The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 03, 1913, Image 3

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    m t m m m
Buys ihe Materials MillM llfi lO
I. B..!IJ IL!. U - 1.1 1 " " V. "L.; ' . "
iu Duuu mis nouse
Price includes alt the lum
ber, mill work, lath, shin
pies, siding, fhxring, ceiling,
finishing lumber, building
paper, pipe, gutter, sash,
wcjghts and hardware.
Price is at mill or factory.
Ask us for freight paid-price.
Our House Design lIo. 2546
This is a house of modern design, eight rooms and baih. It is 30 feet
wide by 30 feet long, exclusive of the porch. The swell front or bay win
dow, the handsome dormer and massive colonial porch give the exterior
an exceedingly pleasing and aubstatial effect. The interior arrangement
meets all of the requirements of modern home. Fnll details can be
had by calling at our establishment.
We Save You Money.
No other concern can maka yoa
ucb low prioo on building material lor
a house design such as we show above,
Buying direct from mills and factories in
enormous quantities (or spot cash enables
us to undersell all competition.
We are satisfied with ons small
profit which means an immense saving to
Plans Free.
We mako no chars for the plans
for the bouse design illustrated above.
Others would ask from $2 to 15 and not
be in a position to give you the personal
ttcatioa oecessary.
It Pays to Trade at Home.
We not only can save you money but can give you a service unequaled
by anyone. We save you waste time in correspondence. You avoid any
disputes over freight bills. Prompt deliveries of material save loss of
mechanics' time. See our lumber and other building materials before buy
ing. Different from out-of-town concerns, we take back any materials left
over and credit you full amount paid for same.
Save the annoyance of delays, disappointments and unfair treatment by
trading at home. Phone, write or call and see us.
flondard Hinder i fn)
Tivino, par lb. . . I
Fresh new Binder Twine direct from
Our name on the tags guarantees
every pound of it.
Spot cash 10c per lb., credit 1-2c
per lb. higher.
Cedar Greek Lumber Company
Iu the Dlxtrlet i'nurt of Caaa County,
In the Matter of the Application of
George E. Kyan, Guardian Of Joseph
Elton Ityan and Archie J. ttyan,
.Minors, to Sell Keal Estate:
Notice Is hereby given, ttiat in pur
suance of an order to me lHsued by
Hon. Harvey D. Travis, Judge of the
lltrict Court of Casts County, Ne
braska, on the 20th day of May, 1913,
for the sale of the interests of Joseph
Elton Ryan and Archie J. Hyan,
minors, in and to the real estate here
inafter described, being each an un
divided one-fifteenth (1-15) In and to
the east half of the northeast quarter
(E. Va NE. i) of Section sixteen (16),
Township ten (10) north, Kange nine
(9) east, and also each an undivided
one-fortieth (1-40) In and to all of lots
thirteen (13), fourteen (14) and
fifteen (15), in block four (4), In the
Village of Alvo, according to the re
corded plat, all in Cass County, Ne
braska, there will he sold at the Farm
ers & Merchants Bank, in the Village
of Alvo, in said Cass County, Nebraska,
.at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore
noon, on the 6th day of July, 1913, at
public vendue to the highest bidder for
cash, the interest and estate of said
.Joseph Elton Kyan and Archie J. Hyan,
in and to the above described real
estate, to-wit.:
Each an undivided one-fifteenth
(1-15) in and to the east half of the
northeast quarter (E. NE. of
.Section sixteen (16), Township ten
(10) north, Range nine (9) east, and
.also each an undivided one-fortieth
(1-40) in and to all of lots thirteen
(13), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), in
Mock four (4), in the Village of Alvo,
.according to the recorded plat, all in
Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will
remain open for one hour.
Dated this 10th day of June, 1913.
"Guardian of Joseph Elton Ryan and
Archie J. Ryan, Minors.
By Samuel B. Hams, His Attorney.
John V. Wood. Defendant, will take
notice that on the 24th day of January,
1913, Elsa Wood, Plaintiff herein, riled
Iter petition In the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, against said
defendant, the' object and prayer of
which Is to obtain a divorce upon the
ground of willful desertion for more
than two years, anil failure to support
and for the' custody of the Infant
child, the Issue of said marrlHge. You
are required to annwer said petition on
of before the 21st dav of Julv, 1913.
ELSA WOOD, Plaintiff.
Hubert Marquis will take notice
lliat on the 27th day of May, 1913,
M. Archer, u just ice of the peace
of Plaltsmouth City, Cass County,
Neb. aska, issued an order of at
tachment fur the Mini of 127.00,
in an action pending before him.
where Glaus Jess is plaint ill' and
Hubert Marquis is defendant; that
property of the defendant, consisting-of
money in the posses
sion of the C, It. & (J. It. R. Co.
garnishee has been attached un
der said order. Said cause was
continued to July lilli, 1913. at 9
o'clock a. in. .
