QUR ADVOCATE WITH im FATHER lo Approach to God Except by Jesus, Says Pastor Russell. DIVINE GUIDANCE NEEDED. Man .Needs God Not In Affliction Merely AIo to Perfect Joy Many Repelled by Erroneous Creeda Bro ken Hearii Wounded Heart Yearn ing Heartt The Gospel Message Is to Such It Speaks Peace Reconcil iation Joy Newness of Life Chris tian Ambassadors For God. Vancouver. B. C, Juno 2U. Our City is once more hon ored by a visit from Pastor Rus sell. He never fail of good audiences. We report one of j LIU If V':4"' :y f n his addresses. ' J ill nrlilAli nivtlina flnon. ly a topic of vital Interest tothousht- fu! people How mny sinners corns Into relationship with God? IIU text was. "Wo have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the lllghteou8."-l John 2:1. Impressively tho Pastor reminded us that humanity Is so constituted as to have a longing for things Infinite a desire for a God and for superhuman care and guidance, especially In life's dlilicultles. He declared that, phreuo logically, veneration and spirituality are located In tho crown of tho head, ns though Indicating that they, proper ly, should domlnato tho entire being. Notwithstanding the fall, which brought to our race Impairment of mind, as well as body, and unbalance of natural qualities, with the majority these high functions nono tho less per sist. Man still worships, reverences, adores, however much his Impaired Judgment at times misleads him into worshiping unworthily a sculptured stone, an Image, an idol, a creed, a husband, a wife and children. Under the guidance of tho Divine Word, Christians realize that the ono great object of worship is Jehovah God. through Ilia Son, our Lord Jesus Christ The Pastor asserted, backed by the Scriptural statement, that Satan, man's great foe, God's great enemy, not yet bound, has in various ways attempted to mislead us. to separate us from God juid from tho Bible, and propor tionately to darken our understandings with hmnan traditions, creeds, super stitions. In tho light of our wonderful day. however, human Intelligence is re belling. God's tlmo has come for the binding of Satan and the liberation of his prisoners. God Is answering the prayers of Ills faithful people. Her We Meet a Danger. The moment we begin to exerciso our reasoning faculties, the Adversary seems to redouble his energies to hold us back from the Truth. As St Pnul pointed out. he Is an adept at putting darkness for light nd light for dark ness. And when his dupes begin to think und Inquire, his method seems to be to pose ns a reformer, that he may mislead, carrying us past tho truth 4nto human wlsilom, theories, specula tion, or into occult systems. Thus many today, the Pastor declared, have Btepped out of Ignorance and supersti tion, merely to bo entrapped by other superstitions, or by Agnosticism, Evo lution, Higher Criticism, lie urged ills hearers to be on guard ami hold fast tho "Word, which Is able to make us wise unto salvation.- '1 Timothy :I:1j. The trend of modern 1 bought Is away from the I'.ible. away from the thought of personal sin, personal condemna tion, a personal Itedeemer and a per sonal salvation. The tendency Is to think of and discuss civic righteous ness, outward moralities, political progress-In general, a social salvation, to bo accomplished by moral and Intellect ual forces. The Pastor would not be ' understood as opposing any humanita rian work. Ho declared that even un wise efforts sometimes provo beneficial to their movers, though failures In themselves, on the principle that no man can attempt n good work for an other who will not himself lie blessed liy his own efforts. A Personal God and Savior. Higher Criticism, through the col leges, not only has undermined the Word of God, but in many instances has destroyed faith in a personal Crea tor. and lias abolished the thought of the soul's need of a personal Savior. In the Biblical sense. Hence today many will pose as Christians and do clare their faith in an impersonal God a "nature" god whatever that may be. Similarly, the highest concept of these respecting Jesus is that He was t great Teacher, with un uplifting. cIt illzlng message. ! All this Is quite unblbllcal, unsatls factory to tho hungry soul-chaff. We need to get back to tho Blblo. We need its declaration of a God of Wisdom Justice, Lore and Power infinite: God of sympathy, who has taken notice of hnman woe, sorrow, pain. sin. death nnd who has "heard the groaning of the prisoners" Adam and his children W need the Bible presentation of the fuct that God can have no sympn thy with sin. and can have no dealings with sinners in the way of recognizing them. We need to Bee the Justice of jQe penalty TTie Bible teris-so JI.Tcr f n t from the penalty sit before us la the creeds of a d.irl '-r ;i st We need to see that the sentence is a Just one. He we can appreciate the Justice of the Judge In pronouncing the sentence. "Dying, th.u bh.