The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 31, 1913, Image 1

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    Sob laU
NO. 60.
Reconsider the Parmele-Wescott
Bond Case and Matter Will Be
Appealed to Higher Court.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Eight of the city dads as
sembled last evening at the coun
cil chamber to assist ia the
deliberations of that body,
Streight and Richey being absent.
After the reading and the ac
ceptance of the minutes of the
last session the council began to
get ready for business. A com
munication from Sam Shoemaker
in regard to the grading of
Eleventh street, near his home,
was read and the matter ordered
looked after as soon as possible.
City Attorney Tidd had a long
statement of his position on the
Wescott bond case, giving his
reasons for. opposing the drop
ping of the case and favoring it
being carried lo the state supreme
court. The opening of this mat
ter, which the council had once
voted to appeal and then backed
up on it, occasioned considerable
argument among the different
members, as Mr. Tidd had secur
ed a signed statement from sev
eral attorneys denying they had
ever said that the city could not
win the case. This statement
changed the views of a great
many of the members, and after
the point of order of Patterson
had been overruled by the mayor
the motion of Councilman Bajeck
to reconsider the former action of
the council was carried by a vote
of 7 to 1. On motion of Council
man Johnson to allow the city at
torney to go ahead and appeal the
case the vote stood: Yeas, 7;
nays, i; and the case will be ap
pealed. Anton Hrasky presented a peti
tion to the council asking that the
city survey and grade at his prop
erty in order that he may place
a permanent walk there at once,
and the street commissioner was
instructed to see dial, the work
was done.
The fire and water committee
reported that they had had the
furnace at the public library
stripped in order to have it re
paired, and it had been found in
very bad shape, being cracked in
several places, and the committee
recommended the purchase of a
new furnace, which could be se
cured for in the neighborhood of
$100, and as the men examining
the old furnace had found it in
such bad shape, it seemed advisa
ble lo the committee to have the
council take some action in the
matter. The report of the com
mittee in regard to the furnace
led Councilman Ilallstrom to in
quire as to whether or not the
city council had the management
of the affairs of tho library in
their charge and he thought that
the board should look into tho
inatter. Councilman Lushinsky
explained that the ordinance to
grant these powers to the library
board was only on its second
reading, but ho stated that the
committee wanted the different
members of the council to visit
the' library before taking action
on tho matter. On motion of
Councilman Buttery the matter
was laid over until the next ses
sion of the council, and in the
meantime the councilmen will
look into the matter of the new
The fire and water committee
also reported that the new street
sprinkler purchased by the city
had been delayed in arriving by
the fact that it was necessary to
manufacture one of the wagons
for tho city, as those on hand did
not come up to the order given
the Sludebaker people by the
committee, but that the new
sprinkler would be here before
The police officers of the city
made a request to the council
that some place be secured where
they could be reached by tele
phone when wanted, as at present
there is no regular place to call
for them, as the office of the
police judge is off Main street,
and some means should be taken
to have .a place on Main street
secured for the purpose of head
quarters where a telephone call
could reach the police. This
matter met with the hearty ap
proval of the council and the
police committee was instructed
to look the matter up and see
what could be done.
The finance committee of the
council reported favorably upon
the following claims against the
city and warrants were ordered
drawn for their payment: John
Waterman & Co., lumber, $48.45;
Warga & Cecil, piping at city
hall, $1.65; same, three drinking
fountains and installing same
and repairs at city hall, $110.40;
I. N. Cummings, burying two
dogs, $1; Al O'Neill, street work,
$39; G. V. Ilaynie, same, $38;
Chris Gobelman, same, $48; Aug
ust Sitzman, same, $8; Alvin
Jones, same, $23; Frank Kalasek,
same, $21.00; John Swanson,
same, $23.60; Mike Lutz, street
commissioner, $36; W. B. Rishel,
street sprinkling, $12.70.
The claims committee, which
had a number of claims referred
to them at the last session report
ed favorably upon the following:
M. E. Manspeaker, livery, $1 ; Fred
Patterson, surveying, $2 4.20; Ne
braska Lighting Co., light al
library, $2.50; same, street light
ing, $129.50; same, light at, city
hall, $8.25.
The ordinance for the levy for
the coming year was read, and on
motion, the rules were suspended
and the ordinance passed.
Prom Tuesday's Dally.
A big time was enjoyed at
lliverview park, near King Hill,
south of this city, Sunday, when
the Bucks of the--.Timber held
their annual picnic and also in
itiated several new members in
to the mysteries of their order.
