THURSDAY. AUGUST 25. 1313. FAGt T. mm....) i .i iimi . Children Cry for Fletchers Local Kews 51 v in wrt -tir r-."- -?.oz, xi w--.vr i iTrs. . ja Kmnavi and daurh. I for. Lei ''cue, are i iii iit" l'n'-; imme -d K -I. llyr.old : and fam-i J J HULL IMl'.itM i)4 I : i i 2 I ill UUJU'Jtl. uLwir U l I rjn,' liml ou II . ve Always HongOf, ami Mhich lias Tetu in u-c for over I'J rears, has lirm; f lie signature of' .... i i -r has town i?uido iu;cicr lii vr O"- y; sonai JujH.rviim m?i:o it infancy. t'-'i yjf CiX-cJ.i'ZC; Allow jio oiuf lcfcive cm in t!:N. Al! rumf rV;Jst Iiui(;ttin ;ul .Jil-:is-ol :ir but; j:p'n;iict; s that". 1 rifl v. U ;sul Mnl"i-.rrr Im lic:Ith of - Infants CIdkl reft Ibiiieriem-o against -E:sieruiiciit The- foIic.iMr.ra take a from tho. lOmnha Ecr. will be of :?: reel lo ! George b;pohn, Charley Graves, Iceoi-o Smith, Shored Graved El i?i Craesn Laura Chalfaant, i Narcissus oiann an J J. D. Graves. med persons meat dur- ;e month: Win. B. swe ar ia? en, Vallic Martin, GcraldirTe Ada L;n..r of Linevin i:::eti; rea 0a ' J ? -- r T" I URlY VRs n!iO fellowins name Ulssl I LiUU ny(Jive ilcdthi5 depart j:n? lue month: ;n. jir.gcn, Vallic Marti'a, K3vk : Gullion. Alma Wiley, Clara Mc ; ;:-..v uud J' I.'ii C:'.i!iiln il. TIlCsC 'lorrrs of Sr.tost-to CJd and fi m )!: city J'..,:- a few dav. v;-!,;-. j ; I'mh;, t!-o :'Ct".":i:i of v.i jo with fri.'-ad-. v. ill riaai.-i her.'- j dc:;Ui !.. lu-u. v;aj ' .!! Known to ; until riiinuL'y. luuiiv o"T our reDpI-: arnl wa.-, r; ihrothcr of Mi--3 H-Hie Kc:i;;y, tCi-ock cur'i- ui (hi-- morni:u' l:v.;n I ff.v oco removed to Cc.h-; Hot . t!v i-rr;-a:nn. snwod a; '1: f,?!TiaiC5 'uiJ ariiJ tI:'- nM'rage ; their lior ie anu i.-eni p f:'.v hoari ' forr.ja to- 1. Residents of CUy Which Were . vijiis ctcupiui an acragu of s t i: v. ri hours t a en. New Forty Yara &20. j -The enrol line. it in the primary ; department wa s as ffilows: Ma!(!. 1 -ii.:nip eff i.-: feci undt-r wate-r j here witii fnendr. 'OR I A ! ; i-j of eap."..-c? ""a; j !,,:,. .--terik' y for a .-hcrt tune ! o.'iinu-: i:r !'r-.i..! It -- ho;::e to lot: t " , L. Ke.ucy, : eutr.j' :lt 1' i.-. hD'' venue- Council "ie ivil !):u.k r v.:o:;!v l-'ft ;.jr :., ,- ; j. r;. n. coiV.rany, j !s';i'es, 21.5. total earollincnt. 01 ; -uvl l:e'id I n " l-re c ! ! r. ! ivr s id" o '' tri1 vera;2e attendance, -U.5 5 ..'::; U j ! h- si uiVij- till she cam r--i li ' . 1 . 0 L '"! -I r- '. ' 4 1't t.ii-i C;iria :i i:riMl-s s'jTst if nf c fur CVslof Oil, Ia?o-i:r;-. Irsris :un. SI:;npr Srt:;s. It i- iIr;i,:uU. If, fn(:i;sis jk illii r iiiiii, .li p!u: jir tbcs Mr ytui ut;ij-4, ;t is it irii:ir;;nl-c-. Ft tte&trcys Worms vsuvt .(I! ms Y'v ri-Jui'cs. I"r uivrc- lUais i?irty jcviri it las Ie s in fi-: ;u!t. for tljo relief vi Coast '.pation I i?t !?' , Wind "U'-. ;l T c-tisi'iir Troubles ;ni fiart-im-.V- It rtu'iilsiici StraacU uvd J5tv.