The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAQfe A.
MONUflf, AUGUST IS, 1913.
The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Semi-Weekly
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter
The sh rug lb of a flee hon
I is a proof not of I lie
2 worthiness of the object, !
I but of the largeness of the J
soul which loves. F. W. J
Robertson. V"
J- -
H-!"K H:; v:H
:u :
The man wln gambles in wheat
is a mighty poor bread-winner.
The hot weather still has full
sway. Bui, 0(1, Lord, how much
People occasionally forget that
newspapers are only human
"Laugh and the appendicitis
won't get you," is the latest
medical advice. x
Consolation, like sympathy, can
be found in Hi dictionary, bit'
it isn'l the real si nil.
The man who tries ( kick his
way lo popularity learns some
thing almo Mci-.v day.
: :o:
AN V.lci'ii congressmen are cer
tainly anxious, to fret back home
o renew old acquaintances.
1 :o:
Chicago lias '"i.nno, nun pounds
of butter in cold storage, but is
si ill maintaining its sweatshops.
There will be more Iloheiuians
in town tomorrow than were eer
i;i Prallshiouth at one I fine in its
:o : :
Ci'MTiinr Sulej- of .i'v York
has been impeached by a special
session of the legislature. Uut
will it sliejv? .
:o :
Instances of bigamy are gel
ling so common' ( hut tfiey excite
ju-t about as much interest as
a notice to cut weeds.
:o : '
A Massachusetts man has sent
President Wilson a rake. Ah. but
there were already plenty, of
rakes in NVashington.
Perhaps former Ciovcrnor Aid
rich lias found out that the state
banking board is in possession nl
a certain steam roller.
the oranges on tin
nowadays are about th" worst
knock for California ever. They
are worse than lemons.
You may have noticed that
Senator La t oilette, while he
(alks a good deal, he isn't making
as much uojse as formerly.
1 L . .
in passing on commercial
credits Uncle Sam should remem
ber that blue sky is always an
assurance ,,r setlb-d weather.
Nl11le all the towns around ns
hae had their innings on the
celiibrafiou, Platlsmoulh will
have hers when the weather gels
cooler, so people who allend can
enjoy the occasion.
California's new alin laud
law bus gone into I'lfecl ami the
.laps have not declared war. They
might lend the "grease:-' lot
of sympathy, though, should I he
real thing
- The secretary of slate has is
sued 13,238 new licenses for
automobiles and- motorcycles in
Nebraska since August 1, 1U12,
the majority rr n,,. applications
for licenses coming from the
rural districts.
at Plattsmouth, Neb.:
Most of the business houses
are decorated.
:o :
The Jays are growing
eeplibly shorter
There are a great many who
would like to see Provisional
Presidenl Iluerta run out of pro -
How. would vou like lo !ie in
Arizona where it is so hot in the
summer thai it doesn't get thor
oughly cooled off all winter.
June bridegrooms are just be
ginning to leflrn thill it does not
pay o subscribe lo any sort ol
periodical (hat rjmtains new cake
oe v;ii:i.i iwoiiiik
... . , . ........ ,
WifvviniU.-iii.lm-- pm l li ei-
I pen linn 1 i Hi i-e 1 1 1-1 willi nihvM! ine nasi two issues nae UO
. l
is Is: President Wilson hasn't
elected anyone to membership in
Hie n:iiii:i ."lull el ' Ami Mini's
refreshing! '
Some of (he progressives claim
(he new party is not a one-man
1 I
been a progressive narlv if it had
not been for one man?
Noting the way (hey tear along
the country roads, is it any won
der that (here are so many hor.
rifying automobile fatalities?
itafher the wonder should be thai
there are not even more.
ei I
Welcome, thrice welcome, lo
party. 1'ul would I here havejusi installed, we nope oui viiti.i- M:iv iiiev i-einrii inling cliaulaioiua vvoik: 1 m
I heir homes when the tournament country has confidence in Ihe iu
is over, feeling that Plattsmouth tegrify of Mr. Ihyan. and it is
has done (he proper thin;
Hi, .in.
