The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 11, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    ffiONPAY, AUGUST 11,13!
Colon 8
10 HJLt
! -
! of
i. .
1 0 Ok
5' '5' -j'vTV
?" v -."
ji .'4''"--'.?-.v4-
I . -' . M
rfcroaked work if they did-eml ! S-? .JS1 H OOIIICf?
!cn t tint bash, J'.l ,:,k! somethi,- Mice j LSiSSJ Hiil'l!
! LV..COO plurality m the state. Where am :
i I jroiuc to set it:"
-Ccwrlyh!. 191 1, ty t'; CtLls-KiTa
J Corrpany " '
Colonel Tccli-.untar Confronts Cefot.
ITV "CRING a lull iu the excited ju-
A bilatiou that follov.-ed Tom '
fj Strickland's acquittal, and kav- t
ins . first congratulated Tom
liiroso-lf, Jlrs. Todhuutcr tuned to j
Colonel Strickland, who stood with ?jer j
husband a few feet away, CoIon-l Tod- !
hunter having by this tin.j joined the !
group. - ;
"I feci stiro you know how rcj rice-d I ,
am that Tom has been acouItto-J." she !
paid, houfranS eyes tc-stlfyin.a; to . t !v :
truth. "I have always loved hhl .-as if
he was my own son. I.ut I had to do I
what I did aft or that dreadful n '''' of
tho party at tlia hotel. The accusr'l!''n
Jxiado ajralnt h'.m by that crrl. L' .tie- :
May lh -ycrett, left roe no altv.-huitiVi? t
hut to forbid him .sec-lue; Mary e;:!e?s
he could clear hiir.solf of the sin v. itli
which the jrirl lierseif oharied h':nf ;
"I know ju--t how you felt. rir--. Tod- '
hunter," rojeied Colonel Su Tel:'
was a. teriiblj sitv.atloi?. Na:
hurt u all that Tom wr.s n-a
I ear jrui'.ty, but thoro was tko -o!d f-:.-t
tiu't kottleOk-y Do-zott rubi:Jy h-
.. . .1
- ; i- -
v ' , .,
I S '-' X-.-;
Co!o::el Tr!u:u(eV locliod dt.hi
j "That er;: ii.'y
con! met o:i ?!!
;h, to of
ill IlASIiI
I t-roohOil .covufT:: Sc. l.ot:is. Hut I'll .!' :. t
j'em to th;r last oit h. s:h Xo mr.uks ODilasS .10 UiVJ CUUjf
Tinia fQ'Msks Full Report.
j i i,?ht on t
i:e. s:vs so liSiiL-oU
:.t i-iut. silk. 1 i.Ui V
u o!o
; !e!i w
over o;:ikr la Ca.Uav.'ay that
rot i'.-'ho-l i: Irk; lu'e; ho
tliod f-lts.'n- to Lis last like a
re'Jar 1 J'avy Cfovk. 1 1. suh:4'
Tiie Hon. WiP.iai.i Suk-kkr,;!
o.k "I'm u't ihrowiujr u; tiie l-- uico
okhcr,'' ho l esj!..:;(k .k "but the v is.--t
way is to look facts sSrai.vhi. in the
faco. If you don't you sim;!y iiiii'.d a
fool's j.arackie that'll m::he you. feel all
thti w;rse if things don't turn one
Colonel - Todharder chuckied. "All
the s.inie." h connnoi.ted, "Via a.zoiu
to ;e iuy bri . !:s ii;'!t down to the l.iot
on; bukd.'u' a U 5t:re that suits me, not
one that vuits the oilier follow. 'lioi'O
on. h;pe ever.' t!:at's my motto, and
lb. a devil ta':e tka liindiust.'
Secrecy r.!aint2:ned About VViIson'3
Pirn cf Action Will Depend Upon
Reports Ejects Greet Assistance
From Reports From Land.
C?ty, Attji. .11. Job ii-2
representative of
;t Wiisea to Juvc:-1 fj;alf !5
-Viciiican situation, aiTivod
ly in Mer ieo City and is q.uar- !
(I i;i t!io ilot. l Lascurain. "i
tv, i .in.', i m-sona I
iierj . y.
a vp,
c;t"td out
I)!ck CaiitrkL -The bulletins are b
trinnln:,' to como in.
lav ..
rot urns from liftv cc.ui-
ties, in-h:;".:!;',' K.:-!:sas City ai.d St. .T-.o.
:.S7."'.. h'triokland lS.HfS,
a:d Sanf.-rd io,::s.".' "
lis." I'
St. I.
St eve
'i'hey'vo .ot too M.v; a bu'.se on
O tkii.uks fi;ced now to vtcal the
tj -.i.'' 7 C':-- r,t.i f. iO,1
'iH.eey. a tid i:-.nt':i s.'U!..? it. Tlie j fi
' ; irive'Yancoy
iucl-on 17.1!d
l..:1I(, :::;y .5-
voi"nc: i oj
The oth.ers !
"Wh'tt are
rs;" .Ira-.
.5 ." Vi. j 1
oxciauneu i ed Si.ati-s
.'l:'t l.a.l i
1 1
it. "it
t'i ari-
a.P.J it se?::.c.I
chirrd him truiUi
credible that she would do this if he
was innocent. And I kuownov that'
yon are s-dncrcly shut berau :e thai
truth romo cut. Yw-don't 1: ire to
toil mo arythiu? about it, ma'am."
At this moment :iary horsel?. a jrrr.t
In. Pi Ir.css shinin.-r in h'-r face, altho'.v.'Ii
her eyes were wot with toars. joined
the C '.!::. cl Strickland tivned to
her witii a stni'e. ;
"I donvoro.l thrtt ir.e.-.s.utro o jvic-.i to
Ten;, Miss Mi ry,'' ho sail. 'The mes
j;., yon vo v.'bo-i ho was in ll'o
jaih I ki-i wish y-.-'t eruhl hav? seen
how i roud ami k a it m-iho himl He
.i:;:!c;.. -;
on l:;..ra via'
kol Coi r--I Stri khm.h
k; ; to krep j our coura ge
3r..:t::s and !
Yancey civok.
reyto.n. !k V
h-i ;::'d of elo:d!
I. :' ; h
Carv:-r was to' to!
:;;:! ;L Sr.' !. -.u.-ra-id Ik-
is wl afs jr k to b.-at ir.v."
