The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 30, 1913, Image 8

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    Cays ihs Mafcriils
la Build this House
Price includes all the lum
ber, mill work, lath, shin
files, siding, flooring, ceiling,
finishing lumber, building
paper, pipe, gutter, sash
weights and hardware.
Price is at mill or factory.
A us lor treight paid-price. .
Our House Design fJo. 2546
This is a fcou of modern deafen, eight rooms and baih. It is 30 feet
wide by 30 feet long, exclusive of the porch. The swell frQnt or bay win
dow, the handsome dormer and massive colonial porch give the exterior
an exceedingly pleating- and sub.utial affect. The interior arrangement
meets all of tha requirements of t) modern home. Fill details can be
had by calling at our establishment
We Save Ycu Money.
No other .oae.ra eta caaka toa
aaab low rl..on tiuildin? material lor
houMi dumiiD lucb aa we show above.
Buying diri-ct from milla and factories la
enormuui ijuanlitica (or spot cash enables
us to underu-11 all competition.
We are aatltSed with oae aeaall
roftt which meant an immense tavuig to
Plans Free.
We make ao charfa for tha tilaaa
lor the boute diastn illustrated above.
Other, would ink from $2 to $35 and not
be in a position to give you the aeraoaal
atteatioa oeceinarr.
Free Book of Plant.
The headtoaiest hook ever pah
Halted of it. kind. Show, the latc.t of
modern, up-to-date detivnt of hou.ea, bun
calow. and barn.. Free to all pro.pective
builder.. Contain! a world of valuable in
formation. If you 'intend to build don't
delay tending for thit valuable book.
Consult Us.
If you wish aay information on the
building tubject we are here to give it to
you free of charge.
Our vast experience enable, u. to .how
you the "hort-outi" of building oae
retioae.a. well a. .election, ol material..
I.Wt henitate to ask ut for any informa
tion needed.
It Pays to Trade at Home.
We not only can save you money but can give you a service uncqualed
by anyone. We save you waste time in correspondence. You avoid any
disputes oyer freight bills. Prompt deliveries of material save loss of
mechanics' time. See our lumber and other building materials before buy
ing. Different from out-of-town concerns, we take back any material left
over and credit you full amount paid lor same.
Save the annoyance of delays, disappointments and unfair treatment by
trading at home. Phone, write or call and see us.
From Friday'. Dally.
The new Burlington depot in
this city is being rapidly over
haulfd and remodeled and in a
short lime the structure will be
ready for use by the public and
will make a very convenient and
pleasant passenger depot. The
waiting; room is being used while
the north end of 1 lie depot is in
the hands of the carpenters, and
will be the last place to be reach
ed on the reconstruction program
as proposed by the company. The
brick work on the exterior of the
building will be started Monday
if the weather permits by Emil
Walters, the contractor. Mr.
Walters did the brick work on the
original depot and his work was
so pleasing that the company se
cured his services for the new ad
ditional work that is to be done,
and it is unnecessary to say that
the company will be more than
satisfied. The new depot is far
more convenient than the old one
and will be amply able to handle
the number of passengers who
pass through here each day, and
overcome the congested condition
that existed at the old station.
Standard Binder
Tuino, ppr lb. . .
Fresh new Binder Twine direct from
Our name on the tags guarantees
every pound of it.
Spot cash 10c per lb., credit 1-2c
j per lb. higher.
Cedar Creek Lumber Company
From Friday's lwlly.
Yesterday afternoon a must en
joyable kensinglmi was given at
the handsome Ridley home on
Chicago avenue, the hostesses for
the occasion being Mrs. Fannie
Dickson, Misses Mae Ilichey and
Annie lleisel. The rooms of the
home were decorated most taste
fully with, making a
very charming getting for the en
joyable event. The afternoon was
spent most proftably by the lndkis
in plying the busy needlo and en
joying a general social time with
each other until an appropriate
hour, when delicious refresh
ments were served to the company
by Misses Ellen Pollock, Charlotte
Fetzer, Mildred Cummins and
uertnule morgan, there were
point; twenty-seven ladies present
to take part in the enjoyable oo
Guaranteed Eczema Remedy.
Hie constant itching, burning,
redness, rash and disagreeable
effects of eczema, tetter, salt
rheum, itch, piles and irritating
skin eruptions can he readily
cured and the skin made clear and
smooth with Dr. Hobson's Kczema
Ointment. Mrs. .1. C. Eveland, o'
Hath, III., says: "I had eczema
twenty-live years and had tried
everything. All failed. When I
louiKi nr. liouson s E)ina
Ointment I found a cure." This
ointment is the formula
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening E. H. Wescott re
turned from Falls City, where he
had been in attendance at the con-
II II volition of the First District
Epworlh League, which lias been
holding its sessions in that city.
The convention was one of the
largest that has been held in the
last ten years and the attendance
was extensive from all parts of
the district. Mr. Wescott reports
the convention as most interest
ing and several able addresses
were delivered before the meeting,
which were both interesting and
helpful to the workers of the so
ciety. The convention elected L.
