LINENS Suitable for most every oc casion as a dress apparel. We offer a 3G-inch Motor Linen this is the regular 50c grade, at, per yard Oyster Linen, the most popular dress, suit or coat linen, 30-in. widtb, goes at per yd. . Natural homespun linen, 30 inch width at, per yard Pink, lavander. or blue, 3G-inch width at per yard The Moter, Oyster and colored linens are . 50c values. 33c 39c ,30c 39c VI ;j p .. r r 4 m - rt n w t,iu iaS' 4i ui w it' ' sil ii .-.-. J t :: u c - ' ..; 'I f' Li JSC ELM WOOD. Ceader-Keho. f f W WV V WW V V pilal in Lincoln fur a couple of ! wi'i'ks. Mi's. 1 lelesl lernier is do ing nicely, hut it is feared she would not be aide to stand the trip for a while yet. Mrs. I. M. Myers ami children A party "f serenaders motored of Thurman. Ia., came in Sunday I "' the (Jonales farm Tuesday evening for a visit with her par- ! evening o serenade Mr. and Mrs. Air mh,1 Mi-s .Ins Imrh iii. , John (ionales, newly wed. Hit Henry lloelofsz came home from Omaha Tuesday afternoon, leaving Mrs. Roelofs at the hod side of her sister, who is si ill very critically ill. Klmwood cornet hand and a num ber of our jolly citizens took part in the demonstration. They were very hospitably received and re port an excellent time. Mni-iiin Alcfnv lina niim.i b sod Dewey Ouinn, who has been.. , ,, ... '.,,,., , . . . - . . 4 WEEPING WATER. . FACILE. $ uepiiiuirrtu. V:". lii'ihvu. t t t t t 99 i ... B h a u . a . ."4 .- m-ar death's door as a result of' blood poisoning, is still in a veryl critical condition, Crave, hopes are cutertaiiu-d fur his recovery.; Mr. a. id Mrs. Major Hoblier are I the happy parents of a nine pound baby boy, born Friday last. (Irandpa Preston is now an easy mark at the chess game. Mrs. I. aura Melvin and two children, of North fiend, Neb., came down Monday for a visit un til after chaulauqua with Klm wood relatives and friends. Mr. Melvin expects to he down to spend a week during the "big event." Mr. and Mrs. Iter! Marks of Falls City. Neb., and Miss Bessie Marks of Xcw Oilcans, Ca., came in Wednesday evening for a few days' visit, with Chas. Hart and family. Mr. Marks and Miss lies sie are brother and sister to Mrs. Hart. The doctors in charge have re commended that Mrs. Win. eles two miles northeast of town, and expects to move onto same next spring. The farm is the birth place of Mrs. McCrory and the scenes of her early childhood. She will doubtless appreciate being back in the old home made dear to her bv childhood's memories. 1 )ernii SlluUlil ot lave the ho A Good Investment. Y. I. Magli, a well known merchant of Whiteinound, Wis., bought a stock of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be able to sup ply them to his customers. After receiving them be was himself taken sick and says that one small boll le of Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and liarrhoe Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of his entire stock of these medi cines. For sale by all Dealers. Farm for Sale. Anyone want in? to buy a '.'arm Mould do well to see V. R. Pit-van. county assessor. Dr. A. C. Welch reports the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Cus Meyers on Sunday, June Mr. and Mrs. Weber of Shubert are spending: the week with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. lliatt. Fred Retiring, the brakeman, who lias been on the Omaha pas senger for years, is again on the run, after