The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 28, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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PAQt 4
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The Plattsmouth Journal
:PubIisbed Semi-Weekly
- . - . , . , . - i
Rnfiwt ot tho Pnstoffice at Plattsmouth. Nebraskaas second-class matter
4. r
I Whatever you wish to ac-I-
complish, be willing to do,
h and to commence your work
h at once, right where you
find yourself, and decide I
4 that you do not want -any-
thing belter to begin' with
J- than the conditions that
A surround you, for God is 4 -
" ' .
with jou. Raja Yoga.
Nor would "A Good Hilo on
lAcry Cass County l-'ann," . Lc aj
bad slogan.
No automobilist has formed j
the habit of running too slow
through Hie streets of riatts
inou'li. :o:
The merchant who doesn't ad
vertise at this season al least
won't have to bother to buy much
new stock next spring.
Champ Clark, speaker of the
house of representatives, says it
is extravagant and wasteful to
have any other kind bul good
Senator Tillman fcays . thePiace a' 1110re WiinoJt rum"'l
danger from woman sullrage wusj" 01 U1CH1 u AC'iu?;
J ,.,..,. ,..,.1 1..- tl,o .A.vnr,!i. OF!
public men Jveryuherc. And he1!v'ir,- noL io fij11'
. , .... '
is anoui lijiu.
i?,-, i
Tf ...iiT.r.l :i -i'or.d S
on every forty, we ought at least j
to have one on every farm. And
it would seem to bo even more
valuable than a corn crib.
r. ..... -,f,..,;.i I
I lip" l.jOlIilil'.l lu. liu.l m .
...v.. t,i.i r r.iii f.,..i, ni'
. un. .vi4 u ..... ...... .
ir ii...,- , i.v ,in-i t:iv !
not wail until cold weather is up
on us? There is no u,e in wait
ing longer.
The street sprinkler works like
a charm, thanks to the members
of the city council who favored
its purchase. No city ever lost
anything by being up-to-date in
such matters.
The swallows soon will home
ward lly, and about the same time
the boys and girls will be wend
ing their way up the ilish school
hill to commence a term of nine
months' schooling.
Ilav clock people enjoyed a big
time on isdurday, and it was in
deed a g;la day celebration and
brought a very large crowd lo
their city. Other towns have hud
their innings and why not
When Governor Morehead is
sues his good roads proclamation
p want to see every able-bodied
man in Cas county get a move
on him, and be ready to put in
two days work on the roads.
Uvcrjoiie is interested in good
roads, and that i one way of
setting them.
No doubt nations that own ter
rilorj in the western hemisphere
will make the mod of it in con
nection wjlh the Panama canal.
Uncle Sam expects t' keep so far
ahead in rendering' the waterway,
useful that the competdion will
not amount to inueh.
Nehawka is another live town
that will have a celebration on
Friday, September lt. AH live
communities enjoy a good time
once in a while, and Nehawka
.don't propose to bo "..-hind the
times in this respect. ;.,,.J for
JN'ehawka! Come on, Plattsmouth I
at Platismouili, neb.
We may and we may not have
fall amusements if its is left to
the Commercial club. Some of
the-Ieading members appear cold
toward the proposition.
, ;o:-
The American bison, commonly
and erroneously called the bud'
alo, is on the increase, accord
ing to 'atcst reports and those
ing to .'atcst reports ana tnosciginrc Jack Johnson quit us "lor-
.i .,r ,, , . ii;.. i..,
ui iiuu uer me ualu liiiiiciiiun ui ;
v .,.!
j those noble beasts, may transfer
!.t...- j. , .... U...I ,.
their fears to the bull moose
which seems to be shifting-.
The young man at this day ondi
aue eenis lu be up against a hard
problem. The secretary of the
navy is urging him to to into t he
j navj-, the secretary of-war is urg
in? him lo go into ih? army and
tne secreiarj oi a-rjcuiiure .if i-d;-. ininu'i..iuii..u'.,;i.,u..'.wu. ..... ...
urging him 'to go back to the tout sorie oi' thcni rever recover. : pd t!i.-:-,i-el .-o:, a :A the '.hurch i;--
! . .
farm. Xow, what is he to do
ubo-u!. it .'
A good ' jo!p3 on cr.c of our
prcmincnt citizens is jjoint; the
rounds, as follow.,: He ro-urned
home at an unseemly hour the
other night, after a trip to Oma
ha; groping around in the dark,
he fell over the baby carriage. On
getting up he gave the baby cabled.
a vicious kick and exclaimed:
Beats h 1, you can't go any:
1 . ....... :
OOU t WHO. 0 lH'in 1 5 Cd 11 1 S
: e -inii'iy nieuuou iei- i.-.i
A report justmaoe shows that j-:!,. it Inure e..::.'p;.yird- female i - -
last vear over iO, 000,000 tens ofkr can go-.. :n lie:.: .-el. e ae -
.,,-...,;,,,.., !.,-,-,, , .-i. ii... t. .r. " '
shipping passed through the. Suuz :
canal, or an. increase of 10 per,
cr-iP ner the vear before all ic- I
I cords being broken. The revenue
! f...r Hi.. ir.1le iisiiilic . I T. n !
