- on the early
I'urlinyton train.
ltilev C. Dill and wife of
lie. -Nebraska, 'who have been lien,
for a few days isiting with (!.
parents of Mr. lull. Mr. and Mr
Andrew Dill, departed this morn
ing for t heir home.
Miss Alma Holly departed yes
ferday afternoon for Aoc
where she will engage in schon
work for the coming vear hav
ing been engaged to leach 111'
Straub school near that place.
Miss Helen Chirk of Omaha am
Miss Isadora Sheldon of Nchaw-
fca. arrived in the citv last even
ing and will vi-it here as lb
aue.-ts at a hou-e parly given by
Misses Ellen Pollock and Hallie
Miss Margaret Cihcrson "f
Weeping Wafer. Miss Orace New
branch of Nebraska City and Mis
Katherine Maddox of Falls Cil
hae arrhed here to assume Ibej
duties as teachers in the local
High school for the coming yeai
E. J. Mmigey and sou Lewis of
the icinilv of Union droe !o
this city yuslerday, coming here
lor-iiie purpose or making ar
rangements f(,r hjs daughter, Miss
Oraee ami son Lewis to attend lh
Plallsinoulh High school during
the coming winter.
Mrs. Charles S. Sherman,
Lincoln, who has been here visit
ing her aunl, Mrs. Robert, Troon
lor a lew i :iv was :i i .:i s '
this morning for her home. Mr
Micrmau nas recently located ni
Monlana, where he is running a
paper at Hed Lodge, and the fain
ily will remove there later.
Perhaps Referred to Plattsrr.outh.
A I raveling salesman .slop pet!
at our ollice fbe other day and iu
di-cussjig Hei-liic light plants
he said tbaf I hey were getting
only twelve-hour service in a
lown of several thousand popula
tion, while Eagle patrons are gol
fing tweiyfjiir-lwMir service,
and iu a town of less fhan 'MM.
Do you wonder now why we have
one oi ne best Utile o ants in
the stale? Eagle Jleacon.
When a village the size of
agle can hae an all-nigbl serv-
if'i' ''I'Vib'Vl'l'' of Ibis cily will be
gin IV It i 1 1 k It If 'rc 1 S .s .f i 'ct Irti i a
adieu! ly-: wrong when" a city of
the size of Plullsiiioulh, a' Sown
of. over 5,000 .-inhabitants;; cannot.
have an all-night service.
Slightly used car for sale quick
at extremely low price. iO horse
power. Come in and see it.
Smith's Garase. O-S-L'td-itw
"minn unon
fino. Duo urine
This Well Known, Laughable
Comedy at the Parmele Thurs
day Night, September 11.
From Saturday a Dall.
Written by a woman and
dramatized by a woman, "Mrs.
Wiggs of the Cabbage Palch,"
which comes to Ihe Parmele
theater Thursday night, Septem
ber 11. i. terly disproves the
popular fallacy that women have
no sense of humor. The play is
thoroughly satisfying,- funny in
every- sense of the word, and Ihe
cleer lines of the book arc
heightened to a great degree iy (
the little inimitable touches that;
onlv Mie most clever actors can
give and (hut 'must be seen to be
Never has a play been more
obviously a character study, with
the phd woven about il than lhis
of "Mrs. Wiggs."' but it is sur
prising how smoothly it leads
from one phase to another, and
how interesting even the most
commonplace incidents become
with Mrs. Alice Hogan Hire's halo
of appreciable understanding
shedding its light upon them. The
(humor is of the best ami highest,
as it is drawn solely from the
little incidents of everyday life
that can amuse us so infinitely if
we do not let ourselves "get
soured." as Mrs. Wiggs expres
ses j(. The de clopmcnt of
Ibis commonplace side of thing
is missionary work, for it re
minds every ine how much real
amusement c m come out of even
ihe most unfortunale circum
stances and gies a code of living
that if carried out would certain
ly make the world a much belter
"Mrs. Wiggs." with li.r
pat bet ically funny philosophy, is
at once a source of laughter, and
to Hie I bought I'ul a mild, bu? well
pointed sermon. There are
scarcely words to describe Miss
Hazy and her "matrimonial en
lure." Mr. Slubbins. In each
co-fume Miss Hazy is absolutely
more ridiculous than in the pre
ceding one. and .her appearance
is all that i- needed to send the
audience into uncontrollable
laughter. She jeeals new comic
possibilities in spin-lerliood and
matrimony. I.ovey Mary, as up
pealing us she is in the book, is
made more so m Ihe play. All
the characters of the "Cabba;
Palch" lo Ihe number of twenty
appear in ihe play. The -Tagt
set ting is a photographic re
production of the world famous
Loui-ille Cabbage Palch, when
Mrs. Itass. the original Mrs
Wiggs, (iil live. The play will
be presented here under fhejuan-
ageinenf of the I'uited Play com
pany. Don't forget the date al
Ihe Parmele. Thursday night.
Sept ember 1 i .
From. Friday's Daily. .