-c-L?s ;-iu!il-iN--; 5m- ( "m.-j, jjIvmuC lj:lIiy ;sml natural titer. Tilt- Cbiltiicn iaai-ea T.'io Alutucr's iiiemi ::i .";r. enrciouc-: ear-, and h" i-il'ontied u ti'iU i: .'ni"-,e y. .uci;Kr-v., jr., wuo'T. ! ( .c i h;ib !. en s i'-endiiiv; n v.eok or ro 1 '.'a. n;rv v. r " : ijiti!i- 1 ek;i ? m lv.:iin. Hi., re - j ' ike. Tie , p. ivep'-'' turned r'i ihiv n rn in r- i r-. ; -.1 v-.: .. ye-r; J. .M. Tunldip V.cepir.i- Wa- v.h.n i.e o ;i m the c.:ty 'cuerdii' for r::-ir.od heij over ; ; 1 i !'' 'V.iv. hei'i ' e'lil.'d h?ie to I : . corr:fort;'b : ee , 3 0 ! . ' ;.:0'.' t 'i o: CENUJfJE GAS 1 1 niter ..uajv iiul- ".;:; iv v- a r- : n:'v ..e-'-i fu.-UiCi I v.o fortune c".d . n-"-uth th-":"' future ! "i?ee in the ri-..-s-: i I..",..:.. .- ' " 1 ,,:, of --nue now 'to Juds-c Ellison STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP, MAN AGE WENT, CIR CULATION, ETC., of The Plaltsrnouth Journal, pub lished emi-Weekly at Platts mouth, Neb., required by the Act of August 4.- 1912. Editor, M. A. Bales, Piatt, mouth, Xeb. Managing' Editor, It. A. Dates, PlGtUmouth, Neb. Business Manager, II. A. bale?, Plattsniouth, 'eb. Publisher, H. A. Bates, Platts mouth, Neb. It. A. Bates, sole owner, Plalts noutb, Neb. Average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the date of this statement, 1,625. R. A. "BATES. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of August, 1913. onv -.i.'er MichiTndvr eafrcft-j ' Seal, THOM WALLIXt, .d on N..b:-avk soil. I Notary Public. - (.'My commission t'.pire. Eeb- TS;e n-turchal a : the city jndare i ""arv 13. 191U altei'dauee was. wukv. 2'J.; fe- 'f.'nl ("irnfl'TT'il ii, iinlli O-i :r'"-nt ? w;:;- 0-j, and total aver AttEadaace or about 7 ;tv Pdnker on the ccn ,jf ''nrolknent. jj. !. aeeier nas returned e!'.''."n 10 .'kit ' ' - " - 1 '""'-i-n .;u 1 trpoi 1 . !.!. '(:'!;;i'ri" i - c 1 T suund a? a dollar and hearts ' ; ! . A (Ilainei-.- 'a-.e "';J a falling Imut ,ho own- J7Bi:'? " The Kind Yon. Have Always Bowskt In Use Fop Over 30 Years j Cl:;'iC UV 1.' -t C i . it ' a h-ur- v. ui: rclati'.es her I on-1 alter :o-in . :ii:a:.-;-- ; - or ttt i S:t.i:s.-tf j j- tl J.'fH fiM n U iVi lis-, Ui.'jiiLUiL. , :. . . . l,. .'io :u. r a - z r v. ' . c r ri . i i. j'cr t e:.".'eri- .d' ! hi- !-;o :. nou't I-', u nn-n town that v f rt'. : jI in rior-eny or hcu"-' L- " rent". duiius I'fpperi.ier has boulill o'i; t'.:e Co. part of iiie concern, . i Iivr.:ai';er run? the machine Cii o. Julius it cail and buy - ;i;0ie line eir'ars. I P ' ntrjM Co; V- : . . ' n 1 .' I'.. i ba:v 1 - n :.. ! ....'O j , V 00- S 0 VI- . :.: , i : t; ; f C' '- 1 it:- SMALL I1BE STARTS AT LOTS GF APPLES FQF5 EGENOERGER FFEO BTOBE . THIS SEASON !fi!i L' ; C ' . . V: ' c:: I - n f - p - ..:.-- .i.i 'i'.e : t : o ' r n.oc u -tavtod Orr ro nr Mile n -'-.-.j v !. I : c. ""-lie :i n i!;e on I.