The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 26, 1913, Image 2

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    Hard to crowd more quality into this Justrite Model
Regular $1.50 Value Ofto
Sale Price UOU
Some women have never worn a G-D Justrite and as an in.
ducement to them to try this one, the makers have sold us this
number. Once a wearer always a wearer of G-D Justrites, so if
you are already wearing a G-D Justrite there is no reason why
you, too, should not have one, AH sizes up to 30 in stock, but of
course you must not vait too long before you select yours.
August Gorder, Born and Reared
in Plattsmouth, Died at Late
. Hour Last Night.
Another of our old residents
and prominent business men of
the city has been called to answer
the llnal summons to his reward
in the person of August, (iorder,
who passed away last night about
II o'clock at. his home in the
south part of the cily, after an
illness of some eight weeks from
diabetes, which later resulted in
anemia, and despite all that medi
cal skill and loving hands could
co he gradually grew worse until
death came to his relief. During
the last weeks of his sickness he
was cheered by the belief that he
was improving, and until the end
believed he would recover, and his
death was peaceful and calm.
Mr. ("iorder was the son of
Frederick Oorder, one of the
prominent pioneers of this lo
cality, and was born at the old
l.oinesfead, some five miles west
of this city, forty-three years ago
I he Hth of June. While yet an
infant his parents removed to this
city, where August was reared to
manhood and became associated
with his father in business, and
on the death of the father in 1891
he took complete charge of the
large implement and harness
business here, which his father
had established, and conducted it
most successfully since that time.
About three years ago the first
symptoms of his malady appear
Ml and since that time his health
has gradually been growing worse
until ho was compelled to take to
his bed about eight weeks ago. He
leaves besides his wife, four chil
dren, three daughters and one
son, to mourn his loss, the oldest
child being 11 and the youngest
7 years of age. He also leaves
two brothers nnd three sisters, as
follows: Fred II. Oorder, Weep
ing Water; John Oorder, Platts
mouth; Mrs. Chris Wohlfarlh,
Plattsmouth; Mrs. A. F. Ploctr.,
Scotland, S. P., and Miss Louise
Oorder, Plattsmouth.
The funeral services will be
held from the late homo Saturday
afternoon at 2:30, and interment
made in Oak Hill cemetery.
Don't use harsh physics. The
reaction weakens the bowels,
leads to chronic constipation, Oct
Doan's Regulets. They operate
We Place on Sale Today
Ten Dozen Special No. 6
A Kew Model for This Sale Only.
Features of Special No. 6:
1 The same figure-moulding-quality pe
culiar to all G-D Justrites.
2 made of good quality batiste.
3 Silk embroidery trimming.
4 Full length extended skirt.
5 Extra heavy hook at bottom of clasp.
Can't pull out.
6 Side steels and back wire held in place
with extra stitching.
7 Rustless double boning.
8 Four wide suspender web hose support
ers with rustless catches.
Will Give Lawn Fete.
The Plattsmouth Players' club
held a short business meeting
last evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. II. S. Austin on Vine
street to discuss Hie plans for the
coining year. The club will give
a lawn fete at the spacious lawn
of I he Aust in home on Wednes
day evening, July 2, at which a
most entertaining program will
he given.
Word has just been received in
this cily of the death of Rev. Wil
liam T. Hurtle at C.laremont , Cali
fornia, on June It), at the ad
vanced age of 1)1 years and 4
months. Rev. Hurtle was pastor
of the First Presbyterian church
in this cily for several years in
the eorly seventies, and is well
remembered by many of the old
er residents of the city as a most
kindly and Christian gentleman.
Rev. Hartle was an active min
ister of the gospel for forty years,
having graduated from Knox col
lege in 1849, and at once took up
his work of carrying the doctrines
of the church throughout the
west. He was at the time of his
death the oldest graduate of the
college living. His wife passed
away in the year 1892, and seven
children are left to mourn the
loss of this most worthy man as
follows: Mrs. John Christiansen,
Quincy, Mass.; J. S. Hartle, Chi
cago; W. II. Hartle, St. Joseph,
Mo.; Mrs. M. W. Kiddo, Creston,
Iowa; Mrs. T. C. Shaw, Chicago;
0. J. Hartle, Creston, Iowa, and
II. H. Hartle, Claremont, Cali
fornia, who was the only member
of the family with the father
when he passed away.
The remains will be sent to
Cromwell, Iowa, and laid to rest
beside that of his wife. The
funeral services will also be held
at Cromwell.
Moves Carpenter Shop.
