The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1913, Image 1

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': I:
NO. 65.
Wilt Stadelman, Former PJatts-
mouth Boy, Entertains Ninety
Seven Nebraskans.
From Friday's Daily.
The Journal has just received
" n. most interesting' letter from our
old friend. Senator S. L. Thomas
written from his home at Long
Beach, California, in which he
gives a most interesting account
of a gathering of former Ne
braskans, held at Santa Monica,
a few miles from Long Beach,
and a most interesting time was
enjoyed by the former residents
of the tree planting state. The
letter from Mr. Thomas is as fol
lows :
Long Beach, AuguslO, 10 13.
Editor Piatt smouth Journal:
I see by the Journal each week
what my old friends in Piatt s
mouth are saying and doing; but
those feelings were heightened
today when I reached Santa
Monica beach to witness the
great auto races held at that
place. I met ninety-seven Ne
braska people, the guests of Wil
liam Stadelman, a most pleasing
and delightful entertainer. Wil
liam owns one of the finest
bungalow residences facing the
race course, and the gathering
was held at his home. On one
side of the lawn was placed a
long table, filled to overflowing
capacity with good things to eat.
William, with his congenial face
and magnetic smile, passed the
coffee, which was delicious, to his
ninety-seven guests. Only a few
short years ago we remember him
as a boy who developed to man
hood in Plattsmouth, his parents
resided where the Riley hotel now
stands. We see him now, a man
of affairs, in a growing com
munity, grasping the opportunity
of a new field. The following
Plattsonians were present at the
gathering: Captain L. D. Ben
nett, Miss Alice Wilson, Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Miller, Mr. and' Mrs.
Frank Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Nels Murray and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Wurl, Mr. and
Mrs. Nade Shultz. Mrs Sue Mor
rissey and daughter, Miss Jean,
Ed Sampson and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. S.'L. Thomas.
By the way, I notice in the
Journal that forty years ago to
day Frank Johnson and sons were
just, completing a house for Wil
liam Stadejman on Vine street,
and today Frank Johnson and
Nels Murray are just completing
a house for William Stadelman,
jr., in Santa Monica. Yours,
S. L. Thomas.
From Saturday's Da 11 v.
The broad and expansive smile
that was noticed on the counten
ance of Col. J. II. Thrasher yes
terday was the subject of much
comment by the many friends of
the colonel, and many wondered
why it was, but at last the truth
was learned that he was a grand
father, not once, but twice, as
the stork paid a visit to the home
of his son. Connie Thrasher and
wife, at Spokane, Washington,
August 7, and left them two twin
boys, fine, : healthy youngsters,
and the colonel . and his esti
mable wife are both feeling very
proud over the addition to the
Thrasher list of descendants.
That the two boys may , live to
become useful citizens : to the
community where they- live and
a comfort to their parentss the
wish of their many, friends in
this city. ........ ...
Tom Martin of Pacific Junction
came over this afternoon torvisit
his friends here between trains. .
Charley Cock's Adopted Son Here.
From Friday's Dallv.
C. E. Cook came in this morn
ing from his home, south of this
city, accompanied by his adopted
son, E. II. Marks, of Ord, Valley
county," who was an over-night
visitor at the Cook home, and
these gentlemen were passengers
this morning1 on 'No. 15 for Lin
coln. Mr. Marks states that, in
Valley county they will have
about half a crop of corn, al
though the recent rains will give
them three good cuttings of alfalfa.
From Friday's Dally.
The journal has just, received
the following letter from Hie
meriean Press Association in
regard to the installation of the
new press in this office, and con
sidering the source of the letter
coming as -it does lrom a cor
poration that furnishes thou
sands of daily papers throughout
the country with their unexcelled
telegraph news service, the lettei
is most deeply appreciated and
the Journal hopes, bv constant
walked up and down the stree
reputation that, it has had in the
past in giving the people of this
city and Cass county the best
paper it is. possible to get out:
Omaha, August li, 1913.
Mr. R. A. Bates, Publisher Jour
nal, Plattsmouth. Neb.:
Dear Sir We notice with
pleasure the announcement ir
your issue of the 12th inst., that
he Journal has installed a nev
press, tne new tioss comet, ar
indication that the Journal ha
outgrown its equipment. Thr
people of Cass county muft ap-
preciate the dandy newspaper yov
are giving them. The Journal if
clean, up-to-date newspaper
one of the best. Jthat comes to ou'
exchange table, and we predic
that its progress will continue i
he future, as it has in the past
With best wishes, we are, ver:
ruly yours.
merican Press Association.,
E. q. Jetle.
From Friday's Dally.
