The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 14, 1913, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1313.
y Gross
2p HE6c C'CME 5 My
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wmtmmmmrmmmm i ui ' -mmm m i n mi 1 1 mmtm -w mm i iiii n iwmij .n urm i n mini i imm m m n i ibwwwmpwwmbiwmwmwmwwwwi iib i piwwwpwww ! m mwiih mm mm mmmmmmjmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmamgmMmmmmmmm
- i
( 20T HOW tHOOi"p7 HP6
-PVPANY (4 The BV rfo'
"Don't Walk in the Sun
I alk m tiie oiiade.
Why take those tiresome trips
about? the city Or in the country dur
ing the hot weather to see a man when
what you really want to do is to TALK
to him?
The telephone is always conven
ient ahd will save those tiresome walks
in the sun, give you quick, cool and
satisfactory round-trips to nearly any
place, and help you to complete the
day's work with the least possible
waste of time and energy.
Why not let telephone do your
traveling tills summer?
Don't Wallc in the Sun, just step
to the telephone and "Talk in the
ln g eleprsone and
V I ?.'.'! CO II.
rapn company
Ji K. POLUOCK,' Local Mnnagcr
The NEBRASKA MILLITARV ACADEMY offers to tte' boys of
Nebraska and surrounding slates, the advantages of a first class Mi!!i
lary School close at home. Fireproof building, good equipment, splendid
care and instruction; a school where the individuality is developed, where
there are no failures. Prepares for college and business.
School open September 17. Enrollment has begun.
For information apply to
B. D. HAYWARD, Superintendent
'I'ImoIi i i ju-l ;i) hi t cmh'i
1'1'ifd jii (his vicinity.
Mis. tc;ir. K.-il left" TiK'-ilay
iiiiini in- lir a viit willi r'l;i
! iv s in Miuri.
Ii!ii Sinnlay, August lo
Mr. an.l Mrs. J.ilin Malom.. niito
unit's mmiI liwcsi f lOal", a lon
pi.iipd iil.
Mr. ami Mrs. I.. II. Karl and S.
.J. Marl weir rallrd i Ilan"lih.
Inwa. 11m- I'hi' pari !' liu- w'ok
i I In' tical h l"a i'lali'.
i Miss (''!ia l't ersmi arri'd
Ii'i - Sal unlay !r:n I lia n ci. Ia..
(it assi-l in in oiriiiu tin nnir
etiandisr I. i'ff tsih vv ;i.
.fi lt in; ii' Hcillc!" if t(zal. Ni'Ii.,
ai i ixc.l in Jua.ulc . 1 liui'siiavaurr
::t'n for-a vi wvrks' - i ; i t willi
ieLiliH ami frii'Mils.
iraTidpa MrKn ri'Iflu ah'. I lii-tM.lity-uinl
h liiri!ila .Monday,
Aiif-rirs i. For nf his ;i- Mr.
McKay ;s around n-markaiily
well, airl i-i n.joyiii llu- hest of
Mr. Anna M. (i!.a-on. who was
formerly landlady of llu- Kayh
hotel, now liin.! at Sali-m. (Hv
hi a reefMif h'Wr lo a frf'-ml Ihmc
reports r iTyt liin: oul in lhal
cr.iintry in line shape, plcily of
rain and cool weal her.
Mrs. T. W; Mr Man is 'and chil
dr n i''!';i lcd lasl Salurday for
Lincoln, . where they will in:ik'
liieir hi'ine mil 1 1 next spring. Mrs.
McManis is employed in one of
the stores there. She, has run-
isenled lo let her husband remain
here in Eaule (as Ion;: as lie con
ducts hims!f in a manner lhal
will pne sat isfaclory fo hvr: to
i-ii it I lie IJeacon ollice.' have
opened up "'hatching"' tpiarlers in
our siiiH ? unuand are eu.ini: ( ".'
life in a royal manner.
. Louis Dunkak returned Satur
day frnm a business trip to Per
kins county.
Mr. and Mrs. F.d Posi-now re
joice iiver the arrival of ,- hand-.-ome
hahy ilau-hter at their'
home oti Tuesday a!lernoon.
