The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 12, 1913, Image 1

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    jCcb SI ate IIiMr.:i:'M ? :p
NO. 46.
The Appointment of a Street
Commissioner Creates Some
From Tuesday's Daily.
The city council at their meet
ing last evening were as militant
as a camp of the English suf
fragettes and there was some
thing doing most of the fine of
the two hours' session.
The library board sent to the
council the recommendation of
the appointment of Messrs. A. L.
Tidd, K. C. Hill and D. 0. Dwyer
as members of the library board,
and these appointments were
made by the councilmen without
a dissenting voice.
The council was also in receipt
of a petition from the citizens
residing along Seventh and Elm
streets asking that an electric
light be placed at the intersection
of these streets, and on motion
the light was ordered placed at
Another communication was
received from the residents of
curbing and guttering district No.
5 asking that the width of the
streets in that district lie made
26 feet from curl to curl) and the
city attorney was instructed to
see that the matter was looked
after and an ordinance drawn to
cover the matter.
The bids for the construction
of the sewer extension on Chicago
avenue were opened by the city
clerk and read, there being one
from the Offerman Construction
company and one from Mart Shel
don, and these were referred to
the streets, alleys and bridges
committee, who reported back
that the bid of Mr. Sheldon was
much lower, but Mr. Offerman
called the attention of the coun
cil to the fact that Hie bid of Mr.
Sheldon was not in strict com
pliance with Ho1 nut ice for bids,
and the matter was referred to
the city attorney In pass an
opinion upon.
The ellicient city clerk, Mr.
Wurl, reported that during the
month of May he had beeif able
lo gather in for the city
083.30, which was turned over to
the city treasurer. This sum in
cluded Si. 000 for the Weber
saloon license.
The chief of police reported
that during May six persons had
been arrested and disposed of in
different ways.
The report of Judge M. Archer
for the month showed that $7
had been collected for fines and
$11 as costs in. the police court,
which sums had been deposited
in the city strong box.
The claims committee of the
city council presented the fol
lowing bills, which they had had
under consideration: Kroehler
Bros., hardware, 18.(50; Mike
Kelley, assigned to John Cory,
$13.00. It seems in this last case
Mike was owing a line of $5 to the
city, but as he had got away with
assigning his claim it was remit
ted. The city attorney stated to the
council that" for the year HM2
the telephone companies here
had turned in the valuation of
$7,000 on one plant and 6,000 on
another and the state railway
commission had placed a value of
$75,000 on these plants. Mayor
Sattler stated he thought the city
attorney and judiciary committeo
of the council should call on the
commissioners at the board of
equalization, which starts its sit
tings today, and it was so ordered
by the council that this matter he
City Attorney Tidd reported
that the cases of Perry vs. the
City, and Wescott vs. the City had
been decided in the district court
adverse to (tie City of Platls
mouth. Mr. Tidd staled he
thought these cases should be ap
pealed, ns the principals involved
were such I hat the city ought to
do its utmost to secure a favor
able verdict. He also staled thai
T. II. Pollock, who has 98 acres
of land east of the pumping sta
tion was to start a suit lo have it
placed outside of the oily limits,
And hr thought, the land, under
the ordinance of 1887, defining
the boundaries of the city, could
be claimed by the city for taxing
purposes. Councilman Vrouian
thought in the Perry case that
the street in question was very
much needed by the people re
siding in the south part of town,
and if it was closed it would
work a great hardship on those
living there, and he thought the
city should try and prevent the
street from being closed up.
Councilman Patterson staled he
understood that the street had
never been opened up, and he was
not in favor of having the city
putting money into a case where
there was not much chance in
securing a favorable , decision.
Councilman Hallstrom was con
siderably in doubt as lo whether
the street was ever opened or not,
but had understood that it was
not. Mr. Tidd staled that a por
tion of I he street had been open
ed up and worked, establishing
the existance of the street. Coun
cilman Johnson was of the
opinion that the city should take
every step possible to preserve its
rights to the streets and resist
the efforts of private parties, anil
on motion of Tushinsky, second
ed by Shea, Ihe city attorney was
authorized to appeal Ihe case to
the supreme court, by a vote of
(5 to 3, Richey passing.
In regard to Ihe Wescott case,
it was referred lo Ihe judiciary
committee to investigate before
anv action was taken in the mat-
Continued on Eighth Page.)
From Tuesday's Dally
The Murlinglon station was the
scene of much gloom yesterday,
as one of the landmarks of the
station was peacefully 'put out of
his suffering and laid to rest east,
of the station in sight, of his
familiar stamping ground. "Old
Sport," known to everyone around
the depot and those who travel
out of I his station, was a very
bright canine and thought, it was
out of the question for Ihe "stub"
to leave the station unless he
was on board. Me was some
Iraveler, having several times
golten on the wrong train at
Oreapolis and made trips to
Ashland and Lincoln, but as he
was recognized by trainmen be
was always sent back lo Yard
master Johnson. Of late he has
been on the retired list on ac
count of his age, and it was
thought best lo chloroform him.
