PAGE C. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1913. mart, rim Prepareh im the Interests of the People of Murray axd Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers (If Ttiv of the readers of the Journal know of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear un- dr this heading, we want an neins di inieresi. cunor oouriiai. ; I .. i ...... i . : : . . .. i i, .. . : .1- Piirsw Stuff Bank Our Deposits are guaranteed by the State Guarantee Fund A per cent interest paid on all Time Deposits for one year. Do your Banking Business with us. E3EKC25B W. G. BOEDEKER; Cashier (fAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA J? ... . . v. Aim- liinl c! were' (ii-ori;,' Jensm- met with unite i-il::r-r 'Lie-nay wiili her .-i.-ler. ;i jiiiiilul accident last week. ."I Tnl t . i ; ; : 1 1 1 his fun! in a hayrack. Mi--.. T. I!. Smith, win. ha- 1 - t i ! prai.iini; ami cru-liimr il It o'iil'' -i.k I'm- tin- pa-l I'.'W fi'k. badly. - i ' i i ' ! ii) -. " 1 .Mr.-, D.-rl Hansell. from Laug- .Mai in. Hi.- !il : !. -mi of ( liia-. , 'i':i. Mi-souri. wa- vi.-ilinga few l! 'ail. ha- been .pii!.- -i-k or the day- Ihi.- week with friends ami I . : ; -1 lew day-. ' i ' I a ! i i s al Ihe oid home near !!; V- (!.!- is i ) - -! ! ' from hi- injuries r i I in an I Charles llei'ieii, who was in auto accident . . I .j 1 1 1 ' " i in ihe runway about two The liilli- child ' Mr. ;i!i Mrs ;We.-k- nuo. i- .-Hiiii: along nice Win. K.-l!i-rM ha- '."'u .pide -irk ! !' beiii'-j almost cut ir-ly !-i-- e;ed !'.! I he pa-l v. -' i-.. i r t I i i - injuries. .Mr. and Mr-. J.-hti Inuner of ; Mi-.- Clara Young wa- enuam-d .V-.-ier. N . i . . air friends by flu- enle rtaiin'ng- commit lee al hi ;u:l a r ;; ii.i Murrav jthe nM settlers' picnic t give Air. I. . ! - act well' .our readings. niiiip is a Ihi- ucili, - j t ; 1 1 1 j i -: a ry m i-er- 'ry plcasjnu' eul -rl ainer. a.';!-' day V. diie-da;. . M r.-. Willard Meb.-ni.-cr ami . .N'.'l -.i many al i .-M.l-il the old i ch ijdrcn l.'I'l Wclnc-day I'm- Do .-I I !im reunion jcar a-,M"im-. v .Mr. .Mcb-ngcr has n-nr.!. owi;r-: in the h.-;jl. acri'ici a call as paslnr nf Mm Mr. ai;. Mr.-. II. i. T..i.l ami .-nil-. 'am i ami Imu :, -) i t I !! a I h rfi' w.'i-ks" j-i! ia i la inula. Char!.'- lliin-n a ul !'rn I.nlz wi'if liK.kiny afh-r '. hn-im'sss Mrs. Jak Smith has Im-cii n i i I sick fortlif past lVvla..-. Hex Vmnif; wli was (jiiilc sci i- nsly injnrcij a few tlays apn. is I'ltinr nliinjr !iiccyv hut ml alp Id In- mil v et . Carter Alhin ha liccn nnnilu'r-i-( willi the- sick fur I he past few lays. Init repnrltd s is n hetter at this lime. 15en Land has ln-en quit' sick for the pa-t few days. snUVrinjj: with a si'Vere t'old. Pneumonia has lieen fea!"ei. . )n Salurd.iy Septein ler lrJ. is tiie date nrran.''il for an oiil-door social al Hie lionic of V. A. Keniitday. More extensive announcement will lie made later. .Hay Wright. who has been working for (Jus l!oenber.u' for the pa-t few months, has resiuu el his position and leaves today for Minnesota, where he will make his future home. Will Smith and John I'arris de parted Thursday evening for a visit in the northwest. They will .-peml some time in the state of in Hit! Humes beinfr quenched be fore cry much damage was done. .Mr. Adams started a lire in tin oil stove and then stepped out in the' yard for a minute. When, he relurned Haines were leaping from the stove ami the room was tilled with snioke, and the walls alid furniture were found to be on. tire. .Mr. Adams says the dainajri done yvas ljhl with no in-urance. to I'liVlT I lie loss. ' 4 I- NEHAWKA. ' News. I). Ilerminsoii of Ihe wc-f piarry had a boy born Wednesday II i: lit . . Mrs. .John Hall t:anie over from Plat I -niout h Tuesday and took (iramlma Chapman home with her for a visit . To i n Fulton set tJNO tires during the rereiu dry spell, and admits that lie did not have to extend himself. Mrs. Cunningham ami l-'ern re Wa-hitiLMon. where Mr. Karris'! '"'"ned last Kri-lay from t heir visit Hunks very e'rioiisy of local j ,M nkl:1 I hy report a very in the near future! i jplea-ant lime. . j l. I.. Marilz is rearranpinfr the ii" . i Ptomaine Poisoning. j. lining room ai ine t.runer nou.