The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1913, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    MONDAY. AUGUST 18, 1313,
in puraoui
Items of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
New Forty Years Ago.
Frank M''iTin, ur gciii'M
I'la-ai'.l -iac-i'U mm-lnr. js vory
s-ick. iick her out, Frank, you'l
t'l iiif nuii'l I yum- bcfslak et
iI1 buy.
.III". I. JSimpsoii. oin .' u I'lall
nmntltian ami mv an Oniuho
came home on Monday lo see how
tilings are. jroinu-, and he look
weft and talks happy.
The eily omiieil had a heavy
lime isilurduy nijrlil; says ie
Iort. Our und''r-roiind reporter
was oil' on a bust, and we ranno
uive the particulars this u"k.
J. Vullery, sr., Ln h' Jake, Jh
real v.arlnie tf I'ike enmity
called in and dial! ml awhile will
e editor on luesday. Success
and lontr life t I'nele Jake.
-ies of LouisiIle has jus
rulurniil from a trip east, lie re
port fall wheal excellent east
the .Mississippi. .ors was on
the train that collided willi
sleeping ear at Ollnniwa. II mailt
some noise, buj didn't hurt I'ocs
nor any oilier man.
The 4tcfie member of I lie firm
uf r.Iurk and Plumim-i'. 31 r. Eli
IMunimer, has returned from Chi
caw, and bes leae lo oll'er to
the citizens of IMa 1 1 snmul h a
choice and well selected line o
dry t-'oods. winter, dress oods,
and new stvles of eer t hintr.
I. It. Wheeler. James Vi...
( Sliorl imrn. .liminey and all the
pre;u 111111. domical and Ari
cullural-i oi al and llovt icull ut a!
roral lights have yone down lo SI
Joseph In 111 wonder exhibition
there. Farmer Paine alone i
b'M. e"s too bu-y mil bolitick
to attend lo Short Munis or any
pumpkin xine iiou.-rnse nmv.
The Herald went up to O.naha
Ia week, and talk about mud-
Plat tsmout'h is bad enough, but
im can keep rubber shoes on
ticre. ami Hie voiiis arc full
of cft-oif" rubbers up Iheit
Small children are swamped en
tirely, it 'lakes les like Majiii
Ualeoi.ibe's or jaw'er Hal. twin's
lo make any headway lln-ntmli I In
silurian drill of acumulaled
w inleidom.
Orier of Oiid Fellows of Ne
braska. OHlM-lli'S Ml Plat t SIIMUll il
mi Ihe lsl of October. It is
cohtemplaleil upon the part of
the members of the Order here to
ie the visit iiiir membv-ls of Ihe
Orand Fo.Je a rccepljon ball and
supper at Fiiyerald's hall on Ihe
'J r tin's ii ! It. w liich ill
probably be I lie la-l day of tin
se-ioii. Fuillier notice will li
f-"i'ii in due lime.
We underslaiid that I lie eily
council at its last meeting adopt
ed a system of lire alarms con-
A Nervous Woman Find
Relief From Suffering.
Women who suli'cr front extreme
tin vousness, often tndurc much
"sr'Tcring before finding any relief.
y. i s. Josepli Snyder, of Tiff.n, O.,
lia-l such an experience, regarding
wl.ich she says;
"Sin: months I
v.a3 bedfast -with
nervous prostra
tion. I had ui ak
in spells, a. cold,
clammy feeling,
could not stand
the blightet
noise. At times .
would almost
fly to pieces;
My hus-
stfd on
lijr taking Ir.
Miles' J.'crvi::e, and I began to Improve
before I had lmished the first botUo
unLU I was entirely cured."
Hudson St.. Tiffin, Ohio,
ilany remedies arc recommended
for diseases of the nervous system
that fail to produce results because
they do not reach the scat of the
trouble. Dr. JUiles' Nervine has
proven its value in , such cases so
many times that it is unnecessary
to make cllims for it. You can
prove its merit for yourself by
getting a bottle of your druggist,
why will return the price if you
receive no benefit. " 8
MILES MEDICAL. CO.,' Elkhart' IneL
sisting of "indicating strokes,"
which arc to tell the member of
the ward in which any lire may
break . out; and an alarm, con
sisting' of three minutes striking
at the rule of thirty .strokes lo the
minutes. The indicating strokes
are, for the First ward "one
slroke," for ihe Second ward "two
strokes," for the Third ward
"three slrokes" for the Fourth
ward "four strokes," these in
dicating strokes are lo be piven
at the rale of one stroke lo the
second thus making the num
ber of the "ward in which any tire
may" break out plainly intelligible,
while thu. rapid strokes -of the
alarm will-warn everybody of hie
calamity oTvi lire should any occur.