Cok-Lr-1 1iv!:u:.;t surrb.d indU
r.andy. "A i'--?;t ah.'t on r ''.'. .::. .-,i.k.
cr t!:o oih-. r's ii-.d.ed. ?::h!" 5m r:i
u-i;:4 cf ejection are al! i up :
. oc kited hef.ive !kd j ".No. Ptih; r. t hy a blamed smht." ro-r.-ac-.y
cha imam -of the toric-d Co:--:::-', Todhuntc r. "Firt i.ew.s.
,u om:nis:-i"r.ors iu St. h::d news, that's v iait I'm hoomyi-r
:-: -i-t-v :
Va-ii!.naton. Au;r. -11. Y.'irh the ar
rival in Mexit-o City ol John kind, per
aoaal v rras. luative of Presideut Wil
son. j.tituini--tr:il!on o!ih daks d-adiicd
that no tin r stoj.s would b taken
iu carry injr out ti-.o policy of the Unit-
vaid :ic::I'-o uniil Mr.
a caictul stadv of tao
K?c ral sit nation th';ro.
A'l'i'e tiie javs'i: m has nnipiJ'-H
oat a (i'soi.'T ccur-pu of act ion, about
wLieli stiiri S'lTcy is l.oiiij; laaiii
taiu'd, i: is b:; that the instrac-tioaa-
to y:r. !and from time
to time v. H! ib r, ad lar.;vly ui devedop-mm-m
io ."em'cau capivul in the
t-L .
:sr..s City veto
about. If
vl ;t '; a
ad;, i next few wvc-ka.
: !
tor ere
vant pod
:.-. I luak now as s
a nptije or la
cd tk! sahy. J tor Tiro on
"Hero we are .Train.'" rmiouucrd Dick commit;, v
Cantrkl. " -Jaah-on. Yan- ev's homo
:a- i. ' "lira, nt as to th 'er
i.a d and tha ;.r,lic- t.h
oa.ui!! of i!;
from S-:ia-
' :i ioi' -iaai iv do t
r'-d tha.t k-eii1. nt Yfikou wa3
"a sr-ait ivsponsihiSky" in t!vo
nm:r: vd. "And I : ir.'t a- k, d till I h'A- f.-onr.-y.
lor :,' ;.".' suh: Tk' ain't time n ,v to ; i"c- .o early returns, with k-ss thai: U I ravnl soaatroa aiai had t!o bearty
no no mere on tao stamp. Ira a- ) '"-"crc i io.r us o.jj.onerus. ; s.cp'.i: a net o-op raiion not oaiy ot
' kn't so b uh" com aonk-d Colo- l'! ; ' u;-s lu:,!n:iU"' out or
kd.ddaud. "i: the later returns i 11 ' V, ' 1 ' "" M."-u' :,r lJ1! ,l
to send or.t a
r La re m s to
the stao :.:
thia;;s co-nt the.
eem.t. Vfhe:. I o
p( e the worV': w
saw in ad y :i:r I.
the Lktimeratm :
.- r ..... , :;
-t W;
if w
k a o
a. as all over i r-! 1 '-'
oin't rlTf h.
y uyht
o;o c 1 xuaii yc-ti ever
r:i day a-:. t r you'll be
" -Ibre
con. dies
end Vernon
t la-
. 1
) V 0
os wore
with a
army :u t'uar orj re. as:.
dad it mk-kty bad that day.
adary M u-i-ed-r. --a
rota in 1 Tni.'.f u:
Mre-anno. sue a
fmion. 'Til bo a -ham-d to
th" f!f,c aiu'n if vnu do!"
i t si e
l"uch-l C
: d
you sa
tie ? eon c
. me!
k idm in
all be."-,
-It ju-.t
.1 to To-a at
(os: tin e that the i..:v;
. ea-
in return, ao y..a:
of it hike id of
oue-bt to be mm
And at th's .kmc! are C-'doro
lomtcr intcv-aao'd. ' la.n'i
Marr TodhutiJcr foo! vor.
h-t t:i-t
hind," lm ekiu idea. '
that there hive thk
swo'Lo-.rt at smd: a
as if it- v. a i ml ::: a
and sha was tiro !mr
a i . o 'a
1 1 mid t '
Am! v
:nd T
: ve
P"t marrie ! wed, 1 "tvven y
mo and the I'il at i-v
never !: ,.rs ti:o ! :.-t cf it."
Mary bktshod fualmmly as tin
In ashed.
Ut ;
:cry '
aa- and
at an.!:
-r Tor: '
"I-ea-k Thur.-," ho s-dd, "i never
tb-ireht I'd' 1 a.aa.-a- e amah-.- earn his
piimk. but I'm uok'- that with you
now, r:v imam, i e. too i.ean w i,
anv haeo: dd I'.daw. That's t!:e
truth of it. The caurpaicn'.s over
far vr; I'm cereaaarcd. 1 d eft want
i. arr alae aaeo but :!: !' ;!
s:;!t. aad Ida par; to v.
fikaids in St. !,.; is not to
in- mo any:' in;; hut that. U'ho trnh.
;. Thars, tlr's of k' -m's tias
t driar. .:.' u cut f my :-;;rit teat
d -n't seoia t a a brad:."
"it'll ::..o hrck, kid." said Col.aral
Tr'i,:,....,.. vt'.Mtlv. "'."1 voii'vo been
tlm'Vat'fkhe a -..macoch. stdi. i rJ ll1 211
Y'. Vo f.ons? ad a man in your padtkm j
0 aio. fti'.l ir-ouu.s v va ,
-!. ,,...,.: "' :u" leman s to L;
u ju-t tako it easy, sedi."
rhdrh'nd entered the 'room.
and worn, but happy,
a vmadkr man linos iu
s." '' r-ad Ld.1: C.-:.trT.i. " "ram for
Yareey; a!.- Andrew. Cass, ! . Lm
v: .-as, Lu:.l:l!u. H.-ary, .Tohnson. Living
ston. VUxU'-. Sadivan ::t:d mam':t. "
'Sored. si" s ot'ikd Co'.ntl Todhtmf' r.
"They've been cor: aeded ail aim:-;, a'ro
li;. : ti.o iure:a is what we'd.kUo
to act."
l na;aee ar v party 5,i:e.--.
Bacon rat ,ccs
To oxahidi ai '-ais iirt';
a " corr''": i io c l,i : w n tlio r
ftnl the forohiu rohnions or;;.
