The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 23, 1913, Image 1

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    N0b Stale Historical Soc
NO. 49.
Hill IE
Many Important Matters Discuss
ed, Including Good Roads and
Weekly Band Concerts.
From Friday's Dally.
There was a very fair attend
ance last evening at the meeting
df the Commercial club, a num
ber of the faithful braving the
warm weather and attending the
session of this live organization.
There were a number of very vital
and interesting questions dis
cussed by the members, and it
was near it) o'clock before I he
meeting adjourned and the mem
bers wended their way home
ward. The committee which had been
out looking after the securing of
the necessary funds for the band
concerts reported, through II. F.
Goos, that they had succeeded in
getting $285 on their list, and
there was quite a number In visit
yet. The enmmittee has, during
their trip over the business sec
tion, found a few who have been
insistant that the band concerts
be held on Main street, but a big
majority of the citizens seem to
favor the plan as agreed upon
that of holding the concerts on
the High school grounds. The
idea that it is necessary In have
everything that come in the line
of amusement located on the
main street of the city seems to
be dying out. as there is no par
ticular pleasure in camping m
the hot, dirty paved si reels for
the concerts, as it is nut, only bad
for the lisleners. but the band is
unable to produce as good music
on the noisy street as in the quiet
of a park.
The good roads proposition va
discussed at some length by Mr.
Pollock, who is ou the good roads
committee of Ihe club, and he re
ported that the owners of land
north of the city on Ihe Platte
bottom, had agreed to donate land
from the Pickett farm around lo
Swallow Hill to construct a road
through, and which would con
nect onto Ihe rifle range road. The
proposed road would run along
the Burlington (racks and make
a much cheaper and convenient
road than Ihe one proposed to be
built over the hill by Ihe com
missioners, and the club passed a
resolution to be presented to the
county commissioners asking
that they adopt I his as Ihe road
along to the Platte bottoms. Mr
Pollock also reported that the
Nebraska Telephone company had
removed their poles back some
few feet and the commissioners
had ordered the ditch made over
next to the poles, which woult
widen the road considerably and
make it much belter for travel
ing. He also pointed out the ad
vantages to be gained by the con
struction of the road along the
Missouri river bluffs in the di
rection of Hock Bluffs, as it would
allow the farmers in that, direc
tion to come to this city to trade
and many of them would avail
themselves of this opportunity if
the road was constructed.
Mr. Lushinsky, who has had the
drinking fountain proposition in
hand for the club, as well as Ihe
city council, reported that the
city had ordered three of these
fountains some time ago, through
Mr. Warga, of a firm in Lincoln,
which had sent to Ohio lo have
them manufactured, and on their
arrival in Lincoln it was found
that there were quile a number
of articles missing from the car
in which I hey had been trans,
ported and the company had re
fused lo accept Ihe car and Ihe
fountains were lied up in this
manner until Ihe iliverence be
tween the Lincoln and Ohio II rm
were straightened out, but he
hoped in a short lime to have
them ready to install in Ihis city.
The commillee I hat has had
the question of belter service over
the Missouri Pacific, from the
county reported I fiat thev had
been out in the county with peti
lions for belter service and that
they had met enthusiastic re
ceptions in every town they had
visited and I hat every town visit
ed realized the need for better
service and one of the petitions
had been returned with a tine list
of signers. Mr. Wurl stated that
Mr. Barrett, the freight man for
the Missouri Pacific, hail been
here a few days ago to look af
ter securing additional freight
business for the road and had
been told of the situation here in
regard to the people from the
county being unable to get into
this city at a convenient hour,
and had agreed that the people
here were entitled to better serv
ice and had promised to use his
influence to try and secure a
motor service between Ihis city
uid Auburn that would connect
at Union with the Lincoln branch
trains and arrive here about K)
a. in. and run on into Omaha, re
turning in the afternoon about
Mr. Pollock called the attention
of Ihe club to the fact that the
u nly commissioners had order
d out all Ihe telephones in the
ourl house and the incon
venience it would cause in me
taxpayers in the county, as il
would be necessary to call anyone
at the court house over the long
distance telephone and a mes
senger fee would have to be paid,
and if it was on matters thai had
to be looked up the ollicial would
e forced to make a second call
and each time they were called up
il, would be very expensive lo the
taxpayers, as well as very incon
venient lo the officials.