-ilt die " But even to gel the proper concep tion of God's Justice, by seeing that Ihe d'Uth peu;iUv. I not a torture penalty, was iinun-ed. U insutli pient We need to see something of the Love of God. said the Pastor, "in this was manifest the love of God toward us, because that God sent Ills Only Begotten Son into the world, that we might live through lllm." Thus we lee Jesus at His L'irst Advent begin ning the fulfilling of God's Promise for the blessing of- humanity. We note His obedience, self-sacrifice, loyalty to the rather, faithfulness unto death, "even the death of tho cross." We behold His exaltation by the Father His ascension up to w here He was be foreat the right hand of God. And jwe note that He has now still higher , glories than He had before He came (Into the world-tho Father's reward for His loyal obedience; as St Paul ex plains, "Wherefore God also hath high ly exalted IIlm."-Phillpplans 2:0. j From Jesus' Hps we hear tho Mes sage of the Kingdom that God in tends that ultimately Messiah shall be come tho great King of earth, author ized to lift up mankind from sin and degradation, and to restore all the will ing and obedient to human perfection in a world-wide Kden. Then comes the Gospel invitation to all believers In Jesus. The invitation is to become Joint-heirs in that Kingdom which is to bless the world. "He That Cometh Unto God." 1 am convinced that many hearts are longing for God, or, us the Psalmist expresses it, "My heart and my flesh crleth out for the living God." It is one thing to know about God, about Jesus, the Divine Plan of the Ages, tho selection of tho Church to be the Messianic Kingdom class, and the Mil lennium, in which The Christ, Head and Body, will bless and uplift man kind; but it is quite another matter to know how to come to God, how to get Into this Church class. The general thought Is, I will go to some church I will see God there. But alas! God is not to bo found in every church. Nay, we cannot even say that every professed minister of Christ Is able to point the longing Inquirer the true way to fellowship and harmony with Je hovah. Alas, loo often it Is tho case that min isters have no knowledge of this way have never come to God themselves! Alas, too many will be found full of forms and ceremonies, and some full of hypocrisies, and some full of supersti tion! It is no wonder, therefore, that many have gone to church with a hun ger for God, nud a desire to be taken Into Ills family, who have returned to their homes discouraged, and doubtful as respects all religion. In some instances, they will try an other church of another denomination possibly finding themselves merely entertained by n talented choir, singing words not understood, or hearing an eloquent dissertation ou politics, sci ence or evolution. Often such conclude that their soul hunger for God and Truth and knowledge was abnormal, that they had better not mention the matter for fear of being thought fa natical. Others In turn explain that they have sought ministers nnd asked tho way to God. and had been merely Joked with and turned aside from fur ther serious thought. The Pastor declared himself not re sponsible for any one but himself, yet he realized that this meant a greater responsibility than that of any minis ter In the world because through his published sermons he comes in contact weekly with about twelve millions of Intelligent, thinking people. Tills was bis reason for the topic of today. lie was anxious to lend a helping hand. orally or by his pen, to all within his reach. And he invited correspondence from such. "The Way, the Truth, the Life." 1 must tell you plainly, said the Pas tor. that Jehovah God is a great King above all kings, as the Bible declares You well know that, even If granted an audience with an earthly king, It I would be after some one bad Intro duced you as worthy and after you had made preparation In the way of a special outfit of clothing whose cut and quality would be determined for you. Should we expect to rush wildly into the presence of the great Ruler of the Universe, even If we were perfect. even if we were In covenant relation ship with 11 lin ? If tho holy angels