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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1913)
v -r f" rsK Tf Jf 13 Mil HAM M i y r J pt) jr P? JHHt& JHi V PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THS TEOPLE OF MURRAY AND SURROUNDING VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS (If any of ths reader of the Journal kno of a tocial event or an Item of Interest In this vicinity and will mail ame to this office it will appear undet this heading. We want all Items of Interest -Editor Journal.) Se Deposit Your Money in this Bank and Pay Your Obli gations by Check. r 8 '0 8 If you make your payments by check you have a re cord that cannot be disputed. We regard all business transactions as strictly confi dential. Combine absolute safety with satisfaction. We accord careful consideration to small and large depositors. WOur deposits are secured by the State Guarantee Law. We pay 4 per cent on time deposits for one year. We Bank on You.. You Bank With Us. We Solicit Your Business. s 8 8 0 8 v 8 urrcy State Bank fc rank Dugay spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Etta Nickels was a IMatts iriouth visitor last, Saturday. Mrs. Charles Carroll was an Omaha visitor last Thursday. Ab. Unedeker shipped a car of cattle to South Omaha Monday. Miss May Lewis was a guest of Miss Etta Nickels last Sunday. Mrs. John llendircks was a riattsmouth visitor Wednesday. Oliver and Oscar Lloyd lost one of their pood work horses Tues day. Lloyd and Joe Creamer were riattsmouth visitors Sunday even ing. " ' ' i ' Enoch Moreland and wife were l'latlsmouth visitors last Satur day. Frank Schlichlemeier shipped a car of cattle (o South Omaha Monday. Oeorpc Nickels was among those seen in Plait smouth last Saturday. Mrs. I. H. Fitch is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. E. R. Queen. 1 Mrs. Walter Sans and Mrs. Ted Harrows were IMatlsniouth visit ors last Saturday. W. I'. Ilutcheson and wife were falling on IMatlsniouth mer chants last Saturday. D. U. rrans and mother were visit intr E. (1. Lewis and family Sunday afternoon. J. 0. Lewis and wife and L. F Fitch were visit ing Sunday with R. II. Fitch, jr., and wife. Mrs. Nick Klaurens went to Ne- hawka Thursday to see her mother, who has been quite sick . W. Shrader shipped two rars of cattle to South Omaha Wed nesday evening. They were load ed at Nehawka, and Mr. Shrader accompanied them to the market Mrs. Frank Ilhoden was trans acting business in Nebraska City Monday. Nick Klaurens and family were transacting business in IMatts mouth Saturday. J. 1. Tutt was in Murray a few days last week visiting at the home of his son, E. S. and wife. II. O. Todd was looking after some business matters in the county seat Wednesday evening. M. Hild, John Bauer and James Sage of IMallsinouth were visiting at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Mark White last Sunday. Mrs. A. Ii. Baker, Mrs. Charles Carroll and Mis? Grace Porter at tended the meeting in TMatls mouth Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Dodge and Will Egenbzerger and Miss Violet Dodge of IMallsinouth were guests at the homeo f Mr. and Mrs. Mark White last Sunday. Ir. B. F. Brendel and wife and Dr. J. F. Hrendel and wife spent ast Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamge, east of Murray. They report a most pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. L S. White, who have been sick for the past few months, are improving at this time. Mr. While was able to go down to the farm Sunday and re- nain over night with his son, Mark and wife, returning Monday. Miss Margaret Hialt, who has been attending the stale uni versity the past winter, has .re turned to the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. White, in Murray, to spend her vacation. Frank Vallery closed the deal his week whereby Marion Thacker becomes the owner of the Murray company threshing outfit, which was owned by a number of the farmers here. Mr. Thacker will r penile the machine Ibis season r D 3IZ 1Z zzzi Very Special Saie of u Summer Dress Goods All our regular 25c Tissues, Ram er Suitings and Flaxons on sale for 10 days at the extreme- 1 (p ly low price of, per yard All new stock, very latest patterns and stocks. Samples for the asking. Hiatt i Tutt J. W. Holmes and W. S. Smith were Omaha visitors Monday. Mrs. Pete Campbell has been ipi it e sick for the past few days. Mrs. Addie Stokes is numbered with the sick this week, suffer ing w it b lonsililis. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gapeu of Mynard were in attendance at the social last Saturday evening:. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tilson, on Sunday, June 22, a baby boy. All are doing nicely. E. S. Tutt was looking after some business matters in the county seat Wednesday evening. Uncle George Shrader, who has been on the sick list for the past few days, is not quite so well this week. Mrs. Catherine Corbitt of Ne hawka was visiting a few days the past week with her niece, Mrs. J. F. Brendel. L. 1). Hiatt was a Plattsniouth visitor for a few hours Monday evening, looking after some busi ness matters. Born To Mr. and Mrs. I). Hosteller, on last Saturday, June 21, a boy. Both mother and lit tle one doing nicely. Born To Mr. and Mrs. John Farsenan, on last Friday, June 20, a baby boy. Both mother and little one are doing incely. Miss Marie Kaufman came down from IMatlsniouth Wednesday morning for a few days' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lillie. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Will Baker died at their home on Monday, June 23. Inter ment was made in the Hock Bluffs cemetery. Mrs. Galen Ilhoden went to Omaha Thursday morning, where she will enter the hospital for a couple of weeks' treatment for nervous trouble. Mrs. John Hendricks, residing southeast of Murray, was quite sick a few days this week, suffer ing from a severe hemorrhage of the lungs. She is improving rapidly. . , The social given by the Mis sionary society last Saturday evening was well attended. He tween $20 and $2.r was taken in ami somewhere near 20 will be cleared. The little 1-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson died at the home of his parents on last Thursday, June 20, of Height's disease. Interment was made Sat urday at Nehawka. Mrs. Hamilton, mother of our ueiiial carpenter and contractor, departed for her home last Thurs day, after making a most enjoy able visit with her son and fam ily. Mr. ami Mrs. D. C. West and daughter, Miss Gladys, and Mrs. Charles Stone, of Nehawka. at tended the social at the Presby terian church last Saturday evening. Mrs. J. P. Saltier, Mrs. John l.utz and Mrs. M. Hild, all of Platlsmoulh, came to Murray Wednesday morning and were driven in a carriage to the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Puis, where they met with the Ladies' Aid society. Henry Creamer lost one of his best milk cows Tuesday night from being 'struck by lightning during the storm. He carries in suarnce on his slock m the Columbia Insurance Co., and the amount of his loss was paid Wed nesday. Mrs. Kit lie Tucker, who has! been here for the past two months caring for her nioiner, Mrs. Nix, has returned to her home at Fort Morgan, Colo. We understand that her uncle, L. B. Brown, will follow later and make his home with Mrs. Tucker. Steve Beckner, who has been in the hospital at Omaha for the past three weeks, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis, re turned homo Wednesday morning. He Is getting along very nicely, but is still very weak from the three weeks' confinement in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fnris. While the day was a very pleasant one in numer ous ways, the special feature was the excellent dinner, which only Mrs. Faris knows well how to pre. pare. It was one of those gooc old farm dinners seldom enjoyed by city folks, who are not favorei Mrs. A. E. Smith is reported much better at this time. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Beal of Piatt smoutli were guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis one day last week. Will Wehrbein and Kaymond Creamer made a trip to Platts niouth Tuesday, where Mr. Wehr bein was getting a new binder. The Study club met Tuesday af ternoon. The class has finished the history study and will now take up the American literature. This is a splendid time to join the class; you will receive the same advantage of the literature as the (dd members. Dr. Hannah will preach the last of his series of sermons here next S"iiday evening for at least a year, as he will take a vacation at this lime. The congregation here has called a minister for a year, beginning July 6. The people of this community have certainly en joyed Dr. Hannah's ministry and only hope that they may be able to hear him many times in the future. Mr. Charles L. Creamer was Iran-acting business in Platts niouth la-l Saturday. ! Tlie ladio of the K. N. K. are preparing to hold an interesting and pleasant meeting at the Lewistown church Thursday, July :!. Business meeting at 1 to 3 p. m. Visitors from 3 to 5 p. m. Come out and have a social time with the ladies. The following is the list of dishes that will be needed, which is given to help those who are planning to attend: Teacups, plates, sauce-dishes, cream pitchers, sugar bowls, glasses, vegetable dishes, meat platters, soup bowls, tea and table-spoons. Refreshments at 5 p. in. The public generally invited. From Mt. Pleasant Henry Thiele, F. M. Massie and M. I. Sprague, all from Ml. Pleas, ant precinct, were in the city to day, driving up in Mr. Thiele's automobile. They were here look ing after some business matters, and while in town Mr. Massie paid the Journal office a brief visit, re newing his subscription for an other year. A Birthday Party. line of (he most delightful entefai;P'ie)il-i wa- th- party given on Mrs. W. M. Wiley June 18. on her sixty. seventh birthday at her home ea-l of Murray. The party was planned by her daugh ter, Mrs. (ieorge Parks. Mrs. Al bert Funk and Mrs. Warren Wiley gave several solos and duets which were much appreciated. Mrs. Wiley received many beauti ful gifts, which she will have, to remember this happy occasion. During the afternoon Mrs. Parks and daughters, Wella and Mary, and Helen and Hose Heed served a two course luncheon. At a late hour they all departed, wishing Mrs. .W iley many more happy birthdays. Those present were: Mesdames E. B. Perry. Albert Funk and daughter, Alice, George Wiley of Plattsniouth, Peter Campbell. (Hen Campbell, Alf Nickels, Warren Wiley, Misses Elizabeth Oliver, Virgie Campbell, Inez Splill, Rose and Helen Reed, Alice Nickels and Sarah Elizabeth Wiley. ... t For Sale. Three Shorthorn bulls, eligible to registry H. G. Todd. A Bad Accident. Mr. and Mrs. JefT Brendel had a very narrow escape from serious injury last Sunday afternoon. They were driving along the high way near the residence of Dr. Long, immediately east of Mur ray, when the automobile