The Siege of the Seven Suitors By MEREDITH NICHOLSON CHAPTER XXIV. Hezekiah Partitions the Kingdom. S I came perspiring out of the &Jt telephone booth I found the Jjj suitors engaged in subdued de bate by the hearth. They couid hardly hare beard my blentlugs over the telephone,' but they were greatly concerned about something. Shallen- berger, who was apparently the only one willing to approach mo, followed me to the veranda. 'Those fellows in there don't under stand this. Dick told us last night, aft er we had called at the house and been refused admittance, that Miss Cecilia was ill with diphtheria. I remember that It was Dick who rang the bell and gave our cards to the footman. It was quite singular, you know, our being turned away, unless something had been wrong." I bowed gravely. They had been turned away for the very simple rea son that after unearthing Adonlrum Caldwell's effects in the secret rooms of her house Miss Octarla had not cared to be troubled with suitors. The haughty Nebraskan had drawn upon his imagination for the rest. "And I understood you to say a mo ment ago that Miss Ilollister's malady Is not diphtheria, but chlckenpox?" Shallenbcrger persisted with almost laughable trepidation. "These gentle men, I regret to say, go so far as to doubt your word." "That, Mr. Shallenberger, Is their privilege. But it seems to me that when I merely tried to mitigate the ter rible news imparted by Dick yon are rank lngrates for questioning my far less doubtful story. Anything between you gentlemen and Mr. Dick Is, of course, none of my nffoir, for whether considered as a set, group or bunch I am done with the whole lot of you. Farewell!" I decided as I rode away that noth ing was to be gained by going in Bearch of Wiggins. Orton had purpose ly made his house difficult of access, and the roads in that neighborhood are many and devious. Orton had banished his guests that be might tinker with his play In peace and, knowing his temper, I was sure that Wiggins and the rest of them would keep out of his way till the pangs of hunger drove them back. I had ridden half a mile toward Hopefleld when I espied a woman rid ing rapidly toward me, and as sue drew nearer I ldentifled her as Ileze klnh, mounted on a horse I recognized as one of the best In Miss Octavla's stables. Ilezeklah rode astride, as a woman should, her bicycle skirt serv ing well as a habit. She rode as a boy rides who loves freedom and quickened pulses and the rush of wind across his face. She was hatless, for which the' pun and I were both grateful. The big bow at the back of her head turned the dial back to sixteen. She drew rein and fished what seem ed to be salted almonds from her pwenter pocket. She filliped one of these into the air uud cuugut It in her mouth with u lazy toss of the heafl that fhowed the firm contour of her lovely throat. I had never seen her more self possessed. "Do you care much for this horse?" she asked carelessly. "It's a good horse. I fancy Miss Oc- tavia thinks so herself. There are places, Ilezeklah, where they hang people for horse stealing." "Thought 1 might need one today, so I borrowed him through the buck way to the old red barn. The coachman is an ancient chum, and Aunt Oetnvia would never mind even if she knew. And she will know, all right! Any how, my rear tire had been patched once too often, nnd there Is a satisfac tion in a horse. Where's our sensitive and Impressionable Wiggy? Saw him riding over toward Klsco yesterday p. m. with chin on his chest dreadful riding form." "Wiggins Is at Orton's the play wright's, you know. I've telephoned him to hustle back, but he's out of our reach somewhere. 