The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1913, Image 2

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    IF you're going for a few days' or
weeks' outing, you'll enjoy the
comfort that comes with carrying a
good suit case or traveling bag.
Here are a few specials:
Lot 67. Genuine cowhide suitcase, dark
brown or russet color, cowhide leather cor
ners and fine handle to match color. Shirt
fold in lid, straps inside, in lid and body.
Workmanship, style and durability equal to
the best cases on the market. Price $5.00.
Lot 87. A new three-piece bag in the latest
and best selling shape. Made of heavy black
Walrus grain leather with pocket on one
side. Frame leather covered. Price, $5.00.
Lot 98. Genuine cane case, more durable
than rattan or matting, lighter than leather.
Cowhide leather handle and corners. One
inch straps all around. Brass lock and
catches. Price $4.50.
Lot 35. Very fine, light weight, matting
case, all edges bound, best leather handle
and corners, lined fine grade light color
striped cloth with tuck pocket in lid. Price $3.
Complete line of Cases and Bags,
ranging in price from $1.50 to $16.50.
While the Boosters Were Defeat
ed by a Score of 3 to 1, It
Was a Good Qame.
In a very close game of base
ball yesterday afternoon the
Roosters met defeat at the bands
of the Armours of South Omaha
by a .score of 3 to 1, but the game
was one of the best seen hero this
season, 'and although defeated,
the Roosters made- a good show
ing against the visitors, who are
among the fastest ball players in
the metropolis. The pitching of
Ourness for the visitors was one
of the features of the game, as ho
bad the contest under perfect
control and was able to mow down
fifteen of our boys, who fanned
the air in trying to land on his
curves. Connor, who was on the
mound for the Roosters, was in
good form and pitched his usual
good, heady game, but several
errors on the part of bis team
mates caused the visitors to be
able to win.
The Armours started their
scoring in the first inning, when
Collins was safe on an error and
was followed by Langhein, who
bunted and got away with it, and
two scores were registered on
Cocoran's singlo to left field. In
the ninth the visitors again an
nexed anolher run, when Iliatt
was walked and J. Jellen was safe
at first on an error, and the single
of, F. Jellen lo renter field
brought Iliatt. over the plate with
the score.
The Roosters secured their only
score in the sixth, when Carle was
safe on an error nnd was ad
vanced by Arries single to right
field, and on Mann's single came
home wilh the score which rep
resented the total made by the
locals, although they several
times succeeded in getting men on
bases, but were unable lo get
them over the home plate.
There was quite n good attend
ance of the fans at tho game and
everyone seemed very well pleased
with the contest. The line-up of
the teams was as follows:
Wed., July 23
Men's Suits
C. E. Westcott's Sons
Armours. Roosters.
F. Jellen. . . Catcher Carle
(iurriess. ... Pitcher Connor
A. Craves... First Ault
Langhein... Second . ...Salsburg
Cocoran Third Mann
Iliatt Shortstop Smith
II. Craves. . . Center .......Real
Collins Left Mason
J. Jellen Right Arries
The police court of Judge Arch
er was quite busy this morning
when (he wheels of justice began
lo grind out on I ho different
cases brought before the court.
Jack Majors and Charles Shel
don were brought into court to
answer to the charge of lighting,
having gotten into an altercation
Saturday evening about 7 o'clock
at the corner of Main and Fifth
streets, as Majors was laboring
under the opinion that Sheldon
was not conducting himself as he
should, arid invited him out to
settle the question. The parlies
were taken in by the police, and
after hearing the evidence the
judge assessed a line of $.r and
costs (tn them, which they paid
and departed.
Krnest Anderson and John
Peterson were found by tho police
Saturday night wandering around
in Iho vicinity of the park, ap
parently in a badly intoxicated
condition, and gave a cash bond
for their appearance this morn
ing, when they appeared in court
and were assessed a lino of $5
and costs, which they paid and
went on their way rejoicing.
A very pleasant birthday party
was given Saturday afternoon
from 2 until 5 o'clock by Mrs. F.
R. Egenborger in honor of the
twelfth birthday anniversary of
Miss Mary Egenborger. Tho lit
tle folks enjoyed themselves as
only young people can, in play
ing games, and at an appropriate
hour a most delicious and tempt
ing two-courso luncheon was
served by tho hostess, assisted by
Miss Anna Egenborger, and at
the close of the afternoon the
guests departed for their homos,
wishing Miss Mary many more
happy birthdays. Tho guests
present were: Misses Ava Hart
ford, Muriel Streight, Elizabeth
Reeson, Eleanor Rurnie, (Trace
Reeson, Nora Livingston, Mary
Rosencrans, LaVern LehnliolT of
Omaha, Marion Mauzy, Helen
Egonberger, Janet I e Weber, Ruth
Clark, Rlanche Clark, Ma Marie
Egonberger and Mary Kutherine
If you need anything for har
vest call on Ed Donat. Ho will
treat you right.