II. Daft of Oreenwood as district
president to succeed Mr. Wescott,
who has held the position for
several years, and has been most
successful in building up the or
ganization, and it was with great
regret that the members saw him
retire from the olllce he has tilled
so ably. Ouy L. Clement s of Elm-
wood was elected as secretary of
the organization. The visitors
were loud in their praise of the
hospitality shown them by the
citizens of Falls City, as there
was nothing omitted to make them
feel entirely at home.
Our Latch String is Always, Out!
Let's See if You Know How to Pull It!
'THIS is a store where folks are welcome matters
not what you come for, just so you come. If you
buy, it matters not whether you buy a cent's worth or
a dollar's worth, you'll get courteous treatment, prompt
service and full value for your money. And, if you
find you don't like what you bought, bring it back. We
will refund without an argument. That's fair isn't it?
Successor to John Bauer
Main Street
f'rom Friday's Daily.
A committee appointed by the
slate historical society this week
marked the site of the Merrill
mission near the village of La
IMalte in Sarpy county. The com
mittee is composed of L. A. Dates
of Springfield, Father Michael
Shine of l'lattsniouth, and E. E.
Lyle of Wahoo. The main building
of the old mission is still stand
ing, although it is fast showing
decay. The original building was
constructed of Cottonwood logs
and was built by Moses Merill in
18115. This ground in Sarpy is
out! most picturesque, it showing
where the Indians more than 80
years ago stored their grains and
where they had erected their
tepees. At the old mission is an
old limestone chimney twenty
feet high, seven Teet wide and
four feet thick, anil in a good
state of preservation. Some of
the logs in the construction were
14 feet in circumference. The
mission is located three iuile
west of La l'latlee in a
valley near the Platter river
Ashland (iazel le.
Ralph Duff In Town.
From Friday's Dally.
Ralph Dutr and Neil YVhelan, of
Nebraska City, were in the city a
short time this morning, making
a brief visit with friends. They
came up in the auto, driving on
to Omaha, and were accompanied
by Bert Pollock, where they will
spend the day. Mr. Duff is out in
I ho interest of his carburator,
which is being most thoroughly
demonstrated on numerous cars,
and is never found wanting in
performing the duties of this vital
portion of an auto. Mr. YVhelan
is an automobile man of national
reputation in the racing world,
having taken part in many of the
contests in various cities in the
United Slates, and will, go to Sioux
City, Iowa, where he enters the
races with a Mason car on the
Fourth of July. They are both
excellent gentlemen and have a
large number of friends in this
physician and has been in uso for
years not an experiment. That
is why we can guarantee it. All
druggists, or by mail. Price 50c.
feiffer Chemical Co.. Phila.
elphia and St. Louis.
Fine Dance at Louisville.
From Friday'! Dally.
The Holly orchestra, composed
of V. II. Holly, violin; Marie Fitz
gerald, piano; (ieorge Lulter, cor
net, and Anton Hajeck, drums,
were taken to Louisville last, even
ing by Harve Manners in his
automobile and returned home
this morning after a most sue
cessful engagement. The dance
at Louisville was well attended by
the young people of that locality
and a most enjoyable time is re
Enjoy Picnic Parly.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening a number of the
young people of this city decided
to make a short pleasure trip, and
securing an automobile drove to
Union, where they spent a short
time most enjoyably at the Apple
gate farm near that village am
enjoyed a most delightful time in
the shade of the trees until the
lateness of the hour bade them
start homeward. Those in tin
party were: Misses Clee Apple
gate, Charlotte Fetzer,, Kllen Pol
lock, Messrs. Wayne Dickson
Jack Patterson ami Lynn Minor.
The Journal for Calling Card.
Ulcers and Skin Troubles.
If you are suffering with any
old, running or fever sores,
ulcers, boils, eczema or other skin
troubles, get a box of Ducklen's
of a Arnica Salve and you will get re
lief promptly. Mrs. Bruce Jones
of Birmingham, Ala., suffered
from an. ugly ulcer for nine
months and Bucklen's Arnica
Salve cured her in two weeks. Will
help you. Only 25c. Recommend
ed by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Miss Jesse Fox No Better.
From Friday's Daily,
Miss Jessie Fox, who has been
quite sick at her home for the
past two weeks suffering from an
attack of stomach (rouble, is ro-
Yictor Wilson, county attorney ported as being about the same
of Polk county, has asked the at- 8,1,1 has b,'eu unable as yel lo lak?
lorney general several questions nourisnmeni 10 any exieni. xne
in r-firaul In l.h listinc of mort. conmuon oi miss rox nas greauy
gages for taxation. In case the w,rie,1 h"r n,any friends. she
mortgage exceeds the value of the ,,as bl'pn unable 10 lain a"' food
land h nsk which vnhiA shall be o n(,r siomacn. mat sue will
Most Children Have Worms.
Many mothers think their chil
dren are suffering from indiges
tion, headache, nervousness,
weakness, costiveness, when they
are victims ot that most common
f all children's ailments worms.