1 couldu't speak to him direct; had to leave a message for him." "Just like Wlggy to die on the Inst lap. What did you make out of Broth er Tepperton?" "jour note scared me thanks so much for your note but he's all right. Engaged to another girl." "Ah," she sighed. "It's comforting that Cecilia couldn't keep them all going all the time." We rode along together, our horses In n walk, and I told her everything I knew of the condition of affairs, In cluding a true account of my ex periences at the Inn the day before and of the finding of the old chest be longing to Wiggins' great-grandfather her browu eyes opened wido at this -concluding with the diphtheria strata gem and Dick's menace to Cecilia's happiness. "He's really a bright little boy. Com ing home on the steamer he gave me post graduate course In pragmatism that I've found helpful In keeping house for pa ia. It's too bad we have ') luv a tru: f-r Mr. Dick." "is it: .n!t now are we to manage that. Hezekiah?" i "Oh. thnt 'vill be easy enough, lie's pretty desperafe. and since the com pact between the suitors has gone to pieces lie In ows he will have to show his hand pretty soon. lie thinks you are wild about Cecilia. lie lays great Itress on his thinking powers, and he probably argues that you are bound to pop pretty soon. It's just as well he thinks so. but we must finish this up today. I'll ie a nervous wreck If we don't close the books tonight. There's rour 'riend Dick now." She 'Indicated a high point In the main road, where It crossed the ridge from which she had shown me it seemed, oh. very long ago! the pro cession of suitors crossing the stile. Dick, mounted, was gazing off across the fields toward Ilopefiehl Man and borse were so distant as to create the Illusion of an equestrian statue on a high pedestal. "Napoleon before Waterloo." I sug gested. "He does look like Napoleon, doesn't he?" she laughed. "He's a bit fussed today. lie knows that Wiggy's uot at the inn nnd that you are up to some thing, and to little Mr. Dick the archi tect probably looks like one of those mysterious knights you read about, who suddenly appears at the tourna ment all canned In an Ice cream freez er, with a tin pall over his head. Mr. Pepperton's presence no doubt worries him. as I don't think they ever met. Cecilia and Mr. Tepperton are riding. I dodged them just before I struck you. walking their horses In the most loverlike fashion in a lane over yon der, but If Mr. Pepperton Is really en gaged It's all right, though If I were the other girl I think I'd be anxious." 'Tep's playing the game, that's all. What are you going to do now?" She glanced at the sun. I fancied that it was with such a scanning of the heavens that her sisters a thousand years before had noted the time. "This Is my pie day. There's un doubtedly a gooseberry pie waiting for me nt the bungalow. And papa will expect me for luncheon. I'd ask you to come too, only you'll have all you can do to keep Mr. Dick from persuading somebody to be the sixth man, so he can slip In as number seven. f we get through today all right, you may come for luncheon tomorrow, maybe. Papa told me he liked you. He said you were very decent that night you met him." "My compliments to your father. I hope to be able to persuade him to ex tend his paternal arm to Include me. Aunt Octavia must be my aunt too!" "Really!" cried Ilezeklah. with inde jcribable mockery, and she wheeled her horse and was gone like the wind. Luncheon at Hopefleld passed with out incident, nnd afterward Cecilia re tired to help her aunt with her corre spondence, while Fepperton and I lounged about the bouse and smoked. I told him .of my Ineffectual efforts to reach Wiggins, and he volunteered to find a motor and search for him, but I pointed out the futility of this and re newed my appeal that he stay on guard it Hopefleld.. At about 3 o'clock Cecilia reappeared. Her color was high nnd her eyes were unusually brilliant. I knew that she fully realized that the crisis was near, but she asked no questions, and her manner reassured me of her confidence. We