The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 14, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1513.
patac 4.
The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb.:
K. A." -A. 'A lit-. Ftit:!lli"i
Entered at the Postoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter
You may not be able Jo
. . I.... i
cave vou riiinuen n i-" t
Yes, we will have fall amuse
ment of some kind.
. Tin; farmers of Cass county are
feeling beller, I hank you.
If ou believe more llian half
V inheritance, hul day l.y day v
I you iiiav be weaving i-nats
for ili.Mii which Uicy will "f- wlml you hear you are pretty
.. ...... it nil i.ii.miiv. ? I easy
i Cll l Ml .run " '
T. L. Cuyler.
The knocker who constantly
knocks should not knock when he
I gets knockeij.
A Chicago pastor says wealth
will not down temptation. II wil
down temptation to work.
No matter how high I he Iher-
niometor or. how hot -the winds,
the weed crop never' fails.
: :o: i
" (jet .onto the new water way on.
It's a daisy and holds COO Bullous.
That ought In do the work.
Life in Ihe busy Palkansseems
to he just one danged war after
another to those who - live buig
. :o:
,;-?j;.,t. .j-h-H' vI"H V'K-J
Ti.:m i-I.-i ims that his Mexi
can caplors used tin- leaves of his
bible for cigarette paper. Holy
perhaps' the' Panama Imposi
tion will be ;i domesticated affair, vi w;is I lie job of paving for
the canal. .
. ;h;
Progress was n t noled al any
f I lie "progressive1 bull moose
birthday parlies. In fact, it was
not a subject lo be considered.
Many are looking- for Ihe worst
in Mexico a war between thai
country and Ihe t'uiled Slale
The question is are we prepared
lor it?
The eliuutau'iuu managers
doubtless greatly appreciate tin
free adert i.-ing which Mr. liryai.
is MM'iirin:-,' for his own engagement,.
President Wilson is cool-hcnd-
I lie corn crop in some sections Vi ja hjs maneuvers more so
or the" Mate is out oT danger of u,ai, mos.1 presidents in the past
no.-i. ew years.
:o :-
AH political band-wayuns oughl II seems ridiculous lo be lulk-
lo be supplied with emergency iny about Ihe possibilities of an
:o :-
Yes, Ihe Tony looked-for rain
has come al last, and we should
feel rejoiced.-
In a New Hampshire town of
I. H' inhabitants -.'no have un
dergone operations for appendici
tis. There's a chance to study
loeal color.
Marriage may be a failure, but
nearly all the women seem lo be
from Missouri.
Keep a stiff upper lip. The
rainmaker is pretty near ready to
iel loose yood and plenty.
There seems .to be no way lo
luaruntine l-he knockers, no mut
ter how much they need lo be.
:o :
President lluerla and ex-'ov
oriiiir Lind for it now. May I hey
5 l I. !!.- ('l. iUI. Ill .HI. AH II
Seendary l'ryau will lill hi
dale al the Weeping' Water chnu-
tauqua. this will be pleasing
news lo Mr. Uryan's many friends
in Ca-s county who will sure be
II a man in a buggy i- in front
of an automobile and Ihe laltei
wants lo pass, the man ahead
i.uisl turn lo Ihe right, giving" the
aulo enough room lo pass- Ihe
laller turning lo h lell. , This i-
the .-tale law and all interested
It. id beller lake heed.
:o :-
A in in down east is said Id have
gone ami hanged Inmseli every
lime he learned lhal pcope were
lime be learned people were find
ing fault with him. If we -news
paper men would, undertake such
a Ihiny as dial we would mighty
-on run out oT roie.
The women of "Salem, Illlinois.
.lave organized to sludy the value
f Ihe ballot. One of Ihe most
-important rules is:
There is some consolation in
he knowledge Ihat it might be out for smiall
.vorse. it lias been hauoeil uov.n
from the ayes thai (here's' a place
.heie il's holler than lhis.
:o :
lAcry business house should
early frost, hul' some people are
actually doiny it.
There is sonur trouble in se
curiny r'cruits for Ihe army, am
peop!' are becoiiiiny more sensi
ble in other particulars.