A meelinir of the Cas County
Af-ri icull ural and Mechanical as
sociation was held at Ihe otlice
of the treasurer a the Fair
grounds, .1. M. Woods, president,
in the chair. Moved and carried,
thai Ihe expenses incurred and
the premiums awarded during" the
year A. I . -1ST, lie lii sl paid.
Moed that, a committee of three,
consisting of Jacob Yallery. Elias
Scige and Perry Walker, audit Ihe
accounts of Ihe society. Carried.
Said committee met at the court
house September lu, and
audited all the bills presented,
with the exception of the account
of Jacob Adams.
Once more strong efi'orls are
being made to build out Trunk
road. Otoe county, and the coun
ties below, have al last settled all
their dillicultics. and the building
of the "Trunk" from Nebraska
Cft southward seems to be a
set1bd fact. Now we must have
the, aj between here and Ne
braska City filled. Unc hundred
and thirty thousand dollars in
bonds are ready for the parties
wlnt la.e hold now. and lyjihl me
road. There seems l be a hitch
belweeir, the high' coiitracliu
parlies at Omaha and Nebraska
Cilv.' We of I'lullsinoulh stand
ready l do our pari, promptly
and fairly, by(auy nun who will
build Ihe road, and as we wiil
fiirrrih ipiite a respectable por
tum of the sinews of railroading
used in construct ing this road, we
think I hat. a delegation of thosi
nm inlei'ested or jiroposing to
buil 1 "this road should meet at
Plattsinoutli at Ihe very earliest
moment such" meeting could b
assembled, to devise ways and
means and lo harmonise all these
factions, so I hat Ihe work ma
commence at once. Spring- is on
us, another summer niu.-fNiot n
wasted, and moreover tin same
aid lo build Ibis road can neei
again lie secured. I J yic in
lime, gentlemen. ou thai build
railroads, we nieafi. If mu
brethren of the press at Neprasxa
City and Omaha will urge this
mailer along- and announce the
dav of meeting-, we can bring it
to a successful issue.
Our merchants here will send
to Council ItlulTs' and Chicago for
goods that can ! purchased
cheaper at' home. Y have sev
eral manufactories here, and
amo ig them two hrsl -class cigar
manufactories. Mr. Fred Krohler,
proprietor of om of them. sas In
can sell Ins yooiis as ctieao as
they can be purchased anywhere,
thus saving freight, lo the pur
chaser. Try our home boys once
and see bow jou will prosper.
Married On the - Hi iii-l.. at
the Platte Valley bouse, by the
Itev. M. McKelvey, Ihe Rev. J. II.
Hi ctor irf Weeping Water, lo Miss
Penelope V. Logsdon, daughter of
Hev. William Logsdon. of Millers-burg-,
Ohio. This is rather a rov-
ernd outfit, one would think, but
een reverends and right revernds
enjoy a. j"ke once in a while as
weil as anybody, and we wish the
appy couple ail the happiness in
the world.
iJifl At his residence in
Louisville precinct, July 11, 1873,
of consumption, Jesse Jenkins,
aged iO years and o months.
The defeased had been troubled
w it'll this disease for twe!c jears
and several times had been at
ife's boundary, but an adamant
constitution bore him through a
great deal rf suITeriug- which,
near Ihe last, was almost intoler
able. He died, as he lived, a true
and honored christian. At it
'clock the members of Clendale
and PlafJe Cranges met at the
school house near-by, and form
ed in four columns and inarched
lo the house, where they look for
mal charge of the corpse, which
was followed from there to the
grave by the largest concourse of
people ever assembled in this vi-
cinify on a similar occasion. The
procession was nearly one-fourth
of a mile in length and numbered
about 200 people.
Journal for fancy stationery.
Local revys
l'"roui Fiiday'ji .Daily.
Adam FornoiT uf Cedar Creek
came in this -morning- to attend to
some trading". with the merchants
fov a short timer
;. (. Meisinger of near Cedar
Creek was in thecity today look
ing after some mutters of busi
ness for a few hours.
