The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 23, 1913, Image 3
01'lf K OF til AUDI AVS SU.K. In thf llUtrirt ( tturt of u t ouulj, .t-lirMktt. In l)o Matter of the Application "f 1 ili'iirpt- H. Kyan, fiuatilian o! Joseph Klton liyan ami Arc-hit J. Kyan. i Minois, to Sell i It'll 1 CMate: Notice is hereby given, that in pin- ; nuance of an order to me issued by i lion. Harvey l. Travis. JudKe of the) liiMrict Court of Cass County, Ne- ; loaska, on the iitti day or .May, for the sale of the interests of Joseph Klton Ryan ami Arcliie J. Kyan, minors, in and to the real estate here inafter described, beins each an un divided one-fifteenth i. 1-1 5 ) in and to the east half of the northeast quarter IK NE. ) of Section sixteen 1 16 , Township ten UOi north, Kange nine (9) east, and also euch an undivided one-fortieth U-IU) in and to ail of lots thirteen (13, fourteen til) and fifteen (13), in block four (4), in the Village of Alvo, according- to the re corded plat, all in Cass County, Ne braska, there will be sold at the Farm ers & Merchants Bank, in the Villafie of Alvo, in said Cass County, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon, on the dtli day of July, 1913, at public vendue to the highest bidder for rash, the interest and estate of said Joseph Elton Kyan and Archie J. Ryan, in and to the above described real estate, to-wit.: Each an undivided one-fifteenth 1-15 in and to the east half of the iinrtheiist uiiarter ( L X. NE. ) of Section sixteen (16 1. Township ten UOi north, KanKe nine (.9) east, ana also each an undivided one-fortieth (1-40) in and to all of lots thirteen (Lit, fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), in block four (4, In the Village of Alvo, according to the recorded plat, all in Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Hated this 10th day of June, 1913. GEOHGE E. KYAN, Citiardlan of Joseph Elton Kyan and Archie J. Ryan, Minors. By Samuel B. Hams, His Attorney. NOTICK TO C'HKUITO IIS. In County Court, STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cass County, as. In the Matter of the Estate of Rachel Adams, Deceased. Notice Is hereby Riven to the credit ors of said deceased that hearings will he 'had upon claims filed against said estate, before me. County Judge of Cass Countv, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, In said County, on the 30th day of June, 1913. and on the 31st day of December, 1913, at o'clock a m. each day for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. All claims must be filed In said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness mv hand and seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne braska, this 3rd day of June, 1913. (Seal) ALLEN J. BKKSON. County Judge. I.KGAI, NOTICE. John V. Wood, Defendant, will take notice that on the 24th day of January. 1913, Elsa Wood, Plaintiff herein, filed her petition In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce upon the ground of willful desertion for more than two years, and failure to support and for the custody of the infant child, the issue of said marriage. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st dav of July, 1913. ELSA WOOD, Plaintiff. ROAD NOTICE. To All Whom It May Concern: The Commissioner appoint ed to examine and report a road commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 2, Section 20, Town ship 12, Range 14, running; thence South along the West bank of the Missouri river, as near as prac ticable, through Section? 20-29 and 33, Township 12, Range 14, to the head of Gochenour's Island, hence crossing the slough, thence South along the East bank of the slough through Section 33, Town ship 12, Range 14, and through Sect ion 4. Township 11, "Range 14, and terminating on the South line of Lot 15. in said Section, has re ported in fax or of the establish ment thereof; and all objections hereto, or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's "OHice on or before noon on the 25th day of July,, A. IX 1913, or such road will be established -without reference thereto. (Seal) O. C. MORGAN, County Clerk. I'lattsmouth. Neb.. May 20th, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. i'.ids will he received up to noon (in Friday, June 