Mr. Arthur Huntington, who is
ere looking after securing a
ngnt-oi-way lor tne electric ngni
company for its line from lied
Oak in line with the changes in
the plant here, was present and
was called upon for a few re
marks, but slated he did not want
o make a lot of promises, as it
was impossible in a work oi tins
kind to tell definitely just when
the new improvements would be
completed, but he said the citi
zens here could expect, by October
1st lo have relief from the pres
ent conditions, but he did not be
lieve in giving out a lot of state
ments, but preferred to wait until
ey were ready to put, their plans
inlo execution. ft is generally
understood that the light com
pany proposes to supply the
customers here by a line from
across the river while, the plant
here is being rebuilt this fall and
winter. When the plant here is
completed it will be called on to
handle the business in this sec
lion. Mr. Huntington also gave
a short talk on the value of the
apple orchards in this section
and how to prevent Ihe spread of
disease among Ihe trees. He is
interested in a large orchard in
Montana and his talk along this
line was very pleasing and in
teresting to the club members.
The matter of running the
Schuyler train into this city was
discussed and the information
conveyed that the Burlington was
willing lo put on an exlra coach
for this city on the Schuyler and
have it switched off at Oreapolis,
but as the company intended lo
tlx up a depot, at that place, the
club decided I hat the coach would
not improve Ihe service and the
di-pot would serve to lake care of
Ihe passengers until more im
proved service could be arranged
From Friday's Dally.
The changes in properly which
have been going on for some lime
in this city still continues am
Ihe latest change to be made is
the sale of the J. E. Douglass
property on High School Hill to
Ocorge H. Sayles. The Douglass
home is one of the nicest in the
city and Mr. Sayles is very for
tunale in securing it for his
future home. Mr. Douglass has
retained a lot and a half of the
properly and il is understood will
erect a new modern collage on
Ihe lols he owns next to his pres
ent residence. This properly is
located at, the corner of Main ant
Eleventh streets and is within
easy walking distance of the main
business section of the city am
is very desirable for resilience
I UttlllJIUIIil
From Saturday's Dally.
This city was visited by one of
the heaviest rainstorms of the
season yesterday, starting about
3:Jll and continuing with only
a short relief until about 8
o'clock. The rain came down in
torrents ami in a very short time
the water was running down the
street quilt .lively, but without
lining any damage, as the lowered
streets were amply able to carry
off the water as it fell. The farm
of Thomas Stokes on the sand
bar east of the city received a
horrible Hooding as a result of
the storm, however, the sewer
located just south of the BuVling
Inn subway pouring its stream of
flood water out like an angry
river, was turned by Ihe base ball
fence and washed over lo the
Stokes place and his cornfield
was deluged by the water. The
water also swept over the base
ball grounds, although it was
protected slightly by the back
fence, but, the water stood for
several feet over Ihe diamond
during the early part of the even
ing. There should bo some steps
taken lo prolect the base ball
grounds from being lloodcd
whenever there is a heavy rain,
and a means of diverting; Ihe wa
ter found, as it has a clear sweep
from the sewer opening to (lie
fence and sweeps right nver the
entire park.
The Nebraska Press associa-
ioii has decided to issue boom
(lit ions of their papcrrs some
ime during the fall to adverlise
Ihe slate. The best boom for any
oininunily is Ihe local paper, and
in the community where they are
lucky enough to possess one there
but lillle need of boom editions
is a specially. i'lai i snioutu
The Journal lakes the right
view ol Hie question, we uonii
need any boom editions, neither1
In we need any paid secretaries.
