The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 03, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 62.
Peters Richards Are Having
Their Hands Full and Employ
Large Number of Assistants.
From Tuesday Daily.
There are few people in this
city who have been in Glenwood
recently who have not been struck
by the large amount of work being
done on the state institution in
that city by the firm of Peters &
Richards of this city, and we
here in Plattsmouth are certain
ly getting a share of the money
derived from the employment of
the men. Last week the firm em
ployed eighteen men from this
city and the amount of money
paid out to these men, most or
whom came home Saturday, was
$625, while the week before thir
teen from Plattsmouth were em
ployed on the work and $475 paid
dut in wages, making a 'otal of
$1,100 in two weeks that has
found its way into the hands of
our citizens in return for their
labor for this firm of contractors.
The building which Peters &
Richards are erecting at the in
stitution is a large one. being
107x214 feet, and is being con
structed throughout of fire-proof
material and is four stories high,
which would give some idea of
the size of the structure which is
being added by the state of Iowa
to its olready splendid group of
buildings at the state institute
for the feeble minded. In the
construction of the building only
the best of material has been
used and the amount of the ma
terial can be gained from the fact
that 1,000,000 common bricks and
r.00.000 tiressed bricks will be
used in the building, as well as
5,000 barrels of cement and 300
tons of steel for the supports and
reinforcing of the walls and floors
of the structure.
The work on the building was
started on May 1. and will be
completed about February 1,
1914, if nothing interferes, and
the price of the construction will
reach 8105.000. The firm of
Peters & Richards has given ex
cellent satisfaction to the board
of control of the state of Iowa,
who are more than pleased at the
manner in which the building is
being put up, and they were so
well satisfied with the work on
the structure that the firm re
ceived the additional contract for
the placing of a steel roof on the
It is seldom that such a sue
cessful firm of contractors is
found in a small town and their
advancement to the front is some
thing we should feel proud of, as
it contributes materially to the
,men employed by the firm resid
ing in this city.
$29,000 TO $50,000
'.From Tuesday's Dai i jr.
The county board of equaliza
tion, which was hearing the mat
ter of the assessment of the Lin
coln Telephone and Telegraph
ocmpany in this city yesterday
afternoon, decided to raise the
value of the planti n this city for
assessment purposes from $29,
000, as reported to the assessor
by the company, to $50,000. This
is an increase of some $21,000
and will furnish considerable
revenue to the county treasury
The telephone ocmpany has been
handed several decisions of this
kind throughout the state and in
several instances the increase has
been much greater than the one
made in this county, and as a re
suit the company will face a very
large increase in their taxable
property throughout the part of
the state in which they operate
It is not known as yet whether
the company will appeal the mat
ter to the courts or not for fina
settlemen. L. L. Hurtz of Lin
coin, general manager of the
company, was present at the hear
ing yesterday in behalf of the
telephone interests, while City
Attorney Tidd appeared before the
board in behalf of the city.
Girts Are Paroled.
From Tuesday Dally-
Yesterday afternoon Judge A.
J. Beeson had the two young girls
charged with being incorrigble,
before him for trial, and after
hearing the evidence, the judge
decided to make a committment
for them and paroled them, one in
the custody of her mother and
the other with her employers. The
case now rests that if the girls
do not behave themeslves it is
the duty of the sheriff to see that
they go to the Industrial school
at Geneva.
One of Most Pleasant Events of
Its Character Ever Held In
Cass County.
From Tuesday's Dailv.
A happy family reunion was
greatly enjoyed by relatives of the
Cook family iast Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cook
at Weeping Water. Nearly all of
the seventy people present were
descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Jos
eph Cook, deceased, who were
among the first settlers to locate
near where Mynard now stands.
Of. the twelve children, reared to
manhood and womanhood by
them, eight were present as fol
lows: Mrs. Bina Kitzel, Alvo;
George Cook, Alvo; Philip Cook,
Weeping Water; Mrs. W. D
Wheeler, Murray; Mrs. T. W. Val-
lery, Murray; Mrs. S. O. Cole, My
nard; C. E. Cook, Plattsmouth; W.
A. Cook, Elmwood.
At the noon hour well filled
basekts were brought forth and
cloths were spread on the grass
and in a short time all were in
dulging in a bounteous feast.
Mrs. E. M. Stone of Alvo and Mrs.
S. (). Cole of iYiynanl assisted
Mrs. Philip Cook in serving the
guests. Those who had cameras
in the company were busy taking
pictures of the merry picnickers
at the table and various groups
and also of the fifteen auto
mobiles that conveyed the differ
ent members of the party.
