The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, SLPTLMISEn 1, 1913.
A Good House Deserves A
Good Roof
A good house with a poor roof is like an um
brella with a leaky cover. It's all right till
the test comes. It is cheaper in the end to
have a good roof than "an expensive cheap
one. Our stock of
offer you varied assortment of the best roof
ing materials from which to select. Come in
and examine these roofings.
Plattsmouth :: Nebraska
71 DEATH OF 11. OST.
Passes Away at His Home Near
Union Was an Early Settler
of the County.
Items of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
New Forty Years Ago.
1011 OF IE
illiLC CAM
.;! ;i- follows: I'rf-iili-nl. Mrs.
Naar secretary. Will T.
A'lani-: I r'a-urT, .1. 1!. Wile...
' I'll-- i : i - -1 i 1 1 i-i m-l jvjir will be
j In-hl Willi I Is lowsi iii'-iiilx-is of
Mil- lainil in Mill- county, ami il
will ! .,,. !,( forwsird lo wills
ill-- "icilest of suit icipatimi i
, - - . . . ithe member- !' Ili' family.
Annual Event Held at the Home
I 1 In-rc sir- net mam rminlic- in
of C. L. Wiles, West of
This City.
I'h.' a ; : i ! 1 1 . i ! ! : 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; l . i i ; 1 1 i of
ill." 'A I a I I I i ! Ui'i'eij i'i'': -
la al : in- Im".'-- of .Mr. ami Mr-.
C. I.. W i : -. a few mi --s !
ii'i- r i ; . a:i,i ! n -m a.-i m rn
i1! ; m- 1 1 ' t ; j ! . : of : he t; ; : i ; J I "
ca'm- ("i!-i:i- in different
I . 1 1 -1 - ! i ! 1 1 - i 1 1 1 . a - w ! i a
Vi!l- .-...! : . 1 1 . a .: . a'ii w h--n t In-
wa- e.i;.l if w a - i i ; i I liiai
! v, . lmml:-.-. liu.! -a: herd
i . . c ;i i ii . - .m-! , ; i I . -
til. Wi'mh 1 1 ; ( - t: row n he
'...-. I !!' a ri i i . ' w i ' li i 1 1 1 ii
; : --a - i : v I 'V ill.- e- I 1 1 1 i.t id I i 1 1 1 -
wii.i i : i i i i r aii :i t i i ; 1 1 v.i.v bad - I 1 sind I lm wsiv h
i 1 ; . !..-- (i!;'-i:- oi ! Im cu - he. 1 vv a - si 'li ml li i W- d resi. I in I."
w nli- Mi -. .irah !.. IHiii-aii. "l
i. .. I'M-i-m. ..a. " We thought 1 1 - -
tin- -Isile thai ran lma-l such
a wmlliv lamily w Ilia) uf I In
Wib--. who ciiiih' 1 j in 'ai l
lavs aii-l ;i i t I in tin- ib-velo'-nii:
uf llti- count.. a well as that
f Mill- l ining. I'ia. ami the !--I'l-mlani
- uf liu . r i i i" members
of I hi- iatni'v ran 1 -1 a .-leal
pride in Urn aclueeuients that
their iiramllai 1 1 r ami i at ln-i-i
i a wrmi-h! ami tin- splendid
a : 1 1 1 ' I the. !iaf tin' cutii
i!iiinil a- W"i!li fit ii-n. am
i hi .' i i ii 'I a i m 1 1 1 1 i ' F I h'
fllllilv wlm ini- lint iii-c til."
lii'-:li"-! r-iii'iii f ! ui'' ill Un
ci HI !! t V.
William o-. sr.. was nni
August "Ji. liCij.. al L'Ui (ifi-.
III. Ii-il al :;ir a. in.. Tm"Vilay.
Anuust ,'t".. IIM.-!. al his limn.-,
thit'f 'aml im--lialf miles smith-
e( n llli.ill, ,ih. Ae, jS
eais. ' las.
The desJtll uf till- i-sl sinaltle
eilii-ii ean-i-s suri-nw ainuii-:
hii.-ls of frieiuls. iimsl i whom
km-w of the srrioiis eniiililioii in
whiih he hail lieeii lor sonic
niiiiilli--. His ailim-nt li-an with
lllelinal tlouhle. fooei 1
eoinilieat ion- that the ph
were unable to eln-eU. alllioui:h
Mr. M-t was Ireate.l I. ihc ),c-
of surgeon- in Kansas '.il ami
oilier places. A lew Weeks auo
he ami hi- wife wrnl to Chiea-M.
wlleic Holed specialist exaiuiucil
him. ami lln-j at onee ai i i -eil
him that lioi.hini: imilil he om
ami thai In- slmuM eome home ami
lie prepared for h- re.-ull. thai
llte saiillUUsI follow. lie colli ill-
m-il vrowinu wore ami hecaiue
uneoii-eious mi Moiiila siml re
uiaim-ii ju lhal coniiilimi to Ihe
ei. Tile llllielal -ece Were
hei at the home al lw o'clock
iiiesila atleriioon. He. W. A.
