The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 03, 1913, Image 2

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    IT'S EASY enough
to get underwear
that will feel right
and fit right while
your standing still, but the
real test comes during the
constant movement of the
days' work or play. That's
the test that has made Men
tor union suits the choice of
particular men everywhere.
Mentor Union Suits
can't gap, the pa
tented gap-proof crotch in
sures that. And they're tailor-made
by experts, so they
won't wrinkle; sag or bulge
under bodily stress.
In fabrics you'll find
a large choice, from the al
most weightless summer
wear to as heavy as you
want. Prices $1.00 up.
No matter what your
combination of weight and
height may be, you will find
a Mentor Union Suit that's
just right for you here.
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson I la is
One of I lie happiest men In this
section of the county these- days
is our genial friend, G. E. Cook,
residing just southwest of tho
city limits, and the cause, of his
pood spirits is the fact that he
has just'contpleted the cutting of
his wheat crop and has it all safe
in the" shock, something that
thi'io are few other farmers in
this vicinity have accomplished.
Mr. Cook reports I hat the yield of
wheat this year has been very
heavy and he looks for a yield
that will surprise Ihe fanners
when the harvesting season is
over. A great many of the fann
ers in adjoining counties have
.suffered some from having (heir
grain injured by Ihe wind, hail
and heavy rain storms, but Mr.
Cook will bo safe now from having
his crop injured, as he has it safe
in the shock and it will not be in
any danger of being blown down
by the storms that may come up
almost any time. The farmers of
Nebraska have been blessed this
year with an excellent crop of
wheat and are feeling greatly
pleased over tho corn prospects,
which this hot, sweltering weather
is bringing out in old Nebraska in
great shape, and will give us al
most as good a corn crop as wo
have had of wheat. When it comes
to furnishing breadstuffs Ne
. braska cannot bo beat by any
state in the union.
We aim to maintain
the best assorted stock
of thoroughly season
ed, correctly graded
lumber that can be
Our stock of
Plattsir ouh, Nebraska
has been carefully se
lected and we Know
that you will be high
ly pleased if you place
your order with us.
We also carry a fine
stock of clear Red
A Very Enjoyable Affair, the Large
Attendance Being Greatly
Pleased With Program.
One of the most pleasant and
enjoyable musical events given in
this city for some time was the
garden fete given on the lawn at
the II. S. Austin home last even
ing by the members of the Platts
mouthi Players' club. A most
highly enjoyed program had been
prepared by the splendid array of
talent present, and every number
without exception, was very
pleasing to the crowd of delighted
spectators who thronged the
lawn, which had been decorated
in a delightful manner by Jap
anese lanterns. , The musical
numbers were given on the porch
of the home, and to those sitting
on the lawn the sounds of the
sweet-voiced vocalists, as well as
the other talented musicians tak
ing part, were very pleasing and
everyone felt deeply indebted to
tho club for their most enjoyable
The program was opened by a
very difficult piano number by
Miss Honor Seybert, one of our
most talented young musicians,
and her manner of handling the
selection drew many words of ap
proval from the delighted audi
ence. Miss I'heme Richardson,
who possesses a very clear, sweet
voice, favored the company with
a most charming vocal solo and
was compelled to respond to an
encore by the delighted hearers.
Miss (Irace Mcllride of Omaha
was on the program for a violin
solo, ami her rendition of the dif
flcult selection was in keeping
with the splendid reputation pos
sessed by Miss Mcliride in the
metropolis as an artist in the
handling of the violin. Miss Mc
Bride appeared later on the pro
grain with another selection,
which was greatly enjoyed and the
gathering was greatly loth to
have her leave the platform. Two
very enjoyable number on the
program were the vocal solos of
Miss (iretehen Donnelly and Mrs.
II. i. llawls, in which these two
talented singers won the hearty
appreciation of .the. spectators, as
both are gifted with beautiful
voices and their selections were
well chosen.
Miss Kinnia Cummins, who is
one of I lie most accomplished
musicians in the city, gave a very
pleasing number, a selection from
II Travatore, ami it was played by
Miss Cummins with only one hand
and in an artistic manner that
demonstrated the wonderful
ability of this talented young lady.
The spirite dance, which was a
feature of the entertainment,
given some time ago by the play
ers' club, was carried out in a
very pleasing manner, which
caused the young ladies taking
part to be called back by the audi
ence for a repetition of the dance.
One of the very pleasing
features of the evening's enter
tainment was the cabaret song by
Miss Catherine Dovey, and her se
lection was one that gave her tine
voice a good scope. Miss Dovey
also appeared later on the pro-
; gram in a vocal selection that was
one of the finest of the evening,
and delighted the friends of this
talented young lady.
