The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 28, 1913, Image 3

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    DURING our Wash Goods Sale .we have
accumulated a lot of remnants that
will now go at greatly reduced' prices.
We offer a lot of Princess Slips. These are neatly trimmed, well
made, all new arrivals, at a reduced price.
Children's Parasols in our window note the price.
One lot of Ribbons in floral patterns, 3 to 4 inches wide, equal to a
25c ribbon, your choice, at per yard, 15a
Fancy Silk Ribbon, up to 6-inch, all silk, new stock, goes at per
rard 25c.
New Arrivals one lot of Bungallow Apronsthese we sell at 50c each.
Ladies' White Waists are still ou the bargain counter.
Local News
From Fridav'i Dally.
Miss Hazel Tuey departed this
afternoon for Chicago, where she
will study vocal music for some
T. C. Amick of Louisville came
down this morning and spent the
day here looking after some mat
ters of business.
Nicholas Ilalmes, the Weeping
Water miller, was in the city to
day for a few' hours looking after
some business matters.
Miss Grace McBride of Omaha
came down this afternoon to
visit for a few days at the home
of Prof, and Mrs. II. S. Austin.
Miss Eleanor Todd returned
yesterday afternoon from Oma
ha, where she had been visiting
with friends for a short time.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore and son,
Walker, were in the city last
evening for a few hours, looking
after some matters of business.
Mrs. T. L. Murphy returned to
her home at Omaha this morning,
after a short visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Scotten.
Sheriff Quinton departed this
morning for Lincoln, taking with
him Mrs. Heal rice Hartwell, who
will be placed in I he asylum
Anton II. Koubeck came down
last evening from Omaha and
will visit hero for a few days with
his mother and other relatives in
this city.
T. M. Carter departed last
veiling on No. 2 for Pacific
Junction and Gleuwood to attend
to some business matters for a
few days.
County Commissioner Heebner
of Nehawka came up last evening,
called here on account of the de
struction of the county poor
farm building.
Adam Kaffenborgor of Cedar
I . 1. .-., 1 i. . :t. i i r
urutfft wu in nit" uuj louuj lor u
short time attending to some
matters of business with the
Tom II. Mack of Chicago, who
is here visiting wilh the family of
bis uncle, William Shea, was a
passenger this afternoon for
Omaha to visit for, I he day.
Mrs. P. II. Fields and little
(laughter departed this morning
for O'Neill, Neb., where they are
residing, after a short visit here
with relatives and friends.
Mrs. J. F. Morgan and Mrs. A.
Yost, of Tacoma,. Washington, ar
rived in the city yesterday and
will make a few days' visit wilh
their father, Mr. C. II. Fuller, in
this city.
Thomas Roopo of Lincoln,
superintendent of motive power
of the Burlington, was in the city
. yesterday for a few hours look
We Invite Every Farmer
To Look at Our New Gang Plow
which we are putting out on a positive guarantee.
Threshers' Hard Oil and all kinds of Oil for Threshers.
Suction Hose and Steam Hose.
Rubber Belting, Leather Belting, Belt Lacing
Belt Hooks, etc., etc.
Farm Trucks, Buggies, Mowers and Hay Rakes.
Barbed Wire add Field Fencing
Nails! Nails!! Nails!!!
G. P
Phone 202
ing after business matters at the
shops here.
Jack Patterson of Union came
up this morning, and in com
pany with bis father, T. M. Pat
terson, was a passenger this
morning for Omaha, where he
will visit for the day.
George Weidman departed last
evening on No. 2 for Galesburg,
Illinois, and from that place he
will go to Loretta, Minnesota,
where he will join France Bal
lance in a few days' outing.
Paul Wurl, jr., of Byron, Neb.,
who has been here for a few days
visiting bis grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. Wurl, and other rela
tives, departed this afternoon for
Omaha to visit for a short time.
F. R. Mullin, division superin
tendent of the Burlington, ac
companied by James Kmerson,
road master of the Omaha di
vision, was in the city yesterday
looking after some company busi
ness. George Murray came down
from Omaha this morning, where
he lias been taking treatment for
rheumatism, and will visit, for a
few hours with his mother, re
turning to the metropolis this
Robert Langlolz and wife- of
New York, who have been here
for a short time visiting with the
sister of Mrs. Langlotz, Mrs. K.
A. Wurl, departed this afternoon
for Omaha, where they will make
a shprl, visit.
Barney Shepherd, who resided
in Plattsmouth a few years ago,
but now from llemingford, Neb.,
arrived in the city this morning
for a few days' visit with friends
and relatives. He will be a guest
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bent
Livingston, south of the city.
From Saturday's Dally.
