The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 26, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 50.
Matter of Dropping Wescott-Par-mele
Bond Case Defeated by
a Vote of 2 to 7.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Iml evening, despite the heat
and sweltering condition of the
council chamber, all the members
with the exception of Hichey were
present when Mayor Sattler call
ed the meeting to order, and they
proceeded to start the grind of
settling the affairs of the city.
The council received a com
munication signed by a large
number of the freeholder resid
ing near the Columbian school,
asking, that the water mains be
Extended south to that locality,
either along South Seventh or
Eighth streets'. This matter wa
turned over to the lire and wate
committee to look into
and re
commend to the council.
The board of trustees o
First, Presbyterian church pre
sented a petition asking to have
Oranite street, one block east and
one west, cleaned and all person
al property removed from the
street, as al present it is a very
unsightly place and an eyesore to
those who visit the church. The
trustees also asked to have the
old house on the corner north of
the church removed. The matter
was referred to the streets, alleys
ami bridges committee for action
in regard to the street, but the old
house in the opinion of the coun
cil, could not be removed unless
the. city purchased it outright.
The property owners residing
at the corner of Sixth and Marble
streets and extending a block west
asked permission of the city
council to lay a permanent walk
along their premises at the pres
ent grade, and the same was
Superintendent William Baird
of the Rurlinglon shops present
ed a common icat ion to the coun
cil staling that the waterways
south of the shops had become
choked up with debris and rub
bish and made the matter of
keeping the shop sewer open very
difficult and asked the city to
look after the matter al once, and
the street conunisisouer was
ordered to look after this matter
without 'delay.
The library board, through its
president and secretary had pre
pared an est imate of I lie expenses
for the coming year and presented
the same to the city dads for ap
proval and to have it included in
the levy for the year's taxes.- The
estimate for the year's expenses
reaches .$95 i.
The report of the judiciary
committee of the council stated
that they had examined the mat
ter of the Wescott bond case, and
in their opinion the bond was
worthelss and that the matter
should be dropped. The city at
torney also presented a report on
the matter, recommending that
the case be appealed, as, in the
opinion of the attorney, the city
was entitled to redress and could
secure it by appealing the matter
to the supreme court. On a nio
tion to adopt the report of the
judiciary committee it was do
feated by the following vote:
Yeas, Patterson, Streight 2
Nays, Buttery, Bajock, Hallstrom
Johnson, Tushinsky, Vroman
Shea 7. A motion to instruct
the city attorney to appeal the
case was then made and carried
by the same vote.
The finance committee of the
council, after investigating the
following claims, reported favor
ably upon them: M. McCool
burying one dog. 50 cents: Sam
Oouchenour, salary (Ire depart
ment, $0.25; H. I). Stanley, same
$0.25 V. II. Mason, same, $0.25
Henry Lahoda, same, $0.25; A. F
Brown, same, $0.25; Hay Sawyer
secretary fire department, $0.:25
C. M. Manners, chief lire depart
ment, $12.50; 11. A. Bates, print
ing, $38. ill; B. (1. Wurl, expense
for May, $2.05; F. H. Gobclman,
painting city hall, $99.30; Anton
Hasson, soecial police, $2; Her
man Johnson, excavating for
sidewalk at Dovey residence, $i;
Charles Dovey, same, $o.0; JT. P.
Kennish, same, $5.40; F. K. Wil
cox, street worn, ?-'; nelson jean,
same, $9.00; C. E. McEntee, street
commissioner $9; Al O'Neill,
street work, $10.50; M. Parniele,
same, $9.00; Al Jones, same,
$5.80; John Swanson, same, $5.80;
(i. V. Haynie, same, $10. 10; Otto
Kreamer, same, $30.40; Al O'Neil,
same, $20.80; Hoy Taylor, same,
$2; Nelson Jean, same, $30; (. V.
same, ,$25.80; Mike Lutz, street
commissioner, $27; John Swan
son, stet work, $17.40; Al Jones,
same, $17.40; D. Huston, same,
$2.80; 11. M. Huston, same,
$15.20; Oeorge Huston, same,
$5.80; F. Kauble, sr., same, $1.50;
William Hassler, repairs, $10.15;
John Fitzpatrick, salary for May,
$10; W. B. Rishel, street sprinkl
ing and sweeping, $31.50; V. B.
