a.wj Children Cry The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years has borne the signature of 0 and lias been made under his per- TSS.i-?fl-f sonal supervision since its infancy. Vfiafyy, J-CUcAtte, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and 44 Just-ns-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, lrops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xurrotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Wornis and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years m. CINTAUH COM PAN M-WW v ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. :-: !! II. Slrabel, win i has been wink ing in a biacksmil li simp a I Cordova, Neb., is hack with us again, working for Nensliel & Son. A. N. McOory, John (ion.alcs, Ya Dorr and Will Atchison, sr., enjoyed a camp along the Platte river the fore part of the week. .Mrs. ("irant Campbell and chil dren of Atlantic, la., arrived last, evening for a visit with hep brothers, L. A. and M. II. Tyson and families. I. M. Ward was up from Avoca Tuesday shaking- hands with old Elmwood friends. Mr. Ward says he and Mrs. Ward have been talk ing some of moving: back to Elm wood. Miss Opal lMlniau left Mon day evening- for her future home at imperial. Neb., being: accom panied as far as Lincoln by her sister, Mrs. E. J. Jeary and chil dren. Contractor L'hlcy has been olT duty for some time, owing: to blood poisoning: on one of his hands. The member is petting better now and will soon be re stored to its former good state of usefulness. Mrs. Wrn. Cockburn, living: near Alvo, has passed through a very severe siege of sickness and is still very weak as a result of her continued illness. She is sup posed to have drank fresh milk made poisonous by the cows eat ing poison weeds. A gradual im provement is noticed now and it is hoped she will soon be able to be around as usual. License to wed was issued in Lincoln Wednesday to Ray I). Fentiman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fcntman, residing- south of town, and Miss Mae M. Urockman, daughter of Mp. and Mrs. Henry Iirockman, of near Palmyra. The groom was born and raised in the vicinity where he now resides, and he is numbered among the most trusted and worthy of the young farmers of this section. Han Fentiman has purchased the lots lying south of the Jno. P. Cobb residence property in West Elmwood. Dan is one of our best and biggest, best looking and most highly respected farmer friends, and Mrs. Fentiman shares fully all the good qualities of her husband except avoirdupois. We are pleased to know that they intend to build a fine new home in Elm wood and take up their future residence in the town itself. Wel come to the Fentiman household. EAQLE. Beacon. KM-M Will Hurdick of Hisinark, N. P., visited the fore part of the week with relatives in and around Eagle. Mrs. Flora 1). Manker of Lin coln came down Tuesday to help lake care of hep mother, Mrs. T. R. Adams. for Fletcher's Signature of Y , NFW VONK CtTV. Mrs. S. Honhani and daughter of Council lull's, la., have been visiting this week at the J. (i. Johnson home. A. V. Kent, whose home i b'do, hio, js making a shor with relatives here, on hi: ! To v is it way- home from Los Angeles. (In I if . Dewey ( J 1 1 i i i n is seriously ill at the home of his parents southeast of Eagle. Blouil poisoning is the cause and at llrst his case was conisilered hopeless, however, at this writing he is reported as somewhat improved. Farmers in I his vicinity are buying automobiles so fast that occasionally we fail to make men tion of the purchase. We learned only yesterday that Chas. Froh llch, who lives soii'l beast' of town, just recently purchased a new Muick car from Frank Launing. Last Monday morning while Mrs. T. It. Adams was walking across the' room, sire aecidently caught her foot in the carpet causing her to fall, resulting in a dislocation and fracture of the right ankle. The fracture- was immediately reduced and at this writing Mrs. Adams is getting along nicely. On Tuesday evening of this week the big engine at the electric light plant, was started up and the current was turned on so that those who had their buildings wired were given a chance to test the lights. We were soon con vinced that Eagle has a plant that she can certainly be proud of. Everything is working in tip-lop shape, twenty-four-hour service already being furnished. 