:u Oil nmu 1 tlm f-
op .i :
CV.utfill waved a nev,
" -etikd.hi: ffrT heavy k-ad.'" ho red. j .V'.
ii ir . . . t. .. (.... ,-!.. r...T .. ' 'i. .
i.s jri ,i;e. ; r. v. a i..i ;:y, i lao, .o.aie :i, i
! Audrain and La-.lodo counlros. Tie- !.d- j
Jowiu:' counties also eo fur Strhrkland:
S. naror T:
sf'er.i' rt :
"'il-'-VO is i-o ;
the )"!it a
!- pe il;;S in
na-ikr , .e is P;.
ya 11
u- ami tiie
: io ( mo'oy
:l! ho s.ii'.
i ion s of
,.: ;a..j!t
part of
a.n nur-
p-me la
Hates, laut'
o r
Camden, i ,
i m
nil Cr 'eU
: orao
ct a.
no v
Ik- !e a;.- 1 -
and liaao w
his faeo.
a. I. -oris . IdncO
iakei"s, IMda-d-.
is. Sto. (kaievreve, Sa-
hVe. S.. dby, Sma-l .tt, Yfayiio a;. 1
Wo' e !;.' "
"Yo )w-w.!-.d"' yeli-'d Siai likds-.n.r.'
. e vo j-ot o ea on jeo r'.n.
"i-'iyrer.-; is tiil what's leaded. Si
F-aid Colonel T.ul:tiuier. "We've know- i ,,..,, .
ur o.,nnt:es rdl the time p, 0 q-.
- 1 1 L VJ llJ Jiatsil . Ail.H -I t 1 1 -J ibva" ; nil . ; fC"
ic y (tea
ire scum matters of-dm ail
le-e; :i : si, :nr Mil Oi Tin
he prcioai oadv me. do pa'j
or;, r.o ly r adi. s t k it it is a
fiifa-ti'in to haria'.e aad' the
J c'..'""vi(in'i u j audi r the
t tiro i.o-n d f ra it' pnUMceni
as 1 mr.-eteivi -a 1 o !i ia nraiii"
d'ons are on the jloor of the
! -rho
: the ma
i aaaim-t
! tlm
. . .. '
tir re turns.- roan man i an- ru-j
'show Yancey lea. ling in ICans-is ; Le
SO .Ti, e-0i nr.-l in thlrfv-li i :-. ' -a
i. e m
ro rmrre
m!, his
. w-;.' ; i;a
' ' lim j to" 1 t
r'k Colonel T
aeaklrm for you end Cob
funvr," no said. "
o t- '.! --" Ti that this isn't any
t kko a wo
iaua a
n. Bid
:o very coeo
of Mi'ora'o.
"Ain't j
lar all she
of be-co mi if
repeated Colonel Suda
rmdinir fondly on Mrtry's fac
tkat sonn-J jtood. thouehV"
Tli en he turned point blende to 3Irs. "n-i 'Mr
Todkunter. "Wiieu shall it bo. Mrs. j knows, on
Todlmnter;'' Im aked. "You and Mis ! tl". ftvt la
Mary have srot to be rnod but and , hanijifroft! Yfcll. suii. I' reckon t1:.;
Jaime an early day- Yfkin shall i'i bo'f- Imd v. leo nri-' f 'cm umleratamk?
I'.ut tit ties a'armcm; iuoyko:i -eary, e,,if ;mt it's a bkimotl si
lioi-so:- pave a nttio cry or man.e-my, c-.0- xC oven Mrs.
proteef, .franti -ally oh:t'-iied her moth-i ir(w-imck:ed. Th
, i. a-
..orr we re eetirn olo-svn to it." si
Coknrel Sai"k!a::d primly. "Let's see
j 1 . .. . . if .. l. .....i
,j j ioi:r-i ur.i-nuej aa'i .t.
.,. t Joe .-ay, Timrs. ae-eoraim to these ;'e-
i ures too, re- oonntm np an ail nreU
j h arey Yati'-w vo'e iu K;ai-as City!"
Louk-,' " read liditor CantrlU.
nvr v.-e.s a arc 'ivr v.-.-p'on-i
a na-oi i'; a now r . : .; on
i art. to -raraai th country
a'ar, uo:vl in we. r on a-
'le-:h ;e, 1 I P. ):. so i'yAt ii
oa re- t..-r,i, maale and
a--, woo las oe;ap ;..-r. jn
a lid - if y (f the pi-, -si-'oi
hi:: beads in th . ffoi t
(hi ;l S li.' t io as po -
iioo in workin.e; suo-
to km ;
m -r h "a -c vv. '!
to i irdarr: - a
rhe te
Ir.hcalt a
! I'io; i oak r sonic .
! the Iho edieitd drat'oo
I'll b
!!-f urbances roporiod at C
k? return cn'vote will he j call atiordi
i was h m-m d
will oata v out.
in ov : .i.u .1-5 ' !-;.naio.- panim-o. i;
a-'M.o, -;;;It:vely that the
-ey( .-mrmut bad no inten-
i ion of on Pa ; a dent Hrmria.
formally io roMn bis pffp-" end that
rear i om-e :, e-.t-at mus m.a-lo would lie to
a. to c.aiii " ji'-o ansa's for a
A 1)
s'ra d
. a ;-n
t more n I
d'orlkuuter, sub!"
n ho added, "Least
or s arm an i lamay ora-eeeii .'.sr. Pi;- cf a;;
hunter o'rr of rrimm. y. t not witli entire ;
sita-eiv-s, for the latter turncl a !::uy li-!
inn face laiel: t Colonel S;rk-kkiud as
sd;o was thus convoyed awity.
kVovcr you li.lud. Cokorrl Seriak-:
of the Tonevt i i
l'i' t'ao
The outlook was nor o:ko
"itill." said Colon.d
lama," sko la .c nasv."ir.
Koini? to work lend far Tom. I o;
to do it. I wi'k"
Tkat seme evon::i - Cckme! Tidh-tr-'.
ter went to confer .with thy Hon. Y-'
li-im ,1. Sudckkord at bis homo concert:-
letter's camrmlan iro -pe.'-la. l
tmi're. :
T dham: cr. '
''there's just oim 4dm no for ma Tom'.s'
m ouittal may brirpq- about a r .eli ui of
public, sentiment iu your favor if two
days is time on ueh far the noes tj
sink in and create the nntura! eafed.