27lh, 11)13, for grading' roads, out of the Inherit ance tax fund, as follows: Heginning at the S. E. corner of Section 15, T. It, R. 13, thence west It mill's, (here are 22 Mils to make, each till to hi; 2 feet, hid on fills also; also on same road there are It cuts, each cut to he 2 feet, bid on cuts and fills com bined; slump east of bridge No. 4 1 to be grubbed. Beginning at north line of Sec lion 30. T. 11. It. 13. at one-half Section line, thence south 4 mile t here are 1 1 tills ami 1 cut, each till to be 2 feet ami the cut to he 2 feet, at 91 h till to be made so as to get 28 feet xvide at culvert, at 1 0th till to be made so as to get 2S feel wide, steel culvert to be lengthened. Beginning on north side Sec tion line between Sections No. 1 and 2. T. 11, R. 11, thence south 5 miles, there are 13 fills to be made, each fill to be 2 feet, at 4th fill washout to be filled on east side. Beginning at S. E. corner of Section 25, T. 12, R. 13, thence west one mile, thence south two miles, there are 5 fills to be made, first fill west of U. B. church to be 2 feet, second fill in same valley to be 4 feet, third fill at Cole valley, south of bridge, to lie 4 feet, fourth fill near Cole house to be 2 feet, fifth fill at, concrete culvert to be 2 feet. The entire distance of all the roads to be graded. Road-bed jo he 28 feet xvide, a full and rounding slope from the line of stakes in the center to the ditches on either side and not less than 18 inches at the center, grade from the high side of the Certified check for ?100.00 In accompany each bid. Blue prints of all cuts, fills and distances to ln seen at the office ..f County C.lerk. Plat t siiiout h. Neb. AT.T.F.X J. l'.F.F.SOX. County Jud;:e. Plat I -.mouth. Neb., May 28th, 1013. 5-29-iwks NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Xolire i hereby mi to all persons interested and to the pub 1 ic, thai the undersigiitHl, (i. i, Williamson, has tiled his petit ion and application with the village clerk of the Village of Murdock, County of Cass and State of Xe hraska, as required by law, signed by the required number of resi dent freeholders of the said vil lage, selling' forth that the ap plicant is a man of respectable character and standing- and a resident of the Slate of Nebraska, and praying that a license may be issued to the said G. fl. Wil liamson for the sale of malt. piriluous and vinous liquors for the municipal year, at bis place of business, situated on lots 2 and 3, block 18, in said Village of Mur dock. Action will be taken upon said application at the meeting: of the Hoard Thursday evening, June 201 h. C. fi. WILLIAMSON, June 9, 1SM3. Applicant. ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Robert Marquis xvill take notice that on the 27th day of May, 1913, M. Archer, a justice of the peace of Plattsmouth City, Cass County, Nebraska, issued an order of at tachment for the sum of $27.00, in an action pending; before him. xvhere Clans Jess is plaintiff ami Robert Marquis is defendant; that property of the defendant, con sisting' oi money in tne posses sion of the C, B. & Q. R. It. Co. garnishee has been attached un der said order. Said cause was. continued to July 14th. 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. GLAUS JESS, I'laiutiir. From Friday's Dally. Lig Brown, one of the best fel lows in the xvorld, drove up this morning' from his home at Kenosha and transacted business matters here for a fexv hours While here Mr. Brown renewed bis subscription to the Evening Journal, as well as the subscrip tion of his niece, Mrs. Kit t ie Tucker, at Fort Morgan, Colo rado, to the Semi-Weekly, for xvhich he has our most sincere thanks. HAWAIIAN BALL TEAM TO PLAY THE PLATTSMOUTH BOOSTERS - .fV4 The management of the Boost er base ball team has secured a game with the Hawaiian ball team thai is touring this stale, playing in the different towns. This team i.s one of the fastest that has made its appearance in the state and has proven a good attract ion wherever they have appeared and xvill give the fans here an oppor tunity to witness a red-hot game on Saturday next, and if is hoped lo have them play here on Sun day. June 29. The Boosters have been greatly improved in (he past lew