The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 24, 1913, Image 8

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County Seat of Atascosa
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BELIEVING that tliere are thousands of men and
women in these United States looking for and
anxious to take advantage of the opportunities offered
at Jourdanton, and l)eing unselfish in the enjoyment of
the good things we have is why we are placing this ad
vertisement in the Journal. Aside from the fact that we
have faith in this town, and believe in its future "and
want to see it advance to its predestined place as the
largest city in Texas south of San Antonio, we believe
it only fair to shed the light of publicity upon its pros
perity and manifold advantages.
'"TEXAS is a grand old State rich in historic deeds,
rich in resources characterised by one of Ameri
ca's greatest men as "The Garden of the Lord." Atas
cosa County is the best corner in the garden, and Jour
danton is its capital and trade center.
WHEN the Artesian Uelt Railroad reached the site
selected for Jourdanton about three and one-half
years ago, the town was established. That is. the sta
tion was named. Later it was platted and after some
delay the adjoining lands were placed upon the market and
the townsite thrown open to an army of homeseekers.
THE town has received some publicity and as a result
it now has a population of about 1, ()(), with not
an idle man in town. The town was laid out on modem
lines and has been built up in a modern way, with near
ly all the modern conveniences one finds in a city of
many thousands of inhabitants.
SINCE the founding of the town, another railroad, the
San Antonio, Ulvade A; Gulf, realizing the impor
tance of Jourdanton as a shipping point, has built into
the city, giving Jourdanton two rail connections with
San Antonio; and with two lines building to the Lower
Hio Grande Valley and one to the Gulf of Mexico.
"DOT! I railroads have their depots both freight and
D passenger in the center of the city, an advantage
appreciated by anyone who has lived in a town with
the railroad station a mile away. There are already ten
trains daily in and out of Jourdanton.
JOURDANTON has a splendid school building which
cost approximately $20,000. It is in charge of a
corps of well equipped teachers with a course of studies
in eleven grades, besides Latin, Spanish and music.
There are Uaptist, Catholic, Christian and Methodist
'"THE city has a complete system of waterworks; fire
hydrants and a fire department; cement sidewalks
and good, graded streets. There are nine public roads
leading into Jourdanton, partly graded, and three more
to be opened soon. There is a good automobile road di
rect to San Antonio. A large public park is under way
in the center of the city.
'THERE are two large hotels in the city, but on account
-1- of the many traveling men visiting the city they
are taxed to their limit to care for the greatly increas
ing trade. There is need for another hotel in Jourdan
ton a big, modern hostelry that can comfortably care
for a hundred or more guests. This is a very op fortune
opening for a hotel man who is looking for a tine investment.
JOURDANTON is forty miles from San Antonio, the
J Metrojolis of Texas and the second largest millitary
post in the United States. It is about 120 miles, from
the Gulf and is about GOO feet above sea level. The last
one-third of this elevation is gained in the last five
miles. The location is ideal in many ways, giving the
town splendid drainage and the full sweep of the strong
Gulf breeze with nothing to interfere. The Gulf breeze
is bracing and invigorating, making the climate here
ideal during all of the summer months. There is never
a night when one cannot enjoy refreshing sleep, and
there are no mosquitoes to worry you.
"DEING the highest point and overlooking all of the
L surrounding country, with the most splendid water
and other, advantanges, this city offers an ideal place for
a home. Many traveling men who "make"' this terri
tory have located their families here and others are ar
ranging to on account of the social, moral and
religious surroundings.
JOURDANTON is an incorporated city; has a $50,000
y bank with individual deposits of . over $100,000.
There are 138 telephone subscribers according to the
last directory. The postoflice is on a salaried basis. It
has a large opera house and amusement hall. It has
one of the best courthouses in Texas and the largest
south of San Antonio. It is a fireproof structure and
equipped with fireproof furniture.
San Antonio
T'JIREE and a half years ago there was not even a wa
A gon road leading to the the spot where Jourdanton
stands. Since that time there has been more land clear
ed and more money paid out by Jordanton people for
clearing land in this section than has been paid out for
a similar purpose by any other town in Southwest Texas
'THE soil varies from a black waxy cotton land to the
retl chocolate sandy for fruit and vegetable pro
duct ion.
AUR farmers have had corn for sale during the past
two years when the crop failed in some of the high
priced central Texas districts.
J OCAL millers are putting up "Jourdanton Jubilee"
meal and has a man traveling selling the products
of the corn that was raised in this section.
TUIERE was shipped from Jourdanton the past season
A 4,000 of the. 14,000 bales of cotton raised in this
county. There is one cotton gin and mill, and machin
ery ordered for another four-stand plant, which will be
in operation in time to care for the crop this fall.
A LL of the land in and around Jourdanton is under-f-
laid with clay which retains the moisture storing
it for the farmer to use in time of need.
JOURDANTON is underlaid with the same strata of
u water as all the surrounding country, the geologi
cal formation being the same so far as tested. The wa
ter in Hie big well in the center of the city, from which
the city's ater supply is obtained, does "not how, on
account of the high elevation, but east and west of the
city, there are flowing wells and the water comes near
the surface in town. It is of the same excellent quality
which characterizes the water of all this section.
'THERE are many openings here for industrial plants.
A There is no richer farming lands anywhere in Tex
as than those surrounding Jourdanton. They are rea
sonably priced and are being bought rapidly and put
into cultivation.
TATE INVITE you to come to Jordanton and investi
gate fully. You will be well repaid for the visit.
" ' " ' ' ! M ,.,- .,, u - . " ... -- III I I
6. A. U. A G. DEPOT
For Rny Further Information
About Jourdanton, Texas See
Forty Mile Sou;h of San Antonio
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