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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1913)
mouth VOL. XXXII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JULY 28, 1913. NO. 59. 5 llSXlLS E I SE Cuilding Was Insured for $4,000, and Temporary Quarters Will Be Provided for Inmates. From Friday's Dally. The inmates of the county farm woi'i' brought to this i'ity yester day afternoon after the fire and quartered at the Perkins house temporarily; until other quarters can be provided for them. Jt is thought probable that an effort will be. made by the commission ers to have a temporary building placed at the farm, where most of the inmates can be cared for un til winter, at least, as there is a great deal of work to look after on the farm, which the men stay ing there can attend to. There are a number of small buildings at the farm that can be converted into temporary quarters for the summer and in the winter the residents of the farm will likely be quartered in this city, as it will hardly be possible to pet, the new building up by that lime. The building that was destroyed by fire yesterday was insured in the sum of $i,0()0, which will partly cover the loss to the county. The old structure at the farm was completed in 1873, the con tract for the building- being let on September 21, 1872, to Alfred Johnson & Sons for the carpenter, tin work and painting, in the sum of $2,633, and the contract for the excavating, grading and mason work was let to I. J. Han son in the sum of $3,925. The rock that was used in the con struction of the county building was quarried near the old Eight Mile creek by Martin Props!,, on his farm. R. L. Props!, who re sides at, Mynard, hauled most of !he rock used in I he consl ruct ion of the building for his uncle, Mr. Martin Propsl, during Hie con struction of the building. In the year 187 this locality was visited by a very heavy wind storm and in it the roof of thej building on the farm was blown off and it required I he expenditure of several hundred dollars to n place it. I Hiring uie last lew years the commissioners have greatly improved and modernized the building, including the in stalling of a heating plant, and this will be saved, as the furnace was located in a small brick building adjoining the main structure and was not injured by the fire. As soon as the county commissioners can decide what is best to be done the work of re construction will be taken up. ANOTHER PUTTSMOUTH BOY IS FORGING TO THE FRONT IN BUSINESS From Friday's Dally. The list of young men, natives of this city, who are forging ahead in all lines of work, is large, and among those who have made great advancement is Charles Peterson of Chicago, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peter son of this city. Mr. Peterson started in this city as an ap prentice in the machine shop in this city, and later went to Have lock to enter the Hurlinglon shops there, and was a very ex pert man at his trade when he decided to enter the automobile business, and in -company, with Mr. Graham of Havelock departed for Chicago, where they started a garage 'and at once began a very successful business, which has increased greatly, ami they have just purchased a second garage in that city. Mr. Peterson is a very bright young man and an excellent workman and his friends here in his old home will be great ly pleased to learn of his ad vancement in his chosen line of work. A Want Ad In the Journal will brlr.g what you want. ro REGARDING lit DESTRUGT ON OF GOUHTY POOR HOU Still Very Sick. From Friday's Pally. The condition of Miss Jesse Fox, who has been quite sick for the past few weeks, is about the same and the young lady does nut seem to rally from her illness as rapidly as her friends and rela tives could wish fur, and seems unable to retain l'ooil on her stomach, which has caused her to become quite weak. Thai she may be abb- to rally from the al tack is the wish of the entire community, as Miss Fox has been an immense favorite with all who know her. VERY BUSY III IRE From Friday's Dally, The car shortage which is fa cing the Hurlinglon, as a result of the heavy demands made upon thai, road for cars to haul the enormous grain crops of the great west, is causing every ell'ort to lie made all along Hie line to get out all the box cars possible, and the shops in this city have in the last week been piling them out in line shape. The freight car repair de partment has been running at full ten hours' time, and the men em ployed in that department, under Foreman Parker, have succeeded in getting the cars out at about the rate of twenty-four a day, al though they have been short, of their usual number of men. The work of repairing these cars has been so rushed that several of the carpenters from the coach shop have been placed at work on re pairing the box cars, in addition to carrying on the regular coach work. THE WHEAT YIELD III SOME SECTIONS OF CASS COUNTY From Friday's Dally. In speaking of the yield of wheat, in Cass county Ibis year, the wheat on the farm of Peter Halmes, near Greenwood, in this county, has run about 3.") bushels to the acre, which is a very good yield. Mr. Halmes returned yes terday