The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 04, 1913, Image 1

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    N'ob Plato ITtstorirol. Sec
NO. 69.
The Boosters Win Sundaq's Game,
but Lose to A. O. U. W.'s
Monday Afternoon.
From Tuesday's Daiiy.
The Plattsmouth
Boosters nn
the Sunday and
games' succeeded
Labor day ball
in sfi'uriiicr an
f'von break.
Brothers to.
by a score
defeated )v
defeating the Orkin
r.n of Omaha Sunday
:' I 1 t 5. an. I being
the A. O. U. W. team
of Omaiui Labor !ay iy a score of
L' lo 1, in what was Ihe best game
of the m'Piiii. and I ho victory of
tho Ouily forces was duo large
ly (o. v.'tpI decisions of tho um
pire (hat were decidedly in favor
of (ho visitors. Connor was on
tho mound in both games for; I ho
Boosters and pitched iil od:rod
la!l. and but for a decision of tlio
umpire in ye.-derdny's game they
miuhl have been playing yet. as in
Ihe ovenlh inning tho "limp"
f passed Kennedy to iirt, forcing
in a run.
'Tho Sumlay pa-mo was a ragged
contest, full of errors, in which
tho Orkin's managed to pot away
Willi the big end and hanol tho
local boys .-everal rims as a re
sult of their poor judgment and
inability to :.- hobl of the ball.
In the lirst innir.g. Boa!, the fa?l
renter liebJer of the locals, was
hit by a pitched ball from the
wiviir of Knutson. tho Iwiiler for
tho department store lad-, ami ho
succeeded in stealing all the
ba-es and home from tho visitors
and iiiiidc The first run of tho
game ihroucrh bonchead work of
lb.- opposing team.
In the seconil inning tho visit
ors secured one run, when Tripp
recehoil first on an error by Louie
Smith and was advanced on the
single of Knutson. scoring on a
.-dntlo by Somors. The Boosters,
peeved by tic scoring- of the
Orkins. added two more in their
half of lb.- second. Salsburg
.singled to right field, stole second
and scored on C. Smith's single,
and Smith rancr up another run
on an error by Kanka at first
In-the fourth spasm of Ihe
game Hie visitors annexed two
more run- when Knutson secured j
a two-bap L' r to left held and was1
followed by Smith with a single,
and both came home on fin error
by J.. Smith at shorl. Th
Boosters began to pile on I ho
.-((.re-, in this innhitr, when Par-
nott. Smith, and Beat securer
fir.-1 ba-e on errors, alul the
scored r.n singles by O.ssenkop
and Carle, and Ossenkop scored
on Louie Smith's three-bagger,
which cinched 'the game for Ihe
The eighth inning saw another
fall taken out of the visitors and
the weary scorekeepor was forced
to register four more runs for the
locals, its well as several errors
for ihe visitors. L. 'Smith and
Inghram both succeeded in get
ting singles on the delivery of
young Mr. Knutson and scored
when rapped a nice drive
" lo left. Claude Smith, Ihe first
saeker for the Booster?, Was
passed by the pitcher and they
scored when Connor lined out a
clean little single. This ended
the atrony, as the visitors were
unable lo Ho anything- further.
Tho line-up of the game was as
Orkins King, catch; Knutson,
pitch; Kanka, lirsl; Tripp, sec
mid; Smith, third; Truxlon,
short: Somej's, right; Blossom,
center; Koran, left.
Boosters Carle, caloh: Con
nor. piLcii; C. Smith, first; Sals
hursr. second: Inghram, third; L.
Smith. short: Parriolt. rigid;
Deal, center: Ossenkop, left;
Tho ba-o ball game yesterday
afternoon was one that warmed
the hearts of the fans, for it was
surely as good a game as could
be seen anywhere that the great
national sport is plaved, and
those who attended felt well re
paid for their bravinsr the wind
and dust, as the Boosters and
Frank. Quigloy's pels certainly
played a gilt-edged game, and
until Ihe close if was a question
who would win.
For six innings the contest was
without a sroro, with both Con
nor and Holland of Ihe A. (). U.
YV.'s work in well and with good
support keeping the score down.
The vi-itors broke the ioo in their
half of the seventh, when Saup
rapped out. a two-batrger to lefi
Hold and was "saeriliood to third
by Holland, and scored when Hall
biffed the ball for a single.
Daughorty, who followed Hall,
was safe at first, and on the de
cision of the umpire giving Ken
nedy a base on balls, Hall was
forced in, but the decision was
very much disapproved of riy all
who saw the game, as Connor
was clearly entitled to a strike on,
(lie man. This, combined with
several other decisions against
Ileal while batting, aided ma
terially in preventing' t-he. locals
fr..m taking the game.
