STATEMENT OF THK CONDITION or THE PUTTSMOUTH LOAN AND RUILD1NS ASSOCIATION. Of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 30th day of June, 1913. ClRTiriCATI No. U6 ASSETS: First mortgage lons llOOrd.BO Stock lnaiw 3.7H4 II Heal estate 3iH il Cuh 1,74315 Itellnquent Interest, premium)) and and fines KA 'M (ther a-wets, i 2j8 m Total '. flll.PJS i LIARILITIESi Capital stork paid up, including dividends $109,404 i Kesorve fund 1.700 00 Undivided profits..-. 34 00 Other liabilities 8.00 00 Total tlll.KM 29 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITUXES for the rear ending June 30, 11M3 RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 1. 1912 1 1,0140 Dues 33,063 00 Interest, premiums and fines 7,5W Sfi Loans repaid 17,160 01 Full paid stock 6,050 00 Raal estate 675 10 Taxes 36 19 Hills payable 2,650 00 Total., 108,610 96 EXPENDITURES Loans $39,6t II - Expenses W8 48 Stock redeemed 20, 19 Caab on band 1,743 05 Kills parable 4,858 91 Keal estate 62 69 Taxes advanced 48 53 Total $08,610 96 State op Nebraska, (. Cass Conwrr, 1 I. T. M- Patterson. Secretary of the above named Association, do solemnly swear that t he foregoing statement of the condition of said association, Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief T. M. Patteuhon, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of July, 11)13. Vebna Hatt. ISEAL) Notary Tubllc. Approved: K. 1 Lutki 1 H.F. (loos V Directors Turn T. Hamue ) Statement of the Condition THE LIVINGSTON LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION .. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. JUNE 30,1913 ASSETS First mortgage loans .. stock loans. 1113.53; 59 lii'4 20 Cash. 10,072 09 Dellmiuent Interest, premiums and finite and dm 4,763 68 Insurance and taxes paid and ad vanced 2,012 43 Real estate contracts 3,273 9 Kent account 414 87 Total 1147,778 55 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid up Reserve fund I'ndivided profits ..1137.542 o: . . 7,504 OH . . 2.732 42 Total 1147.778 55 Receipts and Expenditures roit the Yeaii Ending June 30, 1912. RECEIPTS. Halance on band July 1. 1912 1 19,355 as Dues 23.631 00 Interest, premiums and tines 13,301 52 Loans repaid 17,064 78 Insurance and Taxes paid and ad vanced 141 00 Rent Account 127 21 Keal Estate Cont 2M) 05 Total... $ 73.000 M EXPENDITURES Loans t 2i,4:5 00 Expenses 1,367 80 Stock redeemed 32,709 Cash on hand 10,672 09 Insurance and Taxes paid and ad vanced I.4:i7 6' Rent and Repair 279 13 Total I 73,900 14 I, Carl G. Frlcke. secretary of the alxwe named association, do solemnly swear that the foiviroinif statement of the condition of said as sociation. Is true ami correct to the best of my knowledge and iM'llef. C. G. FRICKE, Approved: Secretary. D. II. SMITH. I H. M.SoENNICHSF.N. Directors. F. O. F.UKNHEItUEK, I Siilscrlbed and sworn to lieforo me this Dili day of July IIH3. A. L. TIDIt. IfEAi.l Notary Public My commission expires lct. 5, 1013 I.IOfi VI, Mlill'K, John V, Wood, Defendant, will take notice that on the 24th duy of January, 1913, Klsa Wood, Plaintiff herein, tiled her petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which Is to obtain a divorce upon the ground of willful desertion for more than two years, and failure to support nml for the custody of the Infant child, the Issue of said marriage. You ate required to answer said petition on or before the 21st dav of July, 1913. ELSA WOOD, Plaintiff. NOTICE. la the District Court of Casa County, Nebraska, Conrad II. Vallery, Plaintiff, y. John Scott, et al., Defendants. To John Scott, the unknown heirs and devisees of John Scott, deceased; William Smith, the unknown helra and devisees of William Smith, de ceased; The American Baptist Home Mission Society, a corporation or ganized under the laws of New York; Ambrose C. Mayfleld, the unknown heirs and devisees of Ambrose C. Mayfleld, deceased; Mary Vallery WriKht and Wllhelmlna Adams, non resident defendants, In the above en titled action. You and each of you are hereby notified Mint the nlnintirp 1. . , inenced an action against yon In the District Court - of Cass County, Ne braska, for the purpose of quieting the fee simple title in the plaintiff In and to the si of the Nft of the 8V, and the SA of the SW'4 of Section 29; also the of the BE 14 of Section 30, all In Township 12 North, Hange 13, East of the 6th P. M., In Cass County, Ne braska, and to forever enjoin you and each of you from claiming any right, title, claim, lien or Interest In and to the above described real estate, and to remove certain clouds from plaintiff's title in and to said real estate, and for equitable relief. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the !! day of AuKUst, A. D 1913, and In falling so to do your default will be duly entered therein and Judgment taken as prayed for In plaintiff's petltloa. CONRAD II. VALLERY, Plaintiff. By A. L. TIDD, lila Attorney. NOTICB TO CREDITORS. Ia the Count? Court la and for Case County, Nebraska. In Re Estate of Walter J. White, Deceased. ' To All Persona Interested: You are hereby notified that hear ings upon all claims against the above estate will be had at the office of the County Judge, Court House, Platts mouth, Casa County, Nebraska, on August 2, 1913, and February 3, 1914. at nine o'clock a. m. on each of said days, and that all claims not filed by said hour on said last day of hearing will be forever barred. tSeal.) Rv the Court. ALLEN J. BKKSON. County Judge. RAWLS ROBERTSON, Attorneys. NOTICE. Ia the tonal y Caart af tae Caaaty af Cau, Nebraska. In Re-Kwtate of Clara White, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that a peti tion has been filed for the administra tion of the estate of Clara White, de ceased, and that H. N. Dovey has been nominated as administrator; that a hearing will be had upon said petition on the 12th day of August, A. D. 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m., at my office In the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; that all objections to said petition must be tiled before said hour on said day. Dated this 10th day of July, A.-D. 1913. By the Court. ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge. CALVIN H. TAYLOR, Attorney. NOTICE. In the County Court Within and for Cass County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of " "August Gorder, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that on the 4th day of August, A. D., 1913, at ten o'clock a. m., in the County Court room in Plattsmouth, Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, the application of Nellie Gorder to admit to probate the last will and testament of August Gorder, late of the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne braska, deceased, and asking that Letters Testamentary be issued to Fred Gorder, will be heard, and all objections thereto, if any, must be filed before said hour on said day of hearing. By the Court. ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. RAWLS & ROBERTSON, Attorneys. 7-14-3wks NOTICE. In County Court. STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of Cass, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Slagle, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You 'are hereby notilied that there has been filed in this court report of the Executor of said estate, together with his petition for final settlement and approval of sai'd report. That a hearing will be had thereon before this court at the Court House in Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 5th day of August, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m All objections, if any, must 'be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Dated this 14th day of July, 1913. ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. The Weeds Must Be Cut. As the law compels every land owner to cut the weeds on the public highway between the 15th of July and the 15th of August, notice is hereby given to all land owners residing in District No. 27, that weeds must be cut ac cording to the above dates. If not cut by the 15th of August I will see that the law is complied with and the expense of same taxed against the property. Walter Byers, Road Overseer. Cut the Weeds in District No. 2. As Hit' laws (if Nebraska com pel all land owners In cut (lie weeds alnnK Hit; public highway adjoining I heir properly on or before the 15lli of August, and if Hie same is iml done by that dale I ho l oivl overseer is compelled to cut llieni and have the costs taxed up to the property, notice is hen by given to all land owners in District No. 2 to cut the weeds before the above dale. A. I'. Scyberl, ( (verseer. 7-28-it-wkly Rid Your Children of Worms. You can change fretful, ill tempered children into healthv. happy youngsters, by ridding them of worms. Tossing, rolling, grinding teeth, crying out while asleep, accompanied with intense thirst, pains in the stomach and bowels, feverishness and bad breath, are symptoms that in dicate worms. Kickapoo Worm 'Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, expels the worms, regulates the j bowels, restores your children to . I"l s 1 I K r si V. . ' B. t v a iicaim ami Happiness, mrs. J. A. Brisbin, of Elgin, III., sals: 'I have used Kickapoo Worm Killer for years, and entirely rid my children of worms. I would not be without it." Guaranteed. All druggists, or by mail. Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Alvo Hotcs Ed Casey was in Lincoln Mon lay. W. S. Jordan was in Lincoln on business Monday. Mrs. W. E. Casey was visiting in Lincoln Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Timblin were Lin coln visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Evans was transacting business in Lincoln Monday. Mrs. Harry Appleman spent Wednesday with Mrs. Ed Stone. Fred Dreamer of University Place was in town Wednesday. Mis. Ld,i Howe and children returned from Omaha Tuesday on Nof 17. ' Albert Housh of Brock, Neb. is visiting his sister, Mrs. Peterson, this week. Mrs. J. E. Parsell and daughter, Miss Laura, were Lincoln visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Jones at Murdock. Harry Parsell