The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 12, 1913, Image 7

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HEN the
gives you a good variety to select from for that cool
dress. .
And don't forget we have the McCall Patterns
a sure guarantee your dress will fit and be in
excelllent taste.
When in doubt about that dinner
you have to get
Call up 54 or 322 and see if we can't help you.
We have fresh vegetables and berries every
Alvo Notes
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan were
in Lincoln Friday.
C. G. Burknell purchased a new
Kurd auto lasl Monday.
Carl Johnson and Bud Grove
wore in Omaha Monday.
Mrs. V. Diniinilt and daughter,
Fern, were in Lincoln Friday.
Mrs. James Foreman, jr., was
shopping' in Lincoln Friday.
Mrs. J. P. House had dental
work done in Klmwood Monday.
Mrs. Charles Suavely visited in
Lincoln the latter pari of the
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hasp of
Omaha visiled relatives here (his
Mrs. W. Kathbun and children
of Ashland visiled relatives-here
Dan llosenow of Omaha visiled
Sunday willi Charles Rosenovv and
Miss Lizzie Taylor was a pas
senger on No. 1 4 Sunday evening
for Murdock.
Miss Grace Newkirk is visiting
with her mother, Mrs. W ill New
kirk, this week.
Mrs. K. M. Slone and Miss
Pearl Reefer auloed to Klmwood
Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Aaron Paling of Green
wood visiled her mother, Mrs. W.
H. Newkirk, Saturday.
Or. I. 0. Jones of Murdock was
in town Wednesday morning on
professional business.
Sam Hosenow of Klmwood was
in town Sunday visiting his
brother. Charles and family.
The Misses Huhy Slone and
Alma Gadbey visiled friends in
Lincoln Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. F. H. Gorder and children
of Weeping Waler spent. Sunday
wilh her sister, Mrs. McKinnon.
Miss Hamilton left Sunday
evening for her home at South
Omaha, after having spent sev
eral days with relatives here.
Mrs. Price and grandsons, Ray
mond and Oris, of Clay Center,
Lousy Chi
can t grow
J. V. Egcnbcrger
(.wve uiem a onaw... "
'V Kill the lice with 1
ned Powdered
PC2 Lice Killer J
'ZZti nd hT liiinkj, hllhjr chick. )f
. hnrk If It full" .1
1 Get I'ratLn I'roflt- ., ,ft ...
lM-raia m J.r-.
I'nultry t S
Hook VT"'''l3fc. l) " ""flJII
c liv Mull x
warm weather comes you
will be looking for something cool.
Our Line of Lawns
Watch this space
for our regular
Monthly Special
are visiting with Mrs.
Harry Applemun returned to
bis home in Lincoln Saturday
evening wilh a suitcase tilled wilh
spring chickens and new peas.
F. M. Grove and family and A.
I. Bird and family ale ice cream
and strawberries at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bird Tuesday
Mrs. George Braun came in
Wednesday morning from Chi
cago, niinois. Mr. Mraun has a
position wilh the Northwestern
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hasp and
son, Albert Rasp and wife, of
Omaha auloed to Exeter to visit
their daughter, Mrs. Fred Man
ners. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennett
and daughter, Miss Frances, of
Waverly auloed over the first of
the week to visit relatives and
Mrs. Henry Thomas and grand
son, George, left Tuesday for a
few days' visit with her daughter,
Mrs. F.dilh Shelley and family, at
Almena, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. W. (). Hoyles
autoed down from Lincoln Wed
nesday in their new Ahhol (.-Detroit,
automobile. Harry Apple
man came down with them.
G. W. Swacker went to Omaha
Wednesday lo accompany his lit
lle grandchild, who will undergo
an operation for adenoids. Dr.
Jones of Murdock accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong
entertained at. dinner Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Armstrong, Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Armstrong and son,
Keith, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Barrel ( and children.
Lillle Robert Johnson has been
having quite a serious lime with
an exceedingly bard attack of (be
whooping cough. Dr. Chandless
of Waverly is nl lending him. At
this writing be is improving
Among the improvements be
ing made in Alvo are: An addi
tion to John Murley's elevator,
a kitchen to (be Elmer Barrett
residence, a kitchen (o H. A.
Stone's residence and new cement
street crossings and walks.
Celebrate Golden Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. John Casey of
South Omaha. Neb., celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary
"ii June 7. I!l., at the home of
their sons. W. K. and J. K. Casey,
"f Alvo. Neb., hii (he old home
stead, where Mr. Casey sell led in
I Nil!), immigrating fn,ni Wiscon
sin. The out-of-town guests
present, were: Mrs. Johanna
Trnmble. sister of Mr. Casey;
Mrs. William Dullenlv and Mrs.