afternoon from (ireen wood, where he had been for the past few days looking after the harvest and was greatly pleased with the showing made by the wheat. He states that the growth of the wheat was quite rank and that the straw from the wheat will be very heavy. Mr. Halmes has not threshed his wheat on his farm near this city yet and can not estimate the yield, although it is thought it will probably go belter than 35 bushels. He also reports that corn needs rain bad ly in the vicinity of Greenwood, and although our corn here is in much better shape than that in the western part of the county, it has suffered greatly in the last few weeks from I he lack of moisture. "UNCLE TOM" KENNISH EN JOYING HIMSELF IN THE EAST From Friday's Daily. , The Journal has just received a letter from our old friend, "Uncle" Tom Kennish, who is in the east enjoying a short outing with friends and relatives in that section of the country. Mr. Kennish writes from Brooklyn, where he is at present, and states he is having a fine lime taking in the sights of the sea-coast, and being an "old salt," greatly ap preciates being back along the coast. He has jus! disnosed of another story to the New York Herald, which paper has pub lished several stories of Mr. Ken nish in (he past and they are very much pleased at, the articles he has offered I hem. Vacant lots for sale. Situated in South Park, Dukes' Addition. Townsend's Addition and in or iginal townsite. Monhtly pay ments. Seven-room residence at a bargain. Windham Investment & Loan Co. BURLINGTON SROPS IE E E The Hemodoled Residence of A. Rawls One of the Finest in Town. From Friday's Dally. One of the most modern and up-to-date residences put up in the city of Plallsmoulh is that of Attorney C. A. Rawls on Pearl street, which has just been turn ed over to him by Peters it Ilk-hards, the contractors. , The house is two stories high and made in the bungalo style, and the most noticeable feature to a person approaching it is the large and comfortable porch which has been made in the northeast corner of the house and is quite large and com modious. The home of Mr. Rawls has the Driest lighting system of any residence in the city and there is no a'closet or store room in the house (hat is not provided with electric lights, which may be lighted from differ ent parts of the house, making il very convenient for the family. The living i m is a work of art and has been finished in a beautiful manner with heavy panelmgs of cherry, which gives the room a rich anil artistic ap pearance. One of the chief feat ures of the living room is a large fire-place, and supporting the stone work of this is a large key stone that was brought from the home of Mrs. Rawl's grandfather, near Hock Hluffs, and placed here, and it is valued greatly as a fam ily heirloom. The living room and dining room are connected with a large archway, at the base of which, on the living room side, ire two very handsome set-in book cases, while on the dining room side it is finished in the dark panels. Tin- stairs leading In the sec ond floor are reached from the living room and a most rich and artistic, staircase of dark cherry has been placed here, which adds greatly to the appearance of the room. The dining room is one of the most attractive in the new home and the chief feature of the room is a large set -in buffet which occupies almost the whole south side of the room and is a work of art, as well as a inns handy and convenient piece of furniture. The floors in the liv ing room and dining room are of oak and polished very beautifully. A large hall has been made the entire length of the south side of the house, connecting the rooms on the east side with the dining room, and this, too, is provided with hardwood floors of the latest nil terns. Leading off from the hall and next to the large sleep ing porch on the south side of the house is a large bathroom, which is one of the most modern in the city and is provided with every need of the toilet. This room is finished in white tiling, and when the lights are lit here presents a handsome appearance with its pure white finish. All the rooms in the home are provided with ample closets, as well as dressers and window seals built directlyin the wall, which makes it easy to find any article desired. The second floor has been arranged with a view to comfort of the family, and be side a very charming little sew ing room has a library and study, which is Ihe private stamping ground of Mr. Rawls, and several large and artistically decorated rest rooms and a handsome bath room, which is a filling rival for Ihe beautiful one on the first floor. The second floor is pro vided with many of large closets and store-rooms, and the light ing system, both here and on the lower floor, is handsome and re quired a great, deal of the time of Messrs. Warga & Cecil to in stall, and these gentlemen also had the placing of the hath room nxiures in Ihe house. The house contains eight rooms besides the bath rooms, sfore-rnoms and closets, which are large enough to be classed as rooms. The house is heated with IMPROVEMENTS IN TH RESIUENG DISTR GTS i .... t ... located in (he cellar, where tin laundry room will also be placed when it is completed. i .. ' i i . i. . i.i :n . is nas nail I lie h s nil Which his house is ,, rated tilled up several feel and in the rear of the properly he has had a lar: t .. .... ..i i . i i . ..' inr r-iii oage ouriier mil II lor the purpose of clearing oil' all re fuse matter around Ihe plan wrneti is put in at Ihe lop of the furnace and a lire lit beneath il and in a few minutes if is n .1 . ..