The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 11, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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' J
MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1913.
Former Plattsmouth Young Mart
Married at Long Beach,
From Hatimlay s Dally.-'
Another former riallsmoulh
ouug man lias falbm a iclim lo
I Ik; darts of Cupid, as will be seen
from in,', account r UK' wedding
r Mis.Klhel l,nree and Mr. Clyde
Adamson at Long Heaeh. Cali
fornia, which occurred in Ihal
city on Saturday, August 2. Mr.
Adamson was a resident f this
eity for a number of years, his
lather. Sol Adamson. having: been
foreman of I he Ihirlingtmi paint
shop in this cily, and Clyde ios-m-.!
a lnt, of friends here, who
will be delighted to learn of his
weddinjr anrwish him iuld his
bride a bug and happy married
fife, The following .from the
.l.o:ir Hcach Press gives a com
plete aeeounl oT the wedding:
"A daintily simple weddjng of
today was tint of Miss "Ktliel
l.oree. daughter nf Mr. and Mrs.
W. l.oree, of Hast Sixth
si reel, and Clyde Adamson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. S.' Adamson. 152
I.oeusl avenue.
'"The eeremony was .read at
n l in a setting of summer
bloom artistically arranged. at the
home of I he bride's parent", by
Rev. Mr. Leak, of Compton, in the
presenee of only members of the
I wo families.. The couple was un
attended. The bride wore a be
routing rtvn of white and carried
bride's roses.
"Mr. 'and Mrs. Adamson left al
itiu asVociaied in business with his
after which they will return tr.
this eity to reside, the groom be
ing associated in busines with his
father, who is a painting con
tract or. Mrs. 'Adamson wnsa
member of the l.nng Ileach High
school class of ')'.." .
with innru:
I'rom Saturday's bally.
The different , insurance com
panies Ihnt carried insurance on the stock, fixtures and
lmibtiiiir'.iLf .Loreuz Irother's,
which was recently destroyed by
lire, have completed J he seille
M!":ii with the linn. The Com
inonweallh Insurance company of
.ev York, through their local
avetil. Miss Marie-.leliifek. have
made a settlement of 2G2 on the
building, And the Farmers' !n
suranee company of Cedar Rapids,
Tow a. represented here by C. A.
Jloseiierans, fiaid over pome M2
;ts a I lemeilt of the loss on the
st'ck. a;id with the policy of
T which was paid by I hi'
I'lteiiix iii-ur iiice company, makes
a total of xlti::..") which has been
paid on (he losses from Hie lire
The lillll feels TV much pler.sed
oc; the showing made in I tie
pro'iipt se t lenient bv the dilTer-
rut companies and heartily
recommend ihein to anvone dcsir-
ing lo lake ,ni! insurance. The
work of rebuilding the burned
portion, of the building will ho
iariei ai once, ami it is the m
lenlioii to make it as near fire
proof as possible.
Will Hold Picnic Here.
Yesterday J. 1". Praehensky of
i;naha came down from the me
tropolis (o make arrangements
for the holding .r a picnic of the
.-Indents of a nohemian scIionI in
that city. He was very iuuch
pleased with the appearance' of
the city and will report favorably
upon the question of holding the
picine in this place. There Will
be quite a large number in at
tendance al IheMllair.
The Famous O. I. C. Swine.
Amo.ig (he first of this popular
rapid growth swine that hrts
been brouuh! to .Nebraska can be
found in I he herd of Mr. Samuel
Parker, south of this city. They
grow very rapidly and will reach
I ho market point sooner than any
ollrer breed of swine, consequent
ly rotismuiug feed. Mr.
Parker, has the agency Tor this
county, and will be "pleased to
have all breeders call al his place
and inspect the animals he has. 1
Minister Praises Thb Laxative.
Jtev. II. Stubenvoll of Allison, la.,
in praising Dr. King XCw fJfe
: Pills for constipation, writes:
"Dr. King's Isew Life Pills are
such perfect pills no home should
be, without them." xG better reg
ulator for the liver and -bowels
Every pill guaranteed. Trv thorn.
Price 25e, at F .0. I nek- & Co.
Death of Fina Horse. .
Quite a Joss was sustained
yesterday by the firm of McMaken
& Son in the" death of one of their
line gray horses that has'been
used for some time. The animal
was work ins,' -when it dropped over
and fn a short ittno died. This
was one of the finest teams that
has ever been brought into this
city and was able to do a large
amount of, work and. the loss will
be felt very keenly by the-flrni, as
the horse will be hard to replace.
Messrs. McMaken blue always
kept up their horses in line shape
and the best of care has been
given them, and as a. result a
great deal of wink has been got
ten out of them.