Marl, Moran, cousins of Mrs.
Casey, all of Lincoln, Neb. Many
beautiful presents were received,
which were highly appreciated.
Mr. F. K. I'atlerson closed a
deal' fhi's week whereby' he ex
changed his large stork of gen
eral merchandise to Mr. W. H.
Evans of Red Oak, Iowa, for a
trad or land in Merrick county,
Nebraska. At this lime I wish lo
thank you one and all for the
liberal patronage you have given
me while here in business. You
will tind in Mr. Evans, my suc
cessor, a straight, upright busi
ness man of many years' experi
ence. Mr. Evans and family will
move in about, July 1st. Mr.
Baldwin has been secured .as
manager and Miss Mullen will
also remain in her position as
clerk. F. K. Patterson.
Having disposed of my stock
of general merchandise to Wil
liam H. Evans of Red Oak, Iowa,
I will offer a special sale for the
next thirty days. If you wish to
buy where your dollars will go
farthest, here is your opportunity.
Our clearing sale last spring was
a success lo both customer and
us, as well. We predict a more
satisfactory sale at Ibis time, for
I he reason that we have a larger
and cleaner slock lo offer. Come
in and inspect the goods on sale,
it will cost you nothing. Should
you make a purchase we guar
antee you w ill more I ban gel your
money's worth.
F. E. Patterson.
Fop Sale.
Six-room house. Modern ex
cept heat. Barn. Known as the
I'atlerson place. Will sell all or
part. Inquire, at C. W. Baylor
Coal Oflice. ' fi-i-tfd
Marthall. Dentlat, Coatea blook.
Alexander Dumas Mid dnty Is
something that we exact from others. Your
duty to yourself is to take Allen1! Cough
Balsam when youhaTeadeep-seutod couh
or cold. Nothing will give you quicker
und more permanent relief. Try it. Does
not contain anything harmful. 25c, 60u.
and $1.00 bottlea at all dealers.
Colic, and stomach
ache usually relieved
This famous remedy seldom fails to
relieve pain, both external and in
ternal. 2S. 35 and !S0c. Botllra.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. p. F.
Goos was hostess at. a most de
lightful kensington given for the
members of the Kensington club
and an afternoon of much enjoy
nieiit was participated iii by the
members of the club in social
conversation and the making of
dainty needlework articles and
the hours passed very rapidly
and it was with a great deal of
regret that the guests saw the
home-coming hour draw near.
One of the most delightful feat
ures of the afternoon was the
luncheon served by the hostess
and her charming daughters. The
parlors of the hotel were very
prettily decorated wilh Mowers
and made a most pleasing setting
for the enjoyable occasion.
Yesterday morning al ti:30 at
the church of Saints Peter and
Paul, in Falls City, occurred the
marriage of Mr. Thomas Walling
and Miss Kalherine McHugh, of
this city, the beautiful nuptial
mass of tho Roman Catholic
church being celebrated by Rev.
Father Hoffmann. Following the
wedding ceremony tho newly wed
ded couple drove to the homo of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Kalher
ine McHugh, where they spent
the day, returning home last
evening on the 5 o'clock Missouri
Pacillc train. Since the death of
her aunt, two years ago, Misg
McHugh has been housekeeper
for Mr. Walling and looked after
the rearing of her little mother
less cousins and has taken the
place of the mother as no one
else could, and now that she is to
be with them as a mother the joy
of the lillle ones is unbounded.
Mr. Walling is one of our leading
attorneys and abstractors, and in
his securing such a charming and
accomplished bride is receiving'
the congratulations of a host of
friends throughout. I he city and
county and I he Journal desires lo
be numbered among them in
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Walling a
lonp ,1ml very happy married life.
A Careful Mother.
Mrs. Frances Lebeda of Hol
land, Mich., is certainly a very
careful mother, judging from the
following letter: "Please send
me one-half dozen bottles of
Triner's American Elixir of Bitter
Wine. It js indeed a good medi
cine, which should be found in
every household. Your advice and
this remedy have cured me, for
which please accept my heartfelt
thanks. I have two little boys
and as soon as I notice I hat their
appetite is not as good as usual,
I give them for a few days a lea
spoonful before each meal and
everything is all right again."
Mothers can prevent many dis
eases or cure them quickly by
following this advice. The rem
edy is good for both young and
old. As soon as you notice any
Irregularity or any discomfort,
use Triner's American Elixir of
Hitter Wine. At drug stores.