Mrs. H. I). Glasgow of Union
came up last evening to attend to
some busines matters for a few
George Sheldon, the Lincoln
capitalist, was in the city today
looking after some matters of
Miss Lucille Gass came in last
evening from Peru, where she
has been attending the stale nor
mal school.
Mark While and wife of near
Rock Bluffs were in the city today
attending to some trading with
the merchants.
Miss Margaret Kennedy was a
passenger this morning for
Havelock, where she will visit
wilh relatives.
Mrs. W. L. Pickett of Evans
ville, rndiana, is in Hie city for
a short time, the guest nf Mrs.
A. K. (iass and other friends.
Lig Brown, our worthy friend
from near Kiosha, came up this
morning to look aft"r some busi-l
ness matters for a short time.
Mrs. Mary Stafford of South
Haven. Michigan, arrived this
morning, called here by the
serious illness of William Wynn,
Miss Bessie DelesDornier of
Klmwood was in the city yester
day attending the county teach
ers' meeting visiting with
Gus Hoffman, wife and daugh
ter, Miss Hattie, were passengers
this morning for Revenna, Neb.,
where they will visit for a time
with friends.
, Misses tGertrudti and Fay, Hitt
were passengers this morning on
the early Burlington train for
Edison, Neb., where they will visit
during the summer months.
Herbert Pitz of Manitowoc,
Wisconsin, who has been making
a short visit here with his cousin,
County Commissioner Julius Pitz,
and other relatives, departed last
evening for his home. t
Mrs. Albert Preske and son of
Havelock, who have been here for
a few days visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Budig,
departed this morning for their
Editor C. I,. Graves of Union
was in the city today for a few
hours looking after some matters
of business at (he court house.
He came up last evening ou the
Missouri Pacific.
Misses Mildred Johnson and
Edna Slump returned last evening
from Peru, where they were at
tending school, and were pas
sengers this morning for Omaha
to spend the day.
Mrs. James Iligley and daugh
ters, Mrs. Lizzie Bare and Mrs.
Rhoila Cotner, of Stella, were
passengers this morning on No.
t,r fur Omaha and Council Bluffs,
where Mrs. Cotner will consult, a
W. J. Carslens ami wife depart
ed this morning for Arvada, Colo.,
where they will make their home
in I he future. It is a matter of
general 'regret (hat these worthy
people have found it necessary to
remove from our city.
Charles Mapes, who has been
attending the slate normal at
Peru the past few months, came
up this afternoon and was a pas
senger for Omaha. Mr. Mapes
will act as principal of schools at
Talmage, Neb., next year.
Monte Slreighl, who is em
ployed as an express messenger,
running between Chicago and
Omaha, look advantage of a lay
over this morning to run down
and visit his friends in this city.
Misses Frances Campbell and
Luella Sawyer of South Bend
were in the city yesterday for a
few hours waiting for the train
to take them home, having just
returned from Peru, where they
were attending school.
Mrs. R. D. Thompson of North
Plalte, who has been here visit
ing with her sister, Mrs. A. B.
Swarthoul, for a short time, re
turned home this morning on the
early Burlington train. Mrs.
Swarthout accompanied her sister
home for a short visit. The parly
was chaperoned as far as Omaha
by the brother of the ladies, A. D.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Local News
George a. Kaffenberger was in
the city this afternoon for' a few
hours' looking after some busi
ness matters.
J. V. Edwards and wife of
(ilenwood came over Saturday af
ternoon for a short visit with
relatives and friends.
George p.- Meisinger of Cedar
Creek was a passenger this morn
ing on No. 4, coming in to look
after some trading.
L. A. Meisinger, wife and fam
ily were in the city yesterday for,
a few hours visiting their friends
and attending to" some trading; v
1. C. Curtis' of-Chicago,' gen
eral storehouse inspector of the
Burlington, was in the city today
calling on Storekeeper E. C. Hill.
Mrs. Jennie Ehlers returned to
her home in Omaha this morn
ing, after a short visit here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Clara Matternek of Oma
ha, who was visiting at the John
Ruehland home over Sunday, de
parted this morning for her home,
going up on No. 15.
Mrs. W. V. McBride and son,
George, who were guests of Prof,
and Mrs. II. S. Austin for a few
days, returned to their home this
morning on No. 15.
W. F. Gillespie, the genial and
whole-souled grain dealer of My
nard, was in the city Saturday for
a few hours visiting with his
numerous friends.
J. P. Falter and Philip Thierolf
departed yesterday afternoon for
Huron, S. D., where they will visit
and look after some business
matters for a short time.