Taylor (' this illape comhictiiiL:
a Uriel' service, after winch the
lllcltlbel s of he Oii I-'eoS oic
of w Ii ic li ( he tlcceaseil was a n u m
ber, look charge ami a' to their
beloM'iJ blolher tile honors of the
heaulifnl ritualistic burial service
inlei iiient bein: in I In- YanWyck
! ri'iiH-li'H in Woiujiu; iirecimi.
Mi lleiiis. ;i oiii!- a, lale
from ( '.b-M-laml. will open a school
for music ami ;'rmaii m-l week.
Imiuii e at I In- lleralil ol'lice.
ieot'L:c I )o e . olle of e soil-.
of our well known merchant. V..
:. loTy. has lalely lurneil hank
clerk al tin- Fir-I Nalional. ami a
e lookill- cb-rk lii'iii'-i'
makes, loo.
I'licle .Jacob alle. e ellor
Jacob we mean, i i 1 1 l: 1 1 1 i:i "j.nou
lioiimls of the lim-si coiintr
cuieil. houie-iuail'- haiis should
ers, ami sides his week. The
Were (he finest We liae seen in a
bur- lillie.
bainiUL't? furnished Champagne
bill this banquet had a real Paine.
o t ei j p i ioi 1.
WIlV is j!osS Tweed like lllf
l-'irsj pi-aniinar departinenl of tin
llih scliooi? An.sweie.l. li sfat-
ill- I ll af tile lloss is supposed lo
be filled wild re-morsc, while our
(irainiuar depart inenl i filled b
he Morse.
ieore Sin i I ll came i;i nr
a l:ooi .sbai-e of badinage because
lie alluded In til" i"ay liaiicn
lejidiers of IMat I sim ml li in his
afternoon address.
Maor l.i i up s on wound up with
a liaild-ollle lillle speech in re
sponse lo (hi- ladies," and we all
went hoim- full of pride, thai we
hac such a nice lliph school ami
such nice folks o celebrate and ji blessjn-.
Children Cry fcr FieicJuer's
TLe Ivind You llavi Always LJought, and whirli lux 1c-n
iu nsis lor over ;; j';trst has borne the Miniature ot
and has hovix made iiiuU-r Jus i r-
Mr. Cal. l'armi-le seenis i . iae
found a ei pood maie lor Col.
Morse's handsome bay marc. Il
is a - ear-old ba lior-e, aim-!n'i-ht
and m-ar!. I be same marks:
lhe make a er lively ami I I i -1 1
si eppi ii- r iad I earn I oel her.
Mr. I'.dwaid I'osl. of liable, ami
Mr. T. ..'ill. of the -ame
place, calbd mi (In- Herald Tues
day, and we bad a ver pba-unt
;'.ml Useful chat.
Ho for auojher (Iiivii a.
liiadv's i-eal Thiei Tent Show
will exhibii in IMat I sinoii I h on
Salui dav Sept. J M 1 1 . See ad ia
another column.
siiiin! siiiH-riisuiii since its ii:faney
Allow no one tolc cie you in 1 1.1s.
All Couiilcricils, Jinif ations a: d ti .litsf-sis-ood " are Iit
i:pi-riiiH-isfstImt triik:itli and cutliin'i' the hesilth of
lul'auts and Children i:pcriciice against HApcriincnU
What is CASTOR I A
C;foria is a, liarmTcss snhsttiit for Cantor Oil, T:ire
jiorie, Jro;: ;i:mI Soothing: S ;-imi. 1 1 i.s plcusaril . Jt
i-ontains neither Ouiurn, I;;rp!siac nor other .Narcotic;
Mihstiiiice. Its ape is its ysiai-antee. IL doirnvs AYori!iS
and allays I-Vverisluiess. For more than thirty ye.irs it
has been in -nstant use; ic.r the i-elief of 'oi:stipstiui,
I'iatuieiM'y, A ii;l CIie, all Teetluri"; Troubles and
liarrho-a. It reirulates iho Sfoinaeli :ind liowel;,
avsiuiilates the 1'ood, j:iiu'j Iiealtiiv and natural &!cil
The Chiidren'.s Pauacca-The Jlother's Tricnd.
genuine CASTOR! A always
(Bears tha Signature of
Mr. Fddv Kul.pal rick made u- a
i-aii i-ii Mojnlav n mn 1 1 1 1 - . IU- n -formed
us (bal he v a s piej.aini-
lo l;o o lloU- 'ki-epiu-. and seemed
v cry .jubilant ivei" i I .
