THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1913. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAQE 3. : We Invite Every Farmer To Look at Our New Gang Plow (NEW ST AW AN A) wliicli we are putting out oh a positive guarantee. Threshers' Hard Oil and all kinds of Oil' for Threshers. Suction Hose and Steam Hose. Rubber Belting, Leather. Belting, Belt Lacing Belt Hooks, etc., etc. Farm Trucks, Buggies, Mowers and Hay Rakes. Barbed Wire add Field Fencing Nails! Nails!! Nails!!! rwooD Phone 202 Plattsmouth 6: man in hi. line in town. He in tends to nut in a large stock this summer, and sell piles of poods. The P.. Sc M. It. It. Co. have just received two large forty-Ion Manchester engines direct from the shops, to he put on the roac between. Plattsmouth and Kear ney. They are named respective ly No. 15, Omaha, and No. If, Kearney. We learn from the master of transportation, Mr. Ceo Y. Holdredge, that a number of extra trains will he required to move the prain this season. II PLATTSMOUTH FORTY YEARS AGO Items of Interest to Old and New Residents of City Which Were New Forty Years Ago. Jude butcher Ellir-oii. the champion man. is imw running the lower meat market alone.- The jliiiije dispenses law ill I lit1 Cnlirl house and liver at the butcher .-hop. ami if you can't live by the Iriw iu can by I lie liver, sur e. Chas. Viol of Ibis ,jul returned from Bradford county. l'i and brings with hiui miP, who propose to : count v. Mr. Viol is Hi county has Tarry 1 1 twn, nnsylvania. liff-eeu per- e i le in ur e liet emi gration auent we have bail yel. I lii i i r in lion. as far as l'emi sxlvauia is concerned; immigra tion it a'J in relation a in. Mr. V. to Nebraska. I I-'or some weeks our people have been kept, awake nights with .-I range and wonderful legends of a giant event about lo happen in Cas cuiiiily. nothing more nor les- than the establishment of a plow factory, and in lime, we hope, a general implement manu factory in our mid-t. Alter many rumors and much traveling back and forth of the great guns of the, and much whispering on the corners and in the store ami about tlie postotliee, behold one day last week a line-looking- old rentleman, "Mr. K. Newlon, by name, dropped down upon us ami announced that all the machinery and the life, breath and soul of the plmv factory was aboard the cars, and on the way to Platts mouth. In the absence of Mr. Porter, on behalf of the dra-nge, our nrayor, Jr. I,iviimston, took Mr. Newlon under his wing, and together they visited the various localities thai had been talked of as suitable for the new enter prise. Mr. N. finally settled on the Homier stables, situated on Vine street, corner of Fourth, and now occupied bv Messrs. liuttery & I.azenby, m thejivery business, ias the bet place to be found. The- terms on which iSutlery & Lazeenby would b ase or sell had been previous ascertained by Mr. Porter, master. aiuL Mr. McCraijr. secretary of the Slate (irange, and as .oin as these Lreril lemen could reach here, one from St. Louis and the olher from Lincoln, the papers were drawn up, and Tues day morniirer Mr. Newlon and his men commenced operations by taking down the stalls and put ting up such improvements as they need for fheir business. Dr. liuller-of WYcpjng Water was in town last week and re ports most favorably mi the health, wealth ind enterprise of that burg and vicinity. ter. arrived home last Friday from an almost all winter's visit to south Carolina, He looks as if they fed him well down there I he attendance at the camp gTound was small Friday after noon on account of the inclem ency of tlw weather. Those win went, out there, though, were very ably entertained by the Rev. Mr Colt.' In the evening the crowd was much larger, although, the weather was very threatening Elder Davis delivered a very abb sermon n '-Holiness and Santi- ticalion." After the preachin there was sinking and exhortation by the members of the church during which many persons went. to the' "Mourners' Bench" anc some of them professed to have found pardon for their sins.. Win. Porter. Slate Crange Mas- School Davs Ar on Us And ave A Few Un A 1 i e Asmosi