MONDAY, . AUGUST 1&, 1913. PAGE .5. -a William Suizer Governor But Seven State Executives Have Been on Trial In Years - Past. W IIILE the activities of the Xew York state legislature to impeach (Joreruor "YilIinm Suizer were at their height, his friends were loud in their denunciation of the methods and means- e-ruploj-ed by the Frawley 5nvesU?atiug.comniit-tf-e, upon whose idin;rs the action of the legislature is based. IIadJover j;or Suizer consented to pubxuit'to the domination of Charles F. Murphy, lead er of Tammany Hall, his friends as sert, and had turned over tbe stcte to him and thfit organization to exploit as they saw Hit, there would have been no hue and cry airrucst him. On the other hand, it is pointed out, no ques tion of the moral turpif-ide of Tam many Hall cr its leader is now involv ed. I"nb:aed citizens are unanimous In declaring that whatever may be the puilt or innocence or those who op pose the governor, if the charges against him are tru. Lis impeachment and his speedy withdrawal from the public life of the state are imperiitire. .According to the findings of the joint legislative committee. Leaded by Sen ator James .T. I raw ley, upon which the impeachment proceedings are based, Covernor is declared guilty of swearing to a false report to the secretary of state as to the total campaign contributions received " by bir.i. At th; same time the accusation is made that he converted these sur plus contributions to his own private use, and that, while governor, during a period when he was rigorously press ing legislation against the New York Stock Fxchance, he engaged in stock tpeculation upon that exchange. To these statements Governor Sui zer has entered a general denial. Yv'hat his real defense will be only the fu ture developments of the impeachment proceedings will make clear. Few Governors Impeached. Net often has the chief executive of ! ft sovereign state of the Union been im peached. In fact, only seven governors of states have been impeached since the adoption of the federal constitution, according to the information assembled by Roger Foster in his "Commentaries j '.'r. A Sir tv- kjC4fc. i ft r.--riv..? V, i tt-?vs' HV&V U-C-rSti' ' ';' -.'fx--- - r V Photo by Arrrfrat; Yt??s A??oc1atloi. goxi:noe williaii srxzK.r.. on the Constitution of the United .-Mates. ui tne seven oiuy two c.e found guilty and removed-David Hut- 1 ier of Nebraska and William II. Ilolden of North Carolina. The latter was re moved by a hostile senate following his activities in putting down the Kuklux Klau in his state in the reconstruction days. A third governor resigned on the understanding that tbe charges against Li in would be Cropped. The term of a j fourth expired before Lis trial was com- pleted, and further proceedings were j nbandoned. The others were acquitted ; or the impeachment proceedings were abandoned before a vote was taken. ! The states represented in the list are ; -Florida. Mississippi, Arkansas. Louis- i una, euraska, jsortn aroL:na and Kansas. The 5rt American governor to be ac cused in any proceeding analogous to the present d.iy impeachment was Gov ernor Seth Sothell of the colony of North" Carolina. .who was suspended by th proprietors of the colony in a let ter dated Dec. 2, ICSi). on charges nude t'.r the inhabitants of th countr of Al bomarie and approved by the assem- 1 My. One charge was that he had seiz ed nr.d imprisoned two persom coming Int the coj:nty from Barbados with proper credentials on the pretense that they were pirate. One of them died i-i prison, and the governor took Lis property and converted it to his own use. Other charges of withdrawing for a money consideration accusations against person charged with felony ! nr.d treason and of unlawfully seizing j land and cattle also were mnd-j against 1 him. Kans?.3 Governor Tint. The firt hupeachnieiiSof a governor o' fn American .