They'll nil kmw of it. Tiie St. Lotd!
and Kans-n-i Cfty rTcas :to fall of tiro
o -iiin' story cf his somen ac-; fitted. "
rim?. o-o-y; otii -r newspaper iejk i sy!:o Lavo a lit ak--u: :r." ir.; - '-.:ro
it r.iy prove a lo o me rem r for th? Yau-;
"v carm. They worked "m pildk. in-tci'-t
in the case, tkinhirf it would
rt.iii you body and soul.'1 :
Cok-uol Steieklaml sb ".k his Leak
'It's too late, Thurs." he rep
reckon I'll haw- t st.ty beat. Ikt
ain't woiryki: about that. I want t
hear row tkat my campairn fued has
been raised, s: as to i-ui yen out of
ilam,er of any Vj
Tim li-ht of batt!o was in Colonel
Todhuntor's eyes. -
"I'm thkihln' about your eettiu' ti:.::
there :io:r.i::rdi n, Ihil Strif-khiud!" I:o
'xchii:ued. "Nat about the money.
Now tliat we imt 'o;n leit in Tom'.s
c.-oe, I'd liho to v. Lio 'cm straight uuwn
I'io line, suh."
-Jjolaak.: 'Tka J, . hat f.-,i; l is
Dick Crnlri'.h od
t-',.-i. S f-e.-e.-P--V -.o-oe or- !, v. ue ,-1. ........ - --
pan. -c-rdcrprkdngiy arranged for a bul
letin serviao of election returns on the
t of the primary veo, ami
-r- e : . t
ur an-i tio iiox ij .inii .i.
: 5ft rick htm.l wore ;eac:::t the frst to,ay
: rive at the on: ee tkat even:::-,
i Dick klmaaif. with Lyeurams Uivey
ns hi 4 assistant, vee.s to lmndlo the bul
Melius, the poet sehordmaster's most ar
duous m-sim:mout bein- tkat of heen
;ln.e: t'o I'dedo' "devii" in sv.uft action
dadween tli" news;n'p.-r plant and the
te'.ceraph cblce across the street. There
wras a (julle consideraldo gathevins of
X". ,le. In 1...-.T. t-!."l- M'.-
ml .at come, tr.d much speculation as
to the iveuit was koine: voi -od.
"Vfhe.t do you think about "it now,
rd'.i?" o sired Colonel Tedhr.nior as tlm
carnlidato appeared on the scene.
pedis. Iteii
iete. rcdice have made numerous ar- j f f" and om t it at :o'ed d.-rtioii, ra'ut
rcsts.'" j fnx oat. that vc-r'ttion bv the C'nit'-d
Cok.ur Stiii-kland looked veorr , PO'-tos road be withhold until such
"Todkun'er,'' ho sai l, "the St. Louis j eh-.d ions tn' o pt-jen,
pnns's getting in ii.s work'or Yancey j Sece'dary lainkks -,.(! that
all rk:ht-rt " j-thm rnrsor T; cove a bed boon ordered
I!ut Colonel Todkunter disdained this j from Nowp. rt. 7k I, to tl" cast coast
i view. "I ain't so rdmmktv sure. Who ! of V-xieo to tak.o e'ooird American
j knows but w-Ikl that's a g jod
I "l"'t! i li.rt --oti"f- rooli ". i nil
J- 14, v V : 11 L ieOvll V A V v t V A I . .
done by jrektes and clerks oZ election.
;n for ; 'dt z--ns i?f siring to leave iho tnrbu-
us; i jotit soa. uji-ti renno 10. elrmv Amer-
aiT s be'-e- loand ro'ipeo on hoard the
h.a-.thydf'p? i f item- Admiral Id- tcher'.s
pointed out Cekmc! Strickland. j r-ormm-on, em ns Use leu lb ships can
"Weil," replied Colonel Todhunb r, j m !p;'' n ' of tb- kirapo- Iiar-
"they can pre oat intiuiid ition at too j !f v'"s hcida-l to li spat.r h a vpr.
poils, anvwav." i s"! -r'' k.-'O dreft. to d op into sb allow
Lut even ho had to join in the laueh ' hed o:-s elnc- tie? roast.
that fodowod. - i e-oma will r"-o( i
" 'Fartinl returns fiton thirty-six rare;
r .inn ! !-u ' " i.,vi,l llil- Ct.'SH '.. :- . i W
-lHUliO, . A V . I '. . ie I'. ULlIll, jl.
Yancey i-lur.- llty of -l,0o0.' "
Tiien the bulletins l-egn n to conm in
swift fucccsswii. The Diado's editor
read tliem bi-u'tlilessly.
Suddenly bis voice, sounding a note
of rpnr-:ieusion. rum- out:
i " Is i e..' a irv ivi.-: Pi!i -ev a i,':!- I
f I ' t ' '
T''4 Te-re;ra will p'-oi cd at once to
o 'folk foe rol and then sfenni sotitli
ard. p robed fy to join the battleship
i eff Vera Cn-m
raiity ol
Jiee.a v.
ie.ico followed tho aun-iunat-
i Hi:?rta P-;v'
; Jr.lae:'?! e. ( a:
ital end re.r
t.rpia ,;d of Prc.ddont Himrta's
ee-rda.e aor opting mediation by
w3 Prairie cf Students.
. a us-. I1. Student? and
ear to the mnober of
lh-- fii-o'ts of the eno
al rs a token of
riakt ak)i:g hero lately." replied Ce.o
nd Sinekkmd e;niet!y. "I'll po into
Iv-asas Citv and St. Louis cemduer-
ad of Yancey, and I'd carry St.
-, : Louis on an kene-a t count. Kansas City,
being Sieve Yancey's homo, will roll up
- ; a big rer.'oriiy for him, even u tney ve
get tod-lvo Iho rciiitc-'r a
iven '
n m:
t re
iv of
ait?:. I'ro!io:it I Inert a
approval to the demon
he an-1 members of his
a.ed the porndo from a
e lea.kiae. Tiie re was no
cm o
i- .-. f.r,T.r 7 n c-eaac 1
c is.i .-.ui.. ... v. . . .-. , ni. ,;i ,-ti, ,,. .!, i, I,,. I i,,.., .;
"I hat settles if. gentlemen, he se.:u.
"Wtr'ro dottp for." v
"Y,"e ain't lmard from St. Louis .vet.
Lei," sae',e-ted. Coloiid Todlnmter. Weather Forecaster Makes Prophecy.
