The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 03, 1913, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
: Published Semi-Weekly
W. A. 11ATICH,
Entered at the PoHtofiice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska as second-class matter
:: - $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE -
Senator Hitchcock stood out for
free sugar. Well, didn't he have
a right to do so?
There seems In he a laek of
suitable tenineiil houses. K very
day there are callers at, the Jour
nal office for residences. Hut
quite a few of Ihem are refused on
account of their condition. The
owners of some of these prop
erties could easily put them in
shape for rental purposes. And
if some of them belong to outside
parties and they have agents here,
let these agents write for permis
sion to renovate them so that
they will be habitable. That's
the proper way to improve the
- -to: '
Doc Wiley, of the pure food
forces, seems to have more time
lo view with alarm, since retiring
from his long and faithful service
with the government. His latest
outburst is to the effect I hat "its
high time American women were , suffrage. Governor Dunne has
changing their lap dogs for , signed Ihe bill extending the bal
babie.s, and venling the maternal ! lot In the women of that state, and
inslict which prompts Ihem to fur the moment, at least, women
caness a fuzzy dog on Ihe object Jhave the right to vote. Attorney
that nature inlended Ihem to." It General Lucey of Illinois, how-
is natural, of course, for a real
man to develop a deep, ingrown
disgust when he sees a brainless
woman fondling a fuzzy poodle
dog. .. .', i,
The best day's work that Gov
ernor Major of Missouri ever did
was the day he selected Hon. N.
M. Pettingill of Memphis Mo., cir
cuit judge of the district com
posed of Clark, Scotland and
Knox counties. Heing an old
friend of both Governor Major
and Judge Pell ingill. we take
great pleasure in extending con
gratulations to the governor upon
his excellent selection, and to
Judge Pettingill upon the honor
so worthily bestowed. We have
known Judge Pel I ingill for many
years and have a I way looked upon
him as one of the ablest lawyers
in the state of Missouri. In
politics he has always been self
sacrificing, at Ihe same lime no
man deserved recognition at Ihe
hands of his parly more I ban
Judge Pettingill. lie should have
been on the supreme bench of his
state years ago had he not
possessed so much loyally to
friends. When he professed
friendship, it was indeed a last
ing friendship. He never possess
ed a grain of hypocrisy that's the
reason we always loved him for
his manhood. He is honest, con
scientious, and, withal, a gentle
man, and when we first learned of
his appointment it made our very
heart leap with joy. Again, ac
cept out congratulations, Judge,
and may you live long and prosper.
Mtumott rii, -J 11 iL ST.-t."I f I "V. .-Yl
' hxvC j f '
m&m -md gfl4s
1 I I I I
at Plattsmouth, Neb.:
We pity the poor senators and
congerssmen who can't get home
to enjoy the good fresh air here
in the west. Hut such is fate
with those who insist on serving
the dear people at Washington,
with the teriuonieter ranging
around the 10 i mark at the
As a business center Platts
mouth is becoming one of the
greatest of its dimensions. Not
only does people living fifteen and
twenty miles west and south find
it profitable to come here and
trade, but they have got in the
habit of coining here in large
numbers on Saturday from Mills
and Fremont counties, Iowa, and
from Sarpy county, across the
Platte. This is done by cur mer
chants olTering the right kind of
inducements for'theni to trade
lie re.
Illinois has put the "rage" in
ever, believes the bill is uncon
slilulional, and a majority of the
lawyers of the slate appear to ac
cept his view of the case, and the
quest ion will no doubt be settled
in Ihe courts. The passage of
Ihe act constitutes one of the
most remarkable episodes in the
history of American politics.
Commended by neither of the big
parlies, as evidenced by their
platform; never discussed to any
great extent: never an issue in a
campaign in the state; demanded
by no one but a small band of
enlhusiaslic workers; never
passed on by the voters, female
sull'rage went through both
houses with comparative ease.
And. frankly, it went through
without regard to its merits. Some
of the members voted for the bill
to "gel even" with interests which
they suspected of having taken a
hand in the defeat of the initia
tive and referendum. Others
voled for the bill because they
thought female suffrage would aid
the "dry" movement. Others
voled for il, on their own admis
sion, because they were desirous
of winning the approval of the
women. Still others voted for it
to "steal the thunder" of the pro
gressive party. And, still others,
sad lo relate, voted for it. because
there was no evidence of any
money in not voting for it. For
the present, at least, the women
of Illinois may vote if they have
a mind to. It will be interesting
to observe how many of the
gentler sex will care to avail
themselves of their new-found
Scientists say there is a pos-
sMulity that the potato crop may
become extinct. That'll be tough
on Ihe Irish; but imagine what
would happen to the Dutch if the
cabbage crop should fail.
i A loan who has been in the
j grain business for many years
I told us Saturday that this is ac-
lually the greatest wiieat crop
ever produced in Cass county.