1 aaaa m v"ajajajapj wmwvjjm LOUISVILLE. Courier. 1 I i 4 4 IT 4 4 i 4 TTl ?T Miss Rachel Slander is at home from the Wesleyan for the sum mer, having completed her fresh man year with high markings. A. L. and Edward Todd and wives, from near Plallsinouth were in town Sunday to attend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. E, C. Twiss. Mrs. I. DePuy returned Wed nesday evening from an extended visit at Hartlclt and Stanton. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Len Hlackman, of Hartlclt. Fred Schliefert and wife and Andrew Stohlman and wife were in Seward the middle of the week visiting the latter's relatives. They also attended the Oerman Lutheran college exercises Wed nesday night. Chester Merriain, Edwin Croup, Fred Noyes and Rollie Noyes motored to Omaha last. Saturday. They went to accompany Fred that far on his journey to Mer riain, Neb., where he expects to spend I he summer on a large CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of fibffi&idU: ranch owned by Marion Metzger. 5olllieb Sprieck came down from Stanton to attend the fun eral of Ins old friend. Julius Ra goss. Thursday morning when he attempted to return home he was accoted by a constable with a subpoena for a witness in the Wegner scandal case. Mr. Sprierk was justly indignant at having to remain here several days, his wife being in poor health, which was the reason for his desire to return home so soon. C. E. Noyes and wife started to I'laltsmoiith last Saturday in their auto mobile, but had the misfor tune to break an axel as they were going up the rock hill east of Joe Schmarder's. The car started to back down the hill and the brake would not work and they were fearful of results for a lime, but fortunately the worst injury sustained was the broken axle. Rollie Noyes came after them and look them home in a carriage and their trip to the county seat was postponed. NEHAWKA. News. J Mrs. Sophia Fleshmau is as sistant in the postollice now, hav ing laken Mrs. Rockwell's place. Mrs. R. C. Pollard entertained last Friday evening in honor of Mrs. W. T. Johnson of Pawnee City, who is here visiting her mother, Mrs. L. C. Pollard. Alford. brothers and Frank Sheldon shipped four loads of fat. cattle to Omaha Wednesday., Al bert Alford, John Opp and Frank Sheldon went along with them for company. Sheriff Ouinloii and family mo tored over from Plaltsmouth Sun day and accompanied by the J. M. Palmer family went on over to Avoca. where they spent the day at t he old home place. Charley llan.nn came hack from (llenwood, Iowa, Friday morning, where he had been for several days looking up (he pos sibilities of a trade, lie was on a deal for an elevator there, but did not make if. . John Ouinloii of Roscoe, Neb., was Here I lie latter part of the week visiting his sister, Mrs. J. M. Palmer ami family. Mr. 'Ouinton is the postmaster at Roscoe and had been attending the stale con vention of post masters in Lin coln. Nelson Merger fought the dis ease as long as he could, but at last succumbed to the seductive influence and is careering around in a new Overland SO. V. P. Sheldon took him to Lincoln Sat urday and of course they brought the car home with them. Judge Rose of the supreme court, accompanied by his wife and daughter, came down from Lincoln Saturday morning and enjoyed the hospitality of the E. M. Pollard home until Sunday afternoon. They came in by auto mobile and the .judge expressed himself as highly pleased with the roads around Nebavvka. Frank Hoedeker got what he thought was a little piece of steel in the muscle of his arm a week ago and had the doctor try to get it out, but decided after probing fop it to let it alone. Wednesday morning he located it again and the doctor cut into his arm and extracted a needle about one and one-half inches long. Frank doesn't know how it got there, and as it was a kind his wife does not use he is under a quandry to know just how he picked it. up. DAN CUPID SMILES ON OMAHA YOUNG PEOPLE Two more of the young people of Omaha this morning concluded to search for their happiness in Ibis city, whose reputation is be coming as widely known as that of the famous (Iretna Oreen, and arriving on No. i, at once visited at the court house and inquired for the dispenser of the marriage licenses and secured one, after