several months off duty caused by a broken leg1., , Conductor Perry is off duty on account or his imaim nii v.eea.i (Ieorge (irisweil, the good nalured freight conductor, has charge of Mr. Perry's train. Miss Florence Hay, daughter of! Mr. and Mrs. K. 11. Hay, of Wel lington, Colo., arrived Tuesday evening for a visit with her uncle, L. A. Hay and family, and her old schoolmates, the Burke sisters. Fred Soiners, sou of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Somers, just east of town, left today for Pittsburg. Pa., to enter the West inghoue ma chine shops as an apprentice for. two years. He graduated June l as a mechanical engineer at the state university at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson, ac companied by Miss Anna, ar rived in their auto Wednesday evening from lluuibobll, Iowa, for a visit at tin- John Domim-M home and with old acquaintances. Mrs. Johnson is'a sister of Mrs. Doniii;;:,) ami they lived here at one time several years ago. The sad news conies of the death of Mrs. Henry Murliu at her home at Wabash Monday, June uO, of heart disease, at the age of 70 years, 8 months, IS days. The funeral services were held at the M. K. church at. Wabash at 10 o'clock loday (Thursday), inter ment at Oakwood cemetery. A line young girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs, (ieorge Ilagemau last Thursday, June (Ieorge gets to the barber shop an hour earlier now and and (irandpa Parker is getting along as well as could be expect ed. He was able to assist F. R. Complon a few days on the farm this week. to &:M ihb Ik::: ii L i; i 0 Trice includes all the lum ber, mill work, lath, s'lin rIcs, siding, flooring, ceiling, finishing lumber, building paper, pipe, putter, sash weights and hardware. Price is at mill or factory. Ask us tor lreiglit paid-price, r---- m-rn-Tm Our Mouse Dcdgsi tio. 2048 I This is n house of modern design, ti'.'l.t robins and baih. It is 30 feet -3 wide by 3) feet long, exclusive ot the porch. The swell front or bay win- p dow, the handsome dormer and lr.ossivc colonial porch give the exterior Wj modern home. Frill details can be i ;.,;,;. , . ia ; " , - V I ri l - ' :.: .i.hi.LZ...." f:" h meets ull ot ihc requirements of a H had by calling at our establishment. Vfa av Y.-'! w-Ntrw- - ' w una. ... ll.!...!), jR No othr concern c.-..n mnku y ;u rr nui-n iow priui-9 i n iuikl':i:.- matrn il lur a a liou.-u di si.:n mk. Ii us yh jji.jw ali.v-. Ruvinif L'ir:-ct l-mn 1 r i I - -: nml f.itt.T:.- ill enormous uanlitii-s (or !,..-t cash cii.iklrs us to umii iM'il ;,ll coni.H.iiiioii. Yo ore iHlrnfieJ with one numll Orolit 'lk:il loi .o :n i r.u.i.'ti . , i. ivi n .1 tr. N you. H i- IT.', .3 ,ii t.;..K ; n 't for ,!; ho,.-,- d, ki Ol!,-.s-a.-i.I I; La. 01 ;l o utt'.UtiOU ! 1. . Ii i- t "hi pin n i:-m:.-'i- I i;: a to .;. ,i o,l not 1; l!.t: Ficc Sctk cf Hans. it K!.'W nt:d hatns. 1-nv to prosprctivii fi Iniikli-rs. Contains n world cf v.Thnibli-in- irmation. If you .int. n 1 to build don't ij iclay st-nJina tor tliis valuable book. . f The hnndsomcst ever pub li-hi-d vi its I mil. Shows tlx- l.-itist of - lucili-rn, up tii-il He d ;iii.-ns ul lionscs, bim- ft) ....I 1 i . i. . . . . .. M . 1 1 .o.".- cii.u o.nris. rifi- in an uroMtrcm 1)11 f Tf ymi vl-h u-iy i.ifnrnip.tinn on (io: t builtli.ik' )'!! i'tt vi are Ju-r Ij yiv- it i j 'i' it t'rv-o of r 'lur ' .-. (1,1- .a-.t fi, , i-r-i! 1,-s ws to ?'u v.