Decorations about lowri in
honor of the T. .1. Sokol (ourna-
mi-ill is the prop-r caier, and the
. ,- I
energelic business man uispiays
his enterprise. Platlsmoulh
hows (lu- right spirit. ,
;o: .
Paris paper prints an inter-
;cw with .lack Johnson, in which
the ink intimates (hat the hand
op every man in the United
Stales was turned against him
I here are limes when, one is
proud to be an American.
Ambassador Wilson, who has
rrpresenled the United Slates in
Mexico, and who .since'his relurn
home, lias been too glib wild his
tongue, has been justly and
severely rebuked by (he presi-
denl for some of his ullerances.
some of which have been mosl
utterly false, with a tendency lo
create as much I rouble as ,-pos-
sible. Kick him out. He has anylhing .haiqiens (o ma
beeu juilly of an impropriety, chine they loe their nerve and
tlie gravest oll'enses I
against the govermenl. I
Thy foxy president of Mexico, I
who is in oJIiee by virtue of one
of the most cold-blooded miir-
ders 01 modern limes, uoes 1101 1
. 1 il
propose to meet the personal rep-1
resentativy of President Wilson,
unless he is prepared lo recog-
nice. the Iluerta government. The the responsibility of control, with
fact of (he business is such a excellent results. In Massachu
government is not entitled lo setts roadmakiug under the sn-
:o: '
lt seems next to impossible tojquence, the old Itay stale s
educale auloiiHdiile drivers the
, .... .!..:..:.. -
necessary oiiserv ances 111 driving
their cars. At sharp corners or
on steep hills every driver should
keep lo the right as far as pos-
sible to injure safely! And at
every questionable place' horns
should be" blown so as to give
notice to -other motorists and
people driving' teams. If these
suggestions vill be observed the
danger of accidents will be great-
ly minimized.
Only twelve more days oi Aug
ust and then fresh oyster will be
liabylon had-a bankruptcy law
2,300 JJ. C. All of which civiiza
tion shows that the w ives of I hat
aiicient eity were swell aM-Cssers
Candidates for governor next
year are springing up every day,
but the right ones are still in the
background. The early bird don't
always gel the worm in this .re
spect. :o
Perhaps more than in any
other year the crop situation in
J this slate is decidedly varied
There are localities to (he peo-
jple of which reports of drouth
from other localities seem to In
absolutely incredible. there are
dher localities not so blesse.
with copious but entirely loca
rams, 111 winch all 01 ine optim
ism in l tie world tioesu 1 restore
burnt pastures or revive dry am
rattling corn tops. the ram
guage and its lolal of prccipila-
I 1 : . . . 1 it il. .J ......
11011 ieu uic mim
Ihe insiailalion ol our new
urrss has been 'a source of con
s .derab le anxiety and care. Ami
, - . 1 - - ' . I . II.
icni jusi as near in prim as mey
ought, please allriuule in.
... . ......
deficiencies lo Mie fact thai if-
(lakes considerable time and pains
110 lelliuie ine iiimii ommii inn
1 . . 1 .. . 11... : :
01 ner mailers anont a large press
"i the dimensions the Journal lias
- t fill I
pal ions will bear with us only a
lew days long, when everything
will be in ship-shape and the "Old
Reliable" will be there on both
:o :
Senator La Folic! le of Wiscon-
sin hands Ibis out lo the critics
"f Mc. Ih.vau who are lambast
I : it. 1 r I...........
mg i lie si r n iiii t ui si tin- im uui.-i-
adding lo ins income ny uo
1 . . .
byjnoL ready to believe thai he will
i-heat (he government in his serv
ices. To do Ihe best work as
secretary oi siale ne ougni 10
hae some lime jor lecreauou.
