The Plattsmouth Journal :PubIishe J Semi-Weekly W. v . HAT1CS, I'ulili.hcr Entered at the Postofiice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska a3 second-class matter "in PER YEAR IN ADVANCE -- The telephone subscribers (if I, info!;: and irinil will not be called i'i'itn lo pay linrrcascd tele phone ivies Imp .June. Then why should I -1 : i i : 1 1 m 1 1 ! i palrons bo called ti i . it lo iiiy I lie increase? The Xchav.ka News has just began its fourth year under Ihe rnanagenient of John I. Long, and while not as large as some papers, it has proved a success, and really deserves a better sup port than it is receiving. The Journal extends congratulations. :o: The investigation of the lobby ists at Washington, inaugurated hy President Wilson, has had a tendency to scalier' out a few fel lows who seemed lo have no par ticular business around the capital except to attend sessions of the house and senate, if noth ing more. :o: President Wilson is Just a little bit too smart for some of tho senators who are hollering "lob bying himself I" The president is I he head boss of this country just now and has a right to go jest where he pleases around Ihe capital in the performance of his sworn duly lo Ihe common people, of the country in defiance of the friendship some senators bear to ward the lobbyists. ; ;o; i A bill making mandatory the daily reading of a portion of Ihe bible in the public schools of Pennsylvania is now a law, ("Inv entor Tener having signed it last week. lie also signed the I'lynn law, which will enable the Catholic diocesan authorities to get control of church properly in all parishes, ami thus excrrics a .disciplinary power over some of Ihe refractory congregations. Il will make the church properly ownership reside in the bishop or other diocesan olliccr instead of Ihe congregation. . :o: Some people are always worrying- about mailers that do not voiiecm them in the least. This elans of people are now asking: "What is lo become of Mr. ! llryan's Commoner?" The oc casion for this ipieslion is be cause llichard I.. Metcalfe, assist, ant edilor of Ihe Commoner, has been appointed governor of Pana ma. The Commoner was started several years before Mr. Metcalfe was connected willi il, and il was just, as well edited then as it is at present. While Mr. Metcalfe is a very brilliant writer and splen did man, his going to Panama is not going to cause the suspension of the Commoner. Don't you be lieve it for one moment TliO' paper is too well established. 1 MR. HENRY FECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS - - By Gross - : . rrof poae CiSoSrTsn fiSJPA r . , tmo Uiocou.r-J vekTcA j rjV fsoTUYW W Wcu Ktour .T I Do yWfioop T0 I 'EWtme wJ ca-acvM 1 9 1 ' I f! at Plattsmouth, Neb.: What about the weeds in Ihe street in front of your residence Don't you Ibink you can take time some evening soon to tut I hem? Study the matter over. A trip over the city will show any one how disgraceful the weeds appear in many parts of the city, and no efforts have been made to remove them. They art unhealthy and draw millions of Hies during real hot weather and cause much sickness. :o: It has recently been proposed that another holiday be establish ed to be known as "patriotic day." Already there has been consider able comment in the rural papers of the state, and this comment is largely along the line that an ad ditional holiday is entirely un necesasry. Memorial day is a patriotic day and efforts should be made to render its observance more thoroughly. Aside from this we have the Fourth of July and "Hag day," both of which are not celebrated in such a manner as ihey deserve. We need no more holiday. By the lime we observe what we already have most of us have spent more lime in celebrating than we can really afford to spare. The chairman of Hie ways and means commillee of Hie house of representatives has announced that Hie income tax is not to be the same from year tit year. The rale is lo be changed to meet the vary inn needs of Ihe government. A man who one year pays a tax of leu dollars may be called upon next year to pay twenty dollars on the same income, and Ihe year after perhaps only live dollars. That is because Ihe leaders in congress are planning to adopt Ihe budget system and lo adjust Ihe income of Ihe country to its outgo. If the plan works well the national treasury will have no more large deficits and no more large surpluses. There are some people in this city who are so silly as lo believe thai Ihe Hoy Scouts is an or- ganizalion gotten tip in the in terest of a certain denomination. Such is iinl the case, and upon in vestigation it will be found so. A year or so ago members1 of the! First Presbyterian church of this city made an attempt to organize a Iroop, but (or some cause or oilier they were not successful. The organization is not denom inational, notwithstanding there are perhaps some people who would like to make it so. It is worth of. encouragement and all the youngsters in the cily should join the Hoy Scouts. It i will do Ihem good. Hilly Sunday, tin e amzelit, In writ inn criticisms on in- Individual initiative and in vvho evangelizes for so much per j ,,v jduals v official the advice i.f i dividual greed are two different ami i Ho highest paid in the j profession, lias a good excuse lor ; not coming io Omaha. Some of the better and ablest ministers of the metropolis refused to co operate and Hilly's price was likewise a little steep. Such fel lows are not out simply for their health. :o: X if really believed that Mr. Roosevelt was, or had been, a drunkard. His great work in various fields during his brilliant 1 career would prove to Hie most skeptical that he had not been a slave of Ihe liquor habit. Whether or nid, be ever took a drink, and just what brand he did or did not like, if be did, really matters very little to the great ; mass of the people, further, perhaps, than what his example might mean to aspiring young America. But there are many liars and drunk ards in politics. Every news paper man knows this, and not infrequently a newspaper ardent ly supports a man who could be branded with either or both of these, terms without danger of mistake. It must be admitted that the discussion of a man's private life after he gets into politics is too often a matter of policy and political prejudice on the pari of many editors. :o: Hi the opinion of William Allen While, the Kansas bull moose leader, President Wilson will either wreck the democratic party or the progressive faction of the republican parly, for the reason thai "there cannot be two pro gressive parties in the nation to day." Mr. White also says that "if he keeps up his present line of action he will have the progres sives solidly behind him in 1016. They will solidly take him into I heir party or follow him into his." President Wilson is doing his duty to the people of the 11 1 1 f I l. .... . whole country and if the progres- j sive republicans believe he has! -T." , done right, it is proper that they drift to the democrat ie side, where Hie progressive spirit first originated. :o: It is announced in the Hade journals that the April export balance showed 55.000,000. as against a ten-year average of :I5, (Mill, (Kill. It Is also slated that we are selling in foreign markets at prices which are 1 i.2 7 per cent above those that obtain ed a year ago, while in the pur chase of foreign goods there has been a slight falling off. Our ex ports are 11.5 per cent greater than a year ago ami the margin of profit is a great, deal larger. In these ! ful in gures is the nasi. or prosperity and the pro phets of depressed business be cause of "politics" can find no hope for the fulfillment of their dismal predictions. The country has continued lo prosper under a democratic administration, and ! the policies that it has in augurated give hope for more and greater prosperity. World-Herald. Cleveland -"Tell t h" j - i U should be adhered to. To !.:! a ie in either ea" i ad-! ding insult to tile injury. Public confluence cannol be established by misrepresentation because sooui r or later the deception will be foil nl out and then the party doing i lie injury will be looked down upon as a willful vilifier whose word ever afterward must be discredited until proven true. In all you dt, be just, he truthful, be fair, be positive and that will inspire contldenre where subter fuge and deceit will lose every lime. This article is intended for home consumption. :o The citizens of Dayton were not dismayed ut the calamity that overtook them. As soon as the flood subsided they set about raising 2,000,000 to protect them from a repetition of the calamity. In a week they raised j the money. The Xational Cash j Register mpany subscribed I $250,000 and then at the close of the campaign doubled its gift. When it was announced that the sum was raised, bands paraded the streets; a great clock in the court house registered the con tributions. Some workingmen mortgaged their homes in order to contribute to the fund, and at Ihe conclusion of the canvass the citizens were wild with delight. That's where grit takes the cake. :o: The three great political parlies, according to reports from! Washington, are about to plunge ! into a marathon of activity, which ! will keep the political po boiling Hi Hi without a let-up. The i campaign w hich is now mapped til for the contest for the con-l I ml of I he house in 1 1 1 i bids fair to be one of I In keenest in many years. This is Hie opinion of statesmen who have been l .... i ..!.;.... 1 1. . i . r. lll M 1 m i lit" I fir II Mil! t. :ltll n 1 several weeks. And all tins poli tical iict iv ily, . si range as it may seem, comes on the heels of an overwhelming victory by the democrats last fall. There will perhaps be some changes made in Ihe lower branch of congress, but possibly not enough to lake the font rol from Ihe democrats. :o: The International Bible Stu dents' association held a conven- lion in Hot Springs last week, at which time they solemnly re solved "that hell and hell tire are a myth," and they also passed a resolution asking ministers to discard the offending word and to cease preaching Ihe doctrine. It is proper that this sentiment should have eininated from Hot Springs, because in olden times, those boiling springs were sup posed to be vent holes in hell, while volcanoes were its open mouth. Therefore, when a col lection of biblical sludenls as semble ttl one of the vents, it is proper that Ihey should revognize Ihe great advance thai science lias made in explaining these phe nomena liv natural law. I , ;r,,,,t- pi'oposit