- Mr. Stoll'er, our lumberman, has been in a very serious condi tion for a couple of days. suHVr inir from ptomaine poisi.uinu, re ceived from the eating of sar dines. The old penXleman was in a ery serious condition when taken to SI. Joseph Thursday eveniii".. e was placed ill tile ho-pi!aI and a me-saue was re eeiei here later lliat he had died, l.'p o Wednesda eyefiini: we hae not recei ed any furl her word from hi- condition, but. hope that the report mjiy not be true and I ha I he w i 1 1- rec er. mailers in ihe cmiiilv -eat. Wed-!'d lo the .main dealers. Kir.-t Christian church. The bu-y Ca-s county thre.-h-i ea-on i- alino.-l oer for the present season, and the bir. wheat crop has alniosl all been deliver- uerday. Lie Kni-s and l; : lu-r. Kd miiiid. were in plat I -iimmiI Ii W'vd-ne-dav evenini:'. making Ihe trip in the a m I i ; 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Mr. and Mrs. M. Iliall went il'iv, ii lo Weeping Walej' Sunday !; a week"- v.ilh Lh'ir liauhter. Mrs. A. Ck. Mis. John l.lojd iias lelurued' from ber i-il at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M;ii-- Staudi.-h. near (iariH'l, Kau-a-. Mrs. staieli-ii and liaimli- ti'.'". i'l'oin .Norton. Kansas. hae been Nisitiii-- for the ' pa.-i few lays with friends and relative- at the old ho. -lie. They hae been UUess al the lion;.' ,,f Mrs. Sfand-i-h"s patvn!-. Mi-. ;.!! Mrs. Mwon Head. Mrs. s. J. Smith of llavelock came down last Friday to attend Ihe funeral of the little daughter t. f Mr. and .Mis. T. 15. Smilh. She i el u rned home Sunday . .IiiIiii jjoyd has purcha-cd a new Ford automobile from Ihe agency of l'.eckei- iS. Willis rif I'uioa. He now sails ahum nvep i f:e l oads w il h ea-e. Mr. ami Airs. Karne-j Carroll of Orchard left Thursday moruinpr for their home. after : week's isil with Mr. Carroll's parents. Mr. anI..Mr. Charles Carioll. H. V.. Dunkleber.irer preach t I he, Chris! ian church Sunday i!innii!i and eyenini:'. Keryboiy cordially iuiled l come out and hear him. Sunday school at 1 0 a', m. P. S. Since Ihe above was placed .in lpe. we learn that Mr." SloutTer died Wednesday al the tmspital in St. .Jo-eph. He was accompanied to SI. Joseph by Mrs. SI. uill'er and lr. Hreudel. All ol bis relatives from the northern pari of Ihe -late, were at his bed side when death rclieed his suf ferings. -We are al-o informed that he had been sutferinpr for a few days with typhoid ami mala ria. We are also instructed b Mrs. Sloutfer to express her thankfulness n the many 4friejiil who so kindly assisted her ihirinj; the sickness (.f Mr. Stonffer while in Murray. LittJe Child Dies. I.illie. the little two-year-old daughter of Sir. and .Mrs. T. . Smith, died at their home four and one-half miles south-west ol .Murray. last Friday morn in? about two o'clock, after a week's i.llness. Tlie funeral services were held at the home Saturday morninir at ten o'clock and the liille one laid to rest at the Mt. Pleasant cemetery, llrv. 1 1 ei lire's, of .Nehawka. ollieial in jr." Mr. and Mrs. Smith have the deepest sym pathy of the entire community in this their hour of deepest sorrow. EAGLE. ,! Beacon. ' J At Our Store A fine line of Parasols worth up to S1.50, all next week at 98c- Celluloid Dressing Combs, regulaT 25c kind at 19c Men's Work Shirts at . 