It H" discredit lo him thai he
II... I 1.'.. ....... .......... I.. lo
noos ,ni'n-m ...
hear his inspiring orafory. lie is
a great preacher. Fvcr.v. person
who" hears him is belter for il.
Me is entitled lo spend 111s aca-
fliou as liesi suits mm.
. :o:
Twenty-one persons were kill
ed in Cook county, llinois, during
Julv bv automobile accidents.
This is an increase of 100 per
cent over the same number of (he
year uciorc. 1111s result is ai-
tnbuted to the lacl mat people
simply learn lo run an aulo-
. ' t 1
momie. iney do 1101 uuuersiaiiu
it-" construction and when it gels
ut of order (hey are helpless.
Noting Poys ami gins. irouu 01
their ability lo handle a inolor
under ordinary circumstances.
rush madly about I he slreels. If
'hey invite disaster not only by
the reckless speed at which they
force their, machine, but by their
Iload building' is becoming a
i 1 1 f t 1 I...
sicence, and nisieau 01 nav ing 1 ne
work done under the competent
direction of county or (own
oflieials, (he slates are assuming
pervision of stale ollicials has
become an arl, and, as a consu
creating- a syslem jf highway
........... .... . r ... 1 1.'..
wiiicu nas lew equais uiiiit-iu.
Incidentally, as a direct result of
the construction of good roads,
the value of .country .property in
Masachuselis has considerably
increased. If good roads will so
increase the value of farm prop-
erly in the old eastern states,
what may we not expect in this
country? We are all equally in-
(crested in good roads. Let's get
If will soon be school time
Have your childern ready.
.. :SulzerV doesn't seem to be ;
very popular drink with 4 he Tain
tuiiiey. '.
-:o: ;
The (Srand Island Independent
suggests a meter for telephone
Not. a baxl idea !
If sonle men's - egotism was
made into hat bands they yould
encircle the earth.
' :o:
A. Chicago millionaire proposes
to come down lo work in a Hying
boat, and he may be in danger of
coming down lo something else.
Anyway, us men won't deny
that those women who want to
vole so bad, are old enough to
do so.
Poor old Chanticleer is in a
bad way. In Chicago I hey pro
pose to pass an ordinance lo pre
vent roosters from crowing", al
leging.that people keep so many
chickens on the vacant lots I hat
the roosters annoy neighbors by
crowing all night. Ami now comes
W. A. Lippingeol, professor of
agricttllury in the Kansas college
and says J hat poultry dealer;
'ouId save a million dollars an
nually by penning up all Ihe
roosters during the summer sea
son. The eggs ro much quicker
than eggs unfertilized. If I In
poultry keepers would seclmj
or sell men rooslers iiiis
loss would be prevented. There
ought (o be a law on (he slaluh
books lo make it a misdemeanoi
to allow male birds of any de
scription (o run loose in any cily
of (own. This might cause some
laughter as a "rooster law," bul
evenluallv il will have lo bt
iMlward Ciimimnus, (.iucago .
eh ief of-police, seem- lo be a man
of unusually good common sense.
When eight policewomen were
forced on him (lie oilier day, in
response to a popular, and which
many believe a foolish fad. h
gave lliem 1 in loiiowing advice:
Don't stretch Ihe truth. Dmi'l hi
loo siern; have compassion. Pre.
scnl all cases fairly.. Ion"t (alk
more (ban is necessary. Remem
ber that women. like to (alk, and
souielimes exaggerate. li seems
(he principal duly of women
police is lo look after spooning
couples in 'he parks, which re
quires very fine discretion, t'snal-
y nothing more is required (ban
(he presence of a policeman lo
coiitine spooning (o a respectful
limitation, and- a Highly and im
aginary policewoman might cause
all kinds of unnecessary grief and
leatiaches. The chief said one
thing especially vvorlh remember
ing: Women like to talk and
sometimes exaggerate. He should
lave added Ihe men; a man gossip
is just about as bad as a woman
Sentiment oT American people
las undergone quite a change
since (he Spanish-American war.