From Saturday's Daily.
The Shetland pony belonging to
II. M. Soeiinichseu created some
little - excitement last -evening
about 7 o'clock wheiiyit proceeded
t(v put oim small runaway. .The
pony was hitched to a small cart
and had been left. tied in the alley
al the rear of the store, and in
some manner managed to break
loose and dashed out of the alley
onio rourtu si reel, turning souin
and dragging I he 'cart, which was
turned over-on its side, quite a
distance, until parlies attempted
to grab the pony, when its dodg
ing around righted the cart and
the out lit .turned the corner of
Pearl street, but was caught near
the jail, ns the pony had man
aged to break loose from the cart
and was continuing on alone
when overhauled and quieted
dow n. There vas hot" much
daniagc done beyond some of the
harness being busted, and Hie
nui in wa urougui u.ick io me
store in a few minutes after the
affair started.
From Saturday s DaU.
A very charming dinner party
was "given last evening by Mrs. J
A. Douel an at -her home in honor
of the eighteenth birthday of her
daughter,. Miss Margaret Donelan
and a" most delightful time was
euioved h.t the young friends of
Miss Margaret - who gathered to
assist her in celebrating the event
The dinner Was a most enjoyable
one of three and the oc
casion will be long remembere.
by everoue present for ils de
lightful features, ami the guests
on departing wished their friend
many more such enjoyable birth
Arrives hero From Bohemia.
This morning Krcd Ilacek and
sister arrived in this cily, bavin
made the trip from their home in
llohemia to visit their brother,
Joseph Raeek, in this city. The
Ifllie fellow or the young lady
were unable to sneak a word of
Knglish, but had carried ""with
them a card with their destination
on. it. ami were handled by the
railroad, officials at New Yorc and
St. Louis with great consideration
and care and arrived here safely.
where they were met at the depot
and escorted to the home of their
Have Your
.Are ' they' feverish, restless,
nervous, irritable, dizzy or con
st ipatetl? Do they continually
pick their nose or grind their
teeth? Have lhey cramping
pains," irregular and ravenous ap
petites? These' are all signs of
worms, yorms not only caue
your child ..suffering, but stunt its
mind ami growth, (jive "Kickapoo
Worm Killer" at once. It kills
and removes the worms, improves
your child's appetite, regulates
stomach, liver ami bowels. The
symptoms ' disappear and your
child is made happy and healthy,
as nature intended. All druggists
or by mail, "5c.
Philadelphia; Pa St. Louis, Mo.
The Apple Men wih to trade a"u
aulomobite, fur a good team of
young -horses.. Phone. 85. .
-: 8-lllfd
Palnts and Oils.
Goring & Co.,
Phone 36.
- For Infants ana. Children.
The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
Bears the r.
eiguature of C&afy
Prom BulurdAV Daily,
This morning in Justice Arch
ces court Uavid Rogers of Ash
land was arraigned, charged with
assault and resisting .an oilicer,
and' was lined' 10' on each count,
as In; entered a plea of guilty to
the charge preferred against. him.
11 seems that Rogers was attend
ing the old soldiers' reunion at
Greenwood Thursday and became
involved in a quarrel with his
father-in-law, John llighshoe
over some domestic trouble, as
Rogers' wife had separated from
him and he jumped into llighshoe
and placed several blows on his
person, when he was slopped by
Otlicer I.ymau James, who sought
to place him under arrest, but
I Vivid was loath to allow the
ollicer of the law-to take him and
resisted and it required The serv
ices of several bystanders to
bring 'him to time, and- he was
then taken to the city, jail to
languish until the arrival of
Sheriff Ouinlou. when he was
brought to this city for trial, wjlh
the result that he is compelled In
dig up quite a sum of money to
satisfy outraged justice.
From Saturday's Dally.'
The news was conveed to this
city last evening of the arrival of
a new sou al the home of Mr. am
Mrs. Fred Ilav.ksworth al Lincoln
yesterday afternoon about i:30,
and as this is the first .child in
the family the joy,of-ho parents
is unbounded; Mr. Jfawkswnrth
is a son of , Mrs. David Hawks
worth of this city and has a vas
number of friends here, who will
learn with great pleasure of tin
arrival of the young Mr. Hawks
worth and trust he may live to
1 : I .... r ... . 1
oeconie u .pij hum eonnori io. uis
parents, as well as a good and
useful citizen as his distinguish
cd grandfather and his genial
father. "
Yesterday, the Uurlinglorf was
kept busy handling the special
trains that were carrying the
Knight - Templar coinmaudries
from all parts of the country to
Denver, ami H day there were
trains of ten and twelve coaches
passing through this city bound
for I he mountain city, w here the
grand conclave opens today. Each
road out of Omaha into Denver
was crowded with those bound for
(he gathering, which will be one
ot nie largest conclaves that has
ever been held.