idled on the stone terrace above the frost smitten garden. We were hardly seated before Dick entered the garden, followed imme diately by the six other suitors I bad ill times," she cried, looking helplessly from me to IVppertou, who was all at sea tor anex.Iaiiatioii, "If that Impres sion is abroad I shall appeur at once." "Then you and Pepperton must pa trol the terrace here. You are lovers' for all I know. Ignore them utterly lu your absorption with one another. If any one approaches you, Pepperton, ask Miss llollister to marry you " "Mel" gasped Pepperton. "No. It can't be done that way." Cecilia interposed. "Mr. Pepperton has told me of his engagement. I can't be party to a fraud a trick. I can't coun tenance it at all. It would ruin every thing." "Then stay right here. Pace back and forth and I'll manage the rest, i don't for the life of me know how, but I'll do it." As Cecilia and Tepperton stepped (rom behind the screen of vines the ueu on the benches lifted their heads; !hen 1 heard murmurs of aniazemeut led chagriu and caught a fleeting glimpse of Dick tearing through the aedge with his late companions tum Dling after iu fierce pursuit. I ran to the stable and found a uorse, feeling that I must be In a posi tion to move rapidly if I saw Wiggins ipproaching. If Dick eluded his wrathful pursuers he would be on the lookout somewhere, awaiting his own time, and If he saw Wiggins rushing madly for the house he might yet clr :umvent us. I satisfied myself that Cecilia and Pepperton . were still plainly visible from the garden, and I knew that for the time she was safe. I gained the high point In the road from which Ilezeklah and I had observed Dick on guard at noon and waited. Remember ing the fine figure the philosopher had made agnlnst the sky, I dismounted jnd rested by a stone wall where I could watch with less risk of being jeen from a distance. I at once saw matters that Interested me Immensely. Dick had thrown off the other suitors and was rapidly crossing the fields toward Hopefleld. When I caught sight of him he was Just leaving the orchard where Ileze klah and I had held our memorable Interview. A long stretch of rough pasture lay before him, nnd bo settled down to a quick trot. He took several fences without lessening his gait, crossed the stile like a flash a little later and was out of sight. As I turned to my horse I heard the wift patter of hoofs and saw a man and woman galloping furiously toward me. They were rapidly nearlng the ridge, and their horses were springing over the firm white road in prodigious leaps. Wiggins had got my message. Ilezeklah had met htm In the road and wns urging him on. As they came nearer 1 saw that Wiggins had taken fire at last. "Orton said some one was killed who what who" "I just picked blm "up five minutes Bg. lie doesn't know anything." snid Ilezeklah, "and you daren't tell him. Remember the rules. What's doing?" ihe Inquired coolly. COill5llGS I" Me Continued.' Woodman Circle Bonofit. t'rnm Saturday's Dallv. Tin' members of he Woodman 'Circle last evening had charge of t lii (!em theater ami Ihe proceed. of the performance will go lo the iuiie. The ladies of thi splen did order are rustlers ami nevei lei an opportunity slip hy fop the benefit of Ihe lodge, and have gradually Increased the member ship of Ihe lodge here until Ihey have one of Ihe largest in the city and a No one of the most llourNh-in:-. "Napoleon beforo Waterloo," I sug gested. tast seeu at the inn. They ranged themselves on a stone bench facing the house at the end of one of the paths. They wore sack coats and hats in a variety of styles, so that they did not present quite the bizarre effect pro duced by their frock coats and silk tiles. They surveyed the house sadly, bowed their heads upon their sticks and seemed to have come to stay. The siege had become a practical matter. "Why don't