Mosl persons beliee . in tin
irinciple of yiviny the devil his
dues, bu! ilv is a far Keller rule of
life nt to owe him anylhiny.
:o :
The (i o'clock closiuy in Oma-
lua 'of Ihe bir deparlmenl si ores
on Saturday eeninys, as we as
oilier is workiny all
riyht.' Ami why not?
The 4,orn crop prosiecls may
be a liltle less rosy, but I here is
still enouyh of the yoldeu in siyhl
to insure" a c'onlinuance of the
heay demand for yasoline.
The expulsou tf (onernor I.ind
"Swat the from Mexicro is now declared pos
sible. If such a thiny should
happen' il would be an insult lo
the United Stales, and then "look
I'airopean coiinlries are md
cordial lowanl Ihe Panama Fair.
.Vol one of I hem would be w illiuy
to put o7r. 000, (ion into the
-el ready to decorale early ITi- Tslhmiau' canal for the benefit of
Jay morniny in honor of t!ie P.o- W(.i,i-S ,.,,mmerce. and it is
lemian lournanient; coiriiuenciny ,1(,uliruI if ;U1V t.,,ui,r allord il.
n that dale and to continue over L. i rncs of ieal.msv miuiit be
.... ' " .
uniay. r..mi.! ; iiir.ii. lu.vii
Alter the T. J. Sokol tournu-
neul Ibeu eomes (ierman Day
AuUuuolule drivers sliould be
careful and not exceed Hie speed
md Labor Day. After all oms; in passiny Ihmuyh Plalls-
nioulh. The city authorities have
ordered Ihe arrest, under the slate
law of everyone who in Ihe fulure
ti i- .i , . ...
o'miin r denerai isurlesun
paid ijuile a coiupltmeuf lo lion.
A. W'i Dockery, I bird a.ssisjanl
postmaster general, the other day.
In a stale n tlie elii.-f said In-
..... .. .II ..I . .
wen j-ieaseu wnii Hie man
ner in which Mr. ii, keVv wa.
Jie KaH Festival. Oh, I yuess we
.vill have plenty of amusements
before snow Hit's.
, ::
A money lendiny shark in .New
Jersey "was sentenced to remain
ul of Ihe business three years,
ind bany went 300 or 'i00 per
cent in his financial prospects. A
Ai'rniuy lo loan sharks.
Governor Morehcad,. dernocra
iias inaile the following; public
statement, followiny lie an
nouucenienl that Henry lleckinan
republican commissioner of pub
lie lauds and buildings, had ap
pointed his daughter' as hi
deputy at a salary of s?I,5U0 per
"There can be no doubt as li
where . conscientious ollicials
would stand in lhis mailer. Those
who want, to tlo their full duly by
Ihe slale would not think, for a
moment of placing" their sons oi
daughters in oliice. Some day
iere will be a law prohibiting
Ihat very Ihiny. ' The last legis
lature look one forward step
when it enacted Ihe hoaril of con
Irol bill and .provided against
relalives of (he board member:
from holdiny positions in any of
the slale inslilul ions under Un
onlrol of Ihe board.
".Xepolisiu is 'lindiuy less au
less reason for existence as the
years go along. II is a relic of
Ihe olden days in politics and
i m i s I be abolished entirely before
Ihat ideal lime will come when
Ihe people will Jiave full con
fidence in the. stale ollicials.
"I bae heard some- stale
ollicials complain about Ihe
meayer amount of "eoiilhlence
iihich many citizens entertain,
but this very Ihiny is, among
others, responsible for the con
dition. When (lie slate' ollicials
begin o select Iheir under
ollicials from outside Iheir fam
ilies I hey w ill have lakeir a long
slep towaiU making Ihemselvcs
beljler Ihouyhl of, both by I In?
people who. elected I hem and by
Ihe people whom I hey were elect
ed o serye.