There were about fifty present on
the occasion and everyone who
attended reported that they had
had one of the times of their
lives. A large table was spread
beneath the large trees that
cover that part of the country,
and the viands placed on the
tables were prepared by the
housewives of that locality and
made a feast lit for a king, and
it was necessary to prepare the
table twice to accommodate the
hungry crowd of the Bucks and
their families. Swings had been
placed throughout the picnic
grounds and furnished much
amusement for the young folks.
During the afternoon musical se
lections were given on a porta
ble organ and the concertena,
both of which were very pleasing
to the jolly crowd, and it was with
great regret that they saw the day
draw to a close. Among those
present at the gathering were:
Mrs. Ada Ferris" and family, Ed
Slocumb and family, Mrs. Edna
Beckner and children of South
Omaha, Charles Reeves and fam
ily, Frank Grauf and family, I,. E.
Ranard and family, Mr. Filchnorn
and family.
The pupit and seats in the
German Presbyterian church in
this city have been removed by
the church authorities, as tho
building1 has been purchased by
Judge J. E. Douglass, who i9
having it remodeled, and the
pulpit and seals will be shipped
to Twin Brooks, S. 1)., where they
will bo used in a mission church
owned by the German Presby
terian church. The work of re
modeling the church was com
menced yesterday by the firm of
Peters & Richards, and they have
gotten the tower on the building
down and aie ready to start in on
the main structure. The bell,
which was in the church tower,
was taken down and will be ship
ped east to the headquarters of
the church, where it will be as
signed to some of the churches
of that faith.
"iiiirM iirvT Piriinmv
With Mr. George McLafferty as
Scout Master, and Every Boy
12 to 18 Welcome.
From Tuesday's Daily.
A scout master, Mr. George Mc
Lafferty, has been employed by a
committee of citizens to direct the
Boy Scout moveme:i!. Last Sat
urday a bunch of boys went with
him about three miles south of
town. He trains them in various
exercises that every boy needs to
know and do. The first degree in
scoutcraft consists in a pledge to
learning the composition and
be loyal helpful, friendly, etc., in
history of the United States flag
and the forms of respect due it.
First aid to the injured, those
drowning, burned, etc. He must
be able to go a mile in twelve
minutes, alternately walking and
running fifty steps; observe the
contents of a store window one
minute, then leave it and describe
il in writing, cook one-fourth of
a pound of meat and two potatoes
in the open and eat I hem, earn
and deposit one dollar in any pub
lic bank, learn the sixteen points
of the compass. The second and
third degrees consist of similar
attainments. Every boy in town
ought lo learn these things.
The boys had lots of fun last
Saturday in the above work, and
in the latest games taught them
by Mr. McLafferty. They return
ed about 4 o'clock. Mr. McLaf
ferty is highly recommended for
this work by the officials of the
Y. M. C. A. of Omaha. He has
won various medals and prizes
and stands at the front in Boy
Scout work in the tn1e. It costs
your boy nothing to go with him
next Saturday. He will meet the
boys at the court house at 9
o'clock. lie wants sixty boys.
For further information inquire
of Will Egenberger, Dr. Marshall,
M. S. Briggs, E. II. Wescott, the
Dis. Livingston or Rev. M. W.
Lo rimer.
From Tuesday's DnHy.
One of the newest improve
ments we note is the erecting of
a large wall of concrete blocks
that is being placed by William
Rarelay, one of our most enter
prising citizens, along the west
side of his residence property on
South Fifth street, and which is
adding greatly to the appearance
of that section of the city. It is
the intention of Mr. Barclay lo
place permanent walks along the
properly and the owners of the
other properties norlh will take
up the matter and give a perman
ent sidewalk along the east side
of Fifth street from Main lo the
lop of the hill. This will be very
convenient lo the residents of
that part of the city, as well as a
substantial improvement, to tin
appearance of the city and shows
the proper spirit of enterprise on
the part of the roerty owners.
Havelock Items.
From Tuesday's .Dally,
The following items taken from
the Havelock Times of last week
will be of great interest to Pint ts-
mouth readers:
Mr. and Mrs. Guy McMaken,
Miss Mary Peterson and Louie
Rothrnan, all of Plaltsmoulh,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook
Sunday. Mrs. McMaken and Miss
Peterson are sisters of Mrs. Cook.
Mrs. Louisa Stamm and son,
Edward, left Tuesday afternoon
for Moline, Illinois, in response to
a letter staling thai her son,
George, was quite sick, and that
he was going to Hot Sprinks, Ark.,
to receive medical aid, and wish
ed her lo come before he started.
"Suffered day and night the
torment of itching piles. Nothing
helped me until I used Doan's
Ointment. Tho result was last
ing." Hon. John R. Garrett,
Mayor, Girord, Ala.