Editors have the best and only
nielhoil they need lo help the
stale ami themselves along. All
they have to do is to 1111 their
editorial columns each Issue with
good, sound, logical arguments
favoring anything or everything
they need, and soon they will
realize all they are after. The
press does not want a paid lob
byist nor a paid representative at
home or abroad, and it is simply
graft to pull Ihe legs of editors to
get money to hire such a man. It
may be a nice lake for one who is
looking for a job or for one who
is unable to help himself without
assistance; but for the average
able-bodied editor to use his
money to hire another man to do
that, which the editor can do bet
ter himself, is simply folly. Pay
a secretary for his. services dur
ing the annual meeting in pre
paring the program and publish
ing the annual report and then
stop. Let the secretary return to
his job or tripod, as the case may
be, ami become a useful citizen.
Crete Democrat.
M0RE voted for
An election was held in Wood
man hall Monday evening for the
purpose of voting upon tho
proposition to issue an additiona
.$5,000 bonds for building ex
penses, and although there was
but small attendance there seem
ed lo be but one idea to furnish
enough money to give the district
Ihe very best there is in the way
of school facilities. At, Ihe time
the first bonds were voted the law
would not permit voting a suf
tlcient amount to erect ami equip
Hie building, but, the last legis
lalure opened Ihe way to nice
such emergencies as confronlei
Ihe district . The vote on the
proposition lo issue the secont.
bonds carried by a vote of 25 lo 1
Union Ledger.
un I CTflDM
From Saturday's Daily.
Some excitement was created
yesterday afternoon about 3
o'clock at the height of the rain
storm, when Ihe horse belonging
In Andy llarwick, which has been
used by the water company to'
haul material to the pumping
station, was seen dashing down
South Sixth si reel, having evi
dently been scared by Ihe thun
der and light ning, and the ani
mal, which was supposed to be as
gentle as a lamb, displayed as
much spirit as a Kentucky thor
oughbred as it spetl along, and
I he-people along Ihe street feared
tit rush out ami slop ils flight for
fear of being dashed to pieces
beneath its hoofs, but the animal
met its Waterloo as it reached
the corner of Sixlh and Pearl
streets, as M. S. Briggs was coin
ing along there with his trusty
umbrella, and as the animal ad
vanced he rushed toward it. with
open umbrella and Maude S. pro
ceeded to attempt to slop, with
the result that she fell down and
was overpowered by Mr. Hriggs
and 0- K. Parniele, the horse
lamer, and after the harness had
been taken nil' the animal it pro
ceded homeward as lame as a kit
ten. II. is claimed by bystanders
thai t he loud commands of Mr.
Parniele and not. Ihe umbrella
cau'ed Ihe horse to make Ihe
sudden slop.
From .Saturday's Dally.
The improvement that has been
pro,i.' --nl by the management of
Ihe .Nebraska Lighting company
in Ihis city will add greatly to Iht
service given the pat runs of the
company here, and when Ihe new
plant is completed il will be tine
of the best in Ihis part of the
stale.' The company proposes lo
un service to tins cny lrom net
Oak until the plant here is ready
o put in operation, and when Ihe
plant is finished il is thought
probable that, this city will be the
hief plant of the company, fur
nishing power to tne quarries
west of Ihe city along; the Platte
river, as well as the towns east, n
the river. This is Ihe most logica
point for the establishing of the
main plant, and when the new
plant, is established there will be
no town in the state better equip
ped with a lighting plant.
From Saturday's Dally.
