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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1913)
. sv frtoutb VOL. XXXII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1913. NO. 70. TWO BOYS ARE FOUND DEAD NEAR HAVELOCK John Rys, a Former Plattsmouth Boy, One of the Number Their Death a Mystery. A telegraphic message was re ceived here Saturday evening about. 0:30 y Frank Wooslcr of this city. brother-in-law of Mrs. Joseph Rys of Havelock, :in nouneing 1 1 1 finding of the body of her 1 i-year-ol. son, John, in a pasture near that city. Tho boy hal hot'!! missing from home since last Thursday and was found with tin body of a eoru panion. both of which were in a badly decomposed condition. Mrs. Wooster a tul Charles Oradoville. mother and brother-in-law of Mrs. Rys, departed yesterday for Havelock, where they will make arrangements for the fun eral. The young lad was )orn in this city and lived here until a few years auo. when the family removed to Havelock. The fol lowing account of lb tragedy appeared in the State Journal of yesterday: .The dead bodies of John Rys, acred lt years, and Cieorge Dimer, aped 1 both of Havelock. were found at r:.'b) o'clock yesterday afternoon by (ieurge Stroll in the pasture of Kd Hoffman, one mile north of llavelnck. The boys had been missing since Thursday morning and at the time the bodies were discovered they wore so badly decomposed that it was impossible- to slat what bad caused dealh. Coroner Matthews at once organized an inquest and ordered a post mortem examina tion. The father of the Dimer boy had been looking for the lads ever since Thur.-day afternoon and had been quite close to the place where the dead bodies lay. Con stable Hughart and Marshal Wy more had also been searching for some time and when news was brought to Havelock thai the bodies had been found, "word was at once conveyed to Coroner Matthews, who immediately re paired i.o the scene of the tragedy. The father of the Dimer boy is employed in the- Burlington shops. Rys' father has been absent for some time and his whereabouts is unknown. The youth lived with his mother andj four sisters. A post mortem was attempted after the bodies were tak'en to the undertaking rooms of V. V. Oregg in Havelock, but the stench of de-j caviiicr flesh was too great to al low of much of an inspection to be made. The bodies were placed in formaldehyde to enable a fur ther examination later on. No gunshot wounds were found in the hurried examination, but the condition of the bodies did not permit of a close inspection, and wounds may be found later on. Coroner Matthews had a theory that death might have been caused by the intense heat. The boys bad been nut. hunting all day, and, nearly exhausted from want of food and water, were overcome by the intense heat of Thursday, when the mercury went to 101. Dropping exhausted in each other's embrace they had died. Or, one of the boys may have been overcome and his companion may have tried to carry him on. The effort proving too much he may have been overcome by the effort. Another possibility was that one of the boys may have been overcome by heat or acidentally wounded, and that his companion in trying to carry him home was overcome with heat and dropped, fatally stricken. Many theories besides the one of heat prostration were advanced by Havelock people at the scene of the tragedy. It was suggested that the boys might have eaten some poison berries or taken a drug of some kind. No drug re ceptacle was found near the ' bodies, however, and there was nothing to support this theory. The fact that Rys' pockets were turned out led some to the belief that the boys had been murdered and robbed. Mrs. Ry however, said that she was sure her son had had no money when he left home, and the coroner did not mink it iiKeiy t liar, anyone would suspect the two roughly dressed lads of having money. Others thought that perhaps the boys had been killed by gun shot wounds, but, the shotgun had no1 been fired and no wounds were found in the superficial ex amination made last night. The two lads bad never gone hunting together before, so far as anyone knew and Dimer' s father said that no one at bis home had any knowledge that the lad was going hunting. Mrs. C. C. Johnson, Rys' sister, said: "The little girls told me that the boys bad gou hunting together, and when John bad not come home Thursday night I was badly frightened. Two years ago he was accidentally shot while hunting with Conrad Seifert, a little neighbor boy. He has al ways been over fond of hunting and his injury didn't discourage him a bit. He was always buy ing or selling a gun and seemed to shoot more than ever after he recovered from his injury. He was in bed for a month as a re sult of the shot, which penetrated his cheek and jaw bone. I was at. my home