Work to Be Completed as Soon
as Possible, When We Will
Enjoy Better Light
In order that the work of im
provement which is contemplated
by the Nebraska Lighting com
pany can be handled with more
dispatch, Arthur Huntington of
Chicago, the engineer in charge
of the matter of improving the
service, has made his headquar
ters in this city for the next few
months and will direct the work
of remodeling the entire system
from this city. The work of run
ning the service into this city
from Red Oak, to carry on the
service to the patrons while the
plant here is being placed on a
modern basis, will be hurried and
gotten here in time for fall.
When the light company is able
to get the plant here in its im
proved shape they will be able to
supply service to many of the
nearby towns and put the service
Here in splendid shape and bo able
to handle the plant without as
many mishaps as in the past. The
efforts of the company to supply
good service to the people should
be appreciated by the users of the
electric current, and while the
company has been badly handi
capped in the past by the condi
tion of the plant, with the im
provements to be made it will
make the IMallsmoulh plant fine
of the best in I lie smaller cities
of the slate.
Miss Carrie Creenwald, of the
(ireenwald photograph studio, has
departed for Kansas City, where
she will attend the convention of
the national photographers, which
is to meet in that city during the
coming week. The studio here
will be closed ujitil August 1st.
Miss Creenwald is a firm believer
in modern methods in photo
graphy and has given her custom
ers in this city the benefit of her
excellent training in the splendid
work turned out at her studio,
and in every case those having
work dune there have been more
than satisfied.
The new Nebraska law, regulat
ing the hours of labor for women,
reads as follows:
"Section (5910.
No female
shall bo employed in any manu
facturing, mechanical or mer
cantile establishment, laundry,
hotel or restaurant, office or by
any public service corporation in
this state more than nine hours
during any one day or more than
fifty-four hours in one week. The
hours of each day may be so ar
ranged as to permit tho employ
ment of such female at any time
from (5 o'clock a. m. to 10 o'clock
p. in., but in no case shall such
employment exceed nine hours in
any one day. Provided, however,
that such female shall not be em
ployed between tho hours of 10 p.
in. and 6 a. in.
"Provided, further, that public
service corporations may employ
females between tho hours of 10
p. in. and 6 a. m., but in no event
shall such employment be for
more than eight consecutive
This law went into effect Tues
day, July 15th.
...Stop and Think.
What This Me
ens Suits
C. E. Westcott's Sons
The Contributors to Enterprise
May Have Right to Kick, tut
No Other Parties Have.
The Journal has just been
handed a communication in re
gard to the place of holding the
band concerts, and while it is
published merely as the expres
sion of one of the citizens, it is
timely to state the facts in regard
to the selecting of the High
school grounds as a place for the
concerts. The matter was under
discussion at the Commercial club
meeting, when a committee was
selected to solicit funds for tho
concerts, and it was left to a vote
of. the persons there as to where
the band concerts should be lo
cated and the vote was almost
overwhelming for the High school
grounds, there only being some
five or six against it. In view of
this fact the committee went
ahead and arranged the concerts,
which would not seem to indicate
that it was a matter that had been
decided by one or two persons.
The letter appears as follows:
To Editor and People of Platls
moulh: What is the matter with our
pretty little park, with its band
stand for music and comfortable
seats for the people, where, if any
breeze comes lo the town, you get
it, and band concert night is a
I reat to everyone?
Just to please two men the
band has been stuck in mosquito
hollow, where the music sounds
the poorest and no one is com
fortable on the bard around.
lighting insects, shut away from
any hope of breeze under the
thick trees. The Journal said
there were about 1.000 people at
the concert last Thursday night;
there were at least 0,000 mos
quitoes and the human audience
suffered and most of them left
before the music was over, and
anyone who saw our band boys
trying to play and save their lives
at the same time from the buzzing
foes felt so much pity they
couldn't hear music.
Let us have our park; all it
needs is a drinking fountain to
make it the equal of any small
park in a lown double our size.
Pro Rono Publico. .
A merry picnic parly of young
ladies yesterday morning jour
neyed to the banks of the old Mis
souri and spent the day most en-
joyably in the delightful shade of
the trees and partaking of the
good things they had brought
with them, and it was only when
the falling shadows indicated the
approach of night that the party
wended their way homeward, feel
ing that the day had been one of
much pleasure to all. The picnic
was arranged in honor of Miss
Ciozela Lauvetz of Wahoo, who is
hero visiting friends for a few
weeks, and it was one that gave
the entire party the greatest of
pleasure. Those taking part in
the picnic were: Misses Anna
Warga, Alma Holly, Bessie Holly,
Marie Nesladek, Marie Hiber,
Anna Kopia and the guest of
honor, Miss Lauvetz, of Wahoo.