Mrs. George Brinklow and
daughter arrived Saturday even
ing from Texas, called here by
the serious illness of Mrs. Brink
low's father, William Wynn, sr.
Simon Clark and wife were
over Sunday visitors in Cedar
Creek Sunday, going there to
spend the day with their daughter,
Mrs. Robert Stivers and family.
John Niims and. wife of Omaha
who were over Sunday guests of
C. L. Rudstroui and family, de
parted this morning on I ho early
Burlington train for their home.
W. II. Puis, from west of Mur
ray, was a county seat visitor last
Saturday afternoon, driving up
from his farm home in the auto.
He was a pleasant caller at this
nfllce. j
' Thomas B. Salmon of Gales
burg, Illinois, came in Saturday
and visited over Sunday with his
wife and child here at the home
of Mrs. Salmon's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. K. Fox.
Frank Barcus returned last
evening from Kansas City, where
he had been for a few days look
ing after some business matters,
as well as enjoying a short vaca
t ion.
R. E. Andrews was a passeng
er this morning on No. 15 for
Omaha, after an over Sunday
visit here with his family, who
are visiting nt the home of Mrs.
Andrews' mother, Mrs. S. E. Kerr.
Clarence Peck and wife of Cole
ridge, Neb., who have been visit
ing here at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Rhoden, departed
this morning for their home. Mrs.
Rhoden accompanied them as far
as Omaha.
Ed Weaver, wife and son re
turned Saturday evening from
Denver and Greeley, Colorado,
where I hey had been visiting rela
tives ami friends. They report ft
most, enjoyable time during their
Miss Gertrude Morgan depart
ed yesterday afternoon for ('.(do
rado, where she will visit the
famous San Luis valley for a
time. She was accompanied as
far as Omaha by her parents, I).
C. Morgan and wife.
0. II. Tower, who has been em
ployed at Berlin for the past few
weeks, came up to spend Sunday
with his family in Ihis city. He
has been assisting in the erection
of new homes and business
houses in the little town that was
destroyed by the cyclone this
Marion Dick son, who has been
visiting for a few weeks on a
large sheep ranch in Wyoming,
returned yesterday feeling great
ly pleased will) the country, as
well as the sheep industry. He
put in quite a time herding the
sheep around and feels that he is
a finished sheepherder.
Mark White and wife returned
this morning from Sidney, Iowa,
where they were visiting wilh
relatives for a few days. They
were accompanied home by Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Hialt of Sidney,
who will visit at Murray with
Mrs. Hialt's father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan "White. Mr.
White is a very sick man.
Cash counts, Pure White Lead
In oil, $7.76 per 100 pounds. Cor
ing A Co. Phone 36.
PYniPmny jit v o um
xAiiiuiiiuii m n. u. imLL
1 '
The arrangements are being
made for the holding of a big
athletic exhibition at the Katho
litky Sokol hall in this city on
Sunday, August 10, which will be
participated in by turners rep
resenting the local society, as
well as representatives .from
South Omaha. The exhibition
will be given in the afternoon and
will be one of the best that lias
been given in this city for some
time, as there are a largn num
ber of excellent turners in the so
ciety here and the visitors will
bring their best men with them
to take part in the exhibition. Af
ter the exhibition, in the evening,
a social dance in honor of the
visitors will be given at the hall,
which will close a day of much
pleasure for all those attending.
There will be a large delegation
present from South Omaha to at
tend the exhibition and the local
committee in charge of the event
are making big preparations to
entertain the visitors.
Causes of Stomach Troubles.
Sedentary habits, lack of out
door exercise, insufficient masti
cation, constipation, a torpid
liver, worry and anxiety, overeat
ing, partaking of food and drink
not suited to your age and oc
cupation. Correct your habits
and tako Chamberlain's Tablets
and you will soon bo well again.
For sale by all dealers.
Harry Speck, a lad of some 12
years, met with quite a painful
accident Saturday afternoon while
out on a "hike" with the Boy
Scouts, and as a result is nursing
a dislocated shoulder. The party
were on the Egenberger farm,
south of this city, and the boys
were engaged in swinging on a
large grapevine that was growing
over a large tree standing on the
edge of a bank some twenty feet
high. The vine had b"eu tested
by a number of I he party and was
supposed to be in good shape and
solid, but as Harry swung out
over the bank the vine gave way,
wilh the result that ho fell some
twenty feet to the- ground, dis
locating his left shoulder and
breaking one of the bones in it.
The rest of the boys improvised a
litter to carry him, but it was not
large enough to hold him and he
was carried back to town by Mr.