Plattsmouth scored its one run
in the ninth, when Connor was
safe at. lirst. on an error by Mo
Andrews, stole .second and came
in with a run on Ihe two-bagger
of Ilea! to confer held, but this
ended the suspense, as Parriott,
who followed, struck out. The
line-up of the opposing teams for
I ho game was :
A. O. 1". V. Prefka, catcher;
Holland. pitcher: Doughlery.
first: MeCreury. second: M ("An
drews, third; Stettin, short; Ken
nedy, risht: Saup. center
left field. .
lioosters Carle, catch;
nor, pilch; C. Smith, first
burg., second; frighram.
Parriolt. short; L. Smith,
: Hall.
; Sals
third: right :
Heal, confer: Mason, left ti
i-'rom Tuesday's Daily.
A dastardly outrage was per
petrated last evening on Wash
ington avenue when some pari
or parties, without fear the ia
or respect for themselves, de
liberately "barked" about eight oi
tho lino young trees that wore
recently set out along that thor
oughfare. The trees were cut with
a large knife or hatchet and the
work was evi.lently not that oi
any child, as the branches of tht
trees were broken down in a man
ner that indicated that a person
of heighth had done the michiot
and the lacerations on Ihe bark oi
the trees were of such a nature as
to indicate that the work had
been clone with the purpose of
killing; them, and should the
parties doing the work be found
I hey sltould be made to suffer the
severest penally that the law can
inflict, and a reward should be
offered for their arrest and con
viction This is the second time
the city authorities have planted
trees along Washington avenue,
and Ihe fust time a number of
the Irees were broken oil' by chil
dren: going- along the street, but
this ease is clearly one or pure
unadulterated meanness and
ought to be investigated and
some action taken in' the matter,
as it litis aroused considerable in
dignation among- the residents in
that part of tin" city.
The announcement appears in
Ihe Omaha papers of yesterday
of Ihe forthcoming, marriage o!
a former Plattsmouth girl,. Miss
Kathryn (irace, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James ( race of
South Omaha. Miss Grace is a
native Plattsmouth girl, having
been born in this city, and re
sided here until some few years
ago, when the family removed to
South Omaha, and Is a young
lady of much charm of character
and Ihe friends oT the family in
this city will learn with g-roat
pleasure of her approaching
wedding. The evenl will occur
early in October and I he fortun
ate groom is Mr.' Thomas J.
O'Connor of Omaha.
io n m
Rev. Lorimcp Receives Call for
Another Year and Has Ac
cepted the Same.
The congregational mooting; of
tho members of the Preshvt erian
eburch, held Inst evening", extend
ed to Rev. M. W. Lorimer, the
present pastor of the church, a
call for another year's
the cause of the chure
service m
h in this
Tin1 fact that Rev. Lorimer has
(I.'ckiou to accept i no pastorate
for another year will be rno
pleasing; news to all who havo had
the pleasure of coming in contact
with this pleasant ami .able
church man, and during' tlio lime
that he has served as the pastor
oi the run rcn no re He Has ma.le a
host of friends by his open and
genial manner of meeting' every
one. Jmring the lime Hev. Lori
mer has been in our midst ho has
assisted in making- many im
provements in Ihe church build-
in cr. as well as in the methods of
handling the church work, and
has brought the church organisa
tion up to a much higher stand
ard, and where greater good can
be done than in former years.
Hev. Lorimer is a ouiet, unas
suming gentleman, and it is
necessary to know him intimately
to appreciate the real genial
friend and eouneellor that ho is,
and during his pastorate here he
has won a. host of friends by his
courteous dealint: with his fol
low men, and his decision lo re
main with us, for af least another
year. v;ill be most pleasant news
io everyone, regardless of creed.
ncnQfir. n mi
ULUIIUL 13, U.'rtlil
United in Marriage With tfiss
Nickels at Odessa,
This morning at the home of
the bride near Odessa, Nebraska
occurred the marriage of Mis
Pearl Nichols and Mr. George B
Mann of this city. The wedding
has boon looked forward to for
some time by the friends of the
contracting parties in this city
but the oxafl. dale was nofNknown
until a few days ago when tho
groom departed for Kearney jm
parting to a few friends that
whoa he returned there would be
a helpmate accompanying him
Tho bride is well known in this
city where she was for several
years one of the efficient memb
ers of tho teaching force of 'ihe
city schools and is a lady univer
sally loved and respected by all
who knew her and while here
made a largo circle of friends who
will learn w ith pleasure I hat she
is lo again become, a permanent
resident of this city. The groom
is loo well known in this city to
need any oxtendeTremarks as he
has been reared to manhood here
and has been engaged in he
newspaper business here in diff
erent capacities for Ihepast thir
ty years. Mr. Mann is at present
connected with the Journal office
being' in charge of Ihe job print
ing department and his reputa
tion as lo his abiH.y is known all
over the county as is also his
sterling integrity. The newly-
weds departed after the wedding
ceremony for the mountains of
Colorado where I hey expect to
spend several weeks on their hon
eymoon nelore returning- lo ;hi3
city lo make Iheir future home.