The question of readjustment
of the rates of the Modern Wood
men of America is to be left to a
lelerndum vole of the entire
membership of the society. This,
il is thought, will quiet the row
now going on against an in
crease in the rales. All the votes
must be in by August 1, 11M3. The
order is up against it. If they
vole to increase the rales the list
of new members will fall off. If
I hey vote to keep the rales where
I hey are they will go into bank
rutcy. They are in the condition
of the old darkey, who said:
"Hrethren, there are but two
roads; the one leads to universal
damnation and Ihe other goes
straight to hell."
. :o:
Roosevelt announces that the
progressives and republican
parties will merge, provided the
republicans join the progressives.
Here is the way one leading re
publican puts it: "No one cares
particularly now what Roosevelt
Ihinks or wants. He is a mere
figment, a fly on the wheel of
events, a man who shot his bolt
and will henceforth stand on the
outside of the fence and growl at
Ihe processions that go along."
Teddy is not sleeping his tiime
away, don't forget that, and by
the time the 1910 campaign opens
properly the progressives will find
out that he will have as much to
say in the selection of a repub
lican candidate for president as
any other man either progres
sive or bull mooser.
A Chicago clergyman says that
... ...
a man cannot tie religious on a
dollar a day and he is not likely
to be religious on 1,000 a day.
One born into wealth is born in
to conditions that bring tempta
tion to indulgence, to treat others
as his tools and inferiors, and as
ministers of his own pleasure.
The temptations among young
men born into wealth to indulge
in gambling, waste, fast women
and wine are frightful. The poor
man needs religion in order to
maintain his manhood. The rich
man needs it to avoid the dangers
of not being a man at all. As a
rule such men are not men of
thought, and care nothing for
science, art and truth for them
selves. They are chiefly for the
money. -They do not attempt to
reform society. They are afraid
of progress, freedom and rule of
the people. Whatever puts wealth
into the hands of the few is
wrong. The natural resources
and the increase in lands through
increase in population, belong to
the people. No one knows what
socialism is, but what we need is
Christian brotherhood.
The matter of buying a home, j
if one would be absolutely safe,
applies to insurance and invest
ments almost as well as to more
material goods. The case of the
rerent J.incoln man who took the
word of a foreign building and
loan association for it that if he
paid per month for 12 months
he could get a loan of 1,000 for
the building of a home, and that
when he paid G per month for 80
months the mortgage on the home
was cancelled, is lo the point. The
man paid the $7-' and applied for
the loan. . Hut he was informed
that be was only "eligible" for Ihe
loan when his turn it proved to
be a sort of tontine affair came;
and now the Lincoln man can
neither hold on or let go very
gracefully. The outside invest
ment scheme always looks belter
and rarely is.
Tbere are some democrats
throughout the land who are dis
posed to prophesy that with the
end of President Wilson's admin
istration ends democratic rule.
We cannot see any reason for
such a prediction. The democrats
have been in control of the affairs
scarcely four months, and we can
not perceive one move on the part
of the president that would even
indicate such a calamity. There
are, of course, a few disappointed
office-seekers who feel a little
sore in consequence of the dis
appointment, and there will prob
ably be more as time goes on. but
when those who have been away
up in the counsels of I heir party
arise to prophesy thus early in
the administration all sorts of
misfortunes for his party, he
shows a weak sped in his upper
story and denmnslrales very poor
democratic patriotism.
If all the wheal, raised in Ne
braska was one grain, the only
place to plant it would be in
Grand Canyon, Arizona, the only
hole in the earth big enough to
contain il. It all Ihe corn raised
i i i
m -vorasiwi w as one ear, uie oniy
way lo .-hell il would be by sleam
pump pullers extracting one
grain al a lime from the cob. If
all Ihe cattle in Nebraska were
one cow, she could browse the
tender herbnue of the tropics,
vhisk off the north pole with her
tail, ami supply milk enough to
fill a canal reaching from Kansas
City to the Gulf, on which to ship
the boatloads of her cheese and
butter. If all the chickens in
Nebraska were one rooster he
could straddle the Rocky moun
tains like a great Colossus and
crow until lie shook the rings off
the planet Saturn. If all the hogs
raised in Nebraska were one hog,
he could place his hind feet in the
soil of Cuba, his fore feet in tho
Islhintis of Panama, and with one
root of his huge snout dig a sea
level canal from ocean to ocean.