We are headquar
ters for the best grade
of plaster manufactur
ed. See us before you
buy. We also want
to talk to you on the
subject of
We can give you some
good "pointers" on
that score and will be
glad to do it. Come
in and see us.
We sell only the best
and most popular
brands of
A" very pleasing number was
rendered by Andrew Moore, oie
of our most pleasing young men
vocalists, and his number received
much approval from the audience.
Mr. Moore has a splendid voice
and his selection was one that
gave him a splendid opportunity
to display its strength and power.
Mrs. H. S. Austin gave a cabaret
song that was very pleasing to
everyone and heartily applauded.
Miss Gretchen Donnelly gave a
very cnarming selection on me
last part of the program, which
was very pleasing, as was also the
selection of Mr. Jennings Servers.
Miss Barbara Clement was heard
in two numbers, both of which
were well rendered in the charm
ing manner of this pleasing young
singer. Mis Marie Donnelly gave
a very pleasing vocal offering- in
her usua,! pleasing manner.
The program was closed by a
very charming duet by Miss Gret
chen Donnelly and Mrs. II. S. Aus
tin, which was one of the most
delightful features of Ihe even
various vocalists was played by
ing. The accompaniments for the
Misses Emma Cummins, Dorothy
Krilt, Honor Seybert and Mrs. G.
II. Falter, all of whom are finish
ed musicians and their splendid
work contributed much towards
making the program an immense
success, home very delicious re
freshments were served by the
ladies of the club to the company,
which added much to the enjoy
ment of the occasion.
Last evening while in bathing
at one of the lakes near Cedar
Creek, Earl Dull', the 17-year-old
son of Dr. J. H. Dull' of that
place, got out into water that was
Loo deep for him and he sank
several times before he could be
gotten out of the water, and when
brought to the shore he was in
w hat seemed to be a drowned con
dition, but by efforts on the part
of those near at hand he was re
vived and taken to his home, but
he failed to recover from the ef.
feels of the water and died this
morn ing at 0 o'clock. The death
of this young man will be it most
severe blow to his parent and
friends in Ihe county and thev will
eceive the most sincere sym
pathy of everyone in their, loss
It was reported in this city that
the young man had been in swim
ming with some companions a in
lad been ducked several limes by
some of Ihe parly, who tried to
force him to swim, as he was not
used to being out in the water,
and as a result of their repeater
luckings he was so exhausfei:
that he was not able to get
out alone and had nos some by
slanders came to his rescue would
never have got ton out alive. This
enort, however, could not be
Quite a lively runaway occur
red yesterday in the south part of
the city on the Louisville road
when the team which was attach
ed to tho delivery wagon of II. M
Soennichsen became frightened
at an automobile and shied to the
side of the road, overturning tho
wagon and throwing tho driver,
Don Arries, out onto the road.
rhe wagon was dragged a con-
considerable difficulty the wagon
could be stopped, and Don re
ceived some very severe bruises
from being dragged along. After
considearble difficulty the wagon
was righted, and when the team
was started up two of the wheels
on the wagon fell off, with the re
sult that the wagon was again
overturned, and it was necessary
to secure help from some of the
near-by residents to place the
wheels back on the wagon and Ihe
outfit brought, back to town.
Off for Pacific Coast.
This afternoon a party com
posed of Misses Eslella Baird,
Pearl Staats, Alma Larson and
Lulu Gillan, of Auburn, departed
for Los Angeles, California, where
they will attend the convention of
the International Society of Chris
lian Endeavor, which is jneeting
in that city this month. The
young ladies will also take ad
vantage of the opportunity afford
ed to visit at Ihe various points
of interest along Ihe coast and
have one of the limes of their
lives on the trip, returning about
Lee Mayffeld Feels Kindly Toward
Plattsmouth, Notwithstanding
Our Jail Success.