Si reifii ha- put up a bell in I In
postolfiie. ci . ! 1 1 K-cl 1 1 1 u i a wire
through the hull sibove lo tin- ice
cream iai!or over the dru- -l"if.
Momlav eVelllili: solne 14 .v hilch
ed a billl: Ciild lo e wire III llle
hall and then -I a i im i i n i; Ihi-in-
sel,. aClo-s 1 1 seel. 1 1 . I W llle
bell raii. streiishl was awav ami
Fapl. Marshall llmn-hl the ice
cream oiillil inii-l be on lire. o lie
locked the j.osioili.-e and l'u s 1 1 . -7 j . i- vjsiin u a a 1 1 1 . and paid
Tiie Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Mr. James ;oe. 1 ai h-r-i n-ia v
f Mr. W in. Hi-own. '1'reasiiier
-f the Ii. A; M. Jt. H. Co. ji, .em a--
W'ilham s. -r.. was one ol : up-l ails oi! ! find no one t he'i e. j I he Herald a i-il I lie oIIh-i- day.
Ihe Ue-1 known tirnnan lanin-r- j After some search In- found the
in this part of the -late, havinjbovs" cord, and Iraeint: il down
settled near here Ihii lv ears aia.; stairs, he rum m-nl haulin- in.
IU- -jii-w lo ma ii ii I in his na- perl'ecl roar- I' bi'V shouls loid
' 1 1 1 : i .
I i i . . I v .
n a. -I
.1 I e stoppeij bi
ll r- 1 1
I e r- ol llle i I 1 1 e lei ! il a iiclles o
Ihe ;.ii!v who were I. ami' 'hainli-'ilain's C-n-h lteniedy ami
;!! Were ..:. I. I I ll !' pfai-e of ! I I
! i e - - - . i 1 1 e ! i ; : a s . ! I i c ' i Uriu In- I
-ell,, r :;i It. I: i ..; ,.iv j -'1'' '' 1(11 d-al-f-.
live stale of Illinois, ami was mar
ried iu F.hicav" on .Nov. IT., iss;;.
o Mi-s Allii-rlina Maiiev. ami a
few day alter then- marriage
IlleV -lai-led lor lllls stale. C!oss
1 1111: the Missouri river at Nebraska
Caught a Bad Cold. (;i Mp N(iV .,s Jss;. :,)( ,.;ll
"Last wiut.-r ni sou caught a!j,,.( ,eir honn- ..ii tin- farm
which has eei- since 1 n their
home and wheie th.-ir family of
five children were horn, two of
1 1 1 -1 1 i ii a-e.f iur be
ill W ill -l. jr.. Mi-s Kdilh ' Kl
ami Miss Alma sl. sill of whom
ill-e. e ;if ihe old home. Soon
alter local in-.: in .Nebraska Mi-.
he was o i n ii- into e ; i -1 1 1 n p 1 1 n .
We jioU-lll jlls one lli'llle of
the V
I i
. I e . I ' ' - I
imi ciin-d in- cold c 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 I e v . " i j j . ;1 ..ail ner-hip wilh hi- luo-
tlie;- Au-u-t -(. became anious
lo add la liu- farm, and followed
tin- plan of combining em-ryy ;md
; I jud-iiienl ami invested their
earnings in nmie laud-. Ibis part-
1 1 f - 1 1 i 1 between te I W o bl'oheis
existing' for a period t s 1 1 1
live ears and up to live vear a-o.
the -tie at
other end. i '.so
!ia- sdn'iif a liuudred feet of -.nod
1'ii.iii so-.l I :-.-e!,.-n n us a - ! . --w
, '.-!a-lno;;e.i wnv . I a. re u,.,-,. I Why the Platte Mutual Insurance
a mm .f i.-a,i,n- l-im-h i .-. : Company solicits your business :
diti'ereui m, n. in -- of the im,,, iv ! l-'irt-t. Because they have
ol-. ii. jp ii.,. .-veil of! SHvtd tlie policyholders one-half
,ja W.,s ; -i)'!!:-'- i hat w;i- the co-t (Jf their insurance.
