rT FT .. . i. I .! f i vrit vrit Prepared in ths Interests of the People of Musp.ay and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for (If any of the readers of the Journal know of a social event or an Item of this heading. We want all items of interest. Editor Journal.) Hurray Sfofo Our Deposits are guaranteed by the State Guarantee Fund 4 per cent interest paid on all Time Deposits Do your Banking Business with us. nn array UMU Stab W. G. BOEDEKER; Ca.hier Miss Esther Ilice visited with Miss Kva Lallue lasl Sunday. A. L. Maker was a Plaltsinoulh visitor Wednesday of this week. Mrs.Albert Queen was a Plaits mouth visitor Wednesday even In k. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon' Heck were Omaha visitors last Thurs day. Dee, Shrader was looking after some business matters in Omaha last Monday. Mrs. J. T. Drendel has heen numbered with the sick for the past few days. Miss Edith Lallue and Jennie nhoden were Omaha visitors last Salurdny evening. Mr. and Mrs. (ilessman went lo Plainview Tuesday, where they were called owing lo sickness. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. William Lallue lias heen quite sick for the past few days. 1 Charles Hoedeker was looking after some business matters in the county seat Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leonard Horn of Platts nioulb was in Mijrray Wednesday, spending the day with Mrs. M. Tliatt. Oscar and Lloyd (iapen were Omaha visitors Monday evening, going up after some machine re pairs. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Kennedy and daiiKhler, .Miss Apnes, were Plattsmouth visitors Saturday evening. ... J Nick Friedrich is now sporling a new Ford aulo, which he pur chased this week from Earl Jen kins and Abe Decker., The Dicknell Urns, and Miss Louise Dicknell, of Dunbar were in Murray this week visiting wilh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook. Boys' Elk Shoes The tuil kind We're selling them at 98c to $1.39 HIATT I MURRAY (g) MMMMM v Tiir r Kim7 l a- t r m m & : r at... m s r km r - mm Mi i.auieion Lathy is sporting a new car this week, a roadster of the line American type, one of I he best cars on the market. Mr. and Mis. W. G. Hoedeker and Mrs. O, 11. (lilmore were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday, driving up in Mr. Doedeker's car. Mr. and Mi's. J. W. Edmunds departed Thursday for Plainview, Neb., where they will spend the. Fourth with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Miller. Dewey Zuckvveiler of Platts moulh came down Wednesday and went out to the farm home of Fred Lutz lo assist in the har vesting for u few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Pitman, L. D. Jlialt and Albert Young were Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday evening, driving up in Mr. Pit man's car. M. Heal and son, Clarence, came down from Plattsmoulh Wednesday to do some work on the painting of II. C. Long's new residence. Mrs. Oscar McDonald of Mur dtick was in Murray a few days this week visiting with her niother-iii-nlw, Mrs. Mira Mc Donald. There will be another ball game in Murray next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Murray vs. Ne hawka. This .will be a good game. An admission fee of 15 cents will be charged for the purpose of de fraying the expenses of the visit ing team. The Murray base ball team went over JoAvnca last Sunday to play the, team of that place. II was a good game and pretty close, with the exception of one inning, when Avoca made most of their runs. Murray was defeated bv a score of 8 lo 1. l A A. A 1 ' w W Ribbons A large assortment of staple colors in 3 and 4 inch at 10c per yard & TUTT :: NEDR. MM interest in this vicinity and will mail J. W. Holmes was a Platts moulh visitor Wednesday of this week. Charles Hoedeker has bought a new Ford runabout from Earl Jenkins and Abe' Hoedeker ' this week. Charley needs a small car to look after bis business and the Ford is just the thing for bis work. L. F. Langhorst, the merchant prince of Elmwood; Cashier J. P. Cobb and Coroner H. I. Clements, all of Elmwood, were in Murray Wednesday looking after some business matters. They came over via the auto route. Have you seen the interior of the Murray State Dank this week, with a new steel ceiling, new paint and paper? It looks mighty swell. Cashier Hoedeker is up-to-date in all banking methods, and sure needs an up-to-date banking home. He sure has it now. ' .1 , i Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Haker and daughter, Opha, Mr. and Mrs. John Farris and family, Al Hart letl and Miss May St. John went to Lake Mauawa last Sunday, where they spent the day in a very pleasant manner. They took well-lllled baskets, and of course had an excellent dinner. The day was spent in boating, bathing and listening to the excellent music of thin pleasant camping place. They returned home in the even ing. Miss Ella Virgin came ery near meeting with a serious accident last Sunday in driving to the home of her sister, Mrs. Philip Keil. She had arrived at the home of her sister, and in getting out of the buggy the team became frightened and ran away. Miss Virgin was thrown to the ground ami was quite badly bruised, but no bones were broken. The buggy was completely torn up and the team ran some distance be fore being slopped. Frank Vallery is now driving 'a new Mel Z auto the past few days, having bought the car from Mr. Murray, near Weeping Water. The Melz is