may appropriate ly veil their faces in tho Divine Pres ence, crying, Holy, holy, holy, should mortals rush in where angels fear to treadT Further, we are imperfect, sin ful still worse, we are under a Dlvln sentence, or curse, which declares that we aro unworthy of God's favor, fel lowshlp or blessing, and are cut off therefrom. How shall we overcome such barriers? At first it would seem to be a hope less case. But the King or kings is very gracious, and has sent a Message declaring His sympathy. He has point ed us to the Lamb of God and His sacrifice for our sins, and has declar ed to ub Ills willingness to receive ns throueh this Ono. He will be the Mediator between God and the world of mankind in due time, during the thousand year period of His Messianic Relgn.-l Timothy 2;4C. We might wait and have the benefit of that general dealing In which the Mediator win cancel all the claims ol Justlco against the race and deal with all mankind according to their condi tions of weakness or strength of char actor. But we waut to npproaeh now. nd especially since we have heard that God Is willing, and that the spe clal call Is for a special class, tif Be come the P.ride. joint Peirs with the Re deemer. God's Message to us is that there is no approach to Him except through the Redeemer To the Redeemer we go, to Jesus. Savior, we adore Thee. We desire to come back into fellowship with our God, our Creator. We desire that He will again recognize us as His children and again enter Into covenant relationship with us, promising us life everlasting, full harmony with Him. And we have heard from the Father that the only opportunity we have Is through Thee, the Redeemer. Tell us what we shall do how we shall pro ceed! The Master's answer Is, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man conieth unto the Father but by Me!" Yea, Lord, so we believe; so we accept. But how shall we coino by Thee?-John H:(i. Tho way Is a way of faith. It Is made especially narrow at the present time, because the Father seeketh now only such as have special faith In Mm. In the coming Age the darkness will bo scattered, the true Light will shine. All the blind eyes will see out of ob scurity. Then proportionately less faith will be necessary. But now tho way Is obscure, and correspondingly the re ward Is great You already believe that God is, else you would not desire to come near to Him! You already believe that God purposes to reward those who diligent ly Beek Mm, else you would not be In quiring the way back to Ms favor. You are in the way now the way of righteousness. If you were able to ren der perfect obedience to God, nothing less would be acceptable to Him. But knowing that you are in a fallen and imperfect condition through heredity, the Father has provided through My sacrifice a covering for your blemishes, so that notwithstanding your unwill ing weaknesses, you may be accepted of Mm through Me Wo answer, But believing this does not still bring us Into relationship with God. What shall we do? We will be glad to do all in our power. And we are glad to believe that our Imperfec tions are to be made good through Thy sacrifice. But with all these pro visions, how shall we proceed to get into communication with the Father? Show us, dear Redeemer, the way back to tho Father and to the everlasting life which Is Ills gift; for we have heard that while "The wages of sin is death, the gift of God Is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Ro mans C:23. The Master answers, The thing nec essary for you Is that I should intro duce you to the Father and become your Surety, making Imputation to you of the merit of My sacrifice. If I shnl! do this, you will be accepted by the Father and be begotten of the Holy Spirit, and thus become children of God, heirs of God. Joint-heirs with My Bolf In the Millennial Kingdom Then the question comes up. On what terms will I be your Advocate with the Father? My answer is that, by the Father's arrangement. I may act as Advocate only for those who become followers of My example. If. therefore, you desire Me to be your Ad vocate and to bring you into relation ship with the Father and to make yon My Joint-heirs, the terms nre thosa which I have already expressed: If any man will be My disciple, lot htm deny himself, and take up his cross, and fol low Me. Matthew 10:24. Reconciliation, Peace, Joy, Life. 11 The question of coming Into God's family at "the present time is ono of becoming disciples of Jesus, follower In Ills steps In the narrow way, en during the opposition of