-tate "'a: that (f 1 chr.rle iJobii-o:', ovprD?r of Kania? in lsJ-J. The first legislature of Kansas had"! Authorized in 1SC1 an issue of Si5 000 ' i -3 the Eighth to Be Impeached Of These Only Two Were Found Guilty and Removed. i m a T t i a T I 1 t ? I bonds to defray current expenses. Governor Robinson, the secretary of state and the state auditor were au thorized to negotiate for the sale of the bonds. The only probable custom er at .the time, tbe .beginning of the civil war, was the federal government, which held money in trust for Indians and was authorized to invest these in "safe and profitable stocks." The secretary of state and auditor employed Robert Stevens, a Kansas politician of some prominence, to eon duct the negotiations. Stevens was chosen because of business relations existing between him and Caleb li. Smith, the secretary of the interior. Stevens fai!ed to 'sell the bonds through Secretary Smith and finally pot K. G. Corwin, a claim ageat, who I was connected by marriage with the Corwin put through negotiations for the purchase of the bonds out of the Indian fund? provided. The entire Kansas. delegation at Washington ap proved of the purchase 'n writing. This approval was obtained except in the case of United Slates Senator I.ane. He based his refusal on the ground of fear that if Stevens got Lis commission he would use the money to buy votes to elect himself in the place of L,ane, who had a majority of only one in the state legislature. Thereupon $1.(X0 was paid to Lane's private secretary, who procured the senator's signature through misrepre sentation. The state house of representatives impeached the three olficials who Lad been authorized to sell the bonds: The secretary of state and the auditor were convicted and removed from of fice. Governor Ilobinson was acquit ted. Florida Case Dropped. On Nor. fi, 3 SOS, the Florida house of representatives impeached Governor Harrison Heed on charges of falsehood and lying in official matters, of incom petency, of unlawfully declaring va cant many seats in the legislature, of embezzlement from the state treasury and of corruption and bribery iu his appointments. This formidable series of charges was presented for trial to eight sena tors, there being so many vacancies that eight was a majority. The im peachment had automatically suspend ed Heed from otlice until the conclu sion of the trial. Lieutenant Governor "William II. Gleason issued a proclama tion announcing th.-i he hud taken pos session of the office of governor, and the assembly adjourned to the first of the following January. "When the sen ate refused to take the same adjourn ment Gleason adjourned it himself to the same clay. Governor Keed meanwhile refused to surrender Lis office and asked the state supreme court to pass oij the legality of the proceedings. The court upheld i:eeds position and removed the lieu- I tenant governor from office on the ground of ineligibility. The United court then upset the removal of Gleaswii ernor, and with th as lieutenant gov- .e incoming cr tiie newly elected legislators on the 1st of January both houses, with vacancies rilled, recognized Governor Heed, and the impeachment proceedings were dropped. One of the most interesting impeach ment cases historically was that of Governor William AY, lloldea of North Carolina in December, 170. The Ku Llux Klau Lad committed a cumber of whipI,iu;rR and murders in Alamanee arul faswell counties, ami the local authorities had taken no action. Gor ernor Ilolden, under act of the legisla ture, declared the two counties to be i-i i cf'ito nf fiicn rrif't tiiTk an? cnt ml. litia to enforce order. The otficer iu I command. Colonel George W. Kirk, ar rested and imprisoned many civilians and refused to obey writs of habeas corpus obtained from the chief justice of the state on behalf of some of these military prisoners. i Habeas Corpus Suspended. Chief Justice I'earsun held that the ! writ of habeas corpus could be sus j pended onry by the legislature, which i had not authorized the suspension, but ! at the same time in an opinion dwelt j upon the seriousness of the situation ! and the inevitability of more c ivil war j if the writ were to' be enforced by the ; county authorities against the state au- thorities and directed that the writ be ! sent to the governor. "If the'governor : does not honor it," he said, ' I have dis- charged my duty; the iover of the ju- cliciary is exhausted, and the responsi bility must rest on the executive." Governor Ilolden replied to the chief justice, giving his reasons for his ac tion and maintaining his position.- The opponents of the governor there upon obtained an injunction restrain ing the state treasurer and the pay master from paying out money for tbe prosecution of military operations in the two counties. Governor Holden re moved the paymaster upon whom the injun.ti'm was served and appointed another, who got the money from the treasurer and raid the troops. T!e ccv:-rnr wa? ii'ic2c!22d tried. 