mmbutib Platte 5 otrata VOL. XXXII. PLATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1913. NO. 6G. VERY STRANGE ACTIONS OF MAN AT OREAPOLIS Jumps From Train and Makes for Woods, but Is Later Brought to This City. From Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon there was considerable excitement created at Oreapolis by a man apparent l men! ally unbalanced, vh mailt -vral attempts to jump off of train No. :.'.', li i in motion. Tin man purchased two tickets here, oin t Waver ly and (me to (jreen woml, ami boarding the Irain re mained ealnr until the train near- (l the tower at Oreapolis, wlu-n ln made his attempt to leap from the train, hut was prevented. Bui as the train neared the "Y" he was ahle to fret. off the train and made off in the direetion of the woods near that place, and re fused to return to the train. The crew of ttie ".-lub" from this city, which went there latei in the afternoon, made several attempts to pet him to come on to the train and return to this city, which he refused" to do, and as the train crew was not in a position to rapture turn, lie was allowed to remain at liberty until they returned to this eily, where Sheriff Ouinlon was notified and he went to the .scene and secured the man, bringing him to this city ahoul '.i o'clock last evening, and he was lodged in the county jail to await development s in the rase. He was identified as-Angust Byer, who resides near Waverly. and his family was at " once notified by the authorities, and one of his sons notified them he would come down and remove his father to his home. Byer recent ly suffered from a similar spell, and it is thought the extreme hot weather has contributed to his state of insanity. SAM BILLINGS AND BROTHER IN TROUBLE AT FORT COLLINS From Tuesdays Dally. Sam Billings. a former Plaits mouth young man, came in Satur day evening on No. 2 for the pur pose of visit iufr with friends here, but was taken into custody on Sunday by Chief of Police Rainey on advices from the sheriff's office where notice had been received of his being1 wanted at Tort. Collins. Colorado, on a charge of grand larceny. He was taken to the county jail, where lie will he con fined until the arrival of tin officers from the Colorado city to take him back there for (rial. The exact nature of the crime was not made clear in the notice from the Colorado authorities, but it is understood that another of the Billings boys i in the jail at Fort Collins awaiting trial on the same charpe. This inorninp the sheriff of Larimer county, Colorado, arrived on No. 4 to take young Billinps back to Colorado, where he will answer to the charpes preferred against him. - The property stolen by Billinps consisted of hides taken from a ranch in the vicinity of Fort Collins. The case of the younp -man is a very sad one, as he has been denied many of the opportunit ies afforded other boys of the same ape and was deprived of the proper home traininp that might have made him a good and useful citizen. Mrs. Ivor . Standish and babe have been spendinp the past week or ten days visit inp her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Reed, near this city, .Mrs. Standish called at this. office and had her subscrip tion to this paper extended for another year. She expects to re turn to her home in Kansas Fri day of this week. Moves' Here From Kansas. From Tuesday's Dally. Plaltsmoulh lias received an other addition to its population, as Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart of Atchison, Kansas, have decided to return back to a pood place to make their home -here for Hie present at, least. These worlhy young people formerly resided here, where Mrs. Stewart was born and reared lo womanhood, having formerly been Miss Amy Cook, the dauphler of W. P. Cook and wife e are glad to welcome the younp people back to this city and trust they w'ill continue to make this city their future home. BUSY NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER AT PLATTSMOUTH The Nebraska City Press Throws a Good-Sized Bouquet in This Direction. N From Wednesday's Dally. The Piatt smouth Journal has a newspaper plant second to none in Nebraska. A Press man visited 'Bob" Bates for a few minutes on Sunday afternoon and was shown throuph the plant of Cass conn- tv's principal newspaper. Of course, the new Gnss press is the thinp of beauiy and joy for ever in the Journal oince jijsi now, a newspaper press that will print, cut and fold i.Ono news papers per hour, printed off one up roll of paper, doinp away with hand-feeding and foldinp. A new press room has been built for