Made by Many Plattsmouth
Many people fn a misguided ef
fort to get rid of kidney backache,
rely on "plasters... liniments and
ther make.-shifls. The right
treatment is kidney treatment and
remarkably recommended kid-
meificine is Donn's Kidney
Plattsmouth is no excep-
The proof is at your very door.
The following is ait experience
typical of the work of Doan's Kid-
ley Pills in IMal tsmoul h.
Ib'Ujamin Drooks, Main street,
Mallsmouth, Neb., says: "As a
esuu oi a uau com, i iiad.a se
vere attack f kidney eomniamt.
t times the iniiu extended from
my back and hips into my should
ers. J could not. get about and
was laid up for two weeks. Mv
cad ached for hour at a lime.
-had di.y spells, Turing which
my sifcht became blurred. .Doan's
iidney lJiIIs checked, 'these
troubles, and after using two
joxes, I regained my health. 1
got Doan's Kidney Pills at Tiering
& Co.'s Drug Store and can rec
ommend them." '
For sale by all jjeajers. Price
50 cents. Foster-.NIiJburn Co.,
Huflfalo, New York, sole agents fur
the United States.
; Hemember-the name Doan's
and take no olher.
Scllyopr property by an ad In
Journal. r
Local Hows
From Friday's Dally.
W. A. Fight or Mjimrd wasin
the cily today looking after some
matters of business for a few
hours. - ' '
Miss Caroline Darby of AsU
land, who has been here visiting
With MJss Uet'nice, Richards for, a
few days, departed yesterday aft-,
ernoon for her home.
Miss Juliette Atwood of Lincoln
is spending several days in the
cily, called here by the illness of
her ViAncc, fr. Kllfott Cobb, who
is at the Methodist hospital.
Omaha Dee.
-Mrs. J. M. Johns, Mrs. C. R.
Durdick and little daughter, Kdilh,
departed last evening- over, the
Missouri Pacillc for Macksburg,
Tova when? they will make an
extended visit with relatives.
Mrs. Mae Morgan and daughter,
.Miss Clara Mae, departed yester
day for Slalon, Minnesota, where
Ihey will bisit for some two weeks
during the. rest of I In? heated
Abe (iriudle and daughter. Mrs.
Lcona Seyoe, .and little son, of
Hart let I, fowa, w ho have been
here, for a few -days visiting at the
home of Frank Sivey and wife, re
turned home this morning on
No,- 0. ,
Dr. (J. H. (iilmore and V. i.
Hoedeker motored up last evening
from heir home at Murray to at
tend lo some matters of business
for a short time.
Jlenry Snyder of Fairlield, fowa,
came in this morning to join his
family, who have been visiting
here with rejalives and friends.
Miss Lola Tilton of Dradgale,
Iowa, who has been here visiting
at lahe home of Mrs. C. S. Forbes
and family for a few weeks, de
parted this afternoon for her
home. '
YV. A Shuler oT Lincoln,
resenting I lie F. A. Brown
bacco company of that city,
her yesterday looking after
interests of his . company
visiting friends.
'.. YV. Shradcr - came tup this
morning from his home near Ne
hawka and was a passenger on
the early Hurliugtou train Tor
Omaha, where he had a carload
of hogs on the slock market.
Miss '"Madeline Oreen of L'ni
ersily Place is in I lie city spend
ing a few week.s at the home of
her grandparents, Mr' and Mrs.
Henry Hoeck, and visiting with
former friends here iii her old
fJeorge Smith of Cheyenne,
Wyoming, who ljas been here for
a short time visiting with Ins
grandparents, D. D. Smith and
wife, . returned to his home this
Mrs. Loretta Ault was a pas
senger this morning on No. 15 for
Omaha, where she will meet, bet
grandson, Olenn Memlenhall, who
has been visiting in Council liluffs
for a short time.
Misses Pearl Slnats and Fstclle
Kaird returned last evening on
No..-' from their trip lo the Pa
ci lie coast, where they attended
the convention of the Christian
Kndeavor society and also visited
al the various large cities along
the coast.
. .
Mrs. William McCauley am.
grandchildren, Donald and Jamie
Patterson, and Miss Dorris Pat
lerson departed yesterday after
noon for Lincoln, where Ihey will
visit over Sunday with Mrs. Mr
Cauley, and Miss Pal l erson w ill
return to this cily. while the boys
will go ou lo their home at
From Saturday's Doily.