the gentlemen come in?" ssked Cecilia, peering through the vines. "Hush! There's a rumor that you are terribly ill. They've come merely to pay their tribute of respect by wait ing In the garden. You had better go juletly into the house. The shock of seeing you in your usual health might be too much for them." "But I can't. 1 must he accessible nt Ulcers and Skin Troubles. If you are suffering with any old, running or fever sores, ulcers, boils, eczema or oilier skin troubles, gel a hox of Itiieklen's Arnica Salve and you will get, re lief prompt ly. Mrs. llruce Jones of BirmingJiam, Ala., suffered from an ugly ulcer for nine months and Bueklen's Arnica Salve cured her in two weeks. Will help you. Only 25c. Recommend ed hy F. fi. Fricke & Co. Some Fine Strawberries. Our g i friend. I,. H. Peter son, who resides in Ihe southwest pari of Ihe city, was n caller Thursday at this office and left two boxes of Ihe finest .straw berries we have seen this season. Mr. Peterson has been very suc cessful, in the .raising of this fruit and Ihe samples he left here certainly speaks well for his ability along this line. Gets Fingers Mashed. From Saturday's Dally Anton Toman, who is employed in the Burlington machine shops, has been enjoying a short vaca tion from his duties the past two days as a result of getting two of his lingers tangled up in the machinery. The injuries are not very serious but painful and an noying to the young man. Boy Bit by Dog. This afternoon as Clyde Ilrit lian was passing along one of the houses near the jail a vicious dog ran out and bit him quite severe ly on Ihe calf of Ihe leg. indicting a very painful wound that is was necessary to have dressed by a physician. ."..00 l i.::o 5.00 5.23 5.00 !" fill 171.64 101.60 8 4.20 I'liitlMiimitli, Ned. Juno ii:;. lJniUil met pursuant to udiont nrn.'iit. I'i cM-nt, i'. u. .Ionian, t I-:. 1 1 ln i und Julius .. Hit., I'ounty I'ommis-Moiifi.-; 1 1. Morgan, County Clerk. Mi null's ut previous session re;ul ami aiii in, il, when the following lui.ii-iu-.xs was tiansaiteil iu regular form: IU1I luesenteil hy 1M louat tax re ceipt No. 70M), italinl May 2ti, lsl;i, "paid umler protest for the reason over HssesM'il," uml the same was refused on the grounds "no jurisdiction in the mutter,' and tax receipt returned to .Mr. l'onat. It is lieiehy ordered that the Countv Clerk he instructed to notify the Ne- hraska Telephone Co. to move their poles on the west side of the road No 2-U In the X"i4 of Kection l-l.'-i;!: it appeal inK that the poles are now in the romi i., leet from the property line. Ihe following claims were allowed on the (ieneral fund: James Murray, helping count v assessor on Mauley road $ C. V. liaylor ix- Co., coal to Kn.vlilnsky, Collins and farm Hans ohnson. mdse. to Lizzie O'Mlif m. Oil C. K. ileehner, salary 72. HO linns Johnson, mdse. to Lizzie Hon, Weeping Water Cltv, tlril ward Hans JoluiMin, mdse. to Mrs. II. YVIiichel KM l. Keckler, room for elec tion, Center precinct Hammond & Stephens, supplies to county superintendent . . . . K. Manspeukcr, salary 4"i.00 Hans Sievei's, salury and laundry 78.00 l. i . .Morgan, salary and ex panse 215.15 WeepiiiK Water Kepublican, prlntinif to county 27. HO O. H. Manners, auto litre to commissioners 12.00 Union Ledger, notice to Hoard of Kiiuali.allon .75 A. K. I'HlMnK, ussessinn Salt Creek precinct 1 08.1 2 h. R Appleman, assessing (Iveeiiwood precinct 111.34 A. r . MoKeis, assessing Jtock Bluffs precinct J. C. Wiuulerllch, assessing Ne limvkii precinct K. P. Kelts, assessing Tipton pi Inct J. W. Honor, assessing Center precinct 9H.34 .). IV Hrainhlet, assessing l.lheity precinct 104.00 A. I . I'cspaln. assessing I'latts- niouth City 192.00 1. hi. UutTner, assessing l'latts- inouth City 192.00 Ceo. W. Snyder, assessUig 1'lutts- ninuth precinct 114.00 Albert llenener, assessing Mt. I'lensant precinct 109.13 J. W. UuIiku, assessing Weep- Ihk Water precinct 100.16 John T. Crozler, assessing Weep ing Water City 84.46 The I'lattsniottth .loui'iiul. print ing and supplies to countv.. 