--- - - I
U Ui:. 11.'- IU1JO,; - . -
ton amounted lo over ' !?27.o00.-I
- -
000. This is taken to indicate !
. i. r ... i 1 1 .-.'-.l.l
that the Panama canal will yield;
a goou pi'aiii ii ft: is iau ;
. . i ...i... .. . - . . . ... I.... .
snare oi ii .uuc, nui it ui ia.n. .
years to build up the'busiuess. Of j
... . . . . ...
. 1 r i i-n .. 1 .. . . . ( ..-.IT (.. -
ttle 3,iOU vessels tnai jiasseu :
through the Suez canal, 3,300 flew
liiiUh f.-A'r T!i,. Piiit i .1 SI it. ps 1
wa4 unrcnrcsL-nled shame on us, !
ves u n 10 p re s t-u i e u siicnie on us,
vhen once our flag was lo he :
found in every port of the world:
Without question 4 hero iU
some truth in the claim that tin
icli man gets far mere con
sideration from the hands of the
law than the poor man. The pay
ment of a tine whieli would be an
almost proposition to
a r.oor man and would mean his I
long detention in jail, is scarcely
felt by a rich man and is no j
punishment at all. By this same .
-ign, the poor man goes lo pri .on,
vhile the rich man goes free.
he health of the occasional rich
man who is sentenced to conlinc
mcnt is far more carefully watch
ed than that of the probably far
less guilty poor man, and pardons
are far more easily forthcoming
for the rich and influential on
this score. "What will be a big
step toward a legal millenium in
this or any other nation is an ad
ministration of law that w ill
make the punishment lit th3
crime, be the criminal rich or
poor. It is little punishment Jor
the thief to divide hio booty with
the state, and this is a true
whether the thief be a common
second story or a "slickup man"'
or a high society embezzler. 11 e -sped
for the men who have made
good is natural, bul the law owea
no more respect to I he man who e
making good i- dishonest in a
business way than lo the man
who has been a common thief.
Let us hope that I he day will soon
come when swift and sure justice
can be expel led f rom our court ,
whether the man on trial be mil
lionaire or beggar.
. ,
" It is useless to bold out aarinst! Veteran members best acquaint
the latest -styles. Look at the led with the ways of congress are
nrearlnausrhf- ! beginning, lo order overcoat:-.
Xat Goodwin has been at work
ij'ori a book seventeen jeers, and u
Hljis not yet finished. . its subject is
t nni 1 ii i; ii l . t L i i hi'. ' it , uuu. .- -3
)l i, ...... m
'i: ....
ii . . .. . .....
it fill" ..ini: 1 V.nitlTIT iftr I lilt 1 1 L I 11-
'Mhsounrtn? are alive to ro - id -
making. Wednesday and Thui--
day 230,000 men turned out and!
worked on th- h'iahwav. while the
v.-rves and daiv-htei were withjtu tlie p.;.-r.imistie vkw tnai ti.e
them to pro idv. uod. wiiolest'ine
j food to eat.
Havin-r managed to wefrv along-
ever, we ar' lueiinea i inc i-s.-
:. - ... ....
; nCf that it n.i?ht not !e so bad
i . . . .... i.i
after all if ik.rrv I haw wouiu
, . . . t-.w.'j
5ULL'.l.U 11. .IVUi
A .cv York jud?e has he'd that
during- the period of court.-hip
j man is beinu- held in a ort of
u -ponded appi-ch-:;; i . u ' ' tlp'jnnd ' cnl s-i.tC a- l ho f.y r ;!
I). ..:.. I,: .,.-, r. I i V
L.k.L.. t.i.'U t '. J i ..t in. i"...' " - -
:'er.a J'di.i M. 7'u-.nv:
.-!' !!. ii'i;:li;i in '..-:;!P-i..i:
'trying to k. .... tie p.wopioe re-
f.e-.'.l ;-i hi-: Pl!V. Vbi..'1; W ;:..-;. ..
e.l under ISvpui.di.:,;:: admiiii .tr.i-
ii'.n. If J.;.,',,, d.ppe.i I,, - ; i P bat
.. piaiv" ;!;-. tiii. t'pp e v.iw don' i
know iiiin, re p; at u.i-; .um
i P
oririna! 5 ieau Id uiuppd. l p'.i ree -
A iaw v,-J5 p.y-scd at the yeent
... . ... .
Uossion 01 tap ieLis.a,pre to kk
! --' - - v-' "y'
, f ; ;,:,-. u ,j a l'a 1 1 . pe f p p . V
with tip"- law i.- a hnaide oifeu-.".
V'e .-..imply men i ion 1 1 - v fpyt -o
curding ly.