"We don't need to wait for Sc. Lou- y.amhiar mi, Aug. 1 1 Temperatures
rep ropne.J C'o:ouci stri?uianu. "ii heroic normal are rromN?d'for this
m a lil.'k)) ph.tadi-c
gAi;it imia Krm-as City they'll i!ay
! f1- .-.-.. . !,,-, i:. in Slf T.(::i-: t ,.
fcktiug chance f tao SL Loeas orooas j .. un,v ho:(1Ii St lj0nis l;;!,c T
d.dn't have a free lmnd-but they ve ; v lnVj...c .; il lf IiCf t.:.rv- the:-:,
got it, and that's whtts gomg to coou j t v.h u ll);,x, 5a,,:,,ii;r tI,,":V.
es look now.'! "
tee beei
region of drought kast half of the week.
m. one,
I-- the northern states ami,
:- one. Ra n v. ill fell in the
"V. on, pivm cm .a-u i-ui i
Kansas City lath, what oo you bgure
vnirr rluraktv iu the slatc'U have to fTe
- a
tin Dick Canfriil's vciee somioed.
" 'It is jaiv
cat i e l tlmtancey will
to overcome -tkatV . carrr the stare l.v 1 :).:;. His m m-
'I reckon tkey v.-n't d ire to count J rIaim Hint ho Is uomitmUd as the
Eioro'n lO.i CO plurality for Yuneey in I ,..t imw .iml.'"
Tv::r.e,:'.h Explosion Victim Diss.
Porta-ike, pa.. 'Aug.- 11. Harry
S io;: stall, a fire bo-s." died at his
homo. b:amr:m; the total dead of the
JVmt Iiro'aeido mine oxp!osic-n to
Cccretrry cf W?r en Way East.
ripokfnc, Yx'aeh., Aug. 31. Secretary
if? Tfn
AVken I Was in the medical depart
ment oj the Itritis'o army in India and
stationed at Ibo.i-koug I was fcent to
an intcilcr fctaUiin to see a jonng olli
eer, Lfeuteiiai? Caxton, who was ill. I
found the lieutenant iu the house of a
widow with a' very pretty daughter,
lie veas in bed intermit teidly, for at
times be was quire able to be up and
about. When he was eonimed to hid
room the youutr; woman had the care
uf him.
The th-eauht entered my head that
perhaps Caxtuti sojering in orrieR.
to remain in close pro.-dmity to the girl,
but 1 was soon c.mvim cd that he was
really ill. His symptoms not being fa
miliar to I !iil not Know v. hat to do
for him except to idve 1dm a stimulat
ing dreg oui aim--to help him to throw
ofi! what was troubling him. lint lie
did m.t Improve, and I was pu.7.1ed
hat lioxt to do.
I had some experience with Indian
poi-on casesthough not nmcb, and if
Caxton had not been in the care of a
girl who ticat.'d him with such tender
ness that I (ouid not doubt she was in
love with- him I would have believed
that for sonm r;:is..ti or other she was
poisoning him.
Talking one day with the widow, I
learned that they were md a family
iudigto'ons to India, but had come
from Java. It then Hashed upon me
that I had hoard tTtrit a Javanese girl
who loves a lean Avid cither have him
or bill him. This mive me a clew to
C.i xro'fs ease.
l'rom that time forward I watched
his nurse's every movement. 1 also
told Caxbm of my belief licit his nurse
was iu love with him. He confessed
that be had beaau to suspect as much
himself audi that he had occasionally
treated her with more consideration
than he should have done. 1 asked
bim if ho Lad m t I- e.l that ho was bet
ter at sn- li times, and he said that,
come to t hi id: of it, ho thought ho had.
l-Va-m this I smtido-d that when lie
gave her hope sko lessened or discon
tinued her poison doses.
My' pjobk-rr was to discover lf she
was la-aily pokomeg him and' if so in
what way. in most stioh crises ine
drug is ndimni-tc'.vd in tiie food. 1
succeeded in -etiim-t faamplcs of the
fo..d the patient was taking at times
v.Li-n he" was in a low condition lind
an.;i.'.c:I lh.-m, but I coukl'md Jind the
slightest trace of anything that should
not have been there. KaslefU races
are famous, for them methods 'f pob
smdeg. and 1 had during my service
iu India mLered ?ome information
r-eaama ng them. I tlu-reioro Kept lii
eyes open with a-view to discovering
some oilier wav bv ihioli 'axton's
nm so was v. oilring on him, if she was
doing so at all, of which I was by no
means sure.
1 saege-icl to hkm to c,.-t ,,irt of the
boase, but he said there W.i-s no bos
pital for 1dm. to go to and he was re
diving" much better nursing than he
would in hi omirters. I saw that it
woidd not be easy to make a change.
yml tl u!y other way for me to do
was to s-.ivo the puzzle of his illness.
A -omn,oii way of administering poi
son in cmul ries where it is much used
is by- means of a linger ring. A person
wt-jring one will ohisp (he hand of an
oiher, and a mimde point pricking the
skin will inject a poison. 'I noticed
that Caxfoifs muse w re a ring on her
fim'cr lied suspected that she gave
him do?es in Unit May. I pretended to
cdmirp the ling and asked her to let
me examine it. She handed it to me
wkhout hesitation, ami I looked it
over Aery arof'il!y. No. "poison was
not adniimstered In that way. The
ring we.s perfectly plain gold, and if
there bad been ;mv Injecting .apparatus,
however mintiie, I would have discov
ered it.
Another Indian method of inflicting
poh-oii Is through the air. It is often
breathed and sometimes inhaled from
a perfume. There are persons in In
die who have taken a deadly poison in
minute doses, gradually increasing
tliem tilt the poison takers Lave become
Immune to harm and so saturated with
the drug that their very breath is dead
ly to others. I shuddered at the idea
of Caxt-ufs nurse being one of tlmse after contriving to get so near her
for "a few minutes that I could take
her breath I felt no n n us ml sensation
from it whatever. So I gave .up tiiis
Seeing a plant in Caxton's room. 1
JoM his nurse to take it out, since the
perfume of flowers is considered harm
ful to the si de. She obeyed, and after
that I did md see it in Iho room again
till one nmr-ihig I went in to see Cax
ton before his nurse had lixed his room
for the day. " 1'h on I paw the' plant
and askd him how it came to be
there, contrary to my instructions. He
informed me that his nurse was accus
tomed to bring it to hits room before
leaving him for the night and taking
it awny the hr.-d thing in the morning.
I at once 'pouneed upon this as nf
fordiug a solution of the puzzle. I had
beard of the poison plant of India
and how one' need only to inhale its
perfume t bo affected by it Tickm?
a flower from it, I took it away with
'me and put myself sufficiently under
its influence to convince me that it
was being used upon Caxton.
I at once informed bim of tho fact,
p;i 1 be was glad to return to his quar
ters, v.berc, as soon as the deleterious
effects of whnt he bud been subjected
to passed off, he recovered.
I'biti.smi.ut!, Xeli., Ang.
lleai-il iiu-t mi i"s na n t Io :el P. u i lOiicit 1 .