Thursday morning; and mother had taken a train to Plattsmouth. She returned the next day and found John gone." The four little sister of John Rys were the last people, de finitely known, who saw the two boys alive. They said that short ly after 7 o'clock Thursday morning the Dimer boy had come to the house and said that he was going hunting with John. They ealled the brother, who had laid olT from his work in the boiler shop for the day. He came out and greeted the Dimer boy cheer fully, joking with him about the "big game" which they would shoot. He handed him the rifle and carried the shotgun himself. As he was leaving the yard the hunting dog who has always ac companied him on his hunting expeditions started to follow the two boys. John turned back and tied the dog to his kennel. The girls said that they were sur prised at this because John had always wanted the dog to go along. He hail made no an nouncement of his intention of going hunting Wednesday night and the girls knew nothing of bis plan until the Dimer boy ap peared. Mrs. Rys was notified of her son's death shortly after the bodies were discovered. She be came hysterical, but later in the eyoning was able (o tell what she knew of tlw affair. She said: "John had always liked both the Dimer boys and L know that whatever happened out there was not a result of a quarrel between John and Oeorge. I went away and I was afraid that something terrible had happened when the girls told me when I came home that they hadn't seen John since Thursday. They said that he had zone off with the little .Dimer boy and so I went to ask Mr. Dimer about it. He was already hunting for the boys and he was afraid, too. The officers were notified then and I've been wait ing every minute since, afraid of what I should hear. It breaks my heart to lose my boy because he was always so good and kind. He never did anything to make me ashamed of him and he al ways brought his money home to me to help me with the expenses. He was always liking to hunt and the only money he spent on him self was to get guns and shells. He had quite a number and often traded them." The latest dispatches from the scene of the tragedy state that the coroner has found bullet wounds on the bodies of both of the boys and it is thought by some that a suicide pact existed between the lads and that Rys killed himself first and .then young Dimer fired the discharge from the rifle he carried into his body and fell upon the body of his companion, placing his arms around his neck as he died. The stories and suppositions in re gard to the matter are numerous and make it hard for the author ities to really tell what was the motive for their death. RIFLE RANGE HVEHS The Government Has Spent Many Thousands of Oollars on the Grounds. c'rom Saturday's Daily. The past summer season has saw a great deal of work done at the rifle range, north of this city, and to really appreciate what has been done there a person should pay a visit to the ransre and look over the improvements that, the government has put in there. Last, year when the range was opened most of the land was covered bv a growth of under brush, and when the first detail of soldiers arrived here from Fort Crook for practice it was necessary for them to clear off a patch of land before they could pitch their camp. This condition was not improved during the sea son last year, although the soldiers put up temporary butts for the purpose of shooting and a small tract of land was cleared off so that it could be used, but was still far from satisfactory. The government then decided to make more extensive improve ments on the range and ad vertised for bids for certain con crete work, as well as grading and other minor improvements to the grounds. The contract was secured bv the firm of McLaugh lin of Red Oak. Iowa. for the work, and they at once com menced the work of getting the range in shape and moved a fore of men here early in the spring to take charge of the work. One of the biggest improvements. nnde is that of the permanent concrete butts that are used for the purpose of target practice. There are five of these butts put up at different parts of the range ;n such a position that all can b( used at one time with perfect safety to the soldiers. The largest of the butts is that set at 1,000 yards, which in the rear has two small target houses where all the targets are stored when not in use. while the smaller butts, which are also made of concrete, are supplied with one house. These target houses are made of reinforced concrete am' are made not only fire-proof, but also absolutely dry and free from moisture that might injure the targets, of which there are r large number of different kinds used at. the range. The govern ment also ordered the erection of a range office on the hill west of the rifle