An eauern ku: im
X i
taken the task of pr.-uuemp; the
r-o'-f.-et oirp.-i '.- "At !. !. v. .
.r --.--.. .
ev er. h..; u .-t ituti-.n i- ;.-"ir. -- l -
undertake i" p'rodpee ii,- p.-. f.-.d
. . .
....... . P ,
man to m.iicu n-.r. 1 is n. g. - n -
. . ......
...... i ... .. ....... ...l ,..i-
n 1 i1"1 i; i
1... Ft I.i,. . . '.1 .... . -
iv. i .i'- -- ---. -1
taken our' troubles one. hi to soot;
. ,
i..c eimeei.
si', fa- ( p. ernor S-d." r ha - -:
: . . . . ,
mot-pi atcl inai n- t a lean oi
!i:uu-.m i mvi iuji - i --
c ourag'... lie dots 'noc i'l po.-p p.
surrender f he govern- r.- lo
the highest courl.- say the w
and then he -iii s'.ep d-.-u and
oukjike a man. It wiil be an
'utrage upoa public d;ceney for:
the governor to have to surren-1
- - - - C. - -- --------
Tamman: lit..-, and if they uc
coed it only strenr thi; :i- an "r
;--auuid body of ra ft poiitfeiiu:
which may m the i'ului" cut a
bigger future m national f'-diiics
than one vouhi tl.;n.v. I amman
should a' ;d! haan!- ! !"t"-!r;.t-
d in the impeachment of Gov. r
ior Suiter.
Uii'dc ;k'm will iu)le th" na-
tions of Ike world to send their
miviea to participate with our
ire. v in the ceremonies of opening-the
Pauana Canal in ltK, lo,
a .-tembb.' in Hampton Pioruls, .ro
ceed sout.h to Panama, pass
through the canal and thence
north along the Pacific Coast to
the great harbor of k-an Francis
co Jiay, on vho.-c shore will be
held the comnicmoratu e and elcdh
c.alory v.oi Id's e:. position. J . 1 1 g
land. "Germany and a. uu niber of
otlo-r Jaurop".u powers hae de
clined fi iiiirlieipide .diiciallj in
the exposition b;- maldiip miti'-'iial
disldaj s. T hey a.-,- ign reason-.
that are economic and not politf
i ca.l. 'l iiey say t'ia!. while I hey
re.i i.i if"; wilii u in tin' comiiiel ion
;af this greale.-l of world enler
prises rmd i-.pei. I. and intend lo
reap sieal bene lit li om it com
mercially, they are so tired of ex
positions and tin. I tin an oi' -,i liiJ
lb- atue lluil tiie.v will itoi e-
peud money on this one. .
....... i
:o ;
While an occasion promoter
is soaked by the strong arm of the
Imv, that doesn't' restore tin? suck
er's .v mushed valuables.
"'. ..
Contribute a mite to tne .e-
L..J..U1.UH.. v.
jbraska J,oo -icr? cttort by boost-
i,m- Hi- .7.,r.r-!ars sn-ei;d I'ij'ts -
I month and county ditiou.
This 1ms boon a bard M:m:;K r.
Wax: we refine, at K-rly daLe,!' vr ike ei.y. v vifo. to this plrnv!
I winter will be rood deal
ithan n-nal.
The J.n en Day Adcnti:-t- nu
win session ..i:-.. p.--, u ;
i, ,.-,,.,...,...,!....,(!
, i;. o -iah w, i-
! .!,...'-.,.;.,. f.:i! n,. in
j noiucu, declaring thai, the : lit!
. ..: i 1 1 ... i !.-,:,.,! . I
...... . . , . i . . ani lp-.ipi:..uuu- t- - - -
. i ,';-. i . ,.! nv -,
...... .... ......... .
r the pur;;o o ,d hit n
1 women i'oi
' , . i-
I :r.en. Of course, an ar....-; t r.;ad'
in. en. w, .euu... .u. i. ,
;.tiracti- for Ike. pni i -.'f
j i
'.. V ''A. IP I 111
e;;iiuv (. tlu- i-pj-'o-.i
j i.: 'ul a qccclion oi -jvA i.
, P O. p a;-r ; r ( . I'Oill llfl'' i
. . , ,
....... . - - .
I, .
Pie- 'ei. U nb". np;. ma': i
: en- i .; . M .hp., p- ir 'T- r.-ar a-
'"; 1 p;f i
h-I.C iiit" lie" j a;!.'-
-1-' " the My. eipi she ily
j -- -d.rdl' .- - 't tip- - K. ' P ' ' " !i - P i" . f 1 1 - ;
I.'-' -e- - that. r!:-ev.- : ' enirv.nee.
1 -. I
! ". r a :rlv e u " d --o-.'-i ve;
'.--j l j"'!":ua;p.'-d !. a..--. L day
, i - no' !; 01V t ip jipipi li -
- ' ?'"-' - wt?