Present. '. Jr. .irU;i!i, K. Ilicl nil
ami .lulhis A. I'itz, Onuity ('.immissiim
cis: I . M.irmin. iViinl;.- Clerk.
Mosetes in' trt-v imis ? i-.-s in n ieaU ami
amr.e'cil, when the following hii.-iia-s.
v,j! transaite,! in reiiUu- t'orni:
t'poil nmiioii the IhiarO Ocehti il to'go
out tloou'li the iiii, ntv ;;rei insjieet
lirhlues lliat Pail l-en on pi et el, ami
t here i; , iu li a 'Pioii i neil in iio-et We'lm---i.i-,
.U';im ;. l!ia.
i . I'. a:oi:i;.v.n'. Coaaty cp iU.
an i I:
I 'i.illsrinouh. Noli.. . iie. (i. -I .il::.
nai-il met nu .-lie ;i I te a I j e n I l : 1 1 1 1 -, I .
-el t, ( '. i:. .fiuilaa. C. i :. Ili-el. ner
.lnli.e: .. i'it;;, CiMinly 'it.iiii Irsii m
I i. '. Jmi'MuM, I'oniilv ("li-rk.
Mini.tes ol' im-vi'iiis .session rea l :;ml
approved. wli !, the following PnsOii sy
..(S 1 1 a risaeteil in i-egular rorin:
'oi!nt- Tj -tisti re r tileil st;ite:aent ol
feeeiiis lili.l "I is 1 .11 1:1 lll.'li t s for from
.le.ioiaiy 1. tntr: lo .Mine .".n. !'!::.
i'ontr:i t an i-nicil lie..- I I. Me.Maketi
,i wreeK the walls al poor farm, clean
the ie ? -k aid haul away tin- lel'i. o. for
lie- Slllil el $rJTi.lMI, eontr.ot to he
,-nii-i i-,l inio ami in, he Uracil up hy
the . a Mill t y , 1 I.' I! tie -. .
'flic 1 a ! low i eg chums uere allov.i-ii
oh the ir.iaU luiiih:
a-i j loi liiean, rcaU woi li, l:iVl
lii.-t-ici .No. in '...-. $ta. lajn
M. sn l?e r. suii:... I i.-1 1 iet No. J.. UOCI
'. :.i-l.-"!i, haiiliic saml, Itoaii
1 c-1 : iei -e.e. ti
tins l;ni!;!:.-ui-, ro.ol v.o.k, K'ad
I it : ii -1 No. ;
loi.n II. Kiiseiie. ? am -. No. a . . .v
A. I". Se.-.-hei-t, .same. No. 1'
'. i !. Noel laini've.. ta... Jllllli
I. loslrii U No. !'.
I. i .Xi.lav. i. ..ei work, I:
! is: ii t No. II
'. W. I.ea h. sam- , No. 14...
Win. Will!, same. No. 1
s; . hoi Sle-lOo i. iittnl
l ro.,.1 i 0s; !: t No. I !
.Mmnst l- nil; low. roji'l wol k.
In :oi I 0:0 I it I No. :
!.. Niity.el, iii'lM'., IO ail I'isliiel
No. 7
erm. !. Irnsii, i. .ail woi k. It" i'l
I '0O fid No. 7
l ,
1 o.oo
!!.', i
1 ':.:;.
1 .::.
a P. ',-eli-!-v. same. No. 1 ::.'..!0i
t. li. '.Vaam-r. sane.. .i. 4 SJ.a'l
!i.e Alien, No. 1 'i '.". 7.1
';,' cr ip.ers. same, N'o. a'".... lj.1i
.'i!:.i,i. i 'ii: k I'tieit:. loeperl r oi
re.-el I'l'!!'!. l;n?ol 1'islriel No.
ia: i .10.410
Tho I ' 0 !'' i na; ili. . m s were alhoveil
i'l lee I U iOge I'mul :
sehr.-ek.i "o : :-1 ! :e 1 ie n - I 'o.,
hrihae v.'.n-k $m'7l.7J
leu la-i kman. hi hie xvoi k St.. 1.1
::. 'P. Tni.l, I.ehlge mat. rial .... rii;.:!.'
1". a IP-re, l.rnU'.e work 10 Ol
'e.iar i'.e..k l.ainiier '., i.riiie
s : r; i . s 17. In
,.! i! he Cns. he, hri-me work.... ltha'l
.Vie. i !. I;nti, sail!" ll-.D't
. I-'. ;- . !., rt. h.-ihue ma i eria. I . . . !.!..
I. Ii. vac-mr. hriae work CrbO.I
I. .... l iinire l,!!!iili.-r I 'o ., I rhPjr.
leaiPer s.ail
;. : a e i-.v. oi iP. woi u rea !..Ki
Tee 1 1 1 i ! . n i e u claims wete alloweil
a lie leii'-ra I ln n.i r!?-v:lle ia,iii-M-r. 'notice i:,-aii1
T 'l e,..:, I ia.rt : ion ale! icaal
i.i..!i.s $ a'l.r.o
ro - .).; asoii, iieise. to ,i-.-,ie
fii.fg ll.t'7
Oiie.-.'o S; i eij-. i.t. to
. . ,o,t a farm .- U'.on
!h-hP el- i'.arllelt ( 'o . to
eoenty 111.::0
It. .1 1 rVI ; i ?. sa'.aiv ami mile-
a e e 4 ..
'. I). iieinion. in.-:i'i- IVail
l'ia! li.Koi .1 . o -.
V is. olici- l'i.!-y, care of pool"
i'ai'-i i'.'e-iies account lire.... 'U!.71
r. IP I'. ( P: : a . n i as.' insane I'r. il
I'ee-..'y .i0
, .".i. I.evaa. .-erne ".ml
'a'C'S- I : ! i I sen. sane- .I.r.n
". iiaini.i'i. seme I,;. 117
,,!n-..ln 'l'ia.-;.hoiie is- Te!.-ra;en
i'o.. i. -a atul to:!.-, .Moi" l'l.r.ii
WJmrens. on the 2t' JV of J"1' -x-
1. mi::, -.he county poor liotixe a? .le--tl
' i'i! by lire, uiol. . '. , '
Whereas there remain in I he U'H
01,1 ft.n.l .,: the I vy "i"' - . than
ten;:iil U..I1HIH iiii.XpeiiOeil.