25.95 The rinttsmouth Water Co., water to court house 11.10 M. Archer, State vh II. Johnson -l.liO c. I'. Quinton, same Ct. It. Olson, same C. M. Seyhert, same f. It. Jordan, salary C. II. Taylor, salary and ex pense Ncli. I.iuhting Co., gas to court house, .tail and street lamp. . Win. Holly, mdse. to county and paupers j Halts. Turnverein, room for election, Plattsmoutli 2d ward' J. H. Tarns, salary .1. W. lirendel, assessing Avoeu precinct Mary K. Foster, salary and ex pense Louis Krecklow, help to county surveyor on Manley road .... (1. I'. I'.astwood, mdse. to court house S. K. Ciirurdet, mdse. to Mrs. Allen Pied uttersoii, salary Julius A. Pit'., salury and inlle- ai.'M 13.90 . I. Fox. stamps 7.62 A. W. White, mdse. to Fulling- ton and Johnson Hillvaid Mfg. Co., sanitation drip to court house Lore nx Pros, mdse. to county farm . '. '. J. Halt ,V Sou, mdse to P.llen Mayes , A eg. Uach, mdse. to Monroe.... The following claims were allowed on the Pond fund: .1. C. Nidav, road work, lioad l'istrict No. 11 lfl30 A. F. Sevhert, same, No. 2 116.90 Mi- KivcUlow, same, No. S.... 97.00 Hen F!e kinun. same. No. 10..,. 179.00 Polieit Swai-keiV same, No. fi.. Treasurer Louisville Village, proportion It. 1 1. No. IS PHiman A liavis. nulls, etc., to Poad hlsti'lot No. 10 '.. T. Tool, load work, Poad is triit No. l.i The Fanners Lumber, Coul and Implement Co., lumber, Poad I list riot No. 7 I'.. T. Tool, coal, hardware, etc., to Poad liistricl No. 7 Tic Fairieis Lumber, Coal and Imp'!. Co. lumber to Poad l'istrict No. ri T. K. Si l oud it Co., sci a per for Pond I !.-. rli t No. S Win. Ash. road work, Poad l'ls-trb-t No. p! W. M. Iloni her, same, No. 6 .... C. Poyenow, same. No. Hi T. A. Put lerHeld. same, No. W. .1. A't' ouse, same W. P. Voho, same, No. 16.. .1. C Lonii'ver, same, No. . . F. W. WPken, same, No. fi S. P. Jordan, same, No. 1li P. .1. I, inch, same S. .1 W'aldradt, same, No. li . . Joe Allen, same, No. Hi.. Joe Vh 'Iters, .same A. I. I'.ird, same A. I I'.ird, same, No. 6 .1. 11. Wagner, same, No. Sid Jumes. same. No. 15 li. P. Fast wood, mdse, to poad Histrlct No. 1 .1. 11. Lntroin, hardware to poad l'istrict No. Hi Harvey Itnsp, road work, P.oad l'istrict No. 16 (i. W. Leach, same. No. II Walter Hvers, same, No. 27.... (ieo. W. Vnss Co., lumber, Poml l'istrict No. 13 Fred Patterson, surveying roads, Inheritance Tux fund Wm. H. Push, rond work, ltind l'istrict No. 7 Wm. llassler, repair work, I'oad l'istrict No. 1 Wm. (iillninn, helping surveyor. Inheritance Tax fund John F. Weehrbeln, rond work, Poad nistrict No. 1 5S.BU (leorge Polsal, grading roads, Poad nistrict No, 14 177.25 Village Treasurer Alvo, propor tion roHil fund. Itoad Iiistrict No. 2 Same, (Irenwoocl, snnie, No. 20.. Same, Kagle, same, No. 16 Same So. Hend, ttanie, No. 19.. Same Klmwood, same, No. 25..., Same Weeping Water, name, No. 24 Same Murdock, same, No. 21 Hen Hpckman. rommlsslonprs road fund, road work, Poad l'istrict No. 10 79.10 The following claims were allowed on the Hrtdge fund: The Farmers Lomber, Coal nnd Imp'l. Co.. bridge material..! 5.69 A. F. Sevhert, bridge work.... 6.50 ('eo. W. Voss Co., bridge lumber 69. R" (ieorge l'olsall, bridge work 214.34 Win. If. ltusli, Kama 35.75 Nebraska Construction Co., esti mate on account bridge work. .1000. 00 Hoard adjourned to meet (n regualr session Mondnv. June 16, 1913. I'. C. MOPOAN, Countv Clerk. NEW IDEA 4.38 . 1.00 2.80 45.10 128.48 22.66 11.20 C.flO 85.00 102.05 165.62 3.00 .20 10.45 48.00 20.00 74.25 50.90 . 7.00 i.OO li. 1. 24.00 230.00 21. 