the groom made solemn oath that he was of age, and they requested the judge to perform the cere mony that was to make their hearts and lives as one, which he din in his accustomed impressive manner. The contracting parties were George Green, aged 21, and Miss Georgia Anderson, aged 18, both of Omaha. The groom is son of George Green, director of Green's band, the leading or ganialion of its kind in Omaha, and I lie groom himself is one of the talented members of the band They returned home at 1:58 this afternoon. Fop Sale. Three Sh to registry. i'thoru bulls, eligible II. G. Todd. Our Latch String is Always Out! Let's See if You Know How to Pull It! rpHIS is a store where folks are welcome matters not what you come for, just so you come. If you buy, it matters not whether you buy a cent's worth or a dollars worth, you'll get courteous treatment, prompt sen ice and full value for your money. And, if you find you don't like what you bought, bring it back. We will refund without an argument. That's fair isn't it? G. P. EASTWOOD Successor to John Bauer Main Street ! UNION ! Ledger Miss llaltie Taylor went out to Lincoln last Friday to make a few days' visit with friends. Mrs. Will A. Frans or Omaha came down Wednesday to visit her parents and oilier relatives. Abe L. Pecker and Jesse L. Pell went lo Omaha on I he Saturday morning Irani to bring back a pair of l-'ord cars which Mr. Keeker sold hist week. Rev. II. W. Ilaynes and wife went to Lincoln on the Tuesday forejionn train to participate in the Presbytery meeting and to make a visit vvilh their friends. John II. Pierson departed Mon day evening for Mason City, la., lo itring Home ins son, John, jr.. who has been spending some lime vvilh relatives at that place; John Kinkaid ami wile of Oma i spent a few days in this vi cinity visiting t lie families of W. . Manning and J. I. Hramblel, . nl . . . . . . going io Auburn on Monday. Walter Olson went up lo Plaits- mouth Wednesday morning and arranged to move his family and household gumls to that place and make their home there. Frank Finkle enjoyed a visit last Saturday and Sunday with his two uncles, John and Adam Euge, and his cousin,. John Euge, who came down from Omaha for a visit at the Finkle home near town. 11. I. 'Clements, John Mendeii- hall. L. F. Langhorst and Will Mendeuhall of Elmwood came in by auto Tuesday afternoon and went down near the month of the Weeping Water lo try their llsh ing luck, but they have not Hied I heir olllcial report in the Ledger den. Hallie Delaney and family ar rived Monday morning from their Florida home to make a visit here with Mp. Delaney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reese Delaney. Hallie is well pleased with the southern country, but there is no doubt as to his good opinion of Nebraska H WEEPING WATER. Republican. Mrs. George Sheesley and chil dren of Alvo came down Friday and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Compton, until Sunday evening. Mrs. Joseph Haslam left for Denver this morning, where she was called as a witness in tin rederal court. .Mr. Haslam ac companied her as far as Lincoln. L. J. Fowler has started a bank at Hurlon, Neb., and will move his family (here as soon as he can get a house op build urn Success to Link. He is one of our Cass county boys. Frank Sitzman and family am brother, Paul, drove over from Plaltsmouth last, Saturday fop a visit with I heir brother, W. P Sitzman and family, returning to their, home Monday morning. Miss Tternice Wickersham started Thursday on her sum liter's trip to Idaho and the Pa cific, const. Fishing parlies, mountain trips, etc., will start a few days nftep hep arrival in Idaho. Mrs. Lester McDermed and her youngest daughter, Elsie, came in last week from Denver for a visit with her mother, Mrs. W. W. Davis, who is here now, and her husband's sister, Mrs. J. W. Sper- ry. Mrs. McHerined has not been here since they moved away :'fl years ago. Andrew Olson has added an other ItWi acres of land to his Cass county holdings by a pur chase made through one of our real estate men, J. W. Colbert, last week. The ipiarlcr section is a part, of the E. N. Munson'.'Ofl acres northeast of town which was owned by I.. P AVolcoll, and occupied by II. A. holy, Thomas Wiles buying I he in acres at in per acre to add o his large bidd ings. hip home men know vv