39c Little Boys' Cowboy Suits that sell everywhere for $1.00, our special price, per suit 59c Dresser and Table Scarf Embroidery Patterns at ...25c (These are the best values you ever saw) HI ATT &'-T MURRAY :: TT NEBR. Mi s. S. A! Vanlandiny ham. who umbuwenl an operation for ap pend icil is at I be College View- hos pilal recently, returned home Wednesday afternoon. Fred Kent and Win. Mucnchau left Tuesday inorninfr for the northeastern part of South Dako ta where they will help thresh for t he next thirty days. Mrs. Asnes McDonald and Miss Kthel Scal(erj:ood returned home today, Friday, from Indiana, where they have been visit in relatives for the past three weeks. Mrs. Win. Christopher-son re turned home from Lincoln (hp fore part of the week where she has been confined in a hospital. We an nm to report that her condition is much improved. Dewey Ouinn. who recently un derwent an operation at a Lincoln hospital and whose condition lias been considered very dangerous for the past two months, was brouphl home Monday much im proved, and brishf hopes are en tertained for his recovery. Last Friday at noon T. R. Ad ams residence was discovered to be on fire, but prompt action byi neighbors and passersby resulted ! ami is inovini: in there with his restaurant. This will jrive him a number of yomj rooms with which to accommodate the public. Miss ileal rice Cook, who has been here for several weeks visit, inr her grandparents. Mr. and Mr.-. Isaac Pollard, left Tne-day lor the return .journey to her home in Detroit, Michigan. Henry Wessel will have a tine np-todate hardware store when his addition is completed. The addition is n feet with an offset of i feet mi the west side which will contain his bench. Frank Moore is lining Ihe work. Carper came in Saturday from York, where he has spent the mo-t of bis acalion this summer, and from here he went to Union, where In- will visit the W. II. Port er family a few day s before roinp' on to bis home at Fairfax, Mo. Miss Isadorc Sheldon entertain ed the following younfr ladies at a house party over the week end: Miss Helen Pollock of Plalts moulh. Misses Lucy llarl, Ruth McDonald and Helen Sorenson of Omaha. They returned home on the eveninp train Monday. Alvo Notes Albert Taylor was in Sat urday. Miss Pearl Keefer was in Mur dock Monday. Del Tyson was doing- business in Lincoln Monday. A.J. Friend and wife were trad ing in Lincoln Tuesday. Violet will make her home with Lamest Slice, who works in the her fattier, who is in the ntercan- Hock Island ticket office in Oina tile business. They left Wednes- l'a, visited I. L Ilornbeck Sunday. I jM(,fn day on No. 5. A number of our young- people aiieuueo ine i.imwoo.i cnau- JXX" -5 I" tiiiiqua Sunday morning and ev.-u- WEEPING WATER. ing. I- Republican. Mr. and Mrs. John Amgwer t and of Dennett, Neb., were visiting friends and relative- here Charlotte Hiingale altende :iKMinuay( lent party at, David City last week '" aml Homer Lawlon o Jacob Kamm was doing busi- ami assisie.l in a iO-nieee ril- "av'"P'i I, loua. nave neen vi-il ness in Lincoln Wednesday Morgan ('uryoa did business at Lincoln Friday of last week. ing at the Sorjck home the fore Will Lewis returned from t,!"' north part ofjhe state Tuesday. Mrs. W. K. Evans is in Red Oak visiting her folks this week. The drug store is (tie place to buy stock tonics and -poultry sup plies. Harry Appleman caine in-M.m- ilav to look after his farm in terests. , chest ra at f he clxLUlauuiia. ....... , . ... rl, . part ol I tic week. William Peters lelt I uesdav ...... ,, I , , , , .. ... . . .. .Mrs. ill Rush and daughter. morning tor Sheridan. vo., lor . . . ... ,. , , . ., .' . . Mary, have been vi-iling Mr. and a three weeks visi with his sons . ... .. . , . . . . , Mrs. Raymond e-lake, near who are conduct ms a sheep ranch , 1 Dealon, I Ins week, near erona. ... ... . ill Mc.Namara and familv F. W. Clopping of Cob-ridge ;lllo,., from Fairmont la-l Sai- vi.