The jingo tendency has gone
glimmering', . Iikewisea desire lo
ielp (he Jitfle brown" brother.'
Ninericans no longer care a wrap
whether the map of Europe is
changed once in a century or
once in a hundred years. lis only
oncern in Ihe Mexican I rouble is
Ihe protection of the citizens of
the United Stales and their prop
erly. If Mexico were ollered to
the United Stales as a gift, and
(he people given ( he. priv ilege of
acceptance or rejection, the ver
dict would be unanimous.. The
Philippines are not worth half
they stand us. Kcmember the
old maxim: "That which does
not cost time, (bought andTabor
of little use." Uy the vvay,
there was something amusing in
the report of Ihe senate com
mittee on John Lind, advisor of
the American embassy- in the
Mexican' muddle. The committee
agreed Salurdav night to. support
ind. As he already is in Mexico
what else could the committer
have done ? : i ' t
While it is hard to fool all the
people all the lime, many agents
continue lo do a lucrative busi
:o ;
j Governor Sulzer may expos
Tammany all right, but lor isn't
likely lo furnish the country any
thing jiievv.
Peace is bound lo come (o the.
Ilalkans now. John 1). Rockefel
ler has just secured a lease of
-,000 acres of oil land in that
neck 'o woods, and soon there
won't be money enough left in
that country lo equip a regiment
of cavalry.
; :o:
Omaha World-Herald, speaking
editorially: Nebraska's honora-
jle secretary of stale, Addison ;.
NN'aif, in an address to picnickers
il Avoca, is said lo have remark-
d -thai this hot weather remind
ed him that democrats, grasshop
pers and hot winds had seemed
(o go together ami lhal they ap
peared o be in twenty "-y car
periods. "In" lfSTo,"' he is quoted,
"w e bad hoi winds a .id g rass
hoppers; twenty years later., in
1803, we had hot winds and a
dcmoeralii; administration, and
now again in twenty years comes
another ho' lime with a demo
era lie adininisl rat ion." And all
the fault of tin- democrats, (00,
worse luck. Hut why should Mr.
NN'aif worry? Through il all. rain
or shine, wet or dry, hot or cold,
his relatives continue lo draw
salaries from Ihe slate, as em
ployes in his oliice. The Wail
family can slaud (he drouth.
Congerss has passed an act lo
protect migratory birds. Its idea
is fo prevent- spripg shunting be
tween sunsel and sunrise to
utilize all flic protection now ac
corded under the stale laws and
extend Ihe seasons of protection
when lieces;
wv Thb
.is a good
idea. The robins, blackbirds and
bluebirds coming up from Ihe
south are almost exterminated
during (heir passage by Italians
and renters who .slaughter them
for food. The result of (his
warfare is lo greatly multiply lite
number of predatory in -! Is and
thus do infinite damage to Ihe
crops. We o.uglil io apsiiiuieiy
prohibit killing bobolinks, cat
birds, humming birds, martins,
meadow larks. orioles, robius.
wallows. thrushes, warblers.
whippoorw ills, woodpeckers and
w rens, r.very year l lie damage
to crops from Ihe insect eueiuic
increases in amount. It is large
ly owing lo (he destruction of
man's best friend, "the bud. The
laughler of these song birds has
no excuse. Die idea oi giving a
boy a gnu and sending lam oui
to kill innocent lillle lords under
(he idea that il is spoil is of all
things to be deprecated.