Besides those mentioned above
there were the following present:
Mrs. C. E. Cook, Mr. and Mrs.
Patterson and son, Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Stone, S. W. Cashner and
wife, Fred Dreamer and wife,
Mrs. W. A. Cook and babe, Leroy;
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cook and
daughter, Alice; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank "Vallery and daughter, Vio
let; Mrs. Glen Vallery and chil
dren; W. D. Wheeler, Sherman
Cole and wife, Carl Cole and wife,
A. H. Weichel and wife, Mrs.
John Cook, Mr. and Mrs. E. V.
Cole and babe, Lois; C. L .Wiles,
wife and children; Pearl Weichel,
DeElla Venner, Esther Frost of
West Point, Nellie Cook, Willma
and Clarice Cook, Opal Cole, Mar
gie Vallery, Ruth Dreamer, Fern
Weichel, Bert and Forest Cook,
Roy O. Cole, Orest Cook, LaVerne
Stone, Raymond Cook, Stanton
The occasion was one that will
always be a fond remembrance to
the members of this worthy fam
ily, who - are among our most
highly esteemed citizens, and it
is the earnest wish of the Jour
nal that they may all enjoy many
more such happy occasions.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. T,
M. Scarbrough departed over the
Burlington for their honeymoon
trip to the Pacific coast. They
will visit for a few days en route
at Denver, Colorado, with rela
tives, and will go from the moun
tain city to San Francisco, and
after a short slay there will go
to Los Angeles and other points
in southern California and will
return to Plattsmouth about Aug
ust ist, where they will at once
start housekeeping in their new
home on North Third street.
They take with them the well
wishes of their many friends on
their journey.
The Journal for Calling Cards
splendid Meeting and One
Greatly Enjoyed by All
From Tuesday's ally.
Notwithstanding the sociability
of the mosquitoes and their in
sistance in presenting their
"bills," a large and very in
terested audience were gathered
at the tent last evening to hear
the discussion of the question, "A
Man Loved by Jesus and Lost,"
as it was presented by Rev. C. C.
After the musical portion of
the evening, which was one of
much enjoyment, for there were
some extraordinary line numbers
presented, among which was the
one by the mixed quartet, and
there was none but what was fine.
The evangelist read two portions
of the scripture, both an inter
view with the Master when on the
earth. The first was where a
young man and a lawyer came,
asking which is the greatest com
mandment, and which was
answered by the Master, "There
is but one God, and to love flod
with all one's might, mind and
strength, is the first and greatest
commandment, while the second
is like unto it, and to love thy
neighbor as thyself." Then, an
swered the young man, who was
well versed in the scriptures,
saying, Inou hast answered
well," whereupon Christ said, "I
perceive thou are near the King
dom." The other one was on another
occasion, where one came, and
when he had thrown down him
self at the feet of the Master,
said, "What good thing must I do
that I may inherit, eternal life?"
Je.sus.said, enineraling a number,
of the commandments, "Keep
these," whereupon the young man
said, "These have I kepi, from my
youth up." Christ said, "One
(hing more thou lackest sell
what, thou hast, give In the poor
and come and follow me." This
seemed a hard saying, for this
young man had great possessions.
And he went away sorrowful.
Combining the two readings, he
said "Thou are near the Kingdom,
but, one thing thou lackest." In
the discourse the speaker drew
the attention of the large audi
ence to the fact that there was
seldom but one thing which keep
people out of the Kingdom, and
mostly very I rival things at that.
The address was very plain and
direct, in the application of the
lessons drawn from the incidents
recited and it was with telling
force that he spoke. 4
ine interest or many was
aroused and a number of desci
sions were made for the better
life. There will be only one more
meeting of this campaign, which
will be this evening, at which
meting it is desired that all who
are interested in the meeting will
be present, ns there will lie a mes
sage for all, no matter what posi
tion they occupy in their relation
to the church.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning the county com
missioners were visited by sev
eral of the leading farmers from
north of the city, who agreed to
donate the land for the, construc
tion of a road from the Pickett
farm to where the county has
made their new road. Those in
the party were C. Lawrence Stull,
John Rutherford and F. E. Schlat
er, and their action in this matter
is to be commended, as it will give
the county a road running along
side the Burlington right-of-way
and make n much belter road and
less expensive than would one
constructed over the hill. The
road will also make it, very con
venient to the government, for
getting to and from Fort, Crook,
and if the county will place the
road through the land donated
they will be doing a splendid thing
for the best interests of the
II 110 (IE
ehsh boost
Eight Prosperity Boosters, Rep
resenting Lincoln Commercial
Club, Visit Plattsmouth.
From Tuesday's Pally.
