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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1913)
Ill HI in Hi liii At T. J. SOKOL HALL Ceremonies Called Forth a Large Number of Enthusiastic Bohemians. From Saturday's Dally. YV iLh the band playing and en lhufiiasm at its highest last even ing at 8:15 the corner-stone of (he new addition to the T. J. Sokol hall on West Pearl street was laid, the actual work of lay ing the stone being performed by Contractor L. G. Larson, while the ceremony was conducted by Wil liam Holly, president of the local Sokol society, who, in a few brief remarks, addressed the large crowd of members of the society who were present at the scone of the ceremony. A band of mime twelve pieces had been gotten together for the occasion, and during the evening the boys furnished some very de lightful music, playing several of the Bohemian national songs and marches, which were most pleas ing to the auditors. After the ceremony of laying the corner stone had been concluded the company adjourned into the hall, where lunch and refreshments were served to all and a general good time enjoyed until a late hour, when all departed for their homes. The new addition to the al ready large ball will give this so ciety a splendid home, as the new two-slory addition will be 20x-i() feel, and makes the building ample to accommodate the crowd that will be here in August, to attend the district tournament of the society. The work on the new building will be rushed to com pletion and placed in condition for us as soon as possible by Mr. Larson and his force of work men. Unsightly Face Spots Are cured by Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment, which heals all skin eruptions. No matter how long you have been troubled by itching, burning or scaly skin humors, just put a little of that soothing antiseptic, Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oointmcnt, on the sores and the suffering stops instantly. Heal ing begins that very minute. Doctors use it in their practice and recommend it. Mr. Alleman, of Littletown, Pa., says: "Had eczema on forehead; Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment cured it in two weeks." Guaranteed to relieve or money refunded. All druggists, or by mail. Price 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and SI. Louis. Farm for Sale. Ai!on. wanting to buy a farm would do well to see W. II. Bryan, county assessor. The King of All Laxatives. For constipation, headache, in digestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Ma thulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., says they are tho "King of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home." Get a box and get well Price 25c. Recommended by Ger ing & Co. Thomson, Dentist, Qund Bldg. o: UI6 GQRflER STONE We Invite Every Farmer To Look at Our New Gang Plow (NEW' STAWANA) which we are putting out on a positive guarantee. Threshers' Hard Oil and all kinds of Oil for Threshers. Suction Hose and Steam Hose. Rubber Belting, Leather Belting, Belt Lacing Belt Hooks, etc.; etc. Farm Trucks, Buggies, Mowers and Hay Rakes. Barbed Wire add Field Fencing Nails! Nails!! Nails!!! G. P. EASTWOOD Phone 202 New Son at Hartford Home. ' Ft- m Sntuiaay'i Dally Yesterday a tine little son made his appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hartford on South Sixth street, and the delight of the parents over the new son and heir is unbounded. Charles is about down to normal condition now and the employes of the store house are showering him with congratulations on the ar rival of the new Mr. Hartford. WONDERFUL MEMORY OF THE PARROT After Twenty Years' Separation He Recognizes Voice of His Former Mistress. From Saturday'! Dally A very amusing story is told of the wonderful memory possessed by a parrot owned by Jesse Perry of this city, 'and which illustrates the intelligence of the bird. A few days ago Mrs. M. A. Dickson was called for over the telephone at Mr. Perry's, and he at once went out to call her to the 'phone. When she entered the room she was talking, and was surprised to li i 11 rn'un iivo I ! i rtt i 1 1 rr 1 I n 1 K nidi tfc ivivv Ai 1 uj in i i illlivr, Doc," and instantly her mind flew' back to twenty years before, when she had owned a parrot by that name, and glancing around she saw in the cage before her the old pet of years before, who had recognized her voice, even though twenty years had lapsed since she had parted from it,. Mrs. Dickson, when she moved from her home on Wintersteen Hill, disposed of the parrot to a family named Cole, who kept it for several years and later sold it In Will Adams, from whom Mr. Perry secured the bird, and with all these changes it still retained the remembrance of its former owner's voice. The lady and the bird had a very pleasant time, as many of the sayings of the par rot are things he leraend at the home of Mrs. Dickson, and the occasion was a very pleasant one for this lady, as she had never expected to see her old pet again. The bird is a great favorite of Mr. Perry and he takes much pleasure in training it. It does not seem possible that after so long a period of years that a mere lord could retain the re membrance of a person's voice, as there are not many persons who can do this over a stretch of twenty years. Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble. When you have trouble with your stomach or chronic con stipation, don't imagine that your case i9 beyond help just because your doctor fails to give you re lief. Mrs. G. Stengle, Plainfield, N. J., writes, "For over a month past I have been troubled with my stomach. Everything I ate upset it terribly. One of Chamberlain's advertising booklets came to me, After reading a few of the letters from people who had been cured by Chamberlain's Tablets, I de cided to try them. I have taken nearly three-fourths of a pack age of them and can now eat al most everything that I want." For sale bv all dealers. SPORTSMEN RETURN HOME VERY HAPPY Tell Some "Tall" Fish Stories, but Fall to Bring Home Proof of Substantiation. i-'rnn Saturday Dall The fishing party, who have been enjoying themselves at Meadow and near Cedar Creek for the past week, returned home last evening and report that the trip was very much enjoyed by all in the party and the stories they tell would bring the blush of shame to the cheek of the most hardened teller of fish stories. It is reported that just a few hours before breaking camp the record catch of the trip was made when Albert Itheinackle made a catch of a -13-pound catfish. The fl sli was of large size and the whole corps of fishermen was re quired to dive and bring the fish and Albert to shore, and all pro nounced the catfish one of the finest they bad ever seen, and de lighted with the catch made by Albert, another cast was made and a large mud-turtle, estimated at 100 pounds, was brought in by the fishermen and landed in fine shape on the bank. . The parly was greatly disap pointed Wednesday evening when Wes Bookmeyer decided to rest on bis laurels and leave for home, as he had injured his foot during the trip and desired to rest at home for a few days in order to recover from the effects of the expedition. The party arrived home all right, but their friends were disappointed, as the wagon loads of fish caught on the trip failed o show up. Causes of Stomach Troubles. Sedentary habits, lack of out door exercise, insufficient masti cation, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, overeat ing, partaking of food and drink not suited to your age and oc cupation. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealers. THE VILLAGE BAND An Organization That Should Be Encouraged by Every Vil lage and Town. (From the Utica Daily Press.) Representative Keene of Fort Scott will introduce a bill authorizing towns to appropriate money for the support of the local band. His theory is that a good band is worth all it costs to any town, and as for a bad band, there is always hope that it may im prove with proper encourage ment. The above is a brief extract from a legislative report publish ed in the Kansas City Star. If Representative Keene introduces his bill be will at feast have the consolation of knowing that a great many worse bills have been introduced in that and other legislatures and have become laws. The village band is an in- :o Plattsmouth PRIDE OF THE TOWN stitutiou which ought to be recog nized and encouraged. It is a good thing for the players and a good thing for the people, and while some of these bands are pretty bad from a musical stand point, Mr. Keene is quite right in saying that they at least can have the . consolation and ad vantage of an opportunity for improvement with the hope and expectation that they will improve the opportunity. "Music by the band" enlivens many a festive occasion and the local inhabitants can point with pleasure and pride to the organization and get a great deal of enjoyment from the entertainment it provides. Anything that enlivens the locality where it exists in an in nocent and pleasurable way is to be commended. It seems as if the village band is not as much as an instution as it used to be and if such is the case it ought to be and if such is the case it ought to be resuciated. The score or more members get a great deal of fun out of the weekly practice night and when they are blowing their horns, even discordantly, they are not in bad busines?. An other phrase of it is that they serve to give the village identity, publicity and perhaps reason for pride. There will be more fertile occasions if there is a band to help make them a success, and this promotion of sociability is really worth while in a community. Naturally each village band holds a fair some time in the winter, at which the people are together and are entertained and come to know each other better and hink of hem more highly. Whatever con tributes to the increase of sociali bility to the smaller places de serves to be encouraged. One of the faults found with living in the country is the lack of entertainment, and if the farm ers, their wives, their sons and their daughters can come into the villages several evenings each year to hear the band, it makes life just so much more enjoyable for them and just so much pleas anter. By all means every vil lage ought, to have a band and if possible, a good one. THE HEIST AT UNION Tlic excessive heat of Monday afternoon eaine near claiming a victim that evening, when about (5 o'clock John Armstrong, who was working on the Cheney farm, west of town, suddenly collapsed and for several hours was in a very serious condition and under i physician's care. The young man, who is 17 years old, and was engaged about the threshing ma chine that evening, but a half hour lefore he assisted in putting out a tire that started from a straw stack, and it is presumed that the fire fighting was to some extent responsible for the sudden illness of the boy. He fell over without warning and parties near by saw that something was seriously wrong. A messenger was im mediately sent to the house to telephone for a doctor, and the boy was then taken to his home, where he remained uncpnscious until 11 o'clock next day. At that time he partially regained con sciousness, and we are informed that he has been getting along very well since then. He is a son of Mrs. Jessie Armstrong, who, with her children and her broth er, Carl Kent, occupy the house near the Ward Cheney home and are employed on the farm. A number of other cases of over-heat were reported Monday and Tuesday, but none of them of a very serious nature. Among those who were said to have been affected were Harry Frans, Isaao Dye, Jay Austin, Will Stine and Ken Austin, but they sought re lief in lime to avoid complete col lapse. Here in town we have not heard of anyone exerting them selves enough to endanger their lives, as the 104 degrees in the shade made the town people go at a slow pace. Union Ledger. A