If all the mules raised in Ne
braska were one mule, he could
plant one fore foot in the soil of
Texas, the other in the forests of
Maine, and w ith his hind feet kick
Ihe whiskers off the face of the
man in the moon.
A city paper a few days ago!
carried a big heading-.
Trusts Are Formed." What is
needed is a recipe for (informing a
few of them.
The government slatistieans
have figured out that the cost of
living is higher now than at any
time during the past thirty years.
Don't we know that, without being
When a man spends the greater
part of his time in "knocking"
the town, the business men and
every enterprise proposed, he
should be invited to pitch his tent
on the outside of the corporation
limits, where he can do all his
knocking to himself.
:o :
The attorney general of the
United States announces that no
prosecutions can be brought in
federal courts under the Webb
liquor law passed by congress.
No penalties are attached. The
law was designed to give to the
states the right to prevent ship
ments of liquor for sale into dry
Wheal, oats and grass harvest
all in a lump, with corn plowing
hitched on. How are our farmers
to get through with it all with the
scarcity of help? If some of our
town loafers can be prevailed up
on to go out and help save the
crops they will perhaps have more
to live on next winter. Hut will
they do it?
It is probably of no use to warn
parents against purchasing toy
pistols on the Fourth. The
Journal has done so in past
years, but it seems to have done
but little good. More boys have
been hurt by the use of toy pistols
on the Fourth of July than by all
id her explosives combined, ac
cording to government statistics.
And we take this opportunity to
warn parents once more to not
permit, their chjldren to use them.
II may save much grief by heed
ing the warning in time.
Speaking of the niininum wage
question and the tendency among
law-making bodies to legislate
against low wages: Two citizens,
occasional employers of ordinary
labor, were heard to say that
some laborers were being over
paid. Obviously reference was
bail lo local conditions and to
this particular class of work in
the farming line. It is, of course,
a nation-wide question, for the
reduction or elevation of wages
in one state immediately affects
another state. Moreover another
way of putting it is that the cost
of living in these days is not high
enough if the wage earners as a
class are getting too much money.
Can you believe il? Russia burn
ed eighty girls a few weeks ago
because they were to be employed
loo cheaply. Hut even Russia
cannot adopt that method as a
regular thing 1 Certainly a mini
mum wage scale is preferable
even as an artificial plan of re
form, and because artificial, not
the most wholesome.
l OP mis
H T8
The postottiee department has
sent out an order requesting that
all patrons on rural routes paint
their boxes white and place their
names on the same in black let
ters about two inches high. This
order has been issued to every
postmaster where there is a rural
Very few government positions
are coming westward. President
Wilson seems to be making only
such appointments as are neces
sary at the present time. Just
wait till congress adjourns and
the tariff and currency bills have
been passed and Woodorvv will
then make the fur on some of the
republican officials fly. They will
be hunting new jobs then.
From Hoslon comes news of a
new religion which is likely to
gain followers among those whose
favorite indoor amusement is
chasing New Thoughts of one
kind or another. This new sect
which is neglecting its regular
chores to play.for the millenium,
pledges its members not to wear
or eat anything produced by death
or torture This places them on
a vegetable diet and bars kid
gloves and leather shoes from
their wardrobes, and can't expect
many recruits from the packing
house district. It is also their
object to spread the principle of
universal love, and if they can
avoid church quarrels some head
way may be made in that direc
tion. Hut for all the beautiful
uplift thoughts advanced by these
seekers for the light, there isn't a
great deal in a name; in other
words, the millenium will not be
greatly hastened because Boston
has a new religion, as Hoslon fre
quently has. Possibly it is true
that all efforts to make the world
better are commendable to a de
gree, inasmuch as even a good
resolution does good as long as
it lasts, but a fad doesn't usually
last long enough to help much,
even if it is the right sort, and
the difficulties of working a pleas
ant dream over into reality are so
great that they shouldn't be
tackled lightly as they are.
No doubt the world is growing
better, but without violating speed
limits in that direction. And
those who are chasing every fool
fad are not the ones who are mak
ing it better. More people are
learning that good behavior
means a better tfnie than can be
had along the winding primrose
path. More are learning that the
good jobs are most likely to go to
those who do their best, and keep
themselves in condition to do
their best. Wise teaching, of
course, helps in that direction, but
at the showdown it is really up to
Ihe individual. And if he makes
himself belter, in some measure
he improves his associates and
the world. On the other hand,
the New Thought faddist is likely
to run largely to beautiful words
and tommyrot, 'while neglecting
Ihe tilling and toiling and other
useful occupations which might
help some in general results.
By Gross
it BY Manxes
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