P" ',. ,x . ..:.P -
- ' t '" : " ' . .'
i ' .7': ; -
1! : o 1 , . '""' ";
; niuu :d v.ili
.. - - - ;
j :npiti; - of the year, or a., ncuriyj
' .hut as d ! i y :i' (- nn'v
fp-m. ar" op pp :"a ..v J-eWiiei i. :
p .' .t;. ciiy ap ! - 'i.vt oUi.di.-.g
ep.!i;y: .;nit-. i'or
i-eed-'.-.i al! tin imid. pp.
v,,eiPt C . idd aid'.: m-.'OIP: 1
vdipp .. t.'.eii -mre a. pi i p. -
lu;m i:." wo. r.:-.; - will P- an
. . .
. ei.o. ip"..
m in iln- uifeetioii
i f ............. i !. p. I..-. . !',.. ,il.
-i ... i.ii.Lii-i i i i .. . .. . j ... j i
: 1
P. . i 1 I li. I 1 1 - I 1 i i ' 1 . I 1 . ... I I
. .
j '' '!' a!! I'm oJier r-oi'de v.ko,
I ,. . . I ? . Ill 1 . , 1 1 . P-1 r. lif - I
; - -- -- - "
ie lo.., am, we hm".' i..e y v.. ppi
1'" willinv- lo d )
; P. p
; : i :. ...... P
; u..o. n . m..- ." o .uou . .r
; - -
j .y pdL I'eiore taem.
:o :
- i i of
Hi.-, railroads of the
Vv'.'-si hnva- jor.pyj ,ri ;i i-o,r.:, onjl.ruie reaiiom wheih-.r in i
'the Pest 0:aee depart mer.t f:-r a.vttat-
piidl::: - the
pai col p-'d. Om-mg tne :-
I .i ... i : . i . . .
- .
i . .
eriinn.n! recciied over eleven and
a quarter milii-'i r of dollars in
revenu'! fr-.-m thi.v cla;c of mail
j matter but did m-l pay t:-e rail.
roads one pppar i-.-r ip-inuiing In
.-rr i.'r. -' .J'.ily l-l
iii" tr o em 1 in 'rl I'p - l:. ep pik.i'A
iny the railroad :; a toe per ''ii!
in, rtu; c in their po.tal pay to re
imbur them for Ik-- par-;; I pod
sci a U hong ! i lb: ; -'.orn (edi
i m'd "f the 1'o -t Oip.-e depart-
mem neiore :ne mmo.-o ciaie,
1 1. n 1 1 e Co l . i m 1 1 1 e e .-. '. ov- - that d ur -ir.g
l!ie ii;-t six iMoiilhs ike par
cel pod amouut'-d lo i-i : : P. Id
per cent of the pod oikee increase,
o I- 1 1 .. y rly 1 o ub! e the all o v. a,ce
made i-y the irord.:. Under the
e-dension of the parcel pod sy:.
tern mauuraled August K. the
.-ire of park )'- permitted ) 111-crea.-ed
from !,.-... n pound" to
tyreutv i.odiid-, ;oililie mileage
h;- ken iiicrca: ed and the r.'ctes
greatly reduced, so that it i- es
timated thai the purvci po.-l bu-ii
lies-- will, iiicri-a-e ral bdd.
Tha' l aiM'-.'Pal ouliing this eop.
dltiedl 'd ail'.ilis re - j ad f n i y Jr.
que-t tiiat llipy In- ,-; ! lo'.'. ed more
(ban th..- tie per cent" increase al
lotted thi'iii, cspec.ali as the ;ar
ci.d post sdeui d-'pidv e. tilei.l lif
the revenue they formerly re
ceive.t from the ai.'ie bu-ir.e-s
wb.-u il was raiviol as eXi-ress oi
Tho -lournal reproduces t he
r.-nm,,,,.,. o,. ..- w ......
. , , ., . I' mat leads to war, in
i armor, bimp v J:i'c:"ure i !.: isi, ,, .,. ., , . . i',,.,,.
more Kood. ound sv-n-- l',u icj:i i .ji,.:,. f r.rkli..:d."r re joic di i -
contained than amttun wo irjve
e er read on tin subject. W Oj t.-rcl. ! charge n. i-een
hone ..-M-rv reader of the 'r.,,,;,!-, le.VI- in tke O.-ri..;... par -
i ...... ,r..,i.. .. ..... .
u;;uuu- l":'- - i - . - r
j u:u 14 u lA 1
110 luo s'li!e ,o!i-:iu.-ion. iu,n "
;liav- Ini" "ur v-u
ll"' i;ver re.vt a fool U'e ....!
u"r;-"-1 a " -
1 mon 3.;an r.ioy !). or t-be v.i.r?e
v.ou.i H-uni.. '"
i i
i.-r.. ht:iit.-iii ...'lit! VuTi' ii M i '. ' -
.I ip.e. i::;ti.'U-. i'.ild tileii 1 1. . I i r i .
jdne'ded . )he bit-;-..-,.! hiep, !!
jwo.d rta e ubund-uit e ...en.-.- n-...