A .very sad accident occurrec
near Syracuse Saturday, nigni
August 2, when George McClain
prominent farmer of thai
vicinity and former resident oj
his community, was killed by z
rain, lie was driving nome iron
helping thresh, at about f
o'clock in the evening, and it is
thought became bewildered by th
headlight of theo ncoming train.
ust after he had passed a cross-
ing, ana unKnowingiy urove ur
onto the tracks where the rig in
which he was riding was struct
with terrific force by the train
le'was found dead on the pilot
of the engine when the train was
He is remembered by many
itizens here, as he lived in the
icinity .about twenty years ago
and was a long-time resident of
the county. He had lived m Otoe
county about nine ears. He was
about 51 years of age and is sur
vived by a wife and five children.
Weeping Water Republican.
Dance at Woodman Hall.
From Saturday's Dally.
A most delightful social dance
was given last evening at the
Modern Woodman hall by Messrs.
Henry and ;Waldmar Soennichsen
and -Don Arries, which was . at
tended by some twelve couple of
dancers, who passed the "time
most pleasantly until a late-hour
in tripping the light fantastic.
The music for the dance was fur
nished by W. R. Holly on the
Violin .andMiss Marie Fitzgerald
on the piano, being much enjoy
ed by all attending. During the
progress of . the dance .delicious
fruit 7 punch rwas ,- served, to the
company of m,erry voung. people.
Numerous First-Class Companies
Will Appear at the Parmele
During the Season.
From Friday's Dally.
The nearing of the opening of
the theatrical season brings to
the front the fact that Manager
Shlaes of the Parmele theater has
secured some very excellent at
tractions for the corning season
and an effort will be made to see
vhether the amusement-loving
public of the city will appreciate
the efforts made to secure good
shows for them.
The theater will be thoroughly
cleansed and disinfected before
the opening night, which will be
Thursday, September 11, when
'Mrs-. Wiggs of the Cabbage
Patch" wilt be presented. This
is an excellent comedy drama and
vill be much enjoyed by those
vho like a good, clean show.
"The Havoc" will be her October
', "The Confession" will be seen
here on the evening of October
H, and will be followed by
'Truxton King," a play of the
romantic land of the Balkans, and
on October 21 the Jug W. A.
Brad. attraction, "Baby Mine,"
Ail! be seen here, and- as this
.vas one of the big metropolitan
aits last season it is sure to be
an attraction of more than usual
merit. Cal Stewart will appear
here in "Running for Governor,"
.Thich will be followed -on Octo
ber 30 by William B. Patton, the
clever comedian, in "Lazy. Bill."
a line lirst-ciass attraction.
Among the other excellent and
first-class attractions secured by
Mr. Shlaes are the followin
plays, none f which are anything
but the best in the business:
'Bought and Paid For," "R. U. A
Mormon." "The Spendthrift,"
'Lyman Howe's Pictures," ."The
Thief." "United Attractions Com
pany, witti seven big vaudeville
actors. "The Virginian," "Mutt
and Jeff in Panama' lThe Great
Divide," "The Sacrifice," "Little
Women." a big attraction under
the management of W. A. Brady,
"The Shepherd of the Hills,"
"That Printer of Udell," "Life'
hop Window," "Stop Thief,"
"The Divorce Question." All of
hese shows have been very high
ly recommended to the manage
ment of the theater and will un
doubtedly prove all that has been
said for them.
The Burlington railroad has
made arrangements for the run
ning or a special train, starling
from this city, on Tuesday, Wed
nesday and Thursday, September
2, 3 and '. The train will run to
the state fair grounds, leaving
this city at 7 a. m. sharp and re
turning will leave Lincoln at 7:i5
m. This . will afford everyone in
this vicinity an ample opportunity
to attend the fair and return the
same day. The Burlington has
also arranged to have the fast
Denver train. No. 1, stop here on
Monday morning in order to ac
commodate the visitors here
from Omaha who are taking xiart
in the tournament. Those want-
mg to go to umana. eariy can
take advantage of this oppor-
Fred Helsel Sick.