".n small "amount of complaint
as o Ihe prevailiny condition al
Ihe slale house comes from re-
Th'c State Juufiivl is out for
Church Howe of Auburn' for gov-
ernoi but it does not - slate
whether on the stand-pal, or hull
moose ticket. Wonder if (Ihurch
has ever made his peace with Tom
Majors? lie should think about
thai before lu gels loo far iu'ihe
:o ,
The dcYclopmcii I s in Mexico
seem lo have played havoc- with
Secretary Hryau's chaulaiujua
dalijs. At all events he is slickiyg
lo Ihe job a I, Washinglon and Ihe
dales have been cancelled for Ihe
present. Moreover, if nfiy serious
harm has been done it is iwd
l.'nderwood says ihut" "Mulball
is a blackmailer and a lia'r." That
oiiies from a pretty high source,
hit if (here was the. least cause
for ('ongressinan I .' nderwood's
sarcastic .eniarks il is a wonder
Ihat conyressional commillee
would b.ave given so mue'ii lime
as iiiey have in 111 is investigation
An investigation, of the reasons
wliy girls employed in factories
at Worcester, . Mass., left schoo
has recently' been conducted by
Ihe United Stales bureau" o
education with many inlcreslin
The investigal ion also
publicans who feel Ihat. friends of
the ollicials' supporlers durin
Hit' campaign sliouM be given
(losilions ra'her than Ihe idlicers
renuives elevaleil o tile places
w il iiin I heir " j I t."
The view expressed by fSoy
ernor .Moreiieaii wiin reiereuce. u
ie prospect that "some day I hen
will be a law proiubiliny mat
very ining, will mee( Willi un
hearty npiirovnl of thousands o
A'ebraskans. regardless of their
parly affiliations.
Slrange enough, some peopl
are proud of bav lever. And
.am. some men won three in
itials seem to think il is an honm
ll's up lo ymi o till .your cistern
w il It coca cola.
There is 'a postoilice ruling
.in exchange of kindly ollices and
kindly smiles, lie who is unre
ponsive arm reiicein, can navi
co'iducl iuur the business of his I but few friends.- To make friends
department. Whj,. that is (rue. We must be williuy to yive as well
ii siini'i ra es . i: i vvel:is receive
----- --.
ll.le .llVil COM t in l-i linn A I !ll
V .... '
.'I. H'M'ftCiy makes nood in ami Slale Fire (lommissionei
position be is ., laced eouurcss.- I Hidyell reporls Ihat duriuy" the
man. governor an.llhiid assistant J month of July fifty-four lires oc
postmaster general. curred in Nebraska -exclusive of
:o: I Douglas county, and that to per
. - . . n , . . . I
ovemoi .ioreiit';nl addressed I cent of them were One lo care-
Ihe old soldiers :il li turmul I 1s-oies mtiiI bonlil have been
disobevs the law. Some of Ihe
high-rollers are yoiny -to yet
"pinched" if Ihe police 'do their
: o:
Wheiiicr one. I wo. three or
four battleships a year will be one
of Ihe biy issues Ihat .will come
before conyress al Ihe regular
..... i i... r..: ii.- i.-..: : I
..M,s,,.e i.. ...... j .session. The general board of
1 A I ' II I' I'l
lb navy, il is undersl 1, has d
If we desire o have friends we
eided upon a program calling for
four new battleships of Ihe
largest type, sixteen "lorpedo
boais and destroyers and a larye
number of smaller craft.
Some newspapers 'that, "keep
pounding away" at (Jovernor
Morehcad are not hurliny him in
the least. They do not seem to be
fair in Iheir comments upon his
administration and give him
credit for nothing. There is one
tiling that they should lc fair
enouyh to give him praise for.
Ami that is that in all his an-
J-relay afternoon. The writer was prevented.
i ... i I
present, aim we were surprised. ' :o:-
lhis is the hist 'pporluriity wel A body of promoters, traveliny
ev er had of IiearniL' (,i:r '.,iv ernor. I I hi-oii-'b Peimsvlvania in a highlv ..-.t i... 1 i ... i-. i..,
. ' I - - Foiiumenis in; uas not seieeieu u,
lie lias always iiisi.led that he furnished private car selling ,.ii:.. r :i.- .