Rishel. same, $10.85; Ed Swoboda,
work at cemetery. $19.40; Frank
Kalasek, same, $13.50. The fin
ance .committee referred the fol
lowing claims against the city to
the claims committee tor con
sideration: P. D. Bates, work for
McKnlee, 80 cents; Cass county,
boarding city prisoners, two bill
$5.40 and $11.70.
Ihe judiciary committee re
ported that tins mailer ol Hie rais
ing of the value of the telephone
plant in I ins city . mm neon
handled bv the commiltee and
ily attorney, and City Attorney
l'idd addressed the council, slat
ing they had lodged a complaint
wilh Ihe county board of eipializa-
n and had submitted the sworn
t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y of the company as to
the Value of Ihe plant, which they
had offered before the state rail
way commission, and Hie cause
had been continued until June 30.
He stated, also, they would ask
the board to include the franchise
m the properly ol tne company
for taxing purposes.
Fn the absence of Chairman
Hichey of the si reels, alleys and
bridges committee, Mr. Buttery
called the attention of the coun
cil to the need of immediate ac
tion in placing a tiling across
Washington avenue at Ihe corner
of Eighth street, and also the fix
ing up of the road leading to the
rifle range, especially on North
Eight li street, where a culvert is
in bad shape north of Ihe stand
pipe, and the matter was ordered
looked after and if necessary the
ow place where the culvert was
located will be filled up by dirt
graded from the hill just south
of the culvert.
Councilman Vroman of the
cemetery committee reported the
committee would like more time
on the matter of purchasing the
Mercerville school building, as it
was not in very good shape and
he did not think the city should
rush in and purchase something
that was not worth the price paid,
and would also like to confer with
the school board in regard to the
matter. The request of the com
mittee for further time was
Councilman Buttery called the
attention of the council to a let
ter which he had received from
George Ray of Omaha, stating ho
had purchased in 1905 a lot in
the cemetery here and his wife
had been buried there, and about
a month later the lot had been
sold lo someone else and a body
placed there, and he wanted the
city to either give him another
lot or have the body removed to
another location. This was as
signed to the cemetery committee
to straighten out.
An ordinance was introduced
by Councilman Lushinsky provid
ing that all moneys raised for the
maintenance of the public library
should be turned over for ex
pendilure to the library Fptard the
same as the school money is
handled by the school board, and
the money should remain in the
custody of the city treasurer,
subject to the order of the school
board. The matter carried by a
unanimous vote.
Councilman Lushinsky also re
ported that the new drinking
fountains had arrived and woub
be placed as soon as Ihe water
company was ready to make the
connection. One will be plaei
at Ihe corner of Sixth and Main
streets at the Wurl corner; an
u her at Ihe Egenberger corner on
Fifth street leading lo the post
office, and the third one at the
corner of Fourth and Main streets
near Ihe court house. These loca
tions are the best that could have
been made and will prove very
convenient to the. public.
The city attorney reported that
he had examined the bids for the
Chicago avenue sewer and found
that both were in compliance with
the law, and the bid could be let
to the lowest bidder, but as Coun
cilman Hichey, of the streets com
mittee, was absent and had re
quested that the matter be laid
over until he could be present, the
council laid the matter over until
Ihe next meeting.
The council was addressed
briefly by Jack Brittain, who
stated he had been unable to get
a dog which had bitten his boy,
shot by the police and he pro
duced a lelter from the governor's
office, in reply to a letter of his,
and the slate executive informed
him that the killing and regulat
ing of dogs belonged to the city
ami not the slate officers. The
council, after some discussion of
the matter, ordered all dogs with
out lags in Ihe city shot.