11 ! acqnitte-i ef asy ni--co;:Jjct in d?clarii:- tho pr eoacties ln laarreeUD and in taking military possession of them, but was convicted - -.- on charges of causing unlawful arrest3, bringing troops in from another state and Tiolating the writ of habeas cor pus. He was removed and disquali fied from holding office again under the state. The year 3S71 saw two governors impeached, Fowell Clayton of Arkan sas and David Butler cf Nebraska. It was charged against Governor Clayton that he had conspired to de prive the lieufenar.tgorernor of Lis of fice, that he had romored certain judges" illegally and that be had partic ipate'! in election frauds and Lad un lawfully issued state bonds for the benefit of certain railroads. Locked Governor Tip. The house of representatives sus pended him pending the trial, and a resolution was adopted that he should be locked in the executive chamber and the door nailed up so that he ccxild not get away to act. Governor Clayton escaped and in formed the Louse that he had been advised that it had no power to sus pend him pending the trial. When the articles of impeachment reached the senate 'that body adopted rules for the court of impeachment which were so .stringent in the matter of time to be taken up in argument and in their details that the board of managers from the Louse reported it could not handle the case under such restrictions and was discharged. A second lxard of managers was chosptj, whi- h reported that it had been unable to lind evidence upon which to base l?t', by -American Trcs As'O'iation. tUAjir.r.s F. siur;wn. the inipeachuieut. n the recommen dation of the committee the house dropped the matter. Governor Uutlor of Nebraska was charged with appropriating some .i!lo, 000 of state moneys to his own ue, with the acceptance of bribes, with un lawfully giving state lands to a run road company the Sioux City and Pa cific and with selling certain state lands and pocketing part of the pro ceeds. The governor was a-",juiited cn all the charges except that of the mis appropriation of the $lt;,0Ui. On this charge members of both political par-, ties united in finding him guilty, and he was removed from oSice. In 1V-TJ Governor Hnnry C. War moth of Louisiana was imiached on a long list of counts, which included the forcible expulsion from otiice of the secretary of state, various unkiWiiu appointments, connivance in the forci ble ejection of a judge from . filet? in order to obtain possession of his court for ttse in setting aside an election board, the offer of a bribe of $.V,oo to Lieutenant Governor I. K. S. linfh bneic if the latter would organize the state senate in Warmoth's interest and a number of charges of intimida tion of officials and offers of bribes. Proceedings Dropped. r.efore the trial was concluded the governor's term of otiice had expired, and the senate asked the advice of the chief justice regarding continuing the trial. "I question the policy of kick ing a eleadTion," Chief Justice! i:ig said in his opinion, and tho senate agreed with him and dropped the pro ceedings. In ISTG Adelbert Ames, governor of Mississippi, was impeached and tried by the state senate, but resigned be fore a verdict was rendered. Ames, a Hepublioan governor of n southern state in the days of reconstruction, was charged with a long list of offenses, including the defrauding of the state of ."..7o0 by giving contracts for pris on labor to personal friands without public letting, conspiring to slander a political opponent, unlawful removal of various oitiecrs ;md the unlawful re tention in oriice of others. Me aiso was charged with inciting race riots by iullaiumatory speeches and granting a pardon to a felon upon the payment of 3.uiH to a third person. Before the trial was t concluded the gcvernor wrote a letter to the house saying that on account of the embar rassment caused by the election of a hostile legislature he desired to resi-rn, but that he would not do so wluie th? proceedings were peniing against Lira. S?o the houss adopted a resolution, bas ing the preamble on this lelter. with drawing the impeachment, the senate approved, and Ames resigned. ln the same year the lieutenant gov ernor, Alexauder K. Davis, was im peached on a Charge of selling a par dn t" a ceT?victsci ruuidfrr?-r whiJ? tc gov'rnr w? absnt frem th stal? and vras coriTjted. 