weeks and are playing good, fast ball and xvill give a good ac count of Ihemselves in their mn I est xvil li t he Haxvaiians. SHERWIN WILLIAM'S Paris Green INSURES Purity and Uniformity On account of the fine ness and ligb gravity of this green, it remains in suspension with water and sprays better than any other made. When you buy Paris green, be sure you get SHERWIN-WILLIAMS. For Sals by F.G.FRIGKE&GO. The "REXALL" Store 186- Phono 186 KISSES FITZGERALD ENTERTAIN FOR MISS GRACE THOMPSON From Saturdays Dall. Last evening Misses Marie and Opal Fitzgerald entertained in a most charming manner at their beautiful home in the west part of the city for Miss Grace Thompson of Marshalltoxvn, Iowa, who has been here visiting for several weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Thrall. The evening xvas most enjoxably spent by the young ladies in playing progressive high five, in xvhich contest Miss Helen Spies captured the king prize, while Miss Thompson re ceived the consolation prize. Several very delightful musical numbers were enjoyed during the evening by the jolly croxvd of young: ladies and the occasion xvas filled with much pleasure for all attending:. During1 the even ing some very delicious refresh ments were served by the hostes ses, which further auguinented the pleasures of the young peo ple, if such were possible. The invited guests were: 'Misses Helen Spies, Teresa Droege, Helen Egenberger, Zora Smith, Madeline Minor, Christine and Malhilde Soennichsen, Florence While, Clara Mockenhaupt, Mar garet Scot ten, Esther Larson, Grelchen and Marie Donnelley, (Jolda Noble and the guest of honor, Miss Thompson. NewyFountaln Arrivos. From Saturday's Dally. The 11 riti of Warga & Cecil have just received one of the new drinking fountains for use on the si reel, and as soon as possible the two remaining ones will bt shipped and installed in the sites nicked by I he commit toe of the council. The fountain is a very handsome one and will make splendid addition to the appear a nee of the street, as well as ; convenience to the public. They stand about three and a half feet high and are equipped wit h marble basin in the top, where the bubbling fountain xvill furnish water to Ihe thirsty public when ever I hey desire lo slack their thirsl. E Krom Saturday Dally. More transfers of property id this city have been carried out, all of which indicates a good, healthy growth of Ihe cily and Ihe confidence of the residents here in the? future of Ihe cily. The (leorge Sayles property on South Tenlh street has been pur chased by (leorge Born and he expects to make his home here again in a short time. Mr. Born formerly owned (his place, but disposed of it fo Mr. Sayles a fexv years hack and relurned to the farm, but has concluded to re turn here to live. Mrs. Harriett A. Cole has sold Ihe house and ltd next to her home to B. W. Lorenz and. il is expected that Ihe nexv owner xvill place Ihe property in lirst-class shape for oc cupancy at once. FEARFUL OF THE INTERESTS OF TAXPAYERS OF CASS COUNTY Mr. Pollock seems lo be very uneasy for fear that, uur hoard of counly commissioners have bur dened Ihe people by taking the telephones out of Ihe court house, but we heard no protest when the monopoly raised the rates one third -on the people, who pay taxes. If any of our county otllcials xvant a telephone in their olllce I don't think the board of commissioners will object if I hey pay for it themselves. They are as able to do it as Ihe ones who xvork to make a living at other business. Taxpayer, FOlt SALE A beautiful home, all modern, at a great sacrifice. Has eight rooms, three lots, in good locality. Must be sold at once. Windham Investment & Loan Co. 1 fi-lt-d&w Best Laxative fop the Aged. Old men -and women feel the need of a laxative more than young folks, but it must be safe and harmless and one which xvill not cause pain. Dr. King's New Life Pills are especially good for Ihe aged, for they act promptly and easily. Price 25c. Recom mended by F. G. Fricke & Co. I changes RES DENGE PROPERTY Local News William Puis, sr.. and daugh ter. -Miss Laura, xxere in the citx Saturday looking after business matters with the merchants. W. 11. Venner of near Myuard was a passenger tins