-iled his .dd neighbor, Jack ....a.,.- .;, lir lan.le.l .-.i ii... 1'hilf.ol. a.-t w-ek. They were boys , ; M ,.'spi,. j,,,,,,.. for a tew day -' together and used to balch on the , farm together From recent reports we hear At.. . 4 f. ll - (. 1 I -irs. i,. .. i.amwin i wnom we tnal Clara siroy is gradually im- I . . I - I,.. I .....I. .... l.-...-. nl ! al " i The Rai niim - Hailev c itus "I""1' weew as oeing in i iiroving l nun i lie serious accnieu! . . . . .... had a srood attendance from Alvo serious comuuon. is resiing as tnal liappene.i trnee wveks ay.. last week. easy as could be expected under .Monday nig.h-1. Will Miller and bi-otlier started 'he circumstances. Kmma Ilisenhul of I-ranee i- for Montana to look after land 15. F. Ruby went to Eagle here on a short visit with triend- . . i ... i it . i .n Mondav ediHs. lay morning to attend Hie ami reiamcs. rroni m-re -m- Charles Snavelv and Herman funeral of his niece. Mrs. William will join her si-ler and brolh.-r in Stroeiner were doing business in Darr, who dropped dead at Lincoln Los Angeles, California. Lincoln Mondav. .Tuesday of heart failure. t.'i: i'...... ,..;.. ,.i. ;ia...n n.ft i .1 1 i .i mi i , in- ini'i ii oi ii i t .11 1 i .1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 u n ,1 1 N o I j . I m in in i t 4 ....i.i . . i . lor Howie, lexas, to isii reia- was d.w n J- i nlay lo see Ins V V lives Weitnes.lav .... a !.,.. vln. i'- ..1.1 mm.I ' MYNARD. Monr Dabiwin of University v.-rv sick at the home ..f her 'Special Correspondent. Pfaee was calling on relatives and daughter. Mrs. Ileorge Cilmore f A . l I iriciHis .Mon.iay. m,, i.- i; ,i. ,lin wa s :. .-. ft Ivan elites and Walter Skinner ,.,...,, ,i;1s-en".M- I.. Omaha Satl Mynard is very mucli in need of of Hooper w-re visiting With Itteir ,av (i( , . ,(V a j a blacksmith.- A good opening for folks Sun. lay and .Momtay. wife win. leave soon for his school the rij-'ht man. .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snavelrl v .k . (h(4 aj,r;(.uI, ,..,, (.i,.j,M . M. Mrs 11,.,(.r molored lo look in the Chautauqua at Mf( -s Johnso, unlv to xi-il rela- WOO.l lliuisoax exeiin:. ,,.,... I .,...1 f, I. I.... .. f..... .1.,.- . . . , . t i i l 1 r T .! I. il I HI .11 I . .il it I ( III I ei ei.-l I i i " - un'i J i I i 'i i . i ...... . .Mis i. aura n imerin -aim in i-en Mab came over from Plr.f I smoul hi Charles Valh-rv molored from LOUISVILLE. Courier. -. .?-.?.. -, Mrs. John !roup returnetl last Friday from Vianna, S. D., where she has been visiting her brother, Frank Heim.. Tin Courier neglected lo an nounce the birth of a ten and one- half-pound baby boy on August 3 to Mr. and Mrs. James Masters. (i. S. Dorsey, wife and daugh ter of Linwood, Neb., and Mrs. E. J. Dorsey of Port erville, Califor nia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs W. C. Dorsey this week. .Mr. ami Mrs. L. C. Todd of Ne- hawka. and their guest, Mrs. Frank hers, of Colorado, spent Tuesday at the home of Aino Keiser in the country. . Mr. and Mrs. .Adam Kurfz ami family of Omaha -and Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Duerr and family of Alvo visited at the home of Mrs Ceo. Ruber last Thursday. Mrs. (!abe Pribble returned on Wednesday from Two Harbors, Minn., where she had been visit ing ber son, (Jen. Waldron ami family. Mrs. Pribble brought home with her some samples of grain and hay that is good for sort4 eyes. Slit; reports all form er Louisville people up there get ting along nicely. C. V.. Irwin, who is at the M. L hospital in Omaha, where he underwent an operation last week, is improving- steadily. His family expect him to return home within the next I wo weeks. ' This is gratifying news to his many friends ami relatives in this vi cinity, as his eondilion was deem ed serious. V..J. J villinn- Mi. -" - - ci. ....!. ... x-iU will. Af..