-....! I . . I. . . r... - (ou-ru io usiies. i nis leaiure is one that should be followed by other citizens and would do away witli much dirt that accumulates around a place. The home of Mr and Mrs. Rawls is certainly a beauty, both in Ihe artistic scene and the comfortable arrange ments, and it is to be hoped they niu. enjoj many nappy years ill the delightful home. UNIVERSAL JUBILEE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCHES BEGAN THIS WEEK From Friday's Dally. This past week has been one tilled wilh much interest for the members of Ihe Roman Catholic church, as it marks the beginning of A universal jubilea in honor of the sixteenth hundred anniversary of the issuance of the edict, of the Kmperor Constant ine granting freedom of worship to the mem bers of the early Christian church. The jubilee started Monday and ends on the feast of the Immacu late Conception, December 8, 1913. On September 10 there will be a congregational meeting in different parts of the world. The following conditions for weekly indulgence are found in the'a'pnslolic letter: First Six visits to. a church or churches, designated by the priest, weekly. Second Confession and holy communion. Third Almsgiving I ion to one's means. in propor- The pope in his apostolic let ter promulgating the order for Ihe universal peace jubilee says: "The cominenioral ion of the great and happy event through which, sixteen centuries ago, peace was finally given to Ihe church, while it tills all Catholics with Ihe greatest joy and calls I hem lo works of piely, moves us to open .Ihe treasuries of celestial gifts that, choice and copious fruits may accrue from thai solemnity. Nothing, indeed, could be more fitting and oppor tune than the celebration of Ihe edict promulgated at Milan by the Kmperor Constant ine the great, following close upon the victory over Maxentius obtained under the glorious standard of the cross the edict which put to an end Ihe cruel persecution of Ihe Christians and placed Ihem in possession of the liberty bought at Ihe price of the blood of the divine Redeemer and . the marlyrs." D. C. HOWARD, MANAGER OF GRAND THEATRE, ON VACATION From Friday' Dally. Mr. D. C. Howard, who has of ficiated as manager of the Grand theater during the past few monuis, nas decided to take a rest for a few weeks and will de vote his time to fishing and gen erally recuperating for the fall work. He will again resume active management of the firand about the first of September, when the regular fall and winter season will be started .with vaudeville and moving pictures. During his vacation the theater will be looked after by Mr. Shlaes, the owner of the (irand. Mr. Howard will likely remain here most of the summer, believing that he can secure more beneficial rest right at home (ban if he was out on a trip. Closed Until August First. The Oreenwald stoudio will be closed while National Photo graphers' convention is on. Re opened August 1. 7-2i-lwk-d&wkly a mil ,uer menace, which is EARL FRIPION, IHE NEGRO TRIES SUICIDE Has Been Acting Strangely for Past Few Days, Imagining Someone Was After Kim. From Saturday Pntl. lesieruay allernoon u:,out 2:'M) Karl Framplon, the negro, who was convicted a few week ago of attempting to provoke a fight at, Nchawka and for being drunk, attempted to end his earthly career by hanging himself in the county jail, and had il not been for the fact that there were two other prisoners conllned in the jail he would have succeeded. It seems Framplon has been decidedly "bug house" for the past few dajs and night and im agined that lynchers were in pursuit of him and he procure a large piece of brick last night ami announced his intention of driving off the parlies he im agined were about to trv ami hang him. His actions greallv alarmed his companions in the J a 1 1 and they succeeded in get- ling him somewhat tamed down, all hough at times he would break out with cries of alarm that his enemies were in the cell ami about to hang him. Yeslerdav he managed lo procure a piece of wire clothes line, and while his companions were sleeping in the north part of the jail he climbed on top of the steel cell, and fast ening one end to the side of the cell, placed the other around his neck and jumped oIT, with the in tention of hanging himself. The noise aroused Ihe other prison ers, who came out and found him lying in the corridor of (he jail bleeding profusely from a nil on the chin, as well as one on his neck. Deputy Sheriff Mauspeakcr was at once notified and he summon ed Dr. K. D. Cummins, who ar rived at Ihe jail and found the prisoner in a very delcrious con dition and muttering about his enemies who were in nursiiil of lim. Framplon slated he though! he had belter hang himself before e was captured and hung by his nemies, and