-Mrs iioiaci' ltee,. was called
home Sat unlay from a vrsit with
relatives at Victor, a on ac,
count of the death of her brother,
Frank Hichard-oii.
II. F. Krull an. I Arthur Seller
left I'rida.y for u isi( with W in.
Seller and family al Cofhenher'.
.el.. and 1. Smith ;ind family al
Ke:ie.-a. .Ne.
The erection of a li r n
Local Flews
I.. l. of Murray was in
the ti!y lal evening lonkint; a f
(er .-onie mailers of business, re
lurnin": home on the niidniplil
Missouri I'acilic.
M;-. .lohn llallslroui relui'iud
1 it evcniiiu from lay. Neb.,
wiieie she had been fur the p;:sl
few das !ilii;ur wiih friep.ds.
C It. I rans came in !a een
iuy from Wyoniin-, where he has
Jiei'ii emploed for sofiie lime by
tfie Union. Pacilic. ami vill visit
here for lea days wilh his fam
ily.' lie ami his little dau'-:hler
were" pascnv.ers this aflernoon
for Omaha lo look 'afler some
luisiness mailers.
J). ('.. We.-f. Charles S. Stone.
John YVbilcman and Nels Ander
son motored iKer this nioniin
lioni .Nehawka iii.the car of Mr.
W'esl. and looked' after niiie
bii-iiiess niallers al (he court
.Irs. Itoberl Troop and Mis. M.
A. Leif. who have been visit inr
in I he western part of the slate
for a few weeks, returned home
this iiMi'iiiiir on No. .
has commenced on the ios pur
chased Iv J."D. I'ent iman. Asa
Fellows has jus! completed a
splendid cement block foundation
fur I he iuiildiu.- lo stand on.
Harry lre -ii has been buildin.u
cement walks about the premises
of the country residence of. Mr.
and Mrs. I.I. .yd Milb r. I!e. also
bui!l a cement foundation for a
larpe audition lo Mr. Miller's
burn. x
"Samuel Ho-cnrief has purchas
ed the old Fells' properly from Ir.
Lision. and v,e 'are told hi ami
Mrs. ISofienrief are iiit'-mlinr to
move to town in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. I.opreinief are very
pleasant elderly folk and we are
more than pleased at liieir selec
tion of F.Imwood as a place to
spend their declmii:": years.
Mis. Fd Sua: Is. living north
west of Kaude. uiidei-weuf a 'surgi
cal oieiahio!i ai St. Flizabf'l li's
hospital in IJncoln las' Moailay.
A card received at this olVice fnnn
Mr. Svvarlz. Wednesday, stales
(hat .Mrs. Swarf withstood the
ordeal nicely and is making won
derful -lains. The many Khnwomi
friends of Mrs. Svvartz will be in
terested in knowing this bit of
n.'ws, and all w ill join in I he hope
Ilia! her recovery will be rapid and
From Tuesday's Daily.
YV. II. Wiles of Mauley -speiit
Salurday and Sunday with his
parents. Mr. ind Mrs. John Wiles
of PlaUsinoutu.
Mis. Stella McUouihie arrived
this morning from her home ia
Iowa, and will be the ".liesl here
for a few da.vs of Mis. Aliens!
Clorder. . '
August .Noltni"; was altendinfr
lo business niallers in Ibis city
today and took time to call at this
ollice and renew his' subscript ion
to I he I ailv Journal.
!-.. Mill. Miirliulnu slon
keeper in I his citv, departed last
eveniii": on N". .' for Chicago,
where he will alfeml a nieetiii;
of a committee of Jhe storekeep
Mrs. H. M. Shlaes. accompanied
by her sjser, Mrs. S. Frie.len. of
Sioux F.ily. deparled Ibis morning
on So. IT) for Omaha, where I hey
will visit f..r a short lime wilh
bor.e Sherwood of SI. I.ouis,
who has li"en visilrnir wilh rela
tives and friends here for a shoi l
I hue. d"parled this morni!!": for
the Missouri icty, where he will
resume duties as a liavelinp:
repivesental ive for n wholesale
if. C. I.on- of .Murray, accom
panied by his daughter, Mrs. II. M.