. I i,,M.;.!ll III'- W i '!'-- p l'e a 1 1 - ! SeCOIld. liecalse they liavel At til'' present time the land ac-
,!: -. el :ie- l ee-, ami : -a ' ijeyer h;id an usses.sinent for
: h.n :he . 1 1 . . i -. -; - w;i- eujoved i- to fifteen years,
pul ' it to., m.'.ii.v. ;- Iherewa-i J. C. Petersen, J?ecrelary.
,i..ul!i ..f the .iciiea,-!.-- ..j i,- Ollice ill Dvvycr Hlk.
-a-.ei -p;-i ad to hive i'-d si j
-:'i;i:l siml ihe ;'ea-! wa-j Attractive Exhibits,
em-u-ii l" ie:np: ,ii!. :ie. ;i- sill I jn ,,;ie- o see whal N"ebi-;i-ka
' in- - I tii'ii.:- lo essi ,ui.iu,;isib!e ; roduce iii si dry year, ill lend
w e; -e - oread out for ! in- - al h'-ri in: , i lie v a e fsn'r a I Lincoln. Sepl eiu
aud i: will lie h.n- i-.ii.-nib.-red l.r 1 r. The ;ii: ricul I ursi I. horli
ii siiier vess-s o:u- ..f ihe j cull ursil ami fruit display. will
i.-i hiiu! e,::; of ,;, kind Ihej -pecisilly slrony Ihi- year.
''amilv has i:--M. 'Manv counties hsive prejisircd ex-
The i.'-l ..!' l im d;t .wa- -pen! ' hiiiil s which will surpri-e thos,.
i-i: i" a,.. i in- iicri in-,- ,.f i;,. familiar wilh the resources
! lie fasunie- p-i !! I I I e i 1 I i I i 1 ' of the stsile.
oe ea-t. The a -soc j'lt ion -; t , .
a- tie
i In
'I'i-v I in- Joiti-nsil for siatiouerv.
Large Roasters 10x14 28c Each
Have you scon tho newest and greatest
creation in Ranges? The new
It's a wonder, and something very few
people have ever seen, much less the
pleasure of using one.
The first will be on Exhibition at the State Fair,
but call at my store and see one at home. They
are both handsome and durable, and are fully guar
anteed. Call and see it.
First Door East of Court House Plattsmouth
cumulaled b Mr . William -(
coii-i-l- of inn acres in i'.n-
con n I and 1 su re- in nt oe
colllllv. The decesi-ed followed
llie rule of hoiicsiv and slricl iu-
lerilv. Ilever pracl ie.-d liecepllon
lo Ihe e;is extent ill SlilV iillsj.
lies- I raiissiel ions, ami wsis well
known :is a miil sociable cilieii
ami ie-irahle m-iLshbor. popular
anions lie- manv su-ipi.a i ul a nces
In- h;is inside ilurini: the manv
vi-ar.s In- lived in Ihis r.'ivh-
boihood. There survives li j in (be
widow ami Ihiee children siboe
llielil jolied. Sllso I V o bri'lllers.
August (Kl of N. h.iwka and C. W.
Os of Paisiliue. 111., also one i--ter.
Mrs. ;ii;t Iteem-r. of r.lii-
Cought Wyoming Land.
Henry Illco- Went to I '.he en ne.
W'v online. Isisl week o look ;il the
farm lands in thai vicinity, and
while there he bmibl si half -ec
t imi ami intends lo move there as
soon as he can ch-siu up lu re. Ib
is sirrsut". in-", he s;is. o luie so
sici-e- u', i 1 1 1 1 wln-al Ibis f"; ill on
his new purcha-e. llenrv is ui
liusi;isjc siboul lhal coui lrv. siml
ssv he sjiw sis ood wlu-al sind
osils sis wc-re rai-ed here (hi- vi-ar.
He Vol ill close n liurils. ,- t--ood
(own in the center of lhal ii-tric(,
has si pliom- line pa-t hi- place, a
rural route, ami a school m-su- b .