The funeral was attended by
Yardmaster Johnson and Switch
man (iouchenour as chief mourn
From Tuemlay'i Dally.
The funeral services of the late
Mrs. Karen Warren were held
this morning at the home of the
parents of the deceased, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Smith, in I lie west
portion of the city, being conduct
ed by Rev. I). L. Dunkleberger of
the Christian church, who preach
ed a short sermon on the life of
the deceased and the glories of
the future of I hose w ho believed
in Christ. A quartet composed of
Messrs. Kesse Perry, O. Sandin,
D. Ti. Dunkleberger and Miss
(iolda Dunkleberger, sang several
of the old well-loved hymns dur
ing Ihe services, and at Ihe close
Ihe casket was conveyed to the
Murlinglon depot, where it was
taken to Emerson, Iowa, for in
torment in the cemetery there
To I ho sorrowing husband and
motherless little children, as well
as lln grief-slricken parents, Ihe
deepest sympathy of the entire
community goes out in Ihis, their
hour of grief over Ihe loss of
their loved one.
LOST Helween Alex llboden's
place and Mynard, an open-face
gold watch with fob which has
overall au on it. Mmler please
leave same with Dr. J. E. Drown.
al M.Miard, or at Ihis olllce, and
receive reward. 0-7-2ld-2twklv
The Journal for Calling Card
Old-Fashioned Celebration to Be
Held Here on Fourth of July
at Tulene's Grove.
' Plaltsmouth citizens who de
sire to spend the Fourth of July
in a sane and enjoyable manner
can have the opportunity, as the
Tulene Drother.s have arranged
to hold an old-fashioned cele
bration at, their home, west of
this city, on the great natal day,
which will give everyone an op
portunity to have a most enjoy
able lime and no) be compelled to
go away from home to celebrate.
A largo dance platform will be
elected in the grove at Ihe Tulene
place and the Tom Swoboda band
and orchestra has boon secured
to furnish music during Ihe day
for the dancers, and those who
desire to pass Ihe time listening
to the delightful strains of music.
The merry-go-round will be put
up and Ihe young folks can ride
o their heart's content through-
t ii i . i i i .. it..
oui me uay. in ortier lor un
people down town lo reach the
grounds hack and automobile
lines will be run all day from the
ly to I he . grounds to convey
them lo the scene of Ihe fun and
rolie, which will reign supreme
from early morning until late al
There will be plenty of good
cold wafer provided for the thirsty
on the grounds and it will make
an ideal place in the shade of Ihe
grove to pass the day with pleas
ure and profit, lo all attending.
There will be none of the dirl
and noise so common lo celebra
tions on- tin streets, but, just, a
plain old-fashioned eelebral ion,
such as prevailed years ago, and
which will be much more ap
preciated by those attending than
the more modern methods of
bidding celebrations. Make your
plans lo spend the day at the
Tulene grove and take your fam
ily there for a good, old-fashioned
Yesterday afternoon Miss
(lladys Carey, a very highly
esteemed young lady, of near My
nard, passed away al, the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Carey, after an illness of several
months of quick consumption.
She caught a very heavy cold late
last fall and it rapidly developed
into this dread disease and her
condition gradually grew worse
until she finally succumbed to the
dread malady. S. A. Carey and
W. It. Carey of Hastings, Neb.,
two brothers, arrived last even
ing to attend the funeral, which
will probably be held tomorrow
at the late home. Miss Carey was
very much beloved by all . who
know her and her untimely death
will come as a great shock to her
friends, although not unexpected,
still it will cause a feeling of
great grief to all who had the
pleasure of her acquaintance.
Monday afternoon while Mrs
Chris Wohlfarlh was engaged
around her home at her house
hold duties sh. was so unfort
Innate as to have her ankle tun
with her, and as she tried to re
cover her balance she sprainei
her neck in a very severe man
nor, necessitating the calling of
a physician to attend to the in
jury. She is suffering greatly
from Ihe pain caused bv Ihe
sprain, but il is thought that,
will not result in anything
serious. The many friends of this
worlhy lady will learn wilh great
regret of her accident and trust
that she will soon be able lo I
out, as her indisposition will 1
fell very much by her large oiro
of friends.
Evangelist Smith Preaches a Very
Powerful Sermon at the
Big Tent.