. . : itiaiiM; mi fiuj ius il 10 11 .
opposed to nepotism
Ho is
was no orator. Y"e know- :i trroal Mown lots in Oklahoma, raised
many who' profess lo be orators, over a million dollars from Ihe
I l.ol .l.k fw.nt. I . I.. j rrl.
Linn '"-i t.f-ui to come ii t tn i I'eimsv iv ail a iarmers. . i iiev um .u-. n. i..
--.v. i - I - - - . -j Illlllji Oil '.III II IS. Ill
novernoi .loreneau. .Vnd we sold lots for from R350 to .00 cuss a newsyaper over the 'phone
don't want lo hear any ,n0re ex- each. The purchasers paid 50
ruses irom him on this score, down and 10 a month. In-1
Tl-.c old veterans were delighted vesliyaliun showed ..thai the lots
with his address and they were were practically worthless' and
not slow in telling Iiim so. the promoters- are now in jail.
Speaking of bribery, as- the
lobby witnesses do, it occurs lo
us that the (nice is frequently loo
which imposes a line of 500 or
a year's imprisonment on aayom
who through carelessness oi
dherwise lakes mail from 1 1 n
posioMice not iteionginy io nun
and fails lo return it iminediale-
y. This applies lo newspapers a.
well as ieuers. in say n s-ine
rosl master s laim cuis'no ngure
under Ihe ruling". -Metier look
over your mail before leaving Hi
ofiiee. 1
l.ieulenanl (ho ernor McKelv ie
is said lo be selling his sails for
Ihe next governorship. Which
causes the (irand Island Inde
pendcul, a reiniblicau .paper, to
remark thai "before another cam
paign is well under way, how-.
ever, there will have lo be a n
alignment of republicans if Ihey
expect even a lookin. and the big
limber al such a realignment i
more likely to be selected I ban
an Yariy worm of Ihe season
- ;o;
Senator John M. Tanner is
laboring' hard and earnestly for
the resloralion of Ihe posVillice
at South Omaha, which was
merged wilh the Omaha oliice
under the Taft, administration
over a year ago. Soutu oinaiia is
eparale from Omaha, with a
population of J5,li(M), and il was
an outrage upon the people of Ihe
Magic. (h'ty.. It, was a political
scheme in Ihe lirst place and one
concocted by republicans in Oma
ha for a purpose. We hope lo
see this wrong rignieu by a
democratic administration, and
r 1
if Ihe people of SouthOinaha are
as enthusiastic for its restora
tion as John At. Tanner and his
Democrat they will be successful
in their efforts. T t H i -?'.
What looks more desol.rie than
i i
o pass a ccmclerv wnere me
weeds ami bramble bushes run
io over the graves of the depari
d ? II would lake only a few
iours work by I hose who are lu
cres! en o keep Ihe cilv of i lie
ead iir a more presentable ap-
icarance. (.an il he possible inai
ejiarled friends are so soon for-
llecounil ion is la.-l beemuiuy
more and more general that the
currency and banking' bill now
be I ore . congress is a measure
which deserves full support, no!
alone by I he democracy, the dom
inant parly, but also by the re
publicans and progressives, if
(hey have a desire l serve (lie
country and iml lo merely play
partisan polities.
A great light in the senate i
over the peanul oil. Senator
Lodge and Senator Sherman both
declare thai peanut oil is a valua
ble substitute Tor butler and Ihe
poor man's butler sKould nol lie
taxed. "Tiie houes't mine work
er," says Sherman wjlh tears in
his eyes, "buys peanut buller for-
( i rents a pound when dairy bu!
ler costs him io cents, and there
fore to lax Ih" goober pea or any
portion thereof is a diced burden
laid upon the shoulders of Hi
poor miner.",
The eul iiusiasm for good roads
js sweeping- the- stale like wild
lire. Win-never the people becomi
interested il is sure thai some
Ihiny will be accomplished. If
von cannot, gel the peome in
terested, no legislation can d
anything Inward the bellermenl
of the roads.' One of Ihe reason.-
for yood ' roads seiilimeul is, tip
advent of Ihe automobile.. II
Ihev-never do aiiv thing else only
to create a sentiment for Ihe im
provement oJ" Ihe roads Ihey havi
erved a good purpose. Kvery.