I T I . . . 1
t't..' lu.-lii:: t. wi;d..'!i!; !h:t I !!''
I wi i.p-.i w-uld .-.'.p-i i'- le-e. ;!
Nvl -' hI' -'
men troi.i
I ! P ' ' 1 ' !) . I e rv.v.'i 1 i 1 ! .i 1 : '.' Ii-T I . e
" .-
! i'-'Ii'j 111 a 1'a.n oil a cold Ul j .
j l'r' ' ' !!'"' '-?'-Hf-'r l;"'-': -
. .'nit'ir' ppejeap. a
- -
rd inn
:n.-: h.
it;"-- "'i rier !;;.:.,
Iter'1 lli' ,!. Mil.' '.'pi l . ''Vi'i'lli l ,
. 0" ;u . p:. I.-
! ip'i.i P. at !;!- t
,, : !': ;e
. ' . . .
!. ' - P'
! i nndr. n a:'.! eds.'eale 1 1 .
1,1 :"r ' l":
i.' - i iP ' . S i ' ! ! n e .
... M e
Ir.-. a. p '.!.y. p ...'j
! ''
i na. p'p'i: i pa. "..-ace .
1 ' ' I -. . :l .'PI lie .,-
d a:
11 1 . . : : 1 : . t -'
.. .. : . '
. i I ! p !
, .; a pp-.
..,! a-
IIP.'1.! "i ! h'" e. . . t I, I .
if a tr.ui er ff-m :.e-'p
id i - all I i" ' r a !
.:. !pp ..; !'ip ! I-. !
P., :
''v -
; .!: .api' .dm .pi aad t . 1 er '
.. 1 'A p. ! 1 a pi i " ii
;l -'
m '!: ii;- :! :: '!; '
i. that v.n.'.-l' Pie'iip. !'- P'P;' Pe-pi
h r ckddr-n i:i i-.rtri a p . up !-.
I v.-::u- their hve, ip rp-n,
!tm t- e,d.pM.t :p.pi,,,.p am,;,.,, . r , u,
P; ; e. ! ; t ' p!' ' ' t ' 'd ip ' 1' - PT-e ' ! '. '
' : i:I'p -.e;- p.' l -r ' 'i " ! r - '.' np ' . !
m:..' ;ji..u .mp" Col'..r"; l
.f( .yr,,,.,;;, ,, , q, ,
,lK ; ,,r u
w :..., , .... .( v , ;
M;e :n..ll '.Mio Col. '.I"; 1'!" 'l.Pp'.l
i. ' t ! i; '
ph -i'-al t .P'd:!;. p. v lib p." i
j .
, a raj drill I;
Hi a;
o p. ) ;. I'J At.
' '
d; P '
1 .
(. PdP". PP.. 1 1 i . d ' I . I P : .-;
, ,p,. p.., .dde-.;
f CP -e pp 1
tliem I' a P!,;. ' ' - 'I' '" !" i
t ra i ip d .a', i p r
... ....... .
' M'di".'
: I r I . . :
,(, kiI. p,;,d a-:d
t.. .i ... r i . li
I I ! -. '.II!
i in: 1 I ! ' s - i ,
- e . .
M..r . . .
. p .'.' : . - oi;.
; n
i I ;. ' o '!' - i n: i - . n i 1 ' " m '
?.'.'. He., or a - i kid-.d
1 t r . .. . : . , . t . , . . i I i .-' !... 1
n... ;:. t , p i...
.hi!e lb.- pj:-:
Hove:- and lor wm-rn lie wou;a
igr.en his hfe lives in
! nudenhood or v-idov.huvd. Ihe
I e v. ' ; .
or under' farm cor. Ji'.ion:- mj
ike id; the kui-uujib dU't l;"i
peri pfuatc
too much I'm- by Ik' nnk!
it :i i : . . . i ! . . . . . , m . , : i . .
i ...
p p ; - - ! I v.-p est )!"; "1 . It" '
n."is nation'-".
"Th.-. -.end cher Umu
dip, n: i'oal mine-, and n -n mop
and d'a-p.' ijua; I'.'.'
Pad .11
i.. make un am! emn'-pp: a'd
' p -id dread pa pr id
. I
h' I" '! . o r - - ...
. i .ii i i i
I ; ' I ' , I I ' t 1 J - . t ' I i 'I . . ! 1. 1 o '''
(oil in the Pea! ., 'I ppi'. -k '
: i Ills Ipaipl l li Hi"' ' ai-ppp-
ppd"' ,1 i"i pi'e'll POP-. ". .; "M"
uf winch w li'-n bred e en . km
practicing in tune of peae.- d
a --a r ' -
p f(..- a wlpde fa 'p 1 :: .
A dt'eadnaog Id c"-'.-.i..n miHioo
pip! ip I'll ;.ear- i- ..innk.
