THURSDAY, AUGUST 2S, 1913. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PACE 2. THE NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY LINCOLN, NEBRASKA The NEBRASKA MILLITARY .Nebraska and surrounding slates, the advantages of a first class Milli tary School close at home. Fireproof building, dood equipment, splendid care and instruction; a school where the individuality is developed, where 1 f "1 mm.. . mere fire no iauures. rrepares lor college and business. School open Septemlier 17. Enrollment has begun. For information apply to B. D. HAYWARD, Superintendent LINCOLN. NEBRASKA FUTURE WOMEN AND MEN OF OASS COUNTY A Plan Should Be Inaugurated to benefit the Future Women and men. In the en.leaur iin i i rii-nl fr I h ill.- city :ui. the to t;ike u p a jc'M enm-n t of t-otintry .-ur- tfn- ' lortini'-r- tiiidincr this eity; iav ci) -liould lake up th.- prop. -il ion ii' (i.'V-loiii!i; anion-, th.- ouriir rnen and women h on the farm the pirit of pro-r---i.-n : h otT-'riii-r ear It year prizes for Ihi- t.'-t exhibit of .-lock or -n.'fini.'iit of corn. wheat, oat- and ail oth.rnroducl-. fill.' farm; whi.-h -oii!. I i xhihiu-.l here, ea.-hj and the judges pass on t he j liflerrnt specimens shown. T ai.l thr youiiir folk- in securin'. ... 1 the !-! rcs-ul ts from thejr en-! d. avoi-s it would be an easy mat lej- to jdace in their hands tli different hnlletins is-urd bv th I nited Stairs department of ari i-i culture, a- well a- those t l he dilV.r-ent. state a n ricu it u re ! coisee 1 u io u n o 1 u me coiinn Which employed priced experts ii the iiiuh t - t he different ! I.ranches ,,f ihe farm work, audi a- a result of a careful study of j t he-e bullet ins some very splendid! results Could be dei-e.. 1 When Ihe hoy on the farm j -tai l s in to raise a calf or a hov-e ! for tlie purpose -id exhibit ini:. oi plants a tract nl corn or wli'-at i-olh.-r -mall rain with the oh.jecl of takiri'r f.fl' a ri7e. and applies to the subject, the advice L'iven b the agriculture expert-, they can -rcuic some, specimens thai will open tile e es of til. I ' : '. themselves and it creates a I"''" , of competition thit will raise the standard of all farm products. 1 iy Ihe offerini:- of ji; ies to the L-'ills on the fai'll for tTie l-esillls of their indutrv in the diHi-re:!l branches of domestic science lh ro,iiniii!i j - would be really bene- tiled and i; Would lie most estfup and plea-inJ to the inl er-; V o ! 1 1 p people t llefil-elv es. I'.v oU'eriir.' this inducement the faiiiiei- the bu-incs men of j this citv would create a mo friendly feelinp- anionp- I hem and would brinp Class of peo by show in p work of the to this city the b de in t he county, and an interest in the farmer.- would br irip them to thi- city whenever the oji Iortunil was all'orde.l. Let this matter- ..f -.'ivin- the ouiip farm ers a prize for their labors be agitated ainoiip- the citizens here and plan- oulli i.-d for the puttiup of this proposition intr action dur inp the rominp winter in order that next season the farmers of the count v mav cr.mpetc for the juizes which may be offered. Dur-j inp the time belvveen now and next ro;i anv ..,f ,,,-;;., nia,.;. -ea-on a -...table place where thc,.... llin-,.n.lM-.,. lr, tUo McKinley pro.meis eom.i , Mlllilie.i c;iill be arranped and the a if air made a -iicce-s that will surprise every one. "'I suffered habit uallv from con stipation. loan"s Reaulcfs re lieved and sirenathened tin bowels so that they have been r.-P-ular ever since." Tk Oavis, Orocer. Sulphur Sprinps' Texas. Ouy McMnken and W. A. How ard departed r-slerday mornina at an early hour for Ashland, where a prand time will be enjoy ed by these pentlenien in lishinp in Ihe Platte and alona Salt creek a fill some very racy fish stories may be looked for when the party returns from the expedition. Journal for fancv Stationery. Thfrr is mor Calarrh m tlu-s sf-t;-n r.f tht couptxy iUhu ull lljr ill-x-a.fK i.ut l.itfHili-r. uuii until Itf last few year., was t npix.-di t. ) lnrural.lf. lor a ki-jI uuiiy i-arv tlt-iors it a li-l di-as. :inl ir-Tit-' l.wat r. ni-UiHs, i.nj ly -.niiuiiy laiiii;;: n . iirr- with ".