- ': '.!. c;. o: v-ur-.n:'. of 1 1 " cy hi' -,-C;....t.iji, i.i-r. i'-.-v the ,-ur; -; r-i i' v.r.ij thi- h;-rd I'ou M-p- r re I" ; i e oi. !-"'' of re h -i ".'ullei'v, .jr., v who has I:::'.: h:.:"i ' HOW l!OUi:0 lately, IS no." furui-bin v- I lie saiHe. ;i n-1 Mm-. h; yxk. tlie I'm rnit ufe man. '-'" ::" -cVr. it wilt bo a ".-plkikum" ont- :; uu; :t v.hoii ils all dun-. - j - 111' 'l X l I v 1 1 V i i tlil 1 . J ' ; d-!i! f ('.. C'Minty, and w 1 1 ! ! i . : i th- : Lh "-..;': b'-e:t appointed recener of public taoni'. s :n the I.'. . land ufliee at privo. I'tah TeiritoiA. At last tnrc .'('. -:d i T- ,1 r-.-r.i- -..i i.mi.- ,. --.n : nerd aero 3 ad r,t,j v.v. .:;-' - o .o-'-o: i' :ne o ck". i. t !.' 1 1 ; ; I :i ;i v ,i - - i : i - I y; , i - i i I, .; ; . ; i ! i v j i iai;-i'.i : i -t i . -'i-d lh-- i ,v Mi ll auy-oue ieni !.. -. iI-;-;e- ti;.- :Ii.:j:.j is:;ve l'e- n ;M : ' i . e, lii-- .PniriOil ..ii'..-.. au'i Cs, : P : ":' ' -neiirPojl- .-it erabai'j-h- t'-.-.-iii' ' ' ." ' ,i of :i;-n-rd v.: . ;, -ni... f V CM: -i.e. i.; v ::m i it-:i! i'i ir:f;r-.v-.. 1 1 I Hi.-.- O il--" J .! ,1 . i ii .;t i ; !i . ! Ji : 'i'-r !!"'i-o:i i; -i !" Hr" i- -1 : 1 i " ' ' 1 ,j',i,-f r esierdi i , i i 1 i -1 i -i ? ip' ! it : If ;.. ..;i.;i-! v...;-.-, 'j.-:-:--!. ! ii-e- h -(;! :: i ; . . -1 1 i ' I O h .; v itli 1 h- tiuco t crab- 1 - 1 , 'Pi-;"-1 1: . i t onn- 1' rty "ii it. and r,,. c;;'-i t . . mt" n d V( n ' ' . 1 . f'b.- Ii;- u;--i!f Mr. lindMja -taL.; that 1 ;-. i i . ; 1 1 i . , 1 . . 111.- I . .. O . ! j . i f ! . an ..'ii ' : i -i .1 ;.-!:! ! . . ! iii.- ,,! v. :. i ; I ! : ' ! : ; i . i- I I"'-'' 1- !U ame condition and; i-j for Una: ha. :i i -. one t alter . ti-.-.- v. :ii -;;-y iai 'lh;; ;M-"tl:' T J "(." I' "f t.-i.M that ! T. I b.-i-.- it. :,;--. i-..;.: ' v .. .- 0.0. '.. . ". ' rtC' i ; . I . i . i .. , . . t . . .. . . ..:. ! I i ( . i , 1 1 i - i ' : - . i in . i i - i "1-. - ... t. , i- 11"- ! ii.- Ii w a - : i v a- .i .!!..- I : ;: I-;-;. I-; OH. . , ill i I . I". ',,)' .ii. i ' ; t 1 i ' . . i'i!'.; 1 1 ... i . i , 1 1 . ; -: 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 lii .;;; r,': :.v v.i:l,.-;. . : . , . u M R P R ! f! ? :: i ! a : u - - r l- I : - : 1 . t . U a or BIABI1IA8E CF i?BS. SAOIE P. a I.;;-..--.-:: !!! i- t !; - i- i' -a - i h-j n . . i i a a. a ' n a hi:.' t 1 .-i . ' larouIi the energetic con- taaf ne?d : tract or, Mr. Dexter, . uun High t i ti 0 .i Vi - I 1 -, , , i 1 , ; or i Till inn rr. c r Ii - i I.' 1 'U1IU1!A i o i i i i it '"! '-"" '":'T' ins completion. It., a . eiiiieetural !"nl ''". ,:a j- on; o;s (v. ith one or two ex- n - 0: . ! ti: - ! -ii ,r . si vit tilp:l w ii .... - . v t- W V -. i - V '..- 'he si-Jit , and will be an c r.. Ma'-iii to our city that the V ' ' Vnn! : " rp. mflV Well bC pTOUd Of. WO f :::-? to !.:.'. c all ih' sorry, however, to say that the master mechanic has not viov.!i that care in the con.