The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 30, 1913, Image 5

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of Missouri
Copyright 191 1. by the BVilbs-Mcrri
Lottie-May Doggett Weaves a Wb.
C" "TIE-MAY DOGGETT, her dark
and enger face alight with ex
citement, had attended the po
litical meeting , which followed
the Strickland parade. Nearly all
Nineveh Indeed, ordinarily bo quiet
wag In public evidence this night
grateful for a little diversion.' " '
The girl Via a witness therefore to
the dire interruption of Colonel Tod
hunter's apeech and had also seen the
clash of the rival factions, headed by
Tom Strickland and, gUm Tucker. Her
eyes shone with expectancy of a per
sonal encounter between the two
young men. " "
"Lord, I'd like to see 'em citnchr
she exclaimed, pushing a bit forward
as she spoke. "They'd make a good
tight too, seeln' as how there ain't
been do love lost between 'em for
some time. I bet they'll get at it'."
Her companion, a girl who envied
Lottie-May that partial acceptance by
Nineveh's good families which was
due to her grandfather's honorable
Confederate record, laughed a bit sig
nificantly. "It won't be your fault If
they don't fight some day, Lottie-May
Doggett!" she charged. "I hear you've
been settln' your cap at both of 'em
In a mighty dangerous way."
"I alnt been doln' nothln' of the
sort!" Indignantly denied Lottie-May,
resentment In her face. "It ain't my
fault if Stam Tucker sets up to me, is
it? And I reckon Tom Strickland's
got the same right ain't he? You
better mind your own business and
let my affairs alone."
"Land alive! What a spit cat about
nothln'!" protested the other. "But
Tom Strickland better leave Stam
Tucker alone. My brother says Stam
always carries a pistol and Is a dan
gerous man when his blood's up."
Lottle-M.ny'8 eyes flashed instant dis
dain. "I reckon Tom Strickland can
take care of himself," she retorted hot
ly. "I .wouldn't be afeared for him in
a difficulty with Stam Tucker."
Her companion laughed triumphant
ly. "I caught you that time, Lottie
May!" she cried. "I Just wanted to see
which you liked the best, Stam or Tom.
And It's Tom, that's who It is!"
"You think you're smart, don't you?"
countered Lottie-May, but blushing an
grily. "Well, you ain't Neither one
of 'em is makln' me lay awake of
nights, I can tell you."
"ItH be Tom does it, if anybody
does," calmly returned the other. "But
they ain't a-goln' to clinch this time,
at any rate. Pete Fanshaw's Just call
ed 'em down and put a stop to their
Lottie-May was still fuming with re
sentment of this open bantering con
cerning Tom Strickland and Stam
Tucker when she started homeward.
Not at all unwilling to accept the se
cret wooing of either, she intuitively
shrank from the open coupling of their
names with hers. The shadow of her
mother's shame oppressed her, and it
was only In moments of sudden anger
or other excitement that she surren
dered to a mood of reckless defiance of
her dark Inheritance.
Even now, however, it gave Lottie
May a thrill of valuful triumph to re
member that Stam Tucker was await
ing her somewhat farther along her
lonely homeward way through the
night and that he would accompany
her as near to her suspicious old grand
father's house as she dared permit.
But Tom Strickland himself Intervened
before lier meeting with Stum Tucker
this night He, too, was homeward
bound, encountering the girl at a se
cluded crossing of their respective
roads. Lottie-May's? heart gave a great
leap as she recognized bltu In the dark
ness. A sudden impulse of passionate
enticement possessed her soul.
"Goodness me, Tom Strickland!" she
cried. "You sUeered me 'most to death!
I took you for one of them Black Bot
toms men from the trappin' camp."
Emphasizing her claim of panic, she
stood very close to Tom. A loose
utrand of her hulr blew against bis
face. Her dark eyes were velvety with
uncoucealed tempting, her voice vi
brant with appeal.
"You oughtn't to be going home by
yourself at this time of night Lottie
May," said Tom. "It ain't safe for as
young andand as pretty a girt as you
are." His voice shook Just a little. .