- ; i V' 11 t!i i--i!iorr-i:'.l is" r f ourl '.ir f - ? rat ioici,.is w i .i ;-s , c ' Mi o' n i i . ; ; ! :r l I; -i tiull IRCUi.i Cra-ulpa McKay was abb' to ht !i'p auain Wfiliicsday. lt-i Ouinn is slill I'opiirtcd as bcino vory Inw at the home of: his parents, southeast of Kagle. 1 Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Major' RoblviT, near Klinwotid, l-'rida, June '21, a nine-pound boy. I'erry McAllister has resigned ! his piwil ion as clerk at Yohos' and i now riiniiin'" a threshing out til : for .1,-ss Wall. ! Mis- Clara Wi-bh. who has been, ! m - i 1 1!'-.' for I lo pal I a 1 1 w eeks at , i. . Sla',1 home, oii!h of. low n, rclurncd to he" home at 1 Kiltrore, Neb.. Saturday. We underslanil that William i ( ii-lsrlihi-jer has boiipbt a saloon; at Stanton, Neb., and that he and 1 . : J . . : I . .-II i 1 .1 i i'is i;i iii! iv win move i nere in I ne t-ry near future. Mr. T. A. I'riee, an experienced i , i i i ji ui' iooiis ami urocery eierii. irom Lincoln, has accepted a position j a - eb'i'k in Yohos' store. Mrs. J I'riee will arrive loday, Thursday. i T. N. ltobbill arrived from Nad. I ihltll K'o lll.l f, HO. liorl ,,r llw. I , ..'., 111. j'. Ill 'i 111! week and will spend a few davs in this v icinil y v isil iny old fnnhK and looking after business in terests, John Yannieter has lrad"d his reslaurant in l.'ale to Mrs. lirant ner for her restaurant in I'ni-vci-ilv Place. Mi, and Mrs. Yan- mclcr leave today for their m-w home and Mrs. liranlner will lak cliar.t'e ol t In restaurant lien at once. We wish both parlies success. Tin annual school election was held in the Kayle school house Monday afternoon at I o'clock. Minnies of the last and special rneelin? read and approved. Treasurer's and secretary's re ports read and approved. Si'.DfHi was voted to be appropriated for the next term of school, l!l:?. i. '. !'. liotts was re-elected as di rector for two years and (lenrpe Triinkenbolz as moderator for three years. ! n .ifwiwr'fiiwviwi'i ipp- ?ww rrnm- KIK. orj s ft .ofT'v r'v ? i 5i ft I V" n h'l c?2 1 ... SJ; AI.COilUL .'I 1'h.U t'KN 1'. AM.'t.''uinrirAs :ni;.!!i!i!id;j:!n:r!;:ciji;!T l:r.'4ll;?Sirandusai!aij.).,'c;s.f '' 0 'N ' I , ' '' 'T' ' '" " r'-. c i T.,v ' .'-."v V1 ' 'YV.V. i'VVi uivicni. Letter. .i n'-v. Cti II' i.c .t,oies bi'stiouHiccieJ' noss aiul Ivtsi -Contains nciour Opium.MDfplmicnorJIiacral f -.- J'. .-.-...- ....:. W.'J!-.-. ApfiuTt Remedy favrnii.rJ-1ion,SoiT'Jlovli:'xli.l)i;iiii'1'--AVorras .CouYulsirms ,1 cvcrisli- racSiwiL Siinarurc of 7US Cl"xT.l'H CoMi'.VSr, NEW Y0"K. 'r'"'':'Trti';ff:, - " i. " tVtiaraiaii-run.'::li'--1'0"1.' Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Infants and Children. Tii3 Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the l. Signature AM if f f . j of tvAlf J till 1 I( Of ose j V K Thirty Yssrs ... J TNC CCNTAUtl OOMMNV, HCW VCI-H CITY LOUISVILLE. .J. V Courier. v IH'ohably return to Nebraska in the fall for a short visit with his father, before beniiininv; his prarl ice. A leaky gasoline ove was the cause of a small blaze at. the home of i;. I',. Hall on upper Main street Monday afternoon. An alarm was sounded and the lire department responded in ptoil lime. The stove was carried out, however, and llie llrst extinguish ed without turnin;,r on the water. .1 -i U.t ary i i -nv lit Payo to Tracto at Vlmno live you nnmcy l ot (..