Young Man Went to Idaho, Kill
ed by Indians and Brought to
His Old Home for Burial.
From Wednesday's Dally.
, The following chapter from the
early history of the west is taken
from the World-Herald of Sun
day and relates to the tragic
death of Alec Rhodeu in Idaho,
who is buried in the old Eight
Mile Grove cemetery in this
county. The aged mother of tho
deceased lives in this city with
her son, George Rhodon:
In tho old cemetery at Eight
Mile Grove, a pioneer inland town
of Cass county, deserted many
years ago, stands a moss-covered
shaft of marble bearing the
peculiar inscription:
"John B. A., son of W. A. Z.
and .V. B. Rhoden. Born in
Schuyler county, Missouri, Jan
uary 2, 1 863. Shot by a Bannock
Indian at Rossfork, Idaho, No
vember 23, i 877."
Many of the old settlers still
live who remember when in '70
young Rhodeu reaching man's
estate left his home in Cass coun
ty to seek his fortune "out west."
Alec, as he was familiarly known,
possessed an uncontrollable love
of adventure and brave lo a point
of recklessness he was thus led
to the wildest part of our unset
tled west.
In Idaho he found employment
on the Bannock or Broken Moc
casin reservation. His ini
ni ,'iale superior at the agency
vus a Frenchman by the name of
Toaupnunch. It was only a year
after leaving home that his body
was returned with the sad mes
sage: "Shot, from ambush by a
Bannock Indian. Arrow pierced
body and he digd instantly."
The killing of Alec Rhoden at
Rnssford, Idaho, a point near
Fort Hall, marked the beginning
of the Bannock Indian war.
A sketch in "The Handbook of
American Indians" gives this ac
count of the Bannock Indian out
break, in which young Rhoden
was killed November 23, 1877:
"During the exciting times of the
Nez Perce war the Bannocks were
forced to remain on their in
hospitable reservation to face
continued encroachment of the
whiles, and subsist on goods pro
vided from an appropriation
amounting to 2Vj cents per capita
per diem. During the summer a
drunken Indian of tho tribe shot
and wounded two teamsters. The
excitement and bitter feeling
caused by his arrest November 23,
1 877, resulted in the killing of
an agency employe. Troops were
called for and the murderer pur
sued, captured, tried and execul
ed. This episode so increased
the excitement of the Indians thai
fearing what was assumed to be
threatening demonstration , the
troops surounded and captured
two Bannock camps in January,
1878. ' A vigorous cam
paign under General Howard re
suited in the capture of 1,000 of
thpin in August, and tho outbreak
came lo an end after a fight Sen
tcmber 5, at Clark's ford, where
twenty Bannock lodges were at
tacked and all the women and
children killed."
It was late in the winter of
1877 when the body of Alec Rho
den was returned to his people in
Nebraska by the Masons of the
territory of Idaho and placed at
rest in the country church yard
at Eight Mile Grove. His family
were pior.eors in Cass county,
coming to the territory from Mis
souri in 1805. The late Dr. R. L.
Rhoden of Fremont was a brother
of Alec Rhoden. His mother, a
vigorous woman at a greatly ad
vanced age, lives with one of her
sons at Plallsmouth and still re
flects with sorrow upon the loss
of her son thirty-five years ago.
Murdock's Store
For new lino Post Cards, good
Toilet Soaps, Talcum Powder,
Peroxidt anp many things you
On Pleasure Bent.
Walter Shreimer and wife and
sons, Dee and Charles, and their
wives, arrived in this city yester
day from Chicago, coming in two
automobiles on a pleasure trip
west. They left Chicago a few
days after the Fourth and have
had a most enjoyable time on the
trip. While in the city Walter
Shreimer and wife visited for a
few hours with their old friend,
Dr. E. W. Cook and M. S. Briggs,
they all having formerly resided
at Salem, Iowa.
Homeward Bound.
Mrs. Bella R. Waterman and
daughter, Miss Ethel, who have
been visiting at the home of
Basil S. Ramsey and Mrs. Ram
sey, left on the M. P. evening
train Friday for Omaha, where
they visited for a short time.
From there they go to Ord, Neb.,
for a visit with Mrs. Waterman's
daughter, Mrs. Ruth Bolin, after
which they go to their homo at
Hay Springs, Sheridan county,
Nebraska, where Mrs. Waterman
will look after her large land in
That the bluffs along the Mis
souri river in this county is rich
in historical data and relics of
the past when the Indians roamed
through this section of the west
has been demonstrated by a visit
of the Harvard university party
to the vicinity of Rock Bluffs.