morning on No. 15 for Omaha to spend the day looking after business mat ters. Henry Born, one of the genial farmers from southwest of the city, xvas in town Saturday after noon looking after business mat ters. L. J. Maylield, editor of the Louisville Courier, xxas in the city for a fexv hours today looking: af ter some business matters at the court house. I'.tl Lager came down this morning on .Xn. i to attend to some business matters lor a few hours, returning home this after noon on No. 23. Mrs. II. A. Clutter of Washing- Ion, Iowa, who has been here for a fexv days visiting with Mrs. William McCauley, departed this morning on No. C for her home. J. F. Clugy and little daughter were passengers this morning for Omaha to be at the hospital when an operation is performed on lit tle Trances Whitstruck this morning for appendicitis. Mrs. J. L. Wagner of (Jretna, who lias been here visiting1 at the Charles Mc(iuire home for a few days, returned fo her home this morning on Ihe early Burlington train. Philip A. Born and family, of x est of Myuard, come in Satur day from their home and visited here and looked after business matters with Ihe merchants. J. M. Meisinger drove in Sahu day from his farm, near this city, and spent a fexv hours looking af lor some trading, as well as visit ing xvilh relatives and friends. James Aull and Amos Doty de parted this morning on No. 15 for Omaha, lrom xvhere tliey will go lo Caspar, Wyoming, where they xvill be employed on the bridge construction work for Ihe Bur lington. Ilussell Harris and wife and liltle child, xx ho xxere here visit ing' over Sunday at the home of Mrs.. Harris' parents, V. (S. Fricke and wife, returned lo their honu at omaiia yesterday ailernoon via the Missouri Pacific. , Mrxinu Mrs. J. H. Hunter ami babe of Ciibson, Neb., spent Sun day in this cily xvilh Mr. Hunter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ft. Hunt er. Mr. Huuler relurned home last evening, while Mrs. II n nt or will remain for a more extended. Visit. W, II. Ileil departed Saturday aflernoou for Pekin, Illinois, xvhere he xvill visit relatives at the edd home. He xvas accom panied by bis uncle, John Laut enslager, and they xvill pass a most enjoyable time among the scenes of their early days. Mrs. Herman Spies and daugh ters, Helen and Marie, were pas sengers this morning for Omaha, where Miss Marie xvill undergo a second operation on her eyes al Ihe Melhodisl hospilal in the incl ropolis. Frnm Saturrlay'H Imllv. Philip Iteeker xvas today for a few hours in Ihe cil.x looking af- ler some trading xvilh (lie mer chants. Miss KHa Nickels of near Mur ray was here today lor a few hours looking after some mailers of John Di'iibeck came in I his afl -eriiomi from Neohi. Iowa, where he has been making a slmrl isil xvil h his parents. Carler Albin of near I'nion was in town Ibis afternoon, driving up lo look afler some trading xvilh the merchants. Miss Josephine Murphy came down this morning from Lincoln In visit for a few hours xvilh her mother and sisters. George M. Ilild of Myuard came in this afternoon from his farm tn look after some business mai lers for a fexv hours. Mrs. Henry Tarlsch returned this afternoon lo her home in Sioux City, after a visit here with relatives and friends. Henry Horn and wife of Cedar Creek were in the city today for a fexv hours looking after some trading with the merchants. F. H. Steimker and wife were passengers on the afternoon Bur lington train for Lincoln, xvhere they will spend Sunday xvilh rela tives. Miss Beulah Sans came up yesterday from her homo near Murray and attended the teach ers' meeting al the olllce of the counly superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kverett came up this morning from Union arid spent the day here looking afler some business matters, as NEW r lonure Sproodors by The Best Manure Spreader . ON THE MARKET TODAY! This machine may be seen at my implement departmenta new addition to my general black smith and wagon business. I also handle the AVERY Corn Planters and Cultivators! c In fact it is my intention to carry a general line of Farm Implements of all kinds. Call and see me for whatever you may need. 1. 