Atlorifey C S. Polk of Lincoln
came in this afternoon on No. 2 i
lo look after some matters of
business for a few hours.
Mrs. Carrie Jennings was a
passenger this afternoon for
Uellevue, where she will attend a
camp meeting; for. a few days.
Miss Janet Hrantner, who ha
been here for a few days visitin
with relalives, departed Ibis aft-
ernoon lor her home at Pender,
Mrs. Frank Ohm departed this
afternoon on No. 'J for 1 Hmver.
where she will spend a few weeks
hoping to benelit her health by a
chaio e of climate
Charles Lovell of near Mnard.
who was injured a few months
atro bv falling off a load of hay,
was in the cilv lo.lav for Ihe lir.-l
i ci-ir.., j,,:,,.
T3. C. Hill and w ife and son.
Hoscoe. departed this afternoon
for the F.lack Hills, where they
will visit for about (en das, en-
iovin" :i whorl vacation
J. 11. Kuhns and son. Stanley,
returned last eenint? on No.
from Dener. where fln-v have
been alien. ling the conc!ae of
of Ihe Knight Templars in that
J. H. Hunter and wife and son.
Paul, and daughter, Orace. de-
parted Ibis afternoon over ttie
liMtlin'-i.m for Hiiehcoek- S 1 1
where Ihev will visit for a few
da's with friends. '
W. F. Hirdson and faiHilv of
Miswoio-i Vnllev. iowa wiiii have
been here for a short lini" visit
nig' Willi the family of sain
Couchenour. departed Ibis morn
ing for I heir home.
Miss l)ora Carliujr of Lincoln,
w ho has been here
visiting with Mis
for a few day
; Jidda Noble,
departed this allernoon tor her
home. Miss Noble accompanied
her as far as Omaha. ' f
Johannes Heck and two chil
dren, who recently arrived here
from Oermany, and who have
been visiting relatives in this
section, departed this morning
for Randolph. Neb., where he will
make a short visit
Harry S. liartlndd arrived home
lasl evening' from i'Miver. where
In- I. .is 1 .-iiiei'.liu'.- the con-
clave of Ihe Knighi Templars,
and reports haviuu- had one of
lii. limes of his life al the meet
in-- i.rihis -lejit Masonic order,
Fduard Rvnoll. who for the
n:il m,, Ml I. tins loeale.l ill
Mehison Kansas, eame in last
eveuin- and visited over night
with his wife ''in this cilv, depart-
ing this morning for the east,
where he will he emi'loved ill Ihe
future. -
Mrs. ;eorge Prentiss of L'ni-
versilv Place, who has been here
for a few days. departed this
iimriniii:- lor lei- loioe ler niece.
Miss .Madeline. OreHii, returned
home wilh her. after a visit, of a
lew weeks wiih her -ran. loarents.
Mr. and Mrs. llenrv Iloeck.
Miss Marie Kaufiiuuin will go
to Nebraska Cilv tomorrow morn-
in-' win re .she will have i-liai-'e
of I tie lieioiiansliin .lenail menl of
the Oloe'Counly Teachers' In-
stilule. wliiehwill be held there!
the emit in. it vveek. Miss Kau f-
maun will also have charge of the
penmanship department of the
Cass County Teachers' Institute,
which will be held in Ibis city
week after next.
Some Fins Honcv.
Julius Neils.on. the boss honev
man, presented the Journal pub-
li-her with a samide'Tif his fine
honey yesterday. He gave us a
jar of Ihe exlracled and a frame
of the comb, and when we slate
that it is. Ihe linost that we have
- ' ' I
ever seen we are simply slating
the truth and m. thing more.
Julius hasalwavs been ,verv for-
tUlia e III securillir a VCrv line
. ..I
srade of honev from bis bees, but
this year we believe Uml il is
heller Itiau ever. He now ha a
supply ready for the market, and
bis patrons, will do well lo place
their orders early. A supply may
be found al the store of H. M.
Soeim ichseit. Jilso.
Tho Best Pain Killer.
Jiucklen's Arnica Salve when ap-
plied to a cut, bruise, sprain,
burn or scald, or other injury of
the skin will immediately remove
all pain. I'. E. Chamberlain of
Clinton, Me., says: "It robs cuts
and other injuries of their ter-
rors. As a healing remedy its
equal don't' exist." ' Will do good
r . kni.. orn i T7 T? n: s
iur juu. ruiy ui.x-. j. jri iciui
&Co. . -r ; .art
Local Blews
From Katurday'i Daily.