John Weyrich, who has for tin
past two years had his shop in
the rear of the Weyrich &
Hadraba drug store, has removed
to the Hoeck building on Sixth
street, as the store was so crowd
ed as to make it difllcult for his
work and at his new location he
can handle all kinds of carpenter
work. Orders may be telephoned
or left at the drug store and will
receive prompt attention.
Hives, eczema, itch or salt
rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear
the touch of your clothing. Doan's
Ointment is fine for skin itching.
m t tm mm m m m m m m m m mm. a a a I
Suffering and Deprivation Can
Often Be Averted by Eliminat
ing Use of Fireworks.
W. S. Ilidgell, chief deputy iate
lire commissioner, makes some
very timely suggestions regard
ing Fourth of July celebrations.
The necessity of caution, es
pecially with children, is pleaded
for and the possibility of results
from accidents are strikingly
"Every year on the anniversary
of our independence as a nation,"
says Mr. Ilidgell, "we read in the
daily papers where many people
have been made dependent for
life by their foolish methods of
celebrating the Fourth of July.
Dependent, because they have lost
their eyesight, their limbs or suf
fered other permanent physical
injuries, or because by their care
lessness with fireworks they have
destroyed their homes, their busi
ness houses and lost their sav
ings accumulated by years of toil.
The firecracker, the skyrocket,
the roman candle, the cannon and
other 'destructive toys' yearly dole
out their share of pain and
misery. The little toy balloon
sent up as an attraction for the
eye at night has many times drop
ped upon the roofs of buildings,
into yards upon dry grass, on
barns, haystacks and other places
where the 10-cent or penny bal
loon has caused the destruction
of property worth hundreds of
thousands of dollars.
"So destructive are these fire
works that many of the most pro
gressive cities throughout the
country have passed laws pro
hibiting I heir use. Cleveland, O.,
and Washington, I). f!., prohibit
by law the sale or use of fire
works. I wish the state of Ne
braska had such a law. As it has
not I can merely appeal to the
good common sense of the citi
ens of each city and town am
ask them to assist in the work of
preventing loss of life and prop
erty from the unnecessary and
foolish use of fire and explosives
to demonstrate our feelings of
joy and gladness and gratitude
because of our glorious country's
independence of England m any
other nation on earth. Don't mar
the day with fierworks. Do not
buy or use them or allow anyone
to use I hem around your home.
It is criminal to allow children to
use them."
The Ceremony Performed by Rev.
Dunkleberger at the Home of
the Bride's Aunt.
Last evening at 0 o'clock at the
home of the bride's aunt in La
Platte occurred the wedding of
Miss Nellie Davidson and Mr.
George H. Foster of Kansas City,
Missouri, in the presence of the
immediate relatives of the con
tracting parties. The ceremony
that made these two young peo
ple as ono was performed by Rev.
D. L. Dunkleberger of this city,
pastor of the Christian church,
and the beautiful and impressive
ring service was used.
The bride is a most charming
and talented young lady who has
made her homo at La Platte for
the past few years with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hoschan, and is a young woman
highly esteemed by all who know
her. The groom is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Foster of this
city and is a young man of more
than usual ability, who has been
for the past year engaged in the
barber business in Kansas City,
where the young couple will make
their future home. That they
may find all the happiness in the
world is the wish of their many
The young couple left last
evening tor Kansas City, where
they will start housekeeping at
once. 1 lie marriage came as a
great surprise to the many friends
of George in this city, who had
not been anticipating anything of
this sort. After the ceremony the
wedding party were entertained at
a most sumptuous dinner at the
Hoschar home.
Can't look well, eat well, or feel
well with Impure blood. Keep the
blood pure with Burdock Hloor
Hitlers, fiat simply, take exer.
cise, keep clean, and good health
is preltv sure to follow. $1.00 a
-4 J
Tail-less Shirt
Young Man From Lincoln Found
Mutilated Under Car Wheels
at Lousville.
The body of John Clinton Daird
arrived in Lincoln last evening
and will be taken to Gipsonberg,
Ohio, for interment this after
noon. The body was found be
tween the rails of the Burlington
track a mile west of Louisville,
Neb., yesterday morning. The
badly multilated body was dis
covered by a section foreman, and
the corner was at once notified.