1. SOUTH SIXTH ST well as visiting xvilh relatives. - John Wunderlich of Nehawka came up tins morning from his home to spend a fexv hours here looking afler some business mat ters and visiting his many friends in this city. Miss Margaret Albert departed this morning for Omaha, accom panying Miss Sproiek of Pilger, Neb., who has been a guest nt the Albert home, that far on her journey, George Murray xvas a passeng er this morning for Omaha, where he will spend a fexv hours taking in Ihe sights and visiting his friends George xvill rest here for a fexv months this summer while recovering from his recent ill ness. Mrs. L. II. Brooks of Guthrie, Oklahoma, arrived last evening and will visit her son, Superin tendent W. G. Brooks, here for a xveek before going on east for a short visit. Mrs. Brooks has been visiting her son nt Nelson, Buys Ihe Materials fo Build this House Price includes all the lum ber, mill work, lath, shio Rles, siding, flooring, ceiling, finishing lumber, building paper, pipe, Rutter, sash weights and hardware. Price is at mill or factory. Ask us tor freight paid-price. Our House Design No. 2546 This is a house of modern deftign, eMit rooms and baih. It is 30 feet xvide by 30 feet long, exclusive of the (Kirch. The swell front or hay win dow, the handsome dormer and mnstive colonial porch give the exterior an exceedingly pleain4 and tubntatiul effect. The interior arrangement meets all of the requirements of a modem home. F"ll details can be had by calling at our establishment. We Save You Money. No oih-r concern can mitka nu nch low prioci on lnjiUlinif ninlc ri;if lor a liniiM- d. Mkii such (is wu bhow uliivi riuvinif ili'cct (rum iiiilln mid iiirtnrii-4 111 onoruiim cm. minu s f . , r mm c:ibli i-nnbk-.i lib to unci' rscll nil tiiiiit lilinii. We are imiNficd with one urn a II profit V. hied niriuis uu imuu'iisu e.iviun to you. Plans Free. Wo mnkn no chartfe for the plant lor tint Iioum! (irsikil Illustrated iiIkiu'. Others would n-lc (mm $2 to $.V5 in id not bi in a position lo imo you the personal attention iiccc.s.iry. It Pays to Trade at Home. We not only can save you money hut can give you a service unequated by anyone. Wc save you waste time in corresiKindence. You avoid any disputes over freight hills. Prompt deliveries of material save loss of niechanics time See our lumher and other building materials before buy. ing. Different from out-of-town concerns, we take back any materials left over and credit you full amount paid for same. Save the annoyance of delays, disappointments and unfair treatment by trading at home. Phone, write or call and see us. Binder oor lb. . b ivmo Fresh new Binder Twine direct from factory. Our name on the tags guarantees every pound of it. Spot cash 10c per lb., credit 1-2c per lb. higher. ORDER NOW AS OUR SUPPLY IS LIMITED Cedar Creek Lumber Company IDEA Aw bersl Platttsnoufh, Ileb. Neb., for a short time. F. E. Vallery was a passenger this morning on No. 15 for Oma ha and Fremont, where he xvill look afler some business matters. Max Douda and wife were among the visitors in the metropolis to day, going to that city on the. early Burlington train. Mrs. Edward Ackerinan and three children departed this morning for Wymore, Neb., where they will join Mr. Ackerinan and make their future home in that city. Miss Grace Lushiusky ac companied the Ackerinan family lo their new home for a short visit. William J. Weingarlen of Omaha, stenographer for Byron Clark, xvas in the city today fop a few hours between trains look ing after some business matters. This is the tlrst lime for the past year thai Billy has been able to visit here and his many friends xxere greatly pleased (o see his smiling face again. Free Book of Plans. The hnitomrnt book ever pub li.hrd ot us kind. Slums tin- latest p lllmlrm. In di siiillH (it house, hun (.ilis mi J Ii.iiiih. tit Iii nil prospective builil. ru. Contains n world n( v,iln;ilo in formation. II yoiiTmli'tidllii huild don't dL-luy tsrndiiiK (or llm valuable bouk. Consult Us. Tf von vvMi any Information on the buiMiim bobjiTt wu mo hm.- tu nivo it to you free of clmrtfe. OurviHt cxiM-rirnrt' chnMc in to show ymi the "dhorl-euu" of buildintf ope ration., us w us sol, rtloiiH (t in.ilrn.ils. Don't lirsitutt: to usk us tor any mlurmit tioil iRvdi'd.