The Journal in company with the
host of friends in tin's city will
extend to the newly wedded cou-j
pie their best wishes for a long
and happy married life that will
be full of joy and pleasure lo
them both.
n. L. Propst and Wife Take Trip.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterdny mornitig- Robert L
Propt and wife of Mynard came
up from their home, and departed
on. the earlv Burlington train for
an extended trip through the east,
visiting at .Niagara laits lor a
short, time, and then going to
Canada, stopping for a short time'
at Montreal, Toronto and other
points in the Dominion, and then
co to iVorfotk. Mrg-inia. lor a
short, visit with friends, ami on
tho return trip stopping- at the
various points of interest alon
tho route. As Mr. Propst Mates,
I his is to be their wedding- trip,
and as they have waited thirty
five years fop it the? inlend it
shall bo one of pure delip-ht and
An Auto Driven by John Falter
Strikes Buggy and Injures
the Occupant.
From Tuesday s Daily
Last evening- a few minutes be
fore 9 o'clock a collision occurred
on Aortn mxiii street, nciween an
.automobile driven .by John Falter
and a buggy in which Max Pries
was driving- up the street. The
accident occurred just opposite
Ihe Goring- residence, and the
automobile had just turned into
Sixth street from Kim. and was
running south, and was, accord
ing: to the story told by pries
without any" lights on tho front
to guide its course. Pries saw the
err roimnir onto turn and Turner
ut to permit the machine to pass.
but the car came on and crashec
into the hf.rso and buggy, skin-
ning the horse up and damaging
the buggy to some extent, while
Max was thrown clear out of the
vehicle, and from the nature
his bruises it seems likely that he
truck the fender of tho car in
falling, but there were no bones
u-okon and tho examination of
he injured man failed to reveal
any internal ln.iuries. it. was
thought at first that the man had
received injuries that might re
ult very seriously, but this
morninsr the patient seems to be
celt ins? along- in first-class shape
and will probably escape serious
The harness on the horse was
torn up some as a result of the
collision and the buggy' will re
quire some repairing- before it
an be used. It is most fortunate
that the automobile was not running-
at a high rale of speed, as
if it had been Mr. Pries would
have undoubtedly been killed. Al
ter the accident the injured man
was conveyed to his homo on
North Sixth street and medical
assistance summoned to ad
minster to his needs.
This accident brings forcibly
to mind the fact that the regula
tion of Ihe traffic in t his city is
becoming quite a problem and
that some action in regard to
making all vehicles, either auto
mobiles or carriages and
wagons, observe more strict
ly the law in regard to driving-
along- the street, as in the
present reckless manner it is
eertrain, sooner or later, to result
in the serious injury or. death of
someone, if the matter is not at
tended to. There are rules gov
erning the sides of street on
which ingoing- and outgoing
vehicles should travel, as well as
one in regard to motor vehicles
carrying lights to protect the pub
lic and other parties driving- on
the highway, and it is quite
noticeable of evenings that this
rule is not complied t with by a
large number of drivers.
Evening Journal delivered, 10c
Announces Wedding of Daughter.
""rnm Wednesday's DallT
Announcement has been made
by Mr., and Mrs. John M. Leyda
of the forthcoming- wedding- of
their daughter. Miss Ethel, to
Mr. Andrew O. Moore. , The wed-
dinsr will take place at the home
of the bride's parents in this city
on Monday evening-, September
15, at 8 o'clock.
The Meeting Last Night Attend
ed by Only a Few -Committee
Makes Its Report.