Shra.b r. were passengers I his
niorni:i.-r on the early lJurlinlon
I rain for (mialia. from w here Ihey
will depart for Farii-ul. Iowa, to
adend Ihe funeral of a 'brother-in-law
of M r. I.onir.
In ibc IJiMtrict Court uf Cunt CoontJ-
-lirn !.
Conrad II. Vallery, I'laiiitilT,
Jolm Scott, et al.. Defendants.
To John Scott, tlie y"known heirs and
ucvisecs or joiih bcuit, deceased
William Smith, the unknown heirs
and devisees of William Smith, de
ceased; The American Baptist Home
.tiistiiun Society, a corporation or
ganized under the laws of New York;
Ambrose C. Maytield, the unknown
heirs and. devisees or Ambrose C
Maylield, deceased; Mary Vrallery
nuiil itri.l vv 1 1 liel m i na A.iams. non
resident defendants, in the above en
titled action.
Yon and each of you ro hereby
notified that tiie plaintiff lias com
menced an action uealtist you in the
Uistrict Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, for the purpose of qliietins the
fee simple title in the plaintiff in and
to the S',2 of the N-j of the SVJi, and
the S'i of the SVV'j of Section y; also
the SVs of the SHU of Section 30. all
in Township 12 North. Kancre 13, JJaat
of the 6th 1. M.. in Cats Count v. Ne
braska, and to forever enjoin you and
j each of you from claiming any right.
title, claim, lien or interest in and to
the above described leal estate, and to
remove certain cloudB from plaintiff's
title in and to said real estate, and or
con liable relief.
You and each of you are required to
answer tsaid petition on or before the
atti day or AuRUst, A. !.. 1913, and In
failing so to do your default will be
duly entered therein and judgment
taken aa prayed for In plaintiff's
C0NI:AJ H. VALLKUY. PlaintllT.
By A. L. TIDD, His Attorney.
V. F. tJillespie of Mynard. I lie
genial prain man al thai place,
came in lasl evening on No. J
from (imaha, en route home.
F. M. (Jodwiii came up this
niornjn from his home in the
vicinity if Murrav lo look afler
some Iradinp with the merchants.
Alexander Dumas Fnid dnfy is
Boniethir.f tiiiit v.e c.:w.l from others. Yo'r
duty to yot:rh-elf is to take Allen's Congb
balsam when ycalniveadceii-seatcti conii
or cold. Nothing will give you quicker
t:nd more crni;itint relief. Try it. Dor;,
not contain anything Li.rtnful. 25c, COc.
und fl.OO lo!Ue.s nt all dealers.
Ill I lie 4 ' Court iu find fur hkk
Cvanl;, Vrlirnskn.
In Ke Instate of Julius K. Jiagops,
I '". cased.
To All Persons Iriterest. il and I-jspecial
ly Alary 10. liau'oss. Julius .V. Ka-osh K. Miiytiohl. uka liles. iltio
A. Kaos;. and Jlulda U. JV1. l;aoss;
You arc herebv notilid that- on Jtilv
::i. A. I. lUl::. ileury 11. Kaco.s Itlei!
iiis petition alleinic tlie death testnte
ot .luiius ! . i;a miss on .nine in. iyio
and reouest ins: 'hat an Instrunient lre-
scnleil therewith as tlx- last will and
testament, of said deceased be admit
ted lo probate, and for the appoint
ment of Alary K. i!an'oss noniinated
therein as executrix thereof. .
A hearing will be lied on said p'ti
lion at the orli.-c of the. County Judpr;
'jnit House, I'lattsiii'iiith. 'ass County,
Ntbraska. on August J.Mh.-1!lK. at ter.
o'. ltick a. tn.. before v. hi li hour rll
obje. tions thereto, if any, must be filed
You are further notilied ll.jtt at saiU
hein in"- orders will be ci tcryd in ac
Kurili! nco with the litidings ef the court
Bv the Court.
(Seal) ALLIEN' .1. HKKSmN.
C'luntv Judge.
hawls & i;mbki:ts .".