-lruc- t.-.rT. The ct!'ccr of;, an of ti;e buildini- that the er- jurori ar- j hitecf evidently conteniplaled, as A1TACH;V1NT NOTICE. Winzcr Lang", alias Vincal Lons, will take notice that on tlm 1 ith day of July, 1P13, M. Archer, a Justice of the Peace of Platt mouth City, Cass County, Ne braska, issued an order of attach ment fur the sum of 10.00 in an action pending- before him, wherein Mike Press is plaintiff and Winzcr Lang-, alias Vinsl Loris, is defendant; that property uf said defendant has been at tached conaistiny of iimney in the ii esses sion of the C, B. A: Q. II. it. Co., as garnishee, under said order. Said cause was continued to August 30th, 1913, at U o'clock a. m. MIKE PHEIsj, Plaintiff. i " v- .... ,i aovr i ; " t- j 1'.".:- ! 'i distance of fifty or sixty rods, - -. ., -r i-ifM -,-r .- 'h'y cm -:! a we"! nf care in seltin-r, connt ' P.d-.-w lioiii.t s. they beius ndiy out of plumb. mitici-:. In f'oiiutr turt. STATE OF .NUUJiAbKA. C'ountv tif Cass, bs . In ii. f Mattor or tlte Cttate of Jcunte R. Wells. I'c-ctased. Not on tl.ii' lMli 1av of ugut. .. r. lyi'i, tht-ie v-iis filed tn tl.u Court the i-ctitiari of V". V. Xe:. .lU'jtieK t!i'T-iii that th- faid Jennie Ii. !; deia!teil this life on or about tiie ijlut Jay of Jtiiiv. lt17. at It'-J Dak, In th-J state -of tuna, un-l was heiztd tid fo ptssf'J of real estate in Cass County, Nebraska, all of which 1 wliolly ex em;;! frciii atia hiuent. -X'"fite'n or fit her iii'?Mic- proei.'ss and not far iiie pa; M'-iit of the (Ifjlit of i-.ift itra.-i.d. ti- prayer of i-aiil pctitior fs tliut repninr aitminlsti ation a, Itnfa Mltli a:id that t:.o licirs at law men uonetl In sai'1 petition Ins Jeolnrt'l t) only h'Mrs at law of said d;t ea.pil ; that this Court find that taid property is t-xeni;it and enter bucIi orutrs as are provided hy law. It is therefore ordered that a har-Ii-ik be had upon said petition belc-re ti.if; Omit in the count v court rooiii at I'laitsinouth,. in said Count, on the Sth day of September, A. D 1913. at 'J o'tiork a. ui. and that notice of said l-i-ai-inf? be piven to all persona in terested by publishing a copy of this oriier lor three weeks 'j- 'tis I'iatte mouth Journal, a ncikrar' r r-u Mls'.ic-I and of general tircu.atuu in said ! ana it. i . a v. : ; i fV. A la ck of space and absence of a 1 1 ' : . . i i ! I i ! I I -. i i 1 I a. : I 'i ' - t la- .. . : i - a ; : ; i ! :, t : -l"n?d Pi . .ha !:' EH OF GREEHWaQDi-"i. -'Vi',"; no: .! a ea ! i I v-, a - -!! i: a j Mr. C K. Ib t-ee o1' .isiilatid -n- r .. ,a it - . . r t . i . . a. l :a-.. i..,t : t-.. . -i i - . -'t.-e nun; !.. , ;.'.s ...n I V!'"' nnM'-d in marri.-t: - eh.,- - vli.-.i a l.-th: jaornc "f t;:e bride in Cr- "OCC ; - ,::.,.p-ea ii..- :!''tt V euiur, the lie. . Lemon ol :Ol f ii..- la -. ; i. ,-r! S.-i; ! i.;- .- i -t cr. Mt" - Asiil-X'.