The state convention of Ihe P
E. O. society, which has been
meeting at Hebron, Nch for the
past few days, concluded its ses
sion yesterday by the election of
officers for the ensuing year, and
Chapter F of Ihis city was honor
ed by the selection of Mrs. H. D
Travis as corresponding sec
rotary of the organization. Mrs
Travis is president of the loca
chapter ami has been for years
one of the leading members of
the society and has contributed
greatly to the success of the
chapter here, and her election lo
the office of secretary will be
source of great pleasure to her
friends in this city, and a more
worthy selection could not pos
sibly have been made. Mrs-
Travis was in attendance at the
convention, accompanying Mrs
C. A. Rawls, who was the deb
gate from the chapter here lo the
stale meeting.
H. C. Vanllorn has secured
new attachment for the Edison
phonograph called Ihe Diamont
Reproducer, and will give a dem
ovist rat ion of this new device that
has made the phonograph the
finest talking machine made,
Iho store of John Xemelz Satur
day afternoon. Come in and se
the machine.
Sticking to Cass County.
A few weeks ago Al and Sl
Hathaway, a pair of our jolly
bachelors, sold out their old home
place of forty acres, northeast of
town, intending to look for a bet
ter location and more land, anil
aner investigating lar and near
they at, last found what they
wauled anil duln t have to look
more than three miles from their
former home to find it. A few davs
igo they closed a deal whereby
they became the owners of the 80
acre farm of Blair Porter, one
mile west of this village, paying
therefore the sum of $7,000, so
there is yet a chance for some
ti it n lassie to find a home and a
mighty good husband (or two!
illi il. I ii ion Ledger.
rum Tliurtlay's Pally.
The big daylight store of H. M.
Soennichsen has just been added
o by Ihe tlnishing up of the china
epai'lment in Ihe basement of
le store and the linn has in stock
one of the largest stocks of china
and glassware thai has ever been
trough! here, and it is well worth
making a trip to the store lo
iew Ihis depar! nienl . Every
ariely of china from the llnest
imported to the cofninoii china is
ere and t he room is completely
tilled from top o bollom and Ihe
ounters completely covered with
I lie line exhibition of ehinawarc.
l'lie whole store is crowded with
me ot the linesl. slocKS ol
groceries ami ory goods m llns
pari of Ihe slate and there an
ew (owns three limes Ihe size of
Ihis Dial can boast of as line a
store as this one, and it is filled
from earlv till late with cusloni-
rs who have received satisfac
ion in their dealings with this
llrni. . ,-
A most, pleasant surprise parly
was given at. Ihe home of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis i. Meisinger, west of
Mynard, on June (5, it being Mr.
Mesinger's thirtieth birthday.
The evening was whiled away
most enjoyably in various
atnuesnients and social conversa
tion, and it is needless to say that
all present were highly delighted
with the manner in which Mrs.
Meisinger entertained them. At
an appropriate hour a delicious
luncheon of ice cream, cake,
bananas and lemonade was
served, ami after an evening of
enjoyment the guests departed,
wishing Mr. Meisinger many more
such happy birthdays. Those
present were: Messrs. ami Mes-
daines Oeorge A. Meisinger,
(ioorge H. Meisinger, John M
Meisinger, Emil J. Meisinger, Ed
Lohties, William lleil, Henry
licit, L. H. Heil, C. II. Vallery,
Ctlenn T. Vallery, Hoy E. Howard,
Albert A. Weteiikamp, P. P. Mei
singer, Steven Barker, Verner E.
Perry, (Irani Hackenherg, Joe
Bird, Misses Lizzie Heil, Anna
Heil, Helen Heil, Lizzie Bergman,
Manota Perry, Edith Perry, Hoc
tense Shepherdson, May Barker,
Glentia Barker, (irace Noll ing,
West Lehust, Helen 'Vallery,
Marie Evelyn Vallery, Messrs.
Willie Nolting, Will lleil, (iuy
Heil, John Bergman, Rudolf Heil,
Jesse Long, Jesse Vallery, Charles
Howard, Bernard Meisinger, Ed
Meisinger, Mr. ami Mrs. Louis 0.
Meisinger ami daughter, Ellen
Hearing Had on Claims.