:o: "-
What, has become of thai larilT
. t
scare? 11 is as ceriaiu as can ne
I hat there will be downward re
vision of lite larilT within a few
wj-eKs and 1 111 country ii.isu 1
1 .1. 1
collapsed yet. N'e were lold that
the -election of a democratic
president would send Ihe Shivers
up and down Ihe back of the busi
ness world. Then when it became
nowu that lb; democrats had a
safe majority in Ihe senate I hey'
said that pains, panic and paraly
sis were'immediately impending;
(hat soon, if not ali(lle sooner,
the whizzing wheels of industry
would cease 10 wuui ami uwi
1 ..1 1 1 1 ... 1
cobwebs would cover the openings
of Ihe foclory's furnace ami
smoke; (hat the laboring
would have fo "work for a
and sing il himself."' The lac,!
thai tariff revision is already as
good as made and lhal ii is now
definitely known just what Ihe
eading features of the new cur
rency system will be, and none of
these filings have staggered the
business of the country-can stand
square deal legislation. We had
supinely submitted to crooked
business until many honest men
had concluded that business
couldn't be successfully conduct
ed on. square deal principles. Now
sn't that the truth? :
When Mr. Bryan is not oc
eupied with IheTcares of state he
lectures lo his fid low citizens
There are a number of people
who delight to hear Mr. Hryan rol
out his pleasing platitudes. The
class of minds that delight in
chaulauquas are caplured by this
sort of display, and they are wil
ling lo pay Mr. I'.ryan .j00 for
each ellori and divide the profits
with him, after the expenses an
paid. And why not ?
Oeroge NN'ashiiigton served his
country, ki-jd a carefully itemized
bill of his expenses and turned il
in to congress, receiving a draft
on the United Stales treasury for
some -soS, (!)(. Thomas JeH'erson
in his old age sold his liberty o
the government for s-jo.ijoo and
not because it was worth lhal, bul
because he was in debt and need
ed the .money. Henry Clay's
friends passed Ihe hat and paid
his debts on several occasions.
Daniel NVebsler was a persistent
beggar and Ihe capitalists of
lloslon used to chip in annually
ill order lo keep "the Cod-like
hajiiel" in Ihe United Slal'es sen
ate. IJenlon v.role his "Thirty
Years in the United Stales Senate"'
in older o pay his debts. John
ijuiney Adam-s went back into (hi? house alter naviug been
president of the United Stales.
John Randolph of Roanoke wits
appointed minister to Russia, and
presented a bill for iji'O.ono for
his expenses before he ever ar
rived al his des,( ina! ion, and Ihe
bill was paid, ('arl Schurz used
to lecture, so did Charles Sum
mer. James Russvll Lowell was
in great demand as a public
speaker. In fact, most of .our
great men have eked out I heir
meager salaries by literary-aH'orl .
Those of I hem who were unable
lo talk pleasingly,' write books and
magazine ariieles, or practiced
law, and nobo'dy (Imughl any -I
hing about it .. v
NN by, therefore, (here should be
such a Iremendoiis row over
Aryan's effort is one of the
mysteries of American politics.
Next fo a match lhal won't
flight when urgently needed, is a
friend lhal won't stand up for you
in an emergency.
The chautauqua season is al
most over, and Secretary Ibyan i
al his posl of duly in NVashiuglon
during his varalion season.
Wooi (row vv 1 1 son lias the wis-
iloin of JeH'erson and lite force of
Jackson and is therefore making
the greatest president the country
ever possessed.
. :o:
Probably the next I borough iu
vesfigalioit will be al'ler campaign
sialenienls, in view of (he New
Nork revelations. There , might
be interesting disclosures from
Maine o California.
NN'jIh Ihe advance of (he suf
fragelle movement in Lngland
comes Ihe report (hat Ihe women
of that counljy are. taking lo
cigars and dispensing with cigar
ettes. Well, that's more like men.
:o : ;
It's only a guess what tin price
ct corn will be this Oil. NYjse
heads are predicting lhal it, will be
a dollar a bushel. The drought
has cut Ihe cent crop short., even
in the corn bell -and what Ihe
yi-;!d will be is another guess.
:o :
There is some talk throughout
Ibis district of opposition to Con
gressmanMuguire in (he demo
cratic parly for a re-nomination.