-J eoadU'M! a a 1 1 1 two coio rue-.inv partn. at fhr e :n . en I ' I -M - '. a - :".''- i.'-p lava;: J'ea.--aa !'.- n h- ;-i !'!.! iiV-: !'. h r f a h ii a,. t , i ,i fait e - id. . . a. n rt:on ot t nc time nave lutnerto ...,.; i 1 :i r, N. C:em m-rs. J. H'e! J. C. P. rraoer. T li '. i i' i. 1. 1 us Ironi inaUintr any f the fact thai one of the e v : Mi 1 lae s mi mm to ph'o- I ion A! ThE HSrlE libr In-a.'o. i, 'trior. J. U'aters. T? Hobs an ; ! -.rcst. best lo.ikin?- and best ' :!:n- mi! rord me a the Uoston or x. T). J i-':-iiiM1-. t p -o - T. t. Cnnno-t. J Witee-s my hand and the seal of tUf. Countv Court of taid County, tnii. lb tit dav of Auirust. 113. By tho Court. , ALL UN' J. tlELS'OV. Countv Judo. t. pre.-one; d . the fannlijj of , . a L . A . : . '11 .' i i i i r. .1 -f North Pialte, N-b.. vCa? ! been Lock o h" -r. r c : f CMiio a v.-r.'n oki fri:-r.u?, cr.!n. M T. 'A-h.te. V. n. -cu-.hl' ' Vo i II -de to !r. Ja-irs R. Wocd . 0 'i'"i' -r. t". sV'hl !. . . TI. "fe i. i !.!.. ah., h -. .1 n.-.a-.o ,. j.;i . . I ! . .,1! I'.i-O'. a '-! ' ! a I'd '. a ' - i d : I ' I - i 1 1 1 i" ! l I . . - i lie- .-:---!-:., i. !, , ' l 1 - a 'l l . I . - I I ' '' ! i.Mr. a. i.l Mr. J. C. L-m-n amJ v . " l.V ; ' '" I , . . , . . iwilh I . I'. . Ii.naa an.i Pa- d-'ti-li'i r. a;-. .t;d Mr.-. Urn-on, i,P-lm-' !i, Mr. Titd Mr- U'. "v 'i0'' tn: c.ty :: I" 01 !.-.--!-: ., Mr. :m:-J r'l-n'i th-. f-llo'.v: 'in .';;! - .1' M- : ; r,--., 'o-0. T:. it--; ,j. W. Jennin J : . " j-ar h. T"v; P!M-r-.r. J. Lcs- "." J . ' ' ' 1 D. Co!--. D. k i .o !e. ! ; sa-v iv n. , TJrti.fv. IP W- 1r ;n ill.- Lui- ,.!;-!,.r, J. Lyra h. C ( Nenc i: to c o. i i( ri nns. Sealed bids will be reclved up to iooii on Monday. September loth. l&lo. it the rebuilding of tiie County 1'jor On t-c, lately destroyed by lire, located :i tie County farm in Cum Countv. brajUia. three (3) inile west of t month. ' :i"1ce.p ':-"CaaMc f.r ipe Ji A-' -"vr, avi speiiflcntlons can be keen , ' " ' K. 1 ; t tin- o,-e ..f the Countv Clerk. hi. ' . ". '; :. a 0 . ii In Si-TiU ii- I -ai-'-Tti.- 't- Ner.. or in the oftoe of or -,ri i.awri; rchitect. Omaha. tb 'Tifl'-d el-fjrk of $000. 0t munt ac- m :in pail- hid. l a"i 1 i'i "" I ii i he ueaf ral I asseili- i Count v f'onjmissioners reserve the .. - - .- .1-, ... i . ;..) ..f. ii ,ht to reject any or all lililn. o-p.-rt ai-.-nt ft Mrs point, and u. c. Mounts. County Clrk Ptflttsrnouth. Neb.. August 1.1. 1913. 1't for Chiccro a few weekr, a: nni passenger and land . i for the U. a:. M. i l Nt f b -; -iaa i'.'i-;!'..' j!ti- m.e ; i i : , i: - !.:.-! I '. i ' v . v. b- i'.- ! h . . i i i - ..-Mi! in.- d;:i i - i i ! ; ci-.-f a i'i.- ..'-ii j.U'ji'-xl ! '.' Mil' i'1-a-Iers "f th-' b;acl.!e to i; t .. . .. I . . . . : . . -1 ! . .... a: ; ia. ' -.aii; ioii iieai a . tii--a I 'departed )tt-r jai the Ociiiu" f'O' ':ni .'iiifii triii In I tb - "iri i i n'a l.iMi . 