This morning the county court
was taken up with the hearing of
claims in the estate of Mrs. Ella
F. Fngwersori, deceased. John
Wunderlish, the administrator,
came up this morning from his
home at Nchawka lo look after
the mailers that came up.
Mrs. Kill ie Tucker departed to
day for her home at Fort Morgan,
Colorado, after being here for
several months in attendance ou
her mother, the lale Mrs. Gussie
Given by the Junior Guild of St.
Luke's Church at the Henry
Herold Home.
From Friday's Dally.
One of the most delightful
musical events of the season
given in this city was the moon
light fele given last evening on
Ihe lawn at the beautiful Henry
Herold home by the Junior Guild
of SI. Luke's parish, ami the event
was quite largely attended hy Ihe
music-loving public of Ihe city
and the occasion was pronounced
one of the most pleasant that has
been held in the city.
The program was given in a
most delightful manner by the
different artists present and the
large audience was delighted hy
the selections given. Miss Cath
erine Dovey, who has just recent
ly returned from New York, where
she has been studying music for
some months, gave as her num
ber "Volleys of Laughter" in a
most charming manner and her
voice, which is except ionally
sweet and clear, was heard al its
best in this seleclinn. Miss Dovey
responded In an enenre with the
song " 'Tis All 1 Have." Miss
Emma Cummins rendered a very
pleasing piano solo, and was en
thusiastically encored, responding
Willi a selection ol her own com
position which was one of the
llnest on the program. Miss
Honor Seyberl also gave a line
piano seleclion and her encore
was one of Ihe compositions of
Miss Cummins and its beauty
was remarked by everyone pre
enl. Miss Edith Dovev.onenf
our most talented nung vocal
ists, gave "Sunbeams" as tier
number on Ihe program and re
sponded gracefully .wit h another
selection, "llasheeii," a very
beautiful song, which, given in
her charming manner, wa much
it 1 1 1 1 ii i i t in I m I ti it Oiitiin!liiv M i j
l HUt t tfj l 1 1 1 1 r I f r t , ini.n
(irelchen Donnelly, who has a
ery sweel voice, was one of Ihe
most delightful numbers on the
program, giving "Birds in the
Rose," and as an encore "You ami
I," both of which were remark
ably well suited to her voice and
her charming manner of render
ing lliem made them particularly
pleasing lo everyone.
One of the rare I reals of the
evening was Ihe arlislic numbers
given on(he violin by Miss Grace
McBiide of Omaha, one of the
most gifted violinists in the me
tropolis, giving the always
beautiful "Shepherd's Song," ami
responded with an encore as
charmingly given as th' first
number, Miss Malhilde Vallery,
always a favorite wilh Plaits,
mouth audiences, gave one of her
beautiful solos, which proved one
of the most, delightful features of
the evening, as did also the num
bers of Mrs. H. S. Austin. "Moon
beams Low" ami "The Land of
the Blue Sea," both of which were
received with much pleasure by
Ihe audience.
The young ladies of Ihe. Guild
served delicious refreshments to
the guests during the evening and
Ihe event will long be remember
ed as one of the most delightful
given in Ihis city. The lawn was
very handsomely decorated with
Japanese lanterns anil imiut' a
scene of much beauty ami a
splendid selling for Ihe delightful
program given.
- Stricken With Paralysis.
Mrs. Mary Everelt, residing
three miles northeast of town,
suffered a paralytic stroke yester
day morning at 5 o'clock, and
only the prompt attendance of
physicians prevented fatal results
at that time. Soon as her serious
condition was discovered Dr.
Huston of Union and Dr. Crilmore
of Murray were both called and
have apparently succeeded in
holding the ailment in check. So
alarming is Mrs. Everett's condi
tion that a telegram was sent to
her son, Edward Everett, at Glen
dive, Mont., requesting him to
come immediately. Our latest re
port is thai Mrs. Everett is
slightly improved, but hy no
means past the danger point.
Union Ledger.