the world, the flesh and the Adversary, and thus demonstrating our loyalty to God, to His Truth, to Ills people, and sympa thetic love for the entire groaning cre ation. If the steps, once seen, be not taken. It will be because, having count ed the cost the believer has been un willing to pay such a price for fellow ship with the Father nnd with the Son. In such case he could expect no fur ther progress. The Inquirer would have gone as far as possible without entering by tho strait gate into the narrow way. We are not intimating that he would suffer special punishment for falling to accept Divine favor and privilege. He would merely be losing the things which ho had the privilege of gaining, after he had seen them afar off and had been convinced respecting them. To gain the great reward of the Lord's favor means the entering of the strait gate and the walking in the nar row way. Matthew 7:14. To those who accept tho terms, the crosses, the trials, the difficulties of tho way will be more or less apparent at the beginning, and will continue to tho end of the Journey. So far as the things seen are concerned, none are profited by accepting dlsclpleshlp with the Savior. Their profits, their re wards, their blessings, are things un seen to tho nntural eye. For them is reserved, if faithful, tho blessings of the future, suggested by the Apostle, saying, "Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard; neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath in reservation for them that love Him" supremely. 1 Corinthians 2.9. And not only do these consecrated people of God become heirs of God and Jolnt-hclrs with Jesus Christ to that fu ture inheritance and that blossod work of the Seed of Abraham in blessing all the families of the earth, but they have Joys, blessings and peace tn the pres ent time, which the world can neither give nor take away. Happy people! And in addition to all this, they ore privileged to be am bassadors for God to make known the Divine character nnd plan to others Moreover, they are privileged even to suffer for their faithfulness, nnd In so doing, they nre assured that they are adding to their glories of the future. BLUE AND GRAY GO TO GETTYSBURG Tented City Rises on Hills and JUBILEE REUNION IN SIGHT, THE ITERATOR. Biggest Steamship In the World and Her Executive, Brave Captain Hans Ruscr. jEARL MAYFIELD AND MISS ! MABEL TRACY MARRIED Men Who Are Gathering Will Bivouac on the Same Grounds Where Once They Shed the Blood of One An other One Flag Emblem of All. Gettysburg, Pa., June 23. The hills of 'Gettysburg, where the armies of Meade and Ixe pitched their tents fifty years ago, are flocked with can vas harbingers of the tented city which will soon arise on the battle field. The army of civil war veterans from the north and the south 40,000 of them rre coming, some few in thread-worn uniforms and all without their muskets, to hold a Jubilee re union on the fiftieth anniversary of the battle. Some of the scouts are already here: the advance guard will bivouac on the field wlthtn a week; the rank and file will follow them not more than forty-eight hours later. Every star of theVorty-elght in the American flag is ejected to have here Us own quota of veterans. They will come as the guests of the national government, and of their respective Mate and territories, which Jointly will spend more than a million dollars for their entertainment and comfort. To receive them the government and the state of Pennsylvania have made elaborate plans. One detail atone pro vides for furnishing the veterans more than 800,000 meals. Pennsylvania has appropriated $415, 000 as its share of the expanse. Con gress hRs appropriated $150,000 to de fray the expense of the government's participation, and named a commis sion o help carry out the plans. Every state and territory also accepted the general invitation to participate and nearly all of them appropriated mon ey to transport veterans and commis sions. Great Camp Ready. The nig camp fs pitched on that part of the battlefield which lies southwest of Gettysburg. On nearly 300 acres of contiguous ground 7,0i;0 tents and more are going up under the supervision of the war department. The camp lies partly on the scene of the first day'r fighting and Is not far from High Water Mark, where Pick ett's famou charge shattered against the union lines. Five thousand tents hare been erected fcr the exclusive use of the veterans. The camp has been laid out like a city. Each street and each tenr has a number, so it will' be easy for any veteran to look up a former com rade or foe. In the center of the camp will be the headquarters of the chief quartermaster. The veterans will be encamped according to states. The principal events of the cerebra tion wll' be bold on July 1, 2, 2" and 4, but In on'er to avoid congestion of traffic on the railroads and confusion at Gettysburg, the camp will be opened on Sunday evening. June 29, the first meal to be served at supper tlm Twenty meals will be served to each veteran during the week if he is in camp that long and the camp will come to an end after breakfast on Sunday, June fi. M'NAB'S RESIGNATION WILL BE ACCEPTED I ' r H m : " ) 'A K I ' VV ' :r iX-i I i ' AX :,: t. Ye.