S-i -." wks-wkly
if Ers
v2. Colic, nn.l stomach
r.che usually relieved
rf.'-ff i
IrraKT ivir. 1
This fanioa;- remedy seldom fails to
relieve pam, 1 oth external and in
ternal. ;-. ,vi and 5f?. Potties.
George JI. Pork-r uf lancoln,
the well known Omaha M-e man,
was in the cify loday looking: af
Ur business for his paper. Mr.
Porter and wife have just returned-from
alrip to Mr. Porter's ok'
home in Virginia, and they great
ly enjoyed Ihe visit wilh (he folk
in Ihe old home. TJiry also paid
a visit to Iviagara . Falls, Buffalo
and other points along the great
Statement of the Condition
rirl nioTti.':i(.-e loans
Stock loans
Cash :
Uel'tHiiieiit inleiest. preniluios and
fin& and dues
Inbuiaiice unu taxes paid mid ad
vanced Ifeal estate contract
Kent account
I . '.i'?.' et
'.'.'1 .' 4 1
4:i -;
Capital St-x.-k;jald up
Kesei re f uj(I
I'ndi ided rivt!ts.
:.7. a: ii:
7..-'4 ii
iTM 4 :
lUcriFis ash F.xi'L'M.iri.-itcs niK hie Ven
EXDlNO.IfME J I'm :.
Ualaace onLand.Tuly 1. 1!'IJ i i:;.., . -
Hues .-. '."J
Interests, premiums and lines .'
Loans r'imd 4 .
Insurance and Taxes paid ami ad
vanced . "IT'
Heiit Account ' - -'
Kea 1 Et ate font -'s" 1
Stj-k n'deenied
Cash on huml ..
;..v. i"'
.Mu Hi
3.:.T"' ...
1H....J IKt
Insurance mid Taxes, paid and ad
vanced 1.4.
Kent and Kcpalr 6 .7:" I J
L fail a. I'rl'Ue. secretary of the a.e
iiHliied usKieiatioii, ll saileintily sw ;.i tl.Ml (Tjh
foivif. in st aleineiil of the eomiit ioin.t ull m .
soi'ial ion. is true and cortvet to I lie l-t of tuy
UnowltcliTe and belief.
C. ti. ELK KE.
Aiprored: , fcecietaiy.
11. M. SOENNK ll.-EN. .-I iieclots.
1. i. fX.LNHEiaiEK. k
uts'i ilM-il and sworn to l foie me tliis'.HIi
Jay of July mix A. I.. 1
(slaiJ No) my I'ublie
My conioiissioii expires Oct. i. I V I -
v or TIIK
Of l'lattsruuuth, Nebraska, on the
:wtli day of June, I'jIJ.
CCKTII'IC.tTe No. "li
i irsl innrtae loans
I'K K leans
Ileal est ale , ....
iiid.'.i,- vi
.. 3.,4 II
Oeliniiii iit luieii'st, premiums and
ami tines
Oilier assets
Capital st. h-U paid up. inclttdiui:
ilivi.K ii'ls
Keserve fund.., ,
I'ndivided protits
Other liabilities
Total ;
for the year endiiu' June J, r.'l.'l
l:aaii--e on hand July l,.i:tj. i tjv-ti 4i
lu-s ;;.in .i i
Interest. I'lTtnluiiis and lines 7..'c"i
loans repaid 17. It''! HI
I ull paid stock ... !.... ii
Heal estate J i.T'i PI
Taxes. ;ti p.
Hills paj aJ.Je S.U'nt ii
ly sl
:! 1 1 .'.'.is
K.l'l) t
rl ::.
Ixians '.
toi'k M'deemed. . .
ash on hand. .A . .
lills payable
Ceal -si ate
I'axts advanced. . .
f .s.iiiy in;
;;y.ii"i li
K's it
. Lll.n4 I'.t
4.s in
. ' 4ss iJ
5'',ltll !!