Jos. Triner, 133:1-133!) So. Ash
land Ave., Chicago, III. Remem
ber Triner's Liniment in rheu
matic and neuralgic pains. Your
druggist will get it. for you.
Undergoes Operation at Lincoln.
From Tuesday's Daily
Sunday Miss .Nellie Moore de
parted for Lincoln, where she
was called by the illness of her
cousin, Mrs. William Christopher
son, of Eagle, who was taken to
the hospital at, Lincoln and was
operated on yesterday. Reports
last evening from her bedside are
lo the, etTect that her condition
was not very satisfactory, as she
did not seem to rally from the
operation as well as the attend
ing physician had hoped for.
Goes' to Visit Wilh Sister.
From Tuesday' Dallv.
This morning J. A. Long depart
ed on the early Burlington I rain
for Omaha, where he will meet
his sister, Mrs. Ella Powers, who
is visiting here from Oklahoma,
and in company with her will go
lo Kimball, Neb., where I bey will
visit, another sister, Mrs. Frank
Edison, for a short lime. This
will be the first n ling of the
brothers and sisters for some
lime, and it. is needless to say
Him! if will be a most joyous oc
casion for all of I hem.
Mrs. G. F. Touby and two sons,
George and Robert, of SI. Via ins,
Colorado, are guests at the J. R.
Yallery home near Mynard.
ThN morning Wiliiaiii Kratton.
who was taken up by the police in
connection with the Baylor
burglary, was arraigned in
Justice Archer's court, charged
with carrying concealed weapons.
On being searched at the ja jl a
large ;iS-calbre automatic re
volver was discovered on his per
son, as well as several articles of
cutlery, among them a large
pruning knife, lie entered a plea
of guilty to (he charge preferred
against him and was bound over
to the district court.
Another concealed weapon
case to come before the justice
today was that of Albert Stevens,
and o this complaint quite a
story is connected. It seems thai
Stevens and James Iligley, a boy
of some 17 years, were employed
on the rip-rapping across the
river and a few days ago C. L.
Roll, one of the bosses of the men,
discovered these I wo parties en
gaged in a very loathsome
practice and promptly discharged
them. Both of the parties de
parted, but. last night Stevens re
turned to this city wilh a gun
he had procured in Omaha, and
greatly alarmed Roll, and a com
plaint was tiled against him, and
when arraigned this morning he
entered a idea of guilty and will
await his disposal by the district
From Wednesday's Pally.
The will contest case of David
Christian Knnz, deceased, at
tracted a great deal of attention
in county court today and a large
number of witnesses and in
terested parlies were present lo
hear the case. The contest vvas
brought by John William Knnz,
a son of the deceased, residing at
Berlin, Otoe county. There was
no evidence introduced by the
contestant and Ihe will was ad
'inilled to probate by Judge Bee
son. The contestant, will appeal
Ihe case to the district court,
where it wil Ibe tried before a
jury. , The . deceased gentleman
was one of the wealthiest fann
ers in Ihe vveslern part of the
county and left, a large estate.
Among those here on the case
were; John William Knnz. Ber
lin; C. S. Aldrich, L. Vt Lang
horsl. L. W. Itoelgger, Or. J. M.
Neelcy, August Bast, David C
Kunz, jr., Ludwig Knnz, Mary
Knnz, Emina Kunz, .Mrs. Rosa
Panska, Mrs. Martha Riiemlin. ,
A very line span of mules was
shipped out of this cily yesterday
for Omaha, where I bey will be
used by Ihe Standard Oil com
pany in hauling their heavy oil
wagons. The mules were pur
chased by F. W. KM Hill, Ibe local
representative of tint company,
from C. II. Cobb, residing near
this city, and arc splendid speci
mens of the mule Mesh, weighing
some '-',()()() pounds, and will be
able lo pull a mighty heavy load.
The company, is very desirious of
securing several more teams like
this, as it, is hard to get hold of
team heavy enough to pull the
big wagons used by Ihe oil com
pany. Will Visit the Old Dominion.
George Poller of Lincoln ar
rived Ibis afternoon to look after
the interests of Ihe Omaha Bee
in Ibis cily. Mr. Poller expects
to leave in about a week lo join
bis wife ami sister, Miss Ada
Porter, in Ohio, where I hey are
visiting, and they will then go lo
Virginia for a visit of a mouth or
live weeks with relatives ami
friends in Ibe Old Dominion. This
will be Mr. Porter's lirst vacation
in seventeen years, and that he
will enjoy it goes without saying.