CLAUS .TKSS, Plaintiff.
A lazy liver leads to chronic
dyspepsia and tonstipation
weakens the whole system. Doan's
rU'K'ilHs ("Tic per box) act mild
ly on the liver and bowels. At all
drug stores.
i . &
mXJ: mmv
Free Book of Plans.
Tha handsomest book erar pah
lished of its kind. Shows the latest of
modern, up-to-date dosiansfof houses, bun
galows and barns. Free to all prospective
builders. Contains a world of valuable in
formation. If you 'intend !to build don't
delay sending for this valuable book.
Consult Us. . ,
If you wish any information on the
building subject we are here to give it to
you free of charge.
Our vast experience enables us to show
you the "short-cuts" of buildinf ope
rations, as well as selections of materials.
Don't hesitate to ask us for any inlorma
tion needed.
Taking Farmers' Teams, Using
Them and Tying Them in An
, other Part of Town.
For some time parties around
town have been in the habit of
taking teams belonging to farm
ers and driving them around for
a time and then returning them,
and in several instances they have
taken the teams and left them
quite a distance from where they
were originally tied.
An instance of this kind occur
red here Saturday, when Frank
Grauf of near Murray was in the
city and had his team tied on
South Fourth street and was at
tending to some trading, and
when he was ready to start for
home about 7:30 in the evening
be failed to find his team at the
spot where he had left them and
at once started to look around for
the horses and buggy. They were
finally located, tied near the
Methodist church, the horses
covered with sweat from having
been driven quite hard.
This is a practice that is soon
er or later going to get the parties
doing it into serious trouble, as
it is a serious offense, and should
the owner of a team be so dis
posed could make it very warm
for the perpetrators. The author
ities will be on the outlook for
anyone fooling around teams that
do not belong to them, and if
caught they will be taught a good
object lesson.
Auto for Sale.
Chalmers. 3(5 fully equipped
1913. Self starter. In perfect
condition, Si.GOO.OO. T. H. Pol
lock, Plaltsmoulh, Neb.
Runabout Auto Wanted.
Will give some person a good
Irade for a runabout car in ex
change for a new touring car. Ap
ply nt the Warga & Cei il Garage.
,. Local Hews
From Tu-'sday's ailv.
i F. -Vallery. the road super
visor of Platt.-iuouth precinct,
was in I lie city today looking af
ter some business matters.
J. M. Meisinger was in the city
yesterday for p. few hours, hav
ing driven in from his home to
look after some matters of busi
ness. V. II. Seybert of near Culloni
was in the city today fur a few
hours looking after some busi
ness (natters with the county
commissioners. 1
Ernest Pautsch and V: A. Cleg
horn of Louisville were in the city
today for a few hours looking af
ter some matters of business at
the court house.
lien lieckmau and two grand
sons, who are visiting him, drove
up this morning from his home
at Murray to attend to some mat
ters of buisness.
Miss Jean dates of Scotts
Hluffs, Neb., arrived last evening
on No. 14 and will be a guest at
the home of Judge and Mrs. H. D.
Travis fur a few days.
Mrs. Adda Moore and daughter,
Mrs. August Cloidt, were pas
sengers yesterday for Eagle, Ne
braska, where they will visit with
relatives for a short time.
A. F. Ploetz and wife of Scot
land, S. D., who were here attend
ing the funeral of Mrs. Ploetz's
brother, August Gorder, departed
yesterday afternoon for their
Miss Florence Fisher of Red
Oak, Iowa, who has been here, the
guest of Miss Helen Egenberger
for a few days, returned to her
home this morning on the early
Turlington train.
Mrs. O. C. Smith and daughter,
Miss Pearl, of Havelock. visited
here over Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. E. B
Perry and family, returning home
yesterday afternoon.
Miss Georgia White, who has
just completed a must successful
season as a trimmer in a large
millinery store at North Platte,
Neb., has returned and will spend
her vacation here with her family.
Jesse Stenner of Aurora, Neb.,
motored to this city Sunday, and
after a short visit here with his
mother and brothers and sisters,
departed yesterday afternoon for
his home, returning on the Bur
James ierryierrv or near
Louisville motored to this city
this morning to meet his sun,
John, who has been, spending
some time in the western part of
the state, and the voting man en
joyed the trip very much.
R. L. Props! returned last
evening from Omaha and Ralston,
where he had been for a few days
looking after some matters o
business, and while in these cities
purchased a new threshing ma
chine for use on his farm.
Mrs. F. II. Clarke of San Diego
California, who has been here for
the past two weeks visiting the
Morgan families, departed last
evening on No. 2 for St. Louis
where she will visit for a short
time before erturning to her
home. ' i ' "
Miss Marie Hick of Henderson
Neb., who has been here for a
short time visiting with her
friend, Miss Carrie Sherwood, re
turned to her home this morning
on the early Burlington train
Miss Sherwood accompanied her
as far as Omaha.