both" should favor Ihe good roads
proposition. .
seems (o point out somcweak
nesses in the present -sysleni of
educaliou in- this country, not
only inthe factory districts, but
aptdicable to Ihe whole country
Instead of leariwny Ihat Ihe
girls were forced lo quit school to
go lo work ii was tounu mat a
large percentage of them had
quit . because Ihey "did not like
school," "could not yet along
with the teacher," "wanted lo yo
lo work." They dropped out of
Ihe educational life and took
Iheir places in the vast arm.y of
nearly hopeless day workers, go
iny from factory to factory wilh
no chance of raising lo a much
greater hiyhl.
This condition we find among
the young" folks in every nun.
munily. A few, wilh prospects of
a college education before I hem,
go on eagerly, or at least wiJliuy-
ly. i'ul, many oj hers seem lo feel
i ii;ii iney are.wasimy lime m
President Wilson has leen for
tunate indeed in the matter of
meeting' his critics thus far. The
recent appointment of John Lind.
of Minnesota to yo to Mexico as a
special agent of the administra
tion, is a case in point. Im
mediately there followed reporls
and charges thai the president
had exercised more authority
than he should have done, had
crealed a new oliice, elc, without
consulting' anybody. Hut it js at
once shown that tin; president
advised with all of the members
of the foreign relations committee
of the senale, republican and
democratic members alike, and
acted upon their approval. There
is sometimes every reason why
there should be political division;
there are oflen times when such
division is merely nominal. There
is. a lime wneii ine neau oi me
mil inn ought lit have, the con
fidence, sympathy and support of
ill parties, and that fiiue is when
war or its possibilities threaten.
President. Wilson md only has a
arge share of this on Ihe purely
patriotic basis, but he is also
winning a large share of it by his
Some peiqde are always agilal
iuy lower freight iales. A few
which Ihey inighl be "getting a
Piaclictl education" in the line of v,'a,s a-" il w:,s ,"w,,r
work Ihey like, by goiny to work
succeeded ill
he political
al i al once. So Ihey stop get
liny "book learning" and start in
'gel I iny a praelir-al educaliou."
There are some schools in Ihe
United Stales wilh some of
their deparlmenl s well enough
recognized Ihat every siudent senl
jorin as a graduate can be sun
of employment al once. I hit lib
vast army of even college gradu
ales must yo nur.and make Iheir
way in (he world really from I In
bottom up. Their educal ion helps
I hem somewhat, oJ" course, but a
vasl majority of them lind that a
great deal of what Ihey studied in
school neer comes into actual
practice ill Ihe line of business
Ihey lake up. This is almost as
, ,. ... - ..I. i . .. n:i. producers oi .Nebraska, but in
line hi tin; rininu li iiin: or iii-iii
school graduate.
rates, which they
gelling' through
demagogues in lln legislature,
who feathered their own political
in.'sls bv so doing. These fellows
are now yelliny lor lower lreiyni
rales, and will excite Ihe people
lo such an extent thai they hope
to land the ollices next year on
Ibis issue. It is the issue, not the
people, ihey are worKiny ior. l ne
clamor for lower freight rales
will do Ihe producer tio good, but
il will work an injury to the rail
roads.- When Ihe demagogue
wanls-an oliice and he can work
an injury to the ones that made
Nebraska, in order to succeed.
whal does he- care? The rail
roads have done no harm to Un
people find a great deal of fault
wilh children because Ihey are al-
. . . . . i . ti ii. j,. .1.
wavs wi nig o lacKie ine uish
thai is loo large for I hem, but
lodge the divers chores they
miyhl do to advantage. And yet
there are a lot of grown-ups who
cling fondly lo that childish leu-
dency, and don I. do much ot auy-
Ihing; because they need tlreir
snare to -prepai-e k - for- t he
JreafOpporl unity w hich nev er
... . ... . i . . . . i i .
irrives. uiiiiuren are imumuTi:
, r 1. 1 I
m many ways, aim ireunenri oui-
jruw this tendency, and become
bulwarks in the commuiiily, hul
the man who hesitates to d and
do well the liltle labors at hand
sn't likely lo be the one selected
when bigger business needs a
booster. ' Anyhow, the liltle work
las to be done, ami I hose w ho do
it are entitled to 'considerable
credit, even if destined to bloom
unseen and waste their sweet
ness on the arid atmosphere.