Frilz Fricke is Ihe competent
clerk who is tilling out the place
of Mr. Thygeson while Ihe latter
i" off wilh his belter half on a
deserved vacation. Fritz is some
nice fellow as well as a compet
ent clerk and we're mighty glad
to have his company. Bui for Ihe
life of us we can'l understand how
the girls in Plaltsmoiilh can get
along without him for a month.
Nebraska Cily Press.
Miss Clara Young of the vi
cinity of Murray, was a visitor in
ii.;.. i... i,...
I II n 1 1 . I.OII1I.T .
No. 1914
-or TH-
At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
June 11th, 1913.
Ixwns anil discount J
i 'veniranx. secured anil unsecured..
I'.S. bonds to secure, circulation
Other IkiihIs to sis'iire. I'ostal Sav
ings. Premiums oil I". S. IkiihIs
Itonils. swill-nil's, etc
Itaiikintr house, furniture, fixtures.,.
other ri'al estate owned
Out from national banks (not. re
MTVe areiits) ...
One from approved reserve atreuts .
Cheeks and oilier cash Items
Notes of other national banks
fractional paper currency, nickels
and rents
Lawful money reserve. In bunk, vl.:
Slss'ie. :.'l.tVs.iiu
l ifiil-leiiiler notes ii..V..ViKi
Ki'dcmptlon fund from I'.S. Treas
urer Ci percent of circulation)..
0.41 00
4 !.:.;
11 .',.
:;vj4:i.o '
Totul ft'i.HXSI.DS
Cai!tal stock paid In,
surplus iiiml
I'mlivliled imitlus, less expenses aud
taxes paid ,
National bank notes out.sUndlnir
Individual deposit subject to check
1 H-uiaiui certillcates of deposit.
Time, certltlcates of deixwll
DelHMitM of Costal Savings
3. !l.2l
4. HO&.47
Total t4:i..sH0l
St ate of Nebraska I
County of Cass iss 1, 11. N. Povey. cashier
of t he aliove-named bank, do noleinnly swear
that the aliove. statement. Is true to the Ixisl of
my know)edm and lielief.
II. N. Dott. Cashier.
Correct Attest: Oko. K, Povit.
V. K. Hcill.ATICIt.
U. Knai'I', Directors.
SuWrlbed and sworn to before me this
llth day of .lime, 11113. llessie Shea
l"all Notary Public.
My commission expires June 3. ISMS.
. E. W.
From Wednesday' Daily.
Yesterday afternoon at hr
handsome home on North Fourth
street, Mrs. K. V. Cook enter
tained most, charmingly at a ken
sington. which was attended by
some II fly ladies and an afternoon
of great enjoyment had by the
guests in the plying of the busy
needle, interspersed with social
conversation ami musical num
bers. Kor the delightful oc
casion the rooms of the home had
been decorated wilh garden
flowers in profusion and in a very
artistic manner that made the
rooms seem veritable .jural bow
ers. Al an appropriate hour a
most delicious luncheon was
served in a most charming man,
ncr by Misses Marie Donnelly,
Catherine Hovey and Kdilh I)nvey,
which was very iuiich enjoyed by
the company of ladies who were
present. Mrs. Cook was assisted
in entertaining by Miss Nellie
Ilawksworlh and Miss Anna
Heisel, ami the occasion will be
long remembered by all attend
ing for its pleasure and enjoy
Kroin Wednesday's hlly
On next Sunday the Boosters
will again take on the Alhambrus
of Omaha and endeavor to wrest
from them the honors of tho dia
mond. This team is the out) that
humiliated the locals by striking
out llfleen of the heavy hitting
bailers and generally cleaned
Ihings up at their last appearance
here, but Manager Johnson aud
his boys are determined that this
lime Ihe bacon will repose safely
in the Booster ranks, ami a good
fast game may be looked for, as
Ihe Alhambras are some ball
learn themselves and do not pro
pose lo lay down on the proposi
tion in any manner. The game
will start al, ii o'clock sharp and
every fan who delights in a good
game should be on hand and
cheer the boys on lo victor).
From Wednesday's Iially.
This morning at the Methodist
hospital in Omaha Miss Marie
Spies was operated upon by Dr.
(lill'ord for an eye trouble, from
which she has been bothered for
Ihe past several years. The young
lady, when (pule small, fell ami
in some manner injured the
muscles, and nerves of the eye,
ami as a result her sight, has been
somewhat afllicted since that
lime. The operation vvas com
menced itl 9:'M) and it was near
ly noon before I lie pat ient was
brought out of the operating
room. The doctor found it neces
sary, on examination, to operate
on both eyes of Ihe young lady.
Al last reports she was getting
along as well as could N expected.