Lottie-May laughed. "There. Tom.
you've actually paid me a compliment!''
she exclaimed, a perilous exultation
curving her red lips. "It's the first
one. too. Maybe you ain't so hard
hearted In the nighttime as you are In
the daytime, Tom!"
There was the frankest wooing in
the girl's ma..ner. She moved until her
softly rounded young shoulder touched
Tom's arm.
"I never saw the day I was afraid
to tell you how pretty you are!" he
said. "But that's Just the trouble
right now. . 1. don't like to..seeiou go
! A. . v-." -6 I
lng Eome alone so late atnfghtTr
Lottie-May Doggett felt a sudden
glow of love for Tom thrill her. At
the same instant, though remembering,
she recklessly Ignored the fact that
Stam Tucker was waiting for her far
ther along the way.
"Maybe you better come home with
me, then. Tom," she said softly. Tom
Strickland laughed.
"That's what I'm going to do, Lottie
May," he responded. "I'd never for
give myself If anything happened to
you with me knowing you had to go
home alone. You you're sure you're
willing for me to come with you?"
The girl's eyes were liquid soft.
"Wlllin'?" she repeated. "Yon know
I'm wlllin' and more than wlilln'. Tom.
I Just asked you and 1 ain't never
go in' to forget this night as long as I
Again Tom Strickland laughed. "You
will have me making love to you first
thing you know!" he said. "You'd bet
ter be careful. Lottie-May. if you ain't
"I dare you to. Tom!" the girl replied
in a low voice. "I dare you to! And
no real man ever took such a dare from
a girl!"
They were moving side by side along
the road. The girl's free carriage
seemed that of some wild and beauti
ful young animal of the woods. Tom
Strickland bent toward her, aaslng his
arm about her soft little waist.
"Kiss me!" whispered Lottie-May In
reply. "Kiss me, Tom. 1 love you so!"
Even as she spoke Tom Strickland
had taken her In his arms, pressing
his Hps to hers.
And at that moment Stam Tucker,
waiting to meet Lottie-May by ap
pointment, stepped out of the shadow
at the road's edge, nis face was
black with Jealous rage.
Lottie-May Doggett gave a little cry
! of dismay. "Why. Stam!" she cried.
releasing herself from Tom's arms and
"Let him alone, Lottie-May," said Tom
Strickland. "He won't shoot"
essaying to laugh. "You are waiting for
me after all, ain't you? I was afeared
you'd gone home, so Tom Strickland
here was goln' with me instead."
An ugly sneer was on Stam Tuck
er's face. "So I see," he replied, glanc
ing venomously from one to the other.
"And you seem to be having a good
time, both of yon."
' "Oh, shucks, now, Stam, it's nothln'
but foolln', that's all!" cried the girl,
a note of pleading in her, voice. "I
was tensln' Tom for beln' bashful, and
I dared him to kiss' me, and he would
not take a dare and that's the whole
truth' ' . ;;
1 "T Kv.An nil ..tV. I
iinauu ib a uil luu iiuiu juu 111
tend to tell," replied Stam. "But I'll
tell you what It looks like to me. it
looks like"-
"Stop right there, Stam!" Interrupt-
ed Tom Strickland. "If you've seen
anything you dou't like I'm the re -
sponsible party. Say whatever you've name their cwn choice for governor,
got to say to me, not to a woman!" j suh."
"I don't ask anything better, Tom "it will, if there's no crooked work
Strickland." Instantly retorted Stam. I nt the imlls," said Colonel Strickland.
Uir.uinji.s.w.ifllx tronUiio. gll. JlAnd j Tm nfrn( of rnc cMM for that reason."
i I won't mluctTuny word's saying if tT
I ther. You're a"
Stam!" cried Ixttie-Mny, running to
I the speaker and placing a restraining
; baud on his that had suddenly been
thrust back to his hip pocket. "You
shau't do it! You mustn't do it. Statu'
lt'd ruin me in Niueveh forever and
"Let him alone. Lottie-May." suid
Tom Stricklnnd. "He won't shoot.
Just you stand aside and let blm crack
his whip."
Stam Tucker made a movement to
throw Lottie-May off. but the girl clung
to him desperately. Tom Strickland's
eyes hardeued as they watched Stam
Tucker with an ominous alertness.