McLafferty, who had charge of
the parly, and the injured mem
ber was dressed by a surgeon and
Harry was made as comfortable
as possible under the circum
stances. George Dodge, wife and daugh
ter, Miss Violet, returned from
Loretta, Minnesota, yesterday,
where they have been visiting for
a few weeks enjoying an outing at
that pleasant resort.
Alvln Murray, who for the past
few years has I n employed at
the Kunsmann & Ranige meat
market, lias resigned his position
with that firm and accepted a
position in the planing mill of
the Burlington shops. Ho com.
tlienced the duties of the new lino
of work this morning.
For Sale at a Bargain.
Only restaurant In town. No
opposition. Clearing nt least $100
per month. Carrying a full lino of
cigars ami tobaccos, confection
ery, soft drinks of all kinds, ice
cream. Will stand closest in
vestigation. Reason for selilng
poor health of landlady. Will dis
pose of same by inventory or set
D. C. Farnham, Proprietor,.
Union, Neb.
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, for the next
100 years, unless I die in ' the
meantime. I have now an extra
fine stallion, the best in the state,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
Wm. Gilmour,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. F. D. No. 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graves of
Syracuse, Neb., were in the city
last Saturday evening, en route to
Union, where they were going to
spend Sunday with their parents.
Harry is now employed on I he
Journal at Syracuse' as Junior
Iynotype operator.' They spent a
few hours in the city and were
callers at this office.
Wall Paper. Goring A Co.
Phone 36.
Receives Severe Injury.
This morning while Everett
Wiles was engaged in his work at
the shops ho received a very pain,.
fuMnjury a the result of the
wrench with which his partner
was working slipping otT of a nut
which he was tightening up and
the wrench struck Everett in the
face, inflicting a severe gash that
required a number of stitches to
close up, and he will be forced to
take a lay-off from his duties for
a few days. ....
Mr. M. Tritaoh, Refracting
Optician, will be at the Gering A
Co. Drug Store every Wednesday
and Saturday evening for the pur
pose of examining eyes. A full
stock of eye glasses and spec
tacles In stock. Examination free.
For Sale.
1913 model motorcycles and
motor boats at bargain Drices: all
makes; brand new machines; easy
monthly "payment plan. Get our
proposition before buying or you
will regret it. Also bargains in
used motorcycles. Write us to
day. Enclose stamp for reply.
Address Lock Box 11, Trenton,
Micsh. 7-21-10wks-wkly.
Yesterday afternoon Miss Dovie
Barkliurst of Union was taken to
St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha
suffering from" an acute attack of
perilonil iis ami will undergo an
operation in the hopes of giving
her relief from the intense suffer
ing she has been compelled to
undergo. Miss Barkliurst has
been suffering for a few days
wilh the malady and was brought
to Ihis city Saturday to determine
just what the trouble was, and
the doctors at once ordered her
sent lo the hospital to undergo
an operation, as her case was a
most severe one. Miss Barkliurst
is one of the most popular young
ladies in the vicinity of Union and
her critical illness will be a
source of great sorrow to her
many friends, who will anxiously
await good news from her bed
side. And Many of Them Are the Voices
of Plattsmouth People.
Thirty thousand voices What
a grand chorus I And that's the
number of American men and
women who are publicly praising
Doan's Kidney Pills for relief
from backache, kidney and blad
der ills. They say it to friends.
They tell it in the home papers.
Plattsmouth people are in this
chorus. Here's a Plattsmouth
Mrs. Adam Kurtz, one mile west
of Plattsmouth, Nob., says: "I
have found Doan's Kidney l'ills
good for any trouble with the
kidneys and back, I was suffer,-,
ing at the lime T got them and r
could not stoop or stand erect.
There was a dull, . nagging pain
through my back that robbed mo
of energy. My sight became af
fected and dark spots appeared
before me. I got Doan's Kidney
Pills form Gering & Co.'s Drug'
Store and in a short time they
relieved all my troubles, Sinco
then I have recomfnended this
remedy to a number of friends."
For sale by all dealers. Price
r0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents
for the United Slates.
Remember the name Doan's.
and take no other.
Farms for Rent.
One 200-acre farm and one
2i0-acro farm for rent. Apply at
the Journal office.
Murdock's Store
For new line Post Cards, good
Toilet Soaps, Talcum Powder,
Poroxid? and many things you
Farm for Sale.
Anyone wanting to buy, a farm
would do well to see W, R. Bryan,
county assessor.
A Good Investment.
W. D. Magli, a well known
merchant of Whitcmound, Wis.,
bought a stock of Chamberlain's
medicine so as to be able to sup
ply them to his customers. After
.receiving1 them ho was himself
taken sick and says that one small
bottle of Chamberlain Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy was
worth more to him than the cost
of his entire slock or these taedf
cines. For sale by all Dealers.