Miss Dorris Patterson, who has
been attending school at Wau
kegan, Illinois, for the past two
years and visiting her aunt, Mrs
Edith King and family, came in
this morning and will visit here
for a time with her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. William McCauley
Otto A. Wurl came in last even
ing en route home from the Den
ver turnfest, where he acted as
one of the judges, and will visit
hero fur a short time with his
parents before resuming his jour
ney to his home at Quincy, II
Mrs. Harry Creamer and little
sun and Miss Bessie Horn of
Marshalltown, Iowa, who have
been here visiting at the home of
Mrs. Creamer's parents, Rev. and
Mrs. W. L. Austin, departed this
morning fur Red Cloud, Neb.,
where Miss Horn will visit at the
Creamer home for a time.
H. L. Murtman and Hon. Ben
Skeen of Auburn were in the city
today fur a few hours, en route
home from Omaha, where Mr.
Skeen purchased a fine Reo
touring car and they are going
home in the machine. Mr. Wort
man is the owner of a fine garage
in Auburn and Mr. Skeen is a
former member of the slate legis
lature, having served there with
Col. M. A. Bates of (bis ritv.
From Wednesday's Dully.
J. N. Beck was a county seat
visitor yesterday and took time to
call at this office and renew his
subscript ion.
Mr, ir.!Trr,n ...f N.-bra-ku City
arrived this morning oil ,tht earlv
Missouri Pacific tiviit ovofthe1
Fourth with Mrs. Childers. -.s''
J. L. McKinney and wife de
parted tins atternoon for Omaha
and from that place they will
eae for Silver City, Iowa, fur a
ihort visit.
J. W. Holmes of Murray was in
the city today for a short time.
having. motored up from his home
to look after some business mat-1
ters. i
Arthur Baker, the genial post
master at Murray, was a passeng
er this afternoon for Omaha to I
attend to some matters of busi-'
Mrs. W. I). Jones returned this
morning on the early Missouri
Pacific from Kansas City, where
she had been visiting with rela
tives for a short time.
William Newland, wife and
child were passengers this morn
ing on No. 6 for St. Joseph, Mis
souri, where they will visit rela
tives for a few days.
Mrs. A. A. Rich of Omaha, who
has been making a short visit
here with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Rauen, returned this
afternoon to her home in the me
tropolis. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Shull of
Roanoak, Virginia, who have been
visiting in California for a short
time, came in last evening on No.
2 and will visit Mr. Shull's cousin.
Mrs. James Robertson and faYnily,
fur a time.
B. J. Reynolds departed this
morning fur Omaha to look after
some buisness matters for a few
hours, and will go from there to
Thursman, Iowa, to spend (he
Fourth with his family, who are
visit ing there.
Mrs. C. .11. Parmele ami Mrs.
Nellie Agnew arrived last even
ing from Lincoln, where Mrs.
Parmele had been visiting, and
Mrs. Agnew will visit here with
her mother fur a short time.
Gerald Stryker of Omaha, who
has been spending a portion of
his vacation at the C. E. Cook
home near this city, returned to
his home this afternoon. His
brother, Raymond, remained for
a more extended visit.
Last evening an auto party
composed of some of the leading
citizens of Avuca motored to this
city and spent a few hours here
looking after some matters of
business, as well as visiting with
their many friends in this city.
The party was composed of J. II.
Schmidt, Joseph Zimmerer, Vin
cent Strauh and Peter Jorgensen
While here Mr. Schmidt paid a
shoii visit to the Journal and we
greatly enjoyed a nice social visit
with this most genial gentleman.
The party returned after a short
slay to their home in the southern
part of the county.
A non-partisan farewell ban
quet will be given at Lincoln
Thursday, July 17. to Richard L
Metcalfe, on the evening of his
departure to assume the duties of
the office of governor of the
Pauama canal zone.
The banquet is to be given un
der the auspices of the Metcalfe
club, an organization formed
when Mr. Metcalfe was a candid
ate for governor of Nebraska. J
cordial invitation to attend is ex
tended to all Nebraska friends of
Mr. Metcalfe, regardless of poli
tical affiliation. A special invita
tion is extended to ladies. The
dinner will be served at 6:30
o'clock. Tickets will be one dol
lar. Orders for the same should
be sent to Dr. E. Arthur Carr,
Lincoln, Neb.
Will Enjoy Outing.
About six of the little children
of Omaha, who have not had the
opportunity of spending any time
in the country, will arrive here
tomorrow morning and will spend
the day at the home of Mrs. L. B.
White, where they can get out and
enjoy themselves to the utmost
for the day in tho healthful out
door sports of childhood. This
will bo a nice outing for the little
folks, who will return to tho me
tropolis on the afternoon train.