-.i j.!c ji-i a service l-j-i Yc mi o:iiy r hy uayor.c. c save Voll W'.istc limt: in rnrri-Kixiiulcncf-. Von auuid am disputes ftyer freight bills. Prompt deliveries of material save loss of nit'clianics' tin-" See our lumber and other buiMinir materials before buy iii;'. Dia'erent from o-.f.,,f-tovvn concerne. e take l8ck any mjtcri.-:S tvit ; "I over and f re.':, ywii f .ill amount pai l for same. f-i Save the annoyance of delays, disappointments and unfair treatment by U trailing at home. Phone, write or call and see us. V 'Si V. ! I: IS' A f .1 v -i J v-i 1,. .!j -1 f. 1 I V t ! I ;' V W , :.i .i,V v1 '1 : I new Oif'cr ' factory. 7 inc direct fro.n " -to - o ""ry pound of it. poi- It), higher. i H v y 's r - . . itiilUvJ 53 Lirjirn-D . r -i I r- J it j J r t.- S i i Miss Jjcota I ail ui went down to halls City Wednesday to spend some lime villi her brother, (lone liai'lon and family. jjosoph I. iil.uelt of Chicago ar rived Sunday to make a visit, with his three sons and his brother, John, northwest of town. ' .! '.i!iii d Kverrll, w ho rami- la-l vvi-ek lo attend I he funeral of his mother, departed Sunday evening for his home near Idnd.-ey, Mont. The first of this month there was a change in the firm name at I In; dru;.;' . store, and now the part ners are J. C. Th (-leson and Carl Y. Keedy, under the Jinn name of Th.v "Jreson it Keedy. There apjiears lo be no ma terial change in the condition of Frank Leach, who suffered a .stroke of paralysis ten days ago. lie suffers but little pain and at times apjiears quite cheerful. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert It. Jones, who were married June 211 at the l!u::li ltobb home near here, start ed Monday evening on their lou homeward journey. They are to viil relatives in Omaha and Sul (uii, then ,iso (o Killings. Alonlana, and from there !o their perman ent home in far-away Alaska Hoy I )e:ini y of t-'airview, W. Va., and O.ivid Ilelaney of Ml. Morris, Pa., deparled for Iheir home on Wednesday, after visit ing a week at the home of Reese )).-l.l::e; Mid ivi.'e. I'iei-se was un able to pd oni, in I ow n w il Ii I hem, but their jsil alionb-d a s:'real deal of pleasure and eneouraue- iienl for him. H--V. Howell Smith. vifv and i!.1 li:: bb-e. M i ( ieoi 'a. of Tlliilll-a-. okla., were here mi Tuesday and Wednesday visit intr their relatives. Wes Calrk and family and Mrs. Vesta Clark and family. HiM'iiin the past few weeks they have been spendiiiK' the lime visit in.L' anions relatives in Oregon and California ami are now "lo ing" Nebraska and Iowa, ud of it is a ereal summer mt in:;' for them. Tho King cf All Laxatives. 1'or constipation, headache, in di,,'e.s ion. and il spepsia, use Ir. Ki-- :'; New Lire Pills. Paul Ma Ihiili.a, of lliiiialo, V., says they are I he "Kinj,- of all laxatives. They arc a hlessinpr to all my family and I always keep a box at home." (let a box and get well. Price L'ac. Recommended by Ger i ii f-r & Co. Po'ii To Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pierce, June l'K, a boy. Mis . Lillian Hell " oT Ashland whs ihV 'L'.iiest "of her sisler, .Mrs, .M. .. I'lrake, I his week. Miss Florence Richardson of Mynard made a week-end visit vvilh Miss Kaliierine Richey. j Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Ossenkop j have rented I be '. l.ofren resi- I ileni-c on upper Main street and ; have i;one to iiousekeepiny. Miss Mary McCuire returned: from, 'Red Win:-", Minn., Tuesday, NEHAIVKA. I