The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 16, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 47.
a i.
The Tabernacle Fairly Well Fill
ed and the Services Very
From Friday's Daily.
To the one who ha?- been in
close touch with the progress of
the meetings at the tent it will
have been observed that the char
acter of the addresses which
Evangelist C. C. Smith has been
giving is changing in one thing,
that is, the ones whom he ad
dresses his talks. Heretofore,
and most of the time since the
meetings have been in progress
he has addressed his sermons to
those who have professed the
name of the Saviour and for some
Teason have not been doing ef
fective work. His plea with
them has been for a closer rela
tion with the source of power
and more earnestness in their
work that it might accomplish
These discourses have pleased
many who were not members of
the church, and who have held
themselves aloof, saying that they
are as good as those of the
church. When the members have
come in for a lashing it has evi
dently pleased the outsider, but
the scene has changed since this
series of sermons, which was to
enlist the membership of the
churches in the work the
evangelist's batteries have been
turned against those not mem
bers of the church and not pro
fessing to be Christians.
In the sermon last evening
three questions were answered,
and in no uncertain manner
either; they were, "W hy lie a
Christian? How to Become a
Christian, and How." The first
was answered by Hie quotations
of many apt bits of scripture and
Hie declarations of l'aul the
Apostle, which the argument and
logic of the speaker made so
plain that anyone could under
stand. Then followed the way,
which was to accept Christ as the
personal saviour and do His will.
Then the when, which was now.
The story of the prodigal son
was used to illustrate the sinner,
out of Christ, both he that had
never professed His name and he
that had and that had backslid
den. And the backslider came
in for his portion of Hie chastise
ment, as well as the one who had
never accepted the overtures of
There were a number of mani
fest decisions for the better life,
and the interest in the meetings
are precept ibly increasing. The
feature of the campaign, which
many are neglecting, but which is
prolific of much good, is the
meetings in Hie afternoon, which
is a course of study of the bible.
Yesterday afternoon Hie subject
was "Prayer," as it will be this
afternoon. The subject for this
afternoon will be divided into two
parts, which are. When (iod
answers prayer, and why lie does
not answer prayer. This is a sub
ject which it will be profitable for
all to learn of.
The singing was very attractive
last evening; besides the chorus
and one or two solos, there was
two numbers sang by Mr. Smith,
Prof. i i 1 1 ii . Mr. Klinger and
Mr. Jennings Sievers of Ibis city.
At an early dale (here will be re
pealed a favorite number by the
trio, which they sang a short
time since, and are repeating it
by the request of a number who
heard il I lie first time. Notice
will be given at Hie time when
this will be sang, that all who
rare can hear.
Remember the big ineetjng on
Sunday evening and I he 'men's
mass-meet iig Sunday afternoon
at the lent at i o'clock, and at the
same hour at the Christian
church a meeting for the ladies,
which will begin half an hour
earlier. Come oul and hear the
discourses ill these meetings. The
music and singing are all that
anyone could desire; (he weather
is again warming up and it is
pleasant to attend the meetings in
the big lent, and you will find
Hev. Smith a very pleasing speak-,
t, full wit Ii story and incident,
which will enliven Hie services.
The hour is 8 and the services
'close promptly, which enables
those who attend to get home in
good time.
Mrs. McVlcker's Mother III.
From Friday's Daily.
For some time Mrs. Shannon,
the mother of Mrs. Virginia Mc
Vicker, has been quite low at the
home of her daughter in this city,
and her condition has been such
as to cause grave fears for her
recovery. It is to be hoped that
this worthy lady will be able to
rally from her illness and again
be able to be up vnd around, as
her sickness has been the cause
of general regret to all who are
acquainted with her.
From Appearance of the Present
Surroundings Building Will Be
All That Is Desired.
From Friday's Dally.
The work on the construction
of the new addition and the gen
eral remodeling of the Burlington
passenger station here is being
pushed rapidly and it will only be
a short time until most of the
frame work is completed. The
whole building is having a new
roof put on of steel shingles, re
placing the . old one, which was
never very satisfactory and al
lowed quite a little leakage, and
the places could never be found,
as the shingles were apparently
in good shape, and the company
finally decided to replace it with
a new one in order to protect the
plastering of the rooms when the
remodeling is finished.
The new depot, as it will prac
ticaly be when completed, will
have lots of floor space and be
able to accommodate the crowds
traveling out of this city in much
better shape than at present, and
with the modern methods of heat
ing and lighting will make a very
neat and comfortable station for
the traveling public.