Song Service Was Simply Grand
and Audience Enjoyed Meet
ing in Its Entirety.
From Tuesday's Pany.
An evening of song, or a praise
service, as the meeling at the big
lent was announced for last even
ing tilled the minds and hearts of
many with keen anticipation. To
say that the services measured
up, is to put it mildly no better
service has been sung. ThejuaUi
quartet rendered in a beautiful
manner the excellent number,
'The Wayside Cross."
Rev. Smith and Prof, (iilmoro
sang as a duet Jesus vm, lie
ing assisted by the splendid choir
and chorus. Too much cannot In
aid of Ihe choir numbering
from 00 to 75 each evening, and
.1 Jt A ft A ft
among I hem some or tne nesi
voices in tne city. I'roi. iiiimnrc
has skillfully brought their of
llciency up to a gloriously inspir
ing point.
Mr. Oilinore, whose strong
tenor voice is so well adapted to
lent services, sang a solo, "1 Am
Fastening." also being assisted by
the choir.
Rev. Smith chose as a bible
reading Ihe twelfth chapter of
Fsaah, briefly dwelling on Ihe
grist of the text and enlivening
his discourse with narratives il
lustrative of his thought. Fol
lowing this study opportunity was
given for short testimonials and
praise by members of the con
gregalion. Fast and reverent were
the responses; in themselves they
furnished great food for thought
for thoughtful men.
The meetings as announced for
this week promise much. Profit
must attend each one. Increasing
attendance each evening give as
surranee of the. value of each
service to the community.
From Tuesday' Daily.
Last evening the young ladies
who are employed in the office of
Storekeeper E. C. Hill at the Bur
lington shops, concluded to take
a short outing, and gathering
their lunch baskets at the close of
the working day, hied themselves
to the banks of the classic Mis
souri, and near the Burlington
bridge spread a most appetizing
picnic supper that was very much
appreciated by the young ladies
and they lingered in the lovely-
spot until dusk falling bade them
seek their homes, but they wer
unanimous in voting Ihe occas
sion a most pleasant one and one
that I hey will not soon forget
Those comprising the party were
Misses Nettie Moore, Madelin
Minor, Zelma Tuey, Loona Brady
B"rtha Jackson and Miss Cowles
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning Judge Travis was
called upon to pronounce sentence
on Ihe concealed weapon carriers
who have been languishing in the
county jail and they will continue
to spend several months as the
guests of Jailor Manspeoker.
Albert Stevens was the first of
the trio to be sentenced, and will
ave to serve three months in jail
ind pay the costs of the prosoeu-
ioii. He is the youth who was
mixed up in some, trouble at the
ip-rap across the river some
line ago and was later taken up
or carrying a gun.
William Bratlan was also be
ore the court on uie same charge,
having been picked up here at the
ime of the attempted Baylor safe
obbery, and a small sized arsenel
was louiui on ins person, lie also
eceived a three months' sentenn
in i a 1 1 and win nave to pay ne
iisls of the prosecution.
lr.ivliner Johnson, who was
rought here from Louisville a
few weeks ago for carrying eon-
ealt-d weapons, drew a sentence
f sixty days in jail, as lie has al
I'adv served several weeks there
mil it will be near Ihe golden
milium time ere the prisoners
ai:i roam the country and
ireiitlie Ihe air of freedom.