The meeting al the big lent
last night was very well attend
ed and the sermon delivered by
Evangelist Smith on "Is tho Dible
True?" was one of the best ever
delivered in the city and should
have been heard by every man,
woman and child in the city, re
gardless of creed. The musical
features of the meetings are
constantly growing bolter and
last evening the choir of forty-
live voices contributed several
very pleasing and inspiring num
bers that added greatly to the
effectiveness of the powerful ser
mon. A male quartet, consist
ing of Messrs. (iilmore, Klinger,
Smith and McEhvaiu, furnished
a very line number to the service.
The interest in the meetings is
growing and before the week is
out il. is expected that Ihe audi
ence' will till the tent, to its
"At last evening's service Mr.
Smith's subject was, "How May
Wo Know That the Dible is
True?" As his texl he took Ihe
question of Nicodenius, "How can
these things be?" John 3:!l. Mr.
Smith said:
"I believe I hat was the ques
tion of an honesl doubter, and I
believe that there are those to
day who are honest doubters. On
the oilier band, I am jusL as sure
there are many who protend to
be doubters, who make Ihe pre-
lense because I hey love darkness
rather (ban light, because their
deeds are evil. The ground of
much of Ihe so-called disbelief is
nothing but sin. Dut while that
is 'true, there are those whose
surroundings have been such as
lo instill doubl. II. is Ihis class
that 1 hope lo help tonight.
"In answering Ihe question of
Ihe texl, I am not going lo try
to dig so dee), nor fly so high
that you cannot understand, but
propose to make Ihe. simplest sort
of suggestions and present things
you can see, fads which are be
fore your eyes all Ihe time. One
of the groat arguments of the
doubter is, that he will not be
lieve what he cannot see, when
the fact is lie believes in a thou
sand things that he never saw
and never will see. lint the fads
I present tonight you can see with
your mind if you have one.
"First of all, we may know that
the bible is true by what people
say who have tested it. The sug
gestion is practical for two rea
sons, and the first one is, because
the founder of Christianity, a
thing which wo know exists, said
to His followers, 'witness,' and
they have been and are doing so,
In Ihe second place, all we know
about other limes has really come
to us by way of information
When a man has tested the teach.
ings of the bible 50 years and
says T know whom I have be
lieved,' it, has weight with me, and
should with all.
"Secondly, we may know that
the bible is true by its results
This is made, apparent in two
ways; first, in the history of na
tions. It is a fact that no one
can deny, because it is undeniable,
that where the bible is there is
enlightenment, civilization and
education. These things follow
in the wake of the bible. And
whore the bible is not, there is
darkness, heathenism, ignorance
and superstition. So true are
these facts that you could not
hire the most blatant atheist lo
go and live in such a land.
"The results of what the bible
does is also shown in the lives of
individuals. Miracles of grace are
on every hand. Changes in lives
that cannot, be explained except
by the results of Ihe teachings of
Ihe bible.
"A third way to know that, Ihe
bible is true is to put it. lo Ihe
tost ourselves, and I hat that may
be ilone just as we lest anything
tdse, is true and being true, we
have no right to say we do not
believe in thai which we know
nothing about. Thai the average
infidel is absolutely ignorant of
the bible cannot for one moment
be denied. Our Lord and Savior
when on earth issued a challenge
when He said, "He that witloth lo
do His will, shall know of the
teaching, whether il bo of find,
or whether I speak of Myself.' I
have never known Ihe exception
where Ihe honest doubter put that
lo an honest test but I hat, (!od
fulfilled His promise. Will you
lost Him?".
Mr. Smith closed his straight-
from-l he-shoulder discourse with
the thrilling account of the death
of an atheist in Illinois, who said
in a public address a little while
before, "If I should die tonight,
I would take the leap in tho
dark." "Say the best you can for
doubt and infidelity," said Mr.
Smith, "it, will not alter the fact
that when the end comes it will
be a leap in the dark. Tint that
is not, true of Christianity, the
teachings of the bible, for its
founder said: T am Ihe light of
Ihe world; he that, followeth Me,
shall not walk in darkness.'"
Every person in the audience
stood lo say at Ihe conclusion,
"We believe the bible to be Ihe
word of (Sod."
Has Fine New Car.
The firm of Manners it Cecil,
who are Ihe agents here for the
celebrated Interstate automobiles,
have a Hue specimen of the latest
t!U3 model bore, and lo those
who have saw il, impresses them
as being about the latest thing
out in regard lo comfort and ease
in riding. The machine is a six-
cylinder car, electric lighted and
started and is equipped with a
center control and left-hand drive
and is without a doubt one of the
line.M machines shown here by
any of (lie automobile dealers.
The annual Flower Mission,
under the 'auspices of the W. C.
T. L'., was hold at, tho pretty homo
of .Mrs. Charles Troop, on Chicago
avenue, Monday afternoon. A
large number of Ihe members and
friends of this organization as
sembled at, the Troop residence to
assist, in making Ihis annual
event, a most enjoyable and suc
cessful one. The ladies in charge
of the afternoon's entertainment
had prepared a pleasing program,
which consist ed of readings by
Mesdaines A. J. Deeson and S. E.