Peevish, ill-tempered, fretful
children, who toss and grind their
teeth, with bad breath and coliky
pains, have all the symptoms of
having worms, and should be
given Kickapoo Worm Killer, a
pleasant candy lozenge, which ex
pels worni9, regulates the bowel9,
tones' up the system, and makes
children well and happy. Kicka
poo Worm Killer is guaranteed.
All druggists or by mail. Price
25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine
Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. .
Take Plenty of Time to Eat.
There is a saying that "rapid
eating is slow suicide." If you
have formed the habit of eating
loo rapidly you are most likely
beautiful SUfr,'1ri'. fl'f111 , digestion or
cousiipuuon, wmon win resuu
eventually in serious illness un
less corrected. Digestion begins
in the mouth. Food should be
thoroughly masticated and in
salivated. Then when you have
a fullness or the stomach or feel
dull and stupid after eating, take
one of Chamberlain's Tablets.
Many severe cases of stomach
trouble and constipation have
been cured by the use of these
tablets. They are easy to take
and most agreeable in effect.
Sold by all dealers.
Mordock's store, Sixth street,
is the place lo go for hundreds of
useful articles for sveryday use
at reasonable prices.
John Tlghe Out of Hospital.
From Friday's Dally.
Leo Tighe of Manley was a
Lincoln passenger Wednesday
morning. From there he went to
Omaha today to bring his father,
John Tighe, home, who has been
in a hospital since his accident in
the elevator at Manley several
weeks ago. Mr. Tighe has im
proved so he can walk now.
Weeping Water Republican.
If you have a house for rent try
little ad In the Journal.
From Friday's Daily.
A very pleasant event of yester
day afternoon was tthe social
meeting of the Ladies'Aid society
of St. Paul's fhurch, which was
held at the hospitable home of
Mrs. Hunter, atw Inch time a large
number of the members and
friends of this excellent organiza
tion were entertained in a "most
delightful manner and the oc
casion was one of the most en
joyable the ladies have participat
ed in for some time and one
which will not soon be forgotten.
Conversation, interspersed with
other amusements, was indulged
in, and during the course of the
afternoon's entertainment the
hostess served some splendid
coffee and cakes. When the hour
of departure came the ladies ex-
fended their warmest thanks to
Mrs. Hunter for her kind hos
pitality and the delightful enter
tainment afforded I hem.
Frank Leach suffered a stroke
of paralysis at, an early hour
Tuesday morning and up to the
present time his condition has
been very serious. About 4:30 on
Tuesday morning Operator Karl
Powers and Will Oarrens heard
Mr. Leach call for help and they
hurried to his room and found
him on the floor unable to get up,
his left side being paralysed. They
summoned assistance and he was
given the best care possible, and
that evening he was removed to
a comfortable room in Clark's
hotel, where he is in care of a
professional nurse who was call
ed here from Omaha. Union
For Sale.
A few good single drivers and
redy work horses. Also a fresh
milk cow. Terms ami prices right.
Frank Vallery, Plait sniouth, Neb.
isted for assessment and whether
or not the excess can be called a
credit. In reply the attorney gen.
oral has written an opinion hold
ing that the law says the asses
sor shall fix tho value, of a
mortgage for taxation.. If the
face value of the mortgage ex
ceeds the valuo of the land and
tho man who signs the mortgage
is worth the difference, tho mort
gage is worth its face value. If
tho mortgagor agrees to pay tax
on the mortgage, he has no equity
in the land. If nothing is said as
to who is to pay the tax on tho
mortgage, the mortgagee pays it
and the owner of the land pays
soon recover is the wish of her
friends, who are anxiously await
ing favorable reports from her
Can't Keep It Secret.
The splendid work or Cham
berlain's Tablets is daily becom
ing more widely known. No such
grand remedy for stomach and
liver troubles has ever been
known. For salo by all dealers.
Here From Los Angeles.
From Friday's Dally.
C. fy. Wescott and wife came in
last evening from their home at
Los Angeles, California, and will
make a visit here with their chili-
dron. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wescott
are looking fine and enjoying life
immensely on tho cost, but they
still like to tako a trip back to bid
Nebraska to view the sights and
visit with their old friends. There
was much rejoicing among the
younger members of the1 family
here over the advent of grandpa
and grandma, as this occasion
has been eagerly looked forward
to for some weeks.
FORFST ROSF, The best flour
on the market, (live it a trial.
Shake Off Your Rheumatism.
Now is the time to gei rid of
your rheumatism. Try a twenty-flve-cent
bottle of Chamberlain's
Liniment, and see how quickly
your rheumatic pains disappear.
Sold by all dealers.
0 OD
It is how time that you were placing your order for bind
er twine while the prices are at the lowest notch.
Standard Twine, 10c per pound
f " Extra twine, 1 1c per pound
Pure Manilla Twine 12jc per lb.
We arc also selling the famous ACME BINDER,
and let us figure with you.
The Farmers' Elevator Co.
Henry Heebner, Manager Murray, Neb.