and Jake Shaffer were transacting business in Murdock Monday. Miss Marie Appleman visited with Miss Emily Strong a few days this week. Mrs. Harry Parsell and chil dren, Johnnie and Beatrice, were in Lincoln Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Boyles of Lincoln spent a few days in Alvo this week with relatives. Mrs. John Murtey returned Monday from a 10 days visit with her parents at Clay Center, Neb. Miss Emily Strong entertained her Sunday school class at din ner Sunday, six of the boys being present. Seventy thousand bushels of wheat have been shipped from Alvo since threshing began this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suavely auloed to Lincoln Sunday in their new Melz auto, spending the day wilh friends. Mrs. Floyd Carr and daughter, Huth, of Lincoln, visited Mrs. (Jeorge Curyea from Wednesday till Friday. It. A. Stone ' went to Lincoln Monday on business and also transacted business in Omaha on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Boyles and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Boyles of Lincoln ate dinner Friday wilh C. C. Buckncll and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCurdy and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lisle auloed over from Eagle Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Groves. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpat rick were passengers for Lincoln Wednesday, where they will camp al Epworlh park during the as sembly. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs and children, of Canada, came in Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong and other friends for some time. Miss Mildred llaldwiu of Uni versity Place came down Sunday wilh her cousin, Miss Huliy Stone, and their grandmother, Mrs. M. 1. Stone, who had spent Sal unlay in Lincoln. The Misses Marie Slrocnier, Alelha House, Vera Prouty, Alma Godboy, Marie Prouty and lluby Stone weni. o Lincoln Wednesday morning to camp at I he Epworlh assembly. Miss Ogle of Beaver Crossing will join llieni. Mrs. S. C. Holes and mother, Mrs. Alex Skiles, were in Lincoln Tuesday night and Wednesday wilh Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prouty, who are both real sick. Mrs. Han nah Keefer of Litchfield is wilh llieni at present. Miss Anna Thurason and broth er, Paul, of Lincoln, who have been visiting at the home of (Sen. Foreman, sr., were accompanied home by Miss Grayee Foreman, her brothers, John and Noel, and Miss Ruth Bailey, in the Fore man auto Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Candy and children left on No. 11 Wednesday for Canby, Minnesota, where they will try farming. Mr. Caudy has been our station agent for the past two years and has made many friends, who wish them success in their new home. Al though Mr. and Mrs. Caudy had been quite anxious to get settled on the farm they expressed re gret at leaving their many friends here and wish )o hereby thank them one and all for their many kindnesses to- them during their residence in Alvo. Mr. and Mrs. Caudy spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. drove and ate their farewell dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bucknell and fam ily. Fop Sale.. The Grand theater. Will take part cash, balance on easy terms, or will take note from responsible parly. Inquire of It. M. Shlaes. Don't npply unless you mean business. Local Hews From Wednesday's Daily. James Emerson, Burlington roadmasler, was in the city today looking after some company business. Miss Myrtle Jacks departed this afternoon on No. 23 for Cherokee, Iowa, where she will visit for a short time. Miss Marie- Kaufmann returned this afternoon from St. Joseph, Missouri, where she has been visiting relatives. France Batlance returned yes terday from Loretta, Minnesota, where- he had been enjoying- a ten days' vacation trip. i Miss Elizabeth Falter departed last evening on No. 2 for Creston, Iowa, where she will visit with friends for a few days. R. L. Propst was a passenger this morning for Lincoln, where he will attend to some matters of business for a few. hours. Attorney Paul Topping of Ne braska City was in the city yes terday for a few hours looking after some legal matters. W. M. Collins and wife depart ed this morning for Percivali, Iowa, where they will make an extended visit with relatives. Miss Marie Donnelly returned this morning from Tabor, Iowa, where she had been for a few days attending a camping party. County Commissioner C. R. Jordan was a passenger this morning for Omaha, from where he will leave for his home at Alvo. George Weidmau came in this morning from Loretta, Minn., after a short sojourn there, tak ing in the pleasures of that re sort. Miss Jessie Robertson returned last evening from York, Xeb., where she has been a guest at. a house parly given by Miss Cassie Baugh. Mrs. Nellie Bulger came down from Omaha last evening on No. 2 lo make a short visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Leonard. Mrs. Henry E. Snyder of Fair Held, Iowa, who has been here visiting wilh relatives