'r?n:''vei and d:s qaalified in spit" of hio attempt to l? bign. ty-; : r -' .-f-V . . ..... x-frv, J'.A.-'''-'?? v1 3 v ri0'. S of the News Right Off the Reel A brand new dance, the "pussy KUtak," comes from Onset, Mass. Statistics show that the United States is- the greatest meat eating na tion in the world. The lialkan government has adver tised in the German newspapers for S.Oiiu artificial legs. A lumberman in Wisconsin, eighty three years old. just married, has a bride of the same age, and they have courted fifty years. A prisoner serving a life sentence in Jefferson City, Mo., applies for a par don, and witnesses swear the man he was convicted of murdering is still alive. In the spring of 1S41, when William T. Osborne of Newburg, N. Y.. was twenty-nine years old. four doctors told him he had consumption and could not live long. Recently he celebrated Ids one hundred and first birthday. The four doctors are (lead and have been manv years. MAKE PETS OF SNAKES NEW JAPANESE HOBBY. Slant Eyed Belles Now Carry Striped and Spotted Serpents. To make pels of snakes is the latest hobby ef Japanese society, ac-cording to recent dispatches from Tokyo. I'ashioiiable women are cultivating a fancy for small live serpents. They have about them ihe harmless-spotted Leel backs and striped snakes, which are easily tamed. The man who has done more thai anybody else to establish this hojjby is Kinjiro Nakami.ra. who Las been ei;g.ic.ed in the snake business for more than twenty years and who has a wonderful assortment of reptiles. The most productive? districts for snakes in Japan are certain mountain sections near Touyo and Nikl.o. Here they a!'; caught ia large numbers. Japanese snake catchers drh:k sake be fore starling out to hunt large ser pen??, so that they wiil not be stupe fied by the ' breath"' of the reptile. , .V real combat occurred recently be tween ihree no-n and a serpent twenty feet iontr. The snake poised Its head about six feet above ground, knocked two men down with its tail, rendered another tmcor.sciuus with i!s "poison-o;-s breath"' and 1h n escaped. Ibit Mr. Nakamuru has found oilier uses for snakes. He says they are popular as tonics fr the digestive or gans and t hat some are used success fully :!s n remedy for pulmonary con sumption. There is the fHd question too. Nakamura says that the Japa nese viper is splendid as a stimulant either in powdered form or eaten with Japanese soy. In the districts around Nikko rice with snake fricassee is eou- sidored a most royal dish. The viper is Iso pood as a cure for sfomaoh trouble if taken soaked iu Japanese sake. INDIAN TRIBES GROWING. Mixed Blood Apparently Responsible For Increase in Numbers. Indian statistics, just made public by the census bureau, show that the red men are not decreasing in number, but the half i:reous are responsible for the growth iu the Indian population. They have larger and more vigorous families than the pure bloods, and the statisti cians conclude that the pure bloods are destined to disappear. The total Indian peculation of the United States in l'.UO was given as LY,.-.G$.'? and of Alaska as'-j.o.SCl. More than one-half are full bloods, 35 per cent are of mixnl blood, and for S per cent information was not obtainable. There is little intermingling of Indian and negro blood, more than nine-tenths of the half caste being of white parent age. Only were of mixed negro blood, and onTy I'M had all three strain. Oklahoma has the largest Indian pop ulation of any state and also the lar gest percentage of mixed bloods. There are many "squaw men" in the tate who have married Indian women to be enrolled as sharers 'in the tribal es tates. Utah, New Mexico. Arizona and Colorado show more than So per cent of fall bloods, and Iowa and Missis sippi have n large percentage of pure Moods in the Fox and Choctaw tribes. In the wlutie country there are -SO In dian tribes, speaking fifty-six lan guages. "HEART EATERS" APPEAR. Sosiety Similar to Black Hand Ap- pears In Pittsburgh. A rivpl of the Waek Hand society lately, made its appearance in Pitts burgh in the form of the "Society of ; Heart Eaters." T!je following letter ! was received by Vincent Facilio: Hvad nvJ pjij- attention. VV ak for ' 51. "''' If you don't execute our eomroand i ti w?'i kin you and your family. V.'e j wi:i, biim- Tip jour hcus? and v ill tak ' "t".e ;r a;-- s. !:!;;:: ""-$ e;0 c-jt f vnu: T "ji-i i-i -"J!' 