The change in the trackage and
extension of the platforms at the
depot will be one of the biggest
improvements made by the rail
road company and one that can
not, help but please everyone, as
at present, on some of the trains
when alighting you are compelled
to walk quite a distance up the
yard to the depot, and with the
extended platform it will be pos
sible to reach the station without
having to walk over the switches
and tracks.
From Frluuv s Dally.
The condition of Miss Marie
Spies, who was operated on Wed
nesday at the. Methodist hospital
in Omaha for eye trouble by Dr.
(lifford, was reported last even
ing as mil feeling so well and this
morning her mother, Mrs. Her
man Spies, depart id for Omaha
and will remain at the hospital
until the condition of her daugh
ter improves. The operation was
a very severe one, as well as
most delicate, and the surgeon
discovered on starling on the
operation that it would be neces
sary to operate on both eyes, and
lor a time the condition of the
palienl was very critical, hut she
came out of the operation really
belter than was expected.
Miss Kallierine M. Mcllugh and
Thomas Walling of Plallsiiiouth,
Neb., were united in marriage at
Ihe Catholic church Wednesday
morning at ti o'clock. Rev. Father
.1. J. Hoffman performed the
ceremony, which was followed by
a wedding breakfast at the home
of the bride's molher, Mrs. Den
nis Mcllugh. The couple left on
the afternoon train 'for l'lalls
inoulh, where they will reside.
Falls City Journal.
buhungi DEPO
Guest of Honor Being Dr. E. W.
Cook, and a Genuine Feast
Greatly Enjoyed.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the wigwam of Hie
local tribe of the Improved Order
of Red Men was the scene of
much enjoyment, when the mem
bers of Ihe order were entertain
ed at a big feast in honor of the
chief medicine man of the local
lodge, Dr. E. W. Cook. There were
a large number of the members
and a few invited friends present,
and the occasion was one of great
pleasure to all who attended.
County Judge Beeson presided
over the feast as toast master,
and in a very able manner called
on the different guests for
speeches, which were given very
eloquently by the different orators
present. The guest of honor re
sponded to a toast in a very
pleasing manner, thanking the
members and friends for their
assistance to him and for the
sumptuous feast that had been
prepared in his honor.
The chief feature of the ban
quet was three large catfish,
which had been baked with sweet
potatoes, and were served in a
manner that made them tit for a
king, and the banqueters proceed
ed to do ajnple justice to the line
menu prepared by the chef, and
it was with much regret that they
departed from the banquet board.
Cianies of various kinds and a
general good time was indulged
in by the company until a late
hour, when all departed, feeling
very much pleased over the de
lightful time afforded them by
the lodge and the medicine man
of the Tribe.
The following is a brief sketch
of the late Mrs. John Warren,
who passed away Monday at Oma
ha at one of the hospitals in that
Kale Smith, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Smith of this city,
was born December 8, 188(5, at
Emerson, Iowa, where she was
reared to womanhood, and was
married on December 25, 1903, to
Mr. John Warren, and to them
three children, Ethel May, Earl
Francis and Lois Marjorie, were
born. She leaves to mourn her
loss her husband, two children,
father anil mother, two sisters
and three brothers. The funeral
was held here Tuesday morning
at Hie home of the parents, being
conducted by Rev. D. L. Dunkle
berger of the Christian church,
and the body was taken to the
old home at Emerson, Iowa, for
The matter of early closing of
Ihe stores during the heated
months of July and August is be
ginning to agitate the minds of
the clerks of the city, who have
in the past been given Ihe ad
vantages of I he early closing
hours. To one who has not been
employed in a store from 8 in the
morning till '.) or 10 at night it
does not particularly appeal, but
the proprietor or clerk in a store
are mighty glad of the chance
when night comes to make their
way homeward just as soon as
possible, and the public should
endeavor to lighten their burdens
by making their purchases as
early in the day as possible. In
the hot weal her there is no more
wearing or tiring work than that
of wailing on customers in-the
stores all day long, and by clos
ing, say at (5::i0 or 7 o'clock, a
great ileal more lime could be
given those employed in the
stores to recuperate.
Ralph W. White, Born and Reared
in Plattsmouth, Makes More
Than Good in the South.
From Saturday' Dally.