Mrs. Isaac King of Superior.
Neb., is in the city visiting rela
tives and friends.
Ccorge Sherwood of St .Louis
arrived here last evening and will
with relatives and friemjs
for a few days.
Frank Blotser of nar Cedar
Creek was' in the city today for
a few hours visiting with his
Frank Steppalt and wife and
little cdiild departed this after
noon for Klair, where they will
visit for a few days.
Henry Horn came in this morn
ing from his home at Cedar Creek
to attend to some trading with ttie
Adam lvalvileiii)erg"r ol near
Cedar Creek was in the eily today
looking after some mailers of
business for a short I line.
Joseph Mullin or Flmwood
eame over last evening from his
home to look after some business
matters at the curt house.
W. Anthony and wife de-
parted this morning on Ihe carly
lmrlinglon train for Cb-nwood.
where they will Aisil with rela-
James W. Holmes, wife and
son, Ralph, came up from their
home at Murray this morning to
look alter some trading- with I lie
Ceorge Heil and wife , and
daughter were in Ihe city today,
'hiving in from their home near
Cedar Creek to look after some
business mallei
Mrs. . .. .viatuews and sou
M -eorge, departed this morning
for Omaha, where they will-visit
I for alxiul ten days with relalives
and friends.
William Fahlsou deparle.d thi
niorning on the early Hurlington
train for 1 avy. Nebraska, where
he will visit over Sunday with his
family in .1 hat place.
Miss !relrude Morgan returned
this morning from Colorado,
where die had been visiting for
a few weeks in the famous San
Luis valley and other points in
that section of the slate.
F.i I Miller and wife of Sioux
City, who have beep, visiting here
with the parous of Mrs. Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. William liCmore,
for a few days, relumed to their
home tin's morning on No. 15.
Arthur While? and sister. Miss
Adelia, wereNpassengers this aft
ernoon tor lhuiver, wnere iney
will enjoy a - short vNi!, going
from there o oilier Colorado
points io visii wnii relatives aim
We are pleased l see that
J udge H. I . Travis of plat J sinoiit h
is improving: in health since he
Mias '"'en in an Omaha hospital
l' Hop,, tile JlKle Will Soon Ue
out- as goo.t and new as ever.-
Crele democrat.
" F. R- Cunningham of Nehavvka
accompanied by Miss M ie Yallery,
i .......... -
were in the eily today lioni then
homes, and while here paid a very
pleasant visit lo the Journal
"ice lo look over our new print-
M"f - ' 1
icuik iuk,i hi oiii.iii.i i .mo-
iwn Ibis afternoon r-iillend lln
SoKol tournament in lln
city. Mr. Zabka is. a former
l-'iai ; sinoul h Itoy and is now em
ployed in Omaha wilh the Ameri
eau Press Association.-
John Kraeger of Ihe viciuily of
KMyiiard drove tfi lllis Clly tills
niorning lo attend to some busi
"ess mailers, and while here was
51 pleasant caller at t his office and
renewed his subscript ion lo lln
Platlsmouih Journal
Jxi's- 'orge i.rebe, jr., .who is
visiting here from Reno, Nevada,
and xurs. Anton Jlrasvy and son
Ctcorge, were passengeis , thi
niorning over the Tiiirlmgion foi
MUlialia lo luiiii Uflef some husi
"ess mailers for the day
Mr. and Mrs. RoberT Hurr
1,Je vicinity of Murrav were v isil
r,l s lu "'is city today. J io-
.... i i i i-,.