This .ji'slricl wsis opened up iu
l'.'MT ami all but one 1 suv-- tistct
was old by 111". The conijany
of whom he bought secured Ihis
last hire Irsicl fiboiil a nioiilh
aso, sind sire mw selling il oul iu
piai fer. hsil f-secl ion sind -eclion
larins. Soni" of liu- land is pet-
feel ly "b- eb and id her psirts roll
ing. Tin- day Mr. Du'clos left
there In- s;is two men were in
from Kan;is ami each bought a
section, lie thinks he was foi l uii
al" in pettin": esuly. sis ibe be- of
the land is heini: houvht iir-l. e
will be sorry to lose Henry from
thi.s neiKhboihood. but wish him
good luck in his new location.
tin- reader, will reim-inncr lhal
I li e i e was i p 1 1 1 1 an excitement
ov i-r in I In- coo.ii rv liorderi.i- mi
Cedar t'.reelv sind Tinio- (aeek.
over a certain case wherein si
woman, siml a haltv. and a coron
er's i 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - i . ami lln- docloi-s. siml
some lawe!-. S; nd I he n-ni: hbor
sill nourished. The calm
I o I in- poor In.' i - e. -i a id aw h i b-.
and siller con - i..-r:ible fu-s on
both sj,es. her husba :d co;iei
h--r to rei urn I lnr I ie;;e lord and
ma-.-r. : t i I lh. l.oih did return
lo their Cedar Creek home. The
I e i- ll ho Is fe s,, much lloilolcil
bv t he sidv e'll of I I people I lull
th- ;il turned mil on Tuesday
ni'-:lil and ::ae lin-m a "cnan."
si I i.m tr.i horn-, c.w bell-.
old pan-, etc. Mr. Schisiisel could
Il.'i sleep. so lie Weill Up to see
whal Ihe nisi!!"!- was. :ui. before
loliu Sill I he oid folks in liu-l-je
hboi'ln i n had lurm-d oul.
sleep Jii-llli: imposshe.
pili'lli's fl-oni the llollse csiuie mil
ami slmied the v..uii". rsiscals who
were making ni-hl hideous, but
fil il lleinioi e (Ills ilepollenlli ssijlh
b-a'.iii us some West 'iri:iisi
I Solid for si I I'll l 'k ra l ; l oiid w ! e
Voted i'l loe Colllllv a-l Week.
.'ebrsisk;i cd -sive :!im ni.!...rily
for Ihe bond-. This ;-o;n which
th.- call Ihe Trunk, i- from '
hrasksi Cilv sm;l hvv sird. bciiiu in
lac: si emit inusit Ion of tin- Mid
line! I'sici'iic roiid.
li-h.d Si-UII-V.
ee '. V
t I'l H
lll i; III IHV IIMI ion.
.s-.-:.;. .! 1 1 v. . , 1 I !. 1 i I t ..
!) II ell Mei.ii.i-.. i't. M.I.. ! .". .
fe. I'e I . '..sil.liiur "I ; . ' e . ., I i '
I I ..lis.-. :: V ,1. I I .o .1 I. . lie. 'e. ., I . ,1
" I he -Mill l-mmil 'I;i. p'.-n- N, i.,. ,.):.-.. ti. , .: , u. -t ;
u .- I i i . , I i .
'!.. i - . I. . I l.ei :.. .1 I ,. I - I I ... - i . n
iiioiilh. ..-ii.. r."'!i '!''! ic Iii.- A'l ' 1 !',,.. ,,( i . -:.ik.
I I - l: i;i I . 'ne ,,;
i"i. ;tji.i l.;iu i , i - . Is !.!.:.. i,
A . I I ;: ! ile-, I; ef J ii. . t
, '. Ii'i.
..:,.- ' '' III 1 .. .-.(.. l'e
I I" ' . - l ii n y ;i '
. Mi i' : : '. v.
I I'll..
Pmi-imt.; U. N. l... An- i- l i .:. 1 .!.;.
of An- ii-! -J ':. I 'J 1 V.
i:di: r. M. a. !;..: -. fi.-c--
Uiolilh. .Veh.
Mi.nainu Cn !t. A. II.
I ' . a i I 1 1 . o u I h . .Neb.
Iini: Mann--.-:-, li. A. Ilab--.
1 : .1 1 I - 1 1 ; .1 ; i h. ,eii.
!'i h: i-b.-r. ;. A. I !a : . I',.il , - -i
I ; o i i ' h . Xeji.
it. A. -oi" i wi-,.-:-. I'
I i i 1 1 1 ! j . .Neb.
Avel'SUt- number m c..,:.s .f
i i c I ; i - s i , . i . f this . : i b ! : ' a ! i o : i , , , )
or i i I - I I'i I ii i I ei I. I 1, ! ; i e J , j P-
y, ,, , ... , , , ' " .! In-rw !-.-. to paid -!;!.-.:;'"'
Miss I I e e I si I e i I I I'ril - -1 l , ,
iril'lll- 111'- si-. Ill"!:l II- pree.'.lli'-
Lh" u i: i- of i'i;- ;. t ;t; e-ue.i i . I ..' r. .
li. a. i; I I .