for a short time, departed this afternoon for her home. Miss Virginia Waugh of Lin coln, who has been here visiting with Misses Edith and Helen Farley for a short time, depart eil this afternoon for her home. Miss Dixie Ferry of Seward, Neb., who has been here for a few days the guest of Miss Carrie Sherwood, departed this morning for her home. Miss Sherwood accompanied her friend as far as Omaha. Mrs. Z. T. Brown, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Nels Peterson, of Topeka, Kansas, who is here visiting, were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will visit with relatives for a short lime. Charles Anil was a passenger this aflernoon on No. 21 for Pa cific Junction, where he will at tend the ball game between the team from that village and the Chicago Giants, a fast colored or ganizalion. Marriage license was issued in the county judge's olllce I his morning to Wesley Charles Beck er of Sarpy county and Miss Marie Mason of Greenwood, I his county. The wedding will lake place al, the home of the bride in Greenwood. Miss Edna Peterson relurned vesterday from a visit of two weeks with relatives, having visited her sister, Mrs. Barger, at, Davenport, Iowa, and her brother, Charles, at, Chicago, and she reports having had a most delightful time. Krom Tuesday Ually. Sheriff (Juinton departed this morning for Eagle, where he will serve some papers for the county. Joseph Reynolds came down this morning from Gretna to make a short visit wilh relatives here. - Paul F. Lulz departed this morning for Davenport, Iowa, where he will make a short visit with relatives and friends. Lynn Cook departed last even ing for Falls City, Neb., where he will run a shooting gallery for a short lime for his father. O. A. Harvey returned this morning from Chamberlain, S. D., where ho had been attending the funeral of his son, John Harvey. Miss Bernice Newell relurned last evening from York, where she had been a guest at a house party given by Miss Cassio Baugh. Dr. d. II, Gilmore and J. A. Walker motored up this morning from Murray to look after some business matters here for a few hours. F. W. Lehnhoff. wife and daughter arrived from their home at Omaha last evening on No. 2 for a short visit here with, rela tives. Miss IWlha White of Omaha veiled iu the eily over Sunday, the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Jacob. VaJlery,. and other relatives. Mrs. M.. A. Dickson departed Saturday for TecumselL. where she will attend, true chautauqua for a few days,, and. abo visit wit h friends iu Omaha. Leonard Meisiugec ami sister, Miss Laura, departed, last evening for Oklahoma, where they will visit with relatives- in ariou.s parts ot that state. Mrs. George Shxoed,er of Columbus, who has. bweu at the- John. Fight home f.wtr the past week, departed thi after noon for heir home-. Mrs. M. E MuUita of Pacific Junction, why. has been hre for a time visiting: with the DaLtou and Parker families, departed for her home this- moiniLug. E. A. Loreua returned, this, morning front Walnxv wihe-re- he and his. wife spe-nl Snaday with relatives-. Mrs. Loreuz re-m-amieti thertr for a mor extended tsil. Frank Hester ami wife return ed lat evening tnm Lincoln, where Mrs. Be-stor had! been visit ing fwr the past two we"ks, and Frank was an over Sunday visitor in that ity. Mrs. Sam Smith and her guests. Mrs. S. Ray Smith and Miss Alice Domingo, of Weeping .Water, were passengers this afternoon for Omaha, where they will spend the day. Judge- H. D. Travis, Earl II. Travis and A. G. Cole of Plain view' were passengers yesterday afternoon for Omaha, where they were called on some matters of business for a few hours. Dr. O. K. Bachmann returned last evening from Palmer, Xeb., where he visited with his wife and the twins over Suudav. He re ports both the children and mother as getting along in fine shape. County Commissioner 0. R. Jor dan of Alvo arrived last evening from his home to meet with the other commissioners and the in surance adjuster today to look over the ruins of the county farm building. Miss Elsie Budiir of McCnok, who has been here isiling her sister, Mrs. Alvin Murray, de parted this morning on No. 1 for a week's visit with relatives at Creston, Iowa, after which she will return here for a 'short stay, David Hialt and wife of Sidney, Iowa, are in the city visiting at the home of I heir daughter, Mrs. Frank Gobelman and family. Mr. Hialt and wife have been spend ing a few days at Murray visiting with Mr. Ivan White and wife. Fred Rezener and wife of Edg mont, S. I)., are in the city visit ing at the home of Mrs. Rezener's parents, G. II. Tarns and wife. This is the first visit here for some time of Mr. Rezener, who Nvas formerly employed by the Burlington in this city before be ing transferred lo the South Da kota city. ANOTHER PLATTSMOUTH BOY GOING UP ON THE UDDER OF SUCCESS The annals of the railroad world lias been filled with the achievements, of former residents of this city who have found Iheir first start on the ladder lo suc cess here, and one of the latest, lo be brought to