caiieu at . mis oinc.; ami ordered
Mn; J'lallsinoulh Journal sent to
'"''11' address for a car, m order
,lial "'"' ""'l!f kf,ep j.osled on
hapjienings m the county
- w t- i it :r i r
xiuua Jivunni, vvue iiini sou in
Omaha came down lasl evening'to
visit their- .Uuighler, Mrs. Phil
iiu"iard and lamiiy over Sunday
P1'' - ibmnelt is a. printer employ-
ed by the Cramer & Chandler
company of Omaha, and. while in
l,ie -'"' paid ttie Journal olhce a
Attention, EaglesI
. The members nf Malls arie are
requested to meet at their lodge
room at 8 'o'clock this evening for
tho purpose of taking action in
regard to the death of a worthy
member. Let all members who
possibly can be present
J. W. Hookmeyer, W. 1'.
If i.ti m a - r
wuctii raper. seeing mt. vu. i
Phone 3S. u .-4 - ,v,f i
From fcaturuay's Dally. -
The manager of the Hotel Riley,
Frank 11. Dunbar, has decided in
the future lo abandon the Ameri
can plan hotel, and yesterday the
dining room w;is closed to Ihe
public and the guests of the hotel
will in 1 lie future be compelled lo
seek their meals elsewhere. The
hotel is still open l'r the public
for rooms, but no meals will be
served at. present. It is u -matter
of great regret that il has become
necesary to close up the dining
room of the hotel, as il has been
a feature of that establishment,
and il is to be hoped that Ihe
owners of" the hotel can secure
someone hi Ihe future to run this
department, and accommodate
the guests rooming there. In the
proper hands the establishment
of a cafe in connection wilh Ihe
lied el would prove a success, as
the house has a good patronage
from the (raveling public.
From .Sat ui'liiy's DaUy.
x'l'he funeral ol Ihe lale .Mrs.
Cari'ie Fkbou was held veste-rday
from Ihe home of her dauhler,
Mrs. C. A. lSerygren. and was
largely at I ended by the friends of
this worthy lady, who gathered to
pay their last tribute of respect
lo om- whom they had universal
ly, loved and respected and who
had won a (dace in. their hearts
by her ipiiel, gentle vvavs and her
passing will leave a place hard lo
fill in the family circle. as well
as the circle of tier friends. The
lloral tributes al the funeral were
lavi-U and each llovver silently
al tested the deep feeling of grief
al the loss of I his. worthy lady.
The services were conducted by
Rev. W. L. Austin of the
Methodist, church, who preached
a very touching sermon on the
life of lhi worthy lady, as well
as words of comforl to the fam
ily. The' interment was made in
Oak Hill cemetery, where Ihe
husband is resting in hi
long' sleep.
Card of Thanks.
Y hereby wisli Jo lake this
method of expressing ourhearl
fel: thanks to all our neighbors
and friends for their lender s;ni
palhy and lloral offerings in the
hour of our bereavement anl
sorrow Ihe death of our beloved
mot her- and grandmother, Carrie
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. IVrggrcn
and Children.
From Saturday's Daliy.
This afternoon a! 1 :3 Mrs. C.
Hluviuackle, one oT the pioneer
ladies of this bicalily pased
away at In-i- lionie on W'inl ersleen
Hill, after an illness of some
time. Mrs. Jtheinaekle for the
past three summers has been
subject fo sick spells and Ibis
vear ttie extremely hot weather,
together with Jier advanced aye,
made recovery impossible. Mrs.
Jthvinackle, during her long resi
dence here bad made many
friends, who will learn wilh great
sorrow of her death. .No funeral
arrangements have been made as
vet and a more extended account
of Ihe life of this worthy lady will
appear Monday.
How tne Trowle Starts.
Constipation is the- cause of
many ailments and disorders thai
make life miserable. Take Cham
berlain's Tablets, keep- our
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. For sale by all
Paints and oils.
Phone 36.
Gering & Co.
Nebraska and surrounding states, the
tary School close at home. Fireproof building, good equipment, fplendid
care and. instruction; a school where the individuality is developed, where
there are no failures. Prepares for college and business. ,
School open September 17, Enrollment has begun.
For information apply to
B; D. HAYWARD, Superintendent -
From "Saturday 8 OaU.
Yesterday in count j court the
matter of the admit ling to pro-
bale of Ihe will of the lale Mr
Delilah Schwab was brought up
for hearing. The will was
objected to by some of the heirs,
who alleged undue iulluence and
the incompetency of the Jady to
make the will. The document
willed Hie sum or .t.'Miii lo hei
.son, . Fdvvard, and required an
other' son, Sam Schwab, lo pay
5300 info the estate, and re
ituesled thai the laud owned by
the deceased, some eighly.acres.
lying south of this eily. lie divided
equally between the different
heirs of the deceased. The court.
after co:isidri;iy the mailer, de
cided lo admit I lie document, ot
tered as the last will and testa
ment of Mrs. Schwab, to probate.