, : hp-
"And v. ho j - a : i
The -i"-e men who do ' ' f d a
Not a bi! o! ik 1 1 i - ; a ml 1 . I be j t hep ii.- -a : liner lot in
comm.'li p"oplc. 11:- ! id" 'v!i"p-r pl s v.I.p, al a.o n r
honi. and work. k"i:
II;.- i-c ii.di w in r".b' n- .'i more
mod' : for ! he game "f ar. I ie-:
i, ik- oji more taxes, and in au em-
,.di :.,.!.. i-.. Iti .- in!ere.-l
w'hieb "is a jPir.!"P .'m -mr P"-i o .p-l kipu bad. Th- J" j p. a hii i' inpad; ! Ipmi. his prodmd-
xlv for all 1... come; for l.e-e;:.iMe,, i!,-,,- p,.;;p:; m I ke ' w e p;-, -ei f'g.ire- on Hi- .inn
war debts are reki-pu. if cn -r. j - aend pr eincV o f k-mie v-'i !i j port s nin: e;i. -r! - i I'wlial are p
i;,, hv Ipj'ged iinm"di-deh.ood dooks for limb- eompapp-i" j iddpeipal product i.. us. as follows;
,V1. ,.;iv , (I,., iner.eo.d d ,.p. "rjpmi i!,e future hope of t mp re-j Prodi."! s '.' I I.nporl-
liMng: for neither the army nor j nukli : they vi!; Jili our k g i-a-I M-al and dairy d:h7 7 i.r.Cn
II,,'. ,,avy produce anything. Their h've and coipgrcssional lu.d. r.i d Hrerds! ullV ? l.y-."..70
work is not production, km "hi judgment np. a m..-;'. :md jf.ive amani!- .. . 7.r,i.r,.r,
mot ion. 'waste. destruction. I pleasures, whil.: th.- 1..m.. s v. h.. run! Pn.due! s ' - KxporP-
p. p i I luii i - .i-a . i : all. !'-
wi.-e men who rule permit, and in
la sense compel, the great'-r-
j "al make our gunsand im.ld
K'1"- v;:r ''- f" f'-'lu-'Hl lb"
f'.-p.ds ;.nd i heir iiorn lio:i',;- m- :
I,:....-.". ,.- .....
- , jj..ui:. ..i. ...... v .. l......
1'w'1'Urt"' ,i1 1 1 " 11
; lv.:i- M'u:,'i m .-;'.-u:i--
i Jcunri" m i ranee . . w ii ; u ., - i
- .;' mai;v. ui bi.ald !!;; War 'e-.
i.r 1 1 : ! i : . in ;'.! r ' ne
: mit Inld in .
'- ' , ,
'' ! e ,'i
iv, :; I..
'111 I in- -e
! C i'e I fi." Wi-e men
X i -1 1 i i x rnv
; .'iij ei. I ha!
( n- shin- I n is . ru- r.i i n;: nun.
; " '
i ,.i I . - i, i" j i! e ( ; , . p j ' i ! I -! m i !i
I'-'iM- J:,. -M-.- M.-.i tii- i.:-
l! r'' !'" -
- i !., , : , ' , ; -. . .. , , ' l.eir n M 1i
! " " " " ' i
: p. , a ipi i!p-(.-. ; .n;;.!al of;
ay pep,-: ile-l r.jVi
I"' J ' ' " ' '" '
ijl.. - . 1 . J - i lpe :.- I I ,. ...'T-,j
; in.. ;...,!- w i: h-!i, pppi np.r-
! , . ; j , (.lipi- W ' : I I l!p'
I ,.;,!
II MP' a 1 1'P 'en .p. 1 p if - lde " i 1
' ! be tr..p d'.v
i p tip- a rd. mad
l!p- f.-p-'.. a '. : ; i'M-p.: 1..11. ? ..p' 11
a p! pi!" J !!n in np );
. 1
, p-',' pl . ;dib'
' I e. "I
' ; !!.;,
;' 1 ,,.
r -id.-
. n.''.. e 'P;P. I ipv ill.-
I. I
.1.1 -.!!
i a- t". e p
1 1 Id'.V p
. : pip, i 1 p.
I pr
..r -1 pd pi.. vo-:. to Med.
' ,wpi ! i I il-'P! all "II bre:
I a.p;
i . .?,..' 1 oj i:
W'liai !-. .: ;,1 a I p. .'
s .. a...,.;, 1,,....
! 1:V...; .:p. , i J.. v. prlpp; - pop;
; 1', '. . .... V ' , !' ,", ' p'.'"'