Th. rclore he li ftesolve,! l.y th
ho:,;.! .,: 'o,:i,tv i'oiiitinss or..-iy. in
reg-iilar session i.sseir.l.ied, that tli;-re
U- ami there l,ret.y is UT'I op ' I i-.l
out of the I'MC levy the sii.d ol line 1
hun.ii iil UoMars 1 l.1'" ) 'l" l,!"'1
in t!:e reconstruction of toe !or hou-e.
(.'. Ii. Joialan.
K. Ho-liuci'.
.Iiilio- c
4'oiuity "oinmissitin4i.
A petition was piesent.-a siKne.l l.v
.1. Ve. ,,-,v ami oilers, askirm hie
I'otoitv i omnossioneis to , t",'
m,IO-e r .a.i I r.i,j reet to 4J f .
...ilowsr . i-oiiimeio ir.g t a "l
tie coinc ..I the N U' 'i Hiol the
ia tie :V , of Section i-10-1.'. theme
ia a tmrtheasi: -U uireetioil o a !"nl
rth. i,. w:-l roa.l IntiTMii l thy nuartoi
sect toe -oi lh- east .-hi'- of tlie outli
west .. meter Sectiot ti-lTl-1-. ,
Aiso a i -monstrance -against the
a hove petition pr.seiite.l. iyne.l ly
Hixie ;:ti kpat i iek ami other.-.
The a Coy matter omtinuoi until li
m-M .session ot the llojiril 1 1 tnnlne tins
'..fiimo-.--ioners to view the roail.
In tie mailer of a iietltion rrom
.Vathias Mever ami l' others prayinw
for tie vaeatioti of a poll ion of toait
No. ii... as follows: (omntenoiiiic al
ialf m li.jn bne on south si'le of e--tion
i'N-ln-1:', noinlior thence tiortli oie
mil.- on hall section line through center
of sael section JS. an. I t erm i na t i n jr at
m-rih si.le or set lion on sahl half
seiiioa !i !(. saiil roa'l iclriro l
know.i as part of Itoaii No. lOl. J'lie
t'oioitv 'ei k heirig satislieil that all
the : oceeUins hcreinhelor "
tempialci! had lieen perfottueil xn.l
further r. ja.ite.l thnt no llnis tor
.lam: h:.,l 1 een t'leil on or lie fore
tie 0;, set tor the tiling of coeli
claims ' for ila.uanes I .In l.v .1. lflol. Out
report... I iii.ther that on .Mine :M. 11' 11!.
.Mat Mas M-e.-r hail, in wi itten t e-ipie.-:.
a. hi: ess. .1 to the 'onnty tjloi k.
asking l.a: H e road petition to vacat'
a ri'in! through the center fu
.-"eiP.ii :: n -1 'i -1 n. !e ivihiiliHivn. ..,onitty
I'P-rk i e-sp, et.f-.iliv so i.m.'tte.l lhe matter
to the Ko.-ir.l of i limity Coniniissionerw
for their eonsiilern t ion. Inasmuch
.Mat .!i-vi i ha. I re.iieoe.l the petition
he w i: hj in w n. the "ominlssionpi-n Of-crih-.i
no proei'-eii i ngs wotitil he
heh! ami Ch-tk i ns t rtu-te.l to refiirnl
imaO itcposit after lelnct InK the ex
penses of a1 vet ti.-Ine, viewers, etc..
which amount..-. I to $11. fO, leaving
Slfc.lO to ! ritiunlel.
In the im.iier of a petition of H. W.
I.i: illusion an-l 17 others petitioning
for rir ir i ..;oi south of I "la 1 1 siliou t h.
pieseniei!. ami Coitini issioners con
tinue.; heaiing n saiil petition until
ite .'.t i:e e; i nir,
'I'Jie fojlowi-.u- claims wt-re allowed
on 1 1 ,o I :..,i il f a int." :
Siil .lames, ro;ol woi k. lioad Dis
trict N". 11 $ t'fi -"
Pi j ;i I; ilitstir.. same I'i. I'l
A. A. Wit'liiiKir. same ;:.'iil
i". IP Miller, same ".I'l
J PI lust in. same .''
The folioning claim was allowed
mi the llriiie ttiml:
'ten. W. Vi-s i'o., hrhlge nta-
tei ial $ !'N.!"I
The following claims wete a Howe. I
oi the e,f ni-ral fnml:
Any. Ihic!!, groceries to count v
farm $ :..!'
Mat .Mt-yi'i.i. return of balance of.
tf.a.i ih-po.-it: 1 10
iearil sol hot rnetl to meet VVeO nesila ,
Ac mist i::. i m::.
I. C. MoKtJAX. County Clerk.
count .- fa toil
in.-aee i'e.irl
1 0.7'!
'.-' ci I 'ia es. mOse
e IP 1 '. I'nmaiii:.-
i-'i :.' al pi o a
!. I .c ' '.. same
i iiMi-s I rot.ctsen. same . . '.
Vi'liem !'.ral!.;., wiltie::.--, --jititJ
:'....! .Pish :. same
i i s i',.m Mason, .-am.
P M n.- in n k. -r. . .-a
. lh Siiiii h. carpenter work at t
'""' larm
'. i". No- I!. .leii-.-et ine; fcehie-
!ll i j. hi I .-.' i , li l.l ,'i to sireiilt'
i'l... I '!a 1 1 siiiou ; !i .iiiiirnal. sio
J.ties a:!.! priniif.g to comity..
' r-. .lice lao-re, ca re of j.ool
faini inmates ac. mat tile,
I. alarm,- .Pie
i . tea i n loi. hoarOiii city
prisoners .in! .'. 1 II 1 a
'. 1 1. i.u iie.i'ii. same, .Mine. 1 !i 1 r! . .
'. I i. ' n i t! t on. ho a I iling coatipv
o.eno.eis ami, .Mine.
I', I a
' I i. 'minion. .-;::!;-, .M.tiy. lliia.-s Jin. in
'. V. Ma.clo". coal lo Is il-!. i tisk y,
i 'e! i : re ami fa ! m
i.oamoiel A- S i e p h e ;;-. eerti-
li.ales to c.o.iiiy .siifit
v. ! i:si-.ii l.iiO:n,r ' i'o.. .mas to
...en I,. .esc. jail a ml s: if et
h i m , . -
laii.v seiith. guariling tire at
poor IV nil
. 'P i tacit t "o., m.'.se to
is e : P i'lslry
I. P., .i!i .M.-ik n .'a Son. h-t hook
to " ceirt house
I' lliiai.h :. m.lse. to Miss Me-
ti ii a i s
I'Pe tpiiy-isily I'ch. t 'o.. self cor
ice'.i'.n in Ki::li';h, i "o. sup:..
t. Saiser. -gitaa-dltig lire at poor
la i in
! ' I : c I Isn-.oet h WaK r t'o.. water to
l e. n It hoo -a-
Mary IP l-'oster. salary, exj.erise
a;i I Institute fees
V. IP llanO. if "it oi' lerths ami
Oea'Ps ;
. li. Stiimh r. same
;,!. I :-i 1 1 ei , jr., .-a nie
Mrs. I. I '. .(ones, same
P. i . Mns mm', same
W'm. 11. Lyman. .00' me
Jhiir, .-iitve
;:. I. I'i' iiiHiilf. same
'.. i : futon. a me ; . . .