So we are led lo believe that
(he reform we need in our svslem
of education is a reform in Ihe
direction of making' il practical.
Find on I when (he. boy or girl
enlers the school what Ihey want
lo do in al'ler life and what they
are eager lo acquire knowledge
about, and then, so far as pos
sible, give llieui a chance to learn
in lha! direction. If this can bo
done the desire To "quit school
and gel lo work" will be combat-
led, we believe, in' Ihe best and
only sensible way. Let us hope
such an idea may soon be given
ii trial in the educational world.
slead. have doubled I be value of
Iheir farms, and now are labor
ing nigh' and day lo carry oil" Ihe
ense wheat crops raised on
these farms to Ihe market s Ihat
the farmer may get,re(urns from
I hem as soon, as possible. The
facts are, the railroads are friends
Lu Ihe farmer, and while Ihe
demagog ne is bow ling for lower
freight rales, it is he who will
reap Ihe benefits a I, the expense.
of the farmers.- The farmers and
Ihe railroads are gelliny along
nicely, and Ihey should be willing
lo "let well enough alone."
Vns anti-carl oou law is pro
posed by a Colorado congressman.
II is possible that the cartoonists
In Iowa Ihey are considering have been holding' loo many mir-
Ihe mailer of culling out Iheir I mrs up to nature.
couuly poor farms and conceu- ;n:
traliny Hie i'nuiales in one or two Cun suffered an estimaled loss
inslilules. lu Oerniany Ihey have of " bushels in Julv. The
no pom- bouses, insieaii oi iiiaiM,,ng-range weather prophets
icy have slale pensions. The in- predict a dry August and Sepiem-
(iigenl poor are wards-if Ihe un- her, which would mean a sliil
The. Kansas
is d isl rilm ! -
lion and insleyd of their poverty further reduction.
being a disgrace, if is a badge of Hoard of Agifeullur
nobility. The fain i ly are -pr'-nyl of iny .'.j,(Ko pamphlets lellir,.
Iheir old people, who (bus draw farmers how lo build temporary
I .
a pension as a reward for having pit silos and save all Ihe forage
lived an actrve. laborious and Possible for winter .feeding-. Th
l.i. ...ii , . . . .i ... i.i .. ..
honest lib'. There are a good ''"- """' i". ..,..,,
M.!...vil.i..!r, !e;,.n great impulsre In permanent silo
(tennany if we were nol loo. stupid
and loo vain lo learn from people
who 'have had a thousand years
experience along uiese lines aim
Wben ;i girl lands her man and
els her wedding day, nothing on
who ha,ve arrived at Ihe res nils cailh can side I rack her. Itcceid-
(hat (iroduce bejielit to Ihe com-
miinilv al large. YVe have simply I siile, L. f.,
sluin'dly coined- the. old Fnglish wedding
idea wil bout endeavoring' to im
prove it, ,
Mulball has had lo lell his
.lory so often he finally begins lo
relieve jt, even if be didn't when
selling it. to Ihe highest bidder. ,
Some people think it necessary
o sloop io uiriy. mean., unuer-
Piiiing srliemes Hi order lo suc
ceed, when honesty and truth is
always the shortest cut.
Fiiith Madsen of Ocean-
slarted for her own
She- stalled in Ihe
sl reel car. The ear was vvreckud.
The bride-elect was burl and put
in an ambulance. Was she haul
ed 10 a hospital? .o. She was
carried lo Ihe church. Met Ihe
brub'groom. . Married him, and
then hunted up a dodo- and had
her wounds dressed.
:o: -.
Vlnni prices were hiked again
Is the l.' in tol.i rep'iii.-iJd"
for the drouth?
,v -.-. V '-.-,- ri.r-: .-:r; A' f -
Ji, .
-4.Jl.-'-'..- itdfc-J