-hi tr.-atm'iu. .r..ii.mi.-.l it i.n-iira l,i--. S. j.n. lia- i.r..v. n Cular.h U- u . ..u-.iiilLi..:ul .i. as. uil then-f; n- t.-.iiir. o.:im urn;.l ir'-a'U'.-iit. Hull's I :.t..rrh run., n :i-ur...-inr.-. l.v J". J. i.. n. y & ( .... T..ll... .!.. ,W!iy i ..iiMit,,. tionul rurf ..n i:.r fiirUft. Ii c . li-n i -i.-riKilly In foni 10 i!r.ii f, ;1 t : tr-".i riil. It nets llrer-t'y od tLe hljtnl a.:.i t-i; snrf('i! nf lb ;.-trr3. Thi-r rff-r c.M. h ir.-.l OoMi.-rs tr i !rci; .. i . an J 0!l9 le 'Li 1.11.. AJ.i'r-.s; r. J. ci:r::.v c ro.. Take Uair Izoiliy 'xT-L or Cf.aEtipitioa. ACADEMY offers to the boys of Notice. Iiurinjr th.- ("as? O.unty Teach ers' linstitnte wh.Yh will he hc-M i:i l his city .hiririir fhft eominir week the St. if.' Library C.'.rnrui--sir.n will lnufl ii exhibition at lii.- publie library in Mil- fify, a Travfliiiif Library. This library is ..n-iti'-i-i-M of ho most. helpful to th. tea.-hers all the j t.-a. li. rs init-i to rail at the library and if. The public li brary nf this city will alio have -orrn; of tln'ir i-efereri-.- boo!. an. I books which will aid th.1 teaeher ill' her work on exhibit ion. The lihrary hour.- .'1 from .' to T, :.'P) p. m. rnnl 7 m t p. iii. FIGHT OVER CONTRACT IS ON AT LOUISVILLE Thal th, -iliialiun in the lipht franchise business at Loui-vilh- i- t jn wanner is evidenced by !the following from the Worhl- llrral.l or this moruiiis and snows that the two rival companies are Jmakinir a hard tiaht to land Ihe (Contract to furnish lipid and j power to the city and quarries j m ar that place: Louisville, the greatest quarry ;town in the state and opulent in electric lihl franchises. lias 11....!.... Id.. '. -hi... X II ..rn I-auN from -eitinp poles in the streets and alleys. It rules that the electric li'ht companies mu-t i lile blue prints, as provided in Un franchise. Louisville men say that what the eleclric ijyhl companies seek is contracts to licrht the s(one :' quarries and sand and kaolin pits, land that nd tar from j.noo men ire employed in them in I lie -ea-js,,ri in and mar Louisville. The 'quarry and pit owners want to put on muiii -mils to e,.( (,m ma- iterial iloublv fa-L d in the Held set tins fran-wa- the nmaha A: Lincoln i. o. chise Railway power company, the Mc '.Kinlev company. Then the Ne 'braska Liuhtiuu' company of r.ou 'cord. N. 1L, owner of the Red Oak. la.. ! ai- and Plattsmouth. lii:ht jdants. Neb., eb-c-ask.-d and it b.-iiiP ! obtained a franchis. i identical in lot m with that filed by ih. McKinbv company. The cit i v i I l.-i fillic i:i i li i! red tlinl col'L- . .. ... , , , ., i.-' ( li I 1 1 I o I ,1 i n HI llllllr. .Ul'l iti. .two companies would atlord it. ! 1 1 1 1 1 when Ihe J'.oiicoi.l comtiimv ' !..... ....... ....... I A',r ,,..I 1.. .!.- ' III lll II I ..l- J ' " I ll"l' the council .-topped them. Those crilicisjup the Concord people for setlinp" poles at this time assert it could not pet its current from jany nearer point than Red Oak. jand that il would take mouths, if not a jear. to build the line, t The McKinley company has j ordered material and says il will lied take more than three or four weeks to pet up the line when this j arrives. Jt has current from two Omaha plants, under ils contracts. V T'l lii i t l'n "I i Ii ol" 1 he MrK'inlev l...!!,,. r-.-ow. .f. I V lli,lll Will. Ill" 1 IU m.l,vwi, .,. II. . comiany or any other com panies build into oLuisville or not, as we will build in there anvliow. It is territory that we will cover' repardless of competition, as il is on the direct line of the McKinley roads as projected to Lincoln. " W. A. Ilicock and wife of Donp las. Neb., ami Arthur Ilicock ami ftynily of Weepinp Water arrived in this city Ja t eveniua for a few days' visit with Mrs. It. IL Martin and family. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank our friends and neighbor s for their assistance during: Ihe fire that destroyed our home and for their heroic work in savins; our household goods and trust, they may never be compelled to undergo Ihe hardship of losjnp thejr home by fire. Luther Ranar.l and Family. Minister Praises This Laxative. Rev. 11. Stubenvoll of Allison. la., in praising Or. King's New Life Pills for constipation, writes: "Dr. King's New Life Pills nre such perfect pills no homo should be without them." No better reg ulator for the liver and bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try them. Price 25c, at r ,0. Fricke & Co. Local News From Monday'. Pally. Miss I'.erileSe- XeWell PTOP.f- to St. .lor, Mo., for a few da s" visit with relatives and frinuls. V. A. Howard departed this a ft -ernoon for Ashland. he will look after j-ome matters of busi ness. Editor 1.. -I. Ma.wb-M of the Louisville Courier was in the city today attending to some business mat t I.r-sfr-i- ilhri-wi-ser and Howard Corner were Sunday visitors at the ii.'oa'c imme, souiuwest 011 Mtirrav . I'A Rummrll of near M.wiard was in the city Saturday for a few hours looking after some we.-'r;-ei.d .-lioppiup'. .Mrs. W. S. Soper of N.-Ju-a n i Citv iMiiif up tins moi-ninir and I spent a few hours liere visit in friends in this city. I5ert Lverett of I'nion was in the city today for a few hours looking- alter some husiness matter-, in the probate court. 1 Mi-s Kluaheth L'altep depai-t.-d this afternoon for Hooper. Neli., where she will fake up her schd wr.rk for the coining 5 ear. Mrs. Louise Klein of Omaha arrived here for a visit, with her mother. Mrs. It. Hemp. 1, and her -istru-. Miss Teresa Hernpel. Mi.-s Llb-n r.arlon and Peter Ibdinl'eipr departed lliis moruin f..r Wausa. Neb., wlierc they will i-it with relatives for a fevda-. John Kraeer of ML IMeasan; was in the city Saturday, comiirsv u -to vi it with hi- friends, as well as look after sonic matler of business. Miss (lar-oline Mclvin and broth er. Robert, who have been here vi-itini with relatives f,,r a dinr! time, returned home this after--noon. .Mi-. Frank Miein and little child departeil this moriiiiisr ove Ihe Jturlinirton for Onl. Neb., vvhef-e : they will visit with friend and relatives for a time. Fred Reener F.dSelllont. S. J).. day oveninp- for a with the parents and wife d came in Satur shoi I v isjf liere of Mrs. ltezeii- er. Mr. and Mr-. Oeorpe 11. Tam- Fd C.arkley. his brother-in-law. Clyde l'.i.yer. and wife, and ie... Mv.-rs motored down yesterday from the metropolis and stopped here for a few hours to visit with friends. Miss Mina Thierolf departed this morniup- on the early Uur- linpton train for Albion, where she will he a pitesf house party there for a f.-w Neb., af a davs. Mrs. .1. K. Worley and two chil dren arrived this afternoon on No. 'j t and will visit here for a few days at the borne of Mrs. Wor lev's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Leonard. W. A. Fight of Mynard. accom panied by his friend. Allan Hlack. of Shenandoah. Lova. departed Saturday evening on No. 2 for Shenandoah, where Mr. Fjaht will visit for a few days. Mr-. William Young and daugh ter Frances of Oalesbnrg. Illinois, who have been here visit inp at the home of Jl. W. Itauphmann near Cedar Creek, a brother of Mrs. Young, departed this morning on No. 0 for their home. J. R. Hunter and family return ed from Hitchcock. S. !., yester day, where they spent a week or so visiting their- daughter and family. .They report a de liahlful trip and that the crops in I hat part of the country are line and never looked bettor. Miss Louise Wacner of Omaha and Miss Olaa Schleifert of Man ley, who have been the guest of Miss Hal tie Hoffman for a few days, returned to their homes this morning on the early Bur liritrlon train. Mrs. A. It. Hass of Oreapolis, who has been here at the bedside of her brother, Oeorge Ford, for the past few days, returned home this mornina. Mr. Ford is quite sick and for the past week has been very low, but seems slightly improved this morning:. Mrs. M. Raphael of Chicago, who has been here visiting her brother, R. M. Shlaes and wife, for a short time, d-parled this after noon for Omaha for a short, visit, after Which she will return to her home. Joseph Lloyd, from south of Murray, was a county seat visitor last Saturday. Joe has been a -sisliir-r in threshing the bi-c wheat crop of Cass county f..r the past few weeks. He says, the threshing Im-incs- is juL about completed. C. A. MeReynoId- and John Lloyd of the vicinity of Murray were. Plaltsmoiith visitors Satur day. Mr. Mcltcynolds was a pleas am', caller at this ollire and whil" here took time to renew his suh script ion and fake a look af our-ii.