The court also had a linal set
tlement in the estate of Levi
Slagel, decea.-ed. in which there
were a number of disputed
claims, and after careful con
sideration the mailers were .ar
ranged and Ihe estate settled up.
M. Tritsch, Refracting Optician,
at Gcring & Co. drug store Wed
nesday and Saturday evening. Ex
amination free.
VltTK K TO IHVllln(tHM.
Kealeil l'i'ls will he recivrd iii t
noon en Mon, In y, September Kith. 1IM",
f'ir tlic if I'll i li i 'f 1lii l""U!ilv I'm ii
1 louse, lately ilunlroytd Ly lire, luiiOeii
mi llie e'uuntv l'arin In "ss i''miitv.
' Ni-lrnsU;i. three CJ miles west ef
1 t I .............. ! .
V'i:iii:-i ami sperilirji t ion-- run he ""n
t Ihe iflit-c of the l.!oi!iity i'1'lli.
I'll1 tt smoii t Ii. ?C .. e-i' in llie nfl-i-e. -f
I-'isher aul Lawiie, Ari-leleets, Omaha,
A eertilieil elieek of $509. 00 must ac
company en' li I'iil.
t'lmnty i 'omni h-'-ionetK resorve lh
rijlit to reject any or all li,ls.
J . '. Mi i la 1 N.
'olltv llerk.
riattsmoutli. Neh., Aus'iKl l:H::.
vo rn i:.
In I'dii nly wurl.
County of Cass, .s .
In the Matter ot Ihe K.slate of Jennie
K. Weils, KeieaveU.
fU.nv mi this.lMh ilay of .Vlipust. A.
1 . li'l ". there w:i:; t'lel i!i liii'- Court
Ihe (x-lition nf VV. 10. Well:;, aUeuitiK
therein -tliat the a:! Jennie :. Well?
l-pait(I this life on or ebout Ihe Ist
day of June. ISl.-!, at Ue.l Oak. in the
state of Iowa, ami was m iw.l ami mt -sesse-.l
of real estate in I'ass I'ounty.
Nebraska, ail of whieh is wholly es
emiit from a t tafliment. exei-ution or
oilier iu'-hi" jiro.vf.s ami not liable for
the ja menl of the lebts of sabl tle
eeaseil, the prayer of sahl petition ib
that refinlai- uilm i n is t rat ion be dis
pensed with ami that the heir:; at law
mentioned in said pctithjii be declared
the only heirs at law of said deceased;
that this Court lind that said property
i exempt and enter suth orders as are
provided by law.
It is therefore ord"red that a hear
ing; be had upon said petition before-
his I'outt in the county court room
at. J'lat tsmoulh, in said Count v, on the
Mb day of September. A. I l'.ll:t, at
o'eloek n. m and that notice of said
hearing be t;iven to all pertuins in
t'.resled by iniblishinr a copy of tlii.---order
for three weeks i:i tlie 1'latts
inouth Jo:Miial. a n e wsj.a per published
and of K'-'ierul eireulution in said
Witness my hand ami the seal of the
Conntv Court of said County, this Pt,
day of Ausrust. 1S13.
ilv the Court.
allkx J. iti;i;so,
County Judge.
W'iuzer Lang, alias Viiicsl
Long", will take notice that on the
1 jtli day of July, l'.UU, M. Archer,
a Justice of the Peace of l'lalts
moulh City, Cass County. Ne
braska, issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of 10.00 in an
action pending" before him,
wherein Mike Preis is plaintiff
and Winzer Lang-, alias Yinsl
Long, is defendant; that property
of said defendant has been al-
lached . consisl ing nt money in
the possession of Ihe C, 1?. & Q.
It. II. Co.. as garnishee, under said
order. Said cause was continued
to August yoth, 1913 at D o'clock
a. m.
MIKi: PHLIS, Plaintiif.
In llir i;nt- ( urt in ami for Ckm
,1'iiuiily. Vrlirnikii.
In He IJ.state of Julius 1". Khs'iss,
To All 1'crfjiis liiteresiert and ipet tal
Iv Marv IO. I'.asoKK. Jul mis A. Kairos.