'iao if v-j 3cr.'t 'denes'. j:.w pear tk EraddrrL 2 enu l O'.'tr cr prepare to have your j heart aten. j SOCIETI OF JiELVElT EATERS. it MAY TELL STORY Hoped sr.s Will Testify Before Senate Committee. FIRST HAND INFORMATION. Rtlict of Siain Mexican President Could Give Many Facts to Adminis tration Which Would Aid It In Deal ing With Present Situation Woman cf Great Moral Strength. As a possible means of aiding the administration in dealing with the Mexican situation, Mrs. Madero. w-idow of the slain president of the warring republic, may testify before the senate committee on foreign relations at "Washington. Friends of the Madcros hope that Mrs. Madero will appear before the committee. They say she has a great amount of first hand Information con cerning the betrayal of her husband and the participation of the former American ambassador in events lead ing up to the resignation of Madero. These friends say she will make an ex cellent witness, that she speaks Eng lish fluently and is dramatic. She is beloved by all of the little band of revolutionists In the United States. They regard her as a:i ex traordinary woman. -One enthusiast said recently that the physical and moral strength of Mrs. Madero is won derful. During the turbulent scenes In the City of Mexico on Feb. IS Mrs. Madero never once lost her poise nor a full comprehension of her position, her admirers say. Huerta Clouds Situation. "Washington officials read with inter est the recent declaration of Aureliano Urrutia, the Mexican minister of the interior, that President Huerta would not resign and, moreover, would brook no interference on the part of foreign ers in his administration. "While no plan that ibe American government has had under serious con sideration Involved any direct interfer ence in Mexican affairs, the admitted attitude of the administration is one of unalterable opposition to the recogni tion cf the Huerta regime. V.'ithout the recognition of the Unit ed States, leading Mexicans have de clared that Mexico would not bo able to extricate itself from its financial difficulties. On this account it had been believed In Washington that press .ire would be brought to bear to persuade Huerta to resign. The announcement that he has de termined not to do so has beclouded the situation somewhat and has spur red the Constitutionalists to further activity to obtain the repeal of the embargo on arms. They claim that if they do not get arms the revolution will bo a protracted struggle. With munitions of war they say they can quickly bring matters to a crisis. Mediation Not Abandoned. Despite these conditions, the admin istration has not altogether abandoned the hope that mediation nifty prevail. It I believed that, in view of the depleted condition of the Mexican treasury and, the Jong end hard cam paign which is bound to result if the present status is maintained. Huerta may bo influenced to suspend hostili ties and hold an election. Carranza, It is thought, could be induced to sus pend fighting if Huerta would elimi nate himself from the elections and abide by the rote. Carranza will not agree to anything which includes the participation of Huerta. He has said so directly and through his junta in Washington. Members of the latter hare declared that, while they did not beliere there would be any media tion, Carranza would agree to any thing reasonable. These members add ed that Carranza does not seek the presidency: that all he desires is the punishment of Huerta for his treach ery to Madero. ANOTHER PARCEL POST USE. C. O. D. Plan Aids Merchant to Collect From Unwary Debtors. A Kansas merchant has. found a new use for the parcel post. When the C. O. D. feature rrent into efl'ect on .In!r 1 he ht upon an Idea to collect a num ber of small accounts which he had been carrying for some time and which had caused cons;deratle loss during a period of sereral rears.' A number of small boxes were ob tained and filled with waste paper and on the tp was placed a receipted bill for the proper amount A fire cent sfsmp was required for each bo.r. and the O. O. D. fee was 10 cents for each package. The next day the returns be gan to come in, and in nearly erery case tho debtor paid the amount, sup posing that the package contairted something of ralue. but. of course, cot being permitted to confirm this sus picion before opening it. Snake Half Cooked In Oven. TThen Mrs. Guy Koine of Valencia, Kan., started to make cookie3 one day recently she got the portable oven for Ler gasoline stove off the back porch I aud placed It on the store without? o'eniug the door. A few minutes j lattr. th& crt gir brtttr. the beard a ra.krt eg th's tte'e. 