-w . Mrs. .1. L. Ma field and little daii"titer. of llo-kins. Nei., who have hern h-re visiting with the parent- of Mrs. Mayiieid, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Peterson, departed this ineraiiitr for home. Mrs. Cuy .Mr. M;tken ie.t them f..r a short visit. 11. lb Ratross of Louisville and his Lrother, J. A. Raco-s of Oma ha were in the city today lookin' aft. r some matters of le.isine-s. J. A. Ra-ioss is (,!;, r f the hOok i.eepers at the World-Herald r t: . . I ,..-.....1 ... :...-. :.. Ollli e ilUU sjii-hi ,1 Mini 1, liuie 11: j looKinu" over in.- .journal plant. Aunust Uradway and wife, f,,r merlv Miss Lvdia Hunger, return er" Saturday eveninir from their honeymoon trip to Denver am; other points' in (". dorado. Thi mornin? the ytnin?" peojile, ir company with Mrs. Anna Oei.scr. were passengers fur Omaha, where thev visited for the dav. Ivan Hiatt of Sidney, Iowa. wh. has been at the bedside of hi grandfather Ivan White at Mur. ray for a few days came up this mornimr to visit his sister Mi s. Frank Oobehnan. He reports Mr. White as beiiiE: in very bad shape and his condition has u really vr- i ried the family and friends as he! does not seem to improve and his condition Gradually prows worse, j l&'CALLED 70 REST From Tuff Jay's Daily. At the hour of two o'clock this mornin the spirit of one of out old and very hiphly esteemed citi zens took its tlipht to its eternal home and William Wjim, sr.. more affectionately known as "Fa GRAND GOOD MAN ther" Wynn answered the siun-j mons ; his final reward. .Mr.j Mrs. Philip Albert and Mrs. Wvnuw hohad just passed his j Henry Albert and children drove in eipht -first birt hday has been snf- ; t his morninp from their borne ferinp preatly from hear t trouble jnear Cedar Creek to visit for a for the pa-t few months but was few hours. apparently pettinsr much bett.-ri . ami the family fell so encourapj- i W. O. ireen departed this mor el over his prospects for recover. nina for Vcrdou. South Oakota, that two of his dauphlers. Mrs., where will spend a few weeks vi.s Marv Stafford of North Haven. ! it inp wit h lriends and' lookinp Michigan, and Mrs. Oeorge Urink low, of San Antonia. Texas, had departed for their home with the fhouaht thai the father was on the highway to recovery. ' The death of Mr. Wynn will come as a profound shock to his manv friends in this city who during the thirty years he has resided here have learned to admire this splen did old gentleman for his many excellent traits of character and his presence will be sadly missed especially in the Methodist church where be has h.-rn a loyal and steadfast member for a long term of vears and there never was an occasion that he failed to gather at the church to worship when ever it was possible to lie there and his loss to the church will be keenly felt. Mr. Wynn was a na tive of England and he" was mar ried in that country where several children of the union were born. When the family came to America they first set I led in Texas and lat er came to Nebraska locating at Plattsmouth about thirty years ago and Mr. Wynn entered the employ of the Burlington in the shops where , for twenty-four years he continued a faithful em ployee until his advancing years made it necessary for him to re lire. Besides the widow the fol lowing children are left to mourn the loss of this good and true man: William Wynn. jr., James Wynn, John Wynn, .Mrs. W. II. all of Plattsmouth, Mr.s. Mary Stafford, North Haven Michi gan. Mrs. Oeorge Brinklovv, San Antonia, Texas, Mrs. E. M. God win. Murray. For Sale. One 3C-foot tower Sampson windmill and one 8 horse power. Inquire of W. G. Meisinger, six miles west of Plattcmouth, or call phone No. 2522. 