From Saturday's Daily.
The many friends - of Fred
Ieisel will be surprised to learn
that for 1 lie past few days he has
been quite sick at his home, suf
fering from a fever, which has
ept him confined to. his bed. It
is. not thought the attack will
prove serious and that 'he may
oon be able, to be out.
Kicked by a Mule.
Otto Fleischman . is suffering
with three broken ribs, the result
of having been kicked by a mule
Friday afternoon. He had driven
a team of mules through a gate
and was in the act of picking up
the lines after closing the gate
when a rear pedal of one of the.
animals met him quite unexpeet
edly. Otto ws quite badly bruised
and shaken up aside from the in
juries above stated. Medical aid
was soon brought to his relief
and he is now doing nicely, we
are glad . to report. Elmwood
One of the coming attractions
for the Mills county people is the
Old Soldiers reunion, which is
to be held at Pacific Junction on
August 21, 22 and 23. The re
union will be held in the beauti
iui park at in at piace ana strong
efforts are being made to thor
oughly entertain; the visitors. - It
is not often that Pacific Junction
pulls off anything of this kind,
but when she does it is usually
good. There will be plenty of
attractions for all on this oc
The general outline for the
program on Thursday, the first
day, is march from the trains to
he grounds in the morning. The
procession will De neaded ny
Martial band, which is to be
here all three days. There will
be good speakers each day, such
as Judge 11. ueemer 01 lieu
Oak, Hon. John Y. Stone of Glen-
wood, and others equally as good
n the evening a male quartet
from Glenwood. will entertain the
On Friday, August 22, the In
stitution band from Glenwood will
be there all day. In the evening
the Elks' quartet of Council
Bluffs will be there. The com
mittee has been very lucky in so.
curing this quartet for an enter
tainment, as they are considered grounds, where the different ap
tbe best in western Iowa. paratus has been placed and to-
aturaa, tne last aay, tne
visitors are to ne entertained
by the Fourth Tepiment band of
Nebraska.- This band is said to
ne tne nest uand in tms section of
IU. 1 .111 I t I
luumrj, auu mej iiaNe ueeu
Mi-uieu ul 11 uig -pense. iue.v
will be there all day.
In addition to the above there
will also be several other attrac-1
lions, including a ball game each
aa neiween gooa (earns. i,ames
caned at 4 o clock. Admission
11 ' ' vvl-
all old soldiers and thejr wives
will be taken care of.
When h has no confidence in
himself nor his fellowmen.
When he does not try to make
his work a little better each day.
When he becomes so absorbed
in his work that Ife cannot say
that his life is greater than work,
When he lets a day go by with
out making someone happier or
more comfortable.
When he values wealth and
health more than self respect and
the good opinion of others. I
When he is so burdened by his
business that he finds no time
for rest or recreation. .
When he loves his own plans
and interests more than human-
When his friends like him
more for what lie has than for
what he is.
When he knows that he is in
the wrong, but is afraid to ad- still suffering from the very much result of their - catches did not affected his head in such a man
mit it. , extended drouth period. They sink the boat by their weight. G. ner cause the aDDarent
When he envies others because
they,have more ability, talent or
wealth than he has.'
W hen he does not care what
. 1
happens to his neighbor or his
friend so long1 as he. is prosper-
When he is so busy doing that
ne nas no. Jtime: for smiles and
cheerinsr words. .
Quite a Demonstration and the
Boys Spent the Time In Get
ting Asquainted.
From Saturday's Dally. ' ,
The tournament of the western
division of the T. J. Sokol society
opened in this city last evening
with the arrival of Burlington
train No. 2, which -brought the
turners from Omaha, South Oma
ha, Ravenna, Schuyler and
Prague to take part in the con-
i I i i i i 1
tests which were neiu ai me parsi
ui mr suLiaj 'rtnuoj luuaj, Man-
ing in at G o'colck this morning,
The visitors were met at the
depot by the Burlington band and
a large delegation from the local
society, as well as some twelve
mi f nmnhi I oe vt-hirtti nriTH-nT-arl ihnlviill Kin 1 rl fa cascinns in Ilia ITio-h
,ad eonleslants to the park,
where the tournament is being
held. The procession moved up
Main street to Fourteenth, where
they proceded south to Pearl and
broke ranks at the hall, where the
judges and contestants spent the
evening getting acquainted and
meeting in regard to the opening
events of the tournament.