hal land is worth in this vicinilv. Very Nearly a "Bout." There was unite a merry "go" Saturday afternoon lit on Main street, when two ladies who were engaged in conversation, be coming involved in an argument, started into a lively mix-up for a few minutes. Theladies got so far in I heir forcible argument as to clinch, and one of the contest ants secured a toe hold oil the hair of her opponent, but friends, separated them before serious damage was done lo either of the Amazons, but they departed vow ing vengence on each other. The Opportunity Is Here, Backed by Plattsmouth Testimony. Don't lake our word for it. Don't depend on a si ranger's .statement. Read Plaltsmouth endorse ment,. Read the statements of Plalts mouth citizens. And decide for yourself. Here is one case of it: Herman Tiekoeltei, contractor, Ninth and Day streets, Platts mouth, Neb., says: "I gave a public statement in 'praise of Doan's Kidney Pills in llWo, after they had given me great relief from backache ami lameness. I am glad to conllrm all I then said. My trouble has never returned. My kidneys caused me much trouble and there was a dull, tired feeling across my loins. If I stooped fr straightened, my back hurt me, and in the morning I was all tired out. I heard so much said about Doan's Kidney Pills that I Dually got a box. They promptly relieved every syymplom of my complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fosler-Milburn Co., ItutTalo, New York, sole agents for the United Stales. Remember the name Doan's and lake no other. DECIDE YOURSELF Silk Gloves Double Fin ger-tip Guaranteed Gloves We offer a 16-button glove in $1 00 white at 1" We offer a lG-button glove in black at $1.00 We offer a lG-button glove in tan at . $1.25 Short Gloves in White, Brown, Black or Navy PAp with double finger tips, at . . . ...... . JUC Should finger tips wear out, while other parts of the glove are in good condition, return and receive New Pair without extra charge, providing gloves have not been washed, worn out or abused. ZUCKWEILER & LUTZ FORMER PUITTSMOUTH 'KID' . IS MARRIED IN UTAH William Leroy HiMifcr, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henfer oT this city, ami Miss Dora M. Gardner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Gardner of Salem, were married at Provo on Wednesday, June It, and on the evening of June lit were the guests of honor at. a big dance and recepl ion given in the Salem opera house. The young people returned to Price Sunday evening and have gone to house keeping in the Joe Davis house, soulh of the D. - II. G. tracks. Carbon County .(t'lali News.' This young man was born in this city and will he remembered by many here, where his parents resided for many veins. The fam ily left here when William was quite young and the many friends of Ihe family here will be pleased to learn of his marriage. The family now reside at, Price, Utah, where Wi C. Henfer, his father,' is publishing the flsirhon County News, and is making tpiile a suc cess of t he venture. ' SPECIAL TRAINS OVER THE BURLINGTON FOR DENVER There were esveral , special trains passing through this city today over the Murlinglon bound for Denver to attend the national lurnfesl of the German societies oT the United Stales. Most of the eastern delegations are traveling out of Chicago over Ihe Hurling, ton, as the quickest and best means of reaching the mountain city. Two of the trains were of the Chicago turning societies, while Indiana and other of the neighboring stales composed the rest of the trains. The meeting will open Wednesday and the Ne braska delegation to the meeting will leave this afternoon oh No. 3 over the Hurliugton. Marshall, Dentist, Coates blook. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any riic of Catarrh (but cannot be cured by Hull a fatarrh Cure. V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, tho nnilcmldni'il, hare known P. J. Chrni'T for the lant 10 TrurH, and b-'lli've hlui wfirtly liotmruble In all ImMneHt traiiHaotluna and fliiiinrlnlly abln to carry not any obligation!) Blade hy bin Arm. NAT. HANK OK COMMF.RCK. Toledo, Otilo. nall'i Catarrh Curn la taken Internally, actinia illri'ctly ti i toil the blood and mucoiia aurfaiva of the ayateni. Toatlinniiial arnt free, frli-t) 79 centa per bottle. Hold by all DrtiKKMl. Tak Uall'i Family Villa for couitlpiUoa.