The law is very severe on Ibis
barge and they can congralulale
lliemselves thai Ihev did not re-
eive a penitentiary sentence.
i1:1. turd ay evening as the Iwi-
Jight shadows were falling on Ihe
bosom of the mighty "Big Muddy"
party of young men from this
citv embarked on several ditler-
nt crafts and proceeded lo make
their way down the river, and
made I heir camp above the island,
where Ihe cargo was unloaded
and the parly prepared to make
Ihe occasion one long to be re
membered by all. There was all
kinds of eatables carried by the
party, including fresh meals and
canned good and a large package
with eight hoops that was landed
with great care, and the meal was
prepared iy tne cnei, wiuiam me,
and the boys declare his cooking
simply cannot be beat, and on Ihe
next expedition he will be given
the position of cook by a
unanimous vote. The boys put
in the lime fishing and playing
pinochle, and from all reports the
fishing was very good, although
several very large fish succeeded
in gelling away. The parly re
turned home badly sunburned, but
feeling that they had had n splen
did time. Those in the expedition
were: Iouie Smith, Will Ofe, E
Ofe, Ed Rice, Fred Kissling and
Otto Lushinsky.
From Tuesdays Dally.
Sunday night Mrs. Mary
Everett, residing n few miles
northeast of Union, passed away
at the home of her son, Joe Ever
ett, after an illness of about
week, having sustained a severe
naralitio stroke, and she never
recovered from the attack
gradually growing weaker unti
her death. She was the mother of
Mrs. II. D. Newton and Miss Delia
Everelt of this city, both of whom
were wilh her at the time of her
death. She had resided in Liberty
precinct for years and was wel
known in the locality in which she
made her home.
Goes to Penitentiary.
From Tuesday' Dally
This morning Sheriff Quinton
departed for Lincoln, taking with
him Fred Ohm, who will begin
serving a year's sentence in the
penitentiary for Mealing some
carpenter tools here last winter
and to which charge he plead
guilty in the district court.
To Sue Insurance Officers.
From Wednesday'ii Ially.
Fx-(ioernor Oeorge 1.. Sheldon
is one of the directors of the
Woodman Fire Insurance com
pany who is to be sued by some
of his neighbors in Cass county
for the. recovery of money paid by
them for stock in the company.
Kx-Mayor Armstrong of Lincoln
is in the same list wilh the ex
governor. Attorney William
Robertson arrived Tuesday at the
stale house and obtained a list of
the directors on tile in Ihe state
stale auditor's office. He alleges
that some of the stockholders did
not receive an eipiitable share of
Ihe funds of the company. Tin1
Woodmen Fire company reinsured
ils business with Ihe Fidelity
Phoenix and then wound up its
affairs. The directors of Ihe de
funct company who are to be made
defendants in the suit are: Oeo
L. Sheldon, president; Joseph W
Wall, secretary and treasurer; A
H. Armstrong, vice president; O.
J. Bills, C. E. Haynie, V. E. Mc-
F.ucas and J. S. Cable.
One cf the Most Polished Gentlo-
men That Has Ever Visited
From Wednesday's Dally.
Tlieny has in I ho past been
many evangelists and ministers
iere conducting revival services,
ml there has never been as ac
complished or polished a gentle
man here in this worn as l.liarles
Cullen Smith, Ihe evangelist who
is conducting the services at the
ig tent, north of the court house,
and those who have met this gen
(Ionian are unanimous in declar
ing that ho is one of the most
genial men in the world and to
make his acquaintance is certain
ly a pleasure. In his work on the
platform ho has avoided all the
sensational effects, of the usual
run of evangelistic workers and
his arguments for the uplifting
of mankind are free from all
prejudice and straight to the
point, leaving no doubt as to
where he stands and respecting
the opinions of those who differ
from him.
Mr. Smith before taking up his
religious work was a railway
mail clerk, running through Iowa
on the Rock Island, and later on
the Burlington, but in 1887 he
became interested in trying lo
heli) his fellow man and became
interested in Ihe Y. M. C. A. at
Marshalllown. Iowa, and Cedar
Rapids, going later lo Chicago
where he came in contact with the
great Moody, whose methods he
has adopted lo some extent. Dur
ing the Spanish-American war he
was in charge of the Christian
coinmisison at Chickamauga
nark. His work along this line
has lilted him for the handling o
men and his efforts along this
portion of Ihe Christian move
ment have made him one of Ihe
most successful evangelists in Ihe
country. His talks are very con
vincing and rifcht to the point and
everyone who has heard him dur
ing his stay in Ibis city has the
opinion that he is undoubtedly Ihe
most convincing pulpit orator
that, has been heard in this city in
recent years.