- ci r m : . . o ... .. I.-IIIIO.III.. I' lll "UN -lil ..l.l. .0-l'l, ..1I.--OWJI, II. .-ll III .-Mil 101 i ... il r.- T I.., I.i . r . i-. ....... . ... ... , . eei i-i -on moi nei , .ii -. r.. .j . i e- i ne Home ol IIS l a I 1 1 " I III - MW -, A en e.tver of Soul h lieild l . ....... .. . .. i o i as r. I'eiersoii is nu rsinLr unrv i- i u-.n leri-v liivintr with J. A. shatter while ... i ;i inn loii i Pitin i n i n - sti'iiiimi i . i .i Mi s. Shaffer is in Ca ifornia. " --; " . . .- .x numner oi no- .Mynar.i peo- I Herman Stroeiner and wife 1 ' Pi vis I the band concert in .. ..i i I Tliui- -... . i-1 (oi.. were a cmintr ill" r.unwooo -" ... i 'ri,,,, ........ 'lo- t llcl I I I l 1 1 till I IIIO' -' mur. f IIMIP-RI Ibid and. Jack Orove have gone J Some wells are reported as to Minnesota to thresh and also .... . , failing to gi' a suflicieut ii. ply- visit a sister. Mrs. Jack Hanson. . uf water ami the ant ion of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas of the well digger is great for work. Kansas were visiting their par- Lester Clarence of Coleridge wheat continues lo be hauled nts. Mr. and .Mrs. I homas. sun- arrived Wednesday to visit wit h , ,, ( t. ,.,.Va(. us. And I he eb-val - lay. .'us grandparents and lake in ihe ,,rs n.,,r -,,,,! f.n.oou bushels L. Ill Appleman. Sain Cashnfr. reunion. niarketed tin's fall from this Commissioner Jordan and J. A. Mrs. Living-ton Richey came in place. IY .... I 1 t I I.' .i , I . . i. it . t . .. ,i ma i i I uauer were c.tuei . .11 J..1JM- i -1 iriim 1'iaiismouin on eunesuay i Di-. Drown is -porting a new lav. to make a Jew days visit wilti tier ;,,,i,,, Tin. .t..ei..i-'s l.n-ine . ... . 1 .1. . I.'.-.... . AT.... I . . . ... I II. . . rMoue ami . ne ...-.- aunt, Mis. laiHIllls r.vereu . demanded more si I lo attend lo cant He company are nain- a F p,.imit)(.r Sloan, Iowa, a all the calls in his Hi f lmi clearance sale tor the tiaiance oi . f xv ., .. ... ,, ' ... . August. I make a visit with his relat i es and 1 Jacob l.ohnes transacted biisj- I he tlislrict is painting alien. t I tie old sell lers' l enni.'.n. ness in town veslerdav. Jalo . i t ..i.- i't: . I I sci,oot i.ouse wun i ,. u m - Mrs. y Fletcher an.L .laugh- report s the condition of Ihe corn ire paim. . u , u ... (lf i,,,,,,,,...,, v,.i, ni.,,V(,,i tine. considering ..-uch dry Drug ( iO. I , , l.-.-.i..,. ,... i...,. i ...... :i I wi..n I Inn' let -t j 1 i lit it ia 1 in e iM-ei i i .- 1 1 - i " Mr. Evans of Red Oak. Iowa, is in town this week attending to ing Mr. ami Mrs. John Klaurens The continuation t.f dry wealh- .....I ...I..... r, ;,, I ip has not lesseneil llietaulo . . . ...ii.. ........ i.-ifii...-. .nu i ii i iii i - - - - . .... ... . ... business for the l-.vans .Mercan- vi(.inj(v (;raz,. W)l understand Ui.r-Ie Ihll tile company. . . jo ,,,;,k,. denioii-l rat ions iv. .i... r il.i nanur .vioin nono aim wne .uiss i.. ii..- i.o... .-i i - - , . .., ,,P... ....... wihalon. .... . .. , . ii ss ui iwii i imiji- ii iiresimvioi. Whydont you pnone your ew ' , ... Our congenial agent will tak- 1.. ihe ilni"- store-' We vi be uniing.x. luoni ., w hei e t ney expect , to tne in u,- ' , ....... Ins vacation m the near liilure i iiii i r 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i m i 1 1 1 ' r mi - glad to receive il. . ' tt , And with his wile ami babv will . .,,i i r Horn ami w ie i en io iilti irs. Clarence laoye.. - 1 ",,,.,"", ; ' en.jov t he scenery of Colorado I'm- daughter,, Moe. -'- ''' ' "V V , a fortnight. p.o'vea's iini'cn s. .Mr. and airs. .mis. .jame j.. neynoius ami John Woods. last week. oii, Daniel, started last Saturday S. O. Cole has gone to Canada CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I.. . i . i ... p i 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 II... f if in .if :i Mrs. Thomas Stout and daugh- on a long journey, their destina- ..,..,,.,- , il.,. I:,i..,. ter, Mrs. Arthur Klyver. acconi- t ion being Coopers! own. N Y . to am7iim, (f wheal, raised .m hi- panie.l Mr. and Mrs. Hart lo Lin- make a few weeks visit with Mrs. (hj v coin Saturday in tJ.e latler's car. Reynolds' mother and other rela- ' A a,.,. niiml),.r. ,)f , ,,. f., ' Dr. and Mrs. Muir and .laugh- fives. (ijs vis. jM ,-, v a, , ,.nded the reunion ters ami Mrs. Craig started for Miss Dovie Ilarkluirsf, who was nf old settlers held at Union. Des Moines, Iowa to visit, rela- operated upon in a ho.spHal in Mrs. Henry Johnson visited lives and lake in Iowa's big state Omaha a few weeks ago. was able ,cj(.ils n piatlsmouth for sev- fair this week. to return home last Sunday, she ora days last week. Mrs. Rosa Cooley of .Lincoln, js rapidly improving in healt h and I i..,.' i,.nin :m.i f.-imilv nr.. who has been visiting "Mrs. Clias. many friends are much visiting with his uncle and aunt, Kir-kpatrick since last Friday, left pleased by her speedy recovery. M aHj Mrs (;j,.spje. Ilerf at for Richliebl Wednesday on No. William Morlev. t he genial in.H f he oresetif time is li isiir in SI. 18 to visit relatives. popular postmaster at Avoca. was Joseph. Missouri, and is conduct- .Mr. and. Mrs. John Breece of , Wednesday afternoon, sf art- or on the St. Josenh Oraml Is- Dayton, Illinois, came Saturday . a ons ad satl iournev to inml railroad. runninir from visit William Lewis and family Upand, Cal., having received a Oram! Island to SI. Joseph and Mrs. Lizzie Lewis ami iamiiy. jHegrani informing him of the Mrs. Dreece is a sister of Mr. W Ht impending death of his aged Lewis. mother. Dale Tioyles went to Murdock .Vilinm ,Uf ...... . , . : .-..,1 nf II saiurtiay exeunt u- .. home Tuesday from Chicago, A. ,unimaun .t ie where they were visiting relatives. business men s I. suing t amp. u,. Mp Qs( p,,,,,,,, ,,. ,nos, eIIlin. reporled the best of luck and pnf spf.cialisU wllikl (,1)M.(( hfM coul.l prove ii. , jn2r ( ju ,.rli(if f)ni his J)(1 Mrs, Chris Koefer of Li cbtield, standinjr aflnMMll and We regret who has been caring for "'r .s- ( ( hov yi.v lifI) lor and husband Mr. and Mrs. enrapenwntm . Joe Prtuity, at ITniversity Place. - :.: ...III. ...O . I ivoc in lvil tins wcck. . . A Rev. E. S. Up teg rove stalled MURDOCK 4- ... . ..... r ... w -... r.mvn Town s nnuwouiiv. f ;,v;v;:::r;,,:: p,-hVro;y of t (cii correspondent., ust 22, at 8 p. m. - t , v Sndee of Clafonia. Ndlie Rush is nttw home from who was ailending her grandson summer school. at South Bond, stopped here to Harry (iillespie was in Omaha visit her' parents. IL Thomas and Saturday and Sunday, wife, Monday. She reported that Mrs. Verna Hrittiau has been . ....... .. i ..... i. 1 i i .. i i -1 . . . ii.: . Mr. ami Mrs. pan imams io..k visiung irieuos ami i-ei.ine uus the bov to an Omaha hospital for week. treatment We hope the little Mrs. -Joe Hansen has been visit- boy will have a speedy recovery.' ing relat ies in Iowa the past two Will Uptegrove returnetl from week.- Drnwnville Tuesday, where he was Fishing wasn't very favorable doing business in the interest of for the lishermen that camped on the New York Life association. Salt creek last week. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer accompanied Mr. andvMrs. Arch Towle of her sister. Miss Violet Ough. to South Bend visited at he Gillespie Ducor, California, where Miss home Sunday. 1 n5 If You Want E U YOU can get them by ad vertising in this paper. It reaches the best class of people in this community. Use this paper if you want. some of their business. Use This Paper if: ;f"T