Kerr, vocal solo by little Miss
Thelina Hudson, the reading of
appropriate clippings by Mes
dames W. E. Austin, P. E. Iluffner
M. Thomas, and a response by
the president, Mrs. C. Troop. This
excellent program was very much
appreciated by the large number
in attendance and was followed
by Ihe serving of a delicious
luncheon, which materially added
to the pleasures of Ihe afternoon.
The flowers were then distrbuled
to Ihe sick and shut-in, bouquets
being left, at the Masonic Home.
The Journal oftlce was made the
recipient of a beautiful bouquet
of flowers by Ihe ladies yesterday
afternoon, for which please ac
copt our thanks.
Helps Father Celebrate.
Hugh Norton, the Missouri Pa
cific agent, returned home last
evening from Talmage, Neb.,
whore he was assisting his father
in Ihe celebration of his sevenly-
fiflh birthday. The day was ceb
brated by a reunion of the Norton
family, and the judge, who is
hale and hearty, enjoyed the day,
surrounded by his family and
friends. Judge Norton is very
active for a man of his years and
would hardly be taken for more
than fifty years of aire by anyone
not knowing him.
Visiting Old Boyhood Friend.
David Coombs and wife of
Portsmouth, Ohio, are hero for a
short visit at the home of Judge
W. II. Newell and family, as well
as other friends. Mr. Coombs
and Mr. Newell were boyhood
friends and served together in the
same company during Ihe civil
war, and the visit here is greatly
enjoyed by both of I hose goal le
mon and their families.
01 HfiS 0
a noil
For Nearly Five Months Workmen
Have Been Engaged in Im
proving the Property.
The work al the rifle range,
which has boon under way by the
firm of McLaughlin & Son, the
contractors, for the past few
months, is rapidly uoaring com
pletion and in about two weeks
Ihe work will all be wound up and
the range ready to turn over to
the government again.
The big concrete mixer that
was used in the construction of
the permanent butts, was brought
to this city yesterday and ship
ped to Lincoln, where the Com
pany has a contract at, University
Place to complete. The perman
ent concrete butts have all been
completed and it is now possible
to allow a very large number of
men to practice al, one time on
Ihe range. The targets are placed
at, 1,000, 800, (500, -tOO and 200
yards clear across the range and
practice can be had at all those
distances without inlerferring
with each other, as Ihe bulls are
placed clear across the range,
running from oast, to wot, and
there will not bo Ihe least trouble
in having all these dTlVerent
ranges used at once.
The range house has been coin,
plclcil and made ready fur oc
cupancy whenever needed and will
make a very commodious and
comfortable olllce for the range
officers when the troops are again
sent hero for practice. About the
only work left for the contractors
is that of finishing up the per
manent, walks around the ranee,
and when this is done it. will
make if one of Ihe most up-lo-
late rifle ranges in the west.
The work hero has furnished
employment to a large number of
men and tho oily has been filled
for Ihe past, few months with a
large floating population, as Ihe
men usually did nol slay long on
the job on account of the long
distance from town uecesasry for
I hem to walk, and as a rule they
wore gathered up by employment
agencies in Omaha and fired down
here lo slay for a short lime and
I hen go on I heir way to other
The completion of the work on
the range will allow Ihe stale
militia to come here for their
practice if (Seneral Hall so de
sires, and slops should be taken
lo have as many companies as
possible sent here for a few
weeks' workout at Ihe range.
Sunday a crowd of young peo
ple took advantage of the nice
day and, armed with their fishing
tackle and baskets filled with
everything good to eat that one
could wish for, went, for a fishing
parly at the Cedar Creek lakes.
Al Ihe noon hour Ihe table
cloths were spread beneath the
beautiful shade trees and all en
joyed a good dinner. The great
er pari of the day was spent in
fishing. Later in the afternoon
I ho jolly picnickers w ent to see
Ihe sights al. the gravel pit. After
having caught all Ihe fish they
cared for, the crowd departed for.
I heir homos, declaring that they
had had a mosl enjoyable time.
Those in attendance wore: Mis
ses Margaret and Emma Trilsch,
Louise Kohne, Edna Meisinger,
Luella and Mabel Kaffenbcrger,
Messrs. Elmer Stoehr, Willie,
Philip and Erilz Kohne, Clarence
Meisinger, Henry Nolting, Sammy
Hluiden, Fred. Mike and August.
KalTenberuer, Henry Lohnes, Mr.
and Mrs. (Seorge Sloehr.
Platform Dance.
lino summer dance plat
form is completed, and the first
dance will bo given at the home,
one mile west of Plaltsmouth, on
Saturday evening, June li. Music
by the Thomas Svoboda or
chestra. Tiielono Dims.