News. . Miss Clla Mason was taken vio lently ill Sunday evening with a nervous trouble that all'ecled her heart and for a t inie she was ill a critical condition. Prompt medical attention was given her and she js much better now. ' About, twenty employes of the west ipiarries concluded Monday that life as hard rock nieii was hardly worlh while, especially as long as they were furnished noth ing belter than victuals to eat, and drew I heir time. The fact that wages in I In harvest, Held just now are prelly good ;nay have had something to do with Iheir delerniinal ion. Unsiahllv Faco Soots ..Henry Kivpp has put out. ten ,n. cured hy Or. llobson's Cc.eina binders in this vicinity this year oji.i, which heals all skin to take care of the wheal, crop. eruptions. No mailer how long1 Miss Maude Case of Holbrook, you have been troubled hy itching-, Neb., is hep visit iiu: among her buruinu' or scaly skin humors, relatives ami friends. "Cokev" Johnson rimu unlay from West, Virginia, where i In- sp.-ni t in- w niter, and w ill woi u foi' K. M. Pollard. Tin- lulilioiis from other di-- eveninir, spi-ndinf brol her. Mrs. Fan Oouald, am where she had been her vacation with In-r Iricls and from forei-.-n scholars in tin grades a'nioiinled lo over sHild in this dislricl last vear. Dickson and son,; Miss Cora (lon.als of lierlin, Fnunons Richey of v bo taught school forim-rlv in Ml. just put a Hub- of lint southing in Sal- ant i.sepl ie, Or. Hohson's F.ceiua Ooiulnieiil, on the sores and the sull'ei'ing slops inslanlly. Heal ing begins that very minute. Doctors use il in lln-ir prarl ice and recommend it. Mr. Alleiuan, of Lit I letow n. Pa., says: "Had ecema on forehead; Dr. Hohson's Feeiiia Dint inert cured it, in two weeks," Guaranteed to relieve or money refunded. All druggist s, or by mail. Price ,r,0c. Pfeill'er Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. Plallsiiioulh made an over-night Pleasant dislricl, was here ,- visit al the C. A. Richey home week v isilii.-u- her inauv friends Sal in day. ! norl h of low n. 1 Mrs. R. C. Yard's aunl, Mrs. F. j Mr. and Mrs. Dav id Combs of1 M. Frskiuc, and her sisler, Miss ; Porlsinoul h, Ohio, who had 1 n ' Helen Hlair, of Piper iCIy, Illinois, I visit ing at the home of their I are visit nl the Yant home. The ! nephew, D. C. West, left Saturday; " latter will spend the summer in 'morning for their home in Ohio.! -- your fancy stctlcr.cry at Louisville. Com h:is made a wonderful ; Journrl c!7icc. A. L. Palmer, who tbiislied hi , growl h in the, Iwo weeks and! ' " course in llie Harvard law school1 at present is very little behind the ! Have vou tried the Forest loue at Cambridge in June, will spend ! seasonable average. The favor- I ilourV- If not, why no! ? Il is the tin- summer camping in the New Hampshire monnlains. He will ibb w eal lu-r ha s also enable, lariin-rs lo keep j cb-an. I the 1 - - - -1 il-fi:: on id r- gz: S r ,-'7. n ' . -'-T -" Ti rf-f Let's See if Yen Shcu 7f U r. i fVT tn lit HIS is a store where folks are welcome matters not v1;r:t you'ceine for, just ro yoi come. I. you l)iiy, it matters not whether yon buy a cent's worth or a dollar's worth, you'll get courteous treatment, prompt sen ice and full value for your money.-; And, if you find you don't like what you bought, hrm5 it back. We will refund without nn argument. -That's fair isn't it? i i ' Successor to John Bauer u Main Street