range, where the camp ground of the soldiers will be established the coming season The range house is 21x31 in size and is a frame building, the car penter work on the building be ing done by L. (I. Larson of this city, and the building will make a neat and comfortable office for the officers placed in charge of the range. After the completion of the concrete work on the range, which called for some 1,000 yards of concrete, the work on the im proving of the grounds was com menced, and the work of grading and hauling of all material turn ed over to the firm of J. H. Mc Maken of this city, who carried out the contract in a most satis factory manner and the ground was plowed, harrowed and placed in excellent shape for the purpose for which it was intended. On the field firing lines were made at 800, 500 and 300 yards, where the troops can maintain their nosilion while firing at the dif ferent targets. During the time Mr. McMaken was engaged in the work, or covering a "period of about four months, they employ ed from six to fifteen teams and from twelve to fifty men in the work. The work which was done on the range here called for the ex penditure of about $30,000, and some $20,000 of this remained here in. this city, where it was paid out for material and labor. The prospects are that the sea eon next year will see the United States irovernment take un IhP work of parking out the campincr grounds on the west side of the track if the situation in Mexico will permit of the return of the troops at, present stationed on the border. Charged With Wife Desertion. from Jjrldav's Dally. This morning complaint was filed by the county attorney in behalf of Mrs. W. V. Sanders against, her husband. Warren W Sanders, charging him with wife and child abandonment. Sanders was formerly employed in the Burlington shop in this city, but last May left his home and went to Omaha and since J hat time has. made no effort tri assist his fam ily in this city and the wife finally decided to appeal to the law to compel him to provide for their needs. This offense is dealt with quite severely by the laws of Nebraska and the matter may go hard with Sanders if he is found. MR. EARL BURGER Ai MISS JOSIE RULAUD MARRIED p'roro Friday's Dallf. A very pretty and quiet home wedding occurred last evening, when Mr. Earl Barger and Miss Josie Reuland were united in the bonds of holy wedlock at the home of the grooms' parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jaspar Barger, on Vine stroet. The wedding ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock by County Judge Allan J. Beeson, in the presence of a large number of the relatives of the contracting pair and were showered with con ratulations by their relatives at he close of the ceremony. The jompany was iavited into the vflnfng-room at the "clos of the vvedding to partake of a most tempting and delicious three jourse luncheon, one of the chief 'eatures of which was a large and exquisite wedding cake. The 'iridal couple were attended dur- ng the wedding ceremony by Roy 'teuland as best man and Miss villa Barger as bridesmaid and he wedding party made a very jretly picture as they stood be fore the judge to, have the words that were to unite them for life nronounced. The bride, Miss Reuland, is l Plattsmouth girl, having been horn and reared in this city, and possesses a large circle of warm "riends. The groom has resided 'iere for several months and is a oung man of more than usual ability and has been connected vith the lighting company at heir plant here since his arrival in this city, and possesses the respect and esteem of all with whom he has come in contact. The young people will start to housekeeping in this city at once, as the groom has prepared a home for his bride in the Coales' block, and they will be at home to their many friends, who arc greatly pleased that they have decided to make their home here. The out-of-town guests at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Barger of Derby, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Barger and baby of Osceola, Iowa. Has Operation on Eye. From Saturdays Daily. Yesterday A. J. Ingram of Ava- da, Wyoming, who in company with his wife is visiting here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Briggs was a passenger for Oma ha where the gentlemen under went an operation for an obstruc tion that has been growing on his eye for some time past. The operation was performed by Dr. Gilford and the obstruction re moved from the sight of the eye and while in the opinion of the surgeon it was best not to cut it off entirely it was defected in its growth so as to not interfere with the sight of his eye and in time can probably be removed en tirely. Card of Thanks. We wish to. express our heart felt thanks to all those who so kindly assisted us during