Tin- young men from l'lalts
nioulli are still anions the lead
ers in whatever line of work they
may take up, as was demonstrat
ed by the following article taken
from the Marshall (Texas) Noon
Day ieniiiiel in speaking of the
advancement of Ralph W. White,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. White
of this city, in the line of tele
phone work which he has carried
on since leaving here several
years ago. While here Mr. White
was manager of the Hell company
and did a great deal toward keep
ing that company in existence
here, and since his removal to
Texas he has forged right to the
front in (his line of work. The
good fortune of Mr. White will
be very pleasing to his many
friends here. The article is as
District and Local Manager
White of the Southwestern Tele
graph and Telephone company
has been promoted to special
duly, with headquarters in Vic
toria, and will leave Tuesday.
His place is to lie supplied by W.
M. Padgett, who foremrly served
Ihe company here, but has been
out of the service the past three
years. He crimes to Marshall from
Fort Smith, Ark., and will lake
charge Wednesday.
Mr. While has been here up
wards of two vears, and has been
an active worker in the affairs of
Marshall, while Mrs. While, to
whom he was married immediate
ly afl' i" the Marshall assignment,
has taken an active part in the
musical affairs of the city and
contributed no little bit to the
musical advancement here. They
are ii genial couple, active, ener
getic ami alive, and will be great
ly missed.
About two years ago a young
man came to Marshall to lake
charge as manager of one of the
public service corporations. This
corporal ion had a monopoly and
was thoroughly disliked by the
great majority of our people. The
service rendered the public at
that time was fairly good, but the.
patrons were treated on the
theory of the "public be damned."
This corporation was the South
western Telegraph and Telephone
company. The penr'p of Mar
shall looked upon the rompany
at that time as a foreign corpora
lion which cared nothing for
Marshall except as a victim to
Then Ihe company changed
managers and Ralph White, a
young man of exceptionally
pleasing personality, was placed
in charge. In less than a month
he knew ninelenlhs of the sub
scribers and in Ihree months the
telephone company was looked
upon as one of the institutions
that wanted o be a factor in
Marshall's progress. Instead of
being considered merely a ma
chine monopoly to squeeze its
pal rons for Ihe last cent, it was
looked upon as a very necessary
part of our business and social
life, helpful, accommodating and
courteous. The service rendered
was probably not very superior to
that given by his predecessors,
for Marshall has had good tele,
phone service for a number of
years. There were likely just as
many wrong' numbers given by
the young lady operators since
Ralph White came here as before.
We suspect that just, as many
people have had to wait jusl as
long willl the phone to the ear
during the last two years as they
did the (wo years previous. We
do not doubt but just as many of
us have had trouble hearing over
buzzing and whirring phones
lately as we did three or four
years ago. There are just as
many of us paying in advance for
the telephone now as when the
former manager was trying to
collect by 'efforts so strong that
he was having personal encount
ers on the streets and in private
White tried another tack. He
BOYTO the front
said the telephone business needs
friends like any other institution
that wishes to V'ospcr. If you
bad a complaint he wished to
know about it. Not to try to
prove you were at fault or that
your complaint was groundless,
but to co-operate with vou in
I locating the trouble and improv
ing the service. If there had
been ten telephone Companies
competing for your business you
would not have gotten any more
courteous treatment than Ralph
White has given us, even when
he knew that from Hie necessity
of Ihe cae you were compelled
to pay in your little dollars every
month to his company.
lie is the kind of man that
corporations must put in charge
of their business if corporations
are to endure. And that is the
object in writing this article. The
corporation must make itself a
part and parcel of everything that
concerns the people it serves.
When this lesson is learned well,
and. the corporations act upon the
knowledge gained, there will be
easier limes ahead for both Ihe
people ami the monopolies.
Mr. While leaves today for an
other field of labor for his com
pany. He leaves here with every
body his friend and, what's
of more importance to his em
ployers, he biives here with the
people the friends of the tele
phone company.
Miscellaneous Shower Given In
Honor of Miss Henrietta Cha
loupka, Bride-Elect.
From Krlday'g Daily.
Last evening the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Holly, in the
west part of the city was the
scene of much merriment, Thurs
day evening', tin casion being a
miscellaneous shower, given by
Miss Anna Jirousek and Miss
Anna Yelesnik in honor of Miss
Henrietta Chalonpka, whose mar
riage to Mr. Joseph M. lliber is
to lake place shortly.