Ida K. Mavlieid. I'laii '. Lies, iltmo
A. .ti1 lltildfi 15. 1 iaK"ss
You re lieteliv notilied that on July
A. 1 . 19Kt. iienry IL Lsikokx filed
his petition ulleiriu the death testate
of Julius K. Kac":-. on June G, 1'Jlo,
arid request Juk- that an in: trnment pre
sented therewith as- the lav; vni ami
testament of said deceaKed be admit
ted to prolurie, Hnd for t lie appoint
ment e:f Mary K. Kjiswh tiominattC
t here: hi as executrix thm-tuf.
A iiearins: tvill be hud on xaid peti
tion at tiie office of the County .Ivide,
Court iloupe. I'ln 1 1 sinont i. ('iifs Jounty.
Nehnirka, on August l'..tli. li::. at ten
o'clock a. 1:1.. befo.e whieli lumr ail
objections thereto, if any, mmt be filed.
You are further notilied th:it t:t Kaid
h-ai-in' oi-iH-i-h wilt b" enleie-d in ae-roruam-e
with the lindings of the court
Mv the Court.
flseat) ALLKX .1. 1JF.1' i.V.
County Judije.
kawlh Si jichjkkt.son.
8-4-'Jw ks-wkly
ACADEMY offers to the boys of
advantages of a first class Mili
No. 1914 '
or THE
At Plattsmouth, in" the State of Ne
braska, at the close of bu.sirur.s
AugJst 'Jth, 1113.
Loans and iliseoui'ts.
C-"A"' ." 41
nverdi-arto. secured ii"i unsi-i in a -
).le ( ll
..HI (
ii.;-.:., i-i
It" ..'.'
.- !.'
i ;;.:;;
f . S Ik.ikW to secui-e elr-uiati'in. ...
UUier bonds to btvurw l'tistal r-av-
I'li-miums on 1". S. loiirl.-j -
Uonrfs. hecuritief. ete
lhmkhitf housrf-. fill nituif. tlxtuii s..
other real estate owneo..
Due from national bank (not re-
M tve a-eiil
Due from approved reserve ufent. .
Cheeks and other eah Herns
Anls of other national nanhs...
t i aeiionai i'hiit m"" "' j
nicke 1
and cents
Lawful money reserve in haul,, vi:
sjiecie. ,....5.'."f
I.e:ii-tenier mites
l.'edemption lunil from I. S. Ttea.s-
uier (.' in r c-nt of eiroulation). .
Capital stock Laid In ' .-ouhm-i
Surplus fund jW
Undivided pivtits. less fxiH-iw 'id t
taxes paid ' ' '
NatimiHl hank note.s ontst andin'. - .Uiiu'i
Individual depositi, subject to check Ii'n.'.CJ
Demand cert itirates of ileiwisit. 4.-:..U'
'l ime cert iticates nf rlelKslt I'.'O.'.'l I
DeiKJsits of I'ostal Savlni;.s
4.1;..:; i ;i 's
St ate of Nel't aska '
County of l ass (" 1. II. N. Dove. . cashier
of the. alxive-named hank, do M.leinn!y wiar
that the aove btatement. is I run to lii li-st of
my l.nov. ledt' aud belief.
U. N. lovic . Cashier.
Cot i eel - Attest: V.o. K. Itovtr.
I . 1 . SCIII.ATl U.
1. VV. Cook. Ditei tors.
Suhscrilied onil fcworn to before me this
Uth daj or Aiifc'iist. I'.'lH. D. . Du j r
Iseatl Notary I'nblie.
! y eommi.sslon e.M'in-s Au. I il 4 .
or mi;
Uf l'lattbiriouth, Ncbra.sK;i.
i n the
uOth day of June, VAX.
C'Eltl II H ATK No. -li
Phst moi !'ae
I 1 !'- to
. j 1 1
.; . el
-t.H-k l tan?,. . . .
ICeal estate ..
i.,t.; v.,
peliiHiuent inti ii-st, po iiiium?. and
and lines
k.4 :.t
Other a--l.s,
Capital stock paid t p, lucludin
Kesei ve f 11 i.d
rnilivid.-d prriits'
..IO ll
; t i
h.i.t) tn
tlll.'J.i' :.V
Oilier lialjihtici
foi t lit- year ending June I VI 3
4talanceon hand.luly 1. IMIJ $ l.tii. 4-i
ones .!.(h5 t"'
Interest, premiums and line-. .'.sii re
Loans it-paid 17.lii oi
l ull paid stock. ... " in
l.'eal estate ; l'
Taxes I'.i
Kills paj able i.nyj !