-lenJay iinii iiiiia al 9 o'clock. i at Hie home of the bride's parents at I'niver.Mly IMace, Nebraska, oc- cuiTeii (tie marriage of Mr. Earl Mayfiel.l of South Omaha, Neb., ami Miss Mable Tracy, in the presence of only ihe immediate family of Ihe bride. Tho news of Mr. Maylleld's wedding will he very pleasing to his many friends in this county, as lie is a Casa county hoy. the son of Editor L. J. Maytidd of tho Louisville Courier, tnd has prnwn to manhood in that place, where tie is respected and esteemed by all who know him. The bride. Miss Traew ha ieen engaged in teaching: in Louisville during- the last-thref years and is a most charming and accomplished young lady and the friends of Ihe contracting parties throughout the comity will unite: in wishing them a long and happy married' life. They will reside at South Omaha for Ihe present, where the groom is employed. Photo by American Frew Association. The newest monarch of the seas, which has arrived tn New York on her maiden trip, la 919 feet long. She is the first of the big German turbine ships. She has a double hull and is believed to be unsuit able. She carries a crew of more than 600 men. Her commander, Captain Ruser, Is a veteran navigator and has been nick named "the Brave" becaus of his hero ism In many thrilling experience. STANDING Or THfc TEA.MS .35 17 673 Phila American League W.L.P. .42 15 737 National League. W.L.P New York.32 21 604 Cleveland.39 23 623 Brooklyn 2it 23 569 Boston . .31 26 544 Chicago .31 27 542;Wash. ...33 28 541 Pittb'gh .27 31 460 Chicago .33 29 532 Boston . .24 30 444 Detroit ..25 39 3-1 St. Ivouls.24 35 407 St. Louis. 23 42 3j4 Cln'natl .20 39 339 New York.17 41 293 Western Lsagne. Nebraska League Denver . .41 19 683'Superior 22 13 629 St. Joe...: i 26 581 1 Kearney .22 14 611 Des M'...34 27 557 York ....20 14 588 Lincoln ..33 28 541 Hastings 19 17 528 Omaha ..33 3o24 Fremont .17 18 486 Soo City.. 26 34 433 G. Island. 15 22 40b Topeka ..22 39 361 Columbus.14 21 400 Wichita .21 43 328 1 Seward ..13 23 361 BASEBALL SCORES This is Only Statement IM Frcm White House. Washington, June 23. The resigna tion of United States Attorney John L. MeN-ib of San Francisco, wired to President Wilson with sensational charges that Attorney General Me Reynolds bad directed delays which threatened to defeat justice In certain criminal prosecutions, will be accept ed promptly. That was the only Information from the White House on the situation. The cases are those of Maurly L. LJggs nnd Drew O. Caininetti of San Fran Cisco, indifed under the white slave law. nnd of the Western Fuel com pany, Indicted for conspiracy to de fraud the customs. Caminetti is a son of Anthony Caminetti, recently appointed commissioner general of 1m migration. McNao, a Republican, hold Ing over from the last administration, charaed that "rich and powerful' in fluences were working to defeat the prosecution. . Sernetarv Wilson of the department I of labor says the trial of the Diggs Caminetti case was postponed at his request. Good Old Summertime Is Promised Washington, June 23. Real summer time weather during this week was promised over the country by the weather bureau. Temperatures above the seasonable were predicted for the great lakes region nnd the Paclfl slope. Carload of Binder Twine. Elsewhere in this issue of the Journal will be found an. adver tisement for the Cedar Creek Lumber Co., of Cedar Creek, Neb., in which they are offering a high grade of binder twine at the low price of 10c per pound. This is the lowest price that is being made on this grade of twine this season, and Ihe price can only be made by early buying and buying in quanlilies, such as carload lots. The Cedar Creek Lumber company are leaders in this line, and when they claim lo offer a good article for sale the purchaser can rest assurred thai he is receiving 100 cenls for every dollar spent with I hem. II. will sure pay you to see. Ihe Cedar Creek Lumber company before buying your Iwine Ibis ear. NEHAWKA PARTIES FALL AMONG THIEVES IN OMAHA Four Firemen Killed. Montreal. June 23. Four firemen nre dead and three others are In the hospital seriously Injured ns the re sult of n disastrous fire here. Tho fire destroyed a large sash nnd blind fac 'orv and an Ice warehouse. National League. At St. Louis: R.H.B. Chicago 1 1 0 0 46 10 1 St. Louis 00 00 00 1 1 Pierce-Ui esnahan ; Perritt McLean, American League. At Chicago First game: R.H.E St. Louis 1 0 00 0 0 0 0 12 5 0 Chicago 0 0000000 0 0 2 1 Levcrnz-Agnew; Scott-Schalk. Second game: R.H.E. St. Louis 00000 0 0 000 ? 