'js- wait- j ed 'iiitil tbe ncije ce;iiscl. Tbnn he opened the door and feittid a half baked rattlesnake three feet icEfc. Children Cry hvaXXTN ill! lhxi The Kind You Have Always iu use for over UO yours Allow All Counterfeits, Initiations and dust .ns-gpood " are but Hxperiuients that triilo vitli and enIanT Hie health of Infants and Children Uxnerienco against HxperuuenU What is C ASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorie, lrojs and S.wuis. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, JMorpI.iius" nor other .NareotieJ substance. Its ae is its guarantee. Jt lestroys "Worms and allays I'everisbness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all J'eet Iiiiifr Troubles and lMarrhcea. It rejrulates the Stomaeli and Iioxrels, assimilates tbe; Food, iviti2r healthy and natural fclcep. -Tho Children's Fanaeeu Tho lUot Iter's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 3 tBears the The Kind Yoa Rave Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Yesrs ME C FNTAUR COM I I i A place wiutv wild flowers carpet tli ground, where the se-i, rri-p. "-.jui-kliny :iir makes the che-ks rlov and the eye gli.-ten, where trout abound and y-reat jjlacier-i lie hidden among the towering niouniain-, near the highest overhanging precipice in the world. In Ktes I 'ark you can climb, play golf or tet nis. ride, drive or motor. fili aiiii camp out. You can live at a high class hotel or afone of many omfoi l able smaller bbuses. and at mod -rate eot. It is the 'ideal place for children: it's the ideal place to rest and regain pe r fect health. Let me .-.end yoa a line folder K:es l'arkvvith p'ctures and a vimn! in-ill miwI -ill til... nt tl.. tiicl f.tti fii,t 'i I .If. l!ni-ii'li 1 n r tnii..iti unrl f f i . charges. Let me 1 ell you how to go, and about the low furo c.curio t ic!:et s now on ale. 'all. orwriie for an INtes I'ark pampJet to-day be fore von forget it. Pi an s Most Liberal Building Offer Ever Made. We Positively Wi!l Furnish our Customer? Free of Charge Pian3 for the Beautiful House Shown BeSow Our Free V.'itliout ary obligation on your pnrt v.a will gladly furnish 5'oii the plan? for the above house dc?;gn and a.-sist ) "U in the selection of the materials. We want to encourage home building and offer the best facili ties and proposition ever made. Savs Weney, Time and Wcrry Our price of S','".!1 for th nbov,? Hols-' Do.-: urn No. 115J at tl'" tniU and viit cladlr qon;c a delivered price which v.iil inaKe T'iu a hi? 5avi:i.t. Jur sysri'in cf st'Iliti? a'l tho tnatori.ijs f ron time ard ni'fd!''? c xu-ni-. We niakff prompt delivery o! a'l the itsiis so as tr aioid any dcU in too building operations. Consult Us Before Building--It Will Pay You 1 Bi-fnre Luildiriff a linmi rou shouid call at our office aud let us fizure on the material.'!, and offer yon some suggestions from our extended experience. W can save yv moncr af be!p yoa to buiid the mjst attractive tai comfortable botae p&ssilile for tlie moacy y&u liuvc to pjnd. ...CEDAR CREEK LUMBER COMPANY... lae Your Wants in the Journal Columns. ,WT.HIII- n Lama fcr Fletcher's lioright, ami which has hecii has borne? the MjriuUtire oC and has been mado tinder Inn per - soual supervision jsinee its infancy im one to deceive votlliilhis. Signature of p - A. V . M! VOP K C ITT .! imii imi i ii W. C. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent L. Wr VAKELY, General Passenger igent, Omaha, Nebr., Weeks of August 1st and 17th Fipee-2 mom Buvsi All the Materia 5 s to Build this 8 Room YWrn nouse fiitc ii iijucs a juir.ncr, mill work, lath, shingles, ? idinc-.flciorin tr, ceiling, fn: ip h ing lumber, building paper. 3 Pd ha Ipe, gutter, sash weights and tardware. I'rice is at mill or ltv. Ask us for freight- paid price. Plan Offer Binding Guarantee All the materials furnished are aSiolut.-lv hr.:nd n-w. cli-an and fr.-sh stock. 'IM; fiuainy and jrr.ido ol i-ncli it.-m is -xartiy atsp.-ciii-'d. Tnr fjuantttr is a avSsi:f- . firi. nt to compii'Ti; tins dinijin accordmato tlic pi ;.r. In addition, v-3 tak; back anv ni atrial used in pood condition. ' and credit you at iud purchase pnec.