the ill ness and death -of our husbanJ and father; also for the beauti ful floral tributes. Mrs. William Wynn and Children. VACATION DAYS ARE HOW OVER I . i List of Teachers Who Will Have Charge of Departments of the City Schools. From Saturday's Dally. On Monday morning the school bells throughout the city will summon the boys and girls of the city to their duties in the public schools for the new school year. The Plattsmouth schools have in the past been turning out many hundreds of bright, talented young people, and under the present efficient management of the schools the high standard of the schools will be maintained. The teachers and their assign ments for the year will be as fol lows: High School Building. A. O. Eggenberger, principal. history and athletics. Grace Newbranch, English. Estelle Baird, languages. Katherine Maddox, mathe matics. Ruth Moore, science. Margaret Giberson, normal training. Central Building. Anna Heisel, Mrs. Mae Morgan Clee Applegate, Pearl Staats. seventh and eighth grades and department work. Alice Kennedy, sixth grade. Mat tie Larson, fifth and sixth grades. Clara Weyrich, fifth grade. Verna Cole, fourth grade. Hazel Tuey, third and fourtl grades. Elizabeth Kerr, second anrf third grades. Amelia Martens, first grade. Columbian Building. Nettie Hawksworth, fifth and sixth grades. Claire Dovey, fourth and fifth grades. Alpha Peterson, second grade Hazel Dovey, first grade. First Ward School. Crete Briggs, first, second am third grades. East Second Ward. Christina Hansen, first anc second grades. West Second Ward. Marie Hiber, first and seconr' grades. Mercerville School. Anna Kopia, first; .second an( third grades. South Park. Hilda Barwick, first and seconC grades. East Fourth Ward. Nora Batton, first and second grades. Delia Tartsch, third and fourth grades. Marie Kaufmann, supervisor of penmanship of all the city schools. Miss Ellen Windham, supervisor of drawing of the city schools. AM "permits" for children to remain out of school are hereby declared invalid. Those desiring another "permit" must see thr superintendent of schools. No permits will be granted unless positive and conclusive proof of the need of the child's services at home. Superintendent Brooks, lor the convenience of the patarons of the schools, has established the following office hours: Office in the Central building, telephone No. 103, residence No. 274. At office 8:30 to 9 a. m., 1 to 1:30 and 3:30 to 5 p. m., Saturday, 2 to 4:30 p. m. Opon for Inspection by Public. Beginning Saturday, Septem ber 6, and continuing the follow ing week the pumping station of the Plattsmouth Water Co. will be open for inspection by the public. At 3 o'clock each day an explanation of every detail will be given by the superintendent. It will be worth the time spent there to sec the new filter plant and have the principle of aeration explained. The motto of the Com pany is "PURE WATER FOR THE PEOPLE OF PLATTS MOUTH." Come and see why we have adopted this motto. 95-5t. Visiting Relatives. From Saturdays Dally. Ed. Cards and wife, of Scotls Bluffs, Nebraska, is visiting in this county for a few days with Mrs. J. II. Adams and Mr. am W. F. Gillespie at Mynard am Mrs. J. W. Johnson in this city. Mrs. Cards is a niece of the above ladies and was formerly Mis; Nora Henton, residing at Mynard Mr. Cards brought two carloads of stock to I he Omaha markei, and they decided to drop down here for a visit with their relu tive.s and old friends. ARTHUR B. ZIMMERMAN Alii OLD PLATTSMOUTH ROY GETS PROMOTION From Saturday's Dally. The many friends of Arthur B Zimmerman of Omaha will be greatly pleased to learn of his ad vancement, in his line of work as he has just been appointed as lo cal live stock agent of the 'Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road with headquarters at Soulu Omaha. This is a very lucrathe position and the railroad com pany will find that they have se cured an exceptionally able youncr man for the position as Mr. Zim merman is a steady, reliable and energetic worker in whatever he takes hold of and will without i. doubt make good in bis new posi tion. Mr. Zimmerman formerly resided here being a son of the late Mrs. D. B. Ebersole and his being chosen for his new position vill give all who have known this vorthy young man much pleasure is he was very well liked here in his old home. For the past few vears Mr. Zimmerman has resid ed in Omaha but occasionally finds time to drop down and visit with his relatives and friends here. 15 FINED FOR SPEEDING THROUGH NEHAWKA STREETS Tom Saturday Dally. This morning in the office of Justice M. Archer, Justin Sturm of Nehawka was arraigned on complaint, of the county attorney charging him with violating the provisions of the Nebraska speed iaws in regard to his motorcycle .vith w hich he is charged "to have