Victor Sherwood of flrand Is
land eame in last evening to visit
with relative" for a few hours, tie-
parting for his home this morn
ira tet &3 m A3 .r"-e'
fcsa o zz&.
its V-s Sit
u m n m m$r n
EV4 x&tin KioMitr u va njj v-j a ttj w
m ! vicuna edJ
HpLD AT . . '
jii-rVlJi7Tr- rrr?L'&fa
tsB &m dFzii n w I
. s m
; r in tYri
It n & e
LocaJ Ss3;o! Lodges from Abie, Bruno, Crete, Omaha, Flattsmouth, Schuyfer, South
Omaha, !ar$ison, Dodge, Howclls, Ord, frlilligan, Ravena. Also ladies' organizations from
Omaha, South Omaha, Schuyler, Wilbur and Crete will participate in-thc tournament;
Parade at 5:00 p. m. Headed by Burlington
8:00 p. m. Meeting of Contestants and
Judges. .
Turning from 7:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m.
Evening Grand Ball.
2:00 p.' m. Band Concert BurJington Band
Address by Hon. Jas. C. Dahlman of Omaha.
Turning Exhibition
7:30 p. m. Dramatic Production tinder the
management of Joe SVIik of Omaha.
w M
u a rj''i''oLfjeg:eg.'i'V-j Wlivxuam jjm wir-m1 1 av !Mi jj !' tg "'a a KBS
Cass ( orvrv. "'' I. T. M . I'ali.'tvin.
-ecretary of the aUtve named AsMjcial ion. ln
jilemnly swear that t he foti-oiiitf sia'en.ei,!,
of the condition of said associal i. hi. Is 1 1 ue and
orrect U the lcst of tny Uiiok lel- and l.'lief
I - AI. t'ATTKKSo.v, secret jty.
Sn!sct'iN'd Htld swot II t( b fore tne I bis .H Ii
day of .1 uly. U.)3. Vrit.VA 1 1 ATT.
isK.VM Notary Public
P. I.r-r-z
H,F. GOCS UirccPjis
.otici: ir kiwi, m:tm,i:mi:m.
Ib Count- Court of Chsh Count),
In lie Estate of Henry O. 1 lard n... k.
iet ra.vil.
To All Persons 1 n rerouted :.
You are hereby notilie.l t!i..t Sate ucl
Z. Cashner toi.l Suimiel 11. liani.s.
Tiitor.s, have tiled their final leporl
and petition for final sHtlnnnil, pi
ini that said report be itpptoved iit'e'
the properties of ni-,id .xlte l 1st i i r. .1
in tiie lat will and testament .r
said doceased, directed: 1 1 jj I tittal set
tlement be made In .-aid eMute and
said executors sold their boiidsniu re -ih.-,i
fvm u) rult,,;r jut,.s a,
liabilities. ;
j iiai o heat ing will be had np'iii
snld petition and final report on Aug
ust 2,. I !:',. at K o'clock u. in., at tl,..
office of tlie.C.umly .Indue, Conrl"
House, I'lattsniout h, .Vetual:a.' lieroi
which hoiTr all objections tlieifto U'
any, must Iw ll!e., and at i-ai. time
orders will be enlere.l j a.coidatoe
with the I'h.JuiKs of the court th. ,.,,,
K.v Hi" ''"Ull. 1 1 ii lt .lay i.t iiu-
ust. i;u::.
ts.-ai akli:x .r. mi;i:so.,
SAMUEL B. HAMS, Attorney. J"'lf;"'
S- I-:: wks- hi i
YViuzer Lanur, alia Vinc-,1
Loiio;, i takp ipdicp hat nn Hie
i-ili i'Ja of July, Ml:',, M. AitImt.
a Justice: of Jhe JV-uce 1(f I'ltiit--monlii
r:ily. c;..s (;.,, .,.
JasJ;a, is.-vio.I an o'itj i- of a'ta' li
iiifiit for tliH surii of lo.oo iM an
aclioii iifodin"; Im-Ioip liim.
wlieruin alike Pre is is plainlur
and Winzer Lanfr, alias Vin-I
Long, is defendant; thai nr-on-rlv
of said defendant tmu r.o,... :.
tached consist inr ,,f j,1(,n,. jn
the possession of tlie C, 15. it O.
It. II. Co., as garnishee, under said
order. h"ai.J was continued
to Augu.-t Soth, l'Jij, at y o'clock
a. m.'
MIKE PHEIS, Plaintiff.
- tA,.-.a;j..Uj.