111.. Mil ip end aorn-i three j ' ' " : '!" ii i i l miii . u i i. '. !'o i i- w -l-? .. 1 . jjc a. 'ii::a aa.a.'.:j iai t , i iaerniao ii'os.i iiinci-pvi'i, -M1S- i -e-v.r.t. n'-v- a - !-..' ucen iccam aft-.;- In-, land io'v'c.I there. report- the w.orte'.n ih'-re ahc-'.v I v. h'TC th- or :r w t. .. X"C- Tna P r r- ' i - I - . J C. L . i -ii tr ::;:-. w j-".-:. f r- ; -e to Lo held! on. Th,: .lai.r, L1::1! McK.nrion had a ru-rw- lr..'-.-. : . .-'..'.: o'"'c- . Ch.icasi'o, Hi. Mr. d - r ined - th.? rcsp ct and ai va!i ...i al! people whi!'1 . a r d v c hope be may succeed a tin.: hirrhtM lnmors railroading 'ins in store for a man of that is or the beat of !iis inclinations for i-i !:c future. :i- .-i.-t-r r ..... l,... -- , voer.v laov rno n rr. r ci in Lao v:st, j rton's d:ori.c ho will c arc ' fowu are ;-'--tiinT f crtiiched- or! The OaPC-ition Outfit met at Statement of the Condition FHE UVIN3ST0M LOAN AND BUIL0IN6 ' ASSQ3IATI0N PLATT5VOUTH. NEB. JUNE 30.1913 ASSETS V.'tapini: Vi'airr, on Tucsdav, and . Frs morteasc loans Muiaatt d tie" i'o!!--win- iich'l: ' cau' .'. ( iv- ( ' J ' 11 " : " , - i i .i- t: i a;::i''. v... ' :a r- : ; h ;rj. -We.p au- Wain, on Tucsdav, and . . , j .-.. i'-. a a i: " : ' u" ; i 1 : - ' ' - - 1 , -a a;a n ro. a i ii - iu;i- uii-.- uc.' i : A?.inn Bowrl rroiiblc iih;' prc-eaC ;.iid xmII !:io-l ;!i-.ay,t,.,; " v , ...f ,.ri,. r-.v. rd -'or. !,,,,. r.. 'i no; au.'a,- jii!i-oa h n enh.i'P- ' -ana v Cbaaa Wm; McCrai-; -M. . .-,.!;.., ,: j ':' Vv;;"!,;i i:! llul'J-:v.crJp.':;Lia,.a to vr:-don. Ncii.. '- la: - ' -b has C:e add-.c ; incr his o;a:la.. i. c, turning hi Trrasurer, J. C. Chiaiaiin-; Sher:ir : r "!- : 1 -'-y j Aulauu L-azclic. ;vc,u hv:.rir.:-r.r, v acre th--; u-'Tiirte of LaiuL' iocat-rd moUicdd bole and D"c:cr Eir.k's, into ' 'sines s lirnr sai; probate Judge, : : b; V;:,; ':;;b'.' ,';! j;; j."ssliij ',' ' 'TOiv.ijli.,.:o. a f-v. d '!;.:' a a .ii: v.n-ni-;0'y t th. rr-i'-road d-.i ot ; one ::o'-'l rind. hao-Jro-e eour! tos. Wools; Purveyor, A. L. ;. : i ' i i : ;j I. i !', iOealh Caused ' : i ' !:nu-e'' O'v-i aai'O a tbeai a . -1 Uu -bn-ho. ia:'h" ii h-r.-'y for t lie jti. ith a jiK'ic.b-i P-aaai b t L'rown: Coroner. C. II. Kia: Sun to j vac!: t':e xrr.e Ircru : iiie va.'.;t viud--ws. r.ud with ue.a in! eialeul. Ehler Miller; Com- - i. -. p. . - - - i . . .. v- t.--e 0 . i -. e -. n?s, ibmabei a very; -d-sioner. W. E. Porter. .I t i : ;. . .a 1, i- f I! ..." I 'Ji h I lit, . .? :.i: : - ! . i-t ' i.i.niy ii ' ; i I r. t !. ) J' ' .1 ! B 15 m m -v aco w k a w nt Oc;.-r: he'd a 'o- ' o li i t - : r i ti i - - - i i a ' a , . pcc'obh' probate -judge's heed-. :oaa .-T: the v-'.-rs !M anrii:';-!''- ; II. Sitye Horoic!:, More & Poricr-1 ti on; tor '.bao.h'.., v.;...- :h-.; Ii field, Wholesale Drvy, -Com-1 ' ' ;; . . '", :', .:.!!! i'l i i-i -iy ' I . - :;'.a;baO a-a:- a,.. Iba-h- !a. has a ... p..