J. W. Rounds Goes to Lincoln.
J. W. Rounds, who has been
employed for some time as
stenographer in the office of Shop
Superintendent William Baird at
the Burlington shops, has been
transferred lo Lincoln, where he
will be employed in the office of
Superintendent of Motive Power
Thomas Hoop. The place of Mr,
Rounds will be taken, by Miss
Mayola Props), who has been em
ployed in Omaha for the past two
years and is an expert stenog
raphor. It is a mailer of much
regret lo lose Mr. Rounds, as he
has been verv nonular in socia
and musical circles and his re
moval will be felt very much by
his many friends, as he is a mos
genial and pleasant young man.
Holy Rosary Catholic Church the
Scene of a Most Beauti
ful Wedding.
From Tuesday's Dally.
I saw two clouds in the morn
Tinged by the rising sun,
And in the dawn the lloated
And mingled into one.
This morning at the Holy
Rosary Catholic church in the
west part of Ihe oily was cele
brated the nuptials of two of our
mosl popular young people Mr.
Joseph M. Hiber and Miss Hen
riella Chaloupka. The cere
mony that united these two happy
hearts was performed by the Hev.
rather John Vlcok, the solemn
ami beautiful high mass of the.
hurcli being used for the wed-
I'he bride was attired in a most
harming costume of white crepe
chine, wilh a lulle veil and
irried bride roses, while the
iridesinnid. Miss Sophia Chaloup-
a, was gowned in light blue crepe,
o chine and carried pink brides
maid roses, i no groom ami t ne
d man, Mr. Frank lliber, wore
Ulired in Ihe customary dark
following lb'' wedding cere
mony the relatives orocediii to tne
oiiio of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Anion Chaloupka, whore a reeop-
iou was bold, and the newly wed
ted pair wore showered with con
gratulations and best wishes from
eir relaliws and friends.
Bolh the bride and groom were
torn and reared in tins city and
luring Ihe years spent here they
lave made a host of friends, who
will learn with pleasure of their
wedding and trust I heir married
life may be as calm and peaceful
as a bright June day and sunshine
will always be I heir lot. as they
journey through life together. The
young couple will make I heir
home in this oily, where the groom
is employed.
From Tueaday'H uiitly.
This morning Peler Frampton,
the colored man who caused so
much excitement al Nehawka
Sunday, was urraigned in county
court before .Judge Beeson,
charged with being drunk and
threatening assault, and drew a
prize for his warlike drunk of
thirty days in the county jail, lie
started the trouble by attempting
to pick a quarrel wilh parties in
the livery stable of Otto Carroll,
where he was employed, but did
not get to blows, and when the
sheriff was notified he made him
self scarce. The sheriff made a
search for him around Nehawka,
and going to Union notified Con
stable Wilson lo be on the look
out for the man, and when he lit
in Union about midnight Sunday
night he was taken up and guard
ed unlil lime to bring him to this
cily to lodge him in the county
jail. Framplon is a brother to
Hall Frampton of Nebraska City,
who was sentenced to the peni
tentiary from Otoe county a few
years ago for the murder of his
stepdaughter, which crime was
one of Ihe most vicious and brutal
in character that has been in the
Oloe county court for Several
Returns From Florida.
From Tuendav's Dallv.
Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker return
ed home last evening from Jack
sonville, Florida, where she had
been for some two weeks attend
ing the national camp of the
Woodman Circle, she being tho
delegate from the slate of Ne
braska. Mrs. Manspeaker reports
a most enjoyable visit and is very
enthusiastic over the splendid
showing made by the Woodman
Circle at the gathering.
Have you tried the Forest Hose
flour? If not, why not? It is the
best flour on the market and is
sold by all dealers.