belong ing to William Dunn, from Weep ing Water, driven by Mr. Dunn's son, came along at what Mr. Brendel says was a terrific speed, striking Mr. Brendel's buggy just at the approach of the bridge across the branch. Mr. and Mrs. Brendel were both thrown out of the buggy,' which was thrown from the bridge into the branch. Mrs. Brendel was uninjured, but JefT received an injury to his arm and his clothing was pretty badly torn. The buggy was somewhat damaged. Serious Auto Accident. Ed flansemer met with quite a serious auto accident last Satur day evening, at which time him self and Joe West, the only oc cupants of the car, might have been very seriously injured, if not lo-t their lives. They had been up to the pleasant farm home of John I'rish, where they spent the evening at a social dance, and were returning home and running at a pretty good speed, when one of the tires of the car exploded and the car was turned over, pin ning Mr. Gansmer and Mr. West under it. Mr. Ciansemer received quite an ugly cut on his hand and wrist and a badly sprained back, and has since been confined lo his bed. Joe came out of the accident uninjured. No great damage was done to the car. Hand Badly Mashed. Mrs. Z. W. Shrader, residing about six miles west of Murray, met with a very serious and pain ful accident Tuesday of this week while engaged in doing the family washing. Mr. and Mrs. Shrader have exerted every effort to make the family washday task as easy as possible, and have attached both the washing machine and wringer to the gasoline engine, which was carrying both ma chines at the time of the accident. Mrs. Shrader was operating the wringer, and in trying to release a piece of the wash from the cog wheels of the wpiu'"r she caught her left hand in them, very severely crushing the hand, tear ing the flesh from the bones. Dr. B. F. Brendel. Mr. Shrader and Alf Nickels auloed to the county seal wilh the injured lady, where Dr. Livingston assisted in dress ing the wound, which required over thirty stitches to replace. Mrs. Shrader returned home from IMallsinouth Wednesday morning, and while she is getting along as Vell as could be expected, she has suffered a great deal from the injuries. Pleasant Time at State Fisheries. A week ago Sunday a party of young people had a pleasant time at the state fisheries. About 10:30 they arrived at the park and all had well-filled baskets, consisting of sandwiches, cake and pickles, and lemonade to drink. At a late hour they departed for home, ! having had a pleasant time. Those in the crowd were: Mes srs. and Mesdames Adam Kreager, Henry Engelkemier, August En gelkemier, George Engelkemier, Misses Sophia Kreager, Rose and Margaret Engelkemier, Messrs. Henry Kreager, Willie Kreager, Walter and Wallis Kreager, Roy, Clarence, Forest and George Engelkemier. Platform Dance. There will be another platform dance given at the Tulene grove, one mile west of Plattsniouth, on Saturday evening, June 28. Music by the Svoboda orchestra. Fourth of July Picnic. An invitation is extended to everyone lo spend the Fourth in Murray, at the beautiful McCul lough grove. Bring your dinner and enjoy the day at home. The Christian and Presbyterian churches will have the manage ment of a stand, where you cart get ice cream, lemonade, fruit, candy and coffee. Tell your friends about the big day in Murray and help to make the day at home a grand success. Celebrates Birthday. Last Sunday at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engel kemier assembled a large number of friends and relatives in honor of the former's birthday anniver sary, it being the last birthday celebration in the country home of Mrs. Fred Engelkemier, as they will soon depart for their new home in Plattsniouth, where they will live in the future. The par lors and dinging room were dec orated with carnations and roses. A feast was served by Mrs. Jake Krager, Mrs. George Engelke mier, Mrs August Engelkemier and Miss Rose Engelkemier. Musio and games occupied the after noon until a late hour, when all departed for their homes, wishing Mrs. Engelkemier many more (Continued Page 7.) WANTED TO BUY Fresh, sweet cream, 18 to 20 per cent, in 5-gallon quanities. We pay bet ter than market price. Nemetz & Co. Shipped Fine Cattle. Alfred Gansemer, one of the most successful young cattle feeders of this locality, shipped the last of his winter's feeding to South Omaha Sunday evening and they were on the market Monday morning. The cattle were pretty heavy and brought an excellent price, averaging him just $125 per head. While Alf. is young in business, he has sure displayed excellent judgment of the valua tion of cattle and has. been very fortunate at marketing time, al ways securing nlmost the top price. Prepare for Your Spring Vork Now! V0UR plows need sharpening, and other machinery may need re pairing. Line them up now and bring them in, and let me put them in goodcondition for you by the time the Spring rush arrives. You will be busy then and so will I. COME IN NOW! Walter Green, Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing Murray, Nebraska B U WISH It is now time that you were placing your orderfor bind er twine while the prices are at the lowest notch. Standard Twine, 10c per pound Extra Twine, 11c per pound Pure Manilla Twine 12jc per lb. We are also selling the famous ACME BINDER, and let us figure with you. Call rpa 1 r?"l--A i ne irarmers elevator vo. Henry Heebner, Manager Murray, Neb. u wilh everything that grows on the IE Inrm.