- 1 cui) fiai other' ;?!. 0 :. j: r jaMto, ti - o- !,- -i-in tin- n of t!r- c:rnre-b boat w e -- ii-- ly left -or p-ae- i'ni'S'-Cd men iia;n dioa.", iner. i r. Th-a coll it a stiong ticket. We ho i.oh Tl.ere can be no cause for a at -faction among1 Itepublic "v a T a1 Central Connnitt ee' v.ere ".-'a ' .a i'.a desired to abandon 'o :1a :a and '0 into a U rangy "'..c.o, t..r a so-called p-enple's t. and iMtswcred, almost to a Diiijy tt Slou.i Ciiy, jovvh it'ii. no. rn: 1 1 the-' vail i ;. . : t j . 1 1 .."... . i Cor ihe nay. YIt i 'ite ::ii-i h.n-.r i.l ;ity lar-M-fiin- i. i y iiiij.-'i t.'ai. i'i us ittf r - jr.. j -. ;-i t il l- a. 'i i i -tf ;ind .; ; a.i i.'i- 'i ''' i--ji. I ! . t i a- a t :i : t " I-' ' i (bil.pi-: ;it(: r. eic-r i !. Ail aaiia- I.-. ; bn"; 1: ;'! it i- In : ;c. ebed 'On-.-f-iiati -." crD li ',:; i- rii- ;le J i r-i '.-a '. b If. : : i a-. I--' !.:.-:- ;i.;.b . ; -, . -a a.i " Is y i .(; '-. J : aaac '.'f Tb-' t::bb tb. ir r r:. ave :a;d e:::;.J; -i:' - r- (.;ir-;:l to nay cbibb v. ::h tb; n rait tbr.t are U.Kca v:t: j nc i a-.'.ca. laivor a. :cncc a.:.; t.-.a-. ia".r:c Ur. ;ii;c;' I.:i-:ni-'. -f Tr.blzis the idcnl rctr.crjy for cbildr-na 3 If tb- fr-i b-rr f-bh brarfit, j.ftl I a rej.t'e-'.-iitat n .- ol- .:'. oil f-fiidh -!"tu!d tit- .MOEsiE-0-CIlE C-HEM1' 'AI. ! i:riiiiiv ft oim s.- i:.!;. ti;o M l-'i "(.. jdaced lli-ir el'-r;iiin I v, re be !. '' brea a-iina : ;i 1 1 i- I himiahiitif wari-h. .!!-; f.-y, w . Mi-, b-n.. it siif- I hat Imii- Ilia.- im! Iran : ed :tt ": 1 . I.'.;;- !' :Ua:i .man an. rats m- mice of an,', descrip !ini;., I 1 n.-ina .-.tim- v. "had ' j ! i ' 1 ' t ; e- e id'-i nidi- vend- !-1 i e. . d ai L'tol ' '-nri:'- "ir-. Om;' h a m..;a:;-. :''; . '' '.. : !a.- nr e; ' : " t i - . e i . v.- a ib inual-'! her d-'.b:-r -I -. .a i a 1 ;a.'.n.ea -la;- a. and '.an , O.. . - : . ii ; a i. . a e t ; ' t e (':', '. . iso. ; : - -. la ie:.a:--a - a-i' a: al a: aa- oaao ! :.-a; e j Nc v. urb an... tie coy; be ha- two; "".an, 'that they v.ere satisfied witli -'t:n;e :. c; a ir r he ir train-j Iho IP-publieau party and bcliev ;f in;; ;u- 'VtoM-xe r --'W'-:' lor (he beat, led in i principle-, and ilea-irer- for iK-I'mi'ii-nt ...t. premiuiJi!, and tut and dues it's ii mi .iiu paid and ad-van--d Rpa'i p.statp eoutracta Kent, account ' Irian rtx lo.tiTS iy 1.T63 W 3.-'i3 414 fcf Total ... rti ira o 5j LIAliJ LITILS. Cuplif 1 stock r aid up 137-4: 07 -erro fund... - Liiuirlued protils, -.734; Total ' ci 1 - - - - -- ;an!M:r : 1 ;.ey v il! con;rt of o.eii and d-acn iiie paddle v. heels, you b-it-d C'l.anl ia; ;v , and tlen .-he'll ro. sure. : e in '...-;..;;! of l5oek Eiiii;'- S-hot.!.-!'' - o;' "! 1 j'i..i Adi-iwin':' r.aiued .-eh.d.-ir- L a .