The Journal is not-informed as to
olher sections of Ihe district, bul
in Cass county flotre is not the
slightest opposition to his re
nomination. Congressman Ma
g 11 ire has been very attentive to
his duties at Washington: more
so, in fact, "than any man, thai -ver
represented the Fir.l district, and
is very popular. NNV do not be
lieve any man pitted against him
for the nomination would stand
a ghost of a "show. Them's our
sentiments, honestly expressed.
The difference between a wife
beater and horse-beater is that
the police lake' an interest in the
former at limes.
:o :
An eastern professor says
women do not have mathematical
minds. ISut the dressmakers are
all good al figures.
Cxperts say insects eat a bil
lion dollars' worth of farm prod
ucts -every year, which, possibly,
explains f Ik; high cost of living;
. :o:
The New York impeachment
alVair is liable to cause people In
irget all about Mr. Ibyau's
chaulauqua dales if they are unl
n :o:
A friend of the Journal wanted
o know Ihe other day if we knew
the difference between a reckless
iov-rider"' and a "fool and his
money. vv e I I .t lum we old 1101.
le said he didn't eil her.
:o :
An occasional glance at the
hlos of the world's richest and
nosl fashionable society women.
(hey appear in file columns of
ur daily newspapers should con--
ince most anyone I lull wealth
trd iiea my do iiol very otieu
Iravel luge! her.
If Ihe Uniled Stales should 1111
derlak'c to (real citizens of other
cotiufries as helishly as Mexico
lias been prcmiltcd lo (real a lot.
of helpless Americans lor the past
fifteen years, we would have
enough war on our bauds inside
of twenty -four hours fo scatter
blood from heje-lo (he moon.
In some seel ions of Nebraska
farmers declanH hat I hey fear the
necessily of killing oil' of the
young hog lots as they arrive in
the next few weeks or months,
unless a cheap food can be sup
plied from olher parts lo tide
(hem over. Since only (wo months
tare are required lo make (hem
markr table, or at best three, the
necessity for such action would
seem most regrettable. Such ne
cessities will not aid in reducing
I he cost of living. ,
: o :
The (iermans have at last
found a use for slot ntach ines. In
stead of using- them as money
spending, or. worse still, as gam
bling devices, the school author
ities of IJerlin have converted
lliem into minalure hanks, eu
couragers of saving and I brill.
Alfer first banishing gum and
chocolate machines from fhe
school grounds. 'I hey have now
installed in their place savings
bank slot machines. Uach
"pfennig' dropped into Ihe sb
brings, out a card of deposit for
lhal amount. NN'hen flic deposit
or brings ten of these cards lo
the ( eacher, he receives a savings
bank book. In IJiis Ike amount of
his desposils in Ihe shd machines
are enlered.. I lie funds Ihen a re
?enl to I In. banks - for. deposit
a! inleies!. In Ihe first month of
their operal ion-in Merlin more
(ban oii was taken oui of the
dol machines.
:o :
Rcmarkablo Cure for Dysentery.
"I was attacked with dysenlry
about July 1 5 Hi, and use( fhe
doctor's remedies with, no relief,
only gelling: worse a 11,1 he time. I
was unable lo do anyfhjng and
my weight dropped from i 'i7 to
iL'.j pounds. I .suffered for about
two months when I was advisoJ
fo use Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era ami Diarrhoe Remedy. I used
two bottles of it and it gave me
permanent relief," writes M. NV.
Hill of Snow Hill, N. C. Sold by
all dealers.
Mor.ey to loan rm cily real.
esfale on good terms and at
moderate rates. Muy or build a
borne on the easy payment plan.
See T. M. Patterson, Secretary
Platlsmoulh Loan and Huihlim?
Mr. and Mrs. IM (ianseiucr,
from near Nehavvka; I. II. Ober
nalte of Wabash and Oeorge Han
sen, from near Nehawka. were
Plat tsmoui h visitors today, driv
ing up in Mr. f'ausemer's car.
They were pleasant callers af the
Journal -office.