In Plattsmouth this morning
there arrived a group of eight
prosperity boosters, representing
the Commercial club of Lincoln,
Neb., who are on the road for the
double purpose of persuading the
rock highway officials to bring the
rock highway to and through the
state of Nebraska and the capital
city, Lincoln.
Their enthusiasm was such that
they had even believed it would
have been possible to bring the
coming Indiana to Pacific tour
through their country over the
trail used by the Premier ocean-lo-ocean
tour in 1911, and they
declared that only the shortness
of time before the start of the In-diana-to-Pacific
lour prevented
them from succeeding in this
Just to show their interest in
Indiana-made products they have
bought in Indianapolis eight Pre
mier Sixes, the first time in the
history of the. industry that a
group of wealthy westerners came
to buy Indiana cars and to usa
them to boost a great national
project whose birthplace was In
diana and Indianapolis.
On the banners which they
carry, are the words, "Indiana
polis to Lincoln A tour under
I he auspices of C. A. Lord, dis
tributor of Premier cars in Ne
braska," who for years has en
thusiastically promoted Indiana
products in the slate of Nebraska,
and who is doing yeoman work on
the Fisher highway enterprise in
that xreat state.- The famous
green and white pennants of Pre
mier and American flags are also
Arrangements have been made
at all of the principal stopping
places to push along the rock
highway, and it is believed that
this trip will have a wonderful
influence in the development of
sentiment in favor of the same.
The route that was followed is
as follows: From Indianapolis
to Chicago to Davenport, where
they crossed the Mississippi and
continued through on the river-lo-river
road to Des Moines,
Council Bluffs, across the Mis
souri river to Omaha, then to
Plattsmouth, Nebraska City,
Union, Weeping Water, Elmwood
and Lincoln, in all 1,000 miles of
Nebraska boost. The owners of
these eight Premiers represented
in this party are: II. I. Carr, F.
H. Tharilkill, R. E. Bicknell, C. W.
Spiegel, L. II. DeBrown, O. F.
Labia, P. C. Smalley and C. A.
Lord, all of Lincoln, Nebraska.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning; Miss Lucille
Bryan returned from Kirksville,
Missouri, where she had been for
several months taking treatment
at the Still hospital in that city
for an injury she sustained to her
hip some years ago. Miss Bryan
is feeling much improved in
health and the attendants at the
hospital think that in the course
of some months she will be able
to regain the full use of her limb.
Mrs. W. It. Bryan accompanied
her daughter home from the hos
pital and looked after her needs
on the journey. The improvement
in the condition of the young lady
will be the source of much pleas
ure to the friends of the Bryan
family throughout the county.
Runabout Auto Wanted.
Will give some person a good
trade for a runabout car in ex
change for a new touring car. Ap
ply at t he Warga & Cnr il Oarage.
W. A. Brown and James Lough
ridge of Murray werei n the city
today for a few hours attending
to some matters of business. Mr.
Loughridge was a visitor in Oma-
ha this morning for a short time.
Fine Platform Dance.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The platform dance which was
given at the home of the Tulene's
west of the city Saturday evening,
was an immense success, both so
cially and financially, and the
large crowd that attended enjoy
ed an exceptionally line time. The
Plattsmouth orchestra, under the
direction of Tom Swoboda, fur
nished some very fine music that
was much appreciated. There
were several auto loads from
Murray, Union, Cedar Creek and
Avoca in attendance at the dance.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Five years ago today, on July
i, 1.I08, William Baird, superin
tendent of the Burlington shops,
arrived in Plattsmouth to take up
his duties in the position that had
been held by II. J. Helps, and the
introduction to the town was any
thing but favorable to the new
superintendent, for just a few
days previous we had been visited
by a very destructive flood, and
most of the business men were
engaged in pumping out cellars
and arranging their stocks of
goods for drying. But since the
time Mr. Baird has been here the
city has progressed and today
those days of floods have been
passed by the lowering of the
streets and better facilities for
carrying off the water that might
come wilh heavy rains, the busi
ness houses have almost all been
placed in fine shape and the mer
chants have forged to the front,
both in their methods of business
and I heir buildings and stocks of
goods. In the time that Mr. Baird
has been at the shops they, too,
have been placed in much better
shape than formerly and this has
been largely due to the constant.
efforts of the superintendent to
bryig I hem up to a high standard.
Let -ns hope that our fellow
townsman will be able to cele
brate his tenth anniversary in
this city wilh us.
From Tuesday's Dailv
William Budig and wife, who
have been enjoying a short vaca
tion at Denver for the past week,
have returned to their home in
this city. Mr. and Mrs. Budig
greatly enjoyed their visit and the
sights incident to the great turn
fest, of the German turning so
cieties of the United States. Mr.