the accommodation of the press and needed room added to a buildinp I hat already is a hip one. The Journal not only engages in I lie newspaper misiness as other small town dailies do; it has a bip retail stationery, and office sunnlv business and its front .office looks like a bower. showinp, as it does, the touch of a woman s nana; lor Airs, uon Bales has. full charpe of the re tail end of a prosperous business. We suppose the peole of Plaltsmouth are proud of the Journal and its hard-workinp msiriess manaper who, by the i . i way, is Known over ine sruie as the hardest -working newspaper man in Nebraska. If Plaltsmouth loesn't. appreciate the Journal and the men who have built up its present wonderful proportions and preat influence in the county we do not know just wttat Plalts mouth WOULD appreciate. Ne braska City Press. H. 0. JONES ABLE TO TO BE UP TO GREET FRIENDS ON THE STREET From Wednesday's Dally. This inorninp our old friend, W. D. Jones, was down town lor the lirsl time in some montns and the sipht of his kindly face was erv pleasinp to his many friends, who have preatly .missed him dur ing his enforced absence, due lo sickness. Mr. Jones was quite sick for some weeks and his con dition caused a great deal of un easiness lo his family and friends and his recovery has been hailed with much pleasure by all those who have the pleasure of his ac quaintance, and there is hardly a person in this section of the count v who does not know this iindly old gentleman. The Stork Gets Busy. From "Wertnesilav's Dally. " That kindly old bird the stork las again made a flying visit to this city to assist in increasing the population of the city as he made a call at the home of Mike Sedlock and wife Monday even ing, leaving with them a fine new daughter and yesterday the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Price was also, gladdend by a fine new daughter to make her home with them until some young1 man comes alonj? and steals her away. PATTS1UTH Complied by W. A. Howard and Is Complete in Every Particular. From Tuesday's Daiiy, The new city directory, which has been prepared by W. A. llow arrd, has been completed and the books are now k'iiin placed in the hands of the subscribers. Tin work is the most' complete of its kind thai has ever been pollen u in this city and shows the preat care that the compiler lias taken in preparing the book and I her is no fact in repard to the city that has been omit led from tin directory. J he Iiook consists of 1 i J pa pes and contains all I he names of th residents of the city, lopether with their residences and oecupa lion. . The directory also has a complete list of the lederal and slate officials, county officers am a complete 'directory "of the city government, with all the officers. members of the council and Ho different commit lees of that body. Mr. Howard has also pre pared a very careful list of the different corporations, clubs, churches and their societies, sec ret societies, which allows one at a plance to ecure just what in formal ion they" need in regard to the citv or its inhabitants. The work was prepared by Mr. Howard under the direction of the Commercial club and both th club and the compiler can feel very proud of the work, as it is complete in every detail and there has been nothing omitted to make the book first-class in every way The typesettinp and press work was turned out in the Journal office,' while-the work was bound in Omaha, where the convenience for this kind of work are more complete. The preparing- of tin direcloi-y has taken Mr. Howard several months and now thai the work is finished it is a job most satisfactory to everyone ami gives the citizens of Plaltsmouth a most complete and up-to-date di rectory of which they can well feel proud. PLANS OF THE NEBRASKA LIGHTING COMPANY. FROM From Wednesday's Dally- The Red Oak Electric Lighl & Power company are petitioning Ihe county board Jor a right-of-way through the county, running from the east side in a westerly direction to almost the banks of the Missouri. The line-will pass through the following towns, pro viding the corporations of said towns grant the franchise. The towns are: Emerson, Hastings, Malvern, dlenwood and Pacific Junction. They want the nghl to set poles and place wires on the same for Ihe purpose of con veying electric power. If you don't like the idea, better gel busy with vour reasons by the time of the bo'ard's. .next meeting. We prophesy that the establishment of such a line js wrought with a promise of some good things for the citizens of the county. (lien wood Tribune. The