2 Chicago 1 0 0 00 10 0 2 4 2 Weilman-Agne w ; Walsh-Schalk. At Cleveland First game: R.H.E. Cleveland 0 2000300 1 C 12 3 Detroit 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 17 14 Falkenhurg-Caiisch; Lake-McKee. Second game: It.lI.E Cleveland 00000100 12 7 1 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 Gregg-O'NcIl ; Dauss-Rondeau. Western League. At Omaha First game: R.H.E Omaha ..0 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 7 11 Wichita 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1114 13 2 Closman Johnson ; Rcgan-Wacob. Second g; nic: R.H.E. Omaha 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 6 7 Wichita 2 0 1 02 0 0038 6 2 Fugate -rihrtak; Scott-Wacob. At Dos Moines First game: R.H.E. Des Molnes....0 3 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 S 15 5 Lincoln 1 0202300 311 14 0 Iaffcrty-Slelght; Smith-Bukier. Second game: R.H.E. Des Moines. ...00 2 0 1 2 30 8 17 1 Lincoln 0 0003100 04 9 0 Sweet-Sleight; Tuckey-Carney. At Sioux City First game: R.H.E. Topeka 1 4 1 0 2 2 00010 12 1 Sioux City. ...0 0072070 16 18 6 Forest-Huston; Klein-Vann. Second game: R.H.E. Topeka 1 0000 50 6 9 1 Sioux City 3 0 40 1 3 ' 11 14 0 Richardson-Crist; Young Stange. At St. Joseph First game; R.H.E. Denver 0 0000000 00 2 0 St. Joseph 0 0000010 1 3 2 Wolfgang-Block; Boehler-Grlfflth. Second game: R.H.E. Denver 101 0000002 4 0 St. Joseph 10000 0 0001 6 3 King-Rlock: Crutcher-Grlfflth. Nebraska League. At Grand Island: R.H.E Grand Island. . ..0 1001100 14 7 3 York 20100212 8 9 4 BeltzCoe; Everdon-Brown. At Seward First game: R.H.E Fremont 2 0201101 07 13 1 Sewnrd 0 0002002 04 12 2 Oetchell Goldwalte; Woods Potect. Second game: R.H.75, Fremont 0 3 2 0 1 2 08 9 1 Seward 1 0 0 0 fl 0 0 1 7 Mr. ami Mrs. J. S. Rough, Mrs. Itdtherford and B. W. Hates went lo Omaha Saturday in Mr. Rough's car, and fell among thieves. Or rather Mr. Hales fell the hardest among (hem. He and Stewart pur chased a new suit of clot lies each, and in addition to this Mr. Bates bought several suits of under wear, shirts and other things that men wear. Stewart bought a suit and new hat and put them on, while !iis old clothes were tied up by the clerk. Just before they started home they all left the car for a moment and the bundles of clothing disappeared. They call ed up the police station and gave, a description of the articles, but as yet have heard nothing from them. Mr. Bates went to Omaha after some clothes, and was de termined not to come home with out them, so they went, back and had Ihe order duplicated. Ne liawka News. Two Painful Accidents. A special li-om Weeping Wa ter under dale of Saturday, June LM, says: Two eases of ac cidental injury are reporled by a local physician which caused very severe pain to Ihe palienls. Mrs. O. K. Cromwell had a pari of the middle finger mi the rigid hand taken oil' by a window sash fall ing on il and F.d l'ankoniu. a farmer, while helpim: lo lower a windmill tower received a severe cut on Ihe left foot which severed an arlery and required several si itches to close. REPORTED RACE RIOT AT THE VILLAGE OF NEHAWKA There is a small sized race riot reported from Nehawka as the result of a drunken negro who spread some excitement through that village yesterday. He had been working in the livery stable of Otto Carroll for some time, nnd yesterday tanked up on "corn juice" and became filled with the idea that he had a mission to clean the hated white race off the map and threatened to start, in by thrashing several parties around the barn, but his warlike spirit did not last, and when the sheriff was sent for he started a retreat down Ihe tracks toward Union, but was captured later and will be brought to I his city to appear be fore the tribunal of justice to answer lo the charge of drunken ness and threatened assault. Jf you have a house for rent try little ad In tho Journal.