-ri'.-'.iil'j :
'.i.i'i'J. II
. i.-''4
1.74.1 n.
4.. '.'I
i J i.'.
4 - j i
stock redeemed.
Casli on hand...
Hills payable
Ileal e.sifile
l'aes advaneed.
State ok N khhaska. ' .
fASS ClifMV. 4" I. T. "I
Secretary of the aluve named AsMv-nitioii. !
M-tniny Mvehr t bat t lie loie- iin siateiiuni.
of l he condition uf said a-, xiai ion. is 1 1 ue and
Coriectto the liesl ol my know l.-oVe and beli-f
I. M. I attiksii.v, secrei a: y.
SiilM-ritel ami sworn lo In-fore me I hi :JHi h
day of .1 uly, lyia. V mv H att.
IL.VLI .t-tuiy l'ul'lic.
L. V. Lt i . j
ILK. tiiMih .-Diieci'.irs
Kiitu T. 1;ami;k )
Mi j it i; oi' ki: i. m;i i ij;mi;m.
Iu Couuts ( oorl f f iihn I nun!),
rlimt kn.
In He KsUite of Henry C liardno. k.
To All Persons I 'ilerest ed :
i'i are lien by notihfd that Samuel
Caxluier ami Mamtiel IS. li.Mns, l'.x-
eetilor.s. luive lih-d their linal report
and petition for final net t Iriner.l . piay-
ir.s that xaul report be approve.l nnd
tl:e proierlles ol .said extate d i t ri but e I
as in the la.'-t will, and t t.-inctit .f
said deceased, directed: that tmal set
tlement be made In said estate and
said executorts ami lin ir boiob loeti n--leased
lrom all further duti-o ami
That a lieaiinc will be 1 - : I upon
said petition ami linal i-emi- on Aii:;
ust "ii, I'.ii:;. at 10 o'clock a. m., at l!
oflice lf the I'C'iiiity Judpe, Cuirt
Hvus''. PUittstiioi th. Nclira.-k.i. tie fore
whieli hour all objection thereto, if
any, must be fib'.i, and et r;:nl time
orders will be I'litiTol in a m ilanc
Willi the liiidiiius of the court tbereoii
Hy the Court, -this LsV da- of A u tr
ust. 1 !' 1 u. ' -
Seal) ALLK.V .1. i:i;LSi..v.
'outity J nd-e.
SA.Il'i;i Ii. IJA.MS, Attorney.
t-4 - :: w k s-w 1. 1 v
lu lir liitttrlct (,'uart of C'ann (vuul;,
Aril rnak.ii.
Conrad II. ValJery, l'laiatitr,
John Peotf, et ul., Ijc-fetidujity.
To John .Scott, the unknoui, beirt, and
devisees nt Jtlui beott. deceased ;
. Viilimri Smith, the unknov. n lieirx
ii'id delseea of William S'mith. il
ce:;.sed; Tho American Jiaptl. t Hom
MiJiiori bociety. u. eorjjoratlon or
Kanized under t ie lawu ttt Kew York:
Ambroie U Wtylield, th vt. known
hens and devisee , r Ambiohe V.
MaylielU. deeeuseil; Mary Yallery
Wriaht uml V ilh-lmiria AUa'iit-, non
resident defendt-iits, Jr, the above en
titled action.
You ard each of yoi, are herebv
notitied that the HaintifC l.a.i com
menced an aetiOD acralriat you in tho
Jjiotr-ict Court of Cans County, .Ne
braska, for .he purpose of quietinic tho
fee frtmplfs title in th i. ui, .hit i.r ...i
to the of the XU. s:ai. ...i
the h", of the SWU of bfction aii.
the S of the MI 14 0f section H'J, all
inr 1?. ''!, 12 North. Li, lJaui-.
of the (.th I' M.. in Count v. Ne
braska, and to lorever enjoin vug ai.rt
each of you fiom elalmlm,' any Ifcht.
title, claim, lien or lnt-ieist in und to
the above deaerlbr-d real estate. .nd to
remove certain clouds from idainlirfH
title In and to said real estate, and lor
equitable relief.
Ynu and each of you are required to
answer aald petition on or betore th
tb day of Auiruiit. A. 1).. 1H1, and in
failing so to do your default vill bo
duly entered therein and Judgment
tan as prayea lor iu Haintills
ByA-L TIDD. HIb Attorney. i. .