A farm horse drawing a ramshackle
spring wagon emerged Into view around
a bend in the rond some distance away
and came lumbering along toward the
"Good Lord, it's granddaddy!" cried
Lottie-May Doggett "For my sake,
please please, Stam, you and Tom both
don't let him see there's been any
Old Itafe Doggett, white haired and
stern of visage, scowled suspiciously
at Lottie-May and her companions as
he brought his horse to a halt.
"Where in the world have you been
till this hour of the night. Lottie-May?"
he asked. "I was on my way to town
after you. What have you been doln',
Lottie-May stood shamefaced. "Why,
granddaddy." she replied nervously, "1
Just stayed to the political meettn'.
that's all. There was to be a brass
band there and speakln' and all that,
and I Just couldn't come away till It
was over!"
The old man kept his accusing eyes
on the girl's face for a moment Then
be turned and looked searchlngly first
at Stam Tucker and then at Tom
Strickland. Tom felt a suddsa ui
overwhelming sense of shame and self
reproach and pity for the good old man
whose dread, harried eyes were so som
berly bent on blm.
There was a moment of silence.
"Well, seeln' nil there was to see," old
Rafe Doggett resumed then, "what did
you do after that, girl? How comes It
that you're here on the road with Stam
Tucker, fncln' Tom Strickland like
there'd been a quarrel? Tell me the
Lottie-May Doggett flashed n quick
appeal of her eyes at Tom Strickland.
It was plainly a mute and desperate
entreaty for his forbearance with what
ever she was about to say.
Then. "Why. granddaddy." she made
answer, "Stani orrerea to escort me
home, and we met Tom on the way.
and we just all three stopped to talk
for a minute that's all. Quarrelln'?
Stam and Tom wasn't tbinkin' of such
a thing; that's the truth. 1 cross my
heart please, sir!"
The girl's voice trembled with fenr
of her grim old grandfather, to whom
her mother's memory remained but as
meaning a lifelong disgrace and humil
iation. : The old man seemed uot en
tirely satisfied with her explanation.
He sat silent, still studying the group
confronting him. Then he sighed.
"Well, Lottie-May." he spoke at last,
"since Stam wants to escort you home
be can still do It, I reckon. But you
both better come along with me In the
wagon. There ain't no sense lu your
walklu' bow."
Lottie-May's frightened eyes were
pleading with Stam and Tom to abide
by her story and comply with her
grandfather's wishes.
"All right, Mr. Doggett." ai'oke Stam
finally. "I'll be specially glad for Lot
tie-May to ride. I reckon she's pretty
tired by now. so I'll Just see her home
that way, along with you."
Tom Strickland stood silent as Lot
tie-May was lifted Into the wagon by
Stam Tucker, who mounted to the seat
beside her. Old Itafe Doggett clucked
to his horse.
"Good night Tom!" cried the girl.
"Good night. Lottie-May!" replied
Tom. "Good night, Mr. Doggett!"
The next moment they were gone.
And Tom Strickland, shamed to the
soul at thought of what he had seen In
old Kafe Doggett's worn and wasted
face, mode his own wuy homeward.
The Hon. Wllliani J. Strickland and
Colonel Todhunter were parting com
pany for a few days after a final con
ference concerning preliminary cam
paign plans.
"I'll have to get back to St. Louis
and see how things are starling off at
my headquarters there," said Colonel
Strickland. "Then it'll ft necessary to
take u run across the state and estab
lish headquarters In Kansas City, right
uuder Steve Yancey's nose. I'll want
you to mnke a few speeches for me In
St Louis about next week, Thurs, old
fellow. And don't forget I'm going
to hold you to your promise to stump
the state for me."
"I ain't forgettlny responded Colo
nel Todhunter. "I'm cocked and primed
for a campaign that'll bring every old
time Democrat In Mlzzoorah out o' the
brush and set 'em to whooptn' things
tip for you to beat the band, snb. Tho
almighty dollar ain't the only thing
that talks In this here Btato yet not by
a Jugful and I'm a-goln' to prove It
"It's what we've got to beat, though,"
commented the ttdldate. "Things
ain't like they used to be In Missouri
politics, my frleud."