Budig, who was present at most
of the contests, says the sight of
the several thousand turners
drilling and doing the various
exercises of the meet was some
thing that will not be soon for
gotten, as it was one of the great
parades of the various societies
through the streets of Denver
with their large lloats displaying
the progress of the Germans in
America. George Budig accom
panied his parents from Lincoln
to the turnfest and participated in
the enjoyments of the trip.
At Havelock.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mike Warga has bought the
residence property located on the
southeast corner of Thirteenth
and P streets, from Geo. W. An
derson and will take possession
of the property about July 12. The
property is now occupied by Ray
Cassidy. ' Mr. and Mrs
Wm. Budig were up from Plaits-
mouth last Sunday and spent the
day with their sons, Paul and
George. From here they went to
Denver for a week's vacation.
George accompanied his parents
on their trip. Times.
Dry In Montana.
From Tuesday's Dai:y.
We are in receipt of a com
implication from Mr. George Al
bert, in which he requests that
his paper be changed from Gos
sett, Montana, to Sidney, Mon
tana. He also states that it is
very dry in that section of the
country, that the crops are back
ward, but that the grass is good
and slock is looking fine. Mr. Al
bert has a large number of rela
tives and friends in this vicinity
'and formerly resided here.
Last Hour of the Series of Meet
ings at the Tent Highly En
joyable to the Last Minute.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The series of evangelistic meet
ings which have been held in the
big tent, north of the court house,
during the past month, was
brought to a most successful
conclusion last evening, and the
evangelist, Charles Cullen Smith,
closed the meeting with one of
the most eloquent and powerful
sermons that has been heard in
this city for years.
The musical features of the
meeting wero the most elaborate
that has been given during the
meeting and included numbers by
the choir, as well as solos and
duets by the evangelistic party,
and also the talented vocalists of
this city who have taken part in
the meetings.
It, was almost i) o'clock when
the evangelist began his sermon,
and his appeal to the new con
verts and the church members
was out! of the most powerful of
the series of meetings, ami the
plea for these people to place the
church of their choice first, of all
in, their lives was most forceful
and made an impression that will
last for a long time on his hear
ers. Mr. Smith also appealed to
the non-church members to unite
with the church for the good of
themselves and the community.
After the sermon an old-fashioned
song service was enjoyed by
the audience, which was closed
by the singing of "Blest Be the
Tie That Binds."
The meeting adopted at. the
conclusion of the smice a
resolution by a unauimous .stand
ing vole, which was as follows:
It is hereby resolved by the
pastors, officers and members of
the Methodist, Presbyterian and
Christian churches, assembled in
the closing services of a four
weeks' evangelist ic campaign
First, That we express our
gratitude lo God for the tidings of
His truth and love set before us
these meetings.
Second, That we recognize in
the Rev. C. C. Smith a man of
most lovable Christian character,
of eminent ability on the platform
and thoroughly equipped with the
truth and power of God, and that
we approve his methods as in ac
cord with the teachings and spirit
of the gospel of Christ, and hearl
ly recommend him to churches
with fields of large responsibility
and opportunity.
Third, That we have been
greatly blessed and inspired in
Christian life by the song services
led by Profs. Gilmore and Kling
ler, and we ask for them a hearty
welcome in all the churches.
Fourlh, That we express our
I hanks to the pianoists and or
ganists, I he Misses Cole' and
Baird and Mr. E. H. Wescott, to
Mr. G. Ii. Furley, chairman of the
music committee, and the choir;
to Mr. D. C. Morgan and his, as
sist ant ushers; to Mrs. O. C. Par
inele for the use of the piano and
Mrs. Gobelman for the ori?an; to
Mr. E. C. Hill and the C, 11. & Q.
for the loan of the lumber used
in the tents and platform, and to
all who helped with manual labor
in the erection and equipment of
the tent; to the county commis
sioners for the use of the
grounds, and to the Plattsmouth
Journal for the generous use of
their space in the favorable an
nouncements of the meetings.
M. W. Lorimer,
Chairman Executive Com.
Mrs. Peter Welsr Improving.
From Wednesday' Dally.
Mrs. Peter Welsh of Omaha, a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Q.
Bach, who was operated on at St.
Catherine's hospital in Omaha a
short time ago, is reported as get
ting along nicely and it is thought
she will be well enough to remove
to her homo in a few days. This
will be most pleasant news to the
many friends of this worthy lady
in this city, who have been
anxiously awaiting word from her
the past, week.
Marshall. Dontlst, Coates block.