8-19-tfd&w Local Fews From Tuesday's Dans. C. M. Srylert of Louisville came in thi moriiinp" to end a few hours looking alter some matters of business. Miles Roman of Siouv Ciiy came down In -t ev- nintr for a short visit here with his parent arid friends. Louie peinharkle and wife and hahy of near Murray were in the city today attending to some mat ters of l.usines-;. Attorney Sam lJ.'Iiams of Lin coln came down this ruorninir to look after some leal iiiatters at the coin f hou-e. ( Mrs. Arthur irisman of Lincoln cam.- in la t evening on .o. -and will visit here for a few day wit h li-r mother. Rev. II. U. llui'-hman, pastor ol, (lie I'nited Pr esh terian church at i Murray, was a Piatt smoutli visitor! esterdav afternfion. ' Mi-s lierri -se sferday for St. N'eweR depni fed Joseph, Missouri, where she will Visit, .lavs with friends. for a few Miss Olive Cass returned this morn in pr from Ol. -nwood where she has been for a f.-w days visit -ins- wit h friends. Will Jean u'eparted this after noon for the western part of the stale where he will look allef some matters of business. Mis. R. L. Andrews, who has been making an extended visit with relatives near Memphis, re turned t this i i!y Saturday morn iu'ir. R. L. I.lovd of Omaha wh Ue.-n v i-il inp- at the c. L. home near this city foi a time returned this mornin Omaha. has J can short to Mr f. A. Slueklin and chil dren were pas-on-crs this mom ma fo" Watson. Missouri, where I hey will visit at tin- home of Mrs. stucklin's parent s. Mrs. in last Washington Smith cam-eveninp- on No. J and will j visit here with friends f,,r a few days before return inp to her home in Central City. Nebraska. Miss Hazel Tuey returned from Chicapo Sunday, where she bad been takinp a four weeks coiir-e ! in public school music at the i N. S. S. after business matter Mrs. Arthur Har tley and chil dren of Omaha who have been here visit inp at Ihe Lutz home as well as with friends in the conn-! try departed this morning on th. early train for their home. Mrs. John Cory departed thi - afternoon for Pender. Nebraska, where she will accompany her granddauahter Florence Shultz home. Miss Florence Cory ac companied her mother as far as Omaha. Mrs. W. J. Marsh of Valley. Ne braska, who has been here visiting- for a lew days with Mrs. F. M. Phebus arfd family returned to her home Ibis afternoon. - Grovernor Knapp departed this afternoon on No. 2:t for Omaha from where he will accompany his nephew John Parker of Lincoln to Rochester, Minnesota, where he will enter the Mayo hospital. Morgan Waybright and wife de parted this morning on' the early Burlington train for Edison. Ne braska, where they will visit and look after the land interest of Mr. Waybright in that locality. Frank Barcu departed this as City, where mornings for Kan he will leave for Denver to spend a few weeks of his vacation in taking in tin.' sights of the Colo rado counlry. Ed Parrioll came up last even ing from his home at Peru, Ne braska, and is visiting here with his numerous friends in this city and -icinity. Mr. Parriott is o most genial gentleman and while here made the Journal office a most pleasant call. Walk on Hardwood Floors Don't h.-we yrxir floors covered vvith germ-laden carpets. Hard wood floors require no carpets and are more healthful and en-ier to enre for, and also look mur-h better. Our select 5 Lumber Lath Corn ft ' f.WT v.jth i . " i you bo. little i ' to have good hard- wrxid boors in your home. Richey Bros. Plattsmouth, Neb., cm i i Shingles i. Mi-s Mabel Trr.s-l.-r of Kan-asj City. "f ., arrived in this city e--j terday for a visit, with friends.! While in the city she will be aj cue-t at the Home oi .Mr. and Airs. .1. W. CraitiH and lrimei-'Uis other f,se-,s Attorney A. L. Tidd returned lasf eveninp from Orleans. Ne braska, where he has been look-inp- alier lepal matters and states that the farmers here do mft know what a droulh is until they see the condition of crops through the; western portion nf Ihe state. Con Miller of Ord. Nebraska, a nephew of Henry i-teinhauer of this city was an over niaht i-itor here last evenii.p- at. the Stoin hauer lionie. Mr. Miller left this inorninp for Omaha where he will look after business matters at the South Omaha stock yards havinp with a neighbor broupht down several ear- of cattle to the Oma ha market. Cliarles S .