Good Investment. W. D. Magli, a well known merchant of Whitemound, Wis., bought a stock of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be able to sup ply them to his customers. After receiving them he was himself taken sick and says that one small bottle of Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of his entire stock of these medi cines. Tor sale by all Dealers. Have von tried the Forest Jio flour? if not. why not? It is the best flour on th market and i sold lv nil dealers. PROSTRATIONS FROM r - i rl;l mm Ww i UlililM ALCOiHH. .1 pre 'i v n AN cgctable Pre parallon forAs similatmSthcFoodanilRcgL'ta ling tlic Sajntaclis acdBowclsof ft Promotes Di?est!onflirt rfl U- ttpss and Rratf nntaln npiHw Opium.Morphine nor Mineral A. XT . ni.Ai.ijl SlefaefOHIkSiMWmsa JlxJana MxhtlUStttx- jtiatSad firptmmt WrmM- ChaM Sumr . Ymamtnu'tltnr. I lull MUVU WWIIUUIIW WorrasjConvulsions J evcrish- ness andLoss OF Sleep. , facsimile SiCnatnre of The Centaur Compact, NEW 1UKIV.. :'4 RfeiJ Guaranteed under the KS Exact Copy of Wrapper A BIT OF EARLY GASS from Saturday's Dally. County Surveyor Fred Patter son brought to the Journal office yesterday a document that he has possessed for many years and which is very highly valued by Mr. Patterson, as it is the olllcial noloice of the appointment of his father, Thomas Patterson, to the office of deputy surveyor of the territorities of Kansas and Ne braska. The olllcial document was as follows: Surveyor General's Olilce. Me it known to all who shall see j these presents, that f, J. Calhoun,' surveyor general of the public lands for the territories of Kan-j sas and Nebraska, have appointed,! and do hereby appoint, Thomas I Patterson of Cass Co., Nebraska,) deputy surveyor of the public i lands in the territories of Kansas j and Nebraska, authorizing and empowering him to execute and! fulfill the duties of that olilce ac cording to law, and to have and to hold the same with all the rights and emoluments thereunto legally appertaining during the pleasure of the surveyor general. Given under my hand at Wyandotte, in the territory of Kansas, this, the Ihirty-tirst day of October, A. I). 1855. J. Calhoun, Surveyor General of Kansas and Nebraska. , Attest: Robert L. Ream, Chief Clerk. W-L00KE0-FOR RELIEF ARRIVED LAST EVENIN6 From Friday' Dally. The lone: promised relief from (he hot weather that has prevailed over this section arrived last pvening and the inhabitants who for the past few nights have been sleeping on lawns and porches were able to seek their couch without having to suffer from the intense heat, and the change in temperature was most welcome to everyone, and the clouds that covered the sky at an early hour this morning held out a promise of rain, but it stopped at that, as no moisture fell, although there is need of some rain for the corn, which has suffered from the heat and hot winds. The temperature this morning was hovering around the 80 degree mark, being some 20 degrees cooler than on the two days previous. Let us hope the cool weather will hang on for a short time nt least. The Best Medicine in the World. "My little girl had dysentery very bad. I thought she would die. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy cured her, and I can truthfully say that I think it is the best medicine in the world," writes Mrs. William Orvis, Clare, Mich. For sale by all dealers. -Hi COUNT HISTORY For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature A)J of In Use Fur Over Thirty Years THE Cf HTUK OOMMHT, NCW VOKK CITY L The Journal has just been handed a communication from R. II. Vanatla, now of Minco, Okla homa, but who for years was one of the prominent citizens here, in which he desires to let the puolic know of his condition of health, which has made it impossible for him to perform manual labor, and he earnestly requests assistance in his affliction. Mr. Vanatta states he is a member of Lodge No. 8, of the A. O. U. W. of this city. The following letter trom J. H. Pope, of Minco, will servo to enlighten the friends here as to his condition: Minco, Okia., July 1, 1913. To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I have well and favorably known Mr. R. II. Vanatta for the past four years; that for I he past two years he has been a severe sufferer from rheumatism and has been in consequence thereof, unable to do any manual labor or get about without the use of crutches, and because of his afflictions and poor financial circumstances has had to depend upon strangers or relatives, the last of whom are not able to materially assist, for help, lie is desirous of securing a small stock of goods, and if the A. O. U. W. can assist him in a loan of money, or otherwise in securing such stock, which he can successfully handle, having had considerable mercantile experi ence, the favor will be greatly ap preciated and worthily bestowed. Mr. Vanatta is one of those hon orable, high-toned gentlemen that are mortified to ask help, but because of his afflictions cannot help himself. The A. O. U. W. cannot do a more commendable thing than to lend this slight as sistance to this worthy, but un fortunate member. Respectfully, J. B. Pope, Notary Public for Grady County, Oklahoma. Murdock's Store For new line Post Cards, good Toilet Soaps, ' Talcum P.owder, Peroxide am' many things you need. Rain at Greenwood. A very heavy rain-storm was reported to have struck in the vicinity of Greenwood on Thurs day, making it impossible to travel over the roads, so deep was the mud. The report could not be verified, however. For Cuts, Burns and Bruises. In every home there should be a box of Hucklen's Arnica Salve, ready to apply in every case of burns, cuts, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polanco, Delvalle, Tex., R. No. 2, writes: "Hucklen's Arnica Salve saved my little girl's cut foot. No one believed it could be cured." The world's best salve. Only 25c. Recommended by Oer ing it Co. mm . it 3 nM. mmm app FROM FORMER CASS COUNTY CITIZEN