P. , . n .- p P 1 . , I t I : - I , 1
1 l ' .f ,
. ;. .... .,. inln (r -
! , " , , . .. , ... ... v . , . .. ,P..., f I , : .
r t t !i . p .. -
. d . . i . . P i -
v.-- hi' p
;p. poid p.-:-. ::..-, J i v e iiau, v e
- ....p ! ' 1 1 . 'i !-,..'.! id e. '.-'.MlZ
a.'P. P- 'p'.P. h.-.V"
. - ip-r paX'- v.. p-Pi
p i
l .' : ap..i i.ip'V pr.- i'pvp.pV:.i'- Pi. P Mia; I- pi'arip. ,ua
adp- p., 1 p p.-p'i em. I? ' ill C U a -
! f lot .. :'. a'-pii.-. and
; !, ;. ,. , ' ... J d . I '::
I I i ' ' . a P P 'd. i pi- P,"i - P-
.'... .... i .. . ..... ...... ,, .
.l ..., ..i.i .op. e '
I I, ..... P,. . I . .( f ., I I .
' ;,,,. :,.. v. V. l;:lP li'.' IP
'( ra.-e i -
i ".,... ..! . P. I I, I .. I
i " , p I. , O .'. i I. . l.l. I i : 1 ' ' .
i .-i.-. p.! pP'i .J":" nerid . '''! ::vi
I !"'. nalp. p.. (:pp-;ian . --- ip
, -epp!'.
I Vv p.( j'. the ipd; ;
t i
- .... ...
s ; til COUV eTsUUCn Wild V. HUmCl
,ct 'hu-iur, . men fh-y e-rn !obe j n
tr.vor of a fa!! i'edn.p. a.p;t ,.-.-r.'i'
nd'r-t-rp'. hy i '" i""mn
iii.u in re
ard to the matter. .n v.-p!
I . i .- .1
i - ' ' - ' 1 11 " .
-.--.,-;tf'i:i!ll t1l. l .(lil -
p.!p e,,u!,j p eoikiv 111 il P.yjre-PI'e.i ip . -p.!.." i ... i. I-.--..
h-Pi th- .: 'dVorts voodd i"- direct-'" i"!'' k''.''"'!;,.. ,,
d in i:p..i' ...t!!i" fail Je.lnak i: "'' a.'.-.-rd ''lh hi"!- No
! i !pi I I !l I ' Hp ic ; ;i I -. a iv I l I II.- I .
- : fplliil I !ppr Ip-.'iPI-e to I lie larm
."e; m.p.lit P"i'i.'ll- --Il'W tip.d.j
j lob- (I e P.-pnlalpn, oi li.- i'n.ii
- po . -
;;ppi',i--'d pipe .--I k I -
III ..... I I .... .
.nr..,'.' : - '
I . .... I 1 . . . - . . - i-. . . !' ! pal i . i I M i i
i '
- ' - ' ' 1
ra . -ed ha s, d- c I'-di - 'd I.i"
than !
MdivM mi!!p.!i. With t ! i o di-
ie. ! );.! iP e of lip' -.'ip"' free 1'P li
furl her dpr ,-.;-p ... pi I !i" -uppi
p. . d" ma !." P" !..'. I dm-. W hat'-
! I Uu- -opp.i'.p'
d'd" worst. ... 1 1 1 .''oat k" - can
I fa !! ml." I- lea! of .: th'V ar-'ippd
ni i
si...!s al U'dd
tk y ar- l.'.eiv u, pan !.-o-i v(l
. good and in id" b'--"i'-. lam-b!
, , ,
I it. m i.- I iieir mo! Ipo a I p-re
i. p; p! i. rat i ed a pp n n 1. i Ip'o . imp;
; p.-irp n..llii;m th-'i i-
. . ! . .. d! k'd
., P ii
hppo ir i
i i i -
a's.v luuis.
Don't tell a seerM: punish it
and get the re-ults quickh.
- - : o:
( . ;.., ,,,i K
, .,, ,
! Xvh"i: :' n porter butt , inl-.vo,.,-
i i en :..:-. ! h:.n'- bu-.n--:. nu-
:::: '. i.iaei'' id' p eii IJOll !
j v.vs ;h a r-iui-l r -ur-- ii will cer-
; : ; i : ; J eel t er ! pay M'ine ai-
f,.H!.,u to lire i tcxcI than I-
' "
Tin- P! sr.- the p
p;-eid ni. Wi!-..;i l!i. lieller 1 1 . .
: i .jk. ,h(. v:Uil
I i . : ; ! i-i'-. ii h i :;. i - e. : : i d'r In- a
.e. ;.d.!e man, a;.. I "ie !n:n e.-...