. F. J. Hennings and daughter,
Miss Helen, were in the city to
day looking after some trading
and visiting with friends. Mr.
Hennings states that the cool
weather of the past few days has
been very benflcial to the corn
crop, which suffered greatly last
week during the extreme hot
weather and from the hot wind3,
and that quite a lot of the larger
stalks in the fields were badly
fired, but the cooler weather has
given most of the corn an oppor
tunity to recover somewhat from
the effects of the hot winds.
After the Apples.
J. W. Fargo of Deadwood, S.
1., has arrived in Plattsmouth
and is now ready lo figure with
our farmers for their apple crop,
both suiner and winter varieties,
lie will be assisted by the lUindle
Rrolhers. who were here last
year; also P. E. Ruffiier of this
city. We are informed that ho
has already bought, several or
chards on I he tree.
AI Wallinger is suffering with
three broken ribs as the result of
a runaway accident Wednesday
evening. He was driving home
with his lumber wagon when his
team became frightened at an
automobile in the rear, starting
off at a lively clip for the barn
yard close by. Mr. Wallinger
was nearing the driveway en
trance, but too fast to turn in
without upsetting, so he thought
he would direct his steeds
straight ahead. The animals
turned in spite of the strenuous
pull on the opposite line, throw
ing Mr. Wallinger out as they
bumped into a corner post. Aside
from having three ribs broken Mr.
Wallinger must have been quite
severely shaken up. Medical aid
was immediately summoned, and
the attending physician looks for
no serious developments. We
sincerely hope that AI will soon
recover from the shock and in
juries received. His team and
wagon escaped serious damage. I
We did not learn the names of
the auto party. Elmwood Lead-i
The dance given Saturday even
ing at Coates' hall by the Cosmo
politan club was one very much
enjoyed and was attended by a
large crowd, who spent the hours
in tripping the light fantastic to
the music furnished by the Holly
orchestra. Quite a number from
Omaha and Lincoln were present.
At the platform dance given at
the Tulene grove, west of the city,
there was a large attendance from
all parts of the county, and a
most, enjoyable time was had. The
music for the occasion was excel
lent, being furnished bv the
Plat I smooth orchestra under the
direction of Tom Swoboda.
Mere From Bethany.
Henry W. Mayer, wife and
daughter, Miss Josephine, of
Rethany, Neb., arrived in the city
last Saturday via the auto route,
for a brief visit with relatives and
friends. Mr. Mayer was com
pelled to return home yesterday.
owing lo so much farm work.
Mrs. Mayer and daughter will re
main for a few days with relatives
at the Gapen. Snyder and Eiken-
barry homes. Mr. Myers paid this
office a brief visit Saturday after
C CHOOL DAYS are draw
ing near, and the child
ren's wardrobe will need a
new supply. Our Mid-Summer Sales
will make a large saving and at the
same time give you what you wish.
Below are a few items
Batiste "7
A nice assortment w
Some very neat patterns w r
Flaxons Q
Just a few left w W
A reduction of 20 per cent on all
Children's ready-made Wash Dresses
Just Received fifl
ment of Rugs more on the way.
Now is the time to buy Linoleum.
E. G. Dovey & Son
Clearance Sale
To clean up, we will continue
our Wash Goods Sale another
week. Also we offer a nice line of
Oyster Linens at, per yard, 39c.
One lot of Ladies' Wash Skirts,
to close, at $1.00.
One lot $1.25 and $1.50 Ladies'
Embroidered Waists, to close, at
One lot of Ladies Embroidered
White Skirts which formerly sold
at $2.50, now go at $1.75.
One lot of Ladies' White Un
derskirts, that sold at $1.17, go
now at 98c.
Ladies' Night Gowns, made of
fine Crepe material, that sold at
$1.50, go at $1.29.
The Crepe Night Gowns that
sold for $1.25, now go at 98c.
All the Corset Covers that sold
for 55c, 83c and $1.17 will go'
at 35c.
All the Ladies Muslin Pants
that formerly sold at $1.17 will
be closed out at 55c.
The Albert Schuldice home was
the scene of a very ploasant
gathering yesterday, when a large
number of relatives and friends
were entertained there for the
day. Part of the party motored
down from Omaha to spend the
day, returning home last evening.
Those who were guests at the
pleasant event were: Frank Mar
shall, wife and daughter; William
Fritchmann, wife and son, Rob
ert; Miss Caroline Schuldice and
Mr. Mike Golden, all of Omaha.
Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Fritch
mann remained here for a more
extended visit.
Will Make Home Here.
W. II. Hunch, who, with his
family, has moved lo this city to
make their home, and who has
purchased the Kearn property
north of the standpipe, has ac
cepted a position at Jesse Perry's
barber shop and will be there
every Saturday to assist in taking
the whiskers off those who may
so desire. Mr. Runch is an expert
in this line and will make a valu
able addition to Mr. Perry's shop.