I!. 1'. i-tro;i!. same
Innun-iitil A.- Stepljetis Co., H. S.
cert 'tie!! tes, i'o. si: (if
it. I, laistwoo.l. tange, etc., to
con nt v l a i on
b.!::i liaiier, m.lsor t.) jail aifl
airio hire to t 'ommi.eyioTiers . .
I bins Siever.-- salary and lautiilrv
Weeping AV .iter Republican,
printing t'ommissioner pro-
ceeil i ags .-
' 1. r si.i-n k ei. sjilrtrv lienntv
.siieii 'f. I'.Mr! . .'. '...".' tl.00
smith w ivcil. tuito Pore to
I . '. Morgan. falarv ami e.v-
tM'ri se
IO-. K. r. (Vramiii", insane Beat
rice l-birtvvell
b M. same
lames I rot'ertsoii. sam'-.
' . i '. Ouiiiton. same
Lincoln T. ienhone Teh-g-aih
t'o.. rent ami tolls. July
ii' Worrell Mfg. Co., itisln-
't'.-toi It. Srnitli. H'lvii nci auto
hire inspect inir hriUges
.Tnli-is A. I'itz. salary ami tnile-
. W. White, tn.lso. to Snl !i :t t on
a ml .1 oh nson
T. It Tints. st'lar--for .Mile
II. M Sueam'chsen. nelse. to
t'.opt s ami Maves
O. T. Mimro". kitchen furniture
t,i pnur furm '.
r.Lic: :ei Hihl. noise to county
. ia rm .
TVme liolly. lothing to nanpers
a r fa rm
C lb lieetmer. salary anil mile
age '. 70
IS ar0 ri'i.ionrn.jii to meet Tloi r&'la y,
Avuust 7. tola.
I. '. .!(i!;fPX. Ciiuntv 'lerk.
I. .1.1
: 1 am
1 1,1.-.
i i;.u7
2. .10
7 . s .'
4.7 r.
. -
-p r.o
l b-1
- t.ti.i
X oo
.1.0 'I
.1 . 7 .1
1 1.7.1
r.o. oo
2:'. 11
d.o Mik. tin- gei.ial p;is-Migep
lirei ti.p for Iho Mui'Iingl'tii ;il tin
On-alia p;ir-seiigef slali'Mi, it-i in
the oily 01 ,. day fur a few huir-i
isitiug willi his friends ami
making- I' ;fi r;i iigoineut .
llle appeitia lice liepe uf
auialeiir dr. mini io cumpaiiy i.f
I loin ha. which will appear al I lie
T. -I. Sukul liillllltllil.'lll. pleselllL
ing l!i" coiiieilv "Julia's Mar
l inge." Me. Afik is mn' uf I lie
pi'.ioio.oil Ih'lienii.tii of
ille stfl-le -.ind an eiitliuia-l ie f..r his ntil ionalily an.
ha- pul on sumo very tine pas
in this oily in be pn-d .
Costly Treatment.
"I was Irniibled silh i nn?l i'.t
limi and indigestion ami spenl
liiiinlieds of dollars for rnedicino
aiid I rent men! ," jrilos 0. Ii. Jfino
il Wliillow, Ark. "I went lo a SJ.
Louis hospital, also lo a lio.jiitaI
in New Oi!';i us, but no cure was
eifeided. On returning- lionie 1
bega.i inking Chamberlain's Tab
le's, and worked right along-. f
used tliem for t.imo lime ami am
now all right." Sold by all dealers.
Stork Still Doing Good Work.
Yeten!ay inorniii"; (he stoi k
made h isit lo the homo of Mr:
ami .Mrs: 1'i aiik Warren' ainl left
in their charge a new baby liy.
!t i iMiiieoossary lo say (hat the
.iionl of I he little mui was the
occasion of much rejoicing- in the
Warren home, ami Frank is just
ab.uil Iho proudest tuan in Hie
whole world.
At the home .r Albert Heiliroi
line liille yiil baby made ln-r ap
pearance and the parent: are
and wife xesleniay afternoon ;
about'llie happiest in lh,. oily. AM
ciHifenio'l are tloin:- nicely.
For Sale.
Tlie Vkiaiid'ttiealor. w ill take
part cash, balance on easy term-,
or will take note from responsible
party. Inquire of It. M. hlac-.
Don't apply unless you . mean
business. 1
i U. it t.-mmtth. Nei., Amr. 7. PJl.t.
TT m ri) met lai'-snmt to adjournment.
Pres-eet C'. T!. .lorHan. '. K. Heelmer
an 1 Julius A. S'ilz. t'outity Commissioner--:
1. ''. Jlorgan. County Clerk.-
p,, OVOP un 1nvr th-t Mlto'tes or prevmns session ri'an stno
l.uc ve i.ecr let tne t.m k.-otr tnut .n,.,,..,v,.(. when the following im.ine.s
WO 23:t (liSCCrcrC'l her Jlist bod Cf pJO u- transaetetl in tejrular form:
-r',. r.,it.,".,n f- -r.l-
. Thr-rc U nior Cat rU ! thU it..
man tie? ..i f. WJK u.iwa t t,. ter tft,.t uuuy ;.aw .torl
r.-ij.-,..,-.-. i n I h.v c.tu.tjml.- iBiiiu M cur - ltU
' -aim,:,l. I it iaeuVbleVieD
. r- !;r t::
.''..; -i . T' '"'::uf'"-'Oirea to- f. J.
O....UI.U.I1..1,. ht"a f"r ct'culurt ui
'm r:m;,-: . -n,V-EV CO.. TM,. OUK
-"'1 jy j-iiis.ost. t.1...
e !! 'IO P.r lk II-!- Xvt eeti,..,. '
;r. j.rmi -at r-o to p i;n -pa ow- j ( .
i d..
uililiu'iur.!:- aUvpttil: '
' ;
ia, ifent.