There has been many important
discoveries made throughout this
part of the county that aids in
the knowledge of the early days
here, and the great hills south of
this city still hold many interest
ing relics of the past. The fol
lowing from the World-Herald
gives a few facls of I he recent
trip of the Harvard party:
The Harvard university archeo
logical party, under the direction
of Prof. Fred II. Sterns, which
has been doing research work at
Fort Calhoun, arrived on the river
east, (tf Murray Wednesday and
so far has made some very in
ters) ing discoveries. In the
dooryard of William Shera, in I he
old village of Rock Bluffs, three
entire human skeltons imbeded in
hard clay were removed. Nothing
but small chip of (lint, were
found with the bones. A mound
sixty feet in diameter on Rock
Point, just north of the village,
was dug into. ,In one lest, ex
cavation three feel square a
crudely made arrow point, great
quantities of flint flakes 'ind
calined human and buffalo bones
were found at depth of four feet
in the bottom of the mound.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Burlington has been very
busy for the past two weeks in
the construction of a large con
struction of a large concrete
bridge over the creek at the
norlh end of the shop yards,
which will replace tho present
structure of wood, which has been
in use for a number of years.
This bridge is used a great deal
and the wear and tear on the
structure has been quite severe.
The work was ready to begun
some months ago, but it was
necessary lo secure the consent
of the county commissioners be
fore proceeding with the work,
and after it was secured the rail
road company at once started in
on the work, which will be a very
substantial improvement. It
would be a mighty good idea if
the county would follow Ihe ex
ample of tho railway company
and replace the bridge at the foot
of Wintersteen Hill with a con
crete structure similar to that
used on the leads into the simp
Accidents will happen, but the
best regulated families keep Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil for such
emergencies. Two sizes, 25c and
50c, ot all stores.
Claims to Have Been Attacked by
Two Men and Hit on Head
With Beer Bottle.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening about 0:30 Glen
Rhoden, a young farmer residing
in the vicinity of Mynard, was
brought to this city, suffering
from what he claimed was an as
sault made upon him by two men
who were riding with him. Mr.
Rhoden was engaged yesterday
in delivering wheat to the elevat
or at Mynard, and about 5 o'clock
started home and was accosted on
the road by two men, who asked
him to allow them to ride with
him. As they were on the road
between the George Snyder and
Joe Adams places, west of My
nard, young Rhoden claims one of
the men produced ta bottle of
beer and asked Glen to have a
drink, and as he was placing the
bottle to his lips, lie was struck
by one of the men and was un
conscious until they reached the
home of William Wel.enkamp,
when he came to and (he- fellows
were still in tho wagon und one
of them was stooping over him.
The men got out here and young
Rhoden proceeded on home and
was later brought to tin's city by
his brother, Gailen Rhoden, and
taken to the olllce of a physician,
where the injury lo his face and
head was dressed and he was
taken to Ihe home of his father,
George Rhoden, where he remain
ed over night.
Parties residing near the scene
of Ihe assault clnim to have seen
Ihe three men out, in Ihe road
near the Snyder farm, but saw
no attempted, assanll, either on
Ihe part of Ihe two men or Rho
den. The sheriff visited the vi
cinity of the affair last evening,
but could secure no definite evi
dence on the mailer, and will
await the filing of a complaint by
Mr. Rhoden before placing any
one under arrest for the assault.
Glen was reported as feeling
very badly bruised up and sore
this morning, although it is not
thought he has sustained any
serious injuries as the result of
(lie affair.
Las) evening T. M. Scarbrough
and bride relurned from an ex
tended honeymoon trip to the
Pacific coast, visiting al San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Bakers
field and Long Beach, and they
report a most enjoyable time
during the lime they spent on Ihe
coast. They will start to house
keeping at once in the cozy liltlo
home they have prepared on
North Third street, and will be
al home lo their friends. Tho
many friends of Ibis worthy
young couple were delighted to
see them return safely from
their trip and wish I hem a most
happy and prosperous wedded
Good Crowd at Show.
At Ihe Gem theater Monday
evening there were some 275 chil
dren of less than 14 years of age
admitted free, as the guests of
Attorney Matthew Goring, and it
proves that the public carefully
read the announcement that ap
peared in the Journal. Tho man
agement, of the (heater did not
look for more than seVonty-flv
or eighty and was greatly sur
prised at the large crowd of
youngsters thai swarmed down
to attend the show.
Farms for Rent.
One 200-acre farm and one
240-acre farm for rent. Apply at
the Journal office.
Sell your property by an ad In
the Journal.