Sworn I'l sind suh-cr;b.'d b.-'o.-e
I::.- this -mill o,' An-.'-i. I -.if:;.
-: I'll'.'! W l.!.i ..
.N.'larv I'i, idie.
M co i 1 1 l:i j ss j, , ) e .I'll'.-- I eb-
rua.v I.-;, l: .:
who has been In-re al t i ! i n u- Ihe
lesti-hei's" lslue Sir si Jsln-I sit
the bom.- of Mr. sunt Mrs. '. A.
l!"ie-t s, ,, relumed Ili'lIM' I 1 1 I -
iuo-nin- mi lln- esirlv I !u i-l in-I mi
I i ii in.
i. W. hie!.s.' .lam.-s . Cnr
bail siml Mr. siml Mr-. Walter
Miiriiesir of the icmily of Mur
r;i drov o In- epv Imhiv siml
spent the day sillei diim to si .me
business msillers. shopidM- siml
vi-ilme wilh counlv -esil friends.
.1. W. lanbrcc, di-lrii-l iin-rii!-tendi-nt
of tin- Meilmdi.-I church
IWIIS 111 llle C( ;l- exenin- hold-
ill the ipisirlerlv conference a
the church siml b-ll this niornin
for Msivnard hut will reluin lo
Illi'l I'HW to hob services ; lite
church here.
Sl.itcment of the Condition
As-; i -
I :!-' ii 'ii i.'.,-'. In. i lis - i I ... .... ..'I
-l...-;; i s :.-.
' :i-s i J
i ii liu.;'!. rii ir.ifii-l. .r. iiii'i t.v ;e,,l
ii ij. s n . , s, j. ; ,;; i.-
l:-ii: '; :i i " I I;im - j.;w! ii,..; ,11-
' ' i ! i ., .ui i ,,i i ; .;
l; '. ' ' .,'...
T 1
I- oliefi caii-i'd bv
; 1 1 ' d c . 1 1 -1 i ; 1 1 i : : . sond i-iin'i dis
appears when C i i a 1 1 1 1 ' ! I .' 1 1 i" s Tai.-b-l
s are t il A--)! . 'oi- -a e b a i i
I I A l: I i t 1 1
I. ;.;ii. up . . . .
C.'!"',,! '-:
i r t
. I l.'IH ! i'-.i 'l ' .Ills
. i'.
;: i .
The lle school bampnt mi
Salunhiy nieil p;isei oil' very
I'l'-ii-iHillx . llis ITouor. Msivor l.iv -inslnn.
presided With y-e;l ecisit
SI lid 1 1 1 II 1 1 . The s ip.-r W SI s JUST
lllSl-Mllhce nl sind llle appetite of
-iii-ls as s! erl insi Morlmi ssiys
suprenie. ii sind humor lb-w
ahmii lln- bosird. hick C.ushin":
biid himself out to he funnv. sind
slid ei adlllll ili'iv . ieo. Slllil ll
csiuie mil shorn;. S;un. Chsipnisin
eul husisist icsillv -in spile of ;t
Ver.V sickly appetite for supper
siml Professors Wj-c smd lliis
spoke muchly ami well. Cu-hiii;:
propo-ed the lii-i cmiundiuui
wh'ich wsis.- n what 'i-ut is (he
I'bi! I siiioiil li llieh school more
fmlunale Ihsiu the whole I niled
Stales Ueciiiise hc l.'uile.l
Slsiles had onl.v one Lincoln, am
if has wo. Anion"; (he 1:001
thii'-s sisked u:i: Why is tin
IMai t smoul h lli.h school like ;i
1'. S. scnaim- of the present dsiy?
llecailse it luis ils Pi-ice. Whsil is
tile dillelence between the City
C"un,ci ami ;t he.l'lsil t smm)t h Hi-th
school i u i 1 1 i i 1 1 ': . Ili-i'iiii-i' one
has si C.ushin' v in it sind tin:
other hasn't.
C;ip. I'siine did thi- siml Cushinir
retorted bv siskinp '"vvliv this ban-iim-i
wsis unlike most other bsin-duets-.'"
'j'o which l'aine at once
replied: ''That nearly all other
Tr the dmirnsil fm- csiilin:
Heart Disease Almost
Fatal to Young Girl
"ily iluus;!-'.. r. wl.ou thirt.-t-n jcare
o!J. v.aa rtri'-K'.-n v. itli Jii-art lioublL-.
She wax :-u liid we l:aJ to jilaco licr
1 Lii nciir u vi:;do7V
. CS . ... , 1 .