The meeting which was called
for last evening- at the Commer
cial clun rooms to discuss and
take some action in regard lo
holding a fall festival was alien
dod by only a few of those inter
esteo in rue project ami as a re
sult of the discouragement giv
on Ihe project by the business
men and citizens it is uoubtlul if
it will materialize into a real
celebration or not. Tho com
mil toe that spent several days
last week in visiting- tho different
business houses of the city sue
ceedod in having- something- like
S'iOO subsbcribed by different
parties, but with the showing- of
attendance at the meeting- the
committee does not feel like tak
ing; further steps in the. matter
until a better expression can be
secured from tho citizens in gen
It seems. a shame that the mat'.
for of tho fall festivtl which had
reached such a promising' stage
should be allowed lo drop be
cause of lack of interest on the
part of those who should put
forth every effort to give those
who make this city Iheir trading
point some kind of a celebration
at the close of a very successful
year. The . meeting- last night
should have been attended by
those who could have expressed
their desires in the matter,
whether in favor or against, in
order that Ihose who have the
matter in charpe could pet a line
on what, lo do in tho matter. If
it is possible lo do so another
meeting of the citizens should be
called and the matter settled once
and for all time, and if there is
to bo no celebration theh lot the
affair rest until some time next
year, but with tho amount raised
ana what, could no secured later a
very creditable two days' celebra
. . . . . ...
tion could no given and mere is
no reason in the world why the
matter should not lie taken up.
ff the rlommorcial dim or the
citizens in general do not want to
take Ihe question up, let some of
the lodges or societies take hold
of tho proposition ami give I hem
a free hand in the mailer to make
it a success.
From Wednesdays Dally.
For the past few weeks August
affliction with one of his eyes, and
Cloidt has boon troubled with an
while at first it was thought to
be only a. slight irritation, it
rapidly developed more alarming
symnfoms and the services of a
physician was called in to look
after the disease, and Mr. Cloidt
was advised to consult a special
ist in regard to the matter, which
he did. with the result that the
specialist does not hold out much
hope of saving the eye, as the dis.
ease has progressed so far as lo
make the matter of savinp,lhc
eve a grave problem. The afflic
tion that has visited Mr. Cloidt
will bo learned with greal regret
by his many friends here, .who
will continue to hope I hat he may
vet be able lo recover the use of
both of his eyes.
Signal Corps Visits the City.
A number of the United States
signal corps stationed at Fort
Omaha arrived in this city this
afternoon and will stop here for
the nigh!, en route to Fort Leav
enworth, . Kansas. There are
about 150 in the company and
they' made a very imposing ap
pearance and for a few hours this
afternoon tho city appeared in a
state of war, with the mounted
troopers and . the army wagons
going, up and down the street.
The Journal ads pay.
Hold Annual Election.
Tho ladies of the W. C. T. II.
held their regular meetintr at the
homo of Mrs. Jennie Schild
knecht yesterday aftertyion.
There were a large number of tho
members in attendance, and fol
lowing Ihe usual business ses
sion, wnien was a most interesting-
one, the ladies held their
annual election of officers, and
elected Mrs. Jennie Sctiilnknooht.
president ; Mrs. p. I). Ruff nor, vice
president; Mrs. S. E. Kerr, sec
retary; Mrs. Charles Troop, treas
urer, and Mrs. M. S. IJriggs, ror
esponding secretary. The re
mainder of tho afternoon was
whiled away in a most enjoyable
social time.
Dr. D. D. Palmer and Wife of Los
Angeles Visits Sisters in
From Wednesday's Dally.
Yesterday morninp Dr. D. D.
Palmer and wife of Eos Angeles,
California, departed for the west;
after a visit here of several days
with relatives in this city. Dr.
Palmer is a brother of Mrs.
Thomas Wiles and Mrs. H. C.
Vanllorn and the meeting- be
tween the brother and sister was
one much enjoyed by all, as it
had boon some seven years since
he had. met Mrs. Wiles and tho
first lime in forty years that Mrs.
Vanllorn had met her brother.
Dr. Palmer is Ihe originator or
founder of the chiropractic teat-
ment for the ills of the human
race and he predicts that in a
few years hence medicine will be
sparingly, very little or not used
at all; that the people ailing, no
matter what the trouble or ail
ment may be, whether acute or
chronic, will call on a chiroprac
tic for quick and permanent
cures mat tne general public
will havo nothing but chiroprac
tic. ,
Dr. and Mrs. Palmer left their
California homo in the spring,
made a lour of the grand canyon
of Colorado. going thence to
various points in Iowa and Il
linois, where they visited old
friends and relatives and the
graves of their father and broth-
r. They spent a number of
vceks at Davenport, Iowa, the
city where the doctor founded
visited with beating heart the
rooms where the first spinal ad
justments were given by him.