P. II. Meisinger was in today
from the farm to attend to some
trading with the different mer
chants. County Attorney Taylor de
parted yesterday afternoon for
Lincoln lo allend to some mailers
of business.
The Comfort of
Your Stocl
Depends upon protection from the
pestering fly. This can be surely
accomplished by the use of
These preparations are used with a
spray, are very economical and
are surely effective.
AlMt" PUtbmouth
Local News
Mrs. Charles Kirschenblatt and
little child of Omaha arrived this
morning and will visit for a few
days at the II. Waintroub home.
Earl M. Geise departed this aft
ernoon for Denver, where he will
visit, with relatives for a week or
Ion days and take in the sights of
the mountain city.
Mrs. Mary Allison departed this
morning on the early Missouri
Pacific train for Wichita, Kansas,
where she will visit for a short
lime with friends.
Rev. C. C. Smith and A. V. Gil
niore departed last evening for
Chicago, where they will enjoy a
week's rest before resuming their
evangelistic campaign.
Mrs. Emil Holmberg and
daughter of Wausa, Neb., are in
the city for a short time visiting
at I he home of Mr. llolmberg's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, E, P, Holm
berg. i. . i .
Cyril Kalina departed this
morning on the early Burlington
train for Omaha, from which city
he will go to Abie, Neb., to spend
a week with his parents at that
Henry Mauzy and wife were
passengers this morning for
Kearney, Neb., where they will
spend the Fourth at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. T. J. Todd
and family.
W. P. Cook was a passenger
this morning on tho early Mis
souri Pacific train for Omaha,
where he spent a few hours look
ing after some matters of busi
ness. .
Mrs. Charles S. Stone, who has
been here visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Mary Allison, de
parted this morning for Tecum
seh, Neb., where she will visit her
sister, Mrs. Clineberg, for a short
Mike Holland, who lias been
employed in this city for the Bur
lington for the past few weeks as
ft sleam-fitter, departed this aft
ernoon for Sheridan, Wyoming,
where he will do some work for
the company.
Mrs. Leonard Terryberry of
Whiting, Iowa, who has been here
for a week visiting with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles War
ner, returned to her home this
afternoon. Her sister, Mrs. Wil
liam Warga, accompanied her as
far as Omaha.
Miss Buelah Sans came up this
morning from her home, near
Murray and was a passenger on
the early Burlington train for
Omaha Iu spend tho day looking
after some mntters of business.
Charles M. Parker and wife de
parted this afternoon for Cali
fornia, where they will spend a
short vacation, taking in the
sights of the Pacific coast, and
will bo gone about a month.
W. F. fiillespie, the Mynard
grain man, was in the city yes
terday for a few hours, en route
home from Omaha, where he had
been attending to busines matters
for a few hours.
District Clerk James Robertson
and wife and their guests, II. C.
Shull and wife, of Virginia,
motored to Louisville this morn
ing, where I hey spent the day
with frietu's.
Rally at Christian Church.
There will bo. a big Sunday
school rally held" at tho Chris
tian church next Sunday morn
ing, and everyone is invited to at
tend and lake part in the exorcises
of (ho day. This will be an oc
casion of mure than ordinary in
terest and all Sunday school
member are urged to allend.
Last evening about 6 o'clock
County Judge Allen J. Beeson was
summoned to his office in the
court house by a message that a
marriage license was desired, and
on arrival it was found that Mr.
Leora D. Bates and Miss Fern D.
Moyer, of near Nehawka, were
awaiting his arrival, and the judge
was requested to pronounce iho
words that would make them one.
The wedding was witnessed by
George C. Batos and Miss Lucy
Bales, who accompanied the party
to this icty. After the wedding,
the party returned homo, feeling
very happy in their new wedded
Mr. J. F. Clugy of this city has
been fortunate enough to secure
a contract from the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul Railroad com
pany for the removal of a large
amount of dirt on their line at
Delniar Junction, Iowa, and will
start in at once on the work,
which will occupy the greater part
of the summer. Mr. Clugy has
done considerable grading for dif
ferent railroads in Iowa and Ne
braska, and has always given tho
best of satisfaction, and his se
curing this contract is through
the excellent manner in which he
lias handled his contracts in tho
past. Tho work will furnish em
ployment to quite n number of
men and learns.
Ferry Running, -rfirj
I have taken charge of the Mis
souri River Ferry, erected new
pole and cable, and the same is
now in perfect running condition
and ready to accommodate all
passengers. Will operate at all
hours, either day or night.
John Richardson.
WILLIAM'S Paris Green
Purily and Uniformity
On account of the fine
ness and ligh gravity of
this green, it remains in
suspension with water
and sprays better than
any other made.
When you buy Paris green, be sure
For Sale by
The "REXALL" Store