; .! .,Mr- I.-m-I
1 'in. l I ; p. c i - eii i- ;:i'.p-
I wrje III.' life mi-;, t.f Af-.e.-ii) api
p;:.; '.,r S.'I'liMI.'!--. The u.-.'al
j '
i lappa ! pain 1 a ! j -d - In n 1 id :n t ! p"- -
i j. a !. ii j - 11.. i 1 kip! in I ii" -' p 1 ; ipa i
. a pip: ! A r hap! ! a ;" pi! I !i
"i p p . a ! j. .. 1 i.r pa - -in'- d I I p-
; . 1 1 ! 1 pp."--'. i'"e p -lapee. mi-'il,
I pa i p 11J' P'pp'l'.'l I . 1 : i ! 1 -
j !
j AM ! !i " p! . p I e p 1 1 - I p. 1 ip at
f'.-i- Wil' 'iiee lei...!,eat'le .'I "'l.
pi 'A 1 . p i p p a p d
; di p - e j-. d'ie e:ir- ! an
... tip
'; ;. tar;!. Ia 1-. -" n- Im
. I ..II
!-;'. tip- Wo-j"'Ml ' I Ii'1' farm
j 'or p.lo!'e ! io'ii i 1 v ea !'
. !.'M:li !:ir"ih Ii'm- had .....
! hy.nd i.'p-i' Hp- '- id' !!.' !'aj'iije'.
; -m" ke .eiiep n-ind i.i th.- P'"
.... 1 .. 1 . 1 . . .
-P - 1 ! I P ' 1 ! P I ' ' 1 IP I - I " " '
I rb. m pi the,r v.pi.ii, and .-l.-r
; !p:r-. nd b. --i' 'ii-m li-n,i: .in.- rmd...;. tin-y !-
i ... i ... i
i 1 a - e : : ;-.e'p" 1 j ! eni.: T"ep:..
'- ,. - . p :p ' . 'd iLCiPP Prefeplis
, ...ui . pi r';ri-".ii!v.:,al roi.ine
1 . . ! - .,...-.'( I
j l ;e p..p '..p4- ,...;a:p .uiu -
' P'pi - i Pi: IP": - !.""k ! ripaillv. a-
p f - .-. '.',;. p a hernia a
j.P P I- !' ea p not ! -
I '.' ; :.i ' Preil.";! MePpp.-v -ajd IP
.''.a' !.i '.';.! . :. II. A '.p.!
i: . !-.-.... Ip iia i
I I'p a - a- :pt'-
'.'ll'lllrl's le .PP"
I . ..... i . . i ..
1 1 e: m p. . . i : i ......
P ....... i , - v I . . . . . i !,::! I : i '. I . I
I -
ilip - pi pp..) pr..1 I lieiii P"ll;ip- pi
.. . , !'... 1 ....... . I . . ' I. . ,.
' . J I ! p . ...A p P - I I I i 1 ' I ' I
' i;m,, i :;o a liieh laril'l' .n I heir
;..'.....i Hupp p.'lliiiip' I.e.
j .o,p-c In y ar. ..i'i-ler- and not
nr porter-. P" i-fil did !:"
Il.pi.epp i.p- .au "pial .-how in the
:. i p, i ,-.,i.!...,i n
I oj.Ai.i-. --"... .-...-v..
h1" d ave tliem not lung in return
.-Ihni tue i-vrty in p'pwvr pr.-mi :c..i
.. 1 ' I I ; ppi .- . -p r. vl.f. I IP I ...lil
d 1 -
j d..m- thei.i tii" Pavne-AIdrr ii
-oilar.!!' i'd! i'.i.'d th- kurdep. -I
ii: 1' I.i-I !!t I'lllllli'lti Pllilll' 1!
'J' - l -i it -.. .!..- -.. ...
P. .ii . : . . . . i i ; . . . ... .a
! , a p -! .-. mp-' i i i p
I Ii" e.uii i r ,
i ip- I a ,'PV leu . p-- a re .l I ! i 1 P- o P'
i .. (pp- jp - mpal tiy w d ii I lie
.r,.. ,,., 1 1 ;
' '
Ie I I ii y ha e
( ma i p-a 1 1 .a .!!" d foe ipo lino.
!.;! . ai s. '!'!.. 1 i . p ,. r;i I ie tar .
I f jnll pl'i ppo- ' , j , , :. ,..p .
, t i of pa . .. -pa ! ! i "- m I a I i . 1 1 1 . I Pa .
a i'e -o;pe .!'ii'lurP ll-.-'l to tb"'
; i r j 1 1 r- lied vp Jie piaeed op the
! pe I i - I I- p I i.'P -I. ie 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1
Jreds of oifier ua'l.el"- pa-i-.
fli' l.- .y id", iddjean pini'ip-. -;
. : ' d Pi ! Pgr. UP: and -a"!.- ,
plow.-, haC. ' !- j-. i-'ike-, 1 1 i - I
in- niai.dnnes, reap.-rs. drill- ap-l
piaid'i-. Iiaipov'.-. -hoM-1-. Iiop,
wipp lor 1'peuiv, liar.p'--. -ado.
II " - . . . I ' J.' . ..Ml-. - 1 ' ' - , ..
y 'ad ma k up- ma I er la . .
I '.-I - .a. ....a -
To sin..-, ilia! Im- farmer -e-
-P..P ,.:.." ' ! :.i'..'.'l'.il.-Sa'.
!:; id-i pp - ! v k'G ;.; t
Live animals ....... la, i i7,'.ty i