Lee Mayfield, of the Louisville
Courier, than whom no better f el-
ow ever drew the breath of life,
never can find heart to say any
thing bad about the county seat,
and when he does say anything it
is alway's something good. He was
down the other day and while here
le saw so many things . that
pleased his fancy, and was so well
treated that he went right home
and penned the following:
You need have no fear down in
Chief Hainey's town that's
lattsmouth if you put your
foot on the soft pedal and don't
attempt to discuss the late
amented jail question. The
writer was in Plattsmouth the
other day and met the chief (not
in an official way, however,) and
we found him to be a most pleas
ant gentlemen. But most police
men are pleasant unless you so
far forget your early training as
to Iry to put on a stunt that would
not look llattering in print. And
speaking of print. Plattsmouth
is Ihe largest town in all Ne
braska with but one newspaper,
and complimentary or not, it is
the poorest newspaper town in
Ihe state, considering its popula
But it, has one newspaper, the
Dailv and Semi-Weekly Journal,
that is far ahead of the town in
enterprise as could be imagined
The Journal for years was f
source of much worry to the
democratic politicians of the
county and more than once did
the sheriff lack a "For Sale"
notice on the door. At last the
Bates' caiue up from Missouri and
purchased the wreck. From the
start, although slowly, it began
to show improvement. The boys
had but little money ami conse
quently had to go slow, but they
kept going. Today I lie Daily
Journal is one of the best and
newsiest small daily papers in the
slate. The newspaper and job
printing plant is unexcelled and
Bob Bales, who is now the sole
owner, is making so niucn money
that he expects to spend his win
tecs hereafter in Italy. So fast
s his business growing that he
finds I hat his present headquar
lers are insufficient and is having
an addition built on Ihe rear
which will make a two-story
building, 2ixl'i0. In tho new ad
dition will be installed a new Goss
perfecting press, which will have
a capacity of from 3,000 to 4,000
copies of an eight page news
paper complete and folded ready
for mailing per hour.
Bob Bates has done Ibis all in
a dozen years in a town that has
furnished more newspaper obitu
ary notices than any town in all
Ihe west. The Courier congratu
lates Ihe Journal on its success.
Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker was
displaying an ornamental riding
bridle which Mrs. Manspeaker
had just received from the state
Penitentiary from Grant Blunt,
the young man sent up from Cass
counly two years ago for car
breaking. It will bo remembered
that Mrs. Manspeaker prevented
a jail delivery and single-handed
held at bay a number of desperate
criminals until the arrival of her
husband. The bravery displayed
by the lady won the admiration of
not only the pubile, but the men
as well, whose liberty was in her
hands. Blunt was one of the
party that had planned to escape
Thero wasn't much doing
around the court house too hot
perhaps, yet in the treasurer's
office Mike Tritsch and Miss
Gehring were busy fixing up the
lax list. Judge Beeson was on
the job, but could scarcely be said
to be working at it. Andy Snyder
was sticking around recording a
few deeds. Clel Morgan was on
hand in the clerk's office, but
making ih s deputy do all the
work. Jim Robertson had gone
to the shade near the site of the
new county jail, while Cal Taylor,
county attorney, seemed to be
working over time and his was
Ihe busiest office in the entire
We are going back some lime
when the weather gets cool.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Hot Weather Specials-
Bathing Suits ..... . . . . $1.00 to $1.50
B. V. Ds.... 59c to $1.00
Porosknits 79c to $1.00
Silk Sox:. .;..23c
Beach Suits (for children) 50c to $1
Seaweed Hats. ;:.! 23c and 50c
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
New Neckwear
.ti" ,.
Harry Newman of Omaha, for
merly a resident. of this city, has
eturned to this place and has
purchased a half interest in the
lattsmouth Bottling ' Works,
owned by Henry Jess, and has
gotten into the harness in good
shape and is right on the job in
preparing all kinds of soft drinks
or the public at the factory on
South Third street. Mr. Newman
an energetic young man and
will make a valuable addition to
the factory and add much to the
apidly growing business of this
ivo concern. Mr. Newman and
ainily will remove here 'shortly,
and will make a valued addition
to our city. They expect to reside
lere permanently and their many
friends will learn with great
pleasure of their determination to
make Ihis their home in the
A Great Fight.
Congressman II. A. Metz wages
great crusade against un
scrupulous business men sub
stituting worthless goods for
genuine articles. The laws in this
espect are very strict and' he
wants them lo be enforced. We
wish to call the attention of our
friends to this fact, because we
know of instances where well
known articles, like Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine,
were imitated and sold to unsus-
in plain striped and
plaid effects
18c to 25c
in shades that are suit
able to the most
10c to 35c
in staple shade
A feu m
Every Saturday
pecting customers instead of the
genuine goods. Be careful and
do not risk your health or even,
your life. Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine is a very,
good remedy in many diseases of
Ihe stomach and the intestines
when used according to direc
tions.' Whenever you need a
thorough cleaning out of the
body without weakening it, a
good appetite and a good diges
tion . Without any discomfort, try
this remedy. At drug stores. Jos.
Triner, 1333-1339 S. Ashland
Ave., Chicago, 111. Triner's Lini
ment, being very strong, goes
farther than others in the treat
ment of swellings, rheumatic and
neuralgic pains, strains and stiff
ness. Itemember the Regalia Habana
Cigar. Always the best. Robert
Richtor, manufacturer.
The Best Flour
on the Market
for hot days
25c to 50c
were never in greater
19c to $4.00
Sun Shades
to match the gown .
the first of August.