- co-aj ri a a , ,. i. :i ;tnd ruti up : mipro cmcnt and jJt.H.d j;ovcni- ment. Their Convention va-s Inrit.' tahv-rti-ed and h'-l-l in p-rfeef har j ; j 1 y ; no iifcrsnit 'h.jeet iuj-" l it i'.tdaai a- j-iht tn act. That Com. n! ion was compiled almost direlv of iarmers. !ii;ip.y n! t!ien .tiisep; dUiiaa' Co ?.h-A th. r.. y i' rats and mie-. ab'-.j.c-O-Ci,;,. eaii ii- nij! : i j d i finm I". Cj. KricJo- Ca. luao-' "ii-Pi-ls. (lie RexaJI Sorts J'lal t--! a i-a -I mnuth. Neb. Ib-a. : It l't'iplift .- tin J.iIaO'.-. iaahi I rain P r !I ol of; ' a : .M ) ! . i'i a 1 I I: I . :'. ' : ii 1 b '" i a aif i' eapi: ..i '.. ?i a.-' a- :a .'a:a v in!' I;V : t ! ' 1 : : ! ' :i ' ! h i odor afta iii'.il!i. c.i is ai" 'tr I will (.. ...-,1 i-.-inei.i I. nr ii;-. . !.'-: . 5 .1 ' .,- - ii..;s taiy -5 co;i:s. fsuvcr sm iI i.i Labw. MILES 'MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, . Ind. dni. - i th.-' no- t i-a ti..-na-i.-C Hie !' .Mi -. Vl ;i ;iy. .'Oi. I .-I.ti; i In- -..i-i . I. 'I . . j P: abac J--unie Vol ter-on, be' , in the main. I.ein"fiuf s cer- i loiti biiutii, Allen,- Katie; la inly can find n joy in the oultit. at i 1 M! a-. J.aara ( hrtltant. f-lory itd- of Tu-:-day, and ho fh -re i- P-H re r. Ii'-bb a. b-ii":;. PalL-aa oia M a'ai it L ':y , to sui port ;0 false and usele-n a e. ce.'.-'l .':- of C 'Vmdh u a 1 Gtera.- 'rrpohii. : mi- ;;...aar"a this Parii;i'i'-'-i;o-.-!:';!( ji ' f 1 1 J ; i ,1 ; i'a .'in i.l i;-:.e m -1 ; nteb-!- ,- e r-'. sorelif ad iiiuhiin- . Ol at r.a i - f.-el.. ' be--.r-i at'ii. : C- a a i la 1 : - e;- . .Pa-1 vrai i'-n iaii! - itself, (: Jail to sc 1 a a ; i'Oid iaiaai'.- I '. ; i i -1 - 1 a ;. ' ' t't -;aaiii. f i 1 - :..- ; t,. b. i-i .o.ii Ihi!':..i vH -. Aiiii - i.-s ' Gt-uJ Hurray tor9 ScJc Cheap. !:..-ic i.ibi-l a. ;. 11 ; .'';,-! I,. nan. al. I' atv.a.t -. 0. li ..hi I '. o-: c.iled surrey, UtCiiriS ANU LiPEMUXUBES FOU J VtAn L.vui.NG Jvyz JO. tru. KKCmi'Ts. 011 Lund July 1. 5 1C.V.., ZA J11 . i. ti) Itutrtsti. pr Uiiumatid Cms 1 1 Loans run id 1 iioi s luaumnee ujMi Tasti paid uutt fed- '' ' vbiict-U 1 1 ICent Ai-tount .. . .. !."-!, la-al 1 ;.tute foul i'ii t", Tiitul-.. . .5 t-4 fteiiieiober Hie 1:: "Mo1 b-C G-CIDE.M - Advertisement. .-lite.'! !i .y .'I.'.-. : il' -s her dausijler, Mi?s Anna. I ; and I 00-: I ir;:! -ic 1.1:40 cout inao 1 biaeea Vhi(t. ".hariev I 'i: i t h aic jtodmpoove ill healrli. I Janit-s 'Put ler.soti, Zdaiun Lacy, neai ly itw, will sell. Call 011 me at Mynard. V. B. Porter. LMLMHTLTiLd L1"1" 3 :i:i,w KlMk.f-S I Hi. Li LbsIhiii hand iu'ii" tri Inauranee and Taoa l aid ami 'id- ' vam-i d Ueutuml la-itair V.V.V.".' '. . -.-76 U TUul ; "oxTvt ., .', in . ll !t'; w'l'''l' f He u'Jovo tiitn.Mi a-r i i-t ion. ., Miltmnly Mv,-Ur M,r tho Iort-i,vliitf.?tau-tm-i,iuf Uiceunditfuiot suid a-,- -M,.,,t: -'sVS, I). Ii. SMITH. 1 II. M.M'DMf II-KN, 'j,im.L,,. .lav oTVuVven"0 bWO,'c lu m- ".i-'.-n. y 1 J;.,! A. L. TI HI . Mr . Notary l'uolie