No explanation of the accident has
yet been found. The Lincoln
Journal says:
"Haird was a son of John Haird,
(.!) North Tenth street, lie was
J i years old and unmarried. For
several weeks lie nau lieen em
ployed at the Louisville stone
quarries, but when he was at
ionic two weeks ago he told his
parents that he had been on the
road with a work train. It is
thought that he may have fallen
from this train Tuesday night and
that he was mutilated by the
wheels. Tuesday evening he
cashed a check signed by his
father, at Louisville. He said then
that he intended going west. The
parents had heard nothing of this
plan and were inclined to doubt
that the young man would have
started on a journey without let
ling them know of his plans.
"When Mr. Haird was 17 years
old he was badly injured in a
sawmill accident, losing three
lingers on the right hand. A year
ago he was kicked by a mule at
the barns of the transfer company
where his father is employed. His
n i re
Last chance before the Glorious Fourth to buy your hat at and
even below cost. We still have a number of very choice hats in
our line and all will be sold at a very low price to clean them up
belore the Fourth of July.
Children's Hats at 50c, $1.00 and $1.50.
Ladies' Hats at $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00
If you will call in and let us show you the line we know that you
will buy. The prices are right.
V. ZUCKER, Mgr. (Til Hint if 6uirmleed Values) Plattsmouth, Hebr.
Are Y ou Ready
for the Fourth?
WE are making some specially at
tractive prices for this day in
Suits, Shirts. Hats, Sox and Neck
wear. An immense range of prices
makes this everybody's store.
Suits, $7.50, $10, $15 and. up to $35
Shirts, 39c, 50c, 69c, and up to $3
Hats, 5c, 10c, 25c and up to $10
Sox, 10c, 15c, 23c, and up to $1.00
Neckwear 16c, 25c, 29c and up to $2
Satisfy yourself by comparison that
this is the plaee to trade
E. Wescott's Sons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
jaw was broken in two places and
for a time his life was despaired
of. The corner at Louisville
'phoned to the father last night,
saying that the details of the ac
cident had not been learned.
Hawaiians Next Saturday.
Ladies, are any of you wearing
500 hats? William Kinikaki,
who plays outfield for the Native
Hawaiian base ball team, wears
on his hat a lei made from the
yellow feathers of the now extinct
Oo bird, which was sacred to
royalty. Kinikaki has repeatedly
refused $500 for this lei, which is
a heirloom in his family that has
come down from royal times. The
Native Hawaiians will play the
Plattsmouth Boosters at the ball
park Saturday afternoon at 3
Buys New Overland.
Mike Hild, the enterprising fur
niture dealer of this city, has just
become the proud possessor of a
line Overland touring car, which
he purchased through the local
representative, John Bauer. The
car is a fine one of the latest
model and equipped with all the
improvements that this company
has made on their machines, and
will prove a fine machine for the
use of Mr. Hild and family.
Ferry Running.
I have taken charge of the Mis
souri River Ferry, erected new
pole and cable, and the same is
now in perfect running condition
and ready to accommodate all
passengers. Will operate at all
hours, cither day or night.
John Richardson.
"My child was burned terribly
about the face, neck and chest. I
applied Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil.
The pain ceased, and the child
sank into a restful sleep." Mrs.
Nancy M. Hanson, Hamburg,
N. Y.
. J. E. Mill EN
The Kensington club was enter
tained in a most charming man
ner yesterday afternoon at the
handsome home of Mrs. J. E. Mc
Daniel and the entertainment and
enjoyment of the occasion will be
long remembered by the ladies
who were present.- The meeting
was the last of the season, the
club having decided to take a
vacation until September, and the
gathering yesterday was a most
fitting final to a season of most
complete enjoyment to this or
ganization. The afternoon was
spent in needlework and social
conversation and the lime passed
far too quickly and it was with
great regret that the ladies wend
ed their way homeward, feeling
deeply indebted to Mrs. McDaniel
for the delightful hospitality af
forded them. At an appropriate
hour the hostess, assisted by her
daughter, Miss Ellen Bell, served
a most templing and delicious
luncheon, which served as a fit
ting climax for the delightful aft
ernoon. The McDaniel home pre
sented a very pretty appearance
for the gathering, being tastily
decorated with the flowers of the
early summer season.
Buys Inter-State Cars.
Philip and Jacob Tritsch motor
ed to Omaha yesterday with Mr.
Miller and John Urish in their fine
Inter-State car and these two
gentlemen purchased two cars of
the same make. Philip and Jacob
think they have the finest cars in
the land and there is no hill too
big to climb, and the owners drove
the cars from that city to their
homes and handled them like old
experienced men.
Journal for fancy Stationery.
easily. 25c nt nil stores.
All druggists sell it. 50c a box.