Much merriment was created
by the games indulged in, one of
which was to place on the ring
linger of a hand drawn on a large
sheet of paper a wedding ring,
Ihe contestants being blindfolded
while attempting the task, and in
this Miss Clara Janda secured
the king prize, while Miss Hen
rietta Chalonpka received the
consolation prize. The rest of the
evening was spent in various
games, the chief feature of which
was Ihe mock wedding, in which
the young ladies derived much
amusement. After several hours
spent in games, the bride-to-be
was requested to take her seat in
Ihe center of the room, and as
Miss lleata Holly played the
march the guests came in and
showered their friend with Ihe
many useful and handsome gifts
they had brought.
At an appropriate hour very
delicious refreshment s were
served, to which the guests could
not fall but do ample justice, and
after a short lime spent in the
enjoyment of several musical
numbers the guests departed for
lluir homes, after having spent
a most enjoyable evening, wishing
their friend much happiness in
her' forthcoming marriage.
Those present, were: Misses
Henrietta Chalonpka, Marie Hiber,
Mary Dona!, Anna Rys, Marie
Jirousek. Sophia Chalonpka,
Marie Neshulek, .Marie Jelinek,
Sophia Jirousek, Clara Janda.
Anna Kopia, Marie Svoboda, Tony
Janda, Anna Jirousek, Anna
Vilersnik, Heal a Hollv and Anna
Here From Iowa City.
From Sattinlny Dally.
Henry Kgenherger came in this
morning from Iowa City, Iowa,
where he is attending Hie state
university, and will visit here for
the summer with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Ii. Egenberger. Henry
is looking fine and has apparent
ly gotten along fine at the Iowa
school and his many friends were
delighted to see him with them
Thomsen, Dentist, Gund Bldg.
w cousin
The Weeping Water Republican
Wrongly Construes Proposed
Train Service.
from Saturday's Dallv.
An article appeared in this
week's issue of Ihe Weeping Wa
ter Republican in regard to the
improving of the train service be
tween this city and the rest of
the county, which seems to place
the wrong construction on the
efforts of the IMattsmouth Com
mercial club to secure this serv
ice. It has not been intended or
even thought of having any of
the trains on the Lincoln branch
of the Missouri I'acilic taken off,
or changed, but the petition for
the needed train service asks for
the putting on of a new train
that will make Ihe proper con
nections in order to give the peo
ple of the county an opportunity
to come here and return home the
same day.
The Commercial club here has
asked Ihe Weeping Water club
lo send two or three represent
atives along with the represent
atives from this city when the
mailer is brought up before the
stale railway' commission, and
present the pel il ion to secure the
improved train service. II seems
that the article appearing in the
Weeping .Water paper, as well as
Ihe agitation that stirred up the
club there, was caused by an ar
ticle thai appeared a few days
ago in Hie Stale Journal, and
which gave Hie impression (hat
a change was being figured on I ho
Lincoln branch, but this is far
from the desire or aim of the
Commercial club here, and there
is no wish on their part to inter
fere with Ihe service given the
citizens of Weeping Water in any
way, only to secure a train from
that section of the county into
lMaltsinoul h to enable the farm
ers who have business here lo
transact it and be able to return
home all on Ihe same day; where
al, present it takes almost two
days for Ihe residents of Ihe cen
tral pari of the county to come
here and return home. This mat
ter is one that deeply concerns
the residents of that section of
the county and their hearty co
operation is desired lo secure for
the entire county a service more
suited lo their needs, and is not
a selfish matter at all.
r'rnm Suturday'8 Dally.
The meet jug last, night at the
big lent was very well attended
and Ihe sermon delivered by
F.vangelisl Smith was one of the
finest given so far in the series
of meetings. The subject chosen
was thai of "The Cost of Not Hc
ing a Christian," and was deliver
ed in a telling and masterly man
ner by Ihe evangelist, which could
not help but impress ilsclf upon
the audience with his clear slae
mc nl s as lo I he cost lo a person
who has not, accepted the teach
ings of Christ ami what, the
Christian life means to lite in
dividual as well as (he com
munity in which they live. The
choir, which was not quite as
large as usual, rendered a num
ber of selections, and a special
duel, by Mrs. Marie llowerler and
Mr. Sinilh were among the pleas
ing features of the song service
that preceded the preaching. Tho
evangelistic parly also, by special
request, rendered "His Love Can
Never Fail," which is one of the
most impressive religious songs
ever written. There will be no
service tonight al the tent, but
tomorrow will be a big day, as
Ihere will be a men's meeting at
the tent and a woman's meet ing
at the Christian church in the
afternoon and in the evening a
big service will be held at the
The Journal Tor typewriter