"That's why we got bo many o them
professional politicians and so few rwil
1 statesmen nowadays," replied the oth
. er. "But, all tho same, tho people of
j Mlw.oorah's honest, if tho politicians
! ain't and this hero new prlmnry law's
, a-goln' to give 'em their best chance to
Colonel Todhunter nodded his heat.
emphatically. "I'll Just be Jig whittled
If all the corruption In American poli
tics don't seem to come from the big
towns, sub. It looks like it's plt.mli
natural for cities be sinful. It's beeu
that wav ever since Sodom and Go
morrah, sub. Do you reckon the Old
Marster up above couldn't ha' found
ten honest men among the shepherds
watcldu' their flocks and the husband
men tlllln' their fields In the country?
He couldn't ha' missed tindln' 'em
'less'n bo'l struck a bunch of 'em like
old Tucker here In Nineveh, suh!"
Then, after a reflective pause: "The
trouble with old Kpb Tucker, suh. Is
that he's got so he can't see anything
but money. I ain't talkln' against
money in Its rightful proportion to the
rest of life. I like to have It as well
as the next man. and sometimes I need
It mighty bad. too. but I'll be struck
limber Jawed If It ain't plumb foolish
to plug up your eyes with It. suh. It
don't cost a ceut to see the beauty and
goodness 0' this here world, suh, not
a cent, and If yon miss seeln' it. you
miss seeln' the whole show. That's
too big a price to pay for the privilege
of ,lookln' at a dollar instead, suh.
The Hon. William J. Strickland con
temnlated Colonel Todhunter with a
smile on bis grim Hps.
"Thurs," ho said. "I don't know any
thing sounder than your faith In the
good of life and your enthusiasm for
llvln' It ou that basis!"
(To He Continued.)
Items of Interest to Old and New
Residents of City Which Were
New Forty Years Ago.
The cut on Third street, south
of Mu in, lias been convulsed by a
young earthquake, or else tickled
itself over the election so much it
has split its sides and now bids
fair to tumble down ou some one's
head. Heller look after il, Mi
Street Commissioner.
Col. Morse of the H. V M. has
gone and left us. He lakes the
same position on the Atchison &
Topeka'R. H. in Kansas. The
Colonel was so tall and the Her
ald so short, that there was al
ways a great gap between us, and
we never got very well acquainted,
yet we are sorry to see the Colonel
leave us. He was a gentlyeman,
and they are getting scarce now-a-days.
Our loss is Kansas' gain,
we suppose, yet we all shall miss
the Colonel, and the dogs, and the
bay mare with the white legs, but
we w ish I hem Hon Voyage, w her
ever they may go.
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Drost of
Three droves celebrated their
wooden wedding on last Friday
and such a set of wooden traps as
fTimbered up to the old farm
house at Dr. Wiley's you never
saw. Sixteen wooden half bush
els, 40 pecks, 19 pitchfork hand
les, half a carload of potato
smashers, -'.1 brand new wooden
cradles, gives some idea of this
wedding of wood. The old Doctor
tried to keep tally of the things
for awhile, but they rushed in on
him so he jusl dumped 'em in the
big log corn crib and let 'em brin
dle, meanwhile the folks in the
house, that is "Hat lie and Hen,"
jusl went in to make everybody
happy and merry and the throng
looked, so cozy and snug that we
understand lit more "splicings"
are on the lapis in Cass county
jusl for the fun of having a wood
en wedding every five years.
Hy a circular just printed at the
Herald oflice we learn that our old
friend am neighbor, Jno. II. Clark,
has resigned the position of
cashier of the First National
Hank of Plattsmouth ami accepts
the same position in the Mer
chants' bank at Lincoln. The
officers of our bank now stand:
John Fitzgerald, president; E. G.
Dovey, vice president; A. V. Mc
Laughlin, cashier; John O'Rourke,
assistant cashier.
We are authorized to state,
however, that Mr. Clark has not
disposed of any of his interest in
the bank and that he will also re
main one of the directors us be
fore. Mr. Clark also retains all
bis interest in Plattsmouth, and
the Herald begs leave to say for
I he many friends of Mr. Clark
here that we all hope that his Lin
coln exodus is only a temporary
one. Few men in our county
stand higher or have any more
real friends than Jno. It. Clark.