We Still H Clothes To Get Ready. Win. Merlins, near Eight Mile Crove, on rolling, high land, ha sown clover and timothy for four years, and last season raised a crop of the same -that turned otT two tons to the acre, twice mowed The importance of cultivating the tame grass here, and demon strating th fad that they can he v made native, as one mav say. can not be. underestimated, and the man who aids the solving of thi problem iiy so much as the in crea'se and acclimation of one extra spear of grass, is a public benefactor.' Our wild grasses are fast being trampled out .and only tame grasses will stand constant mowing over or grazing. .n election for city councilmen in the First and Third wards of this city was held on Monday last In the First ward Frank E. White and Jno. A. MacMurphy were the only candidates. Mr. MacMurphy was elected bv Hi votes, l he elec tion passed off very quietly, and the Herald is bound to say that both the candidates behaved themselves admirably. Holh were good men, and either would have made good representatives for the ward. In the Third ward they had four candidates, viz, Jason Slreight, Capl. l'aliner. Win. Sladelmann and Miles Mr gan. Uncle Jason got away with the baggage and is a portly alder man. They had a lively quadril ateral' tight Iheie and made things warm all day around the polling place. Dear Herald: Since you kindly extended an invitation to senu m "our side of the question" of base ball matches, we send you for this week's publication a report of the "Social Match" played at Weep ing Water, Neb., Saturday, Aug ust 15, by the "Temperance Nine' of Hock Bluffs and the "Weeping Waters" of .Weeping Water. The game was one of interest to both sides and passed off smoothly and auiellv under the government of Mr. Hellows, who was chosen um pire, and Shered Craves, who was chosen scorer. Through the hos pitalities of the Weeping Water boys we were made perfectly com fortable during our whole stay wilh them; and, fortunately for us, there were no "men of military renown" in attendance to make "dollar bets" on us, and then go back on and discourage us in the game. Drunkenness was entireiy absent. from our game; a thing which is too often attendant upon such occasions. The score was: Hock Bluffs. 35; Weeping Water, 18. Cap. Jack, Reporter. Hon. John Barnes returned last week from a somewhat extensive trip through Missouri. They haven'l converted John to P.our bonism nor convinced him of the wisdom of "Peoples" moves. Our old friend and townsman, and whilome editor of this paper. Ceo. E. Seybolt, late postal clerk on the L. I. It. it., has ieen au- manent resting place for the sole oi ins loot in (iinana. uy me way. visit Oeorge is this week. down here 'on a THE DEATH QF E. R. GIL- MORE AT SHELDON, NEB Full Particulars of the Accident Causing the Death of E. R. Gilmore. From Wednesday's Dnlly. The following account of lh unfortunate accident that resulle in the death oJ L. II. ilmore, a brother of Mrs. John Coiner, a few weeks ago, appeared in tin Silver Creek paper: , "One of the 5-addest accidents that has happened in a long- lime occurred six miles north and two east of Shelby Monday evening al about 4 o clock and . resulted m the death of E. It. Cilmore. The regular engineer on the threshing outfit was absent, owing to sick ness in lii.-. home, and Hie separator man was compelled to take his place, and Mr. Oilmore took charge of the separator. Someone ' carelessly raised the. Irap door over the cylinder while he was oiling the eN-valors and he stepped back into the cylinder, crushing his left foot and leg and otherwise injuring him. He was taken to the hospital at David City at once, but was so weak from the shock and loss of blood that, the operation proved inef fective and he died Tuesday night about 9 o'clock. "Edward H. Cilmore was born. near Weeping. Water, Cass coun ty; Nebraska. October IS. 1881). and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cilmore of that place. He was married to Miss Myrtle Baker February 2C. al Silver Creek. Neb., by Rev. ICouffer of lhat place. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, one little daughter,, 13 mon'.hs old. bis aged father, three - sisters and I wo brothers. His niolli'-r pieced- en nun in me neuer i.u'iu anoui a year ago. The funeral services were held at. the (-ongregrl mnal church in Silver Creek on .July '. Rev. W. R. Pierce conduct intr the services, and he was -laid 'o rest pesiiie his mot tier in nj-; Silver Creek ceineterv. ! WILL RICHARDS ON OF rYJYNARD, SELLS - w m. n nnt HIT fiP ? S ' SUPERIOR DEERE EMERSON PLQWS'1 CLARK (OLD HICKORY. WAGOsiSgpNRE(Mollne) OP if W Wa ENG NES- RAKES 85 ' S VVOLVERIME I CUSHiViAft Gt EMERSON - DAIH f ACME MEADOWS HAYIN 8 TOOLS! dain DEERE BLOOfVI with CKeyeiie Froaiier Days AUGUST 20, 21, 22, 23, 1913 Celeferale During Local iews A four days' revival of the stirring scenes of the oM "Wild West." Bigger and better than ever. Seethe sport of the cowlioy in his native country as well as races, military maneuvers, etc. Low round-trip fares in effect via Our line of ready made dresses is a great help to. mothers large range of colors and prices. Ginghams and Percales make desirable Clothes for the children 9c to 25c per yard Just a few Remnants left, out a few bargains. come in and pick- Visit our grocery department, you will find J full of good things. it Special on Honey, 2 lbs. 25c E. G. Dovey & Son FA. Neliraska Herald: Think ing that perhaps yon would trive snare to a lew lines irom lnree droves in your valuable paper, I make 4he venture to seralch down a fi-w items. .The oflicers of Three (1 roves riranfre are all elected and in stalled for the current year. to. wit: V. 7.. Zinville. master; AY, V. Wolfe, overseer; John Krew, h-eturer: Wm. Kikenbary, .stew ard: S .TJplc-n, asst. steward; John 1 Buck, chaplain; Benj. Al bin." treasurer; Henry Wolfe, sec retary; Robert Clark, jralekeeper; Mrs. Jennie Wolfe, ceres; Mrs. M. E. Kikenbary, pomonia; Mrs. K A. Frew, llora;'Mrs. M. M. Buck, lady assistant steward. Al the last regular meet ins the following resolutions were adopt ed: Resolved. J liat we, tne mem lers of Three fi roves Granee. as far as in our power lies, will not purchase plows and other farm machinery of those who refuse to deal with Farmers' Clubs and Granges, only Ihrouph their aprents.' And further, ResolvedV That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Prairie Farmer and our county papers for publication. After some deliDeration it was Resolved, That the members of Three Groves Grancre ' pledere themselves to prive 9100.00 in co operation with other Granges, to establish a factory for the manu facture of farm machinery, to be controlled by the Granpes of Cass Co. A copy of this resolu tion to be sent to the Herald and Watchman for publication. In settling up the estate of tin late Mr. Duke it became neces ary to sell the lots and property known as Duke's addition to tin city .f Plattsmouth. These lots in situated west of the town in the valley and on the hills. Some ni mem nave line sorintrs 01 wa ter on them, others are covered with valuable forest or shade trees, and on many of them the nnest views of tne Missouri river and the city itself mav be seen For residences thev cannot be equalled in the city, and they are selling: dog cheap; this is a fact A poor man can buy him a home at this sale for less than the value of a good dogr. Come to the sal frentlemen on the second dav of August, and in the meant irne you had better examine the lots for yourself. Wheeler &. Bennett, real estate agents, or Elbert Duke, ad ministrator, will be happy to. show them to purchasers at any time. This is a rare chance and should be improved. Mr. Duke, in his lifetime was offered $20,000 cash for this tract and refused it. It is selling for less than one-half that now. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hennings and son, Albert, or the vicinity or Cedar Creek, drove to this city to day. Mrs. Hennings and son were passengers for Pocassett and Chickasha. Oklahoma, on the noon train over the Burlington, where they will make a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Hennings' brother and other relatives. Mr. Hen nings accompanied them as far as Omaha. Dr. Chapman, the druggist, has taken possession of the whole of ihe store formerly occupied by Mr. Merges and himself, and now Money to loan on city real estate on good terms and at moderate rates. Buy or build a home on the easy payment plan. See T. M. Patterson, Secretary Plattsmouth Loan and Building Association. If you need anything Tor har vest call on Ed Donat. He will makes as. good a showing-as anyltreatyou right. From Wednesday's Dallv K. C. Hill returned this morning from Chicago, where he had been Utending to some business mat rs for tlie Burlington. Alorney William A. Robertson was a passenger yesieniav nuer- noon for Louisville, where he was ailed to look alter ome legal usiness. Miss (ierlrlide SU-nner came m ast evening on -o. 2 from Lin un and will visit lu re willi tier mother, Mrs. Tnez wiener and fam ily, for a short time. Mrs. Will Mason and children departed this morning on the early Burlington train for Have lock,, where they will visit with relatives for a short time. Emmons l'lak returned last evening on No. 1 1 from Omaha, where he had been for a few days looking after some business mat ters in connection with the sale of his cigars. Mrs. Charles Freese and little son and Mrs. Charles Carlson were passengers this morning for Havelock, where they will be the guests of Mrs. Freese's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Lair. Ed Kunsmann and wife and children arrived this morning from their home at Des Moines and will isit here ut the home ot Mr. Kunsmann' s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kunsmann. 1 F.-A. Parnell of Chicago was in the city last evening- looking af ter some matters ofjiusiness, as well as spending a few hours with friends. John J. Cloidt, chief clerk in the ofiice of Mr. Baird at the shops department, last evening left for Lincoln, where he will look after some business matters. Miss Esther Larson was a pas senger to Union this morning', where she will make a short visit with her sister, Mrs. R. E. Foster and family. J. P. Falter and daughter, Miss Emrna. departed this morning on the early Missouri Pacific train for Plainview, where they will visit, with relatives for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Hallan and son. Oliver, who have been visit ing- a.t the home of Mrs. Hallan'.s mother, Mrs.' Kate Oliver, returned to their home at Lincoln yesterday afternoon. STANDARD ROAD OF THE WEST Protectee! by Automatic Electric Block Safety Block Signals Dustless Roadbed Double Track New and direct route to Yellowstone National Park Passer tiers holding tickets for Denver will be allowed stopovers at Cheyenne. For further information, o 1 on or address GBRRIT FORT,' P. T. M. Omaha, : Neb. ii 1 j BESTS' Don C. Rhoilen of Murray came up this morning from his home, to look after some mailers of business for a short time. Mrs. Joseph Cook of Murray was in the ciiy today for a few hours looking alter some nfatters of business. Loiinie llawkenher.g depttrted thi morning for Butte, Montana, for a short viit, alter which lie will go 1 ft IMralello, Idaho, where, he expects to make his future home. Miss Elizabeth Hall returned Tuesday evening from Stella. Nebraska, where iie had been visiting relatives. Miss Crete Wiles, a cousin of Mi-s Hall, ac companied her home for a short j s i t . . Frank Gobelman returned this morning on No. 0 from Forsvlh. Montana, where he bad been visit ing for the past two week with his sifters, who reside in that place. Mrs. Thomas Palmer of Cedar lie pids. lov;i. is visiting in the city, being' a gue-( of Mrs. J. C. Petersen. Mrs. l'aliner is a form er resident, of tin's city and no doubt "Kill be remembered by the older residents. From Thursday's Daily. F. M. Phebus departed yester day afternoon for Hannibal, Mis souri to look after some business for the Burlington. Q ANT possibly exagger ate importance of this sale of high grade suits. We can prove anything ve say the best values we've ever given in a Clearance Sale, v Many medium weights, guar anteed qualities, splendid tail oring. Suits worth up to $25 now . $14 Suits worth up to $20 now in Suits worth up to $35 now o Manhattan Shirts Stetson Ha is V