oilier slatenienls qually as wild and insane. Framplon is a brother of Hall Framplon, who was sent lo the penitent iary from Otoe county for the murder of his stepdaughter in Nebraska City some years ago, and he died in that institution about a year ago. He also has a sister residing at Nchawka, where he worked for some lime previous to his gelling into Ihe trouble, and she will be noljlied of Ihe unfortunate man's condition. It is probable an effort will be made to send him to the insane hospital. This morning the board of in sanity had the case of Framplon up before them for consideration and the sister and brother-in-law of the unfortunate man came up from Nchawka lo testify in the case. According to Ihe testimony of these parlies, Framplon re ceived an injury to his head about lwo years ago and as a result of the injury be was unbalanced mentally for some time, but of late they had not noticed any strange actions on his part, al though he was given to drinking a great deal whenever he had an opportunity, and when bothered by anyone was quite irritable. The witnesses, testified that Framplon came home when in toxicated, but stayed away some times for several days. The board, after hearing the evidence in the case, decided to send (hi man to the slate insane asylum. Didn't Arrive In Time. Mrs. Henry Sleinhauer and daughter, Miss Gladys, returned last evening from Lincoln, where they went Thursday morning lo see A. A. How man, but while en route the news of his death was received, together with the fact that he would be taken back to his old home that morning, and as a result they arrived too lale to meet the funeral party. The funeral of Mr. Bowman was held this afternoon in Quincy, Illinois. Journal for fancy Stationery. 'Father" VVynn Still Sick. Frimi Fiiiluy's Pally. "Father" William who has been ipnl home for some week VVniui, sr., sick at his is reported as in ( improN ing very rtipii his friends and family ar y and quite worried over Ins condition, as he is well advanced in ears and dur ing the hot days last week ' is overcome by the heat, and nee that time has been conlined onsianlly to his home. It, is the sincere wish of the many friends here that this worthy gentleman may soon be aide lo be up and around. From Saturday Dally. A most enjoyable time was had last evening at Ihe Koubek home, in the south part of the city, when a large number of Ihe friends of Anion II. Koulreck of Omaha, who is visiting here with his molher, gathered and spent a few hours wilh (heir old friend. On arrival at Ihe hospitable homo the guests were at once made to feel at home and a most enjoyable lime was spent until a lale hour in playing cards and also listen ing to a number of musical se lections on Ihe accordion played by Frank Silman and John Lib ersbal, who gave several of I ho Itohemian national airs on thi.s instrument. A number of Iho guests furnished vocal numbers. which were very pleasing, and the) music was only hailed by Ihe ap pearance of the templing lunch eon, which was served m n lavish manner and Ihe refreshments of fered Ihe ( ipany were much ap preciated. The pinochle game drew, much interest and resulted in Joe Lihcrshal carrying off the Idle lo Ihe champiousirp of the city. The guests were loud in their praise of the hospitality of Mrs. Koubek ami daughter, Miss Frances, who, had arranged Iho affair, and enjoyed to the ut most I lie hours so enjoyably passed in visiting wilh Tony.. The guests on this pleasant occasion were: Messrs. anil Mesdamcs Frank Silman and daughlers. Hazel. Minnie, Goldic. Freda and Fran cs, and son, Stephen; John .ibershal, wife and daughter, lelen; Mes"'S. Anion J. Koubek, Joe Itacek, Adolph Koubek, Henry Klinger, Frank Koubek, Joe Kou- ek, Joe I, ibershal, Joe Slanek, Frank I, ibershal , Karl (Seise, Frank Smilh, Kmil Slanek, Charley Amick of Louisville. An ion II. Koubek, Mrs. Frances Kou- iek and Miss Frances Koubek. BOY SCOUTS TAKE A "HIKE" WITH AN OLD HAND AT TRADE The meeting in the interests of the Hoy Seoul. s of America, which was held at Ihe Commercial club room in the Coates block last evening, was attended by a fair sized audience, although many of the hoys belonging to the or ganization were out on a camping trip and those al lending were very much pleased with the talk given them by Mr. McLafferty of Omaha, who came down to give Ihe boys an insight into the work of a scout, and who will for the present try and keep up the in terest in the project in this city. Mr. McLafferty is a very bright, clean young man and thoroughly understands the scout work, as well as the handling of young boys, ami under his charge (ho organization here should get a good start toward success. The boys Ibis morning, accompanied by Mr. McLafferly, stalled out on a "hike," taking in Ihe ter ritory lying south of the Burling ton bridge for some two miles, and went with lunch baskets till ed wilh provisions for the trip. This is one of the delightful features of the boy scout work that, brings the boys into touch with Ihe beauties in nature and leaches them a lesson that will prove very beneficial to Ihem in I heir daily lives. The Journal for typewriter ENTERTAINED AT THE KOUBEK HOME upollea.