above is in relation to the plans of the Nebraska Lighting company to connect the plant in this city with the Iowa plants and to furnish first-class service to all the cilies along the line of the Burlington. The lighl inp com pany has contemplated the re building of J he plant in this city with a view o supplying service to the different towns along the line of their extension, as Ihe coal supply is much easier to reach from this city than any of the others in which they have plants and .the plant can be oper ated cheaper here than in the other places. Let us hope, that this comes true and that the com pany can see tjieir way clear to carry out their plans. - Dance Saturday, September 6. From Tuesday's DaSZy. The Cosmopolitan " club will pive the first of Iheseries dances for the fall and winter on Salur day night. September 0, al Coales' hall. The dances in the past given by this organization have been very pleasing and esuecial efforts will lie made 1o make Ihe opening dance of .Ihe season a most delightful event. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend. WEEPING WATER a IN PLATTSMOUTH They Arrived Last Evening and Camped Near the Burlington Bridge List Night From Tuesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon a party of some seven boys, under the lead ership of M. M. Redenhaugh, prin cipal of the Weeping Water acad emy, arrived in this city about i o'clock, having completed the first day of whal is to be a hundred mile "hike." The hoys were very tired with their long, hot walk, but si ill very enthusiastic over the trip. They left Weeping Walerat 7 o'clock yesterday morning and made short, slops en route al Murray and Myrmrd before arriv ing in this city. The boys brought their blankets along with them and last night they made camp down near the big Burlington bridge, and at the first break of i'a were on tlMir-way, -crossing the Missouri river here and' con tinuing their journey on into Iowa Th"y will make short stops at Pa cific Junction and Olenwood and hope to reach Tabor by night where they will lake a short res and visit the college located in that cily. From Tab.r the boys will start on their homeward journey, going y way of Thurman and Pereival, ova. Nebraska City. Dunbar, Perl in andl Avoca. The seven bovs in ttie parly are members of i Sunda school class in the Con gregational church in Weeping ';::er and hae the excellent record of having' a regular at- ndauce at Sunday school of fourteen Sundays, and the "hike" v 1 1 . I na? neen underiaKen in ceienra- tton of this splendid record. The bovs in the class were: Robert Reed, Oscar Domingo, Erank Do mingo, Hay jewlon, (iauie man ually. Jacob Akeson and Harxev Phillips, and are a nice, clean- cut looking bunc'.i ornoys. THE MATRIMONIAL MARKET TAKES A SUDDEN BOOM From Wednesday's Dally. Since the return of County Judge Beeson from his vacation the market for the sale of mar- iage licenses seems to have aken a sudden boom, as the judge has just issued a permit to wed to Emery K. Reese, aged 60, and Mrs. Sadie E. Fulmer, aged 45, both of fireenwood, who will e united at their home town. The judge also issued a license to John II. C.raser of Omaha, and Mis Clara Phillips of Des Moines. The last-named couple having leard much of the judge's ability in the line of tying the matri monial knot,- called upon him to unite them in the bonds of holy wedlock, which he did in his usual impressive manner, and the parlies left Ihe court house as happy as larks. Vincent Pilney departed last evening on .No. z lor Baltimore, where he will, attend the national convention of the T. "jTSokol so ciety, which is to meet in that city tho coming week, Mr. Pilney is the delegate from the local so ciety. HIKERS ARFilVE UNION SERVICES AT THE PARK Meeting a Most Interesting One, a Fine Attendance and Enjoyed by All Present. From Tuesday's Dally At the Union meeting held Sun day evening at the park, whqre the societies of the Methodist Presbyternian and Christian churches met jointly, much in terest was manifested. The music was h-d by Don C. York and con sisted of those old-time melodies which does one good to hear, aiu as sang by th' enthusiastic young people sounded very beautiful on the pure evening air. The meeting was under Ihe direction of Mr. Philip Rhin, who congratulated those present on the auspicious occasion, as wel as thanking tnem lor tneir pres. ence and assistance. Herbert Cotton was the first on the program, reading the lesson, to which all listened with much interot, and was followed by Rev W. I.. Austin, with a very impres. sive prayer, wtncn .maue a ueep impression upon his hearers. Rev D. I.. Dunkleberger spoke on "There (iocs the Ship." drawing a picture in which he made each individual a ship upon the sea of life, all on business bent, but hound for the shore of eternity, where we are to land at one of two ports. He asked which? E. H. Wescott spoke on the "Outdoor Altars," giving a bibical history of those erecting altars and the growth of Ihe services which originated with them. L. Karley followed with lessons from animals mentioned in the bible, of which he cited many, making -comparisons which show ed many of the characteristics of man in the animals. Miss Crete Briggs spoke lo the teaching of flowers and plans, drawing hope and inspiration from their bright ness and beauty, showing where, with their fragrance, they had given hope o many discouraged. Miss Mai lie Larson followed by a reading of "Robin Redbreast," which was given in an excellent manner, but was unable to cope with an engine in ttie shop yards, which kept blowing off steam dur ing the entire time she was read ing. The meeting was closed by a benediction by R. W. Bryan, and the gathering voted to have another meeting of this kind in Ihe near future. VALUABLE COW SHOT BY SOME RECKLESS HUNTER A few days ago Byron Reed, who resides a few miles south of this city, sustained a severe loss when one of his most valuable cows died of blood poisoning as (he "result of being shot by ome parly or "parties, while she v was grazing in the pasture on the Reed place. The shooting occur red Thursday and Sunday the cow died, as the shot had penetrated into her so far as to cause the blood to become poisoned, and despite. all that could be done she lied. This loss is quite heavy for Mr. Reed and is an outrage that should be punished, as too much reckless shooting is indulged in on the different farms without regard for the fact that a person or stock is liable to he hit by the flving bullets, and in many cases little regard is given the right siif the people owning the land on which the shooting is done.- The parties committing the outrage at the Reed place, if found out, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law and made to re spect the property rights of others if they have not got enough common sense to recognize the difference, between right and wrong. The Holly orchestra departed this afternoon via automobile for Louisville, where they are to play this evening at a social dance. They will also appear at Weeping Water tomorrow evening, playing at a danco to be given at the Phil- pot hall in that city. Has Painful Accident. From Tuesday's Daily. This morning Herbert Sher wood, who is employed at the urlinglon shops as a painter, hat a very painful experience whib engaged at his work. He was gel ling down from a tressle upon which he had been standing it paint a car, and as he sleppci down he missed his fooling and slipped, .throwing out his right arm to save himself from falling, and in so doing ran a large splinter some Ihree inches in length off the trestle into his arm The splinter entered just abov the elbow and ran clear through the arm. The wound was dressei by a surgeon and Herb returned lo work, although the arm was quite sore from the flVcts of the injury. WIFE-BEATER AT WEEPING WATER Neighbors Very Much Incensed Over Matter, but No Arrest Has Been Made. Quite a great deal of excitement occurred in our neighboring city of Weeping Water Tuesday night, according lo a report from that city. A man by the name of John Morgan became involved in a con troversy with his wile over Ihe princely sum of 5 cents, and as a result of the argument they came to blows. The wife of Mor- an, it seems, desired lo have the tamily laundry brought home, and as Ihe bov that usually does this service was not around she se cured a delivery man to bring' it lo the house, and paid him T cents for doing so, which greatly incensed the husband, who up- iraided her for her ext ravangance in expending this amount of money and struck her, when the neighbors, hearing the noise of the conflict, rushed in and stop ped the fracas before any serious lamage could be done. The woman was taken lo the home of one of the neiahhors and Ihe man warned to keep the peace in Ihe future. The citizens of thai community were quite m- ensed over the affair, and were ery urgent to have proceedings taken against the man for the outrage, as it is understood m Weeping Water thai the man has een in the habit of raising sev eral assorted brands of trouble around his home, although this is the first time the matter has been wrought to the attention of Ihe public. It is not likely, however, that the officials will lake any ac tion in life mailer as long as the man will keep the peace and cut out the disturbances. . 