KsL-.- i,r breath.
v, - - -
jV child, she is likely
.-iil lo acau any
lime. -v iricnu
.Id mo Dr. Miles'
J l-art neincdy had
i ircl I, tr father.
s- 1 tri'-'l it, stud
' I-IOU'. CliO I'J.Jiw
2 ;i ii-at. usany b'ft-
:t s lie is
riii.-.l lo mo io-
i.iy. :i f:it. rosry
chf kr-d silt. N". r,:i- inn imasjirie the
eciiti.teti'-.; I hoc in Pr. Mil-v1 J P-strt
KtixsvJy." A. J:. CA.NO.N, Woith, Mo.
The rn'i ..muled cor.fidunce Mr.
CstSiosi iia- in Dr. Mile-' Ic?.rt Rem
edy is shared Jy te'u,s.iiJb of
others who know its value from
experience. Many heart disorders
yield to tri ::tniei:t, if llie treatment
is r-j,'lit. 1 1 you arc bothered with
short breath, fahitin"; spells, but!!
ine;; of feet- or siiikles. pains about
the heart ami s'h'jn!tk-r: ldade. pal-
I'lal I sin.Mii h. Neb. .u. .'!'. i '' i -i
Sealed j i, 'oli. is, I s ; j j (,, !'
l.'l.. I.I I'I - AMI I M'LMH I I'lll - I i iir im V. I. M(
I I'l Mi .' 1 '. I. .. . I'.'i ..
Kl.' lift-.
! iii 1.' i . , i.;i i.arni .1 ii!.v t- I '! - r ' :...:. -
1 1 j. - .... ; oi
i (.:! m
i . 4 ;
I'm i-i reianis smI line-
ceived bv lie- l'lsiil-1 itll I !", I I 'd ; ! -"al " Iv I'""1 v ;
. i 1 1 i . 1 1 iin- " uii.i ium'n i;ii.i I. II I ;i.-
of I ! u i c;i ! inn. iii ihe oi.'ice o .1. a.; v ...I,- s m ..i
lb-ben-, iu ii,,- plaits. .. o,.ih s-..i. i j; 'j ,'vt'.v;,l;1ii : ' . . . : . " & r'
,;;,,!k- 11111,1 "Vi",A '" ""i Te,iJ -V-l
I lie.-. lav. the ith dav m
b.-r. t'.'t.'!. and lb-n op.-m-d. I
iln- l'u im i -ii i ii - of a i I n ia i .-i in ! a
Isibm- I'm- ;i si-jnch I
l.M-l.NI'l l 1 Ki s
i '
v er ,
-;,! i . ... .....a
he cou-lrucled fl'olil lln- ' i ' i ia i ! l ;i-li en ini'i.i
i ii. . i. i i I -i-'i i i' i..-i i-'i'i Ta - i r,i.l mill a. I
-CliOOl llUII'illl- JI CI'O-s -I IIO'.,; V:, ."l
-I'i.iiihU o Yum street, th.-n ea -1 I K"ni ..n'i i: i-aii '::u:
I re i lo ev epl h ! t .!:.!
.'..(... . ..
i:.c;i c-.i
oi: Vhi
c . i : i m -c I i 1 1 I li' i'i- wild i : i .: 1 1 1 -. -w
Ti'i:--' ! ' ; I - Isiid to a r!,,e .
;.i.'.oi' 'm
VX-. SL, til:
j'T--'-' A.
I. Ji' ' I li'l.f. "-ni;i:y ef i In k.I'W
!::.: . .1 u-- ! in .' 'i. ii'j - ,1. 1 1 1 1 j . . s xv .,( I!,. -it 1 1 .
I in l;. -i' ifi::'-ii !' I ,e 4-.iniii ...n . .r . -
ie i . I 1 1 lo insure strain-! I I''. ! I : -' ; j - i:.- "ii. i i ue a mi .'. .1 i t 1 1) 1 In I.. r, ,, ,,: v
. i , i i i .ii. r , i I i i , , , I. ii' av ! .1,.-. i. ml In in l .
si 1 1 pipe i " he laid with I a i ! to i n - j 1'. :. I'l; i m
sijre ooi d I'Sl 1 i: I a '- e : Jill joi'.'- .. . N l ::' o1 :
ii , i i . i P. l: -'' I i t:. i
belaid III cem.'Ill Silld lil"l II.M.sil-VMi llKV, I ',iv.-i,,i,.
joints to in- w i pei I c i e;i n of cei nen I I I - ' I ' .'-Mil la. Kl;. I
i ii .. .1- i i i ,,, .. i i . i : Sii i.i-i an .i hiiu f,wiii ii i,j Im fm.- im ii,., ';,
and sill work lo lie .,.ue in a b i -1 - j ,jay ,,f .i,,iv-r..:.;. l'. iiici.
clsiss workiu'inl ike uianm-r. i '' . . N-ai-.v P-ihii.-
... ., o ii i i !-x ej:ii:iii-M..ii I'Mur, , ( , ,,. ;..,
I . II . I'o! I' ick.