From these rooms he overlooked
the city, Ihe college of chiro-
praeuc, . wnore iour scikjois now
i l r i , .
xist, with thousands of students
thronging through' their doors
uany. it. was irom me windows
of these humble rooms where Ihe
greatest science, the science that
. i j
cleaves closest to Ihe heart of
man, that tho doctor predicted its
wonderful progress and benefit
lo mankind. Though only a few
months from his eightieth birth
day he was induced to deliver
twenty-two lectures to the stud
ent body of the tniversal Chiro
praetic college, the institution
teaching the science. Having
completed his lecture course, be
ing tired and worn out witli the
excitement of being among the
throbbing, enthusiastic students
and progressive instructor, h'
turned his face westward and is
wending his way to the great. Pa
cific, where his regular practice
is awaiting him.
Cook's Barber Shop
From Wednesday's Dally.
The barber shop
of W. P.
located in
on lower
Cook, which has boon
the Monroe building
Main street, was removed yester
day to tho building owned by W.
J. Bookmeyer, just west of the
Socnnichsen building. The own
er of the building has put in a
partition in the store room, di
viding it info two rooms, and
Mr. Cook will occupy the east
half of the room, while A. Wesch
will occupy the west half with his
shoe repairing department, a
Go to Montana with Rosey
Tuesday, September 9. 5t-d&w
1 lit
Death of Ivan White Removes One
of the Best Citizens of
Cass County.
From Tuesday's Dally.
."Death loves a sinning mark,"
and yesterday morning the grim,
messenger took from our rnidsf
one of tho foremost citizens of
the eastern' sect ion of Cass coun
ty, Ivan S. White, who for many
years was one of Ihe prominent
farmers of Rock UJuff precinct,
but who for the last few years has
resided in Murray.
Mr. White, on his retirement
from the farm, at lirst removed
to Plattsmouth, whore ho pur
chased property, but later decid
ed to move to Murray, among
more familiar scones, and secur
ed him a homo there, and had re
sided in that place since thru
time. Mr. While for Ihe pn-t few
vears has been sutrering greatly
from cancer, and despite all that
medical skill or loving bands
could do, the disease co.i! iniicl
its ravages until' it made his re
covery impossible and he suffered
patiently until the end brought
him relief.
Tho loss of Mr. White will be
greatly felt throughout Ihe coun
ty, where he was so well and
favorably known, and where bo
had resided since 1850, and his
passing will leave a place hard to
lill, as he was one of those strong,
sturdy men who havo made tho
tate of Nebraska all it is, and
his advce and watchfulness in
Ihe early days of Ihe young stale
;ind county contributed much to
its material welfare.
Ivan S. White was born in
Davis county, Missouri, May ID,
1835. and was reared on a farm
mi Livingston county, Missouri,
crowing to manhood in this sec
tion of the country, and he farm
ed there for himself for two years
with much success, and secured
the training' that later proved of
such untold value to his ventures
further west. lie later removed
to Pottawattamie county, Iowa,
but resided there onlv a few
months, removing to Nebraska in
August, 1850, and located in RocT;
Bluffs, then a flourishing little
city, engaging in farming- near
'hat point, and as a result of his
ability and watchfulness he was
ible lo accumulate quite a neat
fortune for his old ago. During
last years of his life on the
tarm no was- engaged quae ex
tensively in the raising of stock.
During the civil war Mr. While
enlisted in the Second Nebraska
cavalry and served with much
credit to himself in lhat regiment
for eight months. While a resi
dent of Livingston county, Mis
souri, ho was married on Feb
ruary 1!8, 185-5, lo Miss Anna
Smith, and as a result . of that
union two children, .Mrs. David
Hiatt of Sidney, Iowa, and Mark
While, residing on the old home
near Rock Bluir.s, are left to
mourn tho lo.'s of ,tho father.
Beside Ihe widow and children,
Mr. While leaves lo mourn his
loss two brothers, Mr. Domp.-ey
White of Surprise, Neb., and Mr.
Laukford White . of Chillicotha,
Missouri, and one sister, Mrs. N.
C. Hobbs, of Los Angeles, Cali
fornia. The funeral of this worthy
citizen will be held tomorrow aft
ernoon at Z o clock from tho
Christian church in Murray, and
will be conducted by Rev. D. L.
Dunkleberger of Ibis cUy. The
interment will be made in the
Rock Bluffs cemetery, near which
place the deceased spent so many
years or nis long- and useful life.
Fire Near Fifth Ward School.
This noon the lire alarm was
turned in from the south pari, of
the city, where burning gross and
leaves threatened for a short
time to spread to the Fifth ward
school building, J)Ut the flames
were cnecxed m time to nrevent
Ihe school building from being