mind is Jake C. Mrekcnfeld, who was born and reared to young manhood in this rily, where his parents were for years among our most prominent residents, Mr. Brekcjifcld learn ed the machinist trade in the local Burlington shops, where he was employed for some years. He is at present holding the position of superintendent of tools on the Frisco system, and has a ter ritory of some 7,000 miles to travel over, reaching from SI. Louis (o Mexico and from Kansas City to the Atlantic coast. This rapid advancement of this young man will be a matter of much gratification to his many friends here in his old home, who have watched with a great deal of in terest his career in the railroad world and predict for him a still brighter future, as he possesses more than the usual ability in this line of work. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil for such emergencies. Two sizes, 25c and 50c, at all stores. It you need anything for har vest oall on Ed Donat. Ha will treat you right. Local rjew s Robert Fitch, jr., and Ira Bates were in the city yesterday for a few hours looking after some matters of business. P. A, Horn of near Mynard was iu the city for a few hours todav. driving up from his home to at tend, to some trading. Mrs,. Henry Hir, sr., and daughter returned. this afternoon from. Oiiiaha where they had been visiting for the past two days. Mr 3s Kate Remington came down this, afternoon from Omaha to. look after some business mat ters, fou the Woodman Circle. MaxsJial Wiles of Kansas City, Mo. in the city for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Major Hall, and tu father, Captain Isaac Wiles. Ik A. Rsenerans returned this afternoon from Tabo.r, Iowa, where- he has been attending a camping party for a few days. Mis Josephine Murphy arrived tost evening from Omaha, where she had been visiting, and will visit here with her mother and sister. W. II. Venner and wife of My nard were in town today for a few hours looking after some trading ami visiting with their many friends. Carter Albin, wife and little son drove up this morning from their farm, near Union, to spend a few hours looking after some matters of business. J. E. Johnson and son, Edgar, of Omaha, were over-night visit ors here with the parents of Mr. Johnson, Judge J. W. Johnson and wife. Mayor Saltier, Major Hall and Jess Warga made an automobile, trip lo Nebraska City yesterday, making the trip in Hie major's Interstate car. N. P. Schullz ami wife departed Ibis afternoon for a trip to Los Angeles and other points in Cali fornia. They expect lo be absent about a month. W. G. and L. A. Meisinger, from (lie vicinity of Cedar Creek. were in the city today looking af ter some matters of business with the merchant s. Miss Olga Tiekoetler departed this morning on the early Bur lington train for Hartley, Neb., where she will visit for about a Tin Ail h with relatives and friends. Charles Troop was a passeng er this morning on the early Mis souri Parillc train for South Omaha, where ho was called to look after some business matters on the stock market. Mrs. Philip Albert and Mrs. Henry Albert drove iu this morn ing from their homes west of this city to look after some matters of business for a few hours. Mike Mauzy departed this after noon for Edison, Neb., where ho will look after his land interests for a few days. Mrs. Mauzy ac companied him as far as Ashland lo visit with friend over Sunday. Mrs. William Brisseyd an daughter, and Mrs. T. W. Jen ninfi were passengers this aft ernoon for Anderson, Iowa, where Ihey will make a short visit. They will make a short visit al Glen wood on their return. C. E, Babbitt, wife and children were passengers this morning on the early Burlington train for Omaha, fmn where they will go to Burt county to visit for a short time wilh relatives. William .1. Streigh! and wife nml daughter, Muriel, and Miss Verna Cole returned this morn ing from Minneapolis, where they had been visiting for the past ten days enjoying a vacation trip. Frank Gobelman departed this morning on No, 15 for Omaha, from where he will leave for For syth, Montana, to pay a short visit, to his sisters there. This will be the first visit of Mr. Gob elman to the home of his sisters in some time and wil be most enjoyable to him. Mrs. August Munim and chil dren, of Missoula, Montana, who have been here for a few weeks visiting wilh relatives in this city, departed Ibis afternoon for their home, going to Omaha on No. 23, and from there leaving for Mon tana. Mrs. P. F. Goos nnd Mrs. Peter Miunm accompanied Mrs. Munim as far as Omaha. James Hall, son of Dr. Hall, and nephew of Major llall, who has been visiting with friends and relatives in the city for the past few days, departed Tuesday for Kansas City, where he is employ ed with the M. P. R. R. company. He is in the train service of the company, with headquarters at KanSas City. Mor.ey to loan on city real estate on good terms and at moderate rates. Buy or build a homo on tho easy payment plan. See T. M. Patterson, Secretary Plattsmouth Loan and Buildiag; Association.