40 39.40 51.93 135.20 27.75 19.50 27.50 1 2. SO 3.50 276-; 93.00 1.50 85.00 27.00 4.00 3.50 2110 125.00 5.40 9.00 20.7 58.90 i.60 mm Spreodors- Tlio Bcsl Manure Spreader OH THE MARKET TODAY! This machine may be seen at my implement department a new addition to my general black smith and wagon business. I also handle the AVERY Corn Planters " and Cultivators! 2 In fact it is my intention to carry a general line of Farm Implements of all kinds. Call and see me for whatever you may need. i. . wmmi 3 . .... 1 . 'J, ...! r I. SOUTH SIXTrt SL, PlatitSKciith, Keb. Local Hews Prom Friday's Daily. Adam llild ami wife of near Mv- nanl cairn in yesterday to altend I lie funeral of Mrs. Fred Ohlen- hausen. Fred Items of Haveloek, who was called here by Ihe death of his brother, August Heins, de parted last evening for his home. H. .. I'rupsf of Mynard was a passenger this morning for the metropolis, where he was called to look after some matters of business. Jake Ilild and wife were in the city lor a few hours yesterday, coming in to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Ohlenhausen at SI. Paul's church. Misses Mayme and Hose O'Don nell came up from Union Wed nesday eening for a visit with relatives and to attend Ihe Larson-Edwards wedding. ('.. F. Harris of Union was in the city today for a few hours, being called as a witness in the case of the First National bank vs. Jefferson Cross, el al. Herman Heck and wife, from of Murray, came up this morning and were passengers on the early Hurlinglon train for the metropolis (o spend the day. Philip A. Meisinger and broth er, 1M Meisinger, were passeng ers this morning for (Henwood, fowa, where they ul tended to some business matters for a short time. friends and look after some mat. ters of business with the mor. chants for a few hours. Adam FornofT of Odar Creek was iu the city today for a few hours attending to some mailers of business. L. II. Young of near Nehawka was iu Ihe city today for a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants. E. M. (lodwin of Ihe vicinity of Murray was up today from his farm lo attend to some matters of business with the merchants. Andrew Schoeman of Louis ville was a business visitor in this city yesterday and took time to call at Ibis ollice and renew his subscription. W. !. Meisinger came in from his farm, west of this city, this morning lo attend to some trad ing. He reports the rainfall as being light iu his section. v. l. miniicK or ivciiawka was attending to business matters in this city today. He called at this ollice and ordered the Plalts moulh Journal sent lo his ad dress for a year. John Kraeger, one of the good reliable farmers of Mt. Pleasant precinct, drove up I his morning from his home and spent several hours looking after some trading nnd visiting with his friends. (!us llullenberg and II. W. Wright, of the vicinity of Mur ray, were visitors in this city yes terday and called at this ollice, al which lime Mr. Hollenherg sub scribed for Ihe Semi-Weekly Journal. From Snturdnv's Dallv, William Puis of Murray came up this morning lo visit his Mrs. Dr. E. 0. (leaves of Peru, eb who has been here visiting her friend, Miss Olive Jones, for a few days, departed this morn ing for Omaha to visit for a short lime before returning home. Best Laxative for the Aged. Old men and women feel tho need of a laxative more than young folks, but it must be saft? and harmless and one which will not cause pain. Dr. King's New Life Pills are especially good for Ihe aged, for Ihey act promptly ami easily. Price LTc. Recom mended by F. (i. Fricke & Co. ! " IN J 3.00 T T (f 4t mm Burt ffl I A JL i 6 T -yrn n - 160.00 200.00 140.00 70.00 300.00 500.00 120.00 Shake Off Your Rheumatism. Now is the lime to get rid of your rheumatism. Try a twenty-llve-cenl bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and see how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold by all dealers. Sure drop, variable edge drop, high wheel WHILE THEY LAST! Al mm Plattsmouth, Nebraska