The hall and grounds of the
I jocai society have been decorated
in a very pleasing manner, as
lights have been placed around
the hall and grounds in profusion,
which makes the place a scene of
great beauty. Great streamers
of red, white and blue bunting!
has beon strung around the hall,
interspersed with American and
Bohemian flags. The balcony atlhome. If you have suitable rooms
the north end of the hall has been! for the teachers do not" forget to
equipped with a long table run-
ning tne entire lengtn or tne
balcony, and here lunch was
served to those taking part in the
tournament last evening and to
The tournament proper is be
ing held in the south part of the
day (he place was very bu9y with
the different contestants striving
for victorv in the athletic events.
Tne tournament is overseen by
John Rina 0f South Omaha, rep
. -
resenting the national associa-
- - ----- - - - - -. - -
t on. and he had chartre of the
ni9iinir nf iho .lifToppnt nnnnrntna I
fULIIIQ IHl. U..K..V11 f..(H.M
used in the event and will remain
until the close of the torunament
tomorrow. The bier event will be
tomorrow afternoon and includes
nnor.rf hv iho Tlnrline-f nn hand
as wen as an address ny lion,
james C. Dahlman of Omaha, and
it is estimated that a very large
crowd will be present from the
metropolis to take part in the
Last evening ' the contestants
and the judges of the tournament
held a meeting at the hall and
(ha craihoniTicr -a o a Hrlyoecort hv
Mo,.' iKn t coiii T?h.- fnn
mally welcomed them to the city
and extended the hospitality of
the citv to them during their
The address of welcome
was responded to by John Jelen
r CA.,n, nmho Hohoir r tha
turners, who expressed their ap-
preciation of the warm words of
welcome from the mayor.
Awn Pram LoiiIavIHa.
From Saturday's Daily.
John Lohnes and son, . II.
ILohnes and wife, from Louis-
ville, were in the city today, com-
ing down on the train for a short
business visit with county seat
friends. The senior Mr. Lohnes
paid the Journal office a brief
call, and while here renewed nis
subscription. In conversation
with him he tells us that Louis-
ville is flourishing, but they are
were not- favored with either of
the recent rains that visited east-
ern Cass county. They have not
had a rain within tne past live
. .... . . i.
weeks, and the wells are begin-
ning to go dry.
Syrup of Figs, 50o slxe, this
week at 33c aering & 00. Phone
36. " ' - -
New Farm House.
From Saturday's Dally.
Ed Mason, aim Charles Hitt,
carpenters and contractors, of
this city, have completed the new
farm house of Joseph Campbell,
! south ot Plattsmouth, near Mur
ray. The new structure is as
near a modern country home a3
it is possible to erect at this
time, and will prove a very com
fortable home for Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell and family for future
years. The contracting firm of
Mason & Hitt are doing: some good
work;they thoroughly understand
their line, and their prices are
From Friday's Dally..
me attenuon or tne public is
again to the fact that from
Monday, August 25, until Friday,
August 29, this city wi.Il have the
honor of entertaining the Cass
County Teachers' Institute, which
school building in this city. There
is a great need of places. where
the teachers can secure rooming
places, and anyone who can ac-
commodate any of the teachers
should notify the county super-
intendent at once in order that as
soon as they arrive here the
teachers can be assigned to their
boarding places. Last year the
attendance was in the neighbor-
hood of 1G0 and that many or
more win ne present tnis year at
the meetings and every effort
should be put forth to make the
occasion a very pleasant one for
the visitors and give them a
favorable impression of our little
city that will linger with them
long after they have. : returned
J notify the county superintendent,
juiss xuary 1. rosier, as soon as
From Frlday'a Dally.