i-aced through the village of Ne hawka at a rate far in excess o:' that prescribed by the law. The justice after deliberating over the matter decided to place a fin? of $5 and costs amounting to $12.50 on young Mr. Sturm wilh the promise that he would in the future keep the speed bug from getting the best of his good judg ment and after paying the line he returned home. There has been considerable complaint from Nehawka in the past few weeks in regard to the matter of the motorcyclists making a speedway out of the main street of that place and the residents there fin ally decided to take the matter up with the county ofii cials as the local regulations did not seem to cover the case. Ii would be well for the joy riders throughout the county to be more careful of their driving in the fu ture as there has been consider able complaint from several lo calities in regard to the matter of speeding and unless the driv ers of machines take the matter up it will be necessary for the authorities to get busy in the matter. Two Months Instead of One Year. From Friday's Daily. In the article in reference to the selection of Rev. Lorimer as Dastor of the First Presbyterian church that appeared in last evening's Journal, the statement was made that Rev. Lorimer had been retained for another year, when it should have been for a term of two months. Mr. Lorimer requested the church to only ex tend his term two months, and as that would- give them an oppor tunity to secure another pastor the offer was accepted and he will remain here for that period of time. This statement is made to clear up a false impression created by the article last evening. STORY OF "IRS. S OF THE The Greatest Humorous Play Extant at the Parmele Thursday Night. From Saturday's Dally. Plattsmouth playgoers promise to give "Mrs. Wings of the Cab bage Patch" an enthusiastic re ception upon her appearance at the parmele theater Thursday night. Mrs. Wiggs is always a welcome visitor. Ever since she left the cabbage patch in Louis ville she has made thousands of friends, and the droll philosophy of this feminine optimist has carried around the world. Bonk plays are not as a rub; long-lived, but "Mrs. Wiggs" bids fair to run for a generation. It is al ready an American humorous classic, and as the public waited long for a great woman humor ist, so, too, they will cling long to such a striking conception as that, of "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab bage Patch," and the satellite f good humor and itwioeent jollity around her. The play it -elf is clean, fresh and. morally uplift ing. The comedy interest centers in the mirth-provoking episode of Mr. Slubbins and his matrimonial designs upon little Mis' Hazy, the meek and shiftless neighbor of Mrs. Wiggs. Both characters aro intensely humorous and alto gether original. The impersona tion of Mis' Hazy has proven a perfectly fitting vis-a-vis to that of Hiram Slubbins, who. in Hie first act does and wins her, then falls from grace and disappears for a time from the patch, though not of his own volition; but, r.n his return, thanks to his brilliant war record and pension allow ance, is once more received by his wife and friends and made the hero of the closing scenes. These two characters are well- springs of laughter and are sec ondary only, of course, to that of Mrs. Wiggs herself. whose homely philosophy and cheerful temperament, added by her penius and practical piety, prove an inspiration and an object les son to all. The play will be presented here under the management of the United Play company. The sale of seats will open next Monday. Secure your seats early. CLARENCE BUSGHE MEETS WITH PAINFUL ACCIDENT From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday noon white engaged in moving some baled straw at the store room of H. M. Soennich- sen on lower Main street, Clar- nce Busche met with a very painful accident that will cause him to be on the retired list for some time. As he was pushing out some of the bales with tho aid of the fork the tines of the fork glanced off of the bale and two of them penetrated his right tnee, inflicting a very ugly wound that required the services of a urgeon to patch up and place in condition. The wound is ijuito aggrevating and horc and causes the victim considerable pain, but it is thought that in a few days he will be all right. Opening Dance of the Season. The opening dance of the fall season given last Saturday even ing at Coates' hall by tho Cosmo politan club was quite successful in every way, and despite the ex treme hot weather a large crowd was present to take part in the enjoyment of the evening. The Holly orchestra furnished the music for the occasion, and their selections were received with much pleasure by the large aud ience. Wall Paper. Phone 36. Qertng & Co. WOO GARBAGE PATCH