--lone who has boon vi sitiup- Jaere a 1 relat ives and id a .vv lira wn'i friends xpec t s to depari tomon'ow for where he will b'.ok u ; M. n f Tr i ;i i ......... !o for a bank. Mr. Stone is the ablest men in tV banki: lie f b.l-- incss linrt h.:s 1-cen in tliis coun ly where lie was for r: number ol years in iharse of the Murray Stab- bank and whatever town he may locate :n will lirnl him a wide awake live wire. Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, for the next 100 years, unless I die in the meantime. I have now an extra fine stallion, the best jn the state, for sale. Well broke for both harness and saddle. Wm. Gilmour. P!?? srriou! h. Neb. , P " o ' 1. i th: ; jt j : j in. ora f-T-il I I liFMSUt'I ' i ."V -st-w-iciar. P$2SS&S?&& 0 $fflUiQ l-Z&SgShga?"! hardware. Price is at mill or ltr0Z?22fJl factor'. Ark us for irtighw " paid price. Our Free Plan Offer Without any obligation on your p.irtVc will gladly furnish yon the plans for the above descra and assist you ia the selection of the materials. We v,z.nt to encourage home building and otcrthe beit facili ties and proposition evc-r made. Save Money, Tine and Worry Our i-!ce rf V.'.nO (cr the r.bcvc Ileus" I), su'ii An. i 1V is at the mill and vvtfvtill ' k'iaaiy iu;ic a doliv.T.-d iirice vliich vviil u.ak j. u a liij s..Viiiu'. ur syst. :n .-ilin; fill tlie i:iatc-ri.i!s saves roa time and D-t-uii-s exiM-ns.-. We inal:- prompt di-livery c ail tlie it,.-ras so :.s to avoid say ucia in ihe Luiidine operations Consult Us Before BuildingIt Will Pay You Bore lAiildine a home yoa should ca'l at our office aud I t us ftgtire on the materia! s. and offer you some suggest 'ona f:cin cur ett-nd-d t xptripnee. Wm can you uaoney and t.e'p you t huiid the racst attractive ani cciafcrtiiSjle Louie dcuuLI far the you have l tpt-rd. ..CEDAR CREEK LUMBER COMPANY... Plaster Lime Cement Roofing KILLING FROST HERE FIRY YEARS AGO From T-c." Jiv's Jud-re M. Arc ho I- was in a re miniscent mood yesterday wli.-u the reporter- for the Journal call ed at his icmpb- of ju-rice to who had been meted out ju-tn-e, and proceeded to relate a fact that occurred fifty ears ao or on Autrusl ji, 1Kt',::. and that was the visitiriP rd' thij oi ality by a killinp- frost, and it makes a pleasant sensation at this late day to think that such a thinp-wa--possjhje. The jude stated thai the frost in the bw lands , took everythinp" before before it and left the valleys as bleak, as if ihe breath of winter had swept ove." them. On the hiuhland- tlu- da:n- la'pe was n.d prc.'tt to the vcpeta- tion and alona the Mi-souri river, where the warm current of that stream prrtccfed the t:o;'S a!.- :ip the banks. Alonv thr- valley of the V.'eepinp Water cr. ek. which ,. ! now s j ii roup n t ne ... . . , red her n par t da' nape was i y.j o" 'Villi, i ii' l-. n.-- !,..-'. to within a few uth of hat stream. !:i air tr.'in the :;;;!;; r,f the i wh :(.' the w Missieivi t iv.-r d but we.-t of th'. swept by the fro :pel!f.l the fro-t, evcrvthina was ! kin--. How tne Troivjle Starts. Constipation i the cau?e of nnny ailments rnd disorders that 'nak.j life miserable. Take Cham berlain's Tablets. keep your bowels regular- and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealers. Sell your property through the Jc-.t -!"! Want Acs. i 1 V; i-"X liver rIacie. V.fc Positively t ers Free of Charge Plans at House Shown Below B'j; s All the Materials to Build this 8 Room House Price includes all lumbtr, ir-.ui wcrir, latti, sh.mplrs, siding, flo.,ring. ceiling, u inch ing lumber, buiidir.i; paper. Pipe, gutter, Pashvvciid.ts and Bidding Guarantee Alt the matr-pats urnishctl are -! o1l- It bryn J i.v. ci. rm nnti Ir.-sb st. ck. The iu:j.;ty and RTidn cl t-ach it.-ra ii x ictiy :is siciliol. T!)P quantity is aKvav Eul-lici-ir.t to cc.xcl.-.e itJt. U..i.;n acreruinif to h l!an- .in aJdition. c via Hie back uuy m.itml not utit-d. in trood c ndiiion. and credit you tt full purchase price.