M. L. While, county commis
sioner, left for Illinois yesterday
to bring home the wife and babies,
(iood lin k to M. L.
Mike Sclniellbaclier, (lie black-
smith, relumed home on Tuesday. I
Mike has had a good time, but re
turns without being wedded et.
He will hae to go in a different
emper next time.
Uncle Jason Streighl, after
renting his rooms to a succession
of strangers, who came and went
like pictures in a traveling show,
concludes to move in there and
ieep house himself. So you see
Streight it Miller's confectionary,
fruit and "niek-nax" stand is now
They do say that Hilly Kdger-
lon, Miekelwail, Schuasse. and
others will petition the legislature
this winter for a new ward out
soutli of town.' They want one
ward they can earrly election day.
On Monday Uncle Schlegel's
team of handsome black colts
took a play-spell. They left the
old gentleman nad his plow on
Sixth street, just by Pottenger's
stable and waltzed over on Fourth
street, where they struck a gallop
and came sailing down Fourth
with such force as to carry them
clear over on the sidewalk by the
Platte Valley house. From thence
in a straight line due west up the
sidewalk till they struck Solomon
A: Nathan. Nathan slipped down
through a crack in tho sidewalk
and Solomon scooted into the
store. The pontes then straddled
the sign board, turned a double
somerset, and came up in Frank
Kendall's hands, as quiet and de
mure as if nothing had ever hap
pened. The concussion was so
great I hough that pieces of the
Harness and a martingale ring
were thrown up in the Herald
office window. S. & N.'s sign is
strained some, and one pony put
his foot through a carpet bag for
fun. Nathan came round the
back way in time to see the
double chassez, and Alex led the
waltzers home to a hot 'bran
Can't the Hee and Herald find
another Platlsinouth witness
that can keep out of jail to swear
to some more corruption in the
surveyor general's oilllce?
Mr. Win. Hennetl has got
around to Plattsmouth again, an
all his friends are glad to see him
lie looks none the worse for his
sojourn in Utah.
Last Thursday Mrs. James
O'Neil butchered one of the
largest hogs we have ever seen
It was raised by Mr. Flam Par
mele and weighed 822 pounds.
How is that for a 2-year-old hog?
Who can beat it?
Cap. Marshall, like the captain
of the ship, stood last and long
est at his post and late last even
ing he might have been seen, like
patience ou a monument, smiling
at the last sad remnants of a lost
cause in the up-town poslotllce
business. Tomorrow he will loom
up fresh as new sunflower in Ma
sonic block.
We asked our "devil" if he
knew of .any local and he gave us
I he f jllowing: Hush Fellows had
the toothache; my brother has a
felon on his finger; it. has been
snowing; it is very cold; we have
splendid sleighing; wood is
cheaper; we are very nearly out
of coal; we are going to have a
bran new barber shop; the plow
factory is going to commence
running again; Jim Tucker has
received his ironing tables; Mike
Sclniellbaclier is a good black
smith; D. H. Wheeler is in Lin
coln; Frank Sladler is in the
paper business yet; Dan MrKin
non is back; J. II. Dilley has gone
In Lincoln; Dave Morrow has
started a new blacksmith shop;
Tom Mitchell is going to have his
carpenter shop in the old Central
house Ffirshn i re
modeling and fixing up his saloon
McDonagh is still afraid Slurgis
will pray for him; T. W. Shryock
got a big lot of furniture the
other day; Rev. Mr. Mcfvetvey
preached at the M. E. church last
Sunday night; folks don't pay
their printer's bills very well; the
prisoners captured the peniten
tiary Monday evening; I would
like to have part of that $20,0(10?;
I'm dry, and il, is time to go to
Best Laxative for the Aged'.
Old men and women feel the
need of a laxative more than
young folks, but it must be safe
and harmless and one which will
not cause pain. Dr. King's New
Life Pills are especially good for
the aged, for they act promptly
and easily. Price 25c. Recom
mended by F. G. Fricke & Co.