The picnic held yesterday at
the Tulene erove. west ot this
- r f
city, ny tne presoytenan sunaay
school, was a srand success into
f '
every way and at its conclusion
it was the unanimous decision
that it had been the most sue-
cessful, as well as enjoyable, that
the Sundav school had ever had.
ine memoers 01 me sunaay
school and the Visitors were con-
veyed to the grounds in a number
of automobiles until over one
hundred had gathered at the
1 -
ground, and then the pleasures
of the day began, and Rev. M. W
Lorimer, pastor of the church,
covered himself with glory in
nrrnflpint? pn f prf fl in mpfl f. fnr the!
vnnnir frdi-Q hnvino- ammroH nl
number of games and races,
which furnished much amuse-
ment until the noon hour, when
the party gathered around the
well filled baskets of good things
fn .nt anH fho hitt nipnrr Hinnpp
was spread beneath the large
trees and the way the picnickers
made the irood things flv was not
slow.. Fvervthinc nassed off
lovely and the large crowd that
attended felt, the occasion was
one of the happiest they had ever
Ha Fin Flahlnn Trio.
pr0m Saturday baiiy.
A fishing party under the
charge of Captain Ed Mason went
put yesterday to try tneir iuck
with the finny tribe up near the
mouth of the Platte, and while
the trip was very enjoyable, the
P. Eastwood, who is considered an
expert in the fishing line, had the
foresight to take numerous fish-
ing lines aiong, none 01 wnicn
.. . 1 11
were broken by the weight of the
fish caught.
George Budig of Havelock came
in saturaay evening 10 visit over
Sunday with Ms parents.
All the Members of the South
eastern Fruit Growers' As
8odatlon In the Deal.
From Saturdays Dally.
The transaction ir Nebraska
City Thursday in which Crutch
field, Wolfolk & Clare, a Chicago
commission firm, bought the en
tire crop of the members of the
Southeastern Fruit Growers' as
sociation, was the biggest deal in
apples ever pulled off in Ne
braska. The amount is esti
mated at from 80,000 to. 100,000
barrels and will bring the grow
ers something like a quarter of a
million dollars.
E. M. Pollard, who was present
at the conference and who is one
of the big growers of the associa-
tion, informs us that there were
I representatives from commission
firms in St. Louis. Kansas City.
I O 4 T I. r:nn.nni:n I,
and other nlaces and that the
bidding was verv spirited, the
final price being something like
50 cents per barrel more than the
orchard men in this part of Ne-
braska had ever received before.
When the packing season
starts the Chicago firm will have
inspectors in this territory and
the apples will all be packed
under their personal supervision.
and payment will be made to the
growers as soon as a car is load-
j ed and billed. The firm put up a
certified check for $20,000 as an
earnest that they would fulfill
their part oh the contract, and
this check applies on the las'
cars packed.
L Mr. Pollard is justly elato
over the fact that'his orchard '
I one of the two orchards in'Ne
I braska pronounced absolute'
clean by the inspectors for the
big firms who have been maki"
a thorough examination of t
growing apples. The other r
chard is near Arlington, and '
the property of Marshall Brot
ers of that place. During ih
spraying season, this spring ther
was a good deal of rain, and as
result manv of the orchards nn
afflicted with scab.
Grander Brothers of Lincol
are allowed 10.000 barrels f"
the Pollard orchard, but with h
o-rnonfinn ihv will ait hq chinro'r
v-,fr-''"' wax m g it 1 u l' '
n r.hicaco. Mr Poii.irH will hm-
rmKA nf citit- nr
11 1 V.' 1 V W OI. I. , J 4 III' -
workine- here and will hnv in
Lack to exceed 500 barrels each
dav after the season hee-ins v.
hawka News.
uninm tun imin
From Friday's Dally,
uiarence w neian, tne young
V'ai " . U1U D" 1
'U1 " -na who
, ' "-
uulu" , . p . e
K' ,U1 "ie V481 serai nays
nas Deen acting m -a-very strange
manner an n Wednesday night
developed unmistakable signs of
being" mentally off his base, and
endeavor, to keep up to the
engaging uiueiem persons ' in
conversatioa that was decidedly
rambling, and he was placed un
der care at the hotel where he
was stopping, and his parents at
tt . .1: i;r. m . ....
nasiing uouiiea or nis condition.
His father arrived last evening on
No. 10. and made arrangements to
remove the unfortunate vountr
man to nis home at Hastings
leaving for that place this morn-
ing. It js thought that the pi
posture to the extreme heat has
mental lapse. Mr. Whelan was a
very bright young man and his
sad misfortune will be generally
regretted ny all who knew him
. . . .
as he was most pleasant and
genial to meet.
Genuine Syrup of Flan thin week
oiyr 33c. aerlng ft 00. " Phone