Ihe committees who are ar
ranging for Ihe details of tin.
fiermau Lay celebration, to be
held in this city on October 18
and li.', met Wednesday evening
at flu; (iermau Home to outline
he plans fur the celebration, and
a general spirit of enthusiasm
prevailed among the different
members over the prospects for
making (he occasion one of the
biggest that has been held in
the cily. The !ermans from the
en. ire ea.-iern seel ion of ine slate
will be invited lo be present on
this auspicious occasion and lake
part in Ihe I wo days I hat haw
been set apart lo be observed by
the (Jermans as a special time lo
pay honor to their race and na
tional customs. The time when
fh if. celebration will be held is fo-
...i il... 11.. , r r.ii n,
ill li liir lJli'iuiu in IH11 HUM
weather will be coo! and pleasant
and permit everyone to enjoy the
occasion lo Hie utino.- without
icing roasted lo death, as has
ecu Ihe case wilh most f the
different celebrations held lhis
year il various places. The
celebraiion last year of (Jennan
y "w'i is a ve ry pi e as ; in L 'o ' a s i oi 1
for all whojvfslfed; ibis eijy, as
well' as ;the ierman residenls
here, as it ,gavet b.cni a chance; lo
visit wilh each oilier and get. ac
quainted and reuew'oid days nil
the land. across, the ocean.' 'There
is plenty'of' time' for't lie different
committees to get up a splendid!
program for the event. I
One cake of Williaws
Shaving Stick
with every
Durhami Demonstrator
Safety Razor
at only 35c
This offer is for a limited time, so buy early.
The Rexall Store
From Saturday's Dally.
.Mrs. M. J. Wi-!.eiham, wife .,!'
a merchant of We.-,.;;!-.: Wal.
who says she is unly a woman
and not a voter. '.vritlej? th
stab- railway ci i-.- -a a i- :
fer suggesting- a solution of the
application of the t;ily ,,t IMall--niouth
for heller train eii.-e
throughout the county for the
benefit of people who desire to
transact busines.- in I'lalt smout h
and return home the same dav.
She suggests moving Ihe court
house to Weeping Water, where
there is a good train service. In
stead of compelling the railroads.
lo haul Ihe people to the coin I
house she siit:gets mo ing tl.e
court house to the people, fhe
"1 am only a woman and not a
voter, but would suggest that il
would he wi.-er in my opinion to
bring the court house and offices
to Hie people rather fhan to force
the railroads to carry Ihe people
to an inaccessible pari of the
county. We hae good train serv
ice from all parts of the country
to Weeping Water. Kcronc
could get here and back in one
day and attend to business Ji.-
fweeu trains, so il hardly looks
lair to make the railroads run a
special train when it could not
possibly pay." Lincoln Journal.
To the broad-minded citiens
of the county the argument of the
above statement will seem very
crude, indeed, and olr.w.- led, the
true spirit, of one interested in
I lie welfare of the county, as
everyone knows that the train
service asked for into this city is
only just, and the statement' in
regard to the county seat seems
to he rather out oT date. The
fact Unit Weeping Wafer is i-ilu-aletl
a few miles from the sonlh
ern boundary of the county does
away wilh the possibility of thai
town ever securing Ihe location
of Ihe county seal, even if il was
lo be removed, which is a very re
mole possibility, and Ihe fair
minded residents of the central
and western sections of Ihe coun
ty have recognized the fact that
Hie Missouri Pacific should grant
flie train service asked for by the
Commercial club of this cily, an 1
such a statement as the above
will hae little weight with those
who hae studied the malli'r over
fo their own satisfaction.
Nebraska leadpriers Special Train
. t TO
Chattanooga, Tenn.,
FROM OMAHA, 4:35 p. m FROM LINCOLN, 2:10 p. in.
FROM ST. JOSEPH, 9:30 p. m.
Convenient connections from all Nebraska towng premide
with this oflieial' train St Joseph
j .. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars.
Reservations Should be Made Early by Addressing
J. B. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., G. W. BOLNELL, C. P. A.,
1502 Farnam Street " 13th and 0 Streets
Omaha Lincoln v
From Friday's Dally.
There was a large crowd pres
ent last evening al (inriicld park
to attend the concert given by
:l;e l'.nrli;r-:ton band, and lho;
who attended felt Weil repaid f
I heir trouble, as the program
glen was excellent anil reflecled
great credit upon the members of
the band mid Director Schulhofl
The different selections offered
were warmly applauded by the
audience, particularly that of the
"Southern Plantation. Soir's"
which was undoubtedly one of the
best -rendered numbers on the
program, although "The Dawn of
Love" was given, in a Very pleas
ing' manner. The selection from
"Woodland," embracing a num
ber of hits from this popular,
musical comedy, was much ap
preciated, as the music was full
of the life and action of Ihe pop
ular comedy. The band favored
the large crowd toward the closo
of the program with the beauti
ful and bewitching strains of "La
I'aloiiia," giving the number in a
very pleasing- manner I hat show
ed their skill in this line of
music. It is to be hoped the band
will be able to Continue the
concerts during the re-1 of tho
month, and if the weather per
mits, as they are one of the
delightful and entertaining
feaiures of the summer sea-oi.
and brings many strangers here
to eii joy the pleasant eenfs.
State Bankers Meet in Lincoln.
The Slate Hankers' Associa
tion will meet iu Lincoln on Sep
tember :.'.") and 20, and arrange
ments are being made by tho
Commercial ' club and citizens
generally to extend a cordial
welcome and a good time. The
local committee of bankers is
framing' up a cries oT entertain
ments ,hat will occupy all tho
spare lime of Ihe visitors ami
delegates. It has been decided by
administration financial author
ities that 3 1,100,000 of govern
ment money will be deposited in
Nebraska banks for the purpose
of assisting in the movement, of
Nebraska crops. While in ses
sion the bankers will discuss a
number of topics of vital interest
to Ihe agricultural and manufac
turing interests of Nebraska.
Sept. 13, 1913