William Puis, of Murray was in
Hie city loday for a few hours
looking after- mailers. -with the
merchants: . '
J."W. Holmes of Murray was in
the city yesterday for a few
hours looking" after some busi
ness matters. .
Mrs. 4hn McNurlin returned
last evening from Omaha, Where
she had been visiting'Mrs. Sprieck
Ojt. the hospital. -
Lester Dalton departed yester
day afternoon for .Thurman, la.,
where he will vjsit for a short
tinje with friends
G. P. Muisinger, '
substantial- fanners
one" of the
from uear
Cedar Creek, was in the city to
day for a few hours attending- lo
some trading with the merchants.
. Stanley Kuhns departed this
afternoon for Denver with his
father to attend the Kuight'Temp
lar conclave.
P. H. Meisinger was in the city
today for a few hours looking af
ter some matters of business with
the merchants.
C. C. YVescott -returned this
morning from Chicago, where he
had been for about a Week making
purchases for the store.
J. H. Kuhns departed Ibis aft
ernoon for Denver, where he will
attend the conclave of the 'Knight
Templars, which is to meet in that
cily. .
Mrs. .. F. Dent ley of Omaha,
who has been here VisNing with
Mrs. Oeorge Nelson for u feu
days, departed this morning for
her home.
train .for
will visit
John Hallslrom and
were passengers this
on I he early Duriiugton
Davy, Neb., wluu'e IhCy
for a short I ime.
Frank Finkle of near Union was
in the cily today looking after
busines matters, and while here
called at the-Journal olVice- for a
much-appreciated visit.
Charles Chrisw isser or Nc
hawka came up this morning and
slopped here for a .short visit be
fore continuing on to South Oma
ha, where? be has a car of hogs on
the market today.
Miss Klsie Hudig, who has been
here visiting her sister, Mrs. Alvin
Murray, for a few weeks, departed
this afternoon for her home. She
was accompanied as far as Hast
ings by Fail (Jiese.
Henry Snyder, wife 'a ml lilt I o
daugh(ervlep;u!cd this morning
for Denver, where Mr. Snyder will
attend the Knight Templar con
clave thai is to be held in thai i
ci(y during Hie coining' week.
Mrs. H. O. Hotfert, who lias
been 'here for a few days visitiutr
with her sister, Mrs. D: (i, NYurl
and family, returned home this
morning. Mrs. YVurl accomi'.anied
her home for a three weeks' visit.
William 1?ach and wife of Chi
cago, who .nave neen nere visiting
relatives for a short time, de
parted this morning' for Cretna,
where they will visit with rela
tives for a few days before re
turning home.
J. E. Meisinger and wife c;me
in thfs morning, from their farm
and were passengers on the early
Burlington train for Omaha,
where they will visit with John 1.
Meisinger at the hospital.. Mr.
Meisinger is reported as gelling
along nicely from his operation.
The Best Pain Killer.
Ducklen's Arnica Salve when ap
plied , to a cut, bruise, sprain,
burn or scald, or other injury of
the, skin will immediately remove
all pain. E. E. Chamberlaiivof
Clinton, Me., says: "It robs cuts
and other injuries of their ter
rors. As a healing remedy its
equal don't exist." Will do good
for you. Only 25e al F. G. Frickc
& Co. - .
T i T TT
we . invite JLvery
. To Look at Our New Gang Plow
which we are putting out "on a positive guarantee.
Thresliers' Hard Oil and all kinds of Oil for Threshers.
Suction Hose and Steam Hose. '
Rubber Belting, Leather. Belting, Belt Lacing
Belt Hooks, etc., etc.
Farm .Trucks; Buggies, Mowers and Hay Rakes. '
:. Barbed Wire add Field Fencing
G. P.
Phone 202
bi 4 S U
SS (
m i It J ) Q u S H m A H '
- ( ACftfE
Two Days Aug. !2ih and 13th
. Keen ;jrr :.
We, will sell Our line of Colored
Linens and Ratine.
v$1.00 now 83c $1.25 jiow 98c
S8c nov 75c $1.00 now BBo
75c now. -SS ' 59c now 3Sc
59c how 3Sc ' .. 35c nov 25d
35c nov 2Sc 25c now 10c
Also a few pieces of Embroidery in
Edging and Insertion
15-20-25c all go at per yardl.J Oc
A large assortment of remnants of
summer goods at prices please all. ' "
Journal "Waist Ads" Pay,
Nails!! Nails!!!
T71 A
i4 A BJB Ym I
it, I
E? Fk E
ovey & Son
t armer
1 .