ions and should imt be misinterpreted. The proposed ! meoine ia noes not take avvav the best incentive for individual ambition. When a man has ac cumulated fifteen millions or more he ought to be glad to see some of his money do good in public works. Indeed, the putting of .a limit on multi-millionaire fortunes is more likely merely to stop individual greed; there are plenty of us who may still retain the individual initiative and ambition. :o: I lad in Des Moines, aged 17, brought up on a farm, concluded he'd go to college. He began by delivering papers for one of the Des Moines sheets, saved his 'money and rented two acres of land just outside the city. He pitched a tent on his property and put his plat into onions and other vegetables. He spent all of his vacation looking after his crop, and as a result he sold 600 bushels of onions at a dollar a bushel and he made $200 from vegetables and young onions which he thinned out of the patch in the summer and sold in the market. And now, with $800 in his pocket, he is ready to begin his college work. Of course, that lad will succeed because he has a head. :o: work. People don't want lo labor. They would rather tight than work; they would rather steal than work; they would rather murder than work. You are apt to insult a man today if you ask him to do work for you. 'i mi almost offer a woman an in- I dignity when you offer her the means of a living People don't want to work. The altilude of Hie world today is antagonistic lo work. The governments of the world are trying lo meet Ihe de mand of the deceitful working men who don't want Work. They want fewer ami fewer hours of labor; Ihey want less and less work. And every political party in every country in the world to day is bending the knee of the workingmaii who really don't wnnl work." - :o: The Nebraska Press associa tion has decided lo issue boom edilions of their papers some time during the fall to advertise Hie .stale. The best boom for any community is the local paper, and in the community where they are lucky enough to possess one there is but little need of boom editions a a specialty. Kvery issue of a well gotten up and well edited paper is sufficient to boom the town and county in which it is circulated. It is just as easy to get uii a paper that will always prove a credit lo its supporters as it is lo print a paper that does not relied credit, if the paper is in the hands of competent people and they are not too lazy to do Ihe work that it necessarily takes to print a paper that the com munity is not ashamed of. What It. .! Ingersoll said: I do not believe in (lie government of I lie In-h. I !' anv one of vou ev er expect (o w hip children again I waul Vim to have a photograph taken of yourself when you are in the act with your face led with vulgar anger, and the face of the child wet with tears and the little, chin dimpled with fear like a piece of water struck by a sudden wind. Have the picture taken, and ir that little child should die, I cannot think of a sweeter way to spend an autumn afternoon than to go out (l Hie cemetery, where Hie maples are clad in lender gold, and like scarlet run ners are coming like poems of re gret from the sad heart of the earth and sit down upon the grave and look at the photograph arid think of the flesh,-now dust, that you beat. I tell you it is wrong to whip children. Make your home happy. He honest with them. Divide fairly with Iheni in everything. o:- The flood which devastated Dayton, Ohio, compelled the citi zens to adopt the commission form of government. ' Twenty thousand votes have been cast to select a manager, and the vote for John H. Patterson, president of the Xational Cash Register company, was almost unanimous. This Was in recognition of his heroic work in aiding his towns men in the recent flood. In some of the wards he received every vole cast. Mr. f'altcrson has re cently been convicted of violation of the Sherman anti-trust law, lined 85,000 and sentenced lo one year in jail, and yet his fellow townsmen select him as the best man to form their new theory government. The selection of a commission manager is much like Ihe old Roman plan of choos ing a dictator in the time of a public peril, ft is a commentary upon Ihe action of the law that a man who has been convicted of violating it should be chosen as its highest exponent. :o: Some newspapers are still ad vocating thj removal of the state university' to the state farm. The legislature could have easily de cided that matter before it ad journed, but it didn't do it. A syndicate was formed some time ago that bought up a large tract of land in the vicinity of the state farm, and (he fellows who form that syndicate are Ihe very ones wjio started the removal ques tion, and they are Ihe very fel lows who will be mostly benefited by the removal. That's all there is in it. Why should the people out in the stale care where the university is located? The pres ent location is all right, and it should remain risht where il is. If there was anything to be gain ed by the state going to a great expense to remove Ihe university to gratify the desire of this baud of speculators we would like for -"'nil win yw I'll 1.1 n tin il it'll. Of course a few dollars may have something to do with some of the newspapers' advocacy of removal.