0 U. W.'S OF OMAHA TO The tribe of hase ball stars. leaded by the one and only Frank Quigley, will pay a visit to our little cily on next Sunday, as Manager Johnson of the Boost- i i j L ers has secured a game wuu me . O. U. W.'s of Omaha for thai ay and they will be here in all their war paint and prepared to give battle to the local boys. The A. O. U. W. team was here last fall for a number of games and always drew good crowds, as the games piayeu wnn mem were closelv contested and interesting from start to finish. Frank Quig- ey has pitched a number of games himself this season, and il is not known whether or not he will appear on the mound against the Boosters, all hough if tie does ie will receive a warm reception from the fans. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our many ind neighbors and friends for the sympathy and kindness shown us at the death of our dear mother, and we wish also to thank them for the beautiful floral of- erings. The Reinhackle Family. THE DEATH OF A MOST ESTIMABLE YOUNG WOMAN A Community Mourns the Demise of Miss Jessie Fox, Who Was Loved by All From Wednesday's Dally. This morning at 7:h.1 o'clock, after suffering for tin past three months from anemia, Mi-s Jessie Fox, the .youngest daughter of County Treasurer and Mrs. W. K. Fox. passed away to tier final re ward. Through all the long months since she was taken sick Jessie had borne without a mur mur her sufferings, and as the near approach of the messenger of death open.-d her eyes to take the last farewell of the deol.d father and mother, who during all these weeks have walched an. I labored hoping lo win I heir loved one back from the fatal sickness. but the nature of the sicklies made if very hard for them to draw much hope of the recovery of their beloved child. Miss Jessie was taken sick in Ihe Jailer part of May while visit ing friends at Elmwood and re turned to her home, where she was forced to take lo ner ne.i ami since that lime her condition has gradually grown worse until the summons of Ihe Masler brought her the relief from her sufferings. Since she was taken sick .Miss Jessie has been unable o take nourishment and this resulted in the gradual breakdown of her system and made her recovery a matter of grave doubt. - Jessie Ipne Fox was borii in Ihe city of Platlsmoulh on De cember 22, 181)0, and celebrated her twenty-second birthday last December. She was reared to womanhood in Ibis cily, and dur ing the years of her life here has endeared herself to all who knew ' her by her sweet and lovable dis position, and her dealh, coming as it does, just al Ihe dawning- of a bright young womanhood will cause a leeiirig or ueep griei throughout th cily where she Was so well known and much be- oved. While al lending the pub ic school'in Ibis cily Miss Jessie was attacked iy sickness inai made it necessary for her lo abandon her school work.' and from Ihe effects of this illness she never entirely recovered and il made the last sickness much harder for her to shake olT. Miss Jessie spent, some three years at Houston, Texas, where her health seemed to be greatly improved. She returned to this city about live years ago, and since time has lived here with the exception of the time spent in Lincoln, where she was employed two years ago at the session of Ihe legislature as an engrossing clerk in the senate, ami al the last session she oc cupied n similar position in the house of representatives ami made many friends there by her splendid ability along this line of work. Besides the father and mother, one brother, W. K. Fox. of this cily and one sisler, Mrs. Thomas li. Salmon', of fialesburg, Illinois, are lef lo mourn the loss of this well beloved young lady, and to them the deepest sympathy of Ihe entire community goes out in this, their hour of grief, that has taken from them the light of their home. The funeral of Miss Jessie Fox win ne neui i riuay aflernoon at 2:30 at the home on firariite street, and will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Lorimer of the First Presbyterian church, and the body laid to rest in Oak Hill cemelerv. Miss Lyall Chamberlain of Leadville, Colorado, who has been here for some weeks, a guest at. the Fred Kunzmann home, depart ed yesterday! afternoon for Den ver, Avhere she will visit for a short time before returning to her home in Leadville. If you have a hou Tor rent try little ad In the Journal.