.lohli Schulhof. I "
I'!. II. We-coll. j M' j;.
."special I .' : I h 1 1 U - Couiiiiii ,-. -'i' ' , : i ,i ' N ; ;i :i ;. j ;
: I i ' i :i : . I a rt .
. 1 " ' A' 1 1 I t !'. I I l.e I.'. (.: I. ,, .1 . ,,,
Mis. jo-m-'e A. I "i -1 n-: i ; s-.m!; m v.' . t ... . -,..i.
' -' . -i. e ,,r A , x
!;'. a e, i ,. ,.
1 . : i . i 1 V
1 - : i : i . t m i 1 1 1 ..r v . i :.
Mrs. John !'. Mei-mui r w.-re i
si. i Id's i ; i , 1 1-1 1 : i ' ill o
" "- ' ' ! 1 1 . . !' ' ' i ,. s i ; .. ..;,! j,.,., ... : .
for Omaha v h re 111 -o !. sn- ( .i.-i-.i-t i- lit- ..-i r ;,i,;;i n,, i
. i 1 1 m . ' ' ' "! o ! : ji i ; , , , (I,,, . .
cmupan.v Air. aohu P. .Me , - i , : n j , , ,,, i ,vm,. ;,,.. u (,
hoim- from lln- hos,,jlsil wh--,-.- be . y; ;! ,"; .';; '"' .
A' n". ! . i . .1.1 ri, l , f . . t , j j i , .
i-raiioM. ;:::rih;j zrv.izuu-'t-.'r
j'; -"' 1 'li' l.lel l!,l.t II... J;. ,1 - ,,: I. ,.v
3100 Reward, 1C( j J l-tiiV-' y' -A.V!::, V;-MV. : ;r
M;" , i I el : :: I ' i . " ' : i' ;i- 'i ' ' I I ' 1 ; . , , ' . ' ' 1 1 I ' 1 i i
"i'- " " - :' "-'. II I-' I ' li l-ll'l e .,, .1.. ,;. , ..
I hut M-ii-i l-:e " i'f'1- ' 'C ' HI " ! ii,e ... ,., , , ,
I I line i-m .:! rn. ii -i ' r,'..-. l'ii' l "li 1 i ;i
a r i 1 1 : . in s;i ,, c, .
pitation, w-cai: smu r.unyry spen-, i ... ' ,.,,.:, :.;Ii...,.,i !v, ... t. 1 - i .. i. i..;.
you -lio;:M begin ts-ii.j; Dr. Miles' I o.,r,.;':( '..'.'''r!.,'.! ,t
Heart Kerac ly at once. I'rolit by j ;
. j, 1 1 . i: I . iiiiu i, .;,t t'..,!.. i, ,.
, t,,;..., . ,.f ! 0-..l'iMir t e iJlten In j .
i.v l :; . i '. u ' ' ' ' -s '.' . 'i. '! :.-ln i: a r ,:, ( . ,
,,' ...i,... o... t..,e. i-i -u. ;-...! I ll.:,.. ,.,.. - ,ii i . . . i . t.
t Is e experience ot oli.ers wiu.e yo'.t ' i.u: .in i . t'i.- ,-.-i- r t-m -m ;,i -i h- i-ii i..i- ''" ;in .i . .:i i. it n.-wn.;,.... r ;.n
may. . 4 h. ir:;. h ' . 1- .-tir-aU- i.. v . r- thss' ' i '. ' I :i ' - .
1 ':' r - . tl-M il i VV i I lii-t. IllV li:itl ll
Dr. iVules' Heart Renie-Jy is sol,) ana j r ,,
1 I'i", I : l I i'i:: in .-.ill
guaranteed l)y ll druggists.
MILES MEDICAL CO., . Elkhart, 1 Ind.
A-icr. ; r. j. (:u:n: v & ., r .. .
s ,i : - i I'rui---i--s.
Tuliv; Xiaii I' l'iili fv r e .bU.u vl'-'Si.
ii- -, . . , t , r i !
I ,,;i. ....:u i e j.j t i..i ls , j v
I ef Ai-ite.-t.
uy t.'iC euan.
ALLX .1. iiKiJ.-'ieV.
County Juee.