a mighty good little car and Frank thinks some of taking the agency for Ibis county. He went over to Weeping Water this week after the Melz, Dr. Oil more driving his Ford car back lo Murray, and Frank returned for the Ford Wednesday morning. Surprise Birthday Dinner. A number of friends ami rela tives gathered at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. L T. Iloyer on June 2!) to assist in celebrating Mr. Hover's iilh birthday. At 11 o'clock the guests aN met, and it was quite a surprise on Mr. Rover to see so many of his friends. At 12 o'clock the table was spread with many good things to eat. TTie dinner was served by Mrs. ftoyer ami sister, Mrs. C. W. Iloyer and daughters, Mrs. Lancaster, Miss manda Rover and Mrs. John Royer. The afternoon was spent in games and music, the mustc being furnished by Mrs.. Lloyd Jarvis and Earl Lancaster. At 3 o'clock ice cream and cako were served. Mr. Royer received quite a number of nice presents, and said he wished his birthday would come once a week, although he didn't think they ought t have surprised him so badly. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Royer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogue and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lancaster and family, Mr. ami Mrs. Mellcouch and fam ily of Plattsmouth,' Mr. and Mrs. Herl Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. John Royer, Mr. and Mrs. I..T. Royer1, Oreen Piggetl, Mamie Royer, Enos Royer, Amanda Royer, Fred Ul- rich, Hal t ie Royer, Jarvis Lan rastej All departed at a late hour, wishing Mr. Royer many more such happy birthdays. One Who Was There. Very Quiet. Things in Murray are pretty quiet these days, thank you, but this condition is in no way con trary to the balance of the towns and cities of eastern Nebraska, where the busy farmer has just a little more business than he knows bow to handle. Hut this condition at the present time is very nceeptaule to everyone in both the cities and villages, for it sure means better days by and by, for the labors of our farmers will certainly bear fruit this year From many of the old settlers we learn that the crop conditions of Cass county were never better in the Journal Readers same to this office it will appear undei the past forty years. The har vesting days are a little early this vear, and 'very man that wants to work can now find good wages in the wheat fields. The wheat crop is good, but must be looked alter right, now, and the farmers are on the ground looking after it, which makes the business con dition of our little towns pretty quiet. Some farmers have already contracted their crop of wheat, and as soon as threshed will be placed on the market. Z. W. Shrader tells us that he has sold his crop at 75 cents per bushel, which is a good price at this time. ' MURDOCH. 4 (Special Correspondent.) 4 Mure! Gillespie enjoyed a visit in Omaha Sunday. , -: 0. G. Williamson was in Lin coln Friday between trains. Master L. Gil more has been visiting at the Gustin home the last week. W. O. Gillespie was an Oma ha visitor Friday. Luella Crew of Weeping Water has been visiting Lesta McDonald for a few days the past, week. The Wieshiet sisters were visiting their sister, Ida, one day last week. Nellie Rush, who is going to summer school in Lincoln, was home Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. William Wilken was in Omaha Wednesday between I rains. A. J. McNaniara went with the rest of the old soldiers to Gettys- bury Friday. Frank llosenow, Harry Gillespie and Lacey and Gail McDonald took the examination for rural route carriers last Saturday at Weeping Water, each hoping that lie will be the lucky one. Farm for Sale. Anvnne wanting to buy a farm von Id d' well n see W. R. Hryan. county assessor. Prepare for Your Spring Work Now! yOUR plows need sharpening, and other machinery may need re pairing. Line them up now and bring them in. and let me put them in goodcondition for you by the time the Spring rush arrives. Yoo will be busy then and so will I. COME IN NOW! Walter Green, Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing Murray, Nebraska liiradlvBi? TWuOD It is now time that you were placing your order for bind er twine while the prices are at the lowest notch. Standard Twine, 10c per pound Extra Twine, 11c per pound Pure Manilla Twine 1 2c per lb, We are also selling the famous ACME BINDER, and let us figure with you. The Farmers' Eievator Co, Henry Hccbncr, Manager Alvo F3otes i'Mr. J. .V.iSiM;jv.a,s-Mi Lin coln Monday. Mrs. Coon was in Murdock Monday afternoon' Orion Haldvvin visited friends in Lincoln Wednesday. John Murtey shipped hogs to South Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Snavely went to Lincoln Friday evening. Mrs. C. 1. Jordan was shop ping in' Lincoln Saturday. Chris Dreamer and son were Lincoln visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Prouty visited Tues day with relatives in Greenwood. The Misses Alma and Mildred Godbey visited relatives in Omaha a few days this week. Mrs. Strain and little daughter, Hethany, were Sunday guests of Mrs. D. A. Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hollenbeck are visiting relatives in Weeping Water this week. Paul Thurason of Lincoln vinited friends here Sunday and Monday. .. Alfred Stroemer went to Oma ha and Sioux City. on business Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Gullion of Lin coln visited Miss Stella Sheesely last Friday. Wesley bird, jr., is helping S. C. Hoyles during the wheat har vest this week. Henry Craig of Omaha visited the pasl week with his mother, Mrs. Liza Craig. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rhein of Omaj ha were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godbey. Harry Appleman came down from Lincoln Sunday afternoon to attend to his farm interests. Fred Prouty ami family and Able Prouty took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Skiles left Wednesday for a visit with their son, Charles Skiles, at David Citv, Neb. T. N. Hobbitt came in Monday from Hnddam, Kans., where he at tended ' the funeral of bis brol her. Miss Ford left for her honie in Lincoln Monday, after having visited with Mrs. Eli Coon the past week; John Casey of Omaha visited his sons, J. E. and W. F... Tuesday nighl, going on In Lincoln Wed nesdav morning. . Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Patterson and son. Sidney, visited friends and relatives at Utica, Neb., sev eral days this week. Mrs. William Yaeger visited in I'nadilla with her brother, Am el Sophtlin and family, from Satur day till Monday. Mrs. Evans and daughter. La Verda, left Thursday on No. 5 for Saguache, Colo., where she will v isit her parents. Mrs. Carlton Gullion and son, Raymond, of Lincoln, visited the past week with her sister, Miss Stella Sheesley. Mrs. A. Sutton ami daughter, Miss Kate, returned home Thurs day from Lincoln, where fhey at tended camp meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dennett and daughter and grandson visited Saturday with Mrs. Bennett's sis ter, Mrs. Nervia Knott. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shelton and daughter of Waverly visited Sunday with Mrs. Shelton's sister, Mrs. Emmett Friend and family. Mrs. Midlan and son of Omaha left Monday for their home, af ter having visited several days with Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey. On June 23 L. D. Mullen, jr., purchased a 160-acre farm at Chapelt, Neb., through the Richey Land Co. J.. . Sntloii, ' Add. Auent. Mrs. Sam Cashner and Mrs. Iie!!e Deunejt aji.l daughter, ,Mrs. Arzilla Foreman, were flmpipn?. in Lincoln Tuesday. '. t, . Miss Violet Ough came up from South Bend last Wednesday even ing, returning Friday morning, to remain until after the Fourth. Henry Wells left Monday, after a few days' visit with his sister, Mrs. R. A. Boyles, and other rela-. tives, for his home at Heresford, South Dakota. F. H.' Caudy and family left on No. 14 Tuesday for a week's visit with his parents at Kevstone, Neb. W. R. Miller will be relief agent during bis absence. Mrs. Henry Thomas returned Friday from Almena. Kansas, where she has been visiting the past two weeks with her daugh ter, Mrs. Charles She lev and fam ily. L. H. Appleman and family left Thursday in their auto for a few days' visit with his brother, Porter Appleman and family, at Atlantic, Iowa. Charles Appleman is keep ing bachelor hall during their absence. ,, , , . Avail yourself or the' oppor tunity in these last days of our special sale. We have disposed of a large amount of our goods. The bargains are unquestioned. Our sale closes July 8th. We will then invoice our stock at once and Mr. Evans, our succes sor, will then take charge Of the business. We will be pleased to see you. , F, E. Patterson. Evangelist Tent Meeting. The evangelistic tent meting at Alvo is progressing nicely. The tent arrived Saturday and has been used every night for the services. The Sunday evening crowd taxed the seating capacity of the tent. Evangelist Fitt is preaching convincing sermons. His subject Sunday night was, "Featherweights." The song service was a treat. Prof. Hartley is one of the best gospel singers and his message in song is very helpful. Two sacred selections sung by the Fonnau quartet were thoroughly appreciated by the audience. There has been sev eral conversions, and the interest is growing. There .will be three great services Sunday, July 6. Men's meeting at 3 p. m. Subject, "The Danger Signal." Special music at all these services. You are welcome. For Sate at a Bargain. Only restaurant in town. No opposition. Clearing at least $100 per month. Carrying a full line of cigars and tobaccos, confection ery, soft drinks of all kinds, ice cream. Will stand closest in vestigation. Reason for selilng poor health of landlady. Will dis pose of same by inventory or set price. D. C. Farnhaiii, Proprietor, Union, Neb. S. 0. Pitman of Murray was in the city last evening for a short time looking after some matters of business. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local ippllmtlniK, as they ennnot tnrh tha tllwaned iiorttoii of the cur. There U only on way to cure denfnen. and that la by eonatltutlon tl remedlea. DeafnexH la canned by an Inlliimed condition of the mucous lining of the Kuatiichlnii Tunc. When this tube la Inflamed you ham rumbling; aouud or luiHrfect heurlng, and when It Is entirely cloaed Dt-afui'ita Is the result, and unlea the inflammation can be taken out anil this tube restored to Its normal condition, bear ing; will be destroyed forerer; nine casea out of ten are caused hr Catarrh, which la nothing; but an Inflamed condition of the mucona surfniva. We will g-lre One Hundred Iollara for any cs of Deafness (caused by catnrrh) that cannot be enred by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DruRglats. 76c. Take Hall's family rills fur coostlpaUon. Call Murray, Neb. Z7 U