C. A. Ganer of Cedar Creek was
among those in the city today
looking after some matter of
business for a few hours.
Local Hews
From Friday's Dally.
James Loughride of Murray
was in the city todav for a few
hours attending to some matters
f business.
II. T. Crocker of Tabor, Iowa,
was in the city yesterday for a few
hours looking after some mat
ters of business.
J. H. Meisinger of near Cedar
Creek was in the city for a few
hours today attending to some
business matters.
Miss Florence ' Fisher of Red
Oak, fowa, arrived yesterday aft
ernoon for a short visit with her
friend, Miss Helen Egenberger.
Mrs. Barley Hurdick of Omaha
came down this afternoon to visit
over Sunday at the home of her
parents, Mayor and Mrs. J. P. 'Sal
tier. Mrs. II. A. Shell and little son
of Hastings, Neb., arrived last
evening on No. 2 for a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Mrs. W. M. Hrooks of Nelson,-
Neb., arrived on No. 2 last even
ing for a short visit at the home
of Superintendent W. G. Brooks
and wife.
A. M. Searle returned this
morning from Montecello, Ark.,
where he has been looking- after
some land interests, and he feels
very enthusiastic over the condi
tions in that state.
Mrs. John Weyrich and daugh
ter, Alice, departed last evening;
for Hentonville, Arkansas, where
they were summoned bv the
serious illness of Mrs. Weyrich's
Joseph Mullen, one of the
sturdy citizens of Elmwooii, camo
in this morning from his home
to attend to some business mat
ters, as well as to visit his nu
merous friends for the day.
G. H. Meisinger and son, Alvin,
of the vicinity of Mynard, were
visitors in this city yesterday af
ternoon and were pleasant callers
at this otllce. Mr. Meisinger re
newed his subscription.
Mrs. 11. A. Hailey and little son,
Kenneth, of Alvo, who have been
here for about a week visit ing with
Mrs. Bailey's sister, Mrs. Fred
Kunsmann and family, returned
to their home this afternoon.
David G. Miller came in this
morning from Thompson Falls,
Montana, and will visit here with
his brother and sister for a short
time before returning to Montana
to resume his duties in tho
forestry service.
Mrs. Guy French and little,
daught er, Oct a, w ho have been
here for a few days visiting with
T. B. Bates and wife, departed
this morning for Omaha and will
move to Minneapolis next Monday
to ninke their future home.
C. O. Larson nnd wife, formerly
Miss Bess Edwards, returned this
morning from their honeymoon
trip to Minneapolis, St. Paul and
a short lime at Lake Independ
ence, Minnesota. They will re
main for a short time visiting
with their relatives here.
Mrs. George Koennfce and chil
dren of Hay Springs, Neb., who
have been here for the past four
weeks visiting with relatives, de
parted this morning for their
home. Mrs. W. J. Bookmeyer, a
sister of Mrs. Koehnke, accom
panied her as far as Omaha.
T. J. Keslersen, an old comrade;
of Thomas Wiles, came in yester
day afternoon and visited over
night nt the home of Mr. Wiles
and wife, returning to his home
this morning. Mr. Wiles and Mr.
Keslersen both served in Company
B of Ui, 2'.th Iowa during the
civil war.
George A. KafTenberger, one of
the readers of our daily, residing
west of the city, while attending
lo business matters in this city
Saturday, called at liis otllce and
had his subscription extended for
another year, for which please ac-
;(,,,Pl uur thanks
Misses Margaret Seotten and
Teresa Drouge departed . today
over the Burlington for Denver,
where Miss Droege will make an
extended visit with her sister, Mrs.
John Ulrick, while Miss Seotten
will continue on to La Junta, to
visit her uncle, Sam Sexton and
family, and goes from thereto
Albeniueniue, New Mexico, where
her brother, Edmund, is living,
and will visit him for a short time
and then proceed to Texas lo visit
relatives before returning home.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Every family without exception
should